DIY cat blanket
How long can a cat wear a bandage after sterilization?
Only sterilization will help reduce the number of homeless animals. If the cat's owner is not a breeder and
The right food for your cat. How to choose the most suitable food for your furry pet
Food allergies in cats Food allergies in cats account for approximately 10% of all allergic reactions.
How to properly trim a cat’s claws at home if it doesn’t work: is it possible to trim it at all?
When a cat appears in the house, accompanying dilemmas about
How to trim a cat's claws at home if she resists?
Does a predator need to trim its claws? If the animal lives in the wild, catch it
cat food Innova EVO
What dry food is best to feed a cat: pros and cons
The beauty, health and good mood of our four-legged friends is the best reward for us,
Fortiflora for cats side effects. "FortiFlora" for cats: method of application and dosage
When is it used? The veterinary product can be used in conjunction with any cat food - as
12 best dry food for kittens and which one is better not to buy
A little purr settled in the house. And with it tenderness, pranks, a cozy house, a tray,
Catnip - action, properties, benefits and harm of the plant for cats (video and 95 photos)
The lemon catnip plant, or catnip, is a herbaceous plant belonging to the family
Photo 5
Furminator for cats: how to choose the right one
What it looks like and how it works The Furminator is a tool designed for manual combing of wool. Device
Games for cats on your computer or phone screen
Videos for cats on the monitor develop, support skills inherent in nature, relax, calm, and entertain. Surely