Lynx with tassels on ears: a detailed description of this animal

  • Lynx: description, structure, characteristics. What does a lynx look like?
  • What does a lynx eat?
  • Enemies of the lynx
  • Lynx lifestyle
  • Types of lynx, photos and names
  • Lynx breeding
  • Interesting facts about lynx
  • Lynx, video
  • It just so happens that some of the most formidable predators on our planet are representatives of the cat family, and every kind and affectionate cat has very formidable relatives. One of them is the lynx, which, in fact, is large, wild and, of course, very predatory

    a cat that lives in the forests. Our article today is about her.

    Habitat - where lynxes live

    Habitat of the lynx
    This species of animal lives in Eurasia and North America, in places with dense vegetation. The lynx's habitat is impenetrable forests with windbreaks and rocks. The predator leads a secretive lifestyle, away from people. He walks around his territory every day, marking the boundaries. If a place is rich in game, the animal can spend its entire life in one territory.

    The habitat of the common lynx is Russia, Central Asia, the Baltic states, and Scandinavia. In Europe it is found in many countries where there are dense forests. The Iberian lynx lives in Spain, the Canadian lynx lives in the southern states of Canada, and in most of the United States. Some species are found in central Mexico. Some species of steppe and desert lynx (caracal) live in Africa, Asia, and eastern India.

    Lifestyle of the common lynx

    Along with most other species of predatory animals, the common lynx prefers to lead a nocturnal or so-called twilight lifestyle. This is a solitary predator, but the female and her cubs live together for several months.

    Lynxes go out in search of their prey after it begins to get dark. The tassels located on the ears of the predator serve as a kind of device that makes it easier to detect prey.

    In addition to hunting with the so-called stealth, lynxes are able to wait for their prey in ambush. This predatory animal often lies in wait for its prey near hare trails, as well as near the main watering hole for ungulates.


    Lynx lives on an area reaching 100 sq. km. In search of food, it travels up to 30 km a day, leaving its lair only when there is a lack of game. All lynxes climb trees, have high jumping ability, and swim on water. Nature has endowed them with excellent hearing, vision, and an excellent sense of smell. All these qualities make the lynx an excellent hunter, against whom only a rare animal can resist.

    They go hunting when it gets dark (with the exception of the Canadian lynx, which hunts in the daytime). They sneak up for a long time (at a distance of 10 m), silently lying in wait for prey. Then they make a sharp jerk: the size of the jump of an adult male can reach 4 m. If the prey runs away, the predator first pursues in small jerks of 2-3 m, then they gradually increase. In open areas, a lynx can accelerate to 30 km/h. It does not pursue prey for long; after a distance of 80 m it runs out of steam and stops the chase.

    Interesting fact : the black tassels on the lynx's ears act as an antenna.
    With their help, she catches sounds, steps and even hears the breathing of the beast.

    Food and prey

    Food and prey

    Common lynxes hunt, in most cases, hares. If possible, the animal is capable of attacking medium-sized ungulates, including roe deer, musk deer and wapiti, as well as young wild boars. Lynxes often catch squirrels and martens, and also eat hazel grouse, wood grouse and black grouse.

    In search of food, lynxes are able to walk about thirty kilometers within a day, and in very hungry years, the predator often approaches a person’s home, where domestic or stray cats and dogs, and small livestock become its prey. Uneaten prey is buried in the snow or ground.

    Such an unusual fact as the unmotivated aggression of lynxes towards foxes is also well known. The predator tries to kill the fox at the first opportunity, but the lynx never eats this meat.

    What does it eat?

    Lynx on the hunt
    The lynx's favorite food is hares and squirrels. If she does not find her usual food, she can hunt artiodactyls: roe deer, young deer, musk deer. Will not disdain young wild boars. A gaping fox or raccoon dog will also attract the attention of a predator as prey. If you come across birds along the route: hazel grouse, black grouse, wood grouse, the lynx will not refuse delicious meat. In the absence of favorite game, the animal feeds on small rodents.

