What is the most expensive cat in the world? 18 most expensive beauties

The cat is a companion animal that has accompanied humans for more than ten thousand years. Big and small, fluffy and bald, they have always been and remain favorite pets. But there is also a fashion for these animals, which dictates its own trends, and makes their acquisition sometimes a very expensive purchase.

Watch the video of the TOP 10 most expensive cat breeds on our Youtube channel Mister Cat:

Devon Rex – eighteenth place

At the very last step of our rating is not the most expensive cat in the world called Devon Rex. This cat of extraordinary appearance is short-haired; it appeared in 1960 and is a fragile creature with huge ears, covered with curly fur. Individuals of this breed are smart and easy to train, capable of performing even the most complex tricks. The peculiarity of this cat is that it belongs to the class of hypoallergenic, which adds to its popularity. The cost of a kitten of this breed ranges from 400 to 1200 US dollars.

the most expensive cat breed in the world

Housey (chausie)

This breed is the result of crossing a wild jungle cat and an Abyssinian domestic cat, and regularly requires an influx of new wild blood.

Housey (chausie)

The cost of kittens reaches $10,000.

The weight of a cat can reach 10 kg. The body is strong and muscular, the legs are long. Large ears are equipped with tassels (not always). The head is small, the chin is strong, the cheekbones are slightly angular. The eyes are almond-shaped and can be greenish or golden.

It is preferable to keep the Houseie in a spacious enclosure - the animal is active and needs a lot of space to move. The cat loves communication, but will not sit in your arms.

Peterbald – seventeenth place

Another not the most expensive cat in the world is the St. Petersburg Sphynx, or Peterbald. She was bred in Russia in 1994 by hybridizing the Oriental breed and the Don Sphynx. The body of this animal is elegant, completely bald, or covered with light down. The difference from other breeds is also that the head of the described animal is long, and the ears are large and spread to the sides. By nature, St. Petersburg Sphynxes are curious, affectionate, friendly and need human communication. Due to the fact that the animal has an exceptional mind and easily makes contact, it is easy to train. Today the price for one kitten ranges from 300 to 1300 conventional units.

the most expensive cat in the world and Peterbald

Mastiff for $1.5 million

The dog's name is Hong Dong, he is almost 4 years old, and he still remains the absolute record holder in value. The Tibetan Mastiff received the title of “most expensive” in 2014, when it was sold at auction for a record 10 million yuan (the equivalent of $1.5 million).

Tibetan mastiff

The lucky owner of an 11-month-old puppy was a Chinese coal magnate. Hong Dong went to his new home under guard. The new owner did not hide that he was going to make money from the majestic mastiff.

For example, dog breeders will have to pay $15 thousand for mating, and for puppies from the first litter, fans of the breed were willing to pay $100 thousand.

The exorbitant price is partly justified by the purity of the breed and its high status. In China, only rich people can keep a Tibetan mastiff; having one is a luxury in itself and a demonstration of material well-being.

Himalayan cat – sixteenth place

When talking about what the most expensive cat breed in the world is, we cannot fail to mention the Himalayan cat. It belongs to the class of long-haired animals and looks like a Persian, but has blue eyes and a peculiar color point color (the muzzle, paws, tail and ears are dark, and the body is light). This breed was developed in 1950 in the United States after crossing Siamese and Persian cats. The described cat is more active than the Persians, and at the same time it is not as intrusive as representatives of the Siamese breed; it is affectionate, obedient and friendly. The Himalayan is playful, but at the same time we have a soft and calm character. The price of a kitten varies from five hundred to one and a half thousand dollars.

the most expensive cat in the world and the Himalayan

Persian cat

This is one of the oldest and very popular breeds. Cats are long-haired and can only live indoors.

Persian cat

The cost of kittens reaches $5000.

Persians have about a hundred different color varieties. Cats are white and black, gray and blue, red and red, cream and purple. The nose is small, wide and snub. The legs are short and muscular. Sizes are medium or large - weight can reach 7 kg. Large eyes are open and round.

