The breed was developed in the late 19th century by crossing a Siamese cat and a solid white cat.
The Turkish Angora cat is a graceful, elegant animal with good flexibility. This breed can be called
History of the origin of the breed The history of the origin of the bush cat is entirely due to evolution. The man went
Cats mean comfort, affection, purring, inexpressible tenderness and tenderness. And although cats don't
Unique and unpredictable mixed breeds Mixed breeds are the fruit of crossing cats of different breeds. Or outbreds. At all,
Manul Manul (Otocolobus manul, Pallas' cat) belongs to the subspecies of small cats and is included in
What to do if a British cat sheds a lot In order to shorten the shedding period
History of the Siberian breed Written references to animals similar to the modern Siberian cat breed have appeared
Origin story In fact, the inhabitants of Siberia had never even thought about the fact that
General recommendations for choosing a nickname As a rule, there are no problems with choosing a name. Call