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    A predator needs 3-4 kg of meat per day. If some of the prey remains uneaten, the lynx buries it to return later.


    The mating season for lynxes begins at the end of February and continues throughout March. Several males may compete for the attention of a female and will fight with rivals. During the rut, they growl loudly, scream, and meow in a low tone. This is intended for the ears of rivals, who must avoid the encounter.

    The female's pregnancy lasts a little more than 2 months. When the female feels the birth of her offspring approaching, she begins to search for a secluded den. These are hollows of tall trees or crevices in rocks.

    Little lynxes

    In early May, lynx cubs appear: 2-3 cubs. They are born, like all cats, blind. Babies are helpless and need maternal care. For the first two weeks, lynx cubs sleep a lot, buried in the female’s fur. After 14 days, the kittens’ eyes open, and the babies begin to actively explore the world, gradually crawling away from their mother. Males do not take part in raising offspring.

    Up to two months, the kittens' diet consists only of mother's milk, then the female begins to feed them with pieces of fresh prey. After another 30 days, the kittens begin to independently leave the den and explore the surroundings. And only at 5 months do they follow the female to hunt for the first time.

    At the age of 1 year, it is time to leave their parent; the mother lynx herself helps them take this step. Not letting them into the den where they grew up, growling loudly, she drives away the grown kittens. At the age of 1.5 years, females can begin to have their own offspring, males become sexually mature a little later - at 2.5 years.

    Interesting fact : in 2021, a female lynx died during childbirth at the Primorye Zoo. People began to feed the baby through a pacifier, which he did not want to take. Hearing the helpless meow, an ordinary cat came running to help, which eventually fed the little lynx.

    How long does he live?

    Life expectancy of the common lynx and its feline counterparts in the wild:

    • Euro-Asian – 20 years;
    • Canadian lynx – 15 years;
    • red lynx – 12 years;
    • Pyrenean – 13 years.

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    If the animal is kept in captivity, life expectancy increases. Of course, this is influenced by the conditions of the animal’s keeping, nutrition, and the absence of danger. For example, the common and Canadian lynx can live up to 25 years. There is a known case when the life expectancy of a red lynx was 32 years.

    Natural enemies

    Representatives of the cat family are predators that hunt alone. The main enemy of the lynx is the wolf. Wild wolves gathered in a pack are able to catch up and tear the furry predator into pieces. The collective hunting behavior of representatives of the canine family cannot be compared with the hunting of a cat, which is always alone. Knowing this, lynxes avoid the habitats of wolves in every possible way; in case of a chance meeting, they flee or sit out on tree branches.

    Male lynxes fight each other

    Other enemies of the lynx are their feline counterparts. When there is an abundance of food, animals do not leave their territories, but if there is little prey, a meeting with a hungry neighbor is inevitable. Despite the markings on the boundaries, extraneous predators can enter the lynx’s habitat. For example, wolverines. To scare them away, the cat uses a loud hiss; if this does not help, it enters into a fight. A female lynx is capable of defending a hole with kittens until her last breath.

    Predatory cats are smart and cautious animals; they are not the first to start a fight. If they sense danger, they try to run away and hide. The ability to climb trees repeatedly saved their lives.

    The only enemy from which the lynx sometimes does not have time to hide is an armed man. Since ancient times, the fluffy fur of this animal has been of great value to people. People wore it to survive extreme cold and exchanged it for food and other necessary items. Because of this, the lynx population has declined greatly. After the predator was listed in the Red Book, lynx hunting became prohibited by law. But, unfortunately, this does not stop a person. Poachers continue to hunt for the animal's fur.

    Interesting fact : a lynx bite is most often fatal. Before eating the prey, the predator will make sure that it is dead.

    Interesting facts about the feline

    The lynx is a very interesting and incredibly beautiful representative of predatory cats.

