The need for a Maine Coon haircut: arguments for and against. Features of hair care

Owners of Maine Coons who try to trim their pets at home most often argue with the desire to help them withstand the heat, rid them of tangles, and want to avoid shedding or bathing that cats don’t like. Sometimes a haircut is done to decorate the pet, giving it the appearance of a lion, for example. Whatever the reason, most often a haircut harms, not helps, a Maine Coon.

Reasons for getting a haircut

Any breed has several reasons when it is necessary to cut your pet's hair. The first reason is the formation of large mats. Sometimes, in very advanced cases, it is no longer possible to comb the problem areas. We have to take extreme measures. The problem can be avoided if you regularly comb your pet's fur with special tools.

If the Maine often develops tangles, then you should bathe the cat a couple of times a month and comb it more often. This will make the fur soft and tangle less.

The second reason may be preparation for the show, but Maine Coons do not need this procedure before the show. The Maine's long, slightly unkempt coat is the breed standard. Increasingly, the breed is acquired for participation in exhibitions.

Cats are groomed before the show

In the summer, cats without long hair will be able to withstand the heat more easily. But for Maine Coons, their coat, on the contrary, helps them avoid all natural temperature changes, protecting them from both heat and cold. So to speak, it maintains a natural microclimate.

Some people like to give their cats haircuts to enhance their appearance. But Maine Coons already have an extraordinary appearance that does not require grooming interventions.

During shedding, your cat will be more comfortable with shorter hair. And you will have to remove less wool from your entire living space.

Haircut is carried out during molting

With frequent licking, a large amount of hair gets into the pet's stomach, which causes indigestion and vomiting. Grooming can prevent excessive hair loss. Another way to help your cat is to add a special paste to the cat’s diet to remove lumps.

Wool gets into the stomach and causes vomiting

If the owner is allergic to cats, the hair is cut off. But not everyone knows that the allergen is not on the fur, but on the cat’s mucous membranes, in the saliva, so the procedure will not be very effective.

Is hair cutting dangerous?

While trying to help your pet, you can seriously harm him by cutting his hair.

Why the procedure can be dangerous:

  • Thick, voluminous coat helps Maines maintain natural thermoregulation. Air is trapped between layers of wool. It keeps you warm in cold weather, protects from drafts, and in summer it saves you from heat, maintaining normal body temperature.
  • The unusual fur of Maines helps the cat navigate in the dark. Coarse hairs located throughout the cat's body are tactile and help to sense the space around them.

Wool helps Maine Coons navigate in the dark

  • Along with the fur, spatial orientation is also lost, and the cats feel lethargic and want to hide.
  • After cutting, the structure of the hair changes and the fur becomes soft, begins to tangle, and may even not reach its full length.

So is it possible to cut your pet's hair?

It happens that, for one reason or another, the owner starts caring for the animal. Numerous tangles form on the stomach and chin, making life very difficult for the animal. In this case, a haircut is necessary.

Another reason is keeping a Maine or Coon in a small apartment. After all, this is the largest and fluffiest cat. When shedding, hair accumulates on carpets, upholstered furniture and personal belongings. It is unlikely that you will be able to completely solve this problem with a haircut, but it is possible to significantly reduce the amount of hair. Experienced cat owners know that a cat that is naturally healthy and has no deviations in body structure is not afraid of any kind of haircut.

Lion haircut: photo

Thorough washing is necessary before cutting. It is necessary to use only special shampoos. They are easy to purchase at a pet store.

Avoid getting soapy water into the animal's eyes and ears.

Since water rolls down the guard hair, it is quite difficult to wet the fur by watering it from the shower. Therefore, you should dilute the shampoo with water in the palm of your hand and apply it directly to the undercoat. As for shampoos, it is better to use options with deep cleaning, color-maintaining and texturizing shampoos. Use in the same order. A small amount of balm, which makes the coat shiny, will not be superfluous. After washing, the wool is dried with a hairdryer or towel, and combed in the direction of hair growth. Of course, the tangles are removed so that its fur can be easily trimmed.

Cat haircuts are divided into home and show. Most cat owners are interested in pets that make caring for their pets easier. One of the most popular is the “French lion”. The fur is clipped all over the body, leaving a fur 2-3 mm long. The front and hind legs are trimmed down to the joints - the elbow and hock, respectively. The tip of the tail is left untouched up to about a third. The mane and head are carefully trimmed. “French Lion”, the main haircut of Maine, Coons, others, just variations of the main one.

Before the “hairdresser”, the cat’s claws must be trimmed so that it does not injure itself.

After the procedure, the animal is washed again or wiped with a damp towel to remove small hairs.

Preparation for the process

If a haircut cannot be avoided, you need to know the nuances and prepare for the procedure.

  • First of all, cats are bathed. Most Maines love to swim, but there are some that are afraid of water. Place a basin or soft towels in the bath so that the animal can stand steadily.

Maines are given a bath before being cut

  • The water should be warm. The wool is slightly moistened beforehand. The shampoo is diluted with water and applied with gentle movements to the coat.
  • Due to the nature of the breed’s coat, it is recommended to use several types of shampoos at once: for cleaning, coloring and thickness. Also use balms to make the coat shiny and silky. (You should not use the balm before the exhibition).
  • After water procedures, the fur is thoroughly dried, dabbing with a towel. You can use a hair dryer at low power.
  • The last step is to comb the fur coat to remove excess hair. It is necessary to comb the cat according to the hair growth, so as not to cause unnecessary discomfort.

