How to treat a place where a cat shits - folk remedies

Oh, this suffocating smell that seems impossible to kill by any means! Cat marks eat into any surface and even after drying continue to emit a specific, recognizable stench. I have to clean more and more often, but the result is almost always the same - the smell from the cat returns.

In fact, you can get rid of the smell of cat urine in simple and affordable ways. Experienced housewives know more than one remedy for cat odor. Almost all of them can be found in the kitchen and bathroom or bought at your local supermarket.

How to get rid of the smell of cat urine: what the professionals suggest

  • Nature's Miracle

This is the first remedy in our improvised hit parade of the most worthy. Before us is a destroyer of unpleasant and persistent “odors” left by our smaller brothers. Moreover, we are talking not only about odorous marks, but also vomit, blood, etc. Available in liquid form in two versions - in a spray bottle and in a bottle. The first option is more convenient to use because it has a sprayer. All you need to do is apply a small amount of Nature's Miracle solution to the stain, wait a certain amount of time (approximately 5 minutes) and wipe the treated surface dry. The smell of urine disappears, and no unpleasant yellowish stains remain. However, there are several rules: animals and small children should not be allowed near the area being cleaned; If the stain is stubborn or dry, use a coarse bristle brush.

photo from the site:

The peculiarity of the action of this drug lies in a special bioenzyme formula that reliably removes organic contaminants. Reviews from satisfied owners confirm that even the finest notes of aromas emitted by completely different surfaces disappear - soiled carpets, clothes, linoleum, even fiberboard. So, here you have a really working remedy against the smell of cat urine, which has proven itself to be excellent.

  • "Brovadez-plus"

The next option was developed by veterinarians for villagers who constantly clean up after their farmed animals, and breeders working in nursery conditions where they need to maintain cleanliness. The drug has a bactericidal effect and perfectly disinfects, completely eliminating pathogenic microflora. Initially, it was intended for treating hatcheries, workshops and other premises in which animals are bred and kept. But you can try it in a city apartment.

"Brovadez-plus" is available in the form of a powder, the granules of which must be diluted in water. The prepared solution is used as follows: dosedly applied to the contaminated area using a spray bottle. You can also wipe the stained area with a sponge soaked in the composition.

How can you wash your favorite carpet if it has been marked by a cat, and at the same time get rid of potentially dangerous microorganisms? This drug will help you instantly.

  • "OdorGone"

Another unique odor neutralizer. It is truly universal - it helps to remove not only the acrid plume of urine, but also other unwanted odors - sweat, burnt food, fish, fertilizers, etc. The composition of this product is completely natural - it includes plant extracts and oils. "Odorgon" is a hypoallergenic drug, which makes it an indispensable assistant for all hypersensitive people for whom any substance can become a potential irritant. You can use this life-saving weapon against animal marks (both cats and dogs) and asthmatics.

OdorGone is an aerosol in form. It is necessary to spray it on the surface that your pet has damaged and wipe the affected area.

How to eliminate the smell of cat urine if it has flowed under the linoleum? It's simple: take out a syringe, draw a little product into it and fill it in such a way that the composition penetrates to the source of contamination. In the case of old stains, several similar treatments may be required, but the result will pleasantly surprise you.

The creators of this miracle remedy claim that Odorgon acts at the molecular level and destroys not only bacteria, but also fungus. We just have to take their word for it and those who left positive reviews on the Internet. And there are many of them.

  • Zoo Clean "ZooSan"

How to remove the smell if a cat marks? Use a domestically produced drug intended for disinfection of premises where our little brothers are kept. It is completely safe for both people and animals. Another plus is the absence of the pungent odor of bleach, as well as fluorine and phosphates.

However, some owners write that the product does not cope with old traces and cannot be used constantly - the smell does not always disappear without a trace. So it’s up to you to decide whether ZooSan is worth purchasing.

