Liquid food for cats - rating of the best: Review + Video

What wet food to buy for a cat

The first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing wet food for your pet is its composition. The packaging must list all the ingredients included in the formula. In economy class feed, the protein content is reduced, and in addition to meat, by-products are added to the composition. The higher the protein content and the better its quality, the better the food is considered.

Chicken is not recommended for cats prone to allergies. It is better for them to buy canned fish, turkey or lamb.

Rice is the most common carbohydrate. It is nutritious and has a good effect on the digestive process. But corn, soy, flavorings and flavor enhancers are undesirable. They are difficult to digest and often cause food intolerances. The amount of preservatives is determined by the shelf life of the product. The shorter it is, the fewer stabilizing components it contains.

After castration and sterilization, diets with reduced calorie content are recommended to reduce the likelihood of your pet gaining excess weight. Also in these feeds the amount of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus is reduced, the excess of which leads to urolithiasis.

Owners of long-haired cats are recommended diets rich in fatty acids and aimed at improving the condition of the skin and coat.


From the reviews of veterinarians it follows that an important parameter when choosing wet bark is the country of manufacture (Denmark, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, USA). And it doesn’t matter that most types can be obtained to order and the pet will have to wait until a holistic specialist is brought to him. But this food can be eaten by a person himself, so take it for yourself right away: Cimiao Delicious, Chicken Soup for the Soul, Indoor (Royal Canin must not be produced in Russia), Innova Cat and Kitten. The premium class is represented by Happy Cat, Purina Pro Plan, Akana, Bosch, Hills food.

The customer review site (54 people) recommends “simply wonderful”, “masterpiece”, “the best possible”, “the envy of your pet” among liquid cat food. A rich assortment of canned food and packages, natural ingredients, and a reasonable price (100 g – 100 rubles) will appeal to both picky eaters and as rehabilitation nutrition.

Pros and cons of wet food

There are three types of cat food. One is based on the consumption of natural food, which the person himself eats. The other two are commercial dry and wet food that are sold in pet stores.

Rating of wet food for cats 2021: which liquid food is better, advice from veterinarians

Cat health is the result of proper nutrition

Pros of wet food

Main advantages:

  • Diet variety. High-quality food can be made from meat, poultry or fish, and also contain additives in the form of crab meat, shrimp, vegetables and fruits. You should only experiment with exotic treats if your cat is not allergic.
  • Source of protein and fat. A cat's diet should include plenty of protein and fat to meet the animal's needs.
  • Large amount of moisture. Dry food is only 10% moisture, so it is important to make sure your cat drinks enough water. When feeding moist (wet) food, which is 75% water, this is not necessary.
  • Nutrients and taste appeal. Liquid cat food is less heat-processed. This retains more nutrients and has less impact on taste.
  • Portioning. One sachet of wet product is designed for a single meal for an adult cat weighing 5-7 kg.
  • Preventing overeating. Cats eat less when fed high-protein wet food, as it helps keep your pet well-fed.

Rating of wet food for cats 2021: which liquid food is better, advice from veterinarians

Cat obesity as a result of overeating

Note! For sterilized cats, the number of kilocalories in the diet changes.


There are fewer disadvantages to wet food than disadvantages:

  • Price. Costs more than dry.
  • Deterioration of the oral cavity. Long-term use leads to bad breath. Because the texture of the food is soft, it does not work as a toothbrush and does not prevent plaque and tartar buildup. In this case, the owner must monitor the cat’s oral hygiene himself using a special toothbrush and toothpaste.
  • Perishable product. Wet food in a bag or bowl can stand at room temperature for no more than two hours, after which the contents are no longer suitable for feeding.

Veterinarians do not recommend basing your cat's diet solely on wet food. Only a combination of dry and wet gives a diet as close as possible to natural in nature.

Feeds are ranked by class: from economy to super premium. The difference comes down to the composition of the canned food for cats - the quality rating is presented below.

Important! You should not mix food from different manufacturers.

Comparison of wet and dry food

Wet food is produced in pieces in gravy, which is why it is called that, while dry food is produced in solid form.

Here are the advantages and disadvantages of each type of food:

WetLess caloric due to higher water contentExpensive
Good tasteUsed up faster due to low calorie content
Big choiceLess stored
They often contain useful additives – vegetables, vitamins, etc.Can't buy by weight
DrySold by weightChronic use may cause urolithiasis
A large assortmentAddictive in cats
Quickly satisfy hungerSometimes cheap food contains harmful additives
Does not spoil if left in a plate for a long time
Can be stored outside the refrigerator

To summarize, we can say that the best choice would be to alternate between different types of feed. On the road it will be most convenient to be dry, and at home – wet.

Types of hypoallergenic food

Allergies vary from person to person, and cats can react to a variety of foods. Therefore, several groups are distinguished among hypoallergenic foods.

  1. Gluten-free or grain-free. Very often, allergies in cats are caused by gluten, so this group of foods is the most common. This element is found in wheat, corn and other grains. Accordingly, grain-free food either does not contain plant proteins at all, or rice and oats are added instead.
  2. Allergies are often caused by animal protein found in red meat or chicken. Therefore, hypoallergenic food is made based on other easily digestible types of meat: duck, rabbit, turkey, fish. There are foods with one type of meat - monoprotein.
  3. If your pet is lactose sensitive, you should choose a food that is labeled “limited ingredients.”

