The shelves of pet stores are replete with many types of industrial ready-made professional food for cats. Many of them,
7087Administration Domestic cats are not only pets of familiar breeds. Manul cat at home
Japan is a country where there are a sufficient number of felinological clubs and cat lovers clubs. Them
Origin story The appearance of these good-natured bumpkins in the arena of felinology is associated with a huge scandal. A
What wet food to buy for a cat The first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing
History of origin Scythian Tai Don - almost an exact copy of the Siamese cat, only more miniature
Keeping a Celtic cat Animals adapt to any, even Spartan, conditions. EKSH are neat, clean and
What are ear mites? Ear mites are microscopic ectoparasites. Adults have a body length
4.1 / 5 (11 votes) The choice of nickname does not always depend on the owner.
Why do cats scream during estrus? Estrus is a regular process in the life of any unsterilized cat.