Persian cats are characterized by willfulness and stubbornness, but at the same time their character is balanced. The breed is calm, the animal rarely speaks, and has a neutral attitude towards children.

Scottish Fold - fifteenth place in the ranking

Another not the most expensive cat in the world costs from 200 to 1500 conventional units. We are talking about the Scottish Fold breed. The peculiarity of the cat is the peculiar structure of the ears, which are curved down and forward. The appearance of this breed is a consequence of gene mutation. Such a cat was first discovered in Scotland in 1961, and therefore has another name - Scottish Fold.

The Scottish Fold gets along well with people, she is smart, playful, and has a balanced disposition. At the same time, it has a number of features, for example, a squeaky voice, as well as the ability to stand on its hind legs for a long time (thus the cat examines an object of interest to it). In addition, Scottish Folds prefer to sit in an L-shaped position with outstretched lower limbs and a straight back. This position is called the “Buddha pose”.

the most expensive cat in the world and the Scottish Fold

Curly Laperm

The peculiarity of this breed is clear from its name - curly hair from the ears to the tip of the tail, which gives the cat a rather extravagant appearance. Wool has no undercoat, so laperm is an ideal option for allergy sufferers. These animals have a gentle and friendly character; they love to play and fool around with a ball.

The breed appeared by chance, thanks to a genetic mutation. In 1982, in the USA, an ordinary domestic cat gave birth to a hairless kitten, which over time acquired curls. Laperm began appearing at exhibitions in 1992, and received official recognition quite recently - in 2008. The cost of a kitten is 400-2000 dollars (26,000-130,000 rubles).

Curly-haired lapermas get along well with other animals and are good with children.

Canadian Sphynx – fourteenth place

The history of the Canadian Sphynx officially started in 1966, however, according to some information, these creatures were known back in the days of the pharaohs of Egypt, and were also common in ancient Mexico, in the temples of the Incas and Aztecs. This not the most expensive cat breed in the world is hairless. She is very friendly, sociable and peaceful. All representatives of the Canadian Sphynx are smart and energetic, and, like, for example, the most expensive dogs in the world , devoted to their owner. A distinctive feature of the animal is that it is capable of freezing for a long time in a variety of amazing poses. The cost of such a kitten today varies between 400 – 1500 USD.

the most expensive cat in the world and the Canadian Sphynx

British Shorthair – thirteenth place

Another most expensive cat in the world, occupying the thirteenth step in our ranking, is the British Shorthair. People are willing to pay from 500 to 1500 dollars for it. It is a medium to large sized cat with solid, chocolate, black, blue or lilac coloring. Although, there are many more color options for this breed. The beast gained official recognition in 1984. The British are distinguished by their reserved character and have a sense of self-esteem, like true Englishmen. These cats easily tolerate loneliness, do not require attention, and are independent. Sometimes they want to play or chat, which they will definitely let you know about.

the most expensive cat and the British Shorthair

Maine Coon – twelfth place

The Maine Coon is a fairly large cat. Her ancestors lived in the northeast of America, on farms in Maine. Outwardly they resembled raccoons, and all because they had a black-striped color and a huge, fluffy tail. Individuals of this breed can weigh from five to fifteen kilograms, while their body length in some cases reaches 1.23 meters. Despite the fact that the appearance of the handsome men is quite menacing, they are very friendly and gentle, love to play and are famous for their melodiousness. The solo performances of Maine Coons are mesmerizing. Their price ranges from 600 to 1600 dollars per kitten. Now you know which the most expensive cat in the world is a true singer.

the most expensive cat in the world and Maine Coon


This breed is very unusual. Due to their appearance, such cats are sometimes called dachshunds.


The cost of kittens can reach $4000.

The Munchkin has a body of medium length, but its paws are 2-3 times shorter than usual. The head is proportional to the body, the contour is rounded, high cheekbones protrude. The ears are medium or large, proportional to the head, have a wide base, and the tips are slightly rounded. Almond-shaped eyes are large or medium, the color is not related to color. The coat can be short or long.

