Why is the temperature rising?
Healthy cats have:
The normal temperature is from +38 to +39 C, but for some breeds it may differ slightly. A temperature above 39 C is an alarming signal.
An increase in temperature may occur in the following cases:
Sometimes, in pregnant cats, the temperature, on the contrary, decreases. On average, this indicator becomes 2 degrees below normal. This can be observed several days before birth. In some cases, an increase in temperature may be one of the symptoms of cancer problems.
How to determine malaise?
The first signs of illness:
If these symptoms occur, it is recommended to take your cat to the veterinarian for examination and treatment. Often, owners may mistakenly mistake the onset of a serious illness for ordinary overheating.
To be sure that a cat has a normal body temperature, you should not rely only on general external signs. It is best to measure this indicator using appropriate devices. To do this, you can use a veterinary or medical thermometer. Any owner must be able to properly handle the device to most accurately determine temperature readings .
The end is lubricated with Vaseline or vegetable oil, then carefully inserted into the rectum, no deeper than 1.5 cm. The thermometer is held for about 5 minutes. Many owners prefer electronic thermometers, which need to be held for no more than a couple of seconds.
How dangerous is a fever in an animal?
An indicator of an increase in a cat's body temperature is the nose. If it is cool and damp, then the pet is healthy. A warm and dry nose indicates hyperthermia. However, this method does not make it possible to determine accurate data. In order to measure the animal's temperature, you will need a mercury or electronic thermometer.
First of all, you need to prepare any available tool that will help you easily and painlessly insert the thermometer into the rectum. This could be Levomekol ointment, Vaseline or baby cream. Before the procedure, the pet should be carefully secured by wrapping it in a towel. It is good if someone helps, since it is difficult to do this on your own, especially when the cat is aggressive.
To measure temperature, you can use either an electronic or a mercury thermometer
After fixing, the tip of the thermometer must be lubricated with any of the listed products and carefully inserted into the animal’s anus to a depth of no more than 1 cm. If we are talking about a standard mercury thermometer, then you will have to wait from three to five minutes. Electronic thermometers cope with the task faster. After measuring the temperature, the device must be carefully removed from the rectum.
Measuring a cat's body temperature is done rectally
High temperatures pose a huge danger to cats. Exposure to temperatures above 40-41 degrees for several days leads to irreversible processes in the body. The pet becomes dehydrated, swelling of the brain and disruption of the functioning of a number of internal organs may occur.
So, first you need to not panic. Try to remember how your cat behaved over the past few days, what it ate and whether it was outside or in contact with other animals or strangers.
If the animal’s condition is not critical, namely, the pet does not refuse food and water, but prefers to sleep most of the time, monitor it for exactly 24 hours. If within 24 hours the condition remains the same or worsens, then go to the doctor.
How to lower a cat's temperature?
Help can be provided using available tools. The easiest way is to slightly wet the animal's fur. The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to disrupt the heat exchange process. For example, you can use a compress. To do this, gauze must be moistened with cool water and applied directly to the animal’s head. You can also completely wrap your cat in a damp towel. With this technique, it is important to prevent the animal from becoming hypothermic, especially if it is a kitten.
Reducing the cat's temperature by completely immersing the animal in a basin or any container with water is unacceptable. Dense wet fur will only make it more difficult to further restore normal thermoregulation. A damp towel will be enough.
It is also recommended to leave your pet in a cool room for a while. If it's winter outside, you can lower your cat's temperature by briefly opening the window. In summer, you can additionally use a fan. Another advantage will be maintaining an optimal level of humidity in the room. This is especially true if the cat has a viral infection. As a rule, it is difficult for her to breathe, and mucus is released profusely from her nose.
High temperatures can be reduced well by using pieces of ice. They can lower the temperature quite well. They need to be located in the following areas :
Animals with high temperatures also need to drink plenty of fluids, for which it is best to use cool water.
Fever medication for cats
Having pets in the house is a big responsibility. But in addition to a good diet and leisure time for the furry pet, the owner must monitor the animal’s health. Cats, like other animals, sometimes experience troubles such as fever.
Why does a cat have a fever?
Fever in cats is a problem that the animal owner must first solve. This symptom may be a sign of a more serious problem and should not be ignored.
A cat's normal body temperature at rest is between 27 and 39 degrees Celsius. It is curious that larger breeds often have temperatures slightly lower than their smaller counterparts.
Why does my pet have a fever? There is no clear answer to this question. Kittens, like people, have many reasons to catch a fever.
The most common reasons why a cat may have a high fever:
- Disease. Body temperature may increase as a result of inflammation occurring in the body. Moreover, at first it may not be noticeable from the outside. Symptoms may develop slowly. In addition to inflammation, high fever can occur as a result of an infectious disease. In both cases, the thermometer will show about 40 degrees.
- Food poisoning. Murks do not always keep track of what they are about to swallow. After eating spoiled food or drinking fresh milk, the mug may feel unwell, which will be indicated to the owner by its drooping appearance and the thermometer reading.
- As a result of overheating in the sun. Direct sunlight is harmful not only to humans, but also to animals. If a Murka has been in the scorching sun for a long time without the possibility of shelter, it is likely that its body temperature will rise.
There are also situations when an increase in body temperature can be considered normal:
- Temperature jumps after active games. Kittens are very active and restless, so it is quite possible that after a long run the baby’s temperature will be a degree or one and a half higher than normal.
- In nursing kittens, there is also a jump in indicators after a hearty lunch.
- Pregnant women have a slightly elevated body temperature. Therefore, you should not worry and often measure indicators if Murka feels normal.