How to wash and how to remove cats’ marks if the described products do not inspire you and you want a greater variety of options? You can try other drugs whose action is aimed at disinfection and eliminating unwanted odors. This:

  • Urine Off;
  • DezoSan;
  • Cleansan;
  • Pet Stain&Odor Remover and other samples.

There are many effective domestic and foreign compounds on the market, which means we don’t have to search long for how and how to remove cat urine stains in order to not only remove traces, but also remove the acrid smell of cat marks. There are special products only for carpets and furniture, and others only for the tray.

If you still don’t want to spend money and are sure that you can get by with traditional methods, read on - we’ll tell you how to remove traces in a short time without buying special drugs.

But before we move on to the topic that interests us, let’s answer the question: how to find the place that the cat has marked? After all, very often we can only detect an unpleasant odor, but it is very difficult and almost impossible to understand where it comes from. A Wood's lamp will come to the rescue. Next we’ll tell you why, explaining how it works.

Don't do that again, cat! Fighting tags

Unfortunately, there is no universal algorithm for how to get rid of cat smell. Destroying traces of a cat's presence in the house sometimes takes a lot of time.

You need to act approximately in this order: at the same time you will have to carry out a general cleaning of the house and a veterinary examination of the cat. If there are no health problems, then immediately go to a behavior specialist and listen to tips on making the litter box more attractive.

When the situation is very serious, the cat can be kept for some time in a closed cage (no less than 90x60 cm) or in a separate room.

Visit a veterinarian

According to statistics, approximately 60% of cats that leave a scent trail in the house have urological problems. To know how to get rid of cat marks, take the time to visit a veterinarian. To diagnose health problems, you will need to do urine tests, sometimes culture, ultrasound or x-rays. Eliminating the disease is the first step to getting rid of the cat smell in the apartment.

Something else interesting: Urolithiasis is a dangerous disease of domestic cats

Uncleanliness can be a symptom of hyperthyroidism, diabetes, constipation, colitis, food allergies and neurological diseases. Aging cats and kittens are a special case. Getting rid of their urine most often involves reorganizing the litter box.

Make the tray more attractive

Attractive and comfortable litter box for cats

If your cat primarily soils the floor, doing it in corners, under sofas or in a dark closet, try to choose a closed litter box (with a roof). You can temporarily place two or three identical trays in your favorite places. Gradually they will need to be moved to one point, leaving in the end one toilet.

If there is more than one cat in the house, then conflicts between them can cause uncleanliness. In this case, two or three trays are also an option.

Over the course of a week, alternately fill the tray with different fillers. Some cats prefer wood substrate (pellets or sawdust), while others prefer clay or sand. Clumping litters can be very different, and cats can be capricious.

To ensure that a cat owner never has to wonder how to get rid of cat odor, the litter box must comply with at least three rules:

  • Conveniently located and always accessible;
  • Quite secluded, closed at the top or standing in a corner;
  • Filled with a substrate that is pleasant for the cat, in which she is happy to leave both urine and feces.

It is also important that all lumps are removed in a timely manner. Some cats completely refuse to go into the litter box if there is anything left there from a previous visit or from another cat.

I want to know everything: we are looking for the source of the problem

photo from the site:

Wood's lamp is a device used not only in forensic science, where it is used to find fingerprints left at a crime scene, but also in beauty salons and veterinary clinics. At home it can also be very useful. For example, if you point it at the carpet, the blue light will show where your pet has “inherited”. And you can easily clean up after it without turning the house upside down looking for the source of the stench.

This is where our lyrical digression ends - then all about folk methods of combating the “gifts” of our smaller brothers.

How to stop a cat from shitting?

The simplest and most proven method is to take your cat to bed with you at night. But a cat can (and most often does) shit during the daytime, while no one is home.

Advice! Never hit or punish an animal! The cat will only perceive any of your punishment as a punishment for the fact that he buried poorly (because he instinctively knows that he needs to bury), and since you punish him, it means he buried poorly and next time he will look for a more secluded place, and bury more carefully.

That is, simply put, beating and punishment will not solve the problem, but will only make it worse. And each time the smell will become more persistent, and it will be more and more difficult to find.

