Ulcer on the lip of a cat: consequences and methods of treatment for Jacobs disease


Ulcers on a cat's lip can appear for three reasons:

  • Viral infection. The etymology is similar to herpes rashes in humans. If the animal has recently been sick or has a weakened immune system, then the risk of developing a sore is very high. In rare cases, redness on a cat's lip is a symptom of leukemia. This may be a new disease or the result of a past virus. A blood test for antibodies will help verify this assumption.
  • Allergy. White blood cells (eosinophils) protect the cat from the introduction of allergens into the body. The appearance of an ulcer on the lip is a symptom that the body is fighting pathogens. In fact, the sore is an eosinophilic granulation. The source of the allergen is often food and litter.
  • Infection with ectoparasites. This is also an allergy, only to the saliva of parasites that settle on the animal’s skin (ticks, fleas).

Depending on the cause, two types of disease are distinguished: herpes (rinotracheitis) in the case of viral etymology and Jacobs disease in the formation of eosinophilic granuloma.

List and description of possible causes

You need to understand that even a small ulcer on the lip can be a signal for the development of viral infections that require immediate therapeutic measures. It may also be a symptom of allergies, which often plagues toy breeds. In any case, you need to carefully look at the accompanying symptoms to confirm or exclude the possibility of the following pathologies:

  1. Calcivirosis. A viral disease that mainly affects kittens from 1.5 months of age. Characteristic symptoms include long-term non-healing ulcers on the lips, tongue, palate and inner cheeks, fever, and lacrimation. In severe cases, there may be problems with the joints, which will certainly manifest itself in the pet’s gait (lameness and pain appear during movement). You can become infected with calcivirus from other cats or through objects with which they have been in contact (bowls, clothes, toys). The treatment regimen is always individual and depends on the clinical picture. Antibiotics and immunomodulators are used. But, the best solution to prevent calcivirus in the future is considered to be timely, scheduled vaccination. And even if infected, a vaccinated animal tolerates the infection much easier and the risk of death is minimal.
  2. Allergy. When ulcers appear on the lips, first of all, a food allergy is excluded, which often manifests itself on the face of decorative breed cats. Unfortunately, no analysis can accurately determine the allergen. In such cases, they resort to the method of excluding some product from the diet and look at the change in the clinical picture. In severe cases, special hypoallergenic foods are selected. Along with ulcers, the clinical picture may be complemented by weeping areas on the chin, itching in the area of ​​the lesions and hair loss. Among non-food allergies, such symptoms can be caused by a reaction to flea bites and saliva. That is why all veterinarians immediately recommend treating all animals living in the house with Frontline, Advantix, Advocate or Stronghold.
  3. Eosinophilic granuloma. Or as it is also called Jacobs ulcer. Often affects cats of decorative breeds. It appears in the form of wounds mainly on the lower lip, which over time transform into weeping ulcers. In advanced cases, ulcers can reach the size of an olive. The deeper the lesion becomes, the more pain the animal experiences. The cause of eosinophilic granulomas should be sought in damage by parasites (flea dermatitis), food allergies, and viral diseases. Treatment is primarily aimed at eliminating the root cause of Jacobs ulcer. In parallel, antihistamines and glucocorticosteroids can be used to reduce symptoms. There are many cases where eosinophilic granuloma went away on its own without any therapeutic measures.
  4. Papilloma. If localized in the lip area, it can be permanently injured during eating or by the animal itself. Constant trauma can cause the papilloma to transform into a large, non-healing ulcer. That is why papillomas on the mucous membranes and in problem areas (lips, eyelids, genitals) are recommended to be removed as soon as possible. Cryosurgery or laser can be used as a method.
  5. Tumors. The most terrible cause of an ulcer on a cat's lip. It mainly affects adults over 12 years of age. At the initial stage, it may appear as a small swelling on the lower or upper lip. Over time, a tubercle forms in this place. No one knows when a tumor begins to ulcerate and transform into a deep ulcer. For some, this process can take years, while others notice an aggressive course within the first weeks. An accurate diagnosis can be made only after a biopsy and histological examination of the material taken. The lip area can be affected by squamous cell skin cancer, fibroids and sarcomas. Any of the listed varieties can lead to the death of the animal, so at any stage the prognosis is always cautious. With metastases to the submandibular lymph nodes, the prognosis is unfavorable.

Rhinotracheitis: symptoms and treatment

This disease is quite dangerous and is compared to the herpes virus in humans. Based on its symptoms, it is often confused with a common cold. Redness on the lips is just one of the signals that the cat is sick. Rhinotracheitis is accompanied by:

  • runny nose and profuse nasal discharge;
  • lacrimation;
  • cough;
  • decreased appetite;
  • increased body temperature;
  • drowsiness.

If the cat is not treated, the FHV-1 virus (it is the cause of rhinotracheitis) gives complications in the form of pneumonia or chronic diseases of the digestive system. Externally, the advanced disease is manifested by the appearance of ulcers on the cornea of ​​the eyes and tongue, the occurrence of convulsions of the limbs, and impaired coordination of movements. At the same time, death occurs in only 15% of animals with herpes.

With rhinotracheitis, a wound on the lip causes anxiety for the cat. It itches constantly, which is why the red spot quickly grows and the skin underneath bursts. In this case, there is a risk of secondary infection with a bacterial or fungal infection.

It will not be possible to completely get rid of the virus; the cat will forever remain its carrier. Treatment should begin as soon as a red spot appears on the cat's lip. For this, conventional “human” drugs are used, for example, Acyclovir at the rate of 3 mg/kg of cat weight. The ulcer is treated locally with Chlorhexedine or Iodinol; if the wound on the cat’s lip is oozing, then it must be lubricated with Solcoseriolm or Actovegin. The main treatment for rhinotracheitis is prescribed by the doctor based on tests and after assessing the general health of the cat.

Skin diseases: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

There are so many skin diseases that affect cats that it is simply impossible to present all the available data about them in one article. However, there is a group of dermatological diseases that are most often diagnosed in these pets. It includes infections caused by various bacteria and fungi, pathologies caused by mites (demodex, otodectosis), lichen, psoriasis, acne, bedsores, allergies, bumps and other formations on the skin.

