Why you need to get vaccinated
You don't have to come into contact with sick animals to become infected with many diseases. Germs and viruses are found on a person’s hands, as well as his shoes. It is enough to come home and pet your pet with dirty hands or touch it to start the process. In addition, the pet may rub slightly against boots and sneakers and, after a while, also get sick.
Many breeders go to the dacha in the spring and summer, where the pet walks freely and moves around the area. Is it dangerous. During the hot season, the bacteria are inactive, but there is another danger - rabies - a fatal disease for animals and humans. Carriers of rabies are not only cats or dogs, but also hedgehogs, of which there are great numbers in quiet areas.
The British are a cat breed that requires close attention . And if at first people don’t think about exhibitions, then later they do everything possible to get to them. In order to participate in such events, it is mandatory to vaccinate your pets.
Important! It has been scientifically proven that kittens born from vaccinated parents are much stronger and healthier than those that are not vaccinated.
Therefore, if you want to breed babies in the future, then it is better not to refuse vaccination.
Preliminary procedures
Before carrying out the manipulation, you should prepare so that no problems or complications arise after vaccination. The first thing you need to do is buy a dewormer. It is best to consult a doctor about the drug. Next you will need to treat the four-legged dog for fleas and ticks. After three days, the cat should be thoroughly bathed. The shampoo must be intended for animals so that the cat does not develop poisoning or allergies. It should be remembered that cosmetics for people are not always suitable for pets. After this, you can go to the veterinarian, who will conduct an examination and give the go-ahead for the procedure.
They may refuse if:
- The animal is sick or has recently been ill.
- For some reason the cat has a weakened immune system.
- The cat is pregnant.
- The cat recently gave birth.
- Kittens are up to two months old.
In this case, the doctor will tell you when you can come again to be sure to get vaccinated.
Revaccination is the repeated administration of a vaccine against one or more viruses. When kittens are vaccinated, they receive a second injection 3-4 weeks after the first vaccination. The first vaccination is given at an age when babies still have maternal antibodies in their blood that protect against viruses.
The second vaccine is administered when maternal antibodies stop working. This is necessary for the kitten to fully develop immunity to a particular disease.
In the future, revaccination is carried out every year. If a cat has not been vaccinated in accordance with the vaccination schedule until it is one year old, and it is vaccinated for the first time as an adult, revaccination after 3-4 weeks is not required.
Repeated vaccinations are given after 1 year, repeating them annually throughout the animal’s life.
I do repeated annual revaccinations 7-14 days before the expiration date of the previous vaccination.
Mandatory vaccinations
Some vaccinations for British kittens should be mandatory. If this is not done, then the animal, having become infected, can infect those pets who live nearby, and also die.
Pets must be vaccinated against:
- rhinotracheitis;
- pancleicopenia;
- calcivirosis.
Each of these diseases is very serious, can be severe and lead, if not to death, then to serious health problems that will remain forever. Vaccination is done based on the vaccination schedule. Adult pets have their own, and kids have theirs. Once kittens reach two months, they are allowed to be vaccinated, but you should refrain from the procedure when small pets are teething. During this period, it will be difficult for the body to resist infections that have entered the body.
Ringworm in cats: is immunity possible?
Ringworm is a skin condition caused by a fungus. How possible is natural protection against such diseases in principle?
The immune system is a complex mechanism for protecting the body from diseases, usually viral ones.
Antiviral immunity works like this.
A virus is introduced into the body. The first to react to it are leukocytes, which recognize the genome of everything that is found in the body, according to the “friend or foe” principle. The virus is definitely foreign to them, and the body receives a command to create antibodies - special proteins that can make the stranger safe. When enough of these proteins have been produced, the disease stops. And if the same pathogen enters the body again, data on which antibodies are needed against it will be stored in special lymphocytes, which are called “memory cells.”
That is, there is no need to recognize what kind of stranger is in front of us, we just need to restart the biochemical factory to produce weapons against him. In addition, antibodies remaining after previous contact with the virus circulate in the blood and are ready to help immediately.
Knowing these principles, it is easy to understand why cats are regularly vaccinated against viral diseases - panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and rabies. It is important that your pets have enough antibodies in their blood to resist the disease.
