Why do cats meow loudly, as if they were crying? Why does a cat cry: causes, treatment

Can cats cry?

Domestic cats show emotions. They can experience a wide range of feelings similar to humans - irritation, anger, sadness, melancholy and joy. Sometimes the owner may notice tears flowing from the pet's eyes.

Crying cats are often noticed in stressful situations - when changing housing, if the kittens were taken away from the mother cat or they died, after the death of a second pet with whom the cat was friends, or when losing a favorite toy.

But tears are also a symptom of many diseases in cats, which require timely assistance from a veterinarian.

There is currently no scientific evidence that cats' tears are associated with sadness or grief. In animals, physiological interactions between the nervous system and the lacrimal glands of the eye, which have been studied in humans, have not been established. We tend to associate certain human facial expressions with corresponding internal states: sadness with tears, laughter with joy. But science has little way of knowing whether the same analogies exist in the animal kingdom. Therefore, this question remains open for now.

Even veterinarians who have been working for many years cannot give a definite answer, since during the same medical procedures that cause pain to a cat, one animal does not show any reaction, while another’s eyes begin to water.

Research by scientists

Not long ago, scientists decided to seriously study cat tears. They came to the conclusion that cats cannot cry from worries; their tears are pure physiology.

Like other animals, cats cry in order to protect the cornea from drying out and moisturize it. Felinologists also noted that representatives of some breeds may shed tears involuntarily. This applies to Exotics, Highlands and Persians and is explained by the structure of their eyes, which are slightly bulging and watery. In addition, researchers believe that cats do not experience feelings because they cannot:

  • to be nostalgic;
  • recall;
  • be sad.

It is known that cats are highly developed animals with a complex nervous system. For example, with some diseases of the central nervous system, they lose the ability to move, which cannot but affect the state of their brain. If there is a nervous system, then there must be a possibility of disruption of its functions. In other words, representatives of the cat family may well become depressed, suffer and be offended. But they don't cry. At such moments, they hide, refuse food and communication with humans, show aggression or become lethargic.

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Reasons for crying in cats

I would like to say right away that there is no need to be afraid. A cat’s tears are not always the cause of some terrible illness, which is why it’s time to take the fluffy one to the doctor. Without knowing for sure the reasons why a cat is crying, it is impossible to begin to “treat” it.

Remember little kittens. You can almost always see discharge on their eyes. And their color, and their structure, and quantity are also not always the same. Transparent liquid streams from someone's eyes. And the other has reddish, stretchy “snot.” And the third kittens cry today, but not tomorrow. And what is it? Disease? Or is it just physiology? Or maybe the characteristics of some age-related hormonal changes in the body. But most often the reason why baby cats cry is that they simply haven’t learned to wash themselves yet. And they can’t take the tears away from their eyes.

What other reasons are there why you shouldn’t sound the alarm?:

  • After sleep, almost all cats collect some fluid, which makes the cat appear to be crying;
  • Just like in humans, cat tears perform the function of cleansing the eye;
  • Cats are incredibly emotional creatures. And sometimes this affects their facial expressions and physiological functions. A cat may cry when it is happy or upset for some reason;
  • Any active activity of a cat, from pulling up to playful jumping, can lead to the animal “crying.” In fact, this is the result of more active work of the mucous membranes during the cat’s movements;
  • And even onions in food, or if you cut them in front of a cat, can cause a similar reaction.

These reasons why cats cry are not serious. Nothing bothers the fluffy one. He is actually healthy. But there is also cause for concern when the owner sees that his cat is crying. What are these reasons :

  • Conjunctivitis;
  • Other infectious or viral diseases of the orbit, canals and tissue around the eye;
  • Injuries (this also includes the fact that a foreign body has entered the cat’s eye, causing a reaction - the eye cries, and the cat itself can behave restlessly and meow);
  • Turn of the century;
  • Allergy;
  • Worms.

What to do if your cat is constantly crying

If you notice that your pet is constantly crying, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only an experienced specialist will help determine the causes of tears. If various types of diseases are not detected, the food is appropriate and does not cause an allergic reaction - it is necessary to create favorable conditions for living.

You can try to help a crying cat yourself.

If you do not attach importance to the problem, the animal’s physical and emotional condition may worsen.

Animals, like people, can cry, but the reasons for crying are different. This could be a disease or emotional state of the pet. Study the characteristics of the breed; the structure of the skull can cause tears on the pet’s face. It is best to consult a doctor, he will help determine the cause.

Only real “cat lovers” bring a cat into the house and it becomes a real member of the family. Owners become attached to their pets and claim that cats can express their feelings (sadness, joy, sadness) like a person. This is actually not the case, although the behavior of cats has not been thoroughly and completely studied. Cats can “whine” in pain, signal pain with strange sounds, but they cannot laugh and cry “humanly”, this is not inherent in nature.