Bacterial infection

The most common cause of bacterial infections in felines is staph. This type of skin disease in pets can be recognized by a number of symptoms. Manifestations of the disease and its treatment depend on the form of the pathology. Information about how infections of bacterial origin occur in these animals and how they are treated is presented in the table:

Dry form of bacterial infection

Forms of bacterial infectionSymptomsTreatment methods
DryDense formations and crusts on the skin.To eliminate signs of infection, depending on the clinical picture, the four-legged patient is prescribed oral antibacterial drugs (Amoxiclav, Cefoxitin, Clindamycin, Cephalexin) and topical agents (Miramistin, Levomekol, zinc ointment). Also, medicated shampoos (Api-San, Elite) are indicated for a sick pet.
WetHyperemia and moisture in the affected areas of the epidermis, accompanied by rashes, the formation of ulcers and weeping crusts, and itching.

Fungal infections and different types of lichen

This type of skin disease, also known as “lichen,” is caused by fungi; less commonly, it occurs due to viruses, a nervous breakdown, hormonal imbalance, or allergies. Most often, the epidermis is affected by fungal infections Trichophyton Microsporum canis and Microsporum gypseum. If treatment is started in a timely manner, the animal can be cured in 21 days. If the deeper layers of the skin are affected, complete recovery may take up to 6 months. Information about the types of lichen (their photographs are posted below) in cats is presented in the table:


Types of lichen in catsSymptomsTreatment
  • round scaly spots, which, as the disease progresses, increase in size, acquiring an oval shape;
  • scabs;
  • thinning and brittleness of wool in areas affected by fungus;
  • reddened smooth skin under fallen scales;
  • itching
  • medicated shampoos (Veterinary Formula ANTISEPTIC & ANTIFUNGAL, Doctor, Nizoral, Sebozol);
  • antifungal ointments (Epacid-F, Fungin, Yam, Sanoderm, Clotrimazole, Miconazole);
  • oral antifungal drugs (Griseofulvin, Itraconazole, Terbinafine);
  • ointments with a drying effect (salicylic, sulfuric, ichthyol);
  • vaccines (Vakderm-F, Polivak TM, Microderm).
Pityriasis (multi-colored)
  • A small oval spot on the skin. After 2–3 days, the number of spots increases. As they grow together, they form irregularly shaped lesions.
  • Deformation of the claw when it gets infected with a pathogen.
  • Smooth or scaly dermis on the affected area.
Pink (not fungal etiology)
  • small or large (up to 2 cm in diameter) pink spots on the skin, most often they appear on the stomach, inner thighs, and groin area;
  • slight itching (in some cases it is absent);
  • skin that is flaky in the center of the spots and smooth at the edges;
  • increased body temperature, joint pain, swollen lymph nodes, lethargy (these symptoms appear in severe cases of the disease).
  • nutrition correction, exclusion of heavy and allergenic foods
  • antihistamines;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • refusal to walk, bathe, or contact with other animals;
  • apricot and sea buckthorn oil for treating affected areas.
Weeping (eczema, caused by hormonal imbalance, stress, etc.)
  • red spots;
  • hyperemia and soreness of the affected skin areas;
  • bubbles filled with liquid, violation of the integrity of which leads to the formation of ulcers and crusts;
  • fever.
  • treatment twice a day with salicylic or sulfur ointment for 12–21 days;
  • hormonal and sedative drugs.

Jacobs disease

It is considered an autoimmune disease. The primary provoking factors are exposure to an allergen or infection by parasites. Research by foreign veterinarians puts forward a hypothesis about a genetic predisposition to this disease. It has been noticed that in 80% of cases, ulcers on the upper lip appear in purebred animals, but yard cats practically do not get this disease.

You can suspect that a cat has contracted Jacobs disease by the location of the spot: it usually appears on the upper lip and, in rare cases, on the oral mucosa or lower lip. Signs of inflammation progress quickly, the wound begins to deepen and become inflamed. The sore is difficult to heal. In advanced cases, the cat's teeth and gums are exposed.

Attention! It is quite easy to distinguish Jacobs disease from, for example, a trophic ulcer. With this disease, the cat does not experience any discomfort or pain.

In most cases, the owner does not immediately notice that the pet is sick and detects an ulcer only when there is clearly expressed eosinophilic granulation. Delayed treatment can lead to sarcoma or fibroma.

Salivary gland tumor and cyst

If an animal receives a lip injury and is not provided with timely medical care, it can lead to damage to the salivary glands and the subsequent formation of cysts and tumors. At the same time, thick secretions begin to form in the gland ducts, and the ducts themselves are often covered with food debris. Then fluid begins to accumulate in the ducts, which causes the formation of a cyst.

In this case, swelling often occurs on the lower lip, since the submandibular salivary glands are located adjacent to it. The tumor site is very noticeable and smooth to the touch, has a rounded shape. In some cases, it occurs only on one side, under the tongue, but there are cases of swelling on the walls of the pharynx. Please note that the cyst can become very large and begin to interfere with the cat's swallowing and breathing processes.

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If in the described case the cat’s lower lip is swollen, then mandatory surgical intervention is necessary. Namely, to make a puncture in order to remove the substance filling the cyst cavity. If this does not bring any effect, then the salivary gland is surgically removed.


The absence of anxiety in an animal when an ulcer appears on the upper lip is the main symptom of the disease. A biopsy will help confirm the assumption. The veterinarian takes a microscopic piece of skin from the affected and healthy areas. If the analysis shows eosinophilic proliferation, then this is a reason to diagnose Jacobs disease.

Attention! In a blood test, the number of eosinophils may be normal, therefore, in case of non-healing red spots on a cat’s lip, only a biopsy is considered reliable.

If the animal has a history of viral leukemia or the cat has recently been ill, then a veterinarian who discovers a spot on his patient’s lip should immediately check the diagnosis.

