Why does a cat follow its owner's heels?

What is a pet's expression of love?

Why do cats lie on their backs when they see you?

Cats become attached to the inhabitants of the apartment in the same way as dogs, choosing for themselves the only one to whom the cat’s soul lies most. The cat shows its love by purring loudly, gently biting, moving its paws, as if giving a massage.

Only to someone whom it trusts can a cat expose its belly for stroking. Trying to show her love, she brings toys, caught prey, strives to lick her hands, face, and looks with a peaceful look.

Obvious reasons

Meowing of varying degrees of volume, and sometimes frankly persistent yelling, can be heard at any time of the day: in the middle of the night, early in the morning or during the day. And if for oriental breeds such behavior is considered within the norm, then for other cats it is a signal that something is bothering them.

The cat meows and asks for a cat

Hormones . This is the first thing that may come to mind when a cat that has left childhood begins to bother you with its frequent meows. Absolutely all mature, non-sterilized cats, as well as non-castrated cats, behave this way. Not only psychological, but also physical discomfort is caused by the lack of opportunity to have offspring.

In addition, a loud cry is a signal to individuals of the opposite sex that they are ready to mate. Such “concerts” will be repeated regularly, and when adopting a kitten, you should immediately decide for yourself whether you will sterilize it, or will have to put up with loud meowing and patiently wait for the end of the difficult period.

The cat does not leave the owner due to attention deficit

Cats, like all animals, love affection.

Attention deficit . Sometimes cats may meow in hopes of attracting the attention of their owners. They quickly begin to understand that people immediately react to loud sounds, and thus try to achieve what they want, most often - some favorite treat.

If this is the case, you should try to wean your pet from such a bad habit, otherwise the domestic terror will be constant.

But it happens that a cat is forced to spend most of the day at home alone, and when his beloved owners meet, he begins to meow loudly. In this case, it is enough to simply pay attention to him: play, pet him, communicate affectionately, honor him behind the ear. If your pet is left alone for a long time, you should provide him with food and toys so that he has something to occupy himself with.

Request for help

Guarded in a dream: why do cats sleep near their owner’s head?

If your furry pet is not behaving as usual, meowing pitifully, it may need human help. The cat cannot express in words that he is unwell, something hurts. Unable to bear the pain, he goes for help to his closest person, his owner.

You shouldn’t ignore your pet’s behavior; it’s better to consult a veterinarian once again than to reproach yourself for wasted time.

Reasons for strange behavior

Cat owners don't always know why their pet started walking in circles and meowing constantly. This is not an effect of age or weather, but a symptom of a pathological condition that cannot be left untreated. In the absence of timely diagnosis and treatment, the animal may die. There are various reasons for a cat's inappropriate behavior:

  1. Worms . With a parasitic infestation, the furry pet wakes up at night and restlessly walks in circles in the same place. This means restlessness and increased anxiety. If worms are present in the body, the animal does not lose coordination of movements and balance. The cat reacts calmly to humans and does not show signs of irritation or aggression. You should immediately consult a veterinarian, who will prescribe anthelmintic medications.
  2. Brain concussion . The pathological process disrupts the transmission of nerve impulses in the central nervous system. Murka may feel nauseous, and there is a disorder in coordination of movements and orientation in space. The pet meows anxiously and walks in circles. At this moment, the body experiences severe stress.
  3. Damage to the middle and inner ear . These sections are connected by many nerve endings. When they become ill, problems with balance begin. Kittens tilt their heads to one side and sit in this position for a long time. If they start to “wind up” circles, they constantly deviate from the route towards the sore ear. Tumors, polyps and infectious diseases can lead to the observed clinical picture.
  4. Neurological disorder. In addition to the described symptom, coordination is impaired, limbs twitch during sleep, and the cat often stumbles and falls due to sudden muscle weakness. The pet refuses to eat and often shows its tongue sticking out. In most cases, neurological diseases occur in older animals, but when infected, they can also manifest themselves at a young age. When the nervous system is disrupted, the cat walks clockwise, bumping into walls, falling to the floor, but continues to move its legs for some time.

    What to do if your cat walks in circles read the article

Pathologies of the central nervous system. Disorders of the central nervous system can be caused by diseases of various origins. Possible pathologies in which a cat behaves unnaturally include:

  • malignant neoplasms of the brain;
  • cerebral circulation disorders: ischemic disease, stroke;
  • inflammation of the inner ear;
  • increased blood pressure due to a blood clot in a cerebral artery;
  • toxoplasmosis.

Hypertension is common in animals with kidney failure. If there is a bleeding disorder, high blood pressure can cause a stroke.

If your pet has chronic diseases, it should undergo an annual preventive examination by a veterinarian and take medications.

When a pet has long-term kidney problems, walking in circles means a deterioration in the general condition of the body.

Desire to know what's going on around you

Cats are naturally curious creatures. They like to be in the center of events, to know everything about what is happening around them. Owners of private housing constructions have more than once noticed that their pets spin around the owner’s feet when they are looking out for prey.

For them, the owner's legs are the most advantageous position. Everything is clearly visible, and if something happens, the family pet will not be offended. Cats are predators; they guard their territory very jealously.

They walk around it several times a day, jealously watching so that strangers do not sneak into the territory. Like all animals, cats leave marks with their scent, as a sign that strangers have nothing to do in the territory entrusted to them.

Unfortunately, the cat marks not only the local area, he can mark pieces of home furniture, the owner’s clothes, and the corners of the apartment. To wean him off this, you need to have a lot of patience.

Why does a cat shit in the wrong place?