- Stressful situations can cause surges. A cat that has undergone a long trip to the veterinary clinic may develop an elevated temperature even in a healthy state. This is somewhat puzzling for owners who, for example, took their pet to the hospital for vaccination. Only an absolutely healthy animal can be given an injection, so the pet must be left alone for a while and allowed to calm down in order to accurately determine the cause of the “warming up”.
Situations in which it is necessary to measure a pet’s temperature:
- poor appetite
- digestive disorders - vomiting, diarrhea,
- lethargy of the animal,
- difficulty breathing, cough, wheezing,
- fever.
How to measure a cat's temperature
The procedure for measuring body temperature is not pleasant, both for the owner and for the pet.
Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to catch the animal and neutralize it. The best way to do this is by “swaddling” the cat in a towel or blanket. You should not hope that Murka, who is calm in everyday life, will behave adequately in this difficult situation.
In addition to neutralizing the clawed paws, it is necessary to hold the biting head so that the cat cannot take revenge on the offender. It is best to carry out the procedure with the help of a patient assistant.
The thermometer must be lubricated with Vaseline before the procedure and disinfected with alcohol after completion.
The tip of the thermometer must be placed 2 centimeters into the rectum. The procedure takes about three minutes. It is important to prevent the animal from making sudden movements at this time. It is best to speak to her in a calm tone and not show excitement.
After completing the procedure, you need to hide the thermometer from the frightened animal and make amends with tasty encouragement, so that the mug does not harbor a grudge against the owner.
There is also a less painful way to measure body temperature. An infrared ear thermometer allows you to take readings painlessly and without ruining your relationship with your pet. However, this method is not suitable if the animal has an inflammatory process in the ears. Then the thermometer will show an incorrect result.
It must be remembered that you should not measure a cat’s temperature over trifles. A common misconception is that if a cat has a dry, hot nose, then she is definitely sick. However, in practice, cats can “dry out” their nose in their sleep. Therefore, you should not disturb the rest of a healthy cat with such troubles as measuring body temperature.
If your cat has a fever
If, nevertheless, it is discovered that the animal’s temperature is too high, it is necessary to hold off on panic. First you need to leave the animal alone and watch it. If there are no other symptoms of illness, you should measure your temperature an hour or two after the previous procedure.
If the thermometer still reaches 40.5 degrees, you need to show your pet to a veterinarian. If the cat feels generally fine, it can be taken to the clinic. However, if the pet is seriously ill, it is better not to injure her by moving and call a doctor at home.
How to help your cat at home:
- Before the veterinarian arrives, it is necessary to provide the cat with rest and access to drinking water.
- You can also wet the animal's fur with water to relieve overheating. This is especially true if your pet has suffered heatstroke or sunstroke.
- It is also advisable to apply ice wrapped in a towel to the cat's groin area.
- If your pet is suffering from dehydration and refuses to drink, he needs to add some liquid using a pipette. It is also worth purchasing the drug “Regidron” for desoldering at the pharmacy.
- You can also reduce the temperature by wrapping the cat in a wet towel.
You should not give your cat medications that are intended for humans.
The owner needs to understand that self-medicating the animal at home can lead to a deterioration in the animal’s condition.
Do not use any medications without a veterinarian's prescription!
If it is not possible to take your pet to a veterinarian, you need to call the clinic and consult with a specialist. There are 24-hour hospitals, the number of which every owner must have.
An increase in temperature can be either ordinary or a symptom of a serious illness, so it is necessary to monitor the animal’s condition and, if necessary, seek help immediately.
Source: https://kotey-ka.ru/lechenie-i-bolezni/kakoj-preparat-ot-temperatury-dayut-koshkam.html
The cat has a fever: what to do at home
When stroking a pet, you feel that its body temperature is higher than that of a person. Exceeding a few degrees is considered normal. The average indicator covers parameters from 38 °C to 39 °C. An increase or decrease will signal the beginning of the development of inflammatory processes in the animal’s body. It is useful for owners to know what signs of pathological changes appear. It is recommended to be aware of what to do at home if your cat has a fever.
Normal temperature in cats
In a healthy animal, body temperature during the day can vary from 37.4 °C to 39.5 °C. The exact indicators are individual for each pet, in addition, they are influenced by the characteristics of the breed. Owners should know the normal indicators for their cat in order to detect changes in a timely manner.
An elevated temperature in a domestic cat should alert any owner
For your information! For an adult porridge, an indicator of 39.4 °C will not cause any complications. But for a kitten this is a very serious symptom.
During the day the values will change:
Particular attention should be paid to small kittens. Their process of independent thermoregulation develops gradually. Therefore, the norm indicators for them will be different. Newborn kittens feel good in the range from 35.6 °C to 36.6 °C. Only at the age of 3-4 months do they reach adult parameters.
With age, metabolic processes in animals slow down just like in humans. Therefore, the body temperature will be below average. In pregnant females, on the contrary, the indicators increase.
Important! Cats with a small coat of fur will feel much hotter to the touch, since the distance between the palm and the animal's body is small.
Normal temperature readings in animals
Normal indicators
The temperature in cats, unlike in humans, is considered normal in the range from 37.8 to 39 degrees. Higher values indicate a pathological process or overheating of the body. An increase in temperature cannot be ignored, as the cause may be a serious pathology.
Normally, a cat’s body is designed in such a way that excess heat is eliminated naturally through the skin and respiratory system. If the pet is sick, then this process of thermoregulation is disrupted.
A cat's normal body temperature is ensured by the body's natural thermoregulation.