Prevention of the formation of purulent abscesses

  • Excluding contact with stray cats and dogs.
  • Castration of males.
  • Eliminate bones from your cat's diet.
  • Complete and balanced feeding.
  • Regular preventive veterinary examinations of the animal with assessment of the condition of the teeth and gums, especially in old animals.
  • Maintaining the hygiene of the cat’s habitat: regularly changing the tray, washing the bowl, cleaning the room.
  • To support the animal’s immunity, use vitamin and mineral supplements from Beafar and AgroVetZashchita.

Representatives of the cat family are resistant to various diseases and changes in the environment. This works with a balanced diet and strong immunity. However, unpleasant diseases still plague pets. Sometimes ulcers appear on a cat’s lips, which indicates that the process is neglected.

Causes of lesions and symptoms

Cats are curious animals, so even at home they can get wounds. Minor abrasions heal quickly, without outside help. With constant access to the street, cats can get into fights with their relatives, especially not neutered ones, as they exhibit a violent character. Sharp claws leave deep cuts on the muzzle and lips, which may look like sores on the muzzle.

The causative agent of herpes is a virus. It is dangerous not only for animals, but also for humans. If the pet has a strong immune system, then the pathogen does not manifest itself. However, when the body’s defenses decrease, the animal begins to get sick. An indicative sign is that ulcers appear on the cat’s lips. The sores resemble small pinkish blisters in appearance. Sometimes they open up and become crusty.

The symptoms of herpes cause severe discomfort to your pet. The sore constantly itches and hurts. The cat's behavior changes, she becomes restless and tries to comb her lips. This only leads to the growth of the lesion and a general deterioration in health. At the same time, the ulcers interfere with eating normally. If timely assistance is not provided, herpes causes a complication in the form of rhinotracheitis. It is characterized by the following symptoms:

Rhinotracheitis is an inflammatory disease that is dangerous for deterioration of health and death. Herpes becomes a catalyst for other infections. Sometimes complications can be avoided, but the virus still leads to a deterioration in the pet’s life. It is manifested by changes in behavior. The cat licks its fur less, loses weight, hides in dark places, tucks its tail, constantly shakes its head and meows.

Jacobs ulcer

Eosinophilic granuloma requires prompt treatment, as it can develop into a malignant tumor.

Photos of cats with lip ulcers

Treatment of herpes is a long and labor-intensive process. The first step is to protect the mucous membranes. For this, anti-inflammatory ointments (Acyclovir, Tetracycline) are used. You need to lubricate your lips up to 5 times a day. In case of severe viral infection, the veterinarian prescribes Acyclovir tablets. The owner must strictly follow the recommendations on dosage and number of doses, since the drug has a negative effect on the liver. Self-appointment is prohibited.

If the complication affects the upper respiratory tract, then antibacterial drugs (Tylosin, Tetracycline) are prescribed together with antihistamines. To maintain the functions of the liver, kidneys, and heart, appropriate medications prescribed by the doctor are given. Protective forces are replenished by taking immunomodulators. Injections of vitamins B and C are useful.

The appearance of an ulcer on a cat's lip is a warning sign. It usually forms at the extreme stages of pathological processes, which complicates treatment. Therefore, at the first deviations in the behavior and condition of the pet, it is recommended to contact a veterinarian.


If the spot has just appeared, then it is enough to remove the allergen and the cat’s skin will become healthy again. As a rule, it is necessary to change the food, replace the dishes from which the pet eats, and change the litter for the toilet. Direct treatment, which is carried out under the supervision of a doctor, includes four areas:

  • use of corticosteroids;
  • use of antihistamines;
  • support of body resistance;
  • Treating a cat for parasites.

High-quality treatment from specialists

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The cat has a sore on her lip: Is there viral rhinotracheitis on her face?

Viral rhinotracheitis - herpes in cats, like other viral respiratory infections, is widespread. The disease affects everyone from the cat family; all breeds of cats are affected, regardless of age, with the exception of kittens up to two months of age, which receive antibodies from their mother with milk.

Risk factors for infection:

  • Group keeping of animals (shelters, catteries)
  • Animals weakened by stress.
  • Inadequate feeding.
  • Ages from two months to one year and over fourteen years.

The peak of the disease in cats occurs during the cold and rainy seasons (winter, early spring, late autumn). When kept in crowded conditions, the infection takes on the character of a permanent enzootic.

Watch the video: Sore on a cat’s lip - on the face Calicivirus

The source of feline rhinotracheitis are patients and carrier cats. The rhinotracheitis virus can be transmitted to healthy cats through direct contact with sick animals through discharge from the nasal and oral cavity and eyes.

The main route of infection is aerogenic, that is, through the air, which contributes to the rapid spread of the disease.

The most common routes of transmission are food, care items, people in contact with sick cats, and contaminated air. The disease is species-specific and is not dangerous for humans or other animal species.

If the cause of sores on a cat’s lips is viral rhinotracheitis, the clinical picture will be as follows:

  • Copious nasal discharge.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Lethargy.
  • Fever.
  • Cough.
  • Ulcers on the lips that look like herpetic rashes in humans.
  • Increased lacrimation, conjunctivitis.

The course of the disease can be acute, subacute and chronic; in advanced cases, severe pneumonia develops.

Read the article “How to give medicine to a cat? Tips for ensuring comfort for a cat" - https://strazhchistoty.ru/cleanup/cleancats/kak-dat-lekarstvo-koshke.html

Does your cat have herpes? No problem! Recommendations for the treatment of herpesvirus infection

Rhinotracheitis or herpesvirus infection is an acute infectious disease in cats. This disease most often affects the upper respiratory tract, but can also develop in other tissues. For people, feline herpes is not dangerous, but it causes a lot of problems for the animals themselves. How to recognize it and whether it is possible to get rid of a herpes infection, read our article.

Males and cats of different ages and breeds can become infected with the rhinotracheitis virus.


Most often, young kittens and adults with weak immune systems are susceptible to infection.

Animals that are most susceptible to the disease are:

  • suffered from hypothermia;
  • with a poor and unvaried diet;
  • with poor living conditions.


The causative agent of herpes infection is a “DNA containing virus” - “Feline viral rinotracheitis-2”. The virus family is “Herpesviridae”.

It is difficult for him to survive in the external environment and can survive in humid conditions for only 18 hours, and in dry conditions even less - 16 hours.