In the process of studying cats, it was established that cats do not cry, but despite the fact that they have a gland that secretes tears. It is designed to preserve the cornea from drying out. Tears are emotions, in order to cry you need to be able to express your feelings, even a human baby cannot cry at birth, it only screams.

Cats can be sad, show an apathetic and depressed mood, but they show this completely differently from people. During nervous disorders, cats lose hair, which means a lack of attention from the owner.

In any case, cats do not know how to cry, and if you notice “tears” in the eyes of your beloved pet, he is sick. The very first symptoms of disruption of the tear ducts are constantly wet eyes, brown hair under the eyes, irritation and hair loss. Most often these are signs of epiphyora eye disease. When any symptom appears, it is necessary to urgently contact a veterinarian, make a correct diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Sometimes a cat “cries” due to a foreign body entering the ducts of the lacrimal glands, which must be carefully removed.

There are cases when a cat “cries” due to an infection in the eye (viruses, bacteria), which also needs to be diagnosed and treated only under the supervision of a specialist. Self-medication can lead to vision loss.

In some cat breeds, “tears” flow constantly due to the anatomical characteristics of the breed - these are Persians. But, despite the fact that Persian cats constantly “cry,” their owners need to constantly monitor this. Improper hygiene procedures can lead to inflammatory processes, and the appearance will not be very beautiful. The veterinary pharmacy has special eye care products.

In small kittens, tears appear only when the eye is injured while playing with other kittens or toys. Little kittens need constant care and supervision; if you notice that your baby is “crying,” go to the doctor immediately. In any case, if your cat “cries” this is not a manifestation of feelings, but a signal of a problem with the eyes. Caring and careful care of your cat will ensure a comfortable existence for him!

Many have seen discharge in the eyes of both domestic cats and homeless cats. What is this? Sign of pain? A disease from which a cat suffers in silence? Why is the cat crying? What are the probable reasons for this? And what should the owner do when he discovers his pet with tears on its face?

When to contact a veterinarian

Only a veterinarian can diagnose and accurately state the cause of this condition of cat's eyes, when a small amount of discharge accumulates in the corners of your cat's eyes. If this happens in the morning or after sleep - the phenomenon is quite physiological, the cat will wash itself, or you will help it with this - wipe the corners of its eyes with a napkin. But, if tearing occurs throughout the day, this is no longer a question of hygiene, but a question of disease, and your veterinarian can and should help you in this case.

Also, if you notice that your cat begins to constantly squint, or tries to rub its eye with its paw, this may also indicate that an infection has entered the animal’s eye, which means you immediately need to seek advice from specialists and do not wait until the eyes the animal will be filled with pus and it will stop seeing altogether...

Examinations and first aid

It turns out that cats can cry. And the fact that the cat is crying may indicate the fluffy’s inability to properly care for himself or a disease. The latter will be clearly evidenced by a loudly crying cat. Something is clearly bothering her and she's talking about it.

If an animal cries, how can you tell that the cat does not have a serious illness? That her ability to cry is due to harmless reasons? You can observe her behavior from time to time.

What to pay attention to:

  • Has the cat's behavior changed?
  • How is her appetite?
  • Have her habits changed?

To diagnose the disease, the veterinarian will conduct a survey and, based on the answers, tests and personal observations, will conclude why the cat is crying and what may be bothering him. The doctor will prescribe treatment and help get rid of the problem.

So, today we have to figure out why the kitten meows constantly. After all, the appearance of a furry animal in the house is almost always a joy. Unless it is overshadowed by overly “voiced” animals. Sometimes the meowing is so strong and annoying that the kittens have to be given away. Before agreeing to such a serious and rash step, it is better to understand what is going on. It is unlikely that an animal will just make noise and “give voice”

So why does the kitten meow all the time? What you should pay attention to?

How to deal with lacrimation in a cat

When faced with increased lacrimation in a cat, the main thing is not to waste time and prevent infection of the irritated mucous membranes. If you are unable to see a doctor as soon as possible, before receiving professional help, try to alleviate your pet’s condition yourself.

Preventive agents for disinfecting mucous membranes can be purchased at a pet store. Usually the products are drops or solutions for wiping. If, for some reason, this option is not suitable for you, you can use the following as an antiseptic solution:

  • Decoctions of herbs (calendula, chamomile, oak bark) for wiping the eyelids.
  • A strong brew of tea for cleaning eyelids and soaking crusts.
  • A weak solution of furatsilin.

Features of some breeds

The flow of tears from the eyes, which is often found in purebred cats, is not at all the norm for them. Due to their physiological characteristics, Persians, Scots, Britons and cats of some other breeds suffer from teary eyes more often. However, with proper care for your four-legged friend, his eyes will be clean and clear, like all healthy cats.

Why do Scottish cats have watery eyes?

Scottish Fold cats have a specific skull structure. They have a short, snub-nosed muzzle. The tear ducts are very short. Therefore, whenever there is any irritation, tears flow easily from the eyes. If the discharge is clear and not very abundant, you should treat it as a breed characteristic and regularly care for your pet’s eyes.


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