There's always a reason why your pet stops using the litter box, and it's not to make you angry. Take a close look at what's going on in your cat's world. You must uncover the source of the problem and fix it. Causes are medical or behavioral factors.

Medical problems

If your cat makes puddles outside of the litter box or is unable to relieve himself and nervously licks his genitals, take him to the vet immediately. This may be a sign of a urinary tract infection or blockage from kidney stones.

They cause severe pain when urinating, forcing the pet to avoid the litter box - the culprit of suffering in his understanding. Some cats will even urinate and cry in front of you or go to the bath to let you know something is wrong.

A pet whose urinary tract is blocked may die within hours or suffer permanent organ damage from the buildup of toxins in the body.

stop your cat from pooping in the wrong place

Other diseases that force a cat to shit in the wrong place:

  • metabolic disorders such as diabetes and kidney disease increase the amount of urine produced, and the sick animal does not have time to get to its toilet in time;
  • interstitial cystitis (inflammation of the bladder);
  • a cat with arthritis may have problems walking up stairs or climbing into a high-sided litter box;
  • defecation disorders (constipation or diarrhea), painful for the cat, can cause it to avoid its toilet due to unpleasant associations;
  • Dementia in older animals can cause them to forget where the litter box is or even how to use it correctly.

Behavioral reasons

If the presence of diseases is ruled out by the veterinarian, continue to look for the factor that causes your pet to present unpleasant “surprises”. Most cats have no problem using the litter box.

About 10% of furry domestic predators are so picky that they find a lot of reasons (known only to them) to decide that their toilet is an unpleasant place to defecate.

how to stop a cat from shitting in the wrong place

14 common reasons why a cat shits in the wrong place:

  • the tray is not clean enough - you haven’t changed the filler for a long time or you haven’t washed the tray with the mesh well;
  • the cat doesn’t like her “potty” - it’s uncomfortable/cramped, too big/small or low/high, and so on;
  • she doesn’t like the consistency of the filler or the location of the tray;
  • the cat shits in the wrong place because it was frightened by the attack of another pet in the process of relieving itself;
  • inconvenient location of the tray, which does not allow privacy or prevents “evacuation”;
  • There are not enough litter boxes for all the cats in the house;
  • something has changed in the cat’s usual way of life - he is alarmed, marking his territory in order to calm down or assert himself;
  • the cat shits in the wrong place because it associates the litter box with punishment or a painful condition;
  • conflict with another pet;
  • the depth of the filler is too deep - cats usually prefer two to five centimeters of substrate;
  • a new preference for relieving on certain surfaces or textures, such as carpet, planter soil, or bedding;
  • sexual heat in cats - they mark objects in the house with urine to attract a female;
  • stress due to moving, boredom, poor living conditions, violence, the arrival or departure of other pets;
  • a cat poops in the wrong place because it is too young, too old or sick to get to its litter box in time.

a way to stop a cat from shitting in the wrong place

Your pet may just be bored

Living in a city apartment, when loving owners provide delicious food, there is no need to go hunting, the struggle for survival disappears, all that remains is to sleep and wander around the apartment. With nothing else to do, the furry pets follow on the heels of the apartment residents in the hope that they will pay attention to them, pet them, or deign to play with them.

In this case, to prevent your pet from being annoying, you need to pay attention to him at least half an hour a day, drag the mouse on a string, shine a laser pointer on him, and caress him. He doesn’t need much, the main thing is to feel the love and care of his owners.

What to do?

Felinologists note that it is important to pay attention to the animal. Be sure to talk to him, play or just pet him for at least 20 minutes a day.

If the mustachioed man has no health problems, then the problem is psychological and can be solved independently. To get rid of separation anxiety, you should try not paying attention to the animal 15 minutes before leaving the house and the same time after returning. If your cat is bored, you can buy new interesting toys at the pet store that will immediately cheer up your pet. Before leaving home, be sure to check whether your pet’s plates contain food and clean drinking water. You can also hide goodies in different things, and then the cat will look for them and eat them with pleasure. If possible, you can arrange a place at a height from which your pet can watch the birds through the window.

What to do if the cat does not sleep at night, walks and meows

If a once calm cat screams even after a hearty meal, the first thing you should do is contact a veterinarian. Examination and, if necessary, treatment can quickly correct the situation.

But the natural desire to reproduce will be more difficult to overcome. If your plans do not include castration or sterilization, you just need to give your pet the opportunity to have a good run and just wait out the turbulent days. It is just not recommended to give drugs that reduce sexual activity - they are very harmful to health !

Games and attention

To give your pet a chance to release its energy and express its instincts, play with it often during the day. Active games and jumping, simulating hunting, will calm the cat. To achieve a lasting effect, immediately after the game, the pet should be fed, and more satisfyingly. Thanks to this imitation of hunting - food, the cats begin the final stage - a sweet dream.

Don't let your cat sleep a lot during the day

To prevent your furry pet from disturbing you with its pacing and meowing at night, you should not let it get enough sleep in the evening.

How many times do kittens go to the toilet?

Very young kittens (up to 3-4 weeks) feed exclusively on mother's milk. Their digestive system is not yet very developed, so there is no need to talk about any regularity.

Starting from the age of one month, kittens learn to drink milk from a saucer and gradually become interested in other foods, including solids. In addition, at this age their digestion is improving, so, although irregularly, they need to go to the toilet. On average, up to three months, a kitten can go to the toilet from 1 to 3 times a day, both “big” and “small”

Starting from 3 months of age, the process of going to the toilet should gradually normalize and become regular. The acceptable maximum can be considered 3 “piles” and 6 “puddles”. The high activity of the kitten has a big influence here, because at this age he constantly plays and runs around a lot, which is why he drinks a lot.

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