The content of the article
A cat’s temperature, like that of any other creature, is one of the main indicators of health. An elevated body temperature can be a minor overheating condition or a serious symptom. It is very important to monitor the health of the animal, because the cat cannot tell about pain or discomfort.
Normally, a cat's temperature is 38-39 degrees. Kittens have a slightly higher body temperature than adult cats. Body temperature also depends on the time of year - in summer it is higher. Sphynx cats have a high body temperature. Normally it is 41-42 degrees. In other cases, the temperature increase may be due to the following reasons.
- Simple, banal overheating. If a cat is forced to spend some time in the sun, its body temperature can rise above 41 degrees. This can happen if the cat is locked in a stuffy room or while the animal is being transported. In this case, you need to move the cat to a cool place and give it water. Usually the temperature stabilizes within a few hours.
- Sometimes cats encounter infectious diseases. If your pet, in addition to a high temperature, experiences vomiting, weakness, lack of appetite, and decreased urination, this is a serious reason to contact a veterinarian.
- Cats also get sick from viral diseases. In this case, you may experience tearing, mucus from the nose, and sneezing. In case of viral diseases, it is important to ensure high humidity in the room and give the cat enough to drink.
- High temperature may be a consequence of emotional shock. Often cats show anxiety after visiting exhibitions, the veterinarian, after moving or losing their owner. In this case, calm the animal and, if possible, bring the cat into its usual habitat. Stress fever usually goes away quickly once everything is back to normal.
- Often the body temperature rises due to the animal's physical activity. But this increase is insignificant - no more than 1 degree.
- Sometimes body temperature increases in pregnant cats due to physiological processes.
- Often, a high temperature in a cat is associated with oncology, so wondering about the diagnosis and procrastinating is a crime. Show the animal to the veterinarian and make sure there are no irreversible processes.
But sometimes it happens that the whole point is in the incorrect measurement of the animal’s body temperature.
how to make a cat vomit at home
The cat's body temperature should be measured rectally. For this purpose, the pet is pre-swaddled. It would be nice if the procedure was carried out by two people - one holds the cat, and the second measures the temperature.
Lift the cat's tail and lubricate the anus with oil, Vaseline or cream. Lubricate the tip of the thermometer as well. It is best to use an electronic thermometer, as it works quickly and gives a signal immediately after the temperature measurement is completed. But if there is no such thermometer, you can use a regular mercury thermometer.
The tip is inserted 3-4 cm into the anus with circular movements and within 5 minutes you will know the exact body temperature of your pet.
So, the cat has been diagnosed with high body temperature. It is very important here to find out the true cause of hyperthermia and respond with immediate action.
- To begin, place the animal in a cool room. Open the windows in winter, and in summer, on the contrary, turn on the air conditioner or fan.
- Place wet rollers or ice wrapped in a towel on your inner thighs and behind your ears. You can cover the animal with a wet towel.
- Provide your cat with enough water to drink.
- If the situation is urgent, and you need to see a doctor only in the morning, you can smear the cat’s paw pads with alcohol, vodka or diluted vinegar every hour.
- Under no circumstances should you wet the animal. Wet fur will be a dense barrier to thermoregulation.
- Sometimes high temperatures can cause dehydration. Especially if it is accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea. When dehydrated, a cat behaves very lethargically, sleeps a lot, and does not urinate. In this case, it is very important to water the animal to restore the salt balance. Dissolve one sachet of Regidron in a liter of water. Offer your cat to drink this mixture. If she refuses, you need to force the solution in, because dehydration is very dangerous for the cat. Wrap the animal in a diaper and use a syringe without a needle to pour the solution into the mouth.
- Some points on the animal’s body are responsible for the course of life processes. To reduce the temperature, you need to do an acupuncture massage of a point located on the back paw. On the outside of the paw, under the knee bend, massage and press the skin, and within a minute you will notice that the temperature has begun to subside. But this method is only effective if the high temperature is caused by an infection.
- During periods of elevated body temperature, offer the animal dietary and light meals, mainly liquid ones. It is best if the cat laps up chicken broth.
- If you have a fever, you can give your cat echinacea tincture. It fights infection, strengthens the immune system, and suppresses the virus. Dissolve the tincture in a small amount of water at the rate of 1 drop per 1 kg of animal weight. Pour the prepared solution into the cat's mouth with a syringe.
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Remember, fever is a serious symptom. Even if you manage to knock it down, it is very important to see a veterinarian as soon as possible. Most likely, you need to fight not with temperature, but with the disease that caused hyperthermia. Take care of your animal, because it has no one to rely on except you.
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Having pets in the house is a big responsibility. But in addition to a good diet and leisure time for the furry pet, the owner must monitor the animal’s health. Cats, like other animals, sometimes experience troubles such as fever.
When sick, pets cannot say what hurts them or what caused the illness. The owner must take a responsible approach to ensuring a prosperous lifestyle for the pet. Loving owners always notice any deviation in the behavior of the animal, and can immediately determine that something is wrong with it. How to reduce a cat's fever at home? What should the owner know?
Healthy cats have:
- good appetite;
- shiny coat;
- wet, cold nose;
- uniform color of the mucous membranes - a uniform pink color (the shade may differ slightly in different individuals).
If a person's temperature is considered normal at 35.9 to 37.2 °C, then in a cat they are always higher - 38-39 degrees. There is an opinion that a temperature of 42 °C is considered normal for representatives of hairless breeds.
In fact, for Sphynxes it is the same as for long-haired cats. It's just that your pet's skin always feels hot when touched. It is not surprising, because there is no fur on it.
