The fastest cat in the world: top 9 fastest breeds

In fact, dogs are most often considered the best pets for active and athletic people, although cats can also be surprisingly agile, athletic and, of course, fast. In addition, cats have an innate instinct to orient themselves and "straighten" their bodies when falling, which allows them to reflexively correct their body position.

On average, almost all domestic cats run at a speed of about 40 km/h. At short distances, many breeds reach 45 km/h. However, different breeds have their own unique builds, so their speed varies.

For comparison, the speed of the fastest big cat, the cheetah, can reach up to 120 km/h.

The fastest breeds can reach speeds of up to 50 km/h, which is significantly higher than even the speed of Usain Bolt, who set the record at about 44.7 km/h. If you're wondering, "Which domestic cat is the fastest and should outrun the rest?" - then see the list below!

Siamese cat

The fastest cat in the world: top 9 fastest breeds

Siamese cats are playful, active, sometimes noisy and quite demanding. Their cheerful intelligence allows them to do many complex things, such as turning on faucets, switching lights, and opening cabinets. To keep her entertained, you'll have to give her puzzle toys, exercise, and maybe even agility training.

Egyptian Mau

The fastest representatives of domestic cats are considered to be the Egyptian Mau (“Mau” means cat). The maximum record of these miniature darlings is acceleration to 58 km/h (over short distances). All zoologists claim that if these animals had larger dimensions, they could well compete with the cheetah for the title of the fastest animal on the planet.

Fourth place – Leo

The Lion
King of Beasts amazes with its grace and power. He is capable of running at a speed of 82 km/h over a distance of 20 meters. For the next 100 meters, the predator can maintain a pace of up to 60 km/h. The animal is heavy - everything reaches 250 kg. Lions are interested in immediately grabbing prey, because it is difficult for them to run for a long time at a fast pace.

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The predator strives to sneak up on the target and make an instant jump. As a rule, the victim has no chance of escaping from the clutches of a lion.

The fastest breeds of domestic cats

Most domestic cats run faster than humans. Some of them are capable of reaching speeds of up to 45 km/h.

Most often, running speed depends on the body features inherent in a particular breed. Fast domestic cat breeds include:



The Oriental is an elegant cat breed devoted to one person. To be completely happy, they need races, physical exercise and active games. If an Oriental is kept indoors, it will have fun making a mess.

Siamese cat

Siamese cat

The Siamese cat is always active and can make too much noise. Her restless temperament allows her to play pranks in several places at the same time.

It is important for the owner to know that Siamese dogs benefit from physical exercises for speed and agility.



Manx is one of the most ancient breeds. They differ from their counterparts by having a short or completely absent tail. Cats of this breed show excellent results in agility and speed.



The Ocicat is a muscular descendant of Abyssinians, Siamese and American Shorthairs. In addition to his athletic build, he is known for his speed and agility. Cats of this breed are very sociable and attached to their owner.



Savannah is a close relative of the wild serval. Cats of this breed are very smart, curious and energetic. From their wild ancestors they inherited the ability not only to run fast, but also to climb to great heights.



Bengal will never get bored and will not let its owner do so. An extremely active breed, and also a keen climber. If your Bengal cat is out of sight, you should pay attention to the top of the room. She will definitely be there.

Somali cat

Somali cat

The Somali cat is a long-haired version of the Abyssinian. It has a muscular body and well-developed limbs. Shows high ability to train and perform tricks.


The tiger has also long been on the list of the fastest representatives among predatory cats. At short distances, it is capable of reaching speeds of up to 60 km/h. Just imagine that in pursuit of a victim they will be able to jump 5-6 meters in length (and in height, by the way, too).

But, even despite these physical abilities, not every tiger hunt is successful. These cats are very massive, their weight can increase up to 300 kg, and their body length (excluding the tail) can vary up to three meters. That is why, despite their physical dominance, they are significantly inferior to the cheetah in speed.

Seventh place – Tiger

Tiger is one of the most famous and beautiful predators. He is an excellent short distance runner. In its natural environment it is capable of reaching speeds of up to 60 km/h . When chasing prey, it can jump up to 5 m in height and up to 6 m in length.

Interesting fact : the tiger, despite its capabilities, is not a very good hunter. Only one out of 10 attempts is successful.

The tiger has a large body weight - about 300 kg. Due to its size, it cannot run as fast as other felines.

Sixth place – Puma

The predator runs very quickly over short distances. The animal is capable of reaching speeds of up to 75 km/h. That is, a cougar can even catch up with a car that is not going too fast.

In the United States of America, the cougar is commonly called the “mountain lion.” The name is associated with the animal's habitat. The predator can be found not only in forests, but also in the mountains. Moreover, the puma is found even in the jungle and swamps.

Differs in large sizes. Together with the tail, the body reaches 2 meters in length. At the same time, the weight is not too large - from 50 to 100 kg. Much depends on gender and individual characteristics. Due to its well-developed muscles and light weight, the Puma is able to run quickly and hunt deftly.