    1. When hunting, the lynx does not attack prey by jumping from trees. This is a common myth. The animal prefers to watch over victims, sitting in ambush on the ground - behind fallen trees or stones.
    2. The animal usually eats a small portion at a time, and stores the leftovers by burying them under the snow. An adult lynx eats one hare approximately once every 2-3 days.
    3. The lynx is a good hunter, but the more enterprising wolverine can take the prey from it. The lynx itself often chases foxes, defending its territories.
    4. Lynxes do not really like foxes and try to destroy them at the first opportunity. This is due to the fact that foxes are very cunning and love to encroach on other people's prey. When a lynx sees a fox nearby, it leaves its prey and waits for the fox to approach it, then attacks it, but does not eat it, but simply leaves it in place;
    5. The lynx has very sharp eyesight, and as one version says, even the coat of arms of Finland depicts a lynx, not a lion;
    6. Thanks to its tufts on its ears, the lynx has incredible hearing; it can hear a person’s steps several kilometers away, so catching a lynx is very difficult;
    7. The lynx has a rather interesting attitude towards a person, it can easily break his neck, but at the same time, it avoids people and does not attack them;
    8. The ancient Greeks believed that the lynx could see through objects;
    9. An interesting fact is that if you cut off the tassels on the ears of
    10. Lynx, then the acuity of her hearing will decrease significantly;
    11. Only one species of lynx is listed in the Red Book - the Iberian lynx due to the fact that its fur is very beautiful and soft; people chasing expensive prey actively exterminated them for a long time;
    12. While moving, the lynx places its hind leg in the trail of its front leg, just like wolves and tigers do;
    13. Before forming a pair, lynxes intensively hit their foreheads until the crunching of their bones is heard;
    14. Lynx never attacks from above; hiding on tree branches or on rock slopes, they track their prey or rest;
    15. The maximum weight of an adult male lynx sometimes reaches 30 kg, while average females weigh only about 18 kg;
    16. A female lynx bears offspring for about 70 days and usually gives birth to 2-3 kittens;
    17. Lynx kittens begin to see only 13-14 days after birth;
    18. A trot requires about 2 kg of meat per day;
    19. Lynxes prefer to eat voles;
    20. Mother lynx has the ability to select physical qualities from different fathers for her kittens while she is pregnant;
    21. Hevelius discovered a constellation called Lynx;
    22. A cat's jump can reach 4m in length;
    23. The sharpness of the lynx's teeth and claws can be compared to a blade;
    24. The lynx kills its prey instantly without torturing it.



    Lynxes are divided into species. This is due to where the animals live. They differ from their counterparts in coat color, size and weight.

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    Common lynx

    Common lynx
    The northernmost species of the family. In domestic latitudes he lives far from civilization. Almost 90% of the entire population lives from Siberia to Kamchatka. Prefers taiga, mountain coniferous or mixed forests.

    The average weight of males is 25 kg, females 18 kg. The weight of males is 40-45 kg, females 25-30 kg. The coat is red-brown, with characteristic dark spots, the belly and neck are white. The common lynx has the thickest fur. Those that live in the south are more spotted than those that live in the north. The paws are dense; when moving, the hind paws step on the tracks of the front paws, even when running fast.

    Now in many countries it is considered a valuable specimen, the population of which is being restored.

    Euro-Asian lynx

    Eurasian lynx
    The largest species of lynx. A representative of felines that lives in Scandinavia, even beyond the Arctic Circle. In the middle of the 20th century, it was almost completely exterminated in Central and Western Europe. Prefers to live in deep forests; in snowy winters it can come out to people.

    Length from 80 to 130 cm, at the withers 70 cm. Males weigh on average 25 kg, females 18 kg. The color of the Euro-Asian lynx depends on the place of residence: from reddish-brown to fawn-smoky. Southern lynxes are red, their fur is slightly shorter, and their paw prints are smaller.