The virus is unstable and very sensitive to any influence. It is precisely these properties that do not allow it to reach the epidemiological threshold. But despite this, infection, although not often, still occurs.

A cat can become infected in several ways:

  • through contact with a carrier of the herpes virus;
  • from the external environment.

Most often, infection is airborne, that is, through direct contact with a sick animal. In addition, a person can bring the herpes virus from the external environment - from the street, on shoes.

How does this happen? In animals, the disease develops in the upper respiratory tract. From there, through the nasal, conjunctival or oral routes, the virus enters the external environment.


The localization of rhinotracheitis is extensive. The virus lives and actively develops on the mucous membranes (nasopharynx, tonsils) and other tissues (conjunctiva, tongue, lymph nodes), which are a good breeding ground for them.

The virus spreads very quickly. If you have several animals at once and one of them gets sick, then there is a high probability that symptoms will soon appear in other pets.

It is possible to detect the presence of the virus in a cat in laboratory conditions within a day after infection.

The incubation period of herpes is from two days to a week. The virus can remain in the body for up to three weeks.

The cause and development of herpes viral infection is a highly infectious virus (Feline herpesvirus, FHV, FHV-1), which can exist in the external environment.

Virus resistance

The virus is stable, but only in conditions that are comfortable for it.

It is introduced into the body in such a way that sometimes the immune system does not even notice it.

An illness that once appears in a pet can remain with it for life and will manifest itself every time the immune system is weakened.

Most often, the presence of the virus is determined by the initial symptoms, which appear approximately 15 days after infection:

  • lacrimation;
  • nasal discharge;
  • sneezing and coughing;
  • copious mica secretion;
  • blisters and ulcers on the mucous membranes and lips;
  • weakness and apathy;
  • decreased appetite;
  • increase in body temperature.

Nasal congestion often makes cats reluctant to eat or drink, which can lead to general dehydration. In this case, the animals have to be force-fed.



When infected with the virus, the organs of vision are affected and a characteristic symptom is inflammation of the eyes.

Inflammation is often accompanied by purulent discharge, which contaminates areas near the nose and eyes. The conjunctiva becomes swollen. The cat's eyelids stick together due to secretions, and the consequence of this is a narrow palpebral fissure.

On the lip

The herpes virus may lie low for a while and not manifest itself.

That is why its symptoms on the lip sometimes appear a week after infection.

In this case, small ulcers and blisters appear, which are filled with clear liquid.

If the immune system does not respond to infection and does not fight the virus, then it begins to accumulate in the animal’s cells. Thus, the cat becomes a carrier and releases the virus into the external environment.

Symptoms of immunodeficiency virus in cats:

  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • stomatitis;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • damage to the nervous system.


Diagnosis of the disease is made in veterinary institutions based on tests and the clinical picture of the disease. This is necessary in order not to confuse herpes infection with calcivirus, the clinical picture of which has similar symptoms.

To detect the presence of the herpes virus, it is necessary to send the discharge for analysis.

The virus veterinary laboratory will test samples for the presence of virus bodies.

If they are detected, the animal will be diagnosed with rhinotracheitis.

The disease can occur in two forms: acute and chronic.

  1. The acute form lasts about two weeks and, most often, ends with recovery.
  2. Chronic form - can last up to one and a half months. To all the symptoms inherent in herpes is added the development of ulcerative keratitis and blindness.

When the diagnosis of herpesvirus infection is confirmed, it is necessary to ensure correct and timely treatment. The longer the disease lasts, the more difficult it will be to get rid of it.

READ What to do if your cat has sores on his back


If the disease is left to chance, it can lead to infection with other infections, various complications and, in rare cases, death.

Complications of herpes infection can be:

  • inflammation of the trachea;
  • pneumonia;
  • inflammation of the bronchi.

As a rule, a cat, even after undergoing treatment, remains a carrier of the virus for a long time. Only animals with strong immunity are completely freed from it.

Complex treatment

A whole range of drugs and antibiotics are used for treatment.

In addition, during complex treatment of herpes virus infection, you need to pay special attention to the pet’s diet and its maintenance.

Provide the animal with comfort and peace; it is advisable to keep it in a warm room.

With proper treatment, significant improvements are observed within three days, and after one and a half to two weeks the animal recovers.


Treatment with drugs takes place at home, but under the strict supervision of veterinarians and constant examinations. The following medications are most often prescribed.

  1. Anti-inflammatory ointment "Acyclovir". Used to protect tissue from damage and inflammation. To protect the cornea, it is recommended to apply a 5% product under the lower eyelid. You can use the ointment up to six times a day. The price of the ointment is quite affordable. You can buy the product for, on average, 30 rubles.
  2. The drug for external use "Chlorhexidine" is used to treat ulcers in the oral cavity. In addition, it can cleanse fur and skin of purulent secretions. The average cost is only 15 rubles.
  3. Immunomodulator "Anandin" for instillation into the eyes and nose. Has anti-inflammatory and healing effects. You need to instill three drops 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment should not exceed two weeks. The average price is 80 rubles.

Broad-spectrum antibiotic drug "Cefazolin". To administer the injection, you need to prepare a suspension. To do this, the powder is diluted with water in accordance with the instructions. The dose and number of applications are prescribed by a veterinarian. The cost of one bottle is 15 rubles.


Do not self-medicate or prescribe the drug yourself! This should only be done by a veterinarian based on the clinical picture of the disease and tests.

A common symptom of herpes virus infection is numerous ulcers. To get rid of them you can use:

  • antibiotics;
  • intravenous drips;
  • ointments and gels;
  • pills.

Catcat's atony

Atony is a lack of muscle tone. It can be caused by illness, improper feeding, or the animal's advanced age.


  • vomit;
  • lack of appetite;
  • reducing the daily amount of feces;
  • difficulty defecation.


If any symptoms are detected, you should immediately take your pet to a veterinarian. To enhance peristalsis, he will prescribe Glauber's salt and other effective remedies.


When infected with the rhinotracheitis virus, animals often experience an increase in body temperature of up to 40 degrees, sometimes higher. What to do in this case?