Second place - Jaguar

The animal is capable of running at a speed of 90 km/h when chasing potential prey. The jaguar's jump reaches 6-7 meters. The animal is large, and even without a tail, the length of the body reaches 2 meters.

Some people confuse a jaguar with a leopard, but they are different. Animals differ not only in body weight, but also in dexterity. Jaguars are much more agile. The leopard has a speed of 58 km/h and was not included in the rating.

How to distinguish a jaguar from a leopard


The fastest cat in the world: top 9 fastest breeds

The Savannah is a cross between a domestic cat and a Serval, a medium-sized African cat with large ears. Savannah will climb as high as she can, and her long body and legs allow her to reach not only great heights, but also great speeds. The breed is also known for its curiosity, keen intelligence and energy.


The puma (or mountain lion) consistently occupies sixth position in the world top of the fastest cats. These predators reach speeds of up to 75 km/h over short distances.

These large animals reach two meters in length (including tail). The weight of these cats reaches 100 kg. A well-developed muscular system and low weight contribute to the speed and agility of mountain lions. They can accelerate to 75 km/h.

Females are smaller in size than males. But, at the same time, they are not inferior to them in agility and speed.

Leo | Speed ​​up to 80 km/h

Leo ranks fourth in the top ten fastest cats. At a distance of 20 meters, the giant kitty can maintain a run of 80 km/h. While chasing its prey, a lion can maintain a speed of up to 60 km/h for the next hundred meters. These are quite heavy animals. The weight of some individuals can reach 250 kilograms, so it is very difficult for them to maintain their speed record for a long time. Because of this, lions hunt at short distances, trying to sneak up on their prey as unnoticed as possible. Usually the hunter overtakes his prey with a lightning-fast jump.

Bengal cat

The fastest cat in the world: top 9 fastest breeds

Bengals love to play and enjoy any activity. They are also very demanding of your attention and will do whatever it takes to get it. Your Bengal will easily find a way to climb to the highest point in your house, he will enjoy games and activities, and he will definitely not sit on your lap all day.

The fastest cats in the world

Wild cats are fast and agile animals that are excellent hunters. Even a domestic cat can run at a speed of 40 km per hour. The pet will not be able to cover a long distance at this pace. He will be able to make a tiny leap. Wild cats have greater endurance, so they are able to run at high speed for much longer.

When measuring indicators, the distance and time it takes the animal to cover the distance are taken into account. There are many cats in nature that are capable of running with incredibly high agility.

Features of wild cats

All wild cats owe their agility and development of high speed to their anatomical structure. Representatives of this group of animals are characterized by the presence of:

  • long tail - with its help the animal maintains body balance while running;
  • strong muscular paws - so that the cat can push off harder when jumping;
  • claws that do not retract - for greater stability;
  • small heads on a long neck - for greater streamlining while running;
  • developed chest and large lung capacity.

Thanks to these features, they can reach speeds of more than 100 km/h and are distinguished by incredible strength and agility.

The fastest cats

What helps the fastest cats run

Among purebred cats, the Egyptian Mau is considered the record holder for speed. He was lucky with the structure of his hind legs, which have leathery folds at the base. Due to them, while running, the step reserve and amplitude of movements increase, and therefore the speed increases.

The normal speed of cats (on average) is 13.5-13.8 km/h. If a cat moves at a leisurely trot, then it will barely overtake a walking person, and its speed will be about 8 km/h. Whereas the maximum speed of cats is 50 km/h.

Snow Leopard

This top is completed by the snow leopard. They are capable of jumping over a distance of 6-7 meters (the height of the jump reaches 3 meters). The leopard has short, but muscular and strong legs and a fairly long tail, which is necessary to maintain balance during a sprint. By the way, the maximum speed of this representative of the cat family can reach 80 km/h. The snow leopard is the highest mountain animal among all the inhabitants on the planet.

The first position in the ranking is still occupied by the cheetah. This spotted hunter is capable of reaching a speed of 112 km/h. in just 3 seconds. The maximum speed reaches 130 km/h. The length of one jump of this predatory cat can reach 7-8 meters. In addition, the cheetah is able to change the trajectory of its movement almost at lightning speed. That is why the victim has virtually no chance to escape the attack.

  • Author: iarriba
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The fastest animal in the world. The speed of a cheetah is equal to the speed of a car

10/23/2020 Scientist cat Animals

The fastest animal in the world. The speed of a cheetah is equal to the speed of a car
The cheetah is one of the most beautiful, graceful and fastest animals from the Feline family. Many scientists classify this predator as a separate genus; it is also unknown exactly how many subspecies there are. Some zoologists recognize seven species, but others recognize only two - Asian and African. Although these beauties belong to the cat family, they are in many ways similar to dogs, for example, the high speed of a cheetah is largely due to the graceful structure of the body, reminiscent of the silhouette of a greyhound.

