The cat does not eat or drink, lies constantly


What should an owner do if his cat doesn’t eat, just drinks water and sleeps? Firstly, be glad that the animal at least drinks. After all, cats are 70% water. If you reduce this rate, say, by 10%, death is guaranteed. And secondly, if the cat doesn’t eat anything and just sleeps, that’s also good. Sleep is sometimes the best medicine.

But, be that as it may, when a pet does not eat for several days, at this pace it can last up to a maximum of 5 days.

Cat's food needs

It is very important for cat owners to understand that these animals should never fast for more than 18 hours. It's all about the cat's liver. The metabolic processes of the gastrointestinal tract do not stop for a moment, and when the liver enzymes have nothing to break down, they begin to work with the fat that is in the body.

Good cat food

In a cat that starves for a long time, fatty degeneration of the liver (lipidosis) occurs quite quickly, which often leads to the death of the animal. Lipidosis is reversible if noticed in time. This disease can be diagnosed using liver ultrasound and blood tests.

Note! Overweight cats are at risk and are more prone to developing hepatic lipidosis.

Why doesn't my cat eat or drink for several days?

A pet may refuse food and water for a number of reasons. The most common reason is poor health. This is possible under stress, which is associated with a sudden change in environment, renovations, noisy parties, etc. Cats are very sensitive to any changes, so the body can react in a similar way.

In some cases, the problem is caused by unpalatable food. If there is a sudden change in diet, the pet may not react to this in the best way. Especially if the food is cheap and of poor quality. In this case, the problem can be solved very simply - you need to return to your usual diet.

A stressed cat may not eat or drink for several days.

Kittens may refuse food and water due to gastrointestinal disorders. The fact is that a small pet has a weak immune system, and any

Causes of loss of appetite and additional symptoms

The cat refuses to eat and sleeps all the time - the reasons for this condition can be very diverse. Lack of appetite is a serious symptom, which is preceded by changes in the body that are invisible to the owner. Sometimes an animal suddenly refuses to eat, but this only happens in acute pathologies, and then the question of why the cat does not eat does not arise - and so everything is clear.

The cat does not eat or drink after sterilization

Symptoms accompanying or preceding refusal to eat may be as follows:

  • diarrhea, blood or mucus in the stool;
  • worms in feces;
  • drooling, nausea (the cat will lick its lips frequently);
  • vomiting (undigested food, bile, water, foam);
  • strong foul odor from the mouth;
  • drowsiness, apathy, depression;
  • lack of urination or bloody urine;
  • vocalization (screams);
  • high temperature (normal – 38.5-39.0);
  • sores on the nose, lips, tongue and gums;
  • purulent discharge from the eyes and nose;
  • cough, sneezing;
  • abdominal pain;
  • injuries;
  • urine is bright orange or, on the contrary, transparent;
  • dental problems;
  • stress;
  • convulsions;
  • new food that the cat didn’t like.

Important! The complaint that the cat is lethargic and does not eat is the most common complaint when visiting a veterinary clinic. A cat can react to almost any disease by lack of appetite. Each case must be dealt with separately, without generalizing.

What can cause lack of appetite and refusal of water?

Gastrointestinal problems and other diseases

The main cause of gastrointestinal problems in domestic cats is poor diet. Owners often choose cheap dry food (economy class), which leads to digestive disorders and diseases of the liver, stomach and kidneys.

Unbalanced feeding of natural food will also have a detrimental effect on the cat’s health. It is difficult to choose the right home diet without the help of a veterinary nutritionist, but owners very rarely turn to this specialist.

Important! Usually, a nutritional problem can be solved by choosing a good, balanced cat food.

Inflammatory processes in the intestines and stomach

Gastritis (inflammation of the stomach) and enteritis (inflammation of the intestines) occurs for the following reasons:

  • infectious diseases: panleukopenia, coronavirus;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • poor nutrition;
  • injuries;
  • foreign body in the gastrointestinal tract.

Foreign body in the stomach or intestines

The main symptom of a foreign body in the gastrointestinal tract is uncontrollable vomiting. Appetite and thirst may be maintained, but the cat will vomit after each meal or water within 5-10 minutes. This is an emergency condition that requires immediate medical attention. A foreign body in the stomach and intestines is diagnosed using conventional x-rays and x-rays with contrast.

Foreign body in the throat

When something foreign gets stuck in the throat, the animal will try to cough it up and scratch its mouth and throat with its paws. A gag reflex may be present, the cat will burp, but nothing comes out of the stomach. The cat does not eat or drink water because a foreign body in the throat is bothering her.

If the object is not visible and you cannot remove it yourself, help will be provided at the clinic. A foreign body in the throat can be diagnosed using an x-ray.

Unfamiliar food or dirty bowl

Many cats are picky. They often refuse to eat if the smell seems unfamiliar. It is also worth paying attention to the cleanliness of your cat's dishes. People also find it unpleasant to eat from dirty plates - why is a cat worse?