  1. First, you need to make sure that the temperature is elevated. Measure it rectally, using an electronic thermometer.
  2. If the temperature is still elevated, then you need to contact a veterinary clinic. The doctor will prescribe antipyretic medications.
  3. Make sure that the animal has free access to fresh water.


The prognosis in the fight against rhinotracheitis is always positive. As already mentioned, complications are possible only with improper treatment. There are practically no lethal outcomes with this disease. They occur only in very weakened or young kittens.


Take care of timely and proper treatment for your pet. The disease is easier to treat at the initial stage.


The best way to prevent rhinotracheitis is timely vaccination.

Preparations for vaccinating cats against herpes:

  • Multifel;
  • Quadriket;
  • Nobivac Tricat;
  • Korifelin.

To disinfect the room in which the sick cat was located, you can use:

  • formalin;
  • chloroform;
  • ether and phenol;
  • sodium hydroxide.

In the video below, a veterinarian talks about treatment for rhinotracheitis in cats.

A sick animal needs a cozy, calm, homely atmosphere. Provide your pet with peace, surround him with care, and he will recover very quickly. Do not neglect our advice and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. This will avoid dire consequences.

Herpesvirus infection (rinotracheitis) is a viral infection that affects the upper respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia), mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes (ulcers, inflammation of the conjunctiva) of cats.

In this article, we will look at the symptoms of herpes in cats and treatment methods.

Rhinotracheitis is transmitted by air. The virus spreads in the external environment through nasal secretions and waste products. Enters the body through inhalation of microbes. They can be found on bowls or things that an infected individual has come into contact with.

The virus attaches to mucous membranes, affecting the nose, mouth and pharynx, causing inflammation followed by tissue necrosis. Once in the blood, it depresses the general condition of the body, causing weakness and fever.

A cat has a sore on his lip (lower): Diagnosis of viral rhinotracheitis

If you notice the above symptoms in your pet, or at least some of them, you need to show the animal to a veterinarian.

In Moscow, you can contact the veterinary clinics of the network “Your Doctor” or “Bely Klyk”, as well as the Innovative Veterinary Center of the Moscow Veterinary Academy (IVC MBA).

In St. Petersburg, competent specialists will help you at the clinics “Dog and Cat”, “Lucky”, “Your Doctor”.

In Voronezh, we recommend visiting the blades “Eurovet” and “Cat Matroskin”.

The veterinarian will conduct an examination, thermometry, a general blood and urine test, and take swabs from the nasopharynx for analysis using PCR or ELISA to identify the causative agent of rhinotracheitis.

A cat has a sore on his lip: Treatment of viral rhinotracheitis

After confirming the diagnosis, the veterinarian will prescribe the following treatment:

  • Complete feeding with soft, semi-liquid food, vegetables and cereals are excluded; in the first days of illness, the animal can be given low-fat meat broths, boiled chopped meat or fish, eggs and dairy products.
  • Industrial feeds are given mainly in the form of pates, they should also be heated.
  • If the animal completely refuses food, infusion therapy is carried out with Ringer-Locke and Glucose solutions.
  • Systemic antiviral therapy (Famciclovir).
  • Local treatment of sores with antiseptic solutions (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin) and antiviral ointment Acyclovir.
  • Rinsing the nasal and oral cavities with antiseptic solutions.
  • Symptomatic therapy: mucolytics for cough (Mukaltin), antipyretics for fever (injections of Analgin with Diphenhydramine).
  • For severe conjunctivitis, Decta-2 drops
  • Introduction of vitamins: Gamavit, Hemobalance.
  • The use of a specific serum (Vitafel).
  • If complications develop, antibiotic therapy is prescribed.
  • Immunomodulators (Fosprenil, Anandin).

The incidence of infectious rhinotracheitis in cats reaches 50%, mortality is 5-20%. After recovery from the disease, cats may become carriers of the virus.

The duration of the disease is 10-14 days, in some cases the disease drags on for several weeks and is accompanied by a rare cough and periodic runny nose. Cats with ulcerative stomatitis or pneumonia often die.

A cat has an ulcer on her lip: Eosinophilic granuloma complex

If an ulcer on an animal’s lip is an accidental discovery—that is, the cat does not show any symptoms of concern—then, most likely, we are talking about the formation of an eosinophilic granuloma or Jacobs ulcer.

This disease is considered poorly understood, and there are many hypotheses about its causes. Here are the main ones:

  • Allergic reaction.
  • Sensitization of the animal's body by endo- or ectoparasites.
  • Genetic predisposition.

It is also noted that this disease most often affects purebred cats and individuals obtained through inbreeding. Females over 6 years of age are most often affected.

Watch the video: Stomatitis in cats - Symptoms and treatment

More about eosinophilic granuloma

A relatively rare cause of ulcers on the lips of a cat. The disease manifests itself on the mucous membranes, primarily on the upper lip. The occurrence of the disease is associated with an allergic reaction, but there are other hypotheses: weakened immunity after viral infections, flea dermatitis, and genetic defects.

Even when only a small red spot is found on the pet’s lip, the animal behaves completely calmly, plays and has an excellent appetite; it is better to take it to the veterinary clinic and rule out this disease. At an early stage, it is not difficult to get rid of an eosinophilic ulcer, but if you miss the moment, an infection gets into the wound and treatment can be very delayed. The disease is dangerous because it provokes the development of a cancerous tumor.

As you know, disease is easier to prevent. The main methods of preventing infectious diseases are not to let the animal go outside and to feed it well. It is also recommended to regularly examine your pet, including the oral cavity. Be sure to take your cat to the veterinary clinic every year for examination and vaccinations. You need to gradually replace the filler or food with a different brand, observing the reaction. You should especially carefully monitor purebred animals, as they get sick more often.

As I learned, eosinophilic granuloma in cats can occur not only due to decreased immunity, but also due to allergies and bacteria. I started analyzing. As I already said, our immunity was clearly all right. Allergies and bacteria remained. And then I remembered what preceded the appearance of Angelina Jolie’s lips on my cat.