The tracks of cheetahs are very similar to those of cats, they also love to climb trees, however, this is best done by cubs, because in adults the claws do not retract and become blunt. The claws are very large and curved, with the first toe containing the largest claw, which serves as a spear. The speed of the cheetah is so great that if it pounces on the prey and hits it with its paw, it flies head over heels for several more meters.

The fastest animal in the world. The speed of a cheetah is equal to the speed of a car

It should be noted that the cheetah is very peaceful. When in a good mood, he purrs like a house cat. It is especially interesting to watch a whole family lying in the sun and purring at the top of their voices. The hunting instinct of cheetahs is not innate; they learn to sneak up on prey and catch it only from their mother. Cheetahs born in captivity do not know how to hunt.

These peace-loving and fearless beauties have always surprised tourists. They get used to humans very quickly, so they are quite easy to tame. A cheetah can completely freely approach a car or bus with people, jump on the hood and start looking at the passengers through the glass. Maybe even ride on top of a van for a bit.

The fastest animal in the world. The speed of a cheetah is equal to the speed of a car

The fastest predator - this is how one can characterize such a handsome cheetah. The speed it can reach in just two seconds is 65 km/h. A greyhound can run at a speed of 65 km/h, a racehorse can run at 70 km/h, but the maximum speed of a cheetah is much higher, it is 110 km/h. Of course, he can show such a result only in a short-distance race, but still this gives the right to consider the cheetah the fastest-footed of all mammals.

Scientists have long tried to unravel the secret of this predator and find out what allows it to run so fast. The key is the special anatomy of cheetahs. The fact is that their muscles are in many ways reminiscent of the operating principle of a car. The cheetah's speed is due to its muscles, which are made up of different types of fibers. The forelimbs contain those muscles that can work for a long time, expending little energy and without tiring the animal. It is these that the cheetah uses when walking slowly. The hind limbs have more powerful muscles, but under load they get tired very quickly. They are used by the predator for lightning-fast running.

The fastest animal in the world. The speed of a cheetah is equal to the speed of a car

The speed of a cheetah largely depends on the characteristics of the skeleton. A flexible spine and long limbs do their job. When running, the animal seems to stretch in the air, its jumps reach 6–7 meters in length. Along the back there are special muscles that help when running, as they are able to quickly compress and unclench.


animals, nature


Domestic cats run somewhat slower than homeless cats, for whom speed and lightning speed of reaction are a way of survival. But even at home, they need active movement, so even without visible danger, the cat likes to stretch its muscles, rushing from room to room. In such games, she seems to be chasing imaginary prey. The average speed of the animal, regardless of its habitat, is 13.86 m/s. Even the most unprepared cat runs much faster than a human thanks to a special running technique.

Maximum and average speed

average speedMaximum speed
13.86 m/s50 km/hup to 58 km/h (home)

In case of danger, she lunges, arches her back and makes jumps that exceed the length of her own body up to 6 times. The front and hind legs work in pairs. When jerking, the animal pushes off the surface with its hind legs, landing first on the front, then on the back pair of legs. When walking leisurely, a cat steps on the pads, but when running, the cat's claws extend outward, which provides better traction on the surface for effective pushing.

Features of running cats and cats of different breeds

Maine Coon cats use their fluffy tail, which has strong muscles at the base, to regulate speed. The bobtail cat breed cannot boast of a powerful tail, as this limb is practically absent. They develop high speed thanks to their high and strong hind legs. This variety is considered one of the most energetic cat breeds; the bobtail needs long active games and requires an equally active lifestyle of the owner.

The leader in terms of speed among domestic cats is the Egyptian Mau breed. At the base of their hind legs they have folds of skin in the form of small bags. The resulting step reserve allows the cat to have a particularly wide range of motion when running and, therefore, to run faster than its relatives from other breeds.

The cat is the victim, the cat is the hunter

Since cats do not occupy a dominant position in the food chain, in the wild they often find themselves in the role of prey and her life depends on how quickly she manages to escape. In its own hunt, this small predator usually focuses on surprise and dexterity of the paws, rather than speed. Having previously hidden and accurately calculated its death-carrying throw, a cat is able to catch a mouse or bird even in flight.

Speed ​​is an advantage, but not an option

However, with all its sprinting qualities, which allow the cat to reach speeds of up to 50 km/h, the cat’s heart is not able to withstand prolonged stress. After a long run at high speed, the cat is forced to stop to normalize its body temperature and breathing. Therefore, when the pursuit is too long, the animal will have to give up. A cat driven by a pack of dogs is doomed to death if it has nowhere to hide.

In urban conditions, where there is not always a suitable tree to climb and avoid danger, these animals die more often than in rural areas.


cheetah vs leopard

The coyote is the fastest predator on earth, excluding felines. These animals belong to the canine family, are small in size and weight, but can accelerate up to 65 kilometers per hour, although most often they run at a speed of about 50 kilometers per hour. They use their speed to hunt hares, marmots, ground squirrels and other small mammals, and sometimes take pheasants.

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