The munchkin does not stand on its hind legs, but sits on its seat, resting its tail. The cat can spend a long time in this position; it looks like a kangaroo.

Russian Blue – tenth place

The Russian Blue cat is on the tenth level of our rating. It descended from the cats of the ancient Slavs, is short-haired and very popular. Outside Russia, they learned about her in 1893 thanks to an English breeder named Karen Cox, who took two blue kittens from Arkhangelsk. The main difference between the representatives of the breed is their short blue coat with a beautiful golden tint. The Russian Blue is very kind and peaceful, but sometimes shows stubbornness and love of freedom. According to legend, such a beauty will bring happiness and prosperity to the house. Today, the “talisman” costs from 400 to 2000 USD. The most expensive cat in the world, the Russian Blue is one of the twenty most popular.

the most expensive cat in the world and Russian Blue


The breeders worked on the creation of this breed for 6 years. The kittens appeared thanks to the work of breeders - they crossed an African serval and a domestic cat. It is large in size, has thick fur with large spots, rounded ears, and long paws. Differs from other representatives by high intelligence. The pet needs space. Unlike its brothers, it loves to swim. The cost reaches $40 thousand.

Serengeti – ninth place

This breed of pets was bred in 1994 in California as a result of the hybridization of Oriental and Bengal cats. Such an elegant beauty weighs, on average, from 8 to 12 kilograms, is distinguished by a strong build, has long limbs, large ears and spotted coloring. The animal is characterized as peaceful, active, playful and sociable. Today you can buy a Serengeti kitten for 600-2000 American money.

the most expensive cat in the world and the Serengetti


The breed is a hybrid. The basis was Bengal cats; Abyssinian, Oriental, European cats and Maine Coon were also used.


The cost of Serengeti kittens can reach $2000.

The breed is large, weight can reach 15 kg (in cats - up to 10 kg). The Serengeti has the longest legs and a long and muscular body. The color is spotted, with ring stripes on the tail. The ears are large, as long as the muzzle or slightly less. The eyes are large and round, set close together, always rich in color and in harmony with the color.

The Serengeti is characterized by activity, curiosity and a love of outdoor games. The cat does not tolerate loneliness and lack of attention well; it may not get along with other pets.

Elf – eighth place

In eighth place is a young cat breed, bred in 2006 in America, called the elf. In order to breed such an animal, breeders crossed the American Curl and the Canadian Sphynx. The described pet has no fur, its ears are bent forward. He is intelligent, devoted to his owner, and at the same time very sociable and inquisitive. If you decide to purchase such a unique creation, you will have to pay 2,000 American money for it.

the most expensive cat in the world and elf

Toyger – seventh place

The most expensive cat in the world, occupying the seventh level of our ranking, is the toyger, bred in 1993 and officially recognized in 2007. Outwardly, this animal resembles a tiger. On average, an adult representative of the breed weighs from 7 to 10 kilograms. The toyger has a very calm temperament, he is intelligent and easy to train. Such a mini tiger costs from 500 to 3000 American money.

the most expensive cat in the world and toyger

Character and temperament

The Tibetan Mastiff is hardy and travels long distances without straining or wasting energy. His movements are light and elastic.

The thick and coarse hair in the head and neck area resembles the mane of a lion, but there is nothing predatory in the dog’s character. They are calm, friendly to children, do not show aggression towards other animals, but are able to repel attackers.

Dogs are smart, quick-witted, and independent by nature. Only a person with leadership qualities can cope with them. Knowing animal psychology won't hurt either, because mastiffs can sometimes be stubborn.

Mastiff and girl

Security guard qualities explain the dog's wary attitude towards strangers. According to owners' reviews, females have a more delicate and vulnerable psyche, but they are smarter than males and are easier to train.

Tibetans need to be fed richly and in a balanced manner. The daily diet necessarily includes beef, chicken, greens, and seafood.

In Russia it is difficult to find purebred representatives of the breed, which is why the cost of puppies is “democratic” - 50-160 thousand rubles. But in China, “extra-class” puppies are sold for $50-100 thousand, fully justifying their status.