Secondly, a couple of weeks before the problem arose, I bought a plastic water dish for the cat, because... I read that cats love large transparent containers and drink more actively from there. However, plastic is sometimes toxic (you never know what they sell in stores?), moreover, it has large pores where food and water residues get clogged and where bacteria subsequently develop, terrorizing the mouth of a cat drinking from plastic. Thirdly, even to normal plastic there is an individual allergic reaction.

I did not check all the versions one by one to understand which one is correct. I immediately excluded both the ficus and the plastic bowl from the cat’s life. After just 4 days, there was no trace left of the swollen lips. Although time has shown that the cause was plastic, because... After that, the cat reached the ficus several more times, but her lips no longer swelled.

Externally, acne resembles dirt crushed onto the chin. By the way, at first I thought that the cat was rummaging in the flower pot. But then, while studying veterinary articles, I realized that it was acne. So, after eliminating the plastic container, the acne went away along with the granuloma. Coincidence? Don't think.

ACNE IN CATS is a skin disease in which the sebaceous glands become inflamed and clogged.

Acne occurs as a result of stress, poor hygiene, abnormal development of the sebaceous glands, decreased immunity and (attention!) the use of plastic bowls when feeding. Sometimes acne is accompanied by a secondary infection

As a result, the area of ​​skin with acne may become bald, itching, ulcers and swelling may appear on it.

In our case, it was enough to remove the plastic bowl, because... no secondary infection joined the process and there were no ulcers or pus. If an infection were to occur, antibiotics and treatment of the affected area (as prescribed by a veterinarian) might be needed.

In cases where the allergen cannot be calculated independently, it is necessary to conduct allergy tests or exclude one factor after another with an interval of approximately 1 week and wait to see which one works.

However, I do not encourage you to make a diagnosis yourself, but I advise everyone who is faced with the problem of a swollen lip in a cat to immediately go to a good veterinary clinic, and here’s why. The fact is that a swollen lip in a cat can be a symptom not only of eosinophilic granuloma, but also of the following diseases.

A cat has a sore on his lip (on the upper one): Clinical signs and diagnosis

As mentioned above, eosinophilic granuloma at the beginning of the disease does not bother the animal in any way. It usually appears in the middle of the upper lip in the form of a pink, gnawed out spot. Over time, without treatment, it grows up to the nose and into the oral cavity, deepens, becomes inflamed, and the roots of the teeth and gum bones are exposed.

Therefore, if you notice a formation on your cat’s upper lip, we advise you not to delay visiting the veterinary clinic, especially since a number of sources consider this disease to be a precancerous condition.

After examining the animal and collecting anamnesis, the veterinarian will perform a biopsy of the ulcer followed by microscopy of the material taken. The presence of eosinophilic proliferation confirms the diagnosis.

Read the article “How to wash a cat and whether to wash it at all. Almost Hamlet’s question” - https://strazhchistoty.ru/cleanup/cleancats/kak-myt-kota.html

Ulcers on the tongue

An ulcer on the tongue in cats is one of the manifestations of calcivirosis. Calcivirosis is a feline viral disease that affects the respiratory system. The causative agent of this disease almost does not react to most disinfectants.

To prevent your cat from getting calcivirus, ventilate the room better and more often, vaccinate your furry pet against this disease in a timely manner, and also do not keep a large enough number of felines in the house.

Calcivirus is transmitted through direct contact by sneezing.

When cells affected by calcivirosis are destroyed, erosions and ulcers often form in the oral cavity and on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

The cat, at the same time, refuses food, its body temperature can rise to 40C. The tongue, hard palate, lips and even the tip of the nose can be affected by ulcers.

Medicine does not have specific drugs against this bacterial infection. However, calcivirosis can be treated quite effectively in several ways.

  • To prevent the development of a viral infection on a weakened cat’s body, antibiotics are prescribed.
  • The antiviral immune response is stimulated using feline immunostimulants.
  • Prevention of dehydration.
  • Antipyretic drugs.
  • Prescription of adaptogens and vitamins.
  • Sanitation of the cat's oral cavity with Dentavidin, Miramistin, chamomile decoction or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

A cat has a sore on his lip: Treatment of Jacobs ulcer

Once the diagnosis is made, the veterinarian will prescribe the following treatment:

  • Feeding with hypoallergenic food (rice, low-fat cottage cheese, homemade cheese).
  • If the cat is accustomed to industrial food, then choose hypoallergenic food from the premium and extra-premium line.
  • Fight against fleas and other ectoparasites (Advocate drops, Bars spray), make sure that the drugs do not get on the affected areas.
  • Systemic corticosteroids by injection for a course of three weeks (Dexamethasone, Prednisolone).
  • Injections or slow infusions of calcium gluconate 10%.
  • Antihistamines (Suprastin, Diphenhydramine).
  • Vitamin preparations (Gamavit, Hemobalance).
  • Allergy test at the end of treatment: intradermal or based on the titer of antibodies in the blood (insignificant for food allergies) followed by hyposensitization.

See what anti-allergy foods you can buy


Cats are very curious: even a pet that has no chance of getting outside can find adventure in its face while exploring the apartment. A small wound (for example, when trying to bite a cactus - this happens!) will most likely heal quickly. However, for some time a small sore or ulcer will be noticeable in its place.

An animal may become interested in the stove or heater that has just been turned off, and get burned: the burn also leaves a mark in the form of a sore.

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A cat has a ball-shaped sore on her lip: Subcutaneous abscess

Another disease in which the owner can detect a sore on a cat’s lip is a subcutaneous abscess. The lesion will cause anxiety to the pet; the skin at the site of the lesion will be swollen, hot to the touch, and an abscess ball can be palpated underneath it.

If the abscess has already opened on its own, then yellow or white, or in severe cases green, pus will be released from the hole in the skin.

Causes of abscesses:

  • Injuries from sharp objects.
  • Bone injuries.
  • Violation of the hygiene of the animal's habitat.
  • Fights with other animals.
  • Bites.
  • Weakening of the immune system.
  • Diseases of teeth and gums.