So, for immunity to appear according to this scheme, the pathogen must enter the blood. But ringworm is a fungus that lives in the hairs and surface layer of the skin. The contact of both the fungus and the mycelium with the skin is minimal, and it cannot end up in the blood.
In addition to general immunity, there are various types of local immunity. This includes skin immunity. The skin has its own leukocytes that can recognize antigens and produce antibodies to them. But this system has little connection with general immunity. However, the very fact of its existence led researchers to think that creating a vaccine against skin infections, for example, lichen, is possible.
First vaccination
It is better to give the first vaccinations to British kittens when they are two and a half months old. This is due to the fact that in the first months of their lives, babies are protected by antibodies coming from the mother cat through milk. This is why veterinarians and breeders advise people to vaccinate their parents, as it is important for the offspring. It is prohibited to vaccinate kittens too early, because in this way you can disrupt the immunity that has just begun to form. Otherwise, instead of benefit, serious harm will be caused to the kittens - they may begin to get sick or their development will be disrupted.
If it was not possible to vaccinate a kitten on time, there is no need to rush. After three to four months, babies begin to lose baby teeth and permanent ones begin to form. Therefore, it is better not to touch kittens until they are 8 months old. If parents have good immunity, then it will probably be passed on to their children.
At 2-3 months you need to be vaccinated against panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, and calcivirosis. After 2-3 weeks, revaccination is necessary. This is very important, because without this the pet will not develop immunity, therefore, it can easily catch one of the diseases for which they tried to vaccinate it. If everything is done correctly, the animal will either never encounter serious illnesses, or will suffer them in a mild form without harm to health.
Important! After the first revaccination, each subsequent one takes place every year.
The following vaccine is usually used for British cats:
- Quadricat is a French drug.
- Felovax is a medicine made in the USA.
- Multifel-4 is a drug made in Russia.
Some babies have a hard time with vaccines. In this case, the veterinarian may recommend administering suprastin in the form of an injection, which will reduce the likelihood of an allergic reaction and also prevent the temperature from rising.
How dangerous is lichen?
Ringworm (or dermatophytosis) refers to fungal skin diseases. The causative agent of the disease in cats is most often microsporum fungi. By affecting individual areas of the skin, the fungus causes peeling. On the surface of the coat, which is colonized by the fungus, hair begins to fall out: bald spots form, which significantly worsens the appearance of the animal. With severe damage, small blisters and ulcers may appear on the skin. They, in turn, become a channel for more dangerous infections, such as staphylococcus, etc.
Sometimes lichen in cats can be accompanied by itching. Then the infected animals are given a special collar that prevents them from scratching the itchy skin. If the cat is not vaccinated against lichen in advance, the owner will have to deal with the consequences of the disease for a long time. Fungal spores have the ability to remain viable for a long time, settling on furniture, clothing, human skin and animal fur.
A cat owner can also get ringworm from their own or someone else's pet.
Rabies vaccination
Another important vaccination that cannot be forgotten is the rabies vaccination. This is a serious disease that can be contracted completely accidentally through contact with a carrier. Considering that the disease currently has no cure, all animals must be vaccinated.
When the British kitten has reached three months of age, you can safely contact the veterinarian to get vaccinated. If for some reason you do not have time to go to the doctor at this time, vaccination is postponed for 5-6 months . Experienced breeders draw the attention of owners to the fact that half of the animals do not tolerate the injection very well. Pets develop a fever on the first day and refuse to eat. This is a normal reaction, so there is no need to panic. At the same time, it is recommended to ask your doctor in advance what to do if this happens. The Nobivak vaccine is often used for vaccination, but another one can also be used. The American Fel-O-Wax has proven itself well.
Vaccination and the unsatisfactory condition of the animal on the first day is not a reason to sound the alarm, but only if the following symptoms do not make themselves known:
- incessant vomiting;
- severe diarrhea;
- numbness of the limbs (cold paws);
- very high temperature;
- weakness and depression of the baby.
In this case, you should definitely take your pet to a medical facility so that the veterinarian can assess the kitten’s condition and tell what is causing it. However, you shouldn’t beat yourself up in advance, because negative aspects are the exception rather than the norm.