A cat's nose is a landmark for a cat. A cat will not eat something that it thinks smells bad. And anything can smell unpleasant to a cat - some felines are very picky.

Important! You should not give stale old food that has expired.

Stressful situations for a cat or pain syndrome

When something unfamiliar appears in the house - be it an unfamiliar animal, a small child, new furniture, or even a new scent of perfume - cats become stressed and may stop eating. Often this is not visible. Owners sound the alarm when the animal does not come out to meet them or does not run to the sound of a rustling bag of food. They immediately assume that their cat is sick if he eats little and only lies down. It's all about stress: the animal is simply afraid.

Cats are prone to stress from fright

When suffering from pain, a cat does not show for a long time that something is wrong. The pain threshold of these animals is incredibly high; they can endure for a very long time. When the suffering is unbearable, the cat does not eat or drink, constantly lies down or looks for a secluded place to hide.

Hepatopathy (liver disease) can be acute or chronic. The liver is an amazing organ because it has the ability to independently repair its cells. The prognosis for most liver diseases is favorable.

Liver diseases:

  • liver neoplasm;
  • liver lipidosis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • hepatosis;
  • hepatitis;
  • cholelithiasis.

In case of chronic liver failure, the symptoms will be as follows:

  • vomiting of bile and undigested food;
  • periodic refusals to eat;
  • grayish feces;
  • dullness of coat;
  • deep orange urine;
  • lethargy, apathy.

Acute liver failure is characterized by:

  • frequent vomiting of bile;
  • refusal of food and water;
  • convulsions;
  • enlargement of the abdomen in the right hypochondrium;
  • yellowness of the mucous membranes;
  • sudden weight loss.

Important! For liver diseases, an accurate diagnosis can only be made by a veterinarian based on ultrasound and blood tests.

Kidney diseases

Kidneys are the body's natural filter. They filter the blood, producing urine. For diseases associated with the urinary system, the most common symptom is sudden weight loss of the animal. The cat refuses to eat due to intoxication, since the kidneys do not work at full capacity and do not sufficiently cleanse the blood. Decay products are not excreted and poison the body.

The outcome of such diseases depends on the stage of renal failure and often the prognosis is unfavorable simply because the disease was not noticed in time.

Cachexia in a cat

Anorexia in a cat (refusal to feed)

The cat itches, but there are no fleas, it constantly licks itself

Anorexia is an eating disorder. In cats, it manifests itself as refusal to eat or, conversely, excessive gluttony. In case of gluttony, it is necessary to control the portion that the pet eats, otherwise it will lead to obesity.

When hungry, cats refuse not only their usual food, but also any offered treats. The cat does not eat, only drinks water, is lethargic, his sides are sunken - any owner will sound the alarm. The thin appearance of your pet is very frightening.

The reasons for fasting may be the following:

  • stress;
  • enzyme deficiency;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas;
  • gastritis – inflammation of the stomach;
  • enteritis - inflammation of the intestines;
  • renal failure;
  • liver diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • pain syndrome;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • shock.

A healthy kitten is active and has a good appetite.

The kitten does not eat or drink, is lethargic and sleeps constantly when it arrives at its new home. This can only be the norm if the animal shows more and more interest in people and in the food bowl every day. If something in the behavior of a small cat is alarming, it is better to call the breeder or a veterinary clinic.

Important! Kittens should absolutely not go hungry. As a rule, they are not afraid of liver lipidosis, but babies lose glucose (blood sugar) very quickly. This can lead to hypoglycemic coma.

When does a cat, cat or kitten need urgent veterinary help?

Loss of appetite that lasts several days without signs of illness is not considered a pathology. Fasting is not dangerous if it lasts no more than a day in a kitten under six months of age, no more than 5 in an adult cat, no more than 2 in an animal with chronic diseases.

The help of a veterinarian is also necessary in cases where, in addition to lack of appetite, the following are observed:

  • increased body temperature;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • purulent and inflammatory processes on the skin and in the oral cavity;
  • blood in urine or stool.

You cannot do without a doctor if the onset of symptoms was preceded by injuries, burns, or poisoning with chemicals or toxic substances. Consultation with a veterinarian is required after bites from snakes, ticks, etc.

Sometimes it happens that a cat refuses food and water. This behavior can be alarming, especially if the pet has been eating well before. The cause can be both harmless provoking factors and serious diseases that require complex treatment. If your pet continues to refuse food and water, this is a rather alarming sign.

What to do if the cat is weak

A few simple steps will provide more information about your pet’s condition:

  • Temperature measurement. For cats, temperature is measured exclusively rectally. The nose is not an indicator of body temperature. An electronic thermometer is ideal for measuring. At temperatures below 37.0, it is better to place the animal on a heating pad and cover it.
  • Examination of mucous membranes. Normally, the oral mucosa should be pale pink and moist. White mucous is a reason to immediately take your cat to the clinic.
  • Inspection of the apartment before going to the veterinarian. You should pay attention to plants and household chemicals. Isn't this the reason for the animal's poor health? Scattered powder and some flowers can cause serious harm to the health of the furry one.