    Canada lynx

    Canadian lynx
    The North American lynx (Canada) lives in the taiga and forests of the states of Montana, Idaho, Washington, and Colorado. The coat color is dark gray, turning red in summer. A distinctive feature of the fur is its white tint, as if it was dusted with snow. Rare specimens of Canadian lynxes are found in light, bluish colors. They are smaller in size than their European counterparts: males are on average 1 m in length, 60-65 cm at the withers, weight up to 15 kg.

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    It feeds mainly on hares, but will not refuse venison, squirrels, mice, beavers and birds. The Canadian lynx population is currently out of danger. In rare regions, their numbers are declining due to deforestation.

    Red Lynx

    Red lynx
    Half the size of an ordinary lynx: length up to 80 cm, height 30-35 cm, weighs up to 10 kg. More like a large cat. The color is dark red, with a gray tint. It differs from its fellows in that the tip of the tail in most species is black, but this one is white.

    The red lynx can be found in the subtropics of Canada and Mexico. Can live in wetlands and mixed forests. The main food is the Canada rabbit, but it can eat ground squirrels, beavers, mice and even snakes. Due to its small size, it rarely attacks large animals; it can approach people’s homes in search of poultry.

    Spanish lynx

    Spanish Lynx
    Also known as Iberian Lynx. Lives in southwestern Spain. Many individuals live in the Coto Doñana National Park, although at first the lynx was considered a wild cat. Lives mainly in the mountains. Boasting a light shade of fur with dark spots, similar to a leopard, winter fur is finer than summer.

    It is half the size of the Euro-Asian lynx, height at the withers up to 50 cm, body length including a short tail up to 1 m. Weight no more than 20 kg.

    It feeds mainly on rabbits and squirrels. Occasionally attacks young roe deer and deer.

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    Full description of the animal

    The lynx is a small representative of the cat family. Its body length reaches 76-130 cm. The weight of lynxes is 18-25 kg, but sometimes there are quite large individuals whose weight can reach 30 kg. The lynx's body is short and tightly knit. A small round head with elongated ears and tassels at the end, as well as a short muzzle with wide eyes are the distinctive features of this predator. The lynx has elongated whisker-type fur on its cheeks. At the end of its body there is a short tail with a blunt end, the length of which reaches 20-35 cm. The fur of lynxes is quite soft and thick. It has a dense undercoat. The fur of this animal is longest on its belly, but there it is not very thick. This predator moults twice a year: in spring and autumn. The coat that changes in autumn is thicker and fluffier. The lynx's summer hair is short, dense and not so dense. It has a more contrasting color than in winter.

    The color of such an animal may vary depending on its habitat and species. Typically lynxes are red-gray or gray-brown.

    The hind limbs of the lynx differ in their structure from the paws of other cats. They are longer than the front ones. The lynx has 4 toes on its hind limbs, and 5 on its front limbs. In winter, the soles of the paws of such an animal are covered with thick fur, which allows it to easily move through the snow without falling into a snowdrift. When a lynx takes a step, its hind paws follow the tracks of its front paws. The tracks of such a predator may resemble those of cats with large paws.

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    The benefits and harms of lynx

    Lynx do not pose a danger to humans.
    Thanks to the skills of a hunter, the lynx is considered a forest orderly; it regulates the number of animals, killing mainly weak or sick animals. In the Middle Ages, lynx meat was considered a delicacy. She has always been valued for her fluffy fur. People used it to sew winter clothes that helped them survive cold winters. Because of this, the population of lynx species decreased. But thanks to the measures taken, currently only the Spanish (Pyrenean) lynx species remains on the verge of extinction.

    Playing an important role in nature, the wild cat does not harm humans. She can attack only in defense of her nest with offspring. There has not been a single case of a fatal lynx attack on a person recorded in the world.

    Interesting fact : in 1960, Polish astronomer Jan Hevelius discovered a constellation, which he named “Lynx”. It can be seen in the sky if you have the same excellent vision as a wild animal.

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