Advice! Cats with food allergies are recommended to be fed at least premium food. This is due to the fact that the quality of raw materials in such feeds is much better.

Both dry and wet food have their advantages and disadvantages. To choose the best food for your pet, you should take into account its age and individual needs. It would be a good idea to consult a veterinarian.

Rating of wet cat food

When selecting products suitable for this TOP, we relied on reviews from cat owners and the opinions of veterinarians. When analyzing them, we took into account many points:

  • Release form - pouches or canned food;
  • Smell and taste;
  • Natural composition and its diversity;
  • Content of useful vitamins, minerals and acids;
  • Issue volume;
  • Availability and price;
  • Cats' reaction to food;
  • Calorie content;
  • Purpose – for what age, weight and breed is it suitable;
  • Humidity level;
  • Benefits for cats' health.

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Video - Why do we need wet food? Which is better?

Choosing canned food for a cat is not as simple a task as it might initially seem. Before purchasing, you need to analyze not only the composition of the food, but also its characteristics in order to decide whether this product is suitable for your pet. Having studied the rating of the best and high-quality canned food for cats, you can easily decide which diet will be most useful and suitable for a particular cat. When choosing wet food, you also need to remember that its share in the diet, according to veterinarians’ advice, should be about 25%, and there should always be a container of clean drinking water next to the bowl.

Best Wet Food for Neutered Cats

This category of wet cat food rating includes two food items, each of which is of high quality and safe for animals. This product should not contain many calories to avoid the accumulation of fatty tissue in your pet.

Royal Canin Neutered Weight Balance

...I have been giving this food to my cat for six months or more, he is already old, he is more than 5 years old. His body reacts normally, diarrhea does not occur, as with many other foods... Expert opinion

The popularity of this cat food is due to its naturalness, safety for a neutered animal and low calorie content. The pet does not recover very much from it and does not get used to this diet even for a long time due to the absence of harmful additives. Taking it minimizes the likelihood of crystal formation in the urinary tract. The maximum daily intake is from 200 to 670 g, depending on the weight of your pet.


  • Low carbohydrates and high proteins;
  • High concentration of fatty acids;
  • High content of antioxidants;
  • Made from pure poultry and pork with the addition of liver;
  • Does not spread;
  • Nice smell.


  • High price;
  • It is not always sold in ordinary supermarkets.

Canned food Perfect Fit Sterile for neutered cats, chicken in sauce

Judging by the reaction of cats, this is one of the most delicious wet cat foods in the rating, produced in pouches. It smells like cold cuts and is actually over 50% meat. The rest is taken up by natural by-products and grains, vitamins and minerals. This combination allows the animal not only to quickly fill up, but also to fully satisfy the body’s needs for nutrients. 100 g of product contains 68 kcal, so there can be no talk of fat in it. Its main advantage is the ability to use immediately after castration.


  • Prepared without adding soy;
  • Does not contain GMOs;
  • No dyes used;
  • Inexpensive;
  • Small pieces;
  • Can be given at different ages;
  • Maintains normal urine pH levels.


  • Cannot be kept open for a long time.

Canned food “Perfect Fit Sterile” does not bother cats for a long time, but when trying to switch them to another food, problems usually do not arise.

Helpful tips when choosing

When choosing liquid food, consider the following:

  • — minimum premium purchase;
  • — canned food from tin industrial containers should be placed in a glass or plastic container with a lid; possible oxidation of the food can lead to food poisoning and disorder;
  • - open spiders and canned food are eaten and stored for 2 days;
  • — an opened spider quickly becomes weathered and loses all its beneficial properties within 1-2 hours;
  • - the first signs of unsuitable nutrition - itching, diarrhea, vomiting - their presence leads to the need to change food. If the cat stops eating liquid food, the owner will have to replace it.

All cats eat wet food with great pleasure. When the time comes for the transition to “table” natural food, the owner is faced with a problem - the pet is not ready for regular food and is accustomed to canned food.

Just stop buying and putting it from a jar into a bowl, wait (3-4 days) for him to start eating natural food. Do not give in to the cat and hold your line; the animal will definitely change its eating habits. Wet food can also be prepared at home. To do this, you can finely chop or grate lean chicken or turkey meat, pour in a small amount of boiling water and wait 10 minutes; if there is a side dish of rice or buckwheat left, add it. Once it cools down, you can serve it. If you don’t have time to prepare at all, you should buy baby meat or fish food (70 rubles per 100 g) - it is without spices, salt and completely safe.

Types of wet food for kittens

  1. Mousse. The manufacturer grinds the components until smooth. The mousse has a light texture and airiness. These foods are ideal for small kittens who are just weaning off their mother's milk. They will not cause digestive upset even in animals with pathologies.
  2. Pate. The ingredients are crushed, but the texture is coarser than mousse.
    Pates are also good for small kittens. They put more strain on the gastrointestinal tract, but do not cause further upset due to getting used to the soft consistency. Pates contain less liquid than mousses.
  3. Chopped meat. In the case of economy-class feed, this is not full-fledged meat, but compressed fibers that are more reminiscent of soybeans. Whole pieces can be given to older kittens (after 4-6 weeks) who can already chew.
  4. Lump canned food. They are a coarser variation of wet food. Can be used at the final stage before transferring to granules.

It is not recommended to give your kitten too soft mousses all the time, because... this will lead to problems with food selection in the future.

Classes of wet food for kittens

There is no single official division.

Conventionally, there are 4 classes of food: economy, premium, superpremium and holistic.