A slight increase in temperature in cats is always observed during the hot season. Indicators may vary throughout the day. So, during sleep and in the morning after waking up they are lower, but after physical activity, eating and in the late afternoon, on the contrary, they are increased. There's nothing wrong with that.
A temperature jump of 1 degree upward during estrus, pregnancy, childbirth, as well as after sterilization and vaccination should not cause concern.
It should be noted that in kittens the mechanism of thermoregulation is formed gradually. In newborns, the readings are considered normal: 35.5 to 36.5 ℃; in babies 1-2 months old, they range from 38.5 to 39.5 degrees. Once the kittens reach 7 months of age, the indicators stabilize.
An increase in body temperature in a pet can be caused by a variety of reasons. The most common of these is ordinary overheating. If the cat has been in the sun or in a stuffy room for a long time, the readings can jump up to 41 degrees.
To stabilize the temperature, it is enough to place the animal in a cool room and give it water to drink. As a rule, after a couple of hours thermoregulation returns to normal.
Temperature can also rise significantly due to stress. Cats are emotional, and the appearance of another pet in the house, moving to a new place of residence, changing or losing an owner, even a banal trip by car to the veterinary clinic causes them great anxiety.
The animal's condition will stabilize as soon as it feels that it is not in danger and its loving owner is still nearby.
Hyperthermia can be triggered by infections. In such cases, the pet experiences symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, urinary retention, lack of appetite, and weight loss. Infectious diseases are very dangerous and require immediate attention to a veterinarian.
If a cat's fever is accompanied by sneezing, mucous discharge from the nose, and watery eyes, it is most likely that the body is infected with a virus. In such cases, it is also necessary to visit a veterinary hospital.
The four-legged pet's temperature should be measured rectally with a thermometer. It makes no sense to measure under the paw, since all animals have hair, and the result will be incorrect.
Symptoms of fever in a cat
The pet will feel unwell at both low and high temperatures. An attentive owner will always notice that something is wrong with the pet; the cat has a high temperature. External signs may include:
Note! Veterinarians recommend that pet owners monitor their cat’s temperature for several days in a row. This is necessary to recognize it in normal condition.
If an animal has a low temperature, the condition will manifest itself with the following signs:
Clinical picture
An elevated temperature in a cat, indicating health problems, has certain symptoms. You should sound the alarm if you experience the following symptoms:
- refusal to eat and drink;
- lethargy;
- lacrimation;
- digestive disorders (vomiting, diarrhea);
- rapid heartbeat;
- convulsions;
- dry and hot nose.
If you have any symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.
What to do if your cat has a temperature: rules for measuring it
Several types of thermometers can be used. If a contact device is selected, it must be individual for the animal.
Important! You need to use a mercury thermometer very carefully, as it can easily break.
Owners of active pets should pay attention to the following types of devices:
All tonometers, except the ear one, are intended for rectal use. It is important that the owner behaves calmly and does not raise his voice at the pet.
The procedure should be carried out as follows:
Important! The measurement result will be incorrect if the cat was constantly moving during the measurement.
First aid at home before the doctor arrives
If the temperature increases slightly, there is no need to bring them down. The body must fight inflammation on its own. An increase indicates that protective mechanisms have come into play. It is necessary to take action if the value reaches 40-40.5 °C. You need to call a doctor and provide first aid to the animal. What to do at home if your kitten has a fever:
Important! Treating an animal with drugs that are used to reduce fever in humans is unacceptable, as this can cause allergies or impaired kidney function.
First aid at home
It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate in order to bring down a cat’s high fever. Ignoring the situation may lead to seizures.
Drugs can only be prescribed by a veterinarian after a complete diagnosis. Treatment should be aimed at eliminating the cause, and antipyretic tablets are given as part of complex therapy.
If the temperature reaches 40.5-41 °C, the cat is given a quarter of an analgin tablet. In case of pronounced chills and trembling of the body, the veterinarian makes intramuscular injections and injects drugs into the anus using an enema.
In especially severe cases, a mixture of analgin and diphenhydramine is prescribed per 1 kg of the cat’s weight. This is an undesirable measure; it is used only in extreme cases when it is necessary to urgently reduce performance.
Medication methods are applicable only after consultation with a doctor
How to lower a cat's temperature
The temperature in cats, unlike in humans, is considered normal in the range from 37.8 to 39 degrees. Higher values indicate a pathological process or overheating of the body. An increase in temperature cannot be ignored, as the cause may be a serious pathology.
Normally, a cat’s body is designed in such a way that excess heat is eliminated naturally through the skin and respiratory system. If the pet is sick, then this process of thermoregulation is disrupted.
A cat's normal body temperature is ensured by the body's natural thermoregulation.
Normal temperature for a cat
Cats have a higher metabolic rate than humans, so the physiological norm for adult animals is considered to be 37.5–39 °C. In kittens, an increase of another half degree is allowed. The upper limit of normal for young Sphinxes is exactly 40 °C.
So, the upper limit of normal for most adults is considered to be 39 degrees. When the increase is 1°C or less, the temperature is called low-grade fever. That is, 40 degrees for a cat corresponds to 37.5 for a person.
This increase can be explained by the error of the measuring device, high physical activity or chronic disease. In the latter case, additional clinical symptoms are detected.
The cat has a temperature of 40: reasons
When the body overheats and is stressed, the cat’s body temperature does not exceed 40 degrees. In most cases, the cause of fever can be a viral or bacterial infection that occurs in an acute form.
The chronic course of pathologies is rarely accompanied by an increase in temperature.
Disturbances in thermoregulation can be caused by toxins that accumulate in the body in the presence of parasites, protozoa and bacterial flora.
