Is your dog or cat stressed? Calm your pet with pheromones

Cats, like people, all have individual characteristics. This also applies to the state of the psyche, the strength of the nervous system. Some pets don't care, and for others, even simple procedures like washing or grooming, not to mention long trips or moving, can plunge them into a state of deep stress.

Many cats show aggression, while some animals remain completely calm in any situation. A cat collar with pheromones is a good way to relieve excessive anxiety in stressful situations. In this article, we not only look at the best collars, but also talk about stress in animals in general and the reasons that can cause it. We do not recommend skipping this section, since before buying a collar with pheromones for your pet, you need to understand the reason that caused this need. You might be able to handle it on your own.

Stress Factors and Signs of Anxiety in Cats

Cats, like people, experience a wide range of emotions; they can feel fear, anxiety, and restlessness. These animals prefer an orderly lifestyle, and when some events disrupt its course, it is stressful for the cat.

Such events include:

  • hygiene procedures if the cat does not like water;
  • long trips;
  • visiting a veterinarian, cat hairdresser (groomer);
  • therapeutic procedures (injections, taking tasteless drops or tablets, various medical procedures that are potentially or actually uncomfortable);
  • participation in a championship or exhibition (especially if the cat does not like large crowds of people or excessive attention);
  • changing of the living place;
  • death of the owner or family members, change of owner for any reason.

Cats may not tolerate the conditions of overexposure in which some owners leave their pets if they know that the cat does not tolerate long trips. Some of the animals are physically unable to endure travel in transport due to the impact on the vestibular apparatus, then such movements become simply torture for them.

Cats react sensitively not only to stressful situations that directly affect them, but also acutely sense, for example, a thickened atmosphere in the house where conflicts occur or alienation reigns. They also do not tolerate loud sounds well, and a series of noisy parties, for example, New Year's, can greatly damage the animal's psyche.

The arrival of small children into the house (if the owners allow them to play with the cat) can upset the emotional background of the animal.

Having other animals in the house can also cause a lot of stress. This is especially true for situations when the cat is already old, and a young and active animal appears in the house.

It is not uncommon for animals to show aggression or signs of anxiety during periods of sexual arousal. Pregnancy and childbirth can also greatly disrupt a cat's mental state.

Sometimes animals begin to show signs of anxiety and restlessness in the absence of these stressful situations. This may indicate that something is upsetting the animal, driving it into an abnormal state (for example, lack of attention or its excess).

In addition, signs of anxiety may indicate a developing physical or mental illness.

Symptoms of increased anxiety include:

  • manifestations of aggression (toward humans, other animals, and even directed at oneself);
  • constantly making various sounds;
  • marking the territory;
  • strange jumps, movements of the body, paws, tail;
  • frozen look;
  • attempts to hide deeper;
  • reluctance to communicate, especially if the cat generally likes to sit in your arms and be petted;
  • constant consumption of food to the point of vomiting.

If, of course, the cat suddenly jumped up, this is not a reason to think that she is worried. Another thing is when several symptoms appear over a period of time, you should take the animal to the veterinarian.

How can you help your cat?

Today, the pharmaceutical industry produces many different sedatives for cats and other pets. Owners of pet purrs should remember that sedatives intended for people are not suitable for animals. Therefore, before giving preference to one or another drug, you should definitely consult a veterinarian.

The most effective drugs include:

  1. Catnip. In veterinary pharmacies it is sold in the form of sachets and a spray based on medicinal herbs. Cats really like the smell of mint and quickly normalize the nervous system. To calm your pet, scatter the contents of the sachets, spray the contents of the spray near the bedding, in the cat's house or in the places where your beloved pet sleeps. This product is very effective and completely safe for animals.
  2. Soothing drops. Such drugs are most often used in veterinary practice to calm furry purrs. The soothing drops contain synthetic pheromones, which are an analogue of similar substances secreted by special glands located on the heads of cats. Cat pheromones send signals to the brain that there is no reason to panic. Calming drops will help if an animal, after suffering stress, hides in secluded places, does not go out to people, or shows excessive aggression.
  3. Diffuser sedatives. outwardly resemble fumigators against annoying insects. Such remedies work by spraying a medicine into the air, which, evaporating in the air, saturates the room with an aroma that convinces the cat that there is no reason to worry and it is not dangerous to be in this room.
  4. Collars. In veterinary pharmacies and veterinary clinics you can purchase special collars impregnated with synthetic pheromones that imitate the pheromones of a mother cat. It is these substances that calm animals, relieve attacks of aggression, eliminate anxiety and nervousness.

We suggest you read: Ear mites (otodectosis) in cats

Calming medications for cats can also be produced in the form of tablets, capsules, drops, solutions, emulsions, as well as in the form of calming treats, automatic sprays with replaceable units.

Before using medications, read the instructions carefully, after consulting with your veterinarian.

Effect of a collar with pheromones

Pheromones are a group of compounds produced by the endocrine glands of animals. They have a specific smell, which allows animals to communicate within the species. This is a kind of signaling system that allows animals to transmit and receive information that stimulates certain actions.

Certain types of these substances have a calming effect on cats. In particular, collar manufacturers use synthetic analogs of maternal pheromones in their products. These substances are produced in the body of the mother cat and are intended to calm the kitten.