Let's look at each category separately.

Economy class food is the worst among ready-made diets. Cheap raw materials are used in their production. Most often this is waste: feathers, bones, beaks, etc. The proportion of meat is minimal, most of the composition is occupied by water and grains. These foods can only be called nutritious: they contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, but they are practically not digestible. Kittens should not be given such diets, as they can provoke the development of pathologies.

Economy class wet food Whiskas

Economy-class food does not allow the kitten’s gastrointestinal tract to develop normally, which is why it cannot subsequently eat high-quality diets or has difficulty switching to them.

Premium food is not much different from budget products. The meat content in them reaches 20% instead of 10%, but this is still not enough. In general, the quality of raw materials leaves much to be desired, but there are some acceptable items. These can be whole chicken carcasses, fish oil or good offal - liver, lung, hearts, etc. However, premium food is also not suitable for regular nutrition.

Hill's wet food for kittens

A distinctive feature of premium food is aggressive advertising, due to which many pet owners mistakenly consider diets in this category to be the best.

Super premium diets are a more acceptable option. Among them there are grain-free pates and pouches. If the composition contains vegetables and fruits, then their variety is indicated. The share of herbal supplements is lower. Manufacturers use high-quality raw materials and specify their type. Super premium feeds do not contain such common names as “bird”, “fish”, etc.

Leonardo super premium wet food

The cost of super premium food often does not exceed the price of premium diets, but in terms of quality the difference is colossal.

Holistics are elite diets that contain only the best products. If this is a fish, then it must be raised in the wild. If it's a bird, then it's free-range. No hormones are used in raising animals. Herbal ingredients are minimally processed. The information indicated on the packaging is always true, as confirmed by Roskachestvo research.

Holistic for kittens Applaws

Holistic products are almost impossible to purchase in pet stores; they have to be ordered online, but it’s worth it


Economy class has aggressive advertising, but almost zero nutritional value. Most representatives contain sugars, dyes and potentially dangerous preservatives. Often the proportion of fat is lower than stated, which can cause disorders of the nervous system and weakness in kittens. Such foods most often contain more grains and water than meat, so their presence on the menu is impractical. Economy class recipes do not meet the natural needs of pets.

Economy class food

Economy class food is easy to recognize: most brands can be seen on TV screens and on the shelves of hypermarkets.

Systematic feeding of low-quality feed is fraught with many problems. After eating such foods, kittens often refuse other food. I don’t know what manufacturers add to wet food, but I personally had the opportunity to wean my pet off Whiskas and Friskies diets. I gave them to my kitten unknowingly until I visited the veterinarian for preventive vaccination. My pet starved for 3 days, but did not approach the food bowl until he realized that I would not give him any other food. This is despite the fact that I did not switch it abruptly, but mixed different foods. Judging by other people's reviews, I was lucky. Many people experience problems with the bladder, kidneys and pancreas after eating economy food.


The most popular and advertised food. Its price suits the owners, but veterinarians advise avoiding such food. These foods have high nutritional value and are also affordable – that’s where their advantages end. Among the disadvantages, the high content of wheat, which in itself is a strong allergen for cats, the almost complete absence of meat (no more than 5%) and its dubious origin stand out.

Our Brand

One of the best economy-class food, sometimes classified as premium. They have a high percentage of animal protein in their category, a low price, and contain a prebiotic. The main disadvantage is the basis of the feed. This is corn, which is considered a strong cat allergen. The second significant drawback is bird meal.

Felix Appetizing pieces

The food is distinguished by the absence of cereals and its relatively low price. At the same time, it is made from by-products and processed meat products of questionable quality, and contains dyes and sugars.


Premium class, despite the name, is little better than budget food. It differs from the latter in its increased meat content: on average 10–20% versus 4%. Considering that in most cases, not fillets are used, but whole carcasses or, even worse, mixtures of unclaimed offal, the share of high-quality proteins is actually lower. Many premium kitten foods contain grains. Sometimes there are exceptions, but then other products act as filler.

Royal Canin is a classic representative of the premium class and, despite the assurances of the manufacturer and representatives, this food should not be given to a kitten

Premium class is conditionally suitable for feeding kittens, but these diets are best avoided. A friend of mine gave her kitten Royal Canin spiders. This is a well-known brand that is famous for its healing diets, so many people trust it. At first everything was fine, but closer to the year the cat was diagnosed with urolithiasis. And this is far from the only problem that animal owners may face. Most often, pets develop allergies to bird protein and grains.

Dr. Clauder's Anti Struvit diet

The food is intended for the prevention of urolithiasis. The composition contains a high percentage of protein, and among cereals - only rice. A significant disadvantage is the high cost in its category.


Canned food produced by a German manufacturer. There are no artificial colors or preservatives, sugars, grains, or soy. Suitable for kittens of all ages. It is made from offal and has a fairly high price.


An American company that produces several lines of food - for the prevention of diseases and for the daily diet. It has a relatively low price in its category, but this is due to the presence of cereals and vegetable protein in the composition.

Super premium

Super-premium wet food consists primarily of high-quality meat products. Cereal additives are extremely rare in them, but if they are present, the manufacturer will certainly indicate the type of grain. Companies often specify the percentage of components. Manufacturers indicate not only the type of meat, but also the type of offal. The ingredients are used either fresh or raw, i.e. they are not subjected to repeated freezing and additional processing. Companies often clarify that they do not add whole carcasses to the feed, but pure meat or fillets.

