World's oldest cat dies at 38 (Cream Puff)

Centenarians have always attracted attention. They occur not only among people, but also in the animal world, in particular among cats. Today you will find out what age the oldest cat in the world has reached and who took the honorable second and third places in the ranking of long-lived cats. You will also find interesting information and photos about the unique long-lived two-headed cat.

First place No. 1 Lucy the cat

Today, the oldest cat in the world, Lucy, has reached the age of 43 years, with the average cat's life span being 15 years. Translated into human years, that’s more than 175 years! The centenarian lives in the UK with her owner Bill Thomas and has no intention of dying. The cat, which can be seen in the photo, looks much younger than its age. She leads an active lifestyle and even chases mice, the only negative is that Lucy can no longer hear anything at all.

As it turned out recently, the oldest cat on the planet earth was born in 1972. Bill was told about this by his aunt, who one day came to visit him and was stunned when she saw the cat that she remembered from the previous owner more than forty years ago! Then Lucy quickly ran around the fish stores. Lucy has been living with Bill since 1999, when he took her in due to the death of her previous owner.

As soon as the owner heard Lucy’s interesting life story, he showed it to the veterinarians, who were completely dumbfounded by what they saw, but confirmed the cat’s record-breaking features. While experts are trying their best to identify the reasons for the lucky woman’s longevity, in the meantime she lives and enjoys life.

Maine Coon

Maine Coon
A native of New England, the Maine Coon is distinguished by its impressive size, mouse hunting skills, and adaptability to any vagaries of nature. This cute giant cat captivates with his shaggy thick hair, touching tufts on his ears and a huge fluffy tail, giving him a resemblance to a raccoon. Maine Coons have a good disposition, they are flexible, intelligent, and love affection. These cute creatures have outstanding vocal abilities, and they willingly demonstrate their talent to their owners.

Maine Coons reach full maturity between 3 and 5 years of age, and many can weigh over 20 pounds at this age. They like to live in pairs, while the males are prone to wonderful funny antics, and the females try not to lose their dignity. Maine Coons are friendly towards other animals in the family and children. The cost of kittens of this breed can reach $1000.

Maine Coon

Second place No. 2 Cat Cream Puff

An honorable second place in the ranking is taken by a cat named Cream Puff from the USA, Texas. This cat lived for 38 years. The lucky girl was born in 1967 and left our world in 2005. The centenarian lived a happy life, until her last day she ran dashingly through the streets of her hometown of Austin and was not averse to fooling around.

Celebrity owner Jake Perry believes that the secret to the cat's longevity is a special diet, which included eggs, bacon, broccoli and asparagus, and not store-bought food. And the love and affection of the owner also played a role, who considered Cream Puff a full-fledged member of the family, and after death he tearfully mourned the grave of his favorite. Cream Puff was registered in the Guinness Book of Records and was considered the oldest cat on the planet until 2011, when she was pushed aside by her competitor and new star Lucy, whom we have already told about.

The best cat breeds

1. Outbred kittens.

Cats without a breed can produce completely unpredictable offspring, with very different characters, both purebred and mongrel cats. They can have a variety of colors, short or long legs, they can be fluffy or not very fluffy, they are different. However, outbred kittens have one thing in common: they are very friendly, do not show aggression and are not vindictive.

Cats of this breed are cheerful and love to play, in addition, they will not bother you with their “meows”, since they are not particularly “talkative”. These cats adapt well to new environments and easily “find a common language” with children and other animals. Their fur is quite large, more like fluff, so sometimes you have to clean carpets and furniture.

3. American Curl.

Cats of this breed are distinguished by their unusual ears. Their color may be different, but the ears always remain of an unusual shape. They have a silky, medium fluffy coat. These cats are very gentle and good-natured. They show aggression extremely rarely and do not hold grudges.

