Black Panther. Description, features, lifestyle and habitat of the black panther

  • Why is the panther black?
  • What does a panther eat?
  • Panther lifestyle
  • How long does a panther live?
  • Panther breeding
  • Interesting facts about panthers
  • Black Panther video
  • In fact, the word “panther” hides not a separate biological species, but an entire genus of the cat family, which includes such formidable predators as the lion,

    tiger, jaguar and leopard. As for the well-known black panther, it is usually a leopard or jaguar, which has a corresponding black color.

    Description of panthers

    Panther belongs to the genus of large predatory animals from the cat family. This genus is represented by four living all known predators: tiger, leopard, lion and jaguar. The panther is none other than a representative of the leopard (read our article: the biggest cats in the world). Although there is still controversy over who exactly the panther belongs to, jaguars or leopards. Panthers are distinguished because of their color, because many of them have an even color, most often black.

    Interesting fact : due to its majestic appearance, the panther was used on the emblem of English kings. Nowadays it is present on the coat of arms of the African country of Gabon.

    Recommendations for choosing a kitten

    Particular attention should be paid to the color of the coat - pure black, without any inclusions and bronze color of the eyes. Choose an active, playful baby with shiny fur, clear eyes and a soft tummy. Pay attention to the symmetry of the muzzle. Study the pedigree carefully.

    It is better to purchase a kitten from a specialized nursery. The price, depending on the breed qualities, ranges from 10,000 rubles for a kitten with minor defects (slightly long tail or short legs, small ears or eyes) to 60,000 rubles for a show-class pet.

    Appearance of panthers

    Appearance of panthers
    These wild animals have a muscular body, which reaches a length of 95-180 cm, a tail - 70-115 cm. The weight of panthers usually ranges from 40-55 kg, but some individuals can reach 100 kg. The tail accounts for up to half the length of the body, sometimes more; thanks to this assistant, they maintain excellent balance and feel comfortable even at high altitudes. Panthers are very graceful animals, but behind their external beauty and grace lies a real ruthless predator that can easily attack a person.

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    The fur of these animals is hard, it covers the entire body and most often has a black color, but if you look closely, you can see spots of dark shades of various kinds.


    The panther moves on four powerful limbs, easily climbs trees and jumps well. At the ends of its paws there are sharp claws that can be completely hidden by retracting into the fingers. The height of the animal at the withers reaches 50-70 cm.


    Panther fangs
    The head of the predator is large and has a somewhat elongated shape. At the top of the head there are small ears. The eyes are medium in size with round pupils. The panther has powerful jaws with a complete dental system. The canines are not large compared to other wild cats, but they are quite powerful and have a wide base. A predator can easily climb a tree while holding the body of its prey in its mouth.

    It is impossible not to note the main feature of panthers - the structure of their larynx. They have a not completely ossified hyoid apparatus, in which there is a flexible ligament, thanks to which the larynx is able to swell and the panther can emit a kind of roar. In addition to this feature, the animal’s vocal cords also do not separate, but form a tubular structure. Thanks to this structure, the roar is very loud and deep.

    History of the breed

    It started in Kentucky.
    American Nikki Horner decided to breed this “domestic panther” by crossing American Shorthair and Burmese cats. Twenty years were spent on breeding work, but the results were worth it.

    Charming creatures were born, completely black, as elegant and graceful as wild panthers.

    They even have almost identical body proportions. The breed has two modifications: American and British.

    There are few differences between them:

    • The American is the result of crossing a Burmese and a shorthair cat.
    • British - like the Pixie Bob, the result of crossing domestic cats with wild cats, having the characteristics of the Burmese breed.

    Both varieties are very similar, the difference is mainly in the eyes - cats of the American line should have “penny-colored” eyes, that is, bronze.

    But in the British line, the cat's eye color is green.

    In any case, cats of both lines are beautiful, graceful, look unusually original and serve as a real decoration.

    So if your interior lacks exoticism, get a Bombay cat.

    What do panthers eat?

    Panther on the hunt
    The panther is a carnivorous predator, so its diet can include any animal. The wild cat gives preference to artiodactyls, and the size of the prey does not matter: among them there are zebras, antelopes, buffalos, roe deer, etc. It can also attack livestock; cows, sheep, and goats can become victims.

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    Despite the fact that the panther hunts mainly on the ground, while resting in a tree it may also be interested in a monkey as a potential victim. This predator can go without food for 5-6 days , but in this case the feeling of hunger takes over the cat so much that it begins to pose a great danger to the person whom it is ready to attack without hesitation.

    These predators usually look out for their prey and lie in wait, waiting for the right moment. When the game comes closer, the panther can overtake it in several jumps, and, if necessary, can rush to catch up, developing speeds of up to 60 km/h. It is difficult to escape from this predator or escape from its tenacious clutches.

    Character and lifestyle

    This predator does not live in a pack, but wanders on its own. Prefers to hunt large animals. Its diet is dominated mainly by ungulate mammals: antelope, buffalo, zebra. Sometimes a wild cat is not averse to snacking on a monkey.