The cat constantly licks itself: reasons for strange behavior

If you can’t get to the clinic right away, then the best thing you can do at home is to create conditions for complete rest for the cat before visiting the doctor.

Note! Under no circumstances should you give your cat any medications without examination and prescriptions from a veterinarian. Self-medication can end very badly.

The cat constantly sleeps and is lethargic: normal or pathological

The cat constantly sleeps and is lethargic: normal or pathological

Long rest and lack of appetite to a certain extent are normal. If the cat has had a heavy dinner, he becomes drowsy. The normal duration of rest per day is 12-14 hours or more.

The cat does not have sweat glands, and cooling through an open mouth is not typical. Therefore, in hot weather, the pet protects itself from overheating by reducing muscle activity, and also stops consuming calories through food. A fruitful mating has a calming effect on the female, and she prefers to sleep.

At the beginning of pregnancy, a cat, like a woman, experiences toxicosis while the signs are still invisible. Protection against illness is fasting and sleep. In older pets and individuals with a phlegmatic psyche, idleness and poor appetite are normal.

The norm is considered to be drug-induced inhibition after taking sedatives or antihistamines, as well as the condition after surgery.

The cat owner should be alert to additional symptoms:

  • the desire to hide in a dark corner;
  • the pet stops licking itself or does it too often;
  • diarrhea and (or) vomiting develops;
  • shortness of breath, cough, discharge from the nose or eyes occurs;
  • muscle tremors appear;
  • increase in body temperature or drop below normal;
  • gums lose color.

Be sure to read: One eye of a cat is watering: reasons, what to do at home, medications and folk methods
If starvation and lethargy continue for more than two days, you need to see a veterinarian. Lack of appetite accompanied by cessation of drinking is a dangerous symptom.

What to do if the animal gets worse

If the cat is getting weaker and weaker every hour, all efforts must be put into finding a clinic. Fortunately, many of them work around the clock; doctors will provide assistance even late at night. The faster the cat is taken to the clinic, the greater the chance of recovery.

When you can't put off visiting a doctor

The following conditions are critical:

  • the cat refuses food for more than 18-20 hours;
  • uncontrollable vomiting, vomiting black (digested blood);
  • diarrhea mixed with dark blood, diarrhea “water”;
  • unnatural position - lying on the chest or on the back with outstretched paws;
  • “rag” state – the cat lies down and does not react to anything;
  • the cat began to lose weight sharply;
  • the cat began to breathe heavily, shortness of breath appeared after moderate exercise;
  • does not go to the toilet “in a big way” for more than two days;
  • the cat has difficulty getting up and has difficulty walking;
  • the cat began to cough and sneeze frequently, and only breathes through its mouth;
  • convulsions;
  • yellowness of the skin.

If you experience any of these symptoms, you need to act immediately. Thinking that “it will go away on its own” is negligence towards your pet.

Yellowness of the skin

How to help your pet at home?

In some cases, the problem can be dealt with at home. If the animal asks for food, but does not eat, it may not like the food or bowls that have not been washed for a long time. You need to offer your pet other food and wash the dishes. A cat may refuse to eat when it is hot; it must be taken to a cool place. Appetite often suffers during pregnancy, after operations and vaccinations performed under anesthesia, then nothing needs to be done.

Herbal sedatives are effective in treating stress: Kot Bayun, Bach drops, Fitex, Stop stress. They can be given during estrus, before a trip, a visit to the veterinarian, or the arrival of guests. If the depressed state persists for a long time, treatment with potent drugs is required. They are prescribed by a veterinarian; it is dangerous to use such products on your own.

Refusal of food, water, weakness and apathy are symptoms of many diseases, including life-threatening ones for animals and humans. The pet must be closely monitored. If other symptoms appear, attempts to cope with the situation at home may end in failure; you should urgently consult a veterinarian.

Prevention measures

As you know, the best treatment is prevention. Following these rules will save you from dangerous conditions:

  • annual vaccination against feline infections and rabies;
  • preventive deworming (medicines against worms are sold only in veterinary pharmacies);
  • medical examination of the cat every six months, which includes: examination by a doctor, biochemical and clinical blood tests, general analysis of feces and urine and ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • tidy home: tidy household items, pet-safe indoor plants, screens on windows, hidden small items/toys;
  • following doctor's recommendations;
  • water is freely available: if the cat drinks little, then the solution is a drinking fountain for cats;
  • timely sterilization and castration.

Cats love to chew on indoor plants

Animals need the care of their owners; their lives depend entirely on their owners. Pets will no longer be able to exist without humans. Your beloved cat will live longer if you give her more time and attention, including attention to her health.

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