Therefore, I offer you several working methods to solve this delicate problem:

1. Take a soft rag and walk around the cat’s neck several times, and then with the same rag over the places where he shits. Believe me, a cat will never shit where it smells of its pheromones.

2. In those places where the cat has pooped, place small bowls with her favorite food. Most likely, there will be a lot of them, but this method is very effective, since the cat will not go to shit where it eats.

How to remove and how to remove the smell of cat urine in an apartment: potassium permanganate

This is the first option that can be offered to those who are desperate and want to try anything just to take a deep breath of air without fear. To do this, stir a few crystals of potassium permanganate in water (make a weak solution), wet a rag or sponge and thoroughly wipe the areas that require cleaning.

Attention: potassium permanganate leaves behind unpleasant stains, so you should not treat fabric with it. Hence the moral: I wash all surfaces that we are not afraid to paint with this composition, avoiding getting the prepared product on sofas, armchairs and other upholstered furniture, carpets, and clothes.

Remove all old traces

Do a general cleaning of the house.

  1. Collect rugs, bedspreads and blankets that have even the slightest odor. Soak them in laundry detergent with enzymes. Only they have control over urine. Rinse several times, dry, but do not rush to cover the same places.
  2. The rugs can be dry-cleaned to ensure that the smell is completely eliminated, or they can be washed after soaking in running water. It is better to remove clean carpets for a while too. This will make it easier for the cat to accept the new toilet rules.
  3. Washing stains from the floor and walls should begin by finding every single one. A UV flashlight will help with this. Methodically walk around the perimeter of the house. Each stain should be wetted with the chosen product and left for a short time. If the chemical reaction does not end, then after a while the stain may smell again.
  4. Before removing the smell of cat urine from upholstered furniture and mattresses, test the product on an invisible area. Some chemical components can lighten fabrics or destroy fibers.
  5. If necessary, wash your pet with cat shampoo. It also contains an odor neutralizer.
  6. Do not rush to return all textiles to their original places until the cat gets used to the tray.

How to get rid of the smell of cat urine and cat marks in an apartment: vinegar

The second option is vinegar. It can be found in any apartment, so you shouldn’t have any problems finding this weapon. We dilute it with water and apply the resulting solution. It is not recommended to wash it off. Alternatively, you can use lemon juice.

We recommend diluting vinegar in water in a ratio of 1 to 4.

Some may think that this remedy cannot be effective, but a few drops from a freshly cut lemon are guaranteed to kill the unpleasant odor. Vinegar dissipates well if you combine it with soda and pour over peroxide - you don’t have to worry that one misfortune will be replaced by another, and you will suffer because of the new unbearable aroma.

Reasons why a cat shits

What should owners do if suddenly, suddenly, the animal’s attitude towards its toilet changes? First you need to determine the reason for such inappropriate behavior.

When a cat starts defecating anywhere in the apartment, this becomes a real problem for the owners.

Important! You should not beat or harshly punish an animal. This method may be interpreted incorrectly by the pet.


To understand how to stop a cat from shitting in the wrong place, just look at his upbringing. Manifestations of improper upbringing of an animal can be:

  • Revenge. If an animal is treated poorly and used violence, then it develops a persistent hostile attitude towards the owner and a desire to take revenge and mischief.
  • Lack of attention. Such an important factor as lack of care is a significant moment in the formation of a cat’s character. With a reduced level of attention, the kitten tries to achieve it by performing actions to which the owner will react.
  • Mark your territory. The trend is characteristic of the period of puberty of the cat.

There are many reasons why a cat shits.

Not potty trained

One of the significant reasons is the fact that the kitten was not trained to the tray in a timely manner. Experts advise starting to accustom a kitten as soon as it appears in the house after going through the stage of mastering the new space. The teaching methodology must be systematic.

Important! It is much more difficult to wean an adult animal from crapping. Therefore, it is necessary to educate from early childhood.