Bozita wet food for kittens

Bozita is not the most popular brand, but it is one of those that can be recommended for purchase

Super-premium food is the most acceptable option for kittens in terms of price-quality ratio. This is the most budget-friendly food for a pet. Such diets do not cause the development of pathologies and help maintain optimal health of the animal. Only the holistic category is better than this class, but representatives of the latter group are expensive and are not always suitable for pets.


German food of natural origin, one of the five best options. The basis of the composition is chicken meat (about 80%), the rest comes from fish, fish oil, and offal. Tocopherols, which have the biological activity of vitamin E, are used as a preservative. It is not sold at retail everywhere, so it forces owners to order it in large quantities through online stores.


Feed produced according to European quality standards. Made in the UK. Grains and gluten are completely excluded from the composition, which are replaced by easily digestible potatoes. High percentage of natural meat content. In addition, the feed has a relatively low price for its level. The main disadvantage is the same as for all canned goods in this class.


Food for picky teenage kittens and adult cats. Consists of whole pieces of meat or fish with the addition of papaya and mango. Of the cereal crops, only rice is included. They have the lowest cost in their price category while maintaining quality standards. In addition to the difficulty in purchasing, they have such a disadvantage as a short shelf life after opening the can - no more than a day.


Holistic class is the elite among cat foods. Manufacturers do not skimp on ingredients, so the proportion of liquid is relatively low, but sufficient for comfortable consumption (about 80%). The overwhelming majority of the composition is occupied by meat products. Most often there are several of them, which helps provide the animal’s body with various vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Useful substances are presented in their natural form. This increases their digestibility.

Canned food Grandorf

There is no special diet for kittens in the Grandorf wet food line, but in the case of holistic cats this is not required: due to its balanced composition, the product is suitable for any healthy animal

Holistic-grade foods often include therapeutic additives, vegetables, herbs, fruits, beans, etc. Often on the lists you can find peas, which improve digestion. Yucca extract is added to slow down the growth of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. This helps reduce the smell of feces. A friend of mine, when she transferred her kitten from economy class to holistic, immediately noted this advantage. However, the opposite situation is also possible: kittens that have been fed cheap foods with grains for a long time often experience indigestion when switching to meat diets. It is important to take a small portion to observe the animal’s reaction, and if problems arise, first transfer the pet to the super-premium class.

TOP 11 canned food for cats


GO! ⭐ 99 / 100

6 — votes

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Almo Nature ⭐ 97 / 100

2 - votes

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Applaws ⭐ 95 / 100

3 - votes

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Bozita super premium ⭐ 94 / 100

6 — votes

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Berkley ⭐ 94 / 100

4 - votes

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Monge Cat Natural ⭐ 91 / 100Find out the price

Ontario ⭐ 90 / 100

5 — votes

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Pro Plan ⭐ 87 / 100

5 — votes

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Brit Premium ⭐ 87 / 100

2 - votes

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Organix ⭐ 85 / 100

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BioMenu ⭐ 84 / 100Find out the price

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No. 11 - BioMenu

Not very well-known, but at the same time a worthy manufacturer of canned food for cats and kittens. The company does not add soy, flavors or artificial colors to its products, and the main components of canned food are meat (in first place) and offal.

BioMenu canned food comes in the form of dense pates, so they can be given to animals with various injuries and damage to the jaw to make chewing easier. The composition of most pates is supplemented with important components that help maintain the health of the cat and ensure the prevention of various diseases (linseed oil, natural cranberries, Jerusalem artichoke, etc.).

Features of BioMenu food:

  • class - premium;
  • based on natural meat (more than 90% of meat components in the composition);
  • average protein content – ​​8.8%;
  • The average cost is about 37 rubles per 100 g jar.


  • meat comes first;
  • absence of flavors and dyes in the composition;
  • canned food comes in the form of pates, so they can be given to cats that have difficulty chewing;
  • the line includes hypoallergenic and dietary canned food with quail, turkey and rabbit;
  • Natural cranberry in the composition ensures the prevention of urolithiasis.


  • has a not very pleasant smell;
  • difficult to find in retail stores.

Prices for canned food for cats BioMenu

Canned food for cats BioMenu

No. 10 – Organix

Organix is ​​an inexpensive and high-quality food, the range of which includes canned food for both adult cats and kittens (for kittens the product is available in the form of a soufflé). Canned food has the simplest possible composition. For example, wet food for cats 1-7 years old with beef and quail consists of beef, liver, quail meat, vegetable oil and stabilizer. A large number of meat ingredients provides optimal protein content necessary for the health of the musculoskeletal system, skin and coat. The undoubted advantage of the feed is the high content of the main component (in this case, beef) - at least 34-38%. The feed contains approximately 14% liver and the same amount as an additional component (quail meat).

The manufacturer adds rice cereal to the soufflé for kittens, since kittens up to 12 months are prone to digestive disorders, in particular diarrhea.

Features of Organix food:

  • class - premium;
  • high content of meat components;
  • Available in lamisters (souffle for kittens) and cans of 100, 250 and 410 g;
  • average protein content – ​​9.4%;
  • average cost - 48 rubles per 100 g jar.


  • a large percentage of meat components;
  • The assortment includes canned food with tongue, heart and lungs, which have an increased taste appeal for cats of different ages;
  • favorable price for a 410 g jar (124 rubles per jar).