    Why does a panther drag its prey up a tree?

    A panther can attack an animal that is larger in size - few can compete with this predator in strength and agility . She can easily drag any caught prey up a tree and have her meal there. This manner of hiding its food is also connected with the fact that in this way the panther protects its prey from attacks by hyenas and lions that roam the earth. This is another distinctive feature of leopards, because only they drag their prey into trees.

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    Panther on a tree

    Leopards, which include the panther, love to rest in trees, they even sleep there. They stretch out on the branches and casually hang their paws down. Panthers can jump onto trees up to 5.5 meters high ; no other predator can boast of such jumping ability.

    It is curious that a wild cat kills only when it feels hungry; if the predator is full, then even if a small kid is in front of its nose, the panther will not touch it . But when a predator is hungry, it can even attack a person. Panthers often settle near human dwellings and can enter its territory without any problems. They like to hunt at night, so there are cases of attacking a person in a dream.

    Interesting fact : according to statistics, panthers cannot be called cannibals. Other predators, such as tigers or lions, are seen attacking humans much more often.

    Unlike other representatives of this species, panthers are difficult to train and have a wayward character. They are very brave animals and do not have the slightest fear of humans. They prefer to live alone; occasionally they can walk in pairs, male + female.

    This is a territorial predator that does not tolerate strangers in its area. They mark their territory with a specific smell and leave special claw marks on trees. If there is quite a lot of food in the selected territory, then the panther can somewhat narrow its territory, but if there is scarce living life in this area, on the contrary, it can mark and conquer a larger area.

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    How to care for a Bombay cat

    If you are going to get a Bombay, take care in advance to properly equip his personal territory:

    • these cats love space, cramped conditions depress them;
    • provide them with enough space to play, eat, rest and toilet;
    • buy a good scratching post, otherwise wallpaper and upholstered furniture may suffer;
    • choose a spacious and cozy bed - Bombay cats love to sleep stretched out to their full length.

      Bombays love to stretch out to their full length.

    The most important thing is that the places where your pet lives must be reliably protected from drafts, which are detrimental to it.


    In general, caring for a Bombay cat is not very difficult. They should be taught to comb from childhood, so that this hygienic procedure is perceived with pleasure, like a game or affection. You will need a soft brush or a special mitt - rubber or silicone, which should be used no more than twice a week. Of course, during molting, it is advisable to comb the short black coat every day, and during these periods a furminator will be a good help in getting rid of dying hairs.

    Shiny black coat requires minimal grooming

    Bombay residents don’t like water, and therefore don’t like swimming either. However, they already take good care of their fur themselves, so you can bathe your cat two to three times a year, as well as before shows or in case of heavy soiling.

    The claws of these cats grow too quickly for the problem to be solved only with the help of a scratching post - their condition must be constantly monitored and manicures done in a timely manner. You should also check your mouth regularly to prevent dental problems. When maintaining ear hygiene, do not get carried away with deep cleaning - just wipe them with a special lotion once a week.

    It is especially important to properly maintain eye hygiene, the mucous membrane of which is susceptible to inflammation and tearing. If normal hygiene procedures do not work, consult your veterinarian immediately.


    When planning the daily diet of a Bombay cat, you must remember that it should consist of 80% high-quality protein and must include fiber to normalize digestion. In addition to meat and fish products, you need to give your pets fermented milk, fresh and boiled vegetables, and twice a week add a small amount of well-cooked porridge from a mixture of cereals (buckwheat, rice and oatmeal) and raw yolk to the menu.

    A balanced natural diet is more suitable for animals of this breed than any, even the most expensive, ready-made food. But you will definitely need to add mineral and vitamin complexes to natural food - it is advisable to discuss their dosage with your veterinarian.

    Each owner chooses for himself: high-quality ready-made food or natural food

    Bombays are prone to overeating, and obesity is dangerous to the health of these cats. Therefore, owners should carefully monitor both the diet and weight of their pets, provide them with exercise and constant physical activity.

    Tray training

    Bombay residents are distinguished by their cleanliness even at a very early age. Therefore, training kittens to use a litter tray usually does not pose any problems - these delicate skills are instilled in the cubs by the mother cat. Do not scold or punish your child if he makes a mistake with the place for the toilet - an emotional bomber will be very upset that the owner is dissatisfied with him, and may completely forget the skills he has already acquired.

    It is important to choose the right place for the tray: it should be quiet and secluded, but at the same time always accessible. It is advisable that the tray be closed and spacious enough. Bombay cats excitedly rake up the litter and litter heavily around the uncomfortable litter box.

    For Bombay cats, a closed litter box is best - this way they won’t scatter the litter around.

    Change the litter in a timely manner - your pet may not want to use a dirty tray again.

    How long do panthers live?

    Like all representatives of this species of animals, panthers are not long-livers. Their age ranges from 10–12 years . Even under favorable conditions, they rarely live past 15 years.