4. The British cat is the best cat breed for children.

Children love these fluffies that they can cuddle without worrying about their finger. These cats are calm and self-confident, and their patient and kind nature makes them quite lazy (they are inactive). They can make friends with a dog or other pet. Their coat does not require special care. Cats are susceptible to diseases, so it is worth monitoring their health, protecting them from diseases.

5. Abyssinian cat.

These cats are very active, like small children. They are very inquisitive and stick their noses everywhere. We do not recommend purchasing this kitten for small children, as it loves to be treated with respect and can scratch. The coat is short and does not require special care.

6. The Burmese cat is an excellent “nanny” from the feline family.

These cats have unusual patience and do not show aggression at all. They are very active and inquisitive, but not overly so, so you don't have to worry. They only meow for business. Their coat is short and does not require special care.

7. The Bengal cat is funny and mischievous.

She is able to restore “order” in a matter of minutes, so you should not leave her unattended where there is a lot of interesting things for her. Bengals are good for friendship, but cannot become a toy (they can sharpen their claws).

8. Scottish fold (straight-eared) cat.

Scottish cats are very friendly. They are silent, do not bite or scratch, but do not like to be held for long periods of time and can be frightened by loud noises (noisy games). Read how to name a Scottish cat.

9. Persian cats are just adorable.

They are very reminiscent of a toy, as their faces depict cute images, and the fluff makes them soft and fluffy, like teddy bears. They communicate well with children: they do not offend and are not afraid to play with them. Their coat requires constant brushing and special care.

10. Ragdoll.

Cats of this breed are called “rag dolls” because they allow you to do whatever you want with them. They do not scratch or bite, but, like a tail, follow the owner's heels. This calm breed is one of the best cat options for children.

11. Orientals.

Exquisite cats with unusual facial features and body shape. They are floppy-eared, slender and long-legged, so graceful, with an elongated nose, they resemble small dogs. Their character is quite flexible, they are affectionate, sociable and lively. They, like dogs, can bring you anything: a ball, a mouse. Their peculiarity is sensitivity to cold, so it is worth monitoring the temperature in which they live.

There are other cat breeds that you might like. We advise you to consider all the arguments in favor of any of them and choose the best cat that will make you happy!

Third place No. 3 Tiffany II

The top three longest-living record holders are closed by the oldest mustachioed-striped on the planet as of 2014 - then Tiffany II celebrated its 26th anniversary. The animal died this year in its sleep at the age of 27 years and two months. By our standards, she was already 125 years old.

The owner of the unique cat, Sharon Voorhees, still remembers how she bought Tiffany for $10 at one of the pet stores. The cat lived in the USA, San Diego, for the entire measured century. As we can see in the photo, Tiffany looks great for her age. The cat retained sharp eyesight and excellent hearing until the end of her life. She ate special cat food, spent time in the apartment and only occasionally went out for street walks.

The owner noted the cat’s courage and bravery, because she could calmly walk past the dogs, proudly raising her tail. In her 27 years, Tiffany has been in hundreds of fights, but has never been seriously injured, Sharon notes. And one day the cat disappeared for 2 whole years! Sharon no longer hoped to see her, but the cat suddenly returned as if nothing had happened. That's why some people call Tiffany the traveler cat.

In this video you will meet the oldest cat in Russia, 23-year-old Pushko.

Mitz Matz - 33 years old

It is possible that Mitz Matz would have lived longer if he had not been euthanized by mistake in Switzerland. The cat was considered the oldest representative of the “felines”; he lived for 33 years. Veterinarians euthanized him, mistaking him for a stray animal, although this was not the case. For a long time, this fluffy cat lived at the railway station in the Tegervilen commune - the station employees loved Mitz Matz, took care of him and fed him.

One day Mitz Matz decided to go for a walk outside the station - a woman passing by took the cat to the veterinarian, mistaking him for a stray. After examining the animal, the clinic specialist decided to euthanize the cat. The news came as a shock to those who cared for Mitz Matz. The veterinary hospital staff did not feel guilty, reporting that the cat was already very old: he could hardly see, his ears and teeth hurt.