  • practically not sold in retail stores;
  • not everyone likes the smell of food;
  • the composition does not contain mineral supplements and other components necessary for the health of the cat;
  • Not suitable for feeding spayed and neutered cats due to its high protein content.

Prices for canned food for cats Organix

Canned food for cats Organix

No. 9 - Brit Premium

Brit Premium
Good, high-quality food for cats and premium cats, which does not contain coloring additives or preservatives (the food is preserved with tocopherol - vitamin E, a natural antioxidant). Contains a lot (about 82%) of moisture, as well as fiber and ash substances - no more than 2.5%. Almost all Brit Premium brand foods also contain inulin, an organic polysaccharide that helps maintain healthy liver, heart and pancreas in adult pets.

Features of Brit Premium food:

  • class - premium;
  • average protein content – ​​8.5%;
  • average cost – 52 rubles per 100 g pouch.


  • large selection of flavor combinations;
  • well absorbed;
  • contains vegetables and minerals.


  • The main component in all feeds is meat and by-products (for example, in the feed “Brit Premium pieces with cod” there are about 26% meat and its derivatives and only 8% fish components).

Prices for canned cat food Brit Premium

Canned food for cats Brit Premium

No. 8 - Pro Plan

Pro Plan
Canned Pro Plan from the manufacturer Purina is one of the best premium foods for cats. This brand produces several lines (including special veterinary diets), so you can choose food that best meets the physiological and individual needs of almost any pet. The manufacturer's assortment includes wet food for:

  • castrated animals;
  • overweight cats;
  • elderly cats and kittens;
  • animals with sensitive digestion and special taste preferences (picky eaters);
  • cats prone to dermatitis and dermatoses (animals with sensitive skin).

Pro Plan foods are distinguished by a wide variety of ingredients. It may contain: turkey, salmon, chicken, tuna, ocean fish, beef. Canned duck and lamb, which are produced in the form of mini-pieces drenched in a special sauce, also have excellent taste characteristics.

Features of Pro Plan food:

  • class - premium;
  • a large selection of flavor combinations and a varied assortment;
  • the feed recipe is patented;
  • high content of dietary fiber;
  • average protein content – ​​9.3%;
  • the average cost is about 48 rubles per 85 g pouch.


  • Cats like the taste of canned food;
  • you can choose food for an animal of any age and with any needs and characteristics (including cats for which a veterinary diet is indicated);
  • stimulates the intestines, helping to remove hairballs from the stomach (especially necessary for cats living indoors);
  • contains a lot of protein;
  • Can be bought at all pet stores.


  • Some types of canned food (for example, turkey food for cats with sensitive digestion) contain dyes.

Prices for canned food for cats Pro Plan

Canned food for cats Pro Plan

No. 7 - Ontario

Ontario is the most budget-friendly super-premium food, with a very high (more than 70%) content of meat and its derivatives. The food is produced in the Czech Republic and does not have a very wide range, which, however, allows you to choose a suitable diet for neutered, adult cats, as well as kittens from 1 to 12 months. All Ontario canned foods contain salmon oil, a valuable source of Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids that support the functioning of the animal's brain and heart.

A special feature of Ontario canned food is also the presence of natural bone broth (about 29%), which is used instead of water and contains substances that are beneficial for the bone and muscle tissue of cats.


  • class – super-premium;
  • using bone broth in production (instead of water);
  • presence of salmon fat;
  • average protein content – ​​10.1%;
  • average cost – 158 rubles per 410 g jar.


  • contains a lot of meat and meat components;
  • the broth in the composition strengthens bones and helps prevent pathologies of the musculoskeletal system;
  • has an affordable price;
  • differs in taste appeal for the animal.


  • can only be purchased in online stores;
  • it is not possible to buy a small package for testing (available only in 410 g cans);
  • Some owners note an unpleasant odor from the food.

Prices for canned cat food Ontario

Canned cat food Ontario

No. 6 – Monge Cat Natural

Monge Cat Natural
Monge positions itself as a super-premium food manufacturer, but not all products from this brand really justify their cost. In total, this manufacturer’s range of canned food includes three brands:

  • Monge Cat Natural. Really high-quality super-premium canned food, for the production of which only fresh sirloin is used.
  • Gemon Cat. Inexpensive canned food with a fairly high content of meat components (about 45%), however, most of them (more than 38%) are by-products, so these canned foods can only be classified as “premium” class.
  • Simba Cat. This is a mousse that is recommended for medium-sized domestic cats. An animal needs about 350-400 g of product per day, that is, 4-5 jars per day (the volume of one jar is 85 g), so buying such food is very unprofitable.

Monge Cat Natural wet food is available in the form of classic canned food and pate and contains only fresh meat, a little rice and vitamin supplements - fructooligosaccharides.

Features of Monge Cat Natural food:

  • class – super-premium;
  • use of sirloin in production;
  • average protein content – ​​10.8%;
  • average cost – 135 rubles per 80 g jar.


  • excellent composition (canned Atlantic tuna contains 75% tuna, 1% rice cereal and FOS);
  • cats like it.


  • high price;
  • small assortment.

Prices for canned cat food Monge Cat Natural

Canned food for cats Monge Cat Natural

No. 5 - Berkley

Berkley is a complete, balanced food that is highly palatable for cats. In addition to high-quality meat components (veal, duck, chicken, beef, etc.), Berkley food also contains various sources of vitamins: apples, dried celery, wild berries, zucchini. Some types of canned food contain oatmeal and rice flour - such foods should not be used to feed cats prone to constipation.