    Panthers remain active for the first 8 years, then there comes a period when they become inactive and no longer attack large animals. Predators can no longer cope with hardy and strong animals. They look for easy prey and do not disdain carrion in the last years of their lives.

    Interesting fact : there are recorded cases of a panther living for twenty years.


    In addition to a congenital defect of the skull, this breed is inherited by heart disease - hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

    There are also breathing problems due to pronounced stoppage - the nose is often blocked, and the eyes may become watery.

    In this case, they are washed with medications recommended by the veterinarian or a weak tea solution.

    Black mini-panthers are very hardy, adapt well to any conditions and are very attached to their home. In any case, they will prefer it to the street
    Black mini-panthers are very hardy, adapt well to any conditions and are very attached to their home. In any case, they will prefer it to the street


    The first vaccination for kittens is carried out at 3 months; revaccination is given after a certain time to strengthen it.

    At the age of six months to 8 months, a second vaccination is given.

    Vaccinations are then carried out according to the schedule set by the veterinarian.

    In any case, cats are dewormed two weeks before.

    Reproduction and offspring

    Panther Kittens
    Panthers are solitary animals, but they form pairs to produce offspring. During the mating season, animals begin to hunt together and spend a lot of time next to each other.

    Interesting fact : male panthers are much larger than females, almost twice as large.

    • These wild cats reach maturity at 2.5-3 years of age. Being in a warm climate means that predators can breed all year round.
    • They bear cubs for 3-3.5 months.
    • The panther prepares for childbirth in advance, choosing a secluded place for this.
    • A wild cat reserves food for itself for the first time after giving birth, because for the first 10 days after the kittens are born, it does not leave their side.
    • Usually one or two kittens are born, but there are also cases of three or four small predators being born.

    Panthers are caring parents, so mothers stay close to their cubs even after their eyes open. During the first 10 days of life, the mother does not leave her offspring; in practice, there are even cases of starvation of the female during this period.

    Interesting fact : a caring panther mother is so kind to her offspring that she doesn’t even let the father get close to the kittens at first.

    They teach their offspring all the intricacies of hunting and the basic rules of survival in the wild. When it comes time to include meat in the kittens' diet, their mother simply places her prey in front of them, without helping them tear the meat off the bone. Thus, from childhood, little panthers learn to control their claws and teeth.

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    Panthers selflessly rush to protect their offspring and are ready to sacrifice their lives for them without hesitation.

    In one year, the cubs become mature, mature predators and most often go into independent life in the wild.



    The gestation period lasts approximately 3 months. Typically, a female gives birth to about 2-4 cubs in one litter. The babies are born in a safe lair. The male does not play any role in raising the offspring. The entire parental burden lies on the mother's shoulders. Cubs stay with their mother until they are 2 years old.

    Newborn babies are vulnerable and blind until they are two weeks old. By 2-3 months of age they are already learning to hunt, and by 9 months they can catch medium-sized prey.

    Natural enemies

    In the wild, this predator has practically no enemies . A panther can get into a fight for prey with another large predator, but it can always soberly assess its capabilities and step aside, giving up its trophy to another animal.

    A wild cat has high intelligence, so it can always avoid unnecessary skirmishes with other predators. For a panther, a person who may have a firearm in his hands remains an enemy - no claws or teeth can compete against him.

    Black Panther

    Spotted Panther
    Many people believe that a panther should be black, but this is not entirely true. This animal has a spotted color, but thanks to a peculiar gene mutation, a genetic color variant has arisen - black. This phenomenon is called melanism.

    Most often, melanism manifests itself in animals living in dark, dense forests, where there is an acute lack of light. Dark predators are less noticeable here, which makes their existence easier and makes the hunt even more successful, because cats’ eyesight allows them to see well in the dark. Panthers move silently, which allows them to get very close to the victim.

    The skin of a black panther is not perfectly black; if you look closely, you can identify characteristic spots of dark color. Black and spotted individuals are no different except for color and can mate with each other, producing both black and spotted kittens.

    Interesting fact : the black gene is a recessive trait, so it is most often suppressed by the spotting gene.


    The most popular region where the gene mutation is common among species is Malaysia. There, more than 50% of cats are representatives of the black panther species. Also, black panthers have spread mostly to the mountainous region of Ethiopia and Kenya. Some of the mutated individuals found refuge in Asia and South America.

    where does the black panther live

    Population and species status

    No source can absolutely accurately and reliably tell us how many panthers there are in the wild. This predator is classified either as a leopard or as a jaguar, so it is very difficult to estimate their population. Many zoologists are inclined to think that very soon panthers will be distinguished as a separate species. This is due to the fact that recently they have been reproducing only between black individuals.

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    At the moment, panthers are not listed in the Red Book and their numbers are not on the verge of extinction, so there are no significant reasons for concern.

    We have only lifted the curtain on the vast world of wildlife, of which the panther is a small part. How many more secrets and mysteries this unexplored life of wild animals hides from us. The panther is a prominent representative among the feline predators, and it will never cease to interest people, because it has long been attributed magical properties and associated with the other world.

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