10 cat breeds that are least susceptible to various diseases


Known for their unique coat with a bluish tint, Chartreux cats are highly adapted to indoor life. They do not require special care and are not known to suffer from any genetic diseases.

When planning to get a cat for living in an apartment, it’s a good idea to clarify one more thing in advance - how well they are adapted for full-fledged existence in a limited space: some cat breeds are ideal for keeping in a small home.

American Wirehair

Veterinarians believe that tabby color is characteristic of those cat breeds that are least likely to get sick. This can be said about the American Shorthair cat. They are considered long-livers precisely because of their strong immunity.

Unlike other breeds, the American Wirehair is less susceptible to digestive poisoning, abdominal pain and gastrointestinal diseases due to eating something wrong. Therefore, you can safely let them go for a walk.

However, representatives of this breed are susceptible to the development of polycystic kidney disease and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

The Healthiest Cat Breeds

Like all animals, our beloved cats get sick. But, still, there are several breeds that have the strongest immune systems. So, some of them.

The healthiest cats are mongrel cats. This is due only to the living conditions of the animals. All outbred cats must survive in harsh conditions, they do not have loving owners to help them, and they do not receive vaccinations. Half-breed mestizos also “do not complain” about their health; the blood of a mongrel father or mother overcomes the pampered genes of a domestic spoiled Persian or Sphinx.

Norwegian forest

The healthiest cat breeds that you don't have to go to hospitals with

Norwegian forest cats are reminiscent of Vikings: they are powerful animals with magnificent fur. They have an easy-going character and only one owner - the one the animal chooses on its own. Norwegians love to have their fur brushed. They are distinguished by excellent health and a resilient immune system. After all, the ancestors of these cats had to live in a natural environment, which only the most persistent and strong individuals could do.

Cat breeds

Each breed of animal is determined by specific features in appearance and character traits that are unique to it - this is called the breed standard, which must be recognized by various organizations of felinologists (TICA, FIFe, WCF, CFA, IFA, ICU, WACC, etc.) for each of them own rules of recognition. All purebred cats are given pedigrees.

One of the most amazing and mysterious breeds is the Maine Coon - a gentle giant with a serious look. These creatures are called “indoor lynxes,” which is not surprising, because... they are one of the largest domestic cats.

All over the world this breed is called “Scottish Fold”, but we are more accustomed to calling these cute cats “Scottish Fold”. Their “cute” appearance will not leave anyone indifferent - you immediately want to pick up such a creature and cuddle it.

Millions of people around the world cannot imagine their existence without such “plush” bundles of happiness. These aristocratic, friendly, charismatic and very clean pets have long been one of the most popular cat breeds on the planet.

Bengal cats are incredibly beautiful animals that combine the spectacular appearance of wild predators and the docile nature of pets. Well, the main “feature” of these creatures is their “leopard color,” which is why they are called “domestic leopards.”

Siamese - graceful oriental beauties and beauties (who managed to preserve their roots almost in their original form) stand out for their special grace, temperamental character and a certain diminutiveness.

Among the many breeds, there is one endowed with incredible elegance and grace - this is the Abyssinian cat - an intelligent, flexible and dexterous creature. There is a certain mystery and special sophistication in her, and her appearance is called “divine.”

This breed is distinguished by its special silver-blue color and piercing green eyes. Russian blue cats are “real noblewomen.” These are graceful and mysterious creatures, delighting their owners with a playful but obedient disposition.

Siberian cats are considered real Russian beauties for their expressive eyes, chic “fur coat” and friendly character. They have long won the hearts of many cat lovers... a very long time ago - the first mentions of them are found in the 16th century.

The Oriental cat, at first glance, is impressive with its ears (in comparison with the body and head, they seem simply huge). This is a wonderful friend and you cannot betray him (the cat will not understand if you give it to another person).

Charming “Siberians” with a “Siamese” color, a chic hypoallergenic “fur coat” and an easy-going disposition are the pride of Russian felinologists from the banks of the Neva... Dmitry Medvedev got himself a kitten of this particular breed, and Vladimir Putin gave one to the Prime Minister of Japan.