A cat's temperature often rises when there is a bacterial or viral infection.
The following diseases and pathological conditions contribute to an increase in temperature (hyperthermia):
- inflammatory pathologies of ENT organs:
- genitourinary system infections:
- food poisoning;
- severe injuries;
- fungal skin infections;
- severe allergic reactions.
If the cat's behavior has not changed, no one will think of taking his temperature. The very procedure of catching, fixing, and inserting a sensor into the anus can cause stress and a rise in temperature. Therefore, measurements are resorted to when additional symptoms are detected in a pet.
Taking into account the factors involved, febrile temperature should be considered dangerous to health when the excess of the norm is 1-2 degrees.
An increase in body temperature indicates an inflammatory process in the body. Sometimes it is recorded after surgery if the veterinarian recommends thermometry regardless of the pet's condition. However, most often hyperthermia is observed in infectious diseases or complications of chronic illnesses.
In this case, pay attention to the following additional symptoms:
- vomit;
- diarrhea;
- sneezing;
- cough;
- discharge from the nose and eyes.
Another cause of hyperthermia is heatstroke, which occurs when the cat is hot.
Additional symptoms
Fever in pets is often accompanied by apathy, lack of activity and decreased appetite. The animal may even refuse water and spend most of its time lying on its side. At the same time, the cat often hides from its owner in a secluded place where no one will disturb it:
- If your pet additionally has diarrhea and vomiting, this may indicate food poisoning or acute gastrointestinal diseases: ulcers, pancreatitis and liver damage. In this case, tachycardia may also occur, the animal’s fur loses its shine and becomes matted. When the temperature rises, the pet often experiences apathy and lack of appetite
- If the pet does not allow you to touch its belly and reacts to any attempt with a plaintive meow or aggression, then this behavior indicates pathologies of the abdominal cavity.
- When the temperature rises, you need to examine your pet’s skin. In the presence of sores, wounds and rashes, tick-borne encephalitis, lichen or severe allergic reactions can be suspected.
How to reduce a cat's fever at home using medications and folk remedies
The very intention to bring down a cat's fever seems dubious. If during thermometry you have established a transition after forty degrees, you should recheck the readings after an hour. If the results are disappointing, the pet should be taken to the clinic or a doctor should be called. But what can and cannot be done when there is no possibility of an immediate meeting with a veterinarian?
Antipyretic tablets or children's syrup should not be used. Medicines are designed to bring down the temperature to 36-36.5 degrees. For a cat, this is severe hypothermia, which can result in the death of the animal.
You should not turn on the air conditioner and direct a stream of cold air at your pet, this will cause pneumonia, for which the prognosis for treatment is questionable.
Rubbing with vinegar will not work because cats hate this product.
The traditional method remains - briefly applying a cold object between the hind legs or on the neck.
If the temperature rises slightly, it is not necessary to take any measures, but even this does not cancel a trip to the doctor. If your cat has a high fever, you can use echinacea tincture, which stimulates the body's defenses. There should be 1 ml of medicine per 1 kg of weight:
- The required amount of tincture should be mixed with boiled water (1 tbsp.).
- Draw the liquid into a syringe without a needle and forcefully give it to your pet.
- It is not recommended to use the product more than once a day.
Echinacea tincture stimulates the immune system
Additionally, you can use Regidron solution, which will replenish the fluid deficiency in your pet’s body and improve its well-being by preventing dehydration. 1 sachet needs to be filled with 1 liter of water and mixed thoroughly. The solution should be given 20 ml 3-4 times a day forcibly.
Rehydron replenishes fluid deficiency in the body
One day my cat got sick, which I identified by its characteristic signs. Kesha did not get up, and his nose was warm. In this case, due to lack of experience, I turned to my neighbor, an avid cat lover.
In front of me, she measured the pet’s temperature by inserting a mercury thermometer into his anus.
As it turned out, my pet had a fever, the cause of which was inflammation of the kidneys, which was clear from the animal sitting on the tray for a long time.
How to determine an animal's temperature
An indicator of an increase in a cat's body temperature is the nose. If it is cool and damp, then the pet is healthy. A warm and dry nose indicates hyperthermia. However, this method does not make it possible to determine accurate data. In order to measure the animal's temperature, you will need a mercury or electronic thermometer.
First of all, you need to prepare any available tool that will help you easily and painlessly insert the thermometer into the rectum. This could be Levomekol ointment, Vaseline or baby cream. Before the procedure, the pet should be carefully secured by wrapping it in a towel. It is good if someone helps, since it is difficult to do this on your own, especially when the cat is aggressive.
To measure temperature, you can use either an electronic or a mercury thermometer
After fixation, the tip of the thermometer should be lubricated with any of the listed products and carefully inserted into the animal’s anus to a depth of no more than 1 cm.
If we are talking about a standard mercury thermometer, you will have to wait from three to five minutes. Electronic thermometers cope with the task faster.
After measuring the temperature, the device must be carefully removed from the rectum.
Measuring a cat's body temperature is done rectally
When to contact a veterinarian
If your pet's temperature is 41 degrees, it is important to consult a doctor immediately. You can’t hesitate, otherwise the consequences can be very sad.
In addition, consultation with a specialist is also important in the case when a cat has a temperature of 40 degrees, but lasts for more than a day. Immediate hospitalization is needed for fever, which is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea.
In this case, dehydration can occur in the shortest possible time and cause death.
In a clinical setting, a doctor is able to identify the cause. For these purposes, the veterinarian takes blood from the animal’s vein and also examines the skin.