American Curl – sixth place

Belongs to the class of semi-long-haired and short-haired animals. It was first discovered in California in 1981. This cat's ears are special, they are curled back like small horns. It is noteworthy that the ears of newborn kittens are straight, and then, from the second to the tenth day of life, they begin to curl back. Representatives of this breed are intelligent and friendly, they are curious and love to play. Animals are loyal and can adapt well to different conditions. One American Curl kitten costs from one to three thousand dollars. This cost is due to the rarity of the breed.

the most expensive cat in the world and the American Curl

Bengal cat – fifth place

The Bengal cat is a hybrid breed that was developed in the United States in the 1980s after crossing a domestic cat with an Asian leopard cat. The main advantage of the animal is its luxurious, thick leopard-print fur. An adult Bengal weighs from four to eight kilograms. The described beauty is very sociable, cannot do without a person, is smart and active. The cat is not at all aggressive, but on the contrary, very gentle and sensitive. Able to quickly adapt to changes.

An animal has habits. For example, he loves water treatments, often plays with water, and even asks to take a shower with his owner. Despite its large size, it climbs onto a person’s shoulders. Costs on average from one thousand to four thousand dollars.

the most expensive cat in the world and bengal

Singapura cat

Short-haired breed.

Singapura cat

A kitten can cost up to $5,000.

Singapore is characterized by its small size. It reaches 2-3 kg and is the smallest officially recognized cat.

The only color allowed is sepia agouti (golden cream). It appears by the age of six months, and eye color is finally formed only by 1.5 years. The body is compact and strong. Rounded chest, slightly arched back. The tip of the tail is slightly rounded, the paws are small and oval. The ears are very large with a wide base, the eyes are also very large and round.

The Singapura is very affectionate and active, and is easy to train. She becomes attached to her owner and can be intrusive.

Safari – fourth place

The Safari is a hybrid cat breed obtained by crossing a common domestic pet and the South American wild cat Geoffroy. The first individuals were bred in 1970 for scientific purposes, to study leukemia. An adult cat weighs eleven kilograms. This unusual animal combines the luxurious color of a wild Geoffroy and the tenderness of a domestic cat. Representatives of the breed have a balanced and friendly character, they are unusually intelligent and energetic. One safari kitten costs from 4 to 8,000 dollars.

the most expensive cat in the world and safari



An unusual cat that reminds many of a sheep due to its curly fur. The breed was developed naturally as a result of free crossing of different species of representatives of the cat family living in the steppes of North America. Later, geneticists fixed the mutation and the new species of pets began to be called “Laperm”.

The disadvantage of the breed is that as they get older, their hair begins to fall out a lot. This process cannot be stopped and the adult will look unkempt and thinner than usual.

The main feature of the species is laconicism. They almost never meow, which will appeal to those who don’t like “noisy” animals. Laperm are calm, excellent hunters, they make good contact with other pets in the house, but still prefer privacy. Cats love secluded warm places, they become more active at night, but do not cause concern to their owner, since they can sit in one place for hours waiting for prey. Vanity and running around are not inherent to them.

LaPerm breed

Description of Laperm's appearance:

  • Large muzzle with rounded lines;
  • The mustache is long;
  • The ears are wide at the base and tapering towards the tip, sometimes with tufts;
  • The eyes are small, almond-shaped, located at a great distance from the nose;
  • The coat is medium length, with curls.

The cat is unpretentious in food and can eat both natural food and dry food. It does not require any grooming other than combing the coat during the shedding period.

Laperm cat

You can buy a pet for a price ranging from $800 to $2000. There are breeders of these cats in almost all countries of the world.