Maine Coon

This breed comes from the American continent. Each representative has wild blood flowing in it, which stores the reserve of ancestral immunity for these healthy cats. High resistance to disease is explained by the fact that the breed appeared through natural selection.

However, Maine Coons still have minor weaknesses - a genetic predisposition to cardiac dysfunction, namely cardiomyopathy. Therefore, owners are advised to carefully monitor their pet’s diet, organize moderate physical activity and regular visits to the veterinarian.


This is a descendant of another famous breed - the Siamese cat. It is for this reason that they are similar in appearance. However, unlike their ancestors, Thai cats are distinguished by excellent health.

But there are diseases that can be inherited, such as amyloidosis or breast cancer. Therefore, maintaining immunity at a high level requires not only proper nutrition and lifestyle, but also regular visits to the veterinarian and vaccination.

No. 4 Savannah

An elegant cross between a serval and a Siamese cat, the Savannah cat is remarkably healthy. Thanks to good genetics, she is able to live from 18 to 20 years.

The amazing color, touching face and expressive look will delight the owner for a long time if he takes care of the food, which does not contain a large amount of grain.

Savannah cat
Photo source:

These cats benefit from raw meat - it will help lengthen the lifespan of the charming savannah, as well as taurine, which should be given to remove hair from the stomach.


From the name it is clear that the breed has been hardened for centuries in a harsh climate. In addition, it appeared naturally. Thanks to this, its representatives are unpretentious and practically do not get sick; they are not prone to problems that may appear in other purebred cats.

However, this is only possible if the cat is not limited to the sofa and windowsill - the animal cannot live without walks. The pet retains its immunity only if it leads an active lifestyle.

Despite these genetic characteristics, Siberian cats can develop rabies and conjunctivitis. In addition, the animal must be additionally protected from parasites, especially if walks will be regular in its life.

What to do if you notice signs of poor health in your cat?

If you notice any of the above, this is a reason to consult your veterinarian. Cats do not like to ride in cars, especially to the veterinary clinic. And every trip between a cat and its owner is a mutually stressful situation, when first the cat hides and does not want to go into the carrier to go to the clinic and then when it does not want to leave there, seeing an unfamiliar environment. Very often, owners postpone such consultations until later, when the cat becomes very ill and irreversible consequences develop in the body. Calling a veterinarian to your home is a stress-free solution to problems in a familiar environment.

Cats with diabetes are recommended to have their blood tested for sugar at home. Any stress (car ride, new environment) can trigger hyperglycemia (high blood sugar levels of 300-400 mg/dL) in a cat. Treating your cat is not an easy task. The cat doesn't mind when we approach them to cuddle or pet them, but just try to hold them with the goal of giving a potion or pill as they disappear. It seems that they intuitively know what it is about and are trying to hide or resist. Giving a pill or giving an injection to a cat turns into a struggle and only an experienced specialist, persistent, does it. Cat owners often skip regular doses and often stop giving the drug altogether when there is some semblance of recovery. However, when treating with antibiotics, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for the full course so that resistance to the antibiotic does not develop.

Changes in the cat's appearance

A deterioration in the pet's appearance indicates that the cat is sick - conduct a visual examination of the pet at least once a week.

Monitor your cat's weight—if your cat seems to be getting thin or fat, weigh her at least once a week. Weight changes may indicate diabetes or hyperthyroidism.

A cat is weighed on a white scale

If a cat is sick and does not have enough strength to lick, the condition of the fur will deteriorate. In this case, the fur will become matted and dull. Also, a cat will refuse to lick itself if it has arthritis - unnecessary actions will be painful for it.

Pay attention to the condition of your cat's eyes. The visibility of the third eyelid and the appearance of discharge from the eyes indicate illness.

Visible third eyelid in a cat

If there is discharge visible in your cat's ear, there is an unpleasant smell from the ear, or if the cat is trying to comb something out of the ear, then your pet has a problem and should contact your veterinarian.

Careful care and monitoring of changes in the cat's behavior or appearance will save its health and give it many years of life.
Remember - it is better to contact the veterinarian once again than to start treatment too late! Did you like the article? Share with your friends!

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