Features of Berkley food:

  • class – super-premium;
  • the content of natural sources of vitamins (vegetables, berries and fruits) in almost all canned food;
  • average protein content – ​​9.2%;
  • average cost – 137 rubles per 200 g jar.


  • stimulates the digestive tract and enriches the animal’s body with essential elements due to the content of fruit, berry and vegetable additives;
  • The line includes products with unusual flavors, for example, with the addition of cheese or wild berries.


  • According to reviews from cat owners, the food is very fatty.

Reviews and prices for Berkley canned cat food

No. 4 – Bozita super premium

Bozita super premium
Bozita super premium, without exaggeration, is one of the best cat foods with a huge selection of flavor combinations and a wide range of ingredients. In the brand's line you can find wet food with mackerel, poultry, deer, duck, lamb, and chopped beef. More refined delicacies include canned deer, mussels, elk and even lobster. The amount of the main (meat or fish) component in all feeds is at least 93%, while the manufacturer does not use bone meal, soy and various chemical additives.

An important feature of Bozita super premium wet food is that the meat, fish and seafood for their production are delivered from our own farms, which are managed by the concern and are regularly subjected to all possible inspections. This guarantees high quality and freshness of all food components, which is why Bozita brand products are undoubtedly one of the leaders in the complete cat food market.

Features of Bozita super premium food:

  • class – super-premium;
  • very high content of meat and fish ingredients (more than 93%);
  • meat, fish and seafood from our own farms;
  • absence of soy, bone meal and grain ingredients;
  • average protein content – ​​8.5%;
  • average cost – 110 rubles per package of 190 g.


  • high-quality fresh meat is used in production;
  • you can choose food to suit every taste (a huge range, including rare tastes, for example, canned elk or lobster);
  • all Bozita super premium canned foods contain no more than 4.5% fat;
  • the composition contains a yeast additive that naturally stimulates the cat’s immunity;
  • practically does not cause allergies due to the absence of grains.


  • not identified.

Prices for canned food for cats Bozita super premium

Canned food for cats Bozita super premium

#3 - Applaws

Applaws The
Applaws line of wet diets are foods with an ideal composition, which are made from 3-4 components. They are prepared from fresh meat in its own juice and broth, without adding water or salt. The brand's assortment includes a very large selection of different flavors: tuna and seaweed, chicken and shrimp, sardines, crab meat, tuna and anchovy, etc. For particularly picky cats, the manufacturer produces food with the addition of cheese and shrimp.

Canned food is produced in cans of 70 and 159 g, as well as lamisters (Double Pleasure series).

Features of Applaws food:

  • class – super-premium;
  • using natural broth and your own juice instead of water;
  • absence of salt, flavors, dyes and other harmful additives in the composition;
  • average protein content – ​​12%;
  • average cost – 92 rubles per 70 g jar.


  • simple composition without the addition of chemical additives (for example, canned ocean fish contains only mackerel and tuna fillets, fish broth and 1% rice);
  • cats like it;
  • a large assortment;
  • Suitable even for picky cats.


  • not identified (except for the price, which is fully justified and is at the level of similar products of this class).

Applaws Canned Cat Food Prices

Applaws Canned Cat Cats

No. 2 – Almo Nature

Almo Nature
Almo Nature canned food is almost identical in composition to Applaws food. The canned food from this manufacturer also contains 75% meat components and about 24% bone broth, which is a valuable source of chondroitin and glucosamine. New packages (food with added jelly) contain 2 times more broth - 44% - and about 55% meat. The amount of rice is the same as in super-premium feed - 1%.

Features of Almo Nature food:

  • class – holistic;
  • meat content – ​​75%;
  • contains natural bone broth;
  • average protein content – ​​17%;
  • average cost - 73 rubles per 70 g jar.


  • there is nothing superfluous in the composition;
  • high protein levels;
  • pleasant taste and smell;
  • contains broth necessary for strong bones and teeth.


  • small jar volume – 70 g.

Prices for canned food for cats Almo Nature

Canned food for cats Almo Nature

#1 - GO!

GO! is a line of grain-free canned food for cats with a high meat content (70%). In GO food! There are no grains, so it is considered hypoallergenic (as you know, wheat and corn are often the source of allergies in cats). In addition to meat, this brand’s canned food contains sunflower oil, as well as extract of Yucca Schidigera, a flowering plant that can make the smell of cat feces less pungent and strong. The food contains a small percentage of fat, since instead of bone broth, the manufacturer uses dietary vegetable broth - a source of additional vitamins and minerals.

Features of GO! food:

  • class – holistic (in some sources the food is positioned as super-premium);
  • grain-free;
  • vegetable broth included;
  • average protein content – ​​10.9%;
  • The average cost is 108 rubles per 100 g jar.


  • rarely causes allergies;
  • contains a good vitamin and mineral premix (calcium, phosphorus, zinc, iodine, taurine, etc.);
  • removes the unpleasant odor from cat feces, which has a positive effect on the owner’s quality of life and makes cleaning easier.


  • high price;
  • small range of flavors.

Prices for canned food for cats GO!

Canned food for cats GO!