Don't like the tray

Sometimes your cat doesn't like her litter box. Perhaps the tray is small and the animal is simply uncomfortable. Perhaps he is standing in an inappropriate place for a cat. You should try changing the tray itself. If this does not help, you should take your cat to the vet.

The fact is that with some diseases (for example, urolithiasis), cats experience pain when defecating. In such cases, the animal begins to associate the tray with pain.

Important! The filler is chosen taking into account the characteristics of the cat's breed. For long-haired dogs, it is not recommended to use materials made from pressed sawdust. They stick to the paws and sprinkle around the house, creating discomfort for the animal as well.

Your pet may not like the litter box

And others

Let's highlight other reasons why a cat shits anywhere, and what to do about it:

  • I'm not happy with the location of the litter box in the apartment. The kitten requires a secluded place away from prying eyes. If something constantly distracts and bothers your cat while going to the toilet, she may choose another quieter place or even the owner’s bed.
  • The cat has changed its place of residence or experienced stress. In the first case, the animal may simply not get used to the new place, but in the second, its feelings are expressed.
  • Infection with parasites, intestinal and genitourinary diseases can cause pain in cats when defecating. In this case, the tray will be associated with pain in the pet. The cat will not go to the toilet. Only a visit to the veterinarian and further therapy will be positive.

How to remove cat marks and remove traces of them: simple peroxide

It is sold in any pharmacy and costs a penny, so it is cheaper to buy than an expensive disinfectant. This is a very strong product, but it must be used with extreme caution: do not treat varnished surfaces or fabrics with this composition. We are talking about the well-known hydrogen peroxide.

You can try this combination: add a little liquid you buy for washing dishes to 100 ml of solution. Rub the resulting mixture onto the stain using a stiff bristle brush. Remove the remaining foam with a wet rag or damp sponge.

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Options for weaning a cat

The reference literature provides basic recommendations on how to stop a cat from shitting in the wrong place.

The most popular method is to place food and water bowls where the animal goes according to its needs. You can also place any piece of furniture in this place or close the room altogether so that the cat is not tempted to go to the wrong place.

The main thing is to be patient and remember that the process of training a pet to use a tray is long and labor-intensive, and takes quite a lot of time. A positive result directly depends on the cat owner’s persistence and patience. It should be remembered that the owner’s reaction to a puddle in the wrong place should always be the same.

Important! If the exact reason for the cat’s behavior has not yet been established, you should first experiment with the tray and filler in order to understand the pet’s preferences.


In order to discourage a cat from pooping where it is not supposed to, various sprays are used. They contain repellent substances with a specific odor. Operating principle: the smell of the spray is unpleasant to the animal, the pet stops going to its usual place and gets used to the tray.

Important! Experts advise using two remedies at the same time: Antigadin for weaning and a means for habituation. The first product is sprayed on places where you are not supposed to go. The second, on the contrary, where it should be.

The most popular brands:

  • Mr.fresh - spray for weaning yourself from writing anywhere;
  • cat repeller AntiKOT;
  • smart spray - protection of areas of the apartment not intended for the toilet;
  • repellent lotion for dogs and cats TABOO.

Important! With the help of a special UV flashlight, you can easily determine the places where the cat has pooped.

Sprays are effective

Clean the tray and wash the floors

One of the main reasons for a cat’s dislike for a certain place to do its “business” may be the litter box itself. Either he is simply uncomfortable, or the owners rarely clean him as thoroughly as the cat would like. Therefore, it is necessary to make some effort to ensure that the tray is always filled with dry and fresh litter, washed very well without the use of bleach or odorous substances.

The most popular expert advice for treating areas where cats shit:

  • Treat the floor, walls, corners with a weak solution of vinegar or potassium permanganate;
  • treat with alcohol;
  • add 15 drops of iodine to the water and treat the surface;
  • hydrogen peroxide has disinfectant properties;
  • if your pet shits in flowers, you can sprinkle the ground with hot pepper;
  • laundry soap removes odors quite well;
  • make a paste from soda and apply to the surface for a while;
  • Place a few lemon slices on the spot.