Kao-mani – third place

The most expensive cat in the world, occupying third place in our ranking, is the Khao Mani of Thai origin. The breed is considered rare and ancient; the first mention of it can be found in the Cat Book of Poems (1350 - 1767). The first kao-mani lived exclusively in royal families and were a symbol of wealth, longevity and good luck. The cat has snow-white, smooth fur and expressive, yellow, blue or multi-colored eyes. Very sociable, active and intelligent, easy to train. The average cost of one representative of this breed ranges from 7,000 to 10,000 conventional units.

the most expensive cat in the world and kao mani

Chausie - second place

Chausie is a rare domestic cat, bred after crossing the swamp lynx and the domestic Abyssinian cat in the late 60s. The average individual weighs from 4 to 8 kilograms. These cats have impressively sized ears and long legs, they are slender and graceful. As for character, this animal is very smart, active and playful, throughout its entire life. The animal is capable of making friends not only with humans, but also with other cats and even dogs, as it is very sociable. The price of a kitten today ranges from eight to ten thousand dollars.

the most expensive cat in the world and Chausie


These cats resemble toy tigers.


A kitten can cost $15,000.

The breed is short-haired. The main background is brown, with dark stripes on the back, chest, belly, paws and tail. The fur is plush, the presence of sideburns on the sides of the muzzle is appreciated. The eyes are small, the eyelids droop slightly. The ears are slightly rounded. Not all organizations have yet recognized the breed.

The most expensive cat in the world is the Savannah.

What is the most expensive cat in the world? We can say with confidence that this is a Savannah, since this particular breed occupies the first place in our rating. It was created as a result of hybridization between a domestic cat and an African Serval cat in the early 1980s. The height of the animal is 60 centimeters, and the average weight of an adult cat is fifteen kilograms.

the most expensive cat in the world and savannah

Representatives of the described breed have a slender body, long legs and thick spotted fur. The animal's ears are cup-shaped. Savannah has a good level of intelligence and is very calm, but at the same time active and inquisitive. Another feature of it is that it easily adapts to new living conditions. This cat needs a lot of space. She gets along well with other animals and loves to walk in the fresh air and swim. Depending on the class and gender, it costs from 4 to 22 thousand dollars.

So, the most expensive cat breed in the world is the Savannah. Which of the above will you choose?

The most expensive cat breeds. Top 18 (with photos)

17th place: Peterbald or St. Petersburg Sphynx is a breed of graceful cats, bred in Russia in 1994 as a result of an experimental crossing of an Oriental cat and a Don Sphynx. The Peterbald's body can be completely hairless or covered with soft down. These elegant animals have a slender body, a long head shape and large ears set apart to the sides. St. Petersburg Sphynxes can be described as curious, friendly and affectionate cats who vitally need communication with people. Thanks to their exceptional intelligence and extraordinary communication skills, they are highly trainable. The cost of a Peterbald depends on its class and gender and can vary from 300 to 1300 US dollars .

the most expensive cat breeds: Peterbald (Petersburg Sphynx). photo 16th place:
The Himalayan cat is a breed of long-haired cats, identical in appearance to the Persian, with the exception of blue eyes and color point color (light body with a dark muzzle, paws, ears and tail), obtained by crossing the Siamese breed with the Persian. The breed originated in the 1950s. in USA. Himalayan cats represent the golden mean between the Persian and the Siamese: they are not as intrusive as the Siamese, and are slightly more active than the Persians. Himalayans are very affectionate, playful, obedient, friendly animals with a calm and gentle character. The price of a Himalayan cat is 500-1300 USD .
15th place: The Scottish Fold or Scottish Fold is a very interesting breed of cat, the main distinguishing feature of which is the characteristic structure of the ears, curved forward and down. This unusual detail of their appearance is a consequence of a gene mutation. The first representative of this breed was discovered in 1961 in Scotland. Scottish Folds have a balanced disposition, are playful, intelligent, and get along well with all family members. In addition, they have a number of amazing features. Firstly, the specific voice of a cat, which differs from ordinary purring in its creaky quality. Secondly, they can stand on their hind legs, looking at what interests them. And thirdly, Scottish Folds like to sit in an L-shaped position with a straight back and outstretched legs - this position is appropriately called the “Buddha pose”. The cost of cats of this breed ranges from 200-1500 dollars .

14th place: The Canadian Sphynx is a breed of hairless cats whose history officially began in 1966 in Canada, but there is evidence that these unusual creatures were known back in the days of the Egyptian pharaohs and were common in the temples of the Aztecs and Incas in ancient Mexico. Sphinxes are famous for their unusually sociable, peaceful and friendly nature. They are very graceful, energetic, intelligent and endlessly loyal animals to their owner. Very often they can be caught doing a curious activity: they can freeze for a long time in bizarre poses, looking at something or simply lost in thought. The price of a thinking cat of the Sphynx breed varies from 400 to 1500 dollars .

13th place: British Shorthair is a medium to large sized cat breed that received official recognition in 1984. Their colors come in a wide variety, but the most popular are solid colors (lilac, blue, black, chocolate). These short-haired cats have a truly English character, the main qualities of which are self-esteem and restraint. British women are particularly independent - they calmly endure loneliness, extremely rarely fawn on their master and do not require much attention at all, but when they have a desire to play or communicate, they will certainly let you know about it. The cost of a British aristocrat can range from 500 to 1500 conventional units .

12th place: Maine Coon is a large breed of domestic cat, whose ancestors lived on farms in Maine (Northeast America). Due to their original black striped color and huge fluffy tail, they looked like raccoons - hence the second part of the name “coon”, that is, “raccoon”. Representatives of this breed can weigh from 5 to 15 kg, and the body length of an adult Maine Coon can reach 1.23 m. Despite their slightly menacing appearance, they are known as “gentle giants”. Maine Coons are flexible, affectionate, friendly and playful creatures that are famous for their “singing ability” and often delight their owners with unique solo performances. The price of a vocal cat ranges from 600-1500 dollars .

the very best cat breeds: Maine Coon. photo 11th place: LaPerm is a breed of cat with curly hair that appeared in the United States in the 1980s as a result of free crossing. The breed received official recognition in 1996. Laperms are inquisitive, affectionate, active and love to hunt. In addition, they are hypoallergenic and are perfect for families whose members suffer from allergies. The price for kittens of this breed ranges from 200-2000 dollars , depending on their gender and class.

most expensive domestic cats: LaPerm. photo 10th place: Russian Blue is one of the most popular breeds of short-haired cats, originating from the cats of the ancient Slavs. This breed became known outside Russia in 1893, when the English breeder Karen Cox brought two blue kittens from Arkhangelsk. The main distinguishing feature of the breed is its short blue coat with a beautiful silver tint. Russian Blues are kind, obedient, peace-loving cats, but can sometimes be stubborn and freedom-loving. Legend has it that they bring prosperity and happiness to the house. You can buy a talisman in the form of a Russian blue cat for 400-2000 dollars . The Russian Blue is one of the top 20 most popular cat breeds in the world.

9th place: Serengeti is a breed of domestic cat, bred in 1994 in California as a result of crossing Bengal and Oriental cats. It received its name in honor of the habitat of the serval - the Serengeti Nature Reserve, Tanzania. The average weight of the Serengeti is 8-12 kg. They have a strong build, large ears, spotted coloration and very long legs. They can be described as graceful, agile, playful, sociable and peaceful animals. The cost of representatives of this breed is 600-2000 conventional units .

cat of the Serengeti breed. photo 8th place: Elf is a young cat breed, the first representatives of which were bred in the USA in 2006. American Curls and Canadian Sphynxes took part in the breeding work, resulting in an unusual breed of hairless cats with forward-curved ears. Elves are very friendly, intelligent, mischievous, sociable, inquisitive and loyal creatures. Those wishing to purchase such a unique pet will have to pay a considerable amount - 2000 US dollars .

Elf (cat breed). photo 7th place: Toyger - a large breed of cat, resembling tigers in its appearance, was bred in the USA in 1993, and received official recognition in 2007. The breed's creator says the toy tiger breed was developed to inspire people to care about the conservation of tigers in the wild. Despite the name, toygers are not very toy-sized: the average weight of an adult is 7-10 kg. The Toyger has a calm temperament, is intelligent and easy to train. The cost of a mini-tiger varies between 500-3000 dollars .

Toyger, a large breed of cat. photo 6th place: The American Curl is a breed of short-haired and semi-long-haired cats, first found in California in 1981. She became famous for her unusual ears, which are folded back like little horns. Interestingly, American Curl kittens are born with straight ears, and they begin to curl back between the 2nd and 10th days of life. Cats of this breed are very intelligent, curious, friendly and playful, adapt well to new conditions and are incredibly loyal to their owner. The price of an American Curl kitten can range from $1,000 to $3,000. Such a high price is also due to the fact that the American Curl is one of the rarest cat breeds.

5th place: The Bengal cat is a hybrid breed developed in the 1980s in the USA as a result of crossing an Asian leopard cat with a domestic cat. Its main advantage is its luxurious thick leopard-print fur. The weight of an adult Bengal is 4-8 kg. Representatives of this breed are very sociable and need constant human company. They are smart, active and, despite their roots, not at all aggressive, but on the contrary, very gentle and sensitive animals that quickly adapt to a new environment. Bengal cats have several characteristic habits: despite their impressive size, they often climb onto their owner's shoulders. In addition, they love water treatments - they often play with water, and sometimes persistently ask to take a shower with their owner. The price of a Bengal cat varies from 1000 to 4000 conventional units , depending on its class and gender.

Bengal cat (breed). photo 4th place: Safari is a rare hybrid cat breed that arose as a result of crossing an ordinary domestic cat and the South American wild cat Geoffroy. The first representatives of the breed were bred in the early 1970s in the USA to study leukemia. Adults weigh on average 11 kg. This unusual animal combines the luxurious coloring of the Geoffroy wild cat and the gentle essence of the domestic cat. They have a friendly and balanced disposition, are incredibly intelligent and energetic. There is information that the Safari is the kindest and most loving of all existing hybrid breeds. The cost of cats of this breed ranges from 4-8 thousand conventional units .

Safari (cat breed). photo 3rd place: Khao Mani is a cat breed of Thai origin that has an ancient pedigree dating back several centuries. The earliest mention of them is in the Tamra Maew, or Cat Book of Poems (1350-1767). In ancient Siam, kao-mani lived only in royal families, and was considered a symbol of good luck, longevity and wealth. The main distinguishing feature of this cat is its snow-white, smooth fur and expressive eyes, which can be yellow, blue or multi-colored. Kao-manis have a reputation for being sociable, intelligent, active and easy to train cats. The price for a kitten of this breed can vary from 7,000 to 10,000 dollars .

Khao Mani, a cat breed of Thai origin. photo 2nd place: Chausie is one of the rarest breeds of domestic cats, which was bred by crossing a domestic Abyssinian cat and a wild African cat (swamp lynx). The first representative of this breed was bred in the USA in the late 60s. The average weight of adults ranges from 4 to 8 kg. Chausies are slender, graceful short-haired cats with long legs and large ears. They can be characterized as intelligent and active animals that do not lose their enthusiasm throughout their lives. Due to their sociable nature, they really do not like loneliness and prefer any company, be it a person, a cat or even a dog. The cost of Chausie kittens of the highest class is 8-10 thousand conventional units .

Chausie is a rare breed of cat. photo 1st place: Savannah is the most expensive existing cat breed , bred by hybridizing an African serval and a domestic cat. Breeding of this breed in the USA began in the early 1980s, and the first two kittens were born in 1986. Savannahs can weigh up to 15 kg and can reach a height of 60 cm, making them the largest breed of domestic cat.

The distinctive features of the savannah are long legs, an elongated slender body, large cupped ears inherited from wild ancestors, as well as thick, spotted fur. Savannahs are known for their high level of intelligence, calm nature, curiosity and activity. They adapt very well to life in new conditions, but at the same time they need enough space to play and run around. They get along well with other animals and love water treatments and walks in the fresh air. Depending on the class and gender of the kitten, the price can vary from 4 to 22 thousand dollars.

Savannah is the most expensive cat breed in the world. photo

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