Table: overview of popular wet foods for kittens

Name of foodClassTexture and packagingKitten ageCompoundAverage cost and weight of packagingAdvantagesFlawsOverall rating
Almo Nature Classic Cuisine KittenHolisticSpiders, however, also have food in cans. The pieces are relatively large, but not very dense. The best option for older kittens 2–12 months
  • chicken broth (42%);
  • chicken (40%);
  • rice (8%);
  • cheese (3%);
  • chicken liver (2%);
  • oil (2%);
  • dried egg product (2%);
  • Choline chloride (0.05%).
90 rub. for 55 g
  • relatively a lot of meat;
  • kittens willingly eat wet food due to the presence of flavoring and aromatic additives (dried egg product, cheese and chicken liver);
  • the food is complete, i.e. it can conditionally be used for systematic nutrition;
  • no thickeners;
  • the percentage of components is indicated.
  • high cost, especially considering the chicken broth content (42%);
  • the presence of rice in the composition;
  • the type of preservative is not specified;
  • the source of the oil is not indicated;
  • use of questionable flavoring additives (dried egg product and cheese).
The composition is relatively weak and does not correspond to the inflated price. Rice is supposedly used as a source of fiber, but a healthier ingredient could have been chosen. Bones and shell fragments have been found in food for adult cats, so be careful when purchasing these canned foods!
Royal Canin Mother&BabycatPremiumMousse in cans1–4 months
  • meat and meat by-products;
  • cereals;
  • plant protein extracts;
  • vegetable by-products;
  • milk and products of its processing;
  • oils and fats;
  • minerals;
  • yeast;
  • carbohydrates.
100 rub. for 200 g
  • food can be purchased at most stores;
  • canned food is complete.
  • the packaging is too large, a whole jar per day is given to kittens only from 2 months;
  • little meat in the composition;
  • offal and meat are combined into one ingredient;
  • the type of many components is not specified;
  • plant protein extracts are used to create an attractive balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • may contain potentially dangerous culinary yeast;
  • poor digestibility.
Despite aggressive advertising, the quality of Royal Canin food is low. Since the manufacturer does not indicate the type of cereal, it can be assumed that the composition includes the most dangerous ones - corn and wheat. They often cause allergies. Most likely, low-quality raw materials are used, since the list of components contains many vague names. The cost of food is very high.
Hill's Science Plan Kitten 1st Nutrition MoussePremiumMousse in cansFrom 3 weeks to 12 months
  • turkey (29%);
  • pork;
  • chicken (9%);
  • corn;
  • animal fat;
  • fish fat;
  • minerals;
  • protein hydrolysate;
  • vitamins;
  • taurine and trace elements.
70 rub. for 85 g
  • the food is complete;
  • mousse can be purchased at most pet stores;
  • the percentage of the main components is indicated;
  • contains fish oil;
  • The main meat component is turkey.
  • the manufacturer does not specify the type of some components;
  • the composition contains a protein hydrolyzate of unknown origin;
  • Corn is added to the feed.
Hill's wet food has a mediocre composition, but compared to many popular products, its cost is not so high. However, this is still a premium class, so the presence of the product on the kitten menu is undesirable.
Applaws Kitten TunaHolisticSmall pieces in a tin canNot specified by the manufacturer
  • pieces of tuna fillet (40%);
  • fish broth;
  • vegetable gelatin.
90 rub. for 70 g
  • no unnecessary ingredients;
  • the percentage of the main components is indicated;
  • using fish as a base.
  • the food is not complete;
  • There is a lot of liquid in the jar.
Wet food cannot be used as the main diet. It is given only as a treat. There is only 0.5% fat in the food, many vitamins are missing, so if you regularly eat canned food, there is a high probability of deterioration in health. Using fish as the main source of protein makes it possible to offer a treat to allergy sufferers. Russian labels indicate that the composition contains a gelling component, although this is not the case in the English version. This is most likely a translation error, since the consistency of the broth is very thin.
Leonardo Finest Selection Kitten PoultrySuperpremiumMinced meat in jelly, packed in pouchesFrom 3 weeks
  • poultry meat, heart, liver (70%);
  • poultry broth (29.1%);
  • fish oil (salmon family) (0.4%);
  • calcium carbonate (0.5%).
110 rub. for 85 g
  • the food is complete;
  • the product is suitable for small kittens;
  • the composition includes fish oil, which contains unsaturated fatty acids;
  • in production they use nutritious offal and meat without unnecessary additives;
  • To give it a viscous consistency, a natural thickener, cassia, is used.
  • the origin of meat, offal and broth is not specified;
  • offal and meat are combined into one ingredient, which does not allow you to get a complete picture of the composition;
  • the presence of a thickener.
Although the thickener in the food is natural, it would be better without it, since it does not provide any nutritional value for kittens.

Types of feed

Economy class

Represented by the brands Friskies, Whiskas, Felix, Kitekat, Darling, Doctor Zu, Meow. The opinion of veterinarians about them is unequivocal: the low meat content and the presence of soy protein can fill the stomach for a short time, deceive it and dull the feeling of hunger. Also present are cereals (their quality and quantity are hidden from the buyer), brewer's yeast, and taurine. The protein in Whiskas is about 8.5% and its origin (animal or plant) is unknown. Comparing economy class food is equivalent to feeding a person fast food. Its only advantage is its low price (20 rubles per 70 g).

What do veterinarians think a pet should eat for a long, happy, active life? All rated brands are represented by food starting with premium. The list recommended by them opens with the British spider Applawls, its composition contains 12.5% ​​animal protein, and additional substances include fiber, microelements and organic compounds obtained from natural vegetables and fruits. The tastes of Aplous are varied, preservatives, dyes and flavors are completely excluded from the content. The price of such food is high, for a 70 g bag - 90 rubles. Purchase in ordinary stores is excluded, the composition is not balanced.