To eliminate bacterial and viral infections, the doctor prescribes antibiotics and immunostimulants. The most effective way to administer the medicine is by injection.
It allows you to quickly eliminate the source of infection and bring down the temperature. The following are often used for therapy:
- Amoxicillin;
- Sinulox;
- Tsiprovet.
Sinulox is used to eliminate bacterial infections
To eliminate a viral infection, the following is prescribed:
- Interferon;
- Ribotan;
- Feliferon;
- Gamavit.
These drugs stimulate the body's defenses, promoting the activation of T-lymphocytes, which inhibit the proliferation of viral particles. At the end of the course of treatment, vitamin complexes and various feed additives are prescribed to speed up recovery.
Gamavit stimulates the immune system and allows you to quickly relieve your cat of fever
To reduce the temperature provoked by a severe allergic reaction, intramuscular injections of Dexamethasone are used. The dose and course of treatment are determined by the doctor depending on the severity of the symptoms. Glucocorticosteroids during fever are often administered once, as these drugs can also provoke undesirable reactions.
Dexamethasone is used to relieve allergies and fever
In rare cases, a cat is prescribed Analgin in combination with Diphenhydramine at a temperature that exceeds 41 degrees. In this case, both solutions are mixed and administered intramuscularly. Per 1 kg of weight there should be 0.01 mg of Diphenhydramine and 0.05 mg of Analgin. However, in each case, the dosage is determined by the doctor. It is not recommended to give such medications on your own.
Analgin has an analgesic and antipyretic effect
The course of treatment at high temperatures can range from 5 to 7 days, depending on the nature of the provoking factor. Viral infections require longer treatment than bacterial infections.
An increase in body temperature in cats should alert owners, as this may be a sign of a serious pathology. Home remedies can be used in combination with medication to relieve fever. However, drug therapy is not recommended without prior consultation with a doctor.
Source: https://irbis55.ru/sbit-temperaturu-kotu/
Traditional methods
You can reduce your temperature using simple folk methods. To make the assistance as effective as possible, it is recommended:
If a kitten has a fever, no one usually knows what to do. Alternatively, you can use herbal infusions. For example, echinacea tincture has a good effect. It kills the virus and prevents the development of infection.
To obtain a solution, the tincture is diluted with water at the rate of 1 drop per day per 1 kg of animal weight. The solution is injected using a syringe. If the temperature does not decrease within 24 hours, it is necessary to show your pet to a doctor.
Echinacea as a remedy for fever
Massage and diet
During periods of high fever, the animal must be fed only dietary food. You cannot overfeed or force it. The main thing is that the cat drinks as much water as possible.
Note! Food should only be liquid, for example, you can offer your pet low-fat chicken broth.
Vitamin C must be added to the diet to improve immunity. It helps the body fight inflammation. During illness, you can give your cat a mixture of yogurt, ascorbic acid and cottage cheese. Adults are given up to 500 mg of ascorbic acid per day.
Massage has a positive effect on reducing temperature. You need to knead the point under the knee bend on the outside of the hind leg for two minutes. Then you can lightly massage your entire body. The main objective of the procedure is to enhance blood activation. This will help speed up the healing process.
How can you help a cat at home who has a high fever?
When stroking a pet, you feel that its body temperature is higher than that of a person. Exceeding a few degrees is considered normal. The average indicator covers parameters from 38 °C to 39 °C.
An increase or decrease will signal the beginning of the development of inflammatory processes in the animal’s body. It is useful for owners to know what signs of pathological changes appear.
It is recommended to be aware of what to do at home if your cat has a fever.
Normal temperature in cats
In a healthy animal, body temperature during the day can vary from 37.4 °C to 39.5 °C. The exact indicators are individual for each pet, in addition, they are influenced by the characteristics of the breed. Owners should know the normal indicators for their cat in order to detect changes in a timely manner.
An elevated temperature in a domestic cat should alert any owner
For your information! For an adult porridge, an indicator of 39.4 °C will not cause any complications. But for a kitten this is a very serious symptom.
During the day the values will change:
- during sleep and early in the morning they are low;
- increased after physical activity, meals and in the evening.
Particular attention should be paid to small kittens. Their process of independent thermoregulation develops gradually. Therefore, the norm indicators for them will be different. Newborn kittens feel good in the range from 35.6 °C to 36.6 °C. Only at the age of 3-4 months do they reach adult parameters.
With age, metabolic processes in animals slow down just like in humans. Therefore, the body temperature will be below average. In pregnant females, on the contrary, the indicators increase.
Important! Cats with a small coat of fur will feel much hotter to the touch, since the distance between the palm and the animal's body is small.
Normal temperature readings in animals
Symptoms of fever in a cat
Constipation in a cat: what to do at home
The pet will feel unwell at both low and high temperatures. An attentive owner will always notice that something is wrong with the pet; the cat has a high temperature. External signs may include:
- lethargic appearance;
- rapid pulse, the pet begins to breathe heavily;
- The cat's nose is dry and hot.
Note! Veterinarians recommend that pet owners monitor their cat’s temperature for several days in a row. This is necessary to recognize it in normal condition.
If an animal has a low temperature, the condition will manifest itself with the following signs:
- trembling, the pet will freeze;
- manifestation of apathy and lethargy;
- pallor on the mucous membranes;
- cold stomach
The cat will look for a warmer place and bury itself under the blanket. If an animal exhibits uncharacteristic signs of behavior, it is necessary to measure the indicators.
Signs of fever
What to do if your cat has a temperature: rules for measuring it
Diarrhea and vomiting in a cat: what to do at home
Several types of thermometers can be used. If a contact device is selected, it must be individual for the animal.