Read the article “How to deal with cat hair - Getting rid of hair in the apartment” - https://strazhchistoty.ru/cleanup/cleancats/sherst-tvoego-kota.html

How to diagnose the cause

Treatment will depend on why the swelling occurs. Sometimes the source of the problem can be recognized immediately - for example, if a swollen lip occurs after a wasp or a bee has landed on it, then, without a doubt, the problem is an insect bite. But more often than not, the cause cannot be determined. To find out the diagnosis, you will have to carry out a number of manipulations. First of all, you need to observe the cat to identify other symptoms:

  • Dental diseases, in addition to swelling of the lips, are accompanied by: an unpleasant odor from the cat’s mouth;
  • redness of the gums;
  • increased salivation.
  • Allergy: a rash appears on the cat’s skin, the cat tries to scratch the swollen lip, which indicates itching or burning, the swelling is hot to the touch.
  • Eosinophilic granuloma: The cat's lips not only become swollen, but also become covered with plaques (similar to herpes). In this case, a swallowing disorder may occur, which subsequently leads to the cat refusing to eat.
  • Injuries: the cat does not close its mouth, hides and meows pitifully, which indicates the pain the animal is experiencing. When the lower jaw tilts to the side, the cause is most likely a dislocation or fracture.
  • Neoplasms: swelling of the lip develops gradually (first a small red or whitish spot appears, then it thickens and constantly grows). If it is malignant, weeping eczema and bleeding ulcers may occur at the site of the tumor. In addition, the cat has:
  • loss of appetite;
  • frequent vomiting;
  • weakness.
  • Visual observation of the animal alone is not enough to establish the exact cause of lip swelling. Veterinarians also use a comprehensive diagnostic method, including:

    • general blood analysis;
    • tissue biopsy (to exclude tumor neoplasms);
    • allergy test;
    • microscopy (to detect bacterial infection, skin parasites, mycosis).

    If dislocations or jaw fractures are suspected, radiography is performed.

The cat has an abscess on the lip: Treatment

Self-treatment of abscesses on the lips is strictly not recommended, since most likely you will need surgical opening of the abscess, the prescription of antibiotics in injections or tablets and, in case of damage to the dental apparatus, treatment of the underlying disease.

Treatment may be as follows:

  • Surgical opening of the abscess under general anesthesia and sedation of the animal.
  • Treatment of the affected area with antiseptic solutions (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Fukartsin).
  • Prescription of antibiotics intramuscularly for a course of 5-7 days (Doxycycline, Enrofloxacin).
  • Putting on a collar to prevent self-injury.
  • Isolate the cat from other animals.
  • Complete and balanced feeding with soft and semi-liquid food or premium and extra-premium industrial food in the form of pates.
  • Vitamin therapy (Gamavit, Hemobalance).
  • If dental pathology is detected: caries, periodontal disease, gingivitis - removal of affected teeth, treatment with antiseptics, application of ointments with antibiotics.

Jacobs ulcer is one of the cat skin diseases that, if not treated promptly, can lead to the death of the animal. Most often, the pathology affects purebred cats. Experts explain this pattern by the fact that when breeding pure breed lines, close relatives are often crossed. This leads to a decrease in natural resistance to various diseases. What are the causes of Jacobs ulcer formation? How is it treated?

Steroid medications

Glucocorticosteroids (GCS) are prescribed to relieve inflammation, reduce allergic manifestations, and relieve swelling.
Depending on the condition of the animal, the veterinarian selects the drug and method of application. For severe acute forms of inflammation, corticosteroids by injection are recommended: prednisolone, dexamethasone.

These drugs have the following therapeutic effects:

  • suppress the functions of leukocytes and tissue macrophages;
  • reduce capillary permeability due to the release of histamine;
  • increase blood glucose levels, stimulating insulin production;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • reduce swelling.

Due to the strong immunosuppressive effect and the risk of peptic ulcers of the digestive system, the drugs are prescribed under the supervision of a doctor, strictly following the dosage, observing the duration of the course.

In order to relieve itching and restore the skin, a combined oral preparation, Stop-Itch, is prescribed, which is less toxic and safer than its analogues. The active ingredient is the steroid triamcinolone, and the auxiliary ingredients are pyridoxine, riboxin, succinic acid, and methionine. The drug prevents the production of inflammatory mediators, stabilizes the permeability of cell membranes, and improves the functional condition of the skin.

Causes of Jacobs ulcer in cats

The peculiarity of the disease is that it is not transmitted from a sick animal, but develops independently in the cat’s body. When certain factors occur, the immune system reacts by releasing a large number of eosinophils, which do not spread in the circulatory system, but concentrate in certain areas of the body. Most often, a granuloma forms on the upper lip, less often - on the abdomen, lower part of the jaw, in the oral cavity, on the cheeks.

Until now, scientists have not been able to figure out exactly why cats develop this pathology. Experts identify several possible reasons:

  • Autoimmune reaction to an allergen. As a rule, eosinophils begin to be produced after an animal allergen enters the body. If allergies occur frequently or the pet is constantly exposed to the negative effects of a substance that provokes the body's immune response, the cat develops a Jacobs ulcer.
  • Impact of the virus. Researchers note that cats that have had viral leukemia are most susceptible to the disease. However, veterinarians do not consider leukemia to be the main cause of the disease. Pathology develops when the immune system is weakened, so the disease can appear in a pet exposed to another viral infection.

When is it necessary to consult a veterinarian?

In most cases, dermatological diseases in cats are treated at home and do not pose a threat to life. However, there are situations in which mandatory veterinary assistance is required. Sometimes self-treatment of a pet can lead to serious and even tragic consequences. Reasons for visiting a veterinary clinic should be:

  • increase in pet's body temperature;
  • decreased motor activity and lack of response to external stimuli for a long time (more than 24 hours);
  • refusal of food and water;
  • inability to rise independently;
  • bleeding;
  • uncontrollable vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • suppuration in the eye area;
  • impaired respiratory function (urgent treatment measures are required if the pet is breathing heavily and wheezing or if its breathing is rapid and shallow);
  • blood in urine or stool;
  • a plaintive meow for no apparent reason.