The oldest two-headed cat

Perhaps we’ll also tell you about the oldest strange cat, which differs from its peers by having two heads! Such a unique long-liver was “Frank and Louis” (photo attached), who was euthanized this year due to the discovery of cancer at the age of 15, which is not at all typical for cats with such pathologies. Typically, kittens born with muzzle duplication do not live more than 4 days.

The unusual cat owes its life to a female veterinarian, Martha Stevens, who took him in as a newborn kitten from the clinic where the little miracle was brought to be put to sleep. Martha believes that everyone has the right to life, even if everyone has turned their back on them. The owner left “Frank and Louis” on her own, which took more than 3 months, because at first the kitten could not coordinate its movements and eat. The cat has two mouths and noses, three eyes, but, as experts have found out, there is only one brain. The cat from the American city of Worcester lived a long, happy life and took pride of place in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest cat with two heads.

How to extend the life of your cat?

Every owner wants his pet to stay with him as long as possible. Of course, you need to be realistic and understand that separation will happen, sooner or later.

Fortunately, some tips will help you postpone the sad moment.

  • From birth you need to choose the right diet for your pet. It is best to do this with the help of a veterinarian. Based on the examination, he will advise what exactly and in what quantities the cat should eat.
  • You will have to visit the veterinarian afterwards. First of all, this is necessary for all vaccinations that need to be done regularly. Also, routine examinations will help to detect and eliminate health problems in a timely manner. It is important to remember that cats are excellent at masking pain, and therefore it is worth taking them to the doctor even if there are no signs of illness.
  • Physical activity is important for animals at any age. Even if the cat is already more than ten years old, it is quite possible to arrange races with it around the apartment or, for example, you can make it run in circles with the help of a toy.
  • Don't underestimate the importance of dental health. To take care of them, you need to visit the veterinarian regularly and brush them with a special brush.
  • If a cat or cat has no value from a breeding point of view, the animal must be castrated or sterilized according to all the rules, at the appropriate time. A doctor will help you determine it.


After spaying and neutering, you will need to change your diet. You also need to constantly monitor the appearance of worms and fleas, and treat the animal for any parasites. Finally, the most important thing is that you need to love your pet and devote your time and attention to it.

How old is the oldest cat in Russia?

  1. No. 1 According to the “Russian Book of Records”, the longest age of a cat in Russia: Age: 22 years 15 days Record holder’s nickname: Daniel Yanki Place of record setting: Moscow Date of record setting: July 11, 2016 Owner of the animal: Maria Fedotova
  2. No. 2 Nickname: Bagheera, nee Gypsy. Age: 32 years Place where the record was set: Solovki Owner of the animal: Lyudmila A small black kitten was given to Lyudmila by a married couple in 1986, when she moved to work as a milkmaid and laboratory assistant in Solovki. At first she was nicknamed Gypsy for her blackness, but two years later, after watching the cartoon “Mowgli”, the name Bagheera stuck with the cat - she also deftly climbed fences and chased other people’s cats.

    How long did the oldest cat live? All about LONG-LIVING cats!

  3. No. 2 Nickname: Smoke Age: 25 years Place of record setting: Tyumen Owner of the animal: Galina Litkevich

    How long did the oldest cat live? All about LONG-LIVING cats!

British shorthair cat

British Shorthair Cat
Plush, mustachioed, robust cats are regulars on film sets, advertising popular cat food. This is not surprising, because they are so pleasant to watch. Looking incredibly good-natured, British Shorthair cats have long become a collective image of a classic pet.

The ancestors of this breed are considered to be cats brought to Britain by Roman legionnaires. The animals were distinguished by their outstanding hunting abilities and remarkable physical characteristics, but modern representatives of the breed have lost these qualities. Many of them, if they eat improperly, are prone to obesity and become clumsy with age. Breeders had to work to make British Shorthair cats resistant to disease.