Important! You need to use a mercury thermometer very carefully, as it can easily break.
Owners of active pets should pay attention to the following types of devices:
- electronic tonometers of universal type. The measurement result is available within a few minutes;
- rectal electronic ones provide readings in 10 seconds;
- infrared ear - a device programmed for a measurement cycle.
All tonometers, except the ear one, are intended for rectal use. It is important that the owner behaves calmly and does not raise his voice at the pet.
The procedure should be carried out as follows:
- Measurements must be taken on a table; doing so on your hands is dangerous.
- The tip of the device must be wiped with alcohol, then lubricated with Vaseline. The cream cannot be used, as it contains perfume fragrances.
- The readings on the tonometer should be at 35 °C before starting the measurement.
- The cat needs to be laid on its side and its paws wrapped.
- The tip is inserted with rotational movements into the anus.
Important! The measurement result will be incorrect if the cat was constantly moving during the measurement.
Measurement Rules
Why does the temperature rise
Urinary incontinence in a cat: what to do at home
An animal's temperature may increase both due to the development of pathology and due to a physiological process. The reasons may be:
- the occurrence of viral diseases such as plague, coronavirus, rhinotracheitis;
- development of inflammation due to infection of wounds and sutures after operations;
- overheating of the body. This phenomenon is typical for small kittens and weak animals. Most often, the temperature can increase if you stay in a stuffy room for a long time;
- nervous stress, overexertion, for example, moving, sterilization.
For your information! Often, pets' temperature rises by one degree after vaccination.
Overheating as a cause of temperature rise
First aid at home before the doctor arrives
If the temperature increases slightly, there is no need to bring them down. The body must fight inflammation on its own. An increase indicates that protective mechanisms have come into play. It is necessary to take action if the value reaches 40-40.5 °C. You need to call a doctor and provide first aid to the animal. What to do at home if your kitten has a fever:
- humidify the air in the room where the animal is located;
- give your pet cool water;
- wrap in a wet towel;
- put cold behind the ears and on the neck.
Important! Treating an animal with drugs that are used to reduce fever in humans is unacceptable, as this can cause allergies or impaired kidney function.
First aid at home
It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate in order to bring down a cat’s high fever. Ignoring the situation may lead to seizures.
Drugs can only be prescribed by a veterinarian after a complete diagnosis. Treatment should be aimed at eliminating the cause, and antipyretic tablets are given as part of complex therapy.
If the temperature reaches 40.5-41 °C, the cat is given a quarter of an analgin tablet. In case of pronounced chills and trembling of the body, the veterinarian makes intramuscular injections and injects drugs into the anus using an enema.
In especially severe cases, a mixture of analgin and diphenhydramine is prescribed per 1 kg of the cat’s weight. This is an undesirable measure; it is used only in extreme cases when it is necessary to urgently reduce performance.
Medication methods are applicable only after consultation with a doctor
Traditional methods
You can reduce your temperature using simple folk methods. To make the assistance as effective as possible, it is recommended:
- place the animal in a cool room, open all windows and doors to ensure sufficient air flow;
- Moisten the wool a little with water or wrap the body with a wet cloth. But it is important to prevent hypothermia;
- Apply a cold compress to the neck and behind the ears. As soon as the fabric heats up, it is changed;
- Be sure to give your pet plenty of cool water. If he refuses to take the liquid, it is infused with a syringe;
- Every hour, lubricate the pads on the paws with an alcohol solution diluted 1:3 with water. A vinegar solution is also suitable for wiping.
If a kitten has a fever, no one usually knows what to do. Alternatively, you can use herbal infusions. For example, echinacea tincture has a good effect. It kills the virus and prevents the development of infection.
To obtain a solution, the tincture is diluted with water at the rate of 1 drop per day per 1 kg of animal weight. The solution is injected using a syringe. If the temperature does not decrease within 24 hours, it is necessary to show your pet to a doctor.
Echinacea as a remedy for fever
Massage and diet
During periods of high fever, the animal must be fed only dietary food. You cannot overfeed or force it. The main thing is that the cat drinks as much water as possible.
Note! Food should only be liquid, for example, you can offer your pet low-fat chicken broth.
Vitamin C must be added to the diet to improve immunity. It helps the body fight inflammation. During illness, you can give your cat a mixture of yogurt, ascorbic acid and cottage cheese. Adults are given up to 500 mg of ascorbic acid per day.
Massage has a positive effect on reducing temperature. You need to knead the point under the knee bend on the outside of the hind leg for two minutes. Then you can lightly massage your entire body. The main objective of the procedure is to enhance blood activation. This will help speed up the healing process.
Massage to reduce temperature
When to contact a veterinarian
Cats have two borderline conditions in which it is important to immediately take emergency measures. Temperatures above 40.5 °C, accompanied by severe fever, can be fatal. If your pet is breathing frequently and showing signs of tachycardia, this can lead to:
- hemorrhages on the skin;
- severe diarrhea;
- internal bleeding;
- cerebral edema;
- profuse vomiting with dehydration.
Important! It should not be neglected if an elevated temperature is observed for three days. The animal should be taken to the veterinarian even if there are no additional symptoms.
If the increase progresses, the animal will require resuscitation measures that cannot be carried out at home.
Contacting a veterinarian
Knowing the reasons why a cat’s temperature may rise, you can take preventive measures to avoid the development of complications. To minimize inflammatory processes and various pathologies, it is recommended to observe the following measures:
- maintain a proper diet. Animals should receive adequate nutrition, enriched with vitamins and minerals;
- regular vaccinations according to schedules;
- It is important to avoid overheating, prolonged exposure of the animal in a car, a stuffy room, or on a windowsill in the sun.