Local therapy
Treatment for ringworm must be prescribed by a veterinarian. The fact is that if antifungal drugs are used incorrectly, the pathogen can adapt to the action of the drug, and then it will be extremely difficult to cure the disease.
Important! Before visiting the veterinarian, do not treat the animal with anything, do not bathe it! This can lead to both the spread of the disease and difficulties in making a correct diagnosis.
Vaccination of cats against lichen is not necessary. Whether or not to do it preventively is up to each owner to decide for himself. Use for medicinal purposes is possible if the attending veterinarian can explain why it is better to vaccinate in this particular case. For example, if a strain resistant to antifungal drugs has been sown, or the disease has been treated with several drugs, but the effect is insufficient. The main ways to combat ringworm remain antifungal drugs and hygiene.
Other vaccinations
There are diseases that are rare. Vaccinating animals against them is, if not necessary, then very desirable.
This is about:
- Chlamydia. Sometimes this vaccination is included in a complex vaccine against rhinotracheitis, calcivirosis and panleukopenia. Babies are vaccinated a month after rabies, and then every year. Most often, Polivak-TM, Vakderm, Trimivak are used for these purposes.
- Trichophyte, microsporia. The problem concerns ringworm, which is easy to get infected, but difficult to get rid of. In this case, the first vaccination is also given a month after the rabies vaccination, and they are also revaccinated once a year.
Some owners of their pet cats also vaccinate against some other diseases. Veterinarians note that animals living in apartment conditions rarely suffer from serious illnesses. The basic vaccinations that must be done are indicated above; everything else is at the request of the people.
Vaccines against lichen for animals
Timely preventive immunization is a reliable way to protect pets from bacterial, viral infections, and parasitic diseases. Veterinary experts recommend that all owners of furry purrs strictly follow the established vaccination schedules, regardless of whether the cat is walking along the street or does not leave the apartment. Only in this case can the risk of infection be reduced and the animal protected from developing dangerous infections.
Dermatomycete fungi are ubiquitous in the environment; they exhibit resistance to various negative factors. Parasite spores are resistant to UV rays, a number of disinfectants, and pharmacological (antifungal) drugs. If an animal is infected with a fungal infection, the disease requires long-term complex treatment.
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Vaccines against lichen for cats, which are currently on the veterinary market, are used in traditional veterinary medicine for both preventive and therapeutic purposes.
Timely introduction of a dose of weakened pathogens into the animal’s body activates the production of protective antibodies and forms stable specific immunity.
Animals must be vaccinated by a veterinarian after a comprehensive examination.
In veterinary practice, for preventive immunization of cats against lichen and other fungal infections, the following is used:
- Polivac TM.
- Vakderm-F.
- Microderm.
- Biofel M Plus.
- Inactivated vaccine Nobivak M.
Veterinary medications not only provide reliable protection for animals against dermatophytosis, trichophytosis, microsporia, but are also effective means for the treatment of dermatomycosis.
Polivac TM
Polivac TM is a highly effective remedy for specific prevention and treatment of trichophytosis, microsporia, and dermatophytosis. The associated vaccine is based on inactivated strains of fungi (trichophytin, microsporum). Contains eight different types of weakened mushrooms. Available in ampoules, hermetically sealed glass bottles (one/two doses) in the form of a light brown solution. There may be sediment at the bottom. One dose of the vaccine contains approximately 20 million microconidia per 1 cm3.
Vaccine Polivac TM for immunization of cats
Immune protection in cats is formed 22–30 days after preventive immunization. The effect lasts for 12–14 months. The veterinary drug is well tolerated by animals, in rare cases it causes complications and side effects.
Polivak TM is used for vaccination of clinically healthy cats, treatment of animals diagnosed with fungal infections of various etiologies and genesis. For the purpose of prevention, the vaccine is administered to cats intramuscularly into the muscle of the back of the thigh, into the withers area twice with an interval of 13–15 days. The dosage depends on the age of the animal (1.0–1.5 cm3). Revaccination is carried out annually.
Before immunization, the vaccine bottle must be shaken well until the sediment completely disappears.
If the drug is used in the treatment of dermatomycosis, the veterinary drug is used two or three times with an interval of 11–14 days. Dosage - 1.5–2 cm3. The schedule for immunization and treatment of dermatomycosis is prescribed by a veterinary specialist.
