TOP 30 smartest and most savvy cat breeds in the world

Almost every cat owner can say that their pet is distinguished by intelligence, dexterity and good memory. Of course, his opinion is subjective, so the selection with a list of the smartest cats was compiled based on the opinions of experts, scientists and owners. As it turns out, a cat’s “mind” consists of various skills and traits: dexterity, cunning, remembering commands, responding to the owner’s requests, etc. Based on these results, a list of ten breeds that were recognized as the most intelligent was compiled.

The smartest cat breed

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What is meant by the intelligence of a cat? There is no clear answer. The following signs can be distinguished: The cat “understands” simple commands, for example, “come here.” The cat's desire and readiness to communicate. The behavior of a cat when you need to achieve something. For example, open a jar, a door. Animal curiosity. How a cat reacts to changes in the owner’s mood. You can find various tests on the Internet to determine the IQ of cats, but their results do not correspond to reality. Cats are animal spirits. After running the tests several times, different results are obtained. Each cat is smart in its own way and has its own preferences. Only its owner, who observes the animal’s actions in various natural situations, can evaluate a pet’s intelligence.

What is the intelligence of a cat?

No one will argue that cats have high intellectual abilities. Although it is difficult to imagine how a furry pet carries a newspaper and slippers to its owner or unquestioningly carries out certain commands. It’s not for nothing that people say that “a cat walks on its own.”

Cats belong to the order of small predators, and predators must make a lot of effort and ingenuity in order to get food for themselves and not become that same food for a larger animal. Yes, take care of the offspring - raise and teach all the intricacies of forest life. Therefore, outbred cats that have to live on the street show ingenuity much more often. Pedigree cats live with their owners on all provisions, and they do not have to worry about food. But domestic cats have other tasks, for example, going to the toilet strictly in the litter box, scratching their claws on a scratching post, and sleeping in a special house. Both the owner and the pet need to try very hard to accomplish all this.

A cat’s “talents” are multifaceted, some are inherent from birth, others are acquired through long-term training. The basic inclinations of a kitten appear from birth. This is the ability to move, so necessary when hunting. And the ability to hunt needs to be learned throughout one’s life, although rapid development occurs in the first months, and after two years the cat reaches the peak of its intelligence.

Scientists conducted research studying the habits of cats and found that they, like people, observe and study before doing something.

Cats are excellent inventors. If there is any obstacle in the way of realizing their plans, rest assured that the cat will overcome it sooner or later. She will be able to contrive to open the latch in the cage, or turn the handle to open the door. And if the door does not lend itself, then you can use a window to enter the room. And if she succeeds in a difficult trick once, she will never forget the technique of performing it.

Cats have excellent intuition. They perfectly sense the mood of the owner, and if he is not in a good mood, then the fluffy will go to a secluded corner; in the opposite situation, the pet will twirl under his feet and purr affectionately.

Interesting video: The smartest and friendliest cats

Norwegian Forest Cat (Skogcat)

Representatives of this breed are direct descendants of forest cats. In the wild nature of the Norwegian forests, the animals had to become hardy, brave and smart. These qualities remain in modern cats. An interesting feature of the breed: Norwegians are the only domestic cats who descend from a tree head down, in a spiral. Norwegian beauties are great for keeping at home. They are devoted to their owners, sociable, great with children, and get along with other pets. At the same time, they are quite independent. Skogket owners note that the cats are very smart, they literally understand what is wanted from them

Place 1. Singaporean cat

The breed is considered one of the smallest in the cat world.
It is logical to assume that the birthplace of the breed is Singapore, but researchers are inclined to favor Malay origin. A very smart, playful, sociable cat that strives to participate in all the affairs of its owners. It has a unique coat of rich brown color with a ticked pattern. Cats are physically active, they need to create a full-fledged “cat town”. We address the readers

What do you think of the top 10 “smartest” breeds presented? Please share your opinion! And one more thing: so far our technical capabilities allow us to post only one photo. We apologize to you.

Original: Meet The World's Smartest Cat Breeds. Author: Jenna Stregowski. Source: Photo:

Maine Coon

These fluffies come from cats that lived on farms in the American Northeast. They are simply huge. Adults weigh 8–12 kg, sometimes up to 15 kg. Despite their size, cats are very friendly and neat. Representatives of this breed rarely play pranks: they do not steal from the table, do not damage furniture, and go to the litter tray. You can walk on a leash. Maine Coons are self-confident, get along well with children, and are not aggressive towards strangers. They do not quarrel with other animals; on the contrary, they love to play hide and seek, even with dogs. They evoke love at first sight.