While still blind, the baby is guided by a specific smell and uses it to find his mother. Having smelled such a smell, an adult feels a sense of protection and safety, similar to what she experienced in childhood, being under maternal protection.

Collars with pheromones are designed specifically to relax and calm a cat, relieve aggression, anxiety and restlessness. The first versions of such collars were developed to help four-legged pets cope with negative emotions caused by moving, a change of environment, or a trip to the veterinarian.

Today, such collars are also used outside of stressful situations - to correct the behavior of the animal.

Also read the article about sedatives and sleeping pills for cats.

Rules for using a pheromone collar

All pheromone collars have similar characteristics. The main difference is the duration of effective use. For different brands, the period of use ranges from one month to three. There are also longer-lasting models, but along with the duration of use, the price of such an accessory also increases.

General rules for using calming pheromone collars:

  • protect the product from moisture; it should be removed while washing the cat;
  • The animal should be comfortable, so the collar should not be tightened tightly (all quality products have adjustable lengths); a finger should fit freely between the neck and collar.

Before using the collar, you must carefully study the instructions.

Mr. Cat recommends: calming products with pheromones

Manufacturers of pet products offer not only collars with pheromones, but also other means of similar action. They are available in the form of a spray and diffuser (fumigator).

Sprays are recommended for use in rooms where the cat marks corners and shows signs of anxiety. Before doing this, the marked areas must be washed thoroughly. Before using a pheromone spray, the cat must be removed from the treated area. The spray needs to be shaken several times, and then sprayed with short presses of the button on furniture, walls, corners where the animal leaves marks. Care must be taken with beds, toys and other things that the cat may come into close contact with. The product should be sprayed at a distance of about 20 cm.

Do not spray the product directly on the cat. Since the spray contains alcohol, it should not be sprayed near open fires or electrical heating appliances.

The manufacturer warns: the effect of using a spray with pheromones may not occur immediately.

A fumigator with pheromones acts similarly to anti-mosquitoes. The substance in it heats up and evaporates, due to which the smell of pheromones spreads in the room. For the diffuser to start working, it is inserted into an electrical outlet. Depending on the brand, the area of ​​influence of the fumigator is from 50 to 80 square meters.

Indications for use

As you know, stress impairs the production of pheromones, therefore, if a cat becomes nervous, it will not create a comfortable environment for itself in a short time.

Feliway is recommended for use for:

  • moving to a new place of residence;
  • traveling even short distances, for example, to a veterinary clinic;
  • the appearance of a new pet in the apartment or keeping a group of several pets in it;
  • purchasing new furniture or carrying out repairs;
  • separating kittens from cats at an early age;
  • trips to an animal exhibition;
  • coming to the house of people with whom the pet is not yet familiar.

In addition, Feliway for cats is recommended for use in cases of the following stress symptoms manifested in behavior:

  • the emergence of fear;
  • aggression that is not justified;
  • trying to hide under the sofa, in a corner, or other secluded places.

Advantages and disadvantages of calming collars

Collars with pheromones, produced by various companies, each have their own advantages and disadvantages. General advantages of such accessories:

  • have a long-term effect;
  • relieves anxiety well;
  • begin to act immediately after dressing;
  • They have a convenient clasp and the length can be adjusted.

Unlike pills and injections, which can cause negative reactions, the collar is safer. In addition, sedatives for internal use are not always convenient to use, for example, while traveling. The range of action of fumigators is limited. The collar works constantly.

The disadvantages of such collars include the rather high prices of the products and the risk of individual intolerance.

In addition, collars of this type must be removed during water procedures; they are not recommended for use if the animal has lesions on the skin.

A pheromone collar can emit a rather strong, sometimes irritating odor.

Chemical sedatives for cats

Chemical drugs have a pronounced sedative effect. In veterinary practice, to normalize the condition of animals and relieve nervous excitement, the following is used:

  • Vetspokoin;
  • Buspirone (for phobias);
  • Amitriptyline;
  • Butorphanol;
  • Nalbuphine;
  • Diazepam;
  • Medetomidine;
  • Xylazine;
  • Vetranquil.

The choice of chemical sedatives is selected individually for cats. The regimen, duration of treatment, and dosage are prescribed by the attending veterinarian. Sedative drugs of this group are prescribed to animals in extreme, especially severe cases, and only in cases where homeopathic medicines have not had the desired effect. It is worth noting that long-term use of chemical drugs can be addictive.

Sedatives for cats

The most popular brands of pheromone collars: comparison in the table

Popular brands of pheromone collars.

Collar nameValidityLength(cm)Cost, rub.)
Sentry Calming Collar30 days.38 1 PC. 1400

3 pcs. 3000


Up to 30 days.40300-350
No stress collar Beaphar

Up to 6 weeks.35450-500
Beeztees FeliseptIt is not indicated on the websites.35From 800 to 1500 depending on the store

A calming collar can be purchased in stores that sell pet supplies, as well as on many online resources. The American brand Sentry is very popular. Other products with pheromones from Relaxivet and Feliway spray also received good reviews.

Buying a collar is a great way to help an animal adapt to new conditions, find mutual understanding with other animals, and survive a period of sexual activity.

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