Bozita - food from Sweden

Feed that has passed state control and excludes the presence of hazardous substances for the animal’s body. The main component and taste are rabbit and fish. There are no by-products at all. A 370 g jar costs about 158 ​​rubles. Of the minuses, the corn and wheat included in the content are noted. The specific antioxidants used are not specified.

Grandorf canned food (made in Italy), made from chicken breast, supplemented with a natural preservative, a complex of vitamins and minerals. Feature – does not contain allergenic chicken ingredients of protein origin, soy, grains. It is not widely used due to its high cost - 90 rubles for 70 g.

German Leonardo

The next type of liquid food is the German Leonardo (it is considered a delicacy due to its imbalance), combining 70-90% chicken meat and 30-10% components from seafood, fish, fish oil, and offal. Leonardo is good; production uses only the highest quality products, supplemented with minerals and vitamins. The price for 400 g is about 130 rubles, the preservative in the composition is of natural origin. The disadvantage of the food is that it is not available in regular stores; also, due to the rich meat content, it is not suitable for animals with gastrointestinal diseases.

Innova Evo

Continues the rating of the best wet food, produced by American. Highly nutritious and hypoallergenic canned food Innova Evo is made from the best fish and meat products, protein is only animal type, there are no preservatives, dyes, or flavors. The food is recommended for spayed and neutered pets, ensuring the prevention of urolithiasis. Among the minuses, sales via the Internet and cost are noted.

Babies are offered liquid food from the holistic class under the trade name Almo Nature; it is produced in a number of European countries. The main taste is chicken (imperial chicken), there are additives in the form of shrimp, mango, pineapple or cheese. Protein content – ​​16%, moisture – 79%, fats and carbohydrates – up to 1%. An amazing method of preparation (raw ingredients are packaged and heat-treated already in the package) provides a delicate taste and aroma, preserving all the beneficial qualities. The disadvantages are the lack of widespread sale and the price (91 rubles per package of 70 g).

1Choice food from Canada

It is also famous for its natural taste and composition, optimal ratio of proteins and fats, probiotic supplements for excellent digestion and shiny long coat, recommendations of the best overseas veterinarians. The main component is tuna, combined with seafood or fruit (for kittens - only fish). The high price (75-90 rubles per serving) and not widespread are the main disadvantages of this type of food.

Food of American origin and Thai production Petite cuisine, which is again not cheap (55 g will cost 74-91 rubles) and is not in wide demand, has a good reputation. But it has a high content of chicken and fish (salmon, swordfish, tuna, shrimp) and is completely free of gluten, GMOs, and grains. A distinctive feature is steam cooking, which preserves taste and nutritional value. The manufacturer calls his creation an exclusive delicacy.

What is the difference between wet food for kittens and diets for adult cats?

Wet food for kittens contains more fat and protein, as well as increased concentrations of phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. The difference is due to the characteristics of the body: babies require nutrients for the rapid development of internal organs.

Kitten foods can be dangerous for adult cats. The latter, with poor nutrition, are at risk of developing obesity, diabetes and urolithiasis. Absolutely healthy kittens can eat high-quality wet food for adult cats without negative consequences, but with the slightest deviation from the norm there is a chance of worsening the condition, so experimenting is not recommended. There are universal wet foods that are suitable for both babies and mature animals.

Reviews from veterinarians about wet food for kittens

Royal Canin food is made from quality ingredients, but not all ingredients are suitable for feeding cats. The main disadvantage is the presence of plant proteins, which are digested 30% worse than animals. Cereals are responsible for the carbohydrate component, and soybean oil is responsible for the fats. The food turns out to be balanced, but not very healthy, not the most nutritious. The manufacturer solved this problem by adding vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances. The result is food on which animals feel great and lead an active lifestyle at any age. It is interesting that according to Russian standards the food falls into the premium category, but according to European standards it falls short. It is better to buy food produced abroad. Despite the fact that in Russia they are manufactured under license using good equipment, they are inferior to the original. I would like to draw your attention to the availability of an analogue of cat milk for feeding kittens. In the future, they do not lag behind ordinary kittens in development.

Pavlovskaya Ekaterina Viktorovna

Hills is the true premium segment. I can’t call it very nutritious, the energy value is average. The specified daily allowance may not be enough; pets feel hungry. However, the food is completely balanced and complete. You can make it the basis of your diet without fear for your health. A significant disadvantage is the overuse of difficult-to-digest carbohydrates.

Pavlovskaya Ekaterina Viktorovna

"Aplaus" is a VIP-level food, the high quality of which can be judged by the fact that the recipe and manufacturing technology were developed by scientists from the Institute of Nutrition of Great Britain. The manufacturer’s strong point is the absence of cereals and sources of gluten in the feed, both dry and wet. Which causes in animals not only dermatoallergy in the form of dandruff and hair loss, but also swelling and ulceration of the mucous membranes of internal organs. There is no need to write about the assortment, it is wide, there is a diet for all age categories of cats. And not only healthy ones, but also those with problems with digestion and the genitourinary system. The food is optimally balanced and includes a high content of animal products - sources of protein, vitamins, essential amino acids and fiber in sufficient quantities.

Grechany Stanislav Sergeevich

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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