Charmingly plump in appearance, the British are, in fact, quite stocky and quite powerful. They have a large head, thick cheeks and large, round eyes with a copper tint. The most popular color of the plush fur of these cats is solid (gray, blue-gray, black, lilac, chocolate). The character of the British Shorthair is calm, flexible, but independent. They treat strangers selectively and rarely allow strangers to approach them. The British will always be extremely dissatisfied if someone, even the owner, wants to carry him in their arms. Prices for British aristocrats range from $500-1500.

British shorthair cat

How to choose a long-lived breed?

Statistics of the most tenacious cat breeds:

People who live up to 11 years are:Snow-shoe
Up to 12 years:Bombay (Bombay) Russian Blue
Up to 13 years old:American Bobtail Exotic Shorthair
Up to 14 years old:York (York Chocolate) Scottish Straight Ural Rex
Up to 15 years:Abyssinian Asian Shorthair Arabian Mau Bohemian Rex British Shorthair Cymric (long-haired Manx) Persian Selkirk Rex Sphynx (Canadian Sphynx)
Up to 16 years old:Maine Coon
Under 17 years old:Australian Smoky Neva Masquerade
Under 18 years old:Asian Longhair (Tiffany) Devon Rex Japanese Bobtail
Under 19 years old:Asian tabby
Up to 20 years:American Shorthair Manx Tailless Siamese Thai

No. 10 Persian cat

An imposing handsome man with luxurious coat, the Persian can live from 15 to 20 years, but he requires high-quality care. The pet needs a balanced diet, regular dental and ear hygiene, as well as active physical activity.

Photo source:

Despite his outwardly lazy appearance, the cat is not averse to moving around and playing.

It is also important to remember about deworming and sterilization if breeding kittens is not part of the owner’s plans

Well, now you know which breeds will live with you side by side happily ever after. True, this does not mean that all representatives of the above-mentioned breeds, without exception, will be able to break records.

There is always the possibility of illness or an accident that could take the life of a pet

To prevent this from happening, you need to treat your cat with great attention and love. Believe me, the effort spent will pay off with the health and full life of your pet! And isn't this the most important thing?

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How to make a domestic cat long-lived?

  1. Vaccinate, as vaccinated cats live longer
  2. Mating – Veterinarians say that spaying and neutering prolongs the life of pets
  3. Feed correctly - premium food and natural food (cheap economy class spoils the animals’ stomachs and metabolism)
  4. Watch your weight – Overweight animals live shorter lives and get sick more.
  5. Avoid self-medication – If you notice changes in the behavior of your cat or dog, see a doctor.
  6. Outdoor games and sports - Running and jumping after the bow for at least ten to fifteen minutes a day is excellent gymnastics for the tail. It is advisable to run on a treadmill.
  7. Don't let them go outside – Cats that live only in the house and don't go outside live longer. They have less risk of getting hit by a car, eating poison, fighting with another cat, getting sick, getting lost, and much more.
  8. Sufficient level of clean water every day – Cats prefer to drink running water rather than standing water.
  9. Take care of your teeth – gum problems can be life-threatening, but they affect your overall health and can lead to serious complications
  10. Regular visits to the veterinarian – a full check-up once a year.

Why do some cats live so long?

It is a well-known fact that street cats rarely live longer than five to seven years, and this is not only due to the numerous dangers that await them at every step. A variety of factors influence the lifespan of an animal. Some believe that this is affected, for example, by the breed of the cat and its pedigree.

There is evidence that Persian cats live several years longer than others. British and Siamese breeds also have good performance. However, there is also contrary data. They say that long-lived animals are usually outbred animals.

If you pay attention to the list of record holders given above, it becomes clear that the breed is unlikely to have any significant influence on the issue of longevity. Pedigree can still have an effect, since good genetics sometimes provides the animal with good health, which, of course, is important. However, the real secret of life expectancy is hidden in something completely different.

Gray cat

Table of cat age according to human years of life

Cat's age in yearsPerson's age in years
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