The swelling of a cat's lower lip has relatively harmless reasons - a mild allergy to food or an insect bite, scratching, a scratch received in a fight, etc. In this case, removing the swelling is quite simple - the main thing is to start therapy on time, without leading to complications. The situation is more difficult when the inflamed lip is a symptom of dangerous pathologies (including oncology), which require long-term complex treatment.

Predisposing factors

The main predisposing factor to the development of pathology is low immunity. A weakened animal gets sick more often, which causes an autoimmune reaction, expressed in the formation of eosinophilic granulomas. The following factors lead to a decrease in the cat’s body’s defenses:

  • Failure to comply with nutritional rules. The cat's diet should contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements. Some owners prefer to save on their cat's nutrition by offering it food from their table. However, this menu does not provide the animal’s body with all the elements necessary for normal development. Particular attention should be paid to the diet of cats with special needs (neutered, with chronic pathologies, aging).
  • Improper care and poor living conditions. Cats of different breeds require different care. Some people should regularly treat their eyes to prevent inflammatory processes, while others are prone to ear pathologies, so you need to constantly monitor the condition of your ears.
  • Feeding poor quality food. For purebred cats, you should choose premium and super-premium food. Economy options often contain a large number of preservatives, dyes and flavors that can accumulate in the body and provoke pathological processes.
  • Using household chemicals to wash your pet's tray and dishes. Some chemicals can cause allergies. If it is not possible to eliminate dirt and unpleasant odors without special means, you should thoroughly rinse the objects that the animal comes into contact with.
  • Past viral and bacterial diseases. After illness, the pet’s body becomes vulnerable to many pathologies.
  • No treatment for parasites. To prevent your cat from suffering from fleas and ticks, you should regularly treat its fur with special products. In the warm season, after a walk outside, you need to inspect your cat’s skin for ticks.
  • Failure to comply with the schedule of preventive vaccinations.
  • Frequent manifestations of allergies. If your cat exhibits allergic symptoms several times a year, you should find out what is causing them. If there is a provoking factor, the cat’s condition will worsen and a Jacobs ulcer will appear.

Why is my cat's lower lip swollen?

Lip problems are caused by both malignant and benign tumors. Most often, the oral cavity is affected by squamous cell carcinoma. Oncology may be the reason why a cat's lower lip is swollen. Diagnosis is made by biopsy. Studies have shown that the risk of developing cancer increases with:

  • passive smoking – cats can inhale their owners’ tobacco smoke;
  • wearing flea collars;
  • frequent eating of canned cat food by your pet.

The type and success of treatment depends on the stage at which the disease is detected. Typically, veterinarians prescribe chemotherapy, radiation, and surgical removal of tumors. Additionally, they can use anti-inflammatory and painkillers, as well as immunity boosters.

But the prognosis for squamous cell carcinoma for a cat is disappointing - no more than 1-2 years after the disease is diagnosed. It is better to take preventive measures, such as changing your diet, switching to flea shampoos and regular checkups, to prevent the cells from becoming malignant.

Upon seeing that a cat has a swollen lip, its owner should immediately consult a veterinarian. The problem may be a sign of a recent injury or an illness that has been developing for some time. The doctor will help make a diagnosis and choose the right treatment to restore the animal’s health or alleviate its condition for the remainder of its life.

Clinical picture

The danger of the pathology is that at the initial stage, an inattentive owner may not notice that the pet is sick. Obvious symptoms of the disease appear when the disease takes on a life-threatening nature. Stages of development of a Jacobs ulcer on a cat’s lip:

  1. The appearance of a small red spot on the upper lip (see photo). The animal does not experience any unpleasant sensations. It remains active and eats well. The inflamed area does not hurt or itch.
  2. Increased formation and appearance of a weeping wound with an unpleasant odor. The danger of this stage is that various infections can join the main pathology. The ulcer does not heal after using antiseptics, and the bacterial infection threatens the pet’s life as it quickly spreads throughout the body.
  3. Deepening of eczema. Gradually, the ulcer grows and affects the soft tissues. In the last stage, the wound becomes so deep and large that the gums and teeth are visible through it. The cat experiences severe pain, becomes lethargic, and refuses to eat or drink. It is very difficult to cure an animal at this stage, since the body is so weakened that it does not respond well to therapy. Most often, the pet dies from concomitant pathologies.


To normalize the intestinal microflora, including after taking medications, lactobacilli are recommended for cats. Taking the lyophilized form for humans (Lactobacterin) gives unsatisfactory results.

For cats with Jacobs ulcer, other skin infectious and inflammatory diseases, intoxication, allergies, disorders of the digestive system, liver, and kidneys, veterinarians prescribe Lactis Zoo. The drug contains 16 types of fermented lactobacilli.

Pharmacological properties of Lactis Zoo:

  • activates the immune system by restoring intestinal function;
  • relieves signs of intoxication;
  • reduces allergenicity;
  • improves the condition of the skin and coat.

The dosage regimen is determined by the veterinarian based on the condition of the animal and its weight.

Diagnosis and treatment

If a red spot appears on your pet's body, you should contact your veterinarian. When diagnosing Jacobs ulcer, the following methods are used:

  • Inspection. The pathology has a typical external picture, so an experienced veterinarian is able to suspect the disease based on the location and type of the inflamed area.
  • Studying the history of previous pathologies. Since the disease most often occurs after severe illness, the specialist must be informed about the pet’s health condition.
  • Biopsy. A blood test for Jacobs ulcer is not informative, since eosinophils are concentrated in the inflamed area, and their level in the blood remains normal. A biopsy will confirm the pathology and help rule out cancer. However, the blood is tested to identify complications that the underlying disease may cause.

Before prescribing treatment, tests are performed to determine the presence of allergies and reactions to various drugs. Therapy is aimed at eliminating the body’s negative reaction, strengthening the immune system and preventing complications. The following medications are used to treat cats:

  • Corticosteroids. Most often, cats are given injections into the muscle. The most popular are Prednisolone, Depo-Medrol, Cortisone, Sulfetrim. The duration and frequency of administration of drugs is determined depending on the individual characteristics of the animal and the stage of development of the disease.
  • Immunomodulators. Medicines help strengthen the immune system and improve the body's resistance. Cats can be given Gamavