Why do you dream about a cat giving birth?

Interpretation of sleep according to Miller's dream book

Gustav Miller is an American psychologist who lived and practiced in the mid-19th century. Compiled by one of the largest and most accurate dream books, the book contains 10 thousand variants of words and phrases. In addition to psychology, G. Miller was engaged in commerce and had high management positions. The symbiosis of a rational approach and philosophical thinking helped the author create his unique book based on many years of experience and analysis when interviewing several thousand people about their dreams and emotions at that time.

dream book cat lambed

Why do you dream that a cat is giving birth, according to Miller’s dream book? The book interprets such a dream as a symbol of anxiety; there is a high probability of imminent trouble. Most likely, a large stream of gossip and intrigue will pour out on the person who saw this dream, and he will have a strong enemy. At the same time, this dream is a warning for the sleeper himself, you should not do bad things towards people, as this will all result in negative consequences.

If you dream that a cat has given birth, it is recommended to be more attentive to the health and well-being of your children and family.

However, in the book there is a clarification that if the cat managed to scare or drive away, all the enemy’s machinations will be in vain.

What if you dream about a cat lambing?

So in the dream book of the famous esotericist Tsvetkov, the designated image is given a negative meaning, because if a person happened to see a lambing cat in a dream, then in reality he will be faced with continuous squabbles and scandals. Sometimes this dream speaks of an unfavorable outcome of some important matter for the dreamer or the implementation of insidious plans that spiteful critics have been hatching against him for a long time. In the Wanderer's dream book, a vision of kittens is regarded as a sign of severe irritation that a sleeping person will experience in reality. It is noteworthy that the reason for these feelings will be some minor everyday troubles, however, the outcome of rapidly developing events can take on a very explosive nature.

The authors of the Everyday Dream Book strongly recommend paying attention to the color of the droppings, on which, in their opinion, the interpretation of night vision depends. And if the dreamer noticed that during lambing the cat gave birth to white fluffy kittens, then we can assume that his significant other is not at all who he claims to be. “A wolf in sheep’s clothing” is how this dream can be briefly interpreted, so the dreamer who sees it should be extremely careful with his life partner in the near future. Dirty, skinny and sick kittens are a sign that the dreamer attaches too much importance to material wealth, not noticing true values, and that such an attitude towards life will sooner or later play a cruel joke on him.

Dream Interpretation of Smirnov

Terenty Smirnov, working under the pseudonym Wanderer, is a professional psychologist who studies various spiritual, religious and magical traditions. In addition to compiling an interpretive book, he practices oriental medicine, mantras, yoga, fire walking, and bathing in the winter season.

Judging by his dream book, the cat lambed as a sign that it was worth paying close attention to work. Otherwise, being distracted by household and love affairs, you can miss important tasks and an upcoming promotion. Also, a cat that has given birth can mean a probable betrayal of the other half. It is important to foresee and prevent this moment.

If a cat brings dead offspring, according to Smirnov’s dream book, this symbolizes that the problems that arise will be within the capabilities of the sleeping person, and he will easily cope with them.

I dreamed that a cat gave birth

What does a calving cat portend?

A huge number of kittens born during the lambing process foreshadow a whole series of minor troubles, the solution of which will take a lot of strength and energy from the sleeping person, at one point causing him to completely despair and give up. However, you should not rush to get scared ahead of time, because we are not talking about something terrible and irreversible, and after the black stripe, sooner or later the white stripe will definitely begin, after which the dreamer will be able to breathe a sigh of relief and straighten his shoulders again. The black color of the fur of a cat and her newborn kittens indicate the dark sides of the sleeper’s soul, which force him to commit bad deeds and move along the wrong path.

If the cat that was lambing had snow-white fur, despite the fact that its newborns were black as night, then it is possible that the dreamer is tormented by burning envy, which completely poisons his existence. Sometimes dreams of this kind indicate the problem of fathers and children that exists in the dreamer’s real life and acute misunderstandings within the family, which will be almost impossible to eliminate. In addition, the variegated color of newborn kittens may indicate the changeability of the character of the sleeping person, which causes all his relatives and friends to seriously suffer.

Lambed or rolled?

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Nostradamus is a famous French doctor, pharmacist and alchemist, but the scientist became famous as an astrologer and fortune teller. From 1555 AD he began annually publishing astrological almanacs with predictions. Contemporaries often reproached him for the inaccuracy of predictions, and some for a complete lack of any knowledge in astrology at all. Because of his activities, he was persecuted by the authorities, but, however, after predicting the death of King Henry II, he gained fame and recognition at the royal court.

Why do you dream that a cat has lambed, according to Nostradamus’ dream book? Its interpretation is also negative. Such a dream can mean future troubles: crop failure, drought, disaster. But when considering the interpretation from this dream book, you need to remember that its interpretation is somewhat outdated.

Vanga's Dream Book

The name of the Bulgarian soothsayer is known to every person. In addition to interpreting dreams, she was engaged in predictions, searching and treating people. According to her relatives, she derived her visions from conversations with the souls of the dead.

Vanga’s interpreter also contains an explanation of why one dreams that a cat is giving birth. The dream means that from one big problem that is not resolved in time, several small ones may appear, which over time will bring a lot of trouble. First of all, these troubles will arise at work. You should expect intrigue from your colleagues; someone will want to take the place of the person seeing the dream. But this dream can also mean a deterioration in family relationships. You need to pay close attention to your significant other and children.

Unseen circumstances

This interpretation takes place if you do not have an animal and you do not expect the cat to have kittens.
Finding her in your room on your bed is a big surprise in your intimate life or illness. The dream book can interpret such a dream as a slowdown in business, various troubles and a new turn in household chores. For a girl, such a dream may mean that she will soon learn a lot of interesting news or that circumstances will not be what she wants. If a cat gave birth to kittens right on her bed, then very soon the girl will learn unpleasant news about her loved one, which will greatly disappoint her or force her to rethink her life plans. If you dreamed of a lot of kittens in a dream, expect a lot of trouble and fuss. Sometimes such a dream means a communal accident, that you will have to put aside your affairs and plans, since you will need to babysit a small child or tinker with other people’s children.

For a married woman, a dream that a cat has given birth to kittens means troubles and small matters and problems. Sometimes they may have to do with her own babies or fuss. In any case, you will have to postpone plans for vacation or important events due to difficult life circumstances and troubles. Sometimes such a dream means unexpected news about someone’s pregnancy or the birth of a child, which will greatly surprise you.

For a man, a dream in which a cat gave birth to many kittens is interpreted by the dream book as a sign of troubles and surprises associated with his own children. Most likely, you will have to sort out some kind of mess or do something that is unpleasant to you initially. These troubles will have to be done because of the wife, her departure or illness. But in any case, you will have to forget about rest and relaxation for a while.

Dream Interpretation of N. Stepanova

Natalya Stepanova is one of the few modern soothsayers who is known along with Vanga. She is the author of numerous books and began her writing career even before perestroika. She also treats patients using white magic. One of the books is an interpreter, which contains thousands of interpretations of various variations of dreams.

Why do you dream that a cat has lambed?

If you believe this dream book, if a cat lambs, personal problems will arise. You should also expect gossip and gossip around the person watching the vision. Envious people, if you do not rebuff them in time, can significantly damage your career and also bring discord into family life. It is better to wait with important projects and serious changes in life. It is recommended to enlist the support of an influential person.

The cat gave birth. There are no kittens.

Hello! My pet and I have a problem. The cat gave birth to four kittens last night, they had to be born. drown. This is very cruel (thank God, it wasn’t me who drowned). The cat lay all night in the place where she gave birth. Now she is very sad, sad, constantly turns to the wall and begins to tug at the blanket with her claws, and also make some movements with her paws. It is clear that she is very sad. Not a single kitten left. The cat doesn’t want to go eat, but she just ate when I brought it to her. rnrnTell me, how long will it take for all this to go away, when will your mood and behavior be restored? What harm could this cause? What to do and how to help the cat? How to feed after all this?

The cat had to be castrated, since they didn’t want to deal with kittens.

Re: re: The cat gave birth. There are no kittens.

21.10.10 12:39

The cat had to be castrated, since they didn’t want to deal with kittens.

Many people say that castration is harmful. Therefore, I cannot judge for sure.

Re: re: re: The cat gave birth. There are no kittens.

21.10.10 12:43

Of course, it’s not harmful for a cat to spend her energy on bearing kittens. Earning inflammation through empty heats is also very good, I’m generally silent about hormonal pills! Before you take on such responsibility, at least read the information and talk to competent veterinarians. Any normal person will tell you that a non-breeding cat that will not be bred should be neutered in order to avoid a huge number of health problems.

Good afternoon If there is milk, then to stop lactation, give the drug Galastop. Feed the cat as usual, while the appetite is reduced, give subcutaneous glucose 5% 50 ml 1 r/day, vitamins - you can gamavit, catozal 0.5-1.0 ml 1 r/day subcutaneously. Measure the temperature. Rectally, the norm is 37.5-39.0. If the cat’s condition worsens, be sure to contact the clinic. Whenever possible, sterilize your cat.

Re: re: The cat gave birth. There are no kittens.

21.10.10 12:55

Good afternoon If there is milk, then to stop lactation, give the drug Galastop. Feed the cat as usual, while the appetite is reduced, give subcutaneous glucose 5% 50 ml 1 r/day, vitamins - you can gamavit, catozal 0.5-1.0 ml 1 r/day subcutaneously. Measure the temperature. Rectally, the norm is 37.5-39.0. If the cat’s condition worsens, be sure to contact the clinic. Whenever possible, sterilize your cat.

Why does a woman dream of a cat giving birth to kittens?

It is worth noting that the interpretation of a dream differs depending on the gender of the person. If a woman dreamed that a cat lambed, most likely a clever and cunning rival will appear in her life. Intrigues and intrigues at work are also likely due to the fact that someone is jealous of a woman’s external characteristics.

If a cat gives birth to a young girl in a dream, she should be more attentive to her reputation. A wrong word or a misinterpreted deed can dishonor her honor.

Why do you dream that a cat is giving birth?

If a married woman has a similar dream, she needs to more closely monitor her other half. An unfamiliar fluffy one that has brought offspring means the emergence of a rival that has already firmly established its position.

Teenage dreams

If a teenager dreamed that a domestic or unfamiliar cat suddenly lambed, then great surprise and trouble await him. Circumstances will turn out completely differently than you expected, so after such a dream, expect stunning news. For guys, seeing that an unfamiliar cat has given birth to kittens means receiving news from the girl they love or becoming a victim of deception or blackmail.
Perhaps you will learn about affairs and concerns related to her, her environment and various people that will turn out to be unpleasant. It is possible that her relatives are simply tying her hands, limiting her freedom in various ways. Or, on the contrary, about the girl’s too free behavior, her engagement, imminent wedding or pregnancy. The more kittens there were in the dream, the greater the surprise. In some dreams, a pregnant cat even means female blackmail.

If a girl dreamed that a cat gave birth to kittens, then the dream book writes that this is an unexpected news or incident. It is possible that the unexpected arrival of guests with small children or a difficult domestic situation will force her to temporarily postpone her fatal plans to win a man’s heart. Sometimes kittens dream of surprise and news that will force you to quickly make a decision and reconsider your life plans for the future. The dream book writes that the news about the guy of the heart may be unexpected - from his new hobby and strange inclinations to the pregnancy of a certain person from him. It is quite possible that an accidentally overheard conversation or some information will force her to change her plans and try to look at love in a new way.

Sometimes the dream book writes that, quite unexpectedly, you will be offered to meet another person who is completely uninteresting at first, but over time the relationship will develop into real feelings.

The bride dreams of a cat that gives birth to troubles and troubles. It is possible that the wedding will be postponed for some reason and will not take place.

Sometimes the dream book writes that the marriage will be unhappy and will bring a lot of trouble and little joy. In some dream books, such a dream means widowhood and many children.

The influence of cat color on the interpretation of sleep

If a person dreams of a white cat, he should think about his attitude towards his loved ones. The subject is too absorbed in his thoughts and ideas, so there is little time left for his family, which inevitably leads to problems.

White cat

Why do you dream that a black cat is giving birth? First of all, such a dream is dangerous for women. After all, it means that she has a cunning rival, a lady with good appearance and excellent knowledge of psychology.

Also, a dream about a red cat that has given birth does not bode well. For business people, this may mean problems in business, disagreements with long-time partners. Most likely, this is the machinations of competitors and, if you know the source, it can be prevented in advance.

Tri-color and red color

But if an unmarried girl has such a dream, they want to set her at odds with her current boyfriend. It is possible that the ill-wisher is in the closest circle of friends.

A tricolor cat in dreams indicates to their owner that he works a lot, and his household misses him and needs attention.

Caesarean section in cats

Often pathological childbirth or childbirth with complications ends in a cesarean section - an operation whose purpose is to remove fetuses retained in the uterus with excision of the abdominal wall and uterus. Only a doctor can make the right decision about prescribing such an operation, and only if all “manual” and medicinal interventions remain unsuccessful.

Will a cat be able to feed her kittens after abdominal surgery?

Yes! The operation itself does not in any way affect the functions of lactation and feeding, even with sutures. There is no need to artificially feed the babies unless the mother is prescribed a course of antibiotics.

The veterinarian who performed the operation will tell you how to organize everything correctly. If you still have questions or doubts, log in or register on a forum where cat lovers have had similar problems.

There are many people who are ready to share their own secrets about caring for mothers and babies after excision, because... Such operations are used, alas, often. And this operation is not always directly related to childbirth or the postpartum complicated period, as many people think.

Interpretation of sleep depending on the appearance and number of babies

It is impossible to say unequivocally why you dream that a cat is giving birth, since the symbolization of the dream is also influenced by what her babies looked like and how many there were.

If the offspring is numerous, businessmen should expect trickery and betrayal from long-time partners in their business. For people working in an organization, this is a sign that their career ladder will be shaken and their work plans will not come true. You cannot trust the advice of your colleagues too much; most likely, it is prompted by envy.

Numerous offspring

But the interpretation will have a positive connotation if kittens are born dead in a dream. Then all ill-wishers will be defeated, the gossip of their colleagues will have a bad impact on themselves, and the person who had the dream will soon win a major victory.

If in a dream a cat gave birth to living offspring, but then some person killed them, you should expect the help of an influential person.

Cat behavior towards kittens

Seeing the process of giving birth to a cat in a dream is a sign that a person will have to make efforts to solve problems. Moreover, the longer and harder the lambing occurs, the more strength will be required from the person.

If in a dream a cat licks kittens that have already been born safely, in reality everything will work out in the most favorable way. At some point, it will seem to a person that he did nothing, and got what he wanted, and the problems were solved by themselves. This dream often comes when in real life it seems as if there is an endless black streak in which there is no light. But in reality, a dream gives a signal to a person to rest, try to get distracted, and not dwell on troubles, and then his life will return to normal.

An extremely unpleasant dream is one in which a cat ate its kittens. Such a plot foreshadows that the solution to problems that a person has chosen is fundamentally wrong and can only aggravate the situation. This dream is a warning that it is necessary to urgently stop all activities, otherwise a person risks making the problem unsolvable. A serious sign is a dream in which kittens are eaten by a white cat. It means that the treatment that a person is currently taking not only does not work, but also has a detrimental effect on the body.

Seeing dead kittens is a painful solution to one or another issue. The problem will find a solution, but the person will need time to recover from it. Often such dreams appear to a person before a breakup, the end of a difficult love relationship, when people cause each other constant moral (and sometimes physical) pain, but are unable to be apart. In this case, the dream foreshadows that a breakup cannot be avoided, and a person needs to mentally prepare for it.

For the interpretation of the dream, it matters why the kittens died. Dead newborn kittens, dreamed of in blood, symbolize a situation in which a person will have no choice but to resolve this or that issue as painfully as possible. In some cases, this dream requires a person to give up a serious addiction, in particular a destructive bad habit (most often we are talking about narcotic substances, and not about banal smoking). If the problem is a lack of mutual understanding with a close friend, the person will have to stop communicating, and this will be the only way to maintain at least a friendly relationship.

If you dream of kittens in water, this means that a person is faced with a choice. An immediate solution to a serious problem will entail suffering and pain, but avoiding a solution will force a person to make a choice later. Next time, maybe you will be lucky and the decision will not be so painful, but the opposite may happen.

If in a dream a cat starts playing with kittens, one of his relatives or friends will help a person solve the problem. According to Miller’s dream book, this dream suggests that at the moment there is no need to reject anyone’s help, since people offer it sincerely, and they have the power to help a person.

Probability of dreams coming true depending on the day of the week

In a dream, a cat gives birth to kittens. Why do you dream about such a plot? There can be many interpretations, their options depend on the situation in a person’s real life. But will what is predicted come true? It depends on the days between which this night is located.

  1. Dreams from Sunday to Monday are rarely prophetic; if in a dream a person sees a bad situation or event, they simply reflect the internal depressive state of the sleeper, but you should not expect troubles in reality. During this period, the kingdom of dreams belongs to the Moon; it only sends subtle clues. But you shouldn’t neglect them; in the future they will be able to help you make decisions when making difficult choices. However, for people born on Monday, the likelihood of a prophetic dream increases.
  2. Dreams from Monday to Tuesday fall on Mars. Dreams during this period are distinguished by their brightness and emotionality. They are most often prophetic, but the timing of fulfillment can vary - from several days to several years. Patron Mars always calls for decisive actions, but they must be carefully weighed, even if the dream promises favorable changes.
  3. From Tuesday to Wednesday - dreams during this period are distinguished by their incoherence; events in them will change at high speed. Most often, dreams are just a prism; it reflects what worries a person, visualizes his dreams and memories. Wednesday is ruled by Mercury. He is an accurate oracle; dreams most often come true during this period. But if you do something in opposition, the prediction will not come true. Therefore, bad dreams can be prevented.
  4. Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday promise serious changes in life. This could be changes in your personal life or at work. The main rule is that the dream must be remembered in detail. If a person forgets it, the prediction will not come true. Thursday is patronized by Jupiter, he bestows dreams of high spiritual power.
  5. Dreams from Thursday to Friday most often come true. Their execution time is from 1 day. The most accurate and prophetic dream is what happened in the morning, when the soul got rid of daytime impressions and sees phenomena of the other world. In order for what you see in a dream to happen in real life, you cannot tell it to anyone until it comes true. Friday's patron is Venus.
  6. Dreams from Friday to Saturday give clues and are often fateful. It is important to trust not only what you see, but also your feelings. The patron of Saturday is Saturn.
  7. Visions from Saturday to Sunday help you see the reality of your plans for the future. It is necessary to remember not only all actions and details, but also conversations, if any. Dreams seen on Sunday night come true within 12 hours. Patron - Sun.

We hope you can now decipher your dream.

Signs of the onset of labor

The first time labor usually makes itself felt 24 hours before the onset of contractions. In experienced cats, clear signs appear 1-4 hours before labor. The beginning of the process depends not only on the age of the pet, but also on individual characteristics.

When kittens open their eyes: how many days after birth

The first signs of impending birth:

  • decreased appetite. The cat begins to drink a lot, in addition to water, prefers milk and broth;
  • the cat is lethargic and almost constantly lies in the box;
  • Before the onset of contractions, you may notice active movement in the abdomen. Thus, the kittens try to take the most comfortable position for birth. This sign is often noticeable already 1-2 days before birth in representatives of large breeds (for example, Maine Coon);
  • active licking of the genitals. In this way, the cat cleanses the organ to prevent the development of infections in kittens;
  • About an hour before giving birth, the cat's birth plug comes off. Usually it is not difficult to notice, since it resembles a white-pink clump;
  • before starting the process, the temperature is reduced to 37 °C. Experts recommend monitoring this indicator to prevent bleeding during and after childbirth;
  • by the time of childbirth, the nipples swell as much as possible, and if pressure is applied to them, colostrum will appear;
  • 5-6 hours before birth, false contractions may appear. In this case, the cat behaves restlessly, often hunching over, and meowing. The process helps the kittens to finally prepare for birth, and the vascular system of the uterus to contract in a timely manner;
  • the main and main sign of the onset of labor is the breaking of water. They can leave either a few hours before or at the birth of the first kitten.

After the first signs begin to appear, it is necessary to monitor the behavior and condition of the cat. In this case, the owner will not miss the process itself and, if necessary, will come to the rescue.

Important! It is necessary to ensure that the cat does not go to give birth in an unsuitable place where access to her will be limited.

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