The veterinary product contains non-living fungal spores of ringworm pathogens. Used for prevention purposes, in the treatment of dermatomycosis (trichophytosis, microsporia) in complex therapy. The vaccine is packaged in ampoules and bottles of 1–5 ml. Can be used for vaccination of kittens starting from two months of age.
Vakderm - a vaccine for the prevention and treatment of dermatomycosis
The body's immune defense is formed 25–30 days after the first administration. The veterinary drug is administered twice intramuscularly (into the thigh muscle) with an interval of 10–14 days for preventive purposes. If I use the vaccine for treatment, cats are vaccinated 2-3 times to achieve results. Along with injection therapy, antifungal agents prescribed by a veterinarian are used for local treatment. In particularly advanced, severe cases, complex fungicidal medications are prescribed.
When administered for the first time, in the presence of an incubating form of fungal infection, Vakderm-F accelerates the manifestation of the clinical picture.
- kittens up to 3 months - 0.5 cm3;
- adult animals - 1.0 cm3 per injection.
Vakderm is well tolerated by animals, in rare cases it provokes side effects.
The Microderm vaccine for animals is available in dry form in sealed bottles (for preparing a solution) and in the form of a ready-made injection solution in ampoules. Used for the prevention and treatment of skin diseases, mycoses caused by dermatophyte fungi, saprophytes. The dry vaccine is diluted with saline solutions (1 ml of solvent per 1 dose). One dose is 1 cm3. The liquid should be shaken well before use until the sediment disappears.
Microderm - preventive and therapeutic vaccine against lichen for cats
The veterinary drug is administered twice. The interval between injections is 10–15 days. If clinical symptoms during treatment are stopped after the first administration, re-immunization is not carried out.
The product is highly effective and quickly relieves the symptoms of dermatomycosis. Microderm does not provoke such phenomena; it is a low-toxic, safe veterinary preparation.
When carrying out preventive immunization, Microderm is administered to cats intramuscularly in a dosage of 0.3–0.5 cm2. If the vaccine is used in therapeutic therapy - 0.5–1 cm3. The dosage is calculated taking into account the age of the animals.
Kitten after vaccination
Animals tolerate vaccination well in 99% of cases. This applies not only to the British, but also to all other cat breeds. The most important thing is that the vaccines are of high quality, and that the vaccination is administered by an experienced doctor. Negative consequences may occur if the animal has an allergy or intolerance to one of the components. But this happens very rarely.
After vaccination, you should adhere to a number of rules:
- Be in quarantine for 30 days.
- Avoid contact with other animals and people who have cats at home.
- Do not let your baby go outside.
- Do not visit public places with your pet and do not travel with it on public transport.
After a month, the kitten will be able to do all this, and the owner will be sure that nothing will happen to his pet.
It would be a good idea to keep a special notebook and write down when and what kind of vaccine was administered. This will make it possible in a year not to forget about the vaccination and get it on time.
When to vaccinate British kittens?
There is a vaccination schedule that is recommended for all pet cat owners to adhere to. With its help, you will be able to get vaccinated on time, keeping your pets healthy.
This chart is as follows:
- At 6-8 weeks, kittens are given deworming medication.
- At 8-10 weeks, babies are vaccinated against panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis and calcivirosis.
- About a month later, another vaccination is given, but against rabies.
- The pet is provided with a month's quarantine. At this moment, the four-legged friend should stay at home and not have contact with other furry creatures.
- After 12 months, it’s time to think about revaccination. It follows the same schedule as the first vaccinations, in the same sequence. If the pet’s health does not allow it or people are at the dacha, then you can slightly deviate from the vaccination calendar.
How much do kitten vaccinations cost?
The cost of vaccinations directly depends on the vaccine that is used. If it is a drug from a domestic manufacturer, then the amount for it will be appropriate. Foreign-made products are somewhat more expensive. Veterinarians usually work with those vaccines that have proven to work best. The average cost of one vaccination ranges from 300-500 rubles. Complex vaccinations may cost slightly more.
Vaccination is not something you should skimp on because it is much more expensive to treat an animal. In addition, there are a number of diseases that are very difficult to eliminate and only those animals that have had the strongest immunity since childhood survive. And again, this happens because parents were vaccinated at one time.
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