Then comb

After all the procedures have been completed, you can start cutting.

the washing up

Cats, including Maine Coons, not only can, but also need to be bathed. Dirty wool harbors many pathogenic organisms. They can be dangerous for both pets and humans. A huge selection of cosmetics allows you to choose a suitable cosmetic product, taking into account the individual characteristics of the coat. With the help of properly selected shampoos, conditioners, lotions, you can prevent excessive dryness or oiliness, dandruff and many other problems.

Exhibition grooming of Maine Coons

In grooming salons, the cat will undergo all the necessary procedures before the exhibition. Professionals themselves will be able to determine what kind of haircut your pet needs. If they offer anesthesia, it is better to refuse, since the substances are harmful to health. Maines can handle haircuts quite easily anyway.

In the grooming salon, the masters will do an excellent job

In addition to the hairstyle, the masters will take care of cleaning the entire oral cavity, trimming the nails, and washing the ears and eyes.

Grooming a Maine Coon at home

For home use, many owners like to get a French Lion haircut. All fur, except the muzzle, tip of the tail and paws, is cut short. The procedure is carried out using a machine and scissors. It is best to take cats to special salons.

A simpler hairstyle is the usual decorative one, when you just need to shave the Maine Coon with a clipper.

If you still decide to cut your Maine Coon’s hair yourself, then you need to be extremely careful and know the rules of cutting.

One of the most important details that you must remember is that you cannot touch the entire head area with scissors.

All instruments must be of high quality and disinfected. The procedure is not performed during sexual activity.

Keep hydrogen peroxide and a piece of cotton wool on hand in case of accidental injury.

Two people must take part in the procedure. One should hold the cat’s paws, try to distract the pet, and the second will cut the cat’s hair.

The haircut starts from the back, then moves to the sides.

A machine is used for cutting

After the manipulations, wipe the cat with a slightly dampened towel to remove small hairs. You can rinse with warm water.

It is better not to experiment with unusual, more complex hairstyles. There is a high probability of injuring the animal or ruining its appearance.

What Happens When Grooming Cats

Grooming any cat is a one-way ticket. After cutting, the process of keratinization of the hair is disrupted, and the new hair grows back plump, weak and tangled. The smooth guard hair no longer grows. The double, water-repellent coat of a Maine Coon or Siberian is something that you will irrevocably lose with the first sounds of the machine. And you will have to cut the beast again and again. You will become hooked on the machine like on a needle.

So why do Persians get their hair cut and nothing happens to them for it? Because, strictly speaking, they have nothing to lose. A completely different type of wool - light, fluffy and long, it grows exactly the same. And it gets just as tangled if you don’t scratch it every day.

This is how a Maine Coon grows after a haircut. There is no awn; cottony, weak hair grows all over the body.

There are two arguments that owners give for grooming Maine Coons: a) the fur gets tangled, b) the cat is hot. Both are insolvent.


Naturally, it is not recommended to change the natural color of animals. Hair can be seriously damaged, lose its natural shine and silkiness, especially if you dye it incorrectly. It will be quite difficult to restore the cover.

Animals have beautiful natural colors

If such a thought has occurred to you and seems very interesting, then you need to contact a grooming salon.

Under no circumstances should you paint cats yourself. Never use paints or sprays on people. These products will not only damage the fur coat, but can also cause complications on the kidneys and liver.

Post-procedure care

During clipping, most cats are stressed, especially after the first time. After the procedure, the animal will want to retire, to be alone. You can give a treat to distract the cat from its worries.

First, the undercoat will grow, which does not look very neat. It needs to be combed so that tangles do not appear. If you do not pay attention to this, the fur will become tangled over the entire surface and you will have to again cause inconvenience to the cat.

Overgrown undercoat looks sloppy

For daily care, use the following devices:

  • A comb with fine teeth.
  • Comb with natural bristles.
  • Furminator.
  • Puhoderku.

Necessary tools for combing and cutting (Furminator, – mat cutter – slicker – combs – scissors – clipper)

Cats need to be brushed regularly

Tools should have metal teeth and round tips.

Carry out the cutting procedure no more than twice a year.


Maine Coons are distinguished by a very fluffy, thick coat with undercoat, but in most cats it is not very long, which greatly facilitates grooming. The structure of the coat is very pleasant to the touch, silky. In some pets, the fur forms a so-called collar, and in combination with the huge size of the cat, this looks very impressive.

Like other cat breeds, Maine Coons shed. In kittens, the first molt usually occurs at 10 months of age, and then it occurs twice a year. Shedding usually lasts 5–7 weeks.

Maine Coon haircut: pros and cons

It is better to trim maines only when necessary. There is not a single compelling reason other than illness.

After a stressful situation, cats become fearful and hide. A stately animal loses its natural charisma. The fur will not be the same as before. It will grow worse, lose structure, and the color will not get any better.

Analyzing all of the above, is it possible to draw conclusions that it is better to leave the cat a natural appearance? Definitely yes, except in absolutely necessary cases. Each owner decides for himself whether it is worth getting rid of the cat’s long fur. But, most importantly, do not forget about timely care so that the cat is beautiful and healthy, and then no haircuts will be useful.

Maine Coons are very beautiful by nature

It won't get any easier!

Haircut and shaving do not cancel shedding! A short, downy hair will come out of a cut cat, and as it grows longer, it will grow longer, but just as downy. Get into your nose, get stuck in coverings, stick to clothes.

Disturbs natural heat exchange

Impairs tactile functions

Takes away self-confidence, provokes mental disorders

Damages health (especially haircuts under anesthesia)

Irreversibly damages the structure of the coat and provokes tangles

Any cat with a lion haircut does not look like a lion - it looks ridiculous. He feels bad, no matter how accustomed he is to the procedure.

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