It is important for pet owners not to ignore the warning signs of fever. You cannot self-medicate, since first of all it is necessary to establish the reasons for the increase in indicators. To avoid the development of complications, when you notice the first signs of poor health in your pet, you need to take him to the veterinarian.
Source: https://gafki.ru/koshki/u-kota-temperatura-chto-delat-v-domashnikh-usloviyakh.html
When to contact a veterinarian
Cats have two borderline conditions in which it is important to immediately take emergency measures. Temperatures above 40.5 °C, accompanied by severe fever, can be fatal. If your pet is breathing frequently and showing signs of tachycardia, this can lead to:
Important! It should not be neglected if an elevated temperature is observed for three days. The animal should be taken to the veterinarian even if there are no additional symptoms.
If the increase progresses, the animal will require resuscitation measures that cannot be carried out at home.
Contacting a veterinarian
Knowing the reasons why a cat’s temperature may rise, you can take preventive measures to avoid the development of complications. To minimize inflammatory processes and various pathologies, it is recommended to observe the following measures:
It is important for pet owners not to ignore the warning signs of fever. You cannot self-medicate, since first of all it is necessary to establish the reasons for the increase in indicators. To avoid the development of complications, when you notice the first signs of poor health in your pet, you need to take him to the veterinarian.
What to do?
What to do if a cat has a fever and what measures should be taken first?
To begin, place the animal in the most comfortable place for it and do the following:
- Ventilate the room; the air in the room where the animal is located should be cool. Open the windows or turn on the air conditioner or fan.
- Give your cat a drink of Regidron solution if dehydration occurs.
- Cover your pet with a damp, cool towel.
- Offer your cat low-fat chicken broth.
- Do not wet your pet's fur - this creates a dense, impenetrable layer that interferes with normal thermoregulation.
- Provide your pet with peace.
Attention: the animal should not be forced to drink or eat. Forced drinking is only possible if the pet is dehydrated.
What to do if your cat has a high fever
What to do if a cat has a temperature above normal - this question worries many people if their pet is sick. The temperature of healthy cats is significantly higher than that of humans. However, its increase signals a disease or disorder in the body.
If nothing is done, the cat may die; it is necessary to provide him with timely assistance. To do this, it is worth knowing what tablets should be given to your pet and how to alleviate his condition.
Causes of fever in a cat
A cat's normal temperature reaches 39 degrees. For some breeds these figures are even higher. For example, a hairless cat has a temperature of 40 degrees - a natural phenomenon. In a kitten, elevated temperatures are a common phenomenon, which is associated with the developing thermoregulation system and the activity of the baby.
When measuring degrees, the indicators are different if, for example, you measure them in different phases of activity. If the cat behaves normally, its health apparently has not worsened, the increase in temperature may be due to natural causes:
After castration, a cat’s temperature can rise within one degree, up to 40. If the value on the thermometer is closer to 41, then the cat must be urgently taken to the veterinarian to exclude serious complications.
A high temperature in a cat during pregnancy is associated with its “position”. Complex biochemical processes occur in the pet’s body that fluctuate in degrees. There is no need to panic if she feels well, is active and cheerful.
If a cat exhibits alarming symptoms (lethargy, lack of appetite, nervousness), then active action must be taken. The first thing you should do is measure your temperature.
For this, it is better to use a special veterinary device, but a regular mercury thermometer will also work.
There are different methods of measurement, but the rectal method is considered the most effective. If the temperature turns out to be very high, the pet should be urgently taken to the veterinary clinic. It is worth understanding that at 41.5 in a cat, pathological processes begin in the body, in some cases irreversible.
In cats, degrees increase with various diseases: systemic, viral, infectious. Such indicators also accompany internal bleeding and cancer. Therefore, timely assistance to your pet is vital.
Additional symptoms
A slight increase in body temperature does not actually affect the general condition of the cat, as well as its daily behavior.
Often, such an ailment goes away on its own and does not require any adjustments from the owner. It's another matter when the degrees begin to skyrocket. The first signs of oppression can be observed already at a temperature of 40 degrees.
The symptoms look like this:
- lack of appetite;
- lethargy;
- drowsiness (the cat sleeps constantly);
- apathy;
- tremor;
- cardiopalmus.
Some owners determine if their pet has a high fever by feeling the nose for signs of moisture. However, this method is completely ineffective.
For example, cats' noses dry out only in the presence of very high temperatures. Also, during the sleep process, the nasal epithelium also remains dry.
Attention: Sphynx cats have a normal body temperature of 41-42 degrees. This is due to the individual characteristics of the body of these animals and the lack of the usual coat.
Fever in pets is often accompanied by apathy, lack of activity and decreased appetite. The animal may even refuse water and spend most of its time lying on its side. At the same time, the cat often hides from its owner in a secluded place where no one will disturb it:
- If your pet additionally has diarrhea and vomiting, this may indicate food poisoning or acute gastrointestinal diseases: ulcers, pancreatitis and liver damage. In this case, tachycardia may also occur, the animal’s fur loses its shine and falls off.
When the temperature rises, the pet often experiences apathy and lack of appetite.
- If the pet does not allow you to touch its belly and reacts to any attempt with a plaintive meow or aggression, then this behavior indicates pathologies of the abdominal cavity.
- When the temperature rises, you need to examine your pet’s skin. In the presence of sores, wounds and rashes, tick-borne encephalitis, lichen or severe allergic reactions can be suspected.