Floors and walls must be thoroughly washed, and the tray must be cleaned

How to clean the floor from cat urine

In accordance with the recommendations already received, we use the simplest and most effective remedy - vinegar.

We soak the place where a wet spot was spreading a couple of minutes ago. However, you should not apply the solution directly to urine. It must be collected with napkins, wiping the area dry. You should not fill the “fresh” tag with water - this will only spread the smell throughout the room. Only after the treated area has dried do we apply vinegar. Let's leave it for a while. Afterwards, sprinkle the area with baking soda and spray the powder with peroxide mixed with soap or dishwashing detergent from a spray bottle. We do not remove the resulting foam immediately - only after a few hours.

The result is no unpleasant traces in the air - neither from urine nor from vinegar.

Traditional methods

Cats really don't like water. No, there are times when cats love to swim, but when water is splashed in their face, there is hardly anyone who loves it. The number 1 folk remedy for returning a cat to the litter box is water. If your cat shits on your bed, then you need to pour water into a spray bottle, and as soon as the animal begins to poop on the bed for its needs, spray it with water . Those who have used this method claim that 1-2 times is enough for the cat to stop shitting on the bed.

If a cat sits in the wrong place on the floor or on a bed and “digs” a hole to relieve itself, you can clap your hands loudly .

If the cat uses a carpet instead of a tray, then first you should wash the carpet thoroughly, and then apply eucalyptus, or fir, or clove essential oil . It doesn’t matter, the main thing is that the smell is sharp and persistent.

stick double-sided tape in those places where the cat relieves itself . And when the cat wants to do this again, she is unlikely to succeed. The paws will stick to the tape, and the cat will feel confused and anxious. And, believe me, she won’t write there anymore.

Cats consider flower pots to be another favorite place for toileting. Wrap the flower pot in thick plastic so that the cat cannot climb into it . There is an easier way: temporarily put a plastic bag on the flower, cutting several holes for the stems. You can place a few orange or tangerine peels on the ground in a pot - cats hate the smell of citrus fruits. Well, don’t forget about the spray bottle: if you see that the cat is climbing into a flower pot, spray it immediately.

If after all the manipulations, your cat still continues to shit, “congratulations”: you got a cat that is unique in its stubbornness and character. And now you have only two options: either give your pet to someone more patient,

or sterilize . Neutered cats (females) do not take revenge and go to the toilet exclusively in their potty.


It is quite possible to solve this problem. There are a lot of proven means and methods. We decided ours easily, as soon as we understood the reason for the cat’s behavior. It turned out to be quite simple: since the cat was still young, she wanted to play. And usually this desire arose at a time when everyone was still fast asleep. We began to close the door to the room and leave it in the kitchen and in the hallway. She was angry that they didn’t let her in, and she made shit, but we scolded her and again didn’t let her in . This is such a vicious circle.

After we stopped closing the door from her and she started sleeping on the bed with us, the problem resolved itself. But, just in case, I sprayed the already marked areas with a special product. What if we offend her in some other way, and she wants to take revenge (to spoil things)….

Examples of different methods depending on location

Depending on the place where the cat goes to shit, different possible options should be used.

How to wean yourself so as not to shit in the corner

To do this, it is enough to first treat the surfaces of the corner and floor with the disinfectants listed above. Next you should apply a repellent spray.

On the floor

You can stick pieces of double-sided tape on the floor. The animal’s paws will stick, which will cause him bewilderment and discourage him from visiting such a place next time.

On the carpet

You should treat your carpet with citrus products. The shell of oranges and lemons, due to the content of essential oils, begins to repel the animal with its aroma.

And others

Misbehavior can be prevented by doing the following:

  • choose a toilet that your pet will like;
  • take into account the size of the animal when purchasing a tray;
  • place the tray in a secluded place with constant access;
  • the feeding area should be located away from the cat’s toilet;
  • there should be no strong odors in the vicinity of the tray;
  • You should wash the tray more often.
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