The birth of a hairless kitten due to a genetic mutation has always been considered a culling. But at one point, such an unusual appearance first interested Canadian breeders, and then French, American and Russian. As a result of their work, the Canadian and Russian (Don and St. Petersburg) Sphynx breeds were developed.

Sphynx photo

Sphynx owners note their friendliness towards everyone around them, and on the other hand, their lack of narcissism, as if they understand that the lack of hair and wrinkled skin can cause a grimace of contempt in some people. But depending on the mood, sphinxes love to pose and enjoy the admiration in the owner’s gaze.

Interesting video:

Smart indoor cats, Sphynx cats love to play, especially hide and seek or chase. And they can play not only with people, but also with other animals in the house, for example with dogs.

Siberian cat

One of the most amazing breeds. The first mention of these cats dates back to the 16th century. Siberians become adults only at 5 years of age. It is important that the fur of these animals does not cause allergies. This breed has watchdog skills and can meow to warn of the approach of strangers. Cats love children and even get along with dogs. But rodents should not be kept in the same house as a Siberian. The hunter's instinct is too strong. Although cats of this breed have a strong character, they also love affection. And they even “talk” to the owner. Siberian cats almost immediately remember their name and respond to it.

Popular hairless cat breeds

List of unusual hairless cats:

  1. Petersburg Sphinx. This is a green-eyed or blue-eyed cat with a muscular body, proud posture and a long neck. The body of the Peterbald is covered with a soft, suede-like undercoat and 2 mm of hair.
  2. The Kohana is a cat breed native to Hawaii. A cat's skin resembles a soft, waxy surface and is completely lint-free.
  3. The Don Sphynx is a hairless cat with an almond-shaped, trusting gaze and extravagant ears. He is distinguished by his flexible character.
  4. The Canadian Sphynx is characterized by an abundance of folds on its graceful, hairless body. The cat surprises with its huge eyes, reflecting the blue of the sky, and is distinguished by its friendliness and sociability.
  5. The Bambino is a relatively new breed. Characteristic features are a smooth, hairless body with short legs, large ears and a long narrow tail. The cat's character is good-natured and sociable.

TOP 7 most faithful and devoted cats

When choosing a pet, most people prefer dogs. How could it be otherwise? After all, a dog is the most faithful friend and a good protector. What about cats? Cats walk on their own. They are free and independent. According to generally accepted opinion, dogs perceive humans as their master and protector, while cats, on the contrary, feel like masters. But this is a very misleading misconception. And in this article we will try to debunk the myths regarding cats.

Cats, like dogs, can have completely different personalities. And there is only one difference between them - strength. Of course, a dog, as a larger and stronger creature, can protect a person, but a cat cannot. But, believe me, there are many cases in history when cats protected and saved their owners at the cost of their own lives.

What people call the main trait of cats is selfishness and independence, nothing more than ordinary independence. They know how to take care of themselves very well, and that is why they can easily do without a person. But this does not mean at all that cats do not need us. Both the heart of a dog and the heart of a cat are devotedly attached to only one owner (or family), and they break in exactly the same way. Therefore, when choosing a pet, the main dilemma can be only one thing - you need a protector, or just a “devoted friend”.

And for those who still doubt it, we have selected the TOP most loyal and devoted cat breeds.

1. Mekong Bobtail

The innate quality of cats of this nature is devotion. They tend to become attached not to their habitat, but specifically to a specific person. The Mekong Bobtail always looks straight into the eyes, and therefore understands well the mood and desires of its caregiver. Mekungi follows a person wherever he goes. Such cats follow on the heels of their owner, no matter the noise or danger. The main thing for them is to be close to a friend.

Have you ever tried to put a collar and leash on your cat? Usually they immediately collapse and refuse to walk. Such problems will not arise with this breed of cat. They are not picky and can easily walk on a leash.

Mekungs are active, try to spend as much time as possible with people and participate in all household chores. The position of security guard is no stranger to them. Bobtails are not afraid to protect their home and their owners' belongings.

2. Maine Coon

In addition to its impressive size, the main feature of this breed is caring for its family. Yes exactly! Such a cat will cherish your child and take care of him. The Maine Coon will become not only his best friend, but also his nanny. And this is an indisputable fact, because cats of this breed raise their kittens and take an active part in their upbringing along with the cat, like a real family.

Maine Coons are incredibly friendly and get along well with both people and other animals in the house. They become very attached to their owners and remain faithful to them throughout their lives. But at the same time, having an exceptionally flexible character, they will not attract unnecessary attention to themselves and disturb their owners when they are busy with something. They are patient, very resilient and have a sharp mind. The Maine Coon is always careful and never releases its claws when in contact with a loved one, even in a fit of exciting play or anger.

3. Abyssinian cats

Many breeders claim that there are no more devoted and faithful cats in the world to their owner. Abi easily understands a person’s desires and is particularly obedient. But they are very active and cannot stand being alone. For cats of this breed, constant contact with their owner is extremely important. Rest assured, they will follow you wherever you go, and will also help you in all matters. Abi simply cannot stand on the sidelines; it is important for them to participate in everything that their owner is doing.

Abyssinian cats get a lot of pleasure from playing. Such a cat will instantly bring the thrown ball back and, like a typical dog, will look forward to another throw.

4. Kurilian Bobtail

Kurilian Bobtails love the company of people. Get ready for such a cat to become your shadow. She will quietly follow you, but do so unobtrusively and carefully. The main feature of this breed is that Kurilian Bobtails choose their own owner. But having chosen, they remain devoted to him until the last. Kurils have an exceptional ability to understand their owner, and this helps them easily take the place of your best friend.

Kurilian Bobtails are endowed with a high ability to learn and obedience. They can easily be trained to fetch various items, such as slippers. Cats of this breed are extremely tactful. You can go for a walk with them and visit friends. The Kuril Islands will not run away and hide in corners. On the contrary, they will not leave their “man” even a single step.

5. Neva masquerade cats

The rugged appearance of this breed may deceive you. But in fact they are very gentle and affectionate creatures. They are incredibly patient and reserved in the hands of any child. They will never let out their claws and will always endure all the torment, like a real toy. Nevaks easily get used to their family members and are endowed with high loyalty, like dogs. The place, the house and the furnishings have no meaning for them; the main thing for the Nevsky is its owners. Therefore, in the company of their family, they easily endure any change of environment and moving.

Neva masquerade cats are laconic and patient. They easily endure moments of waiting and loneliness. They will never attract attention to themselves and demand affection. They will wait discreetly until you are free, and then they will show all their love.

Nevaks have another significant positive feature - they are absolutely not vindictive. It is unacceptable for their noble character to take revenge and spoil things.

6. Yorkie Chocolate Cat

America's favorites! This cat breed was artificially bred in New York. They are long-haired, very large and, as their name says, are distinguished by a beautiful brown color. Their character is kind, affectionate and “lively”. They are active, love to have fun and play. Yorkie cats prefer socializing and are known for their curiosity. But on the other hand, by nature they are endowed with refined manners and unobtrusive tact.

Yorkies are strongly attached to their family and show them all their affection and care. They are excellent nannies and, thanks to their logical mind, will always be able to entertain the child and call you to him, if anything happens.

These cats get along quite easily with other animals in the house, but only if they grew up together.

7. Siberian cats

Grace and noble disposition are the main features of Siberian cats. They are incredibly smart, insightful and independent. It is easy to teach them any rules of behavior and even some commands, since Siberians grasp everything on the fly.

Among domestic animals, Siberians play the role of leader, not inferior even to dogs. But at the same time, they feel responsible for all family members and treat them with love and care.

Despite all its self-sufficiency, the Siberian cat will never leave you alone and will be there when you need it. They are tactful and patient, do not interfere in your daily worries and do not get in your way. Siberians easily tolerate loneliness and lack of attention from their owners. But they will always be nearby, watching you and following on your heels, like an invisible shadow. They can easily entertain a child and look after him. They will not leave their sick owner, trying in every possible way to help him.

And in conclusion, I would like to once again emphasize the fact that all animals, including cats, have completely different characters. There is a good chance that if you buy a cat that is not naturally loyal to humans, you will still find the most faithful friend.

Author: Anna Nikolaenko

4. Munchkin

Cats belonging to this breed are also called dwarfs, due to their short legs, which was caused by a gene mutation. But despite the small size of their legs, munchkins have remarkable speed and resourcefulness. Munchkins' legs are so developed that it will not be difficult for them to defeat their opponent. This breed is characterized by intelligence, courage and a unique mind. They can easily be taught to perform various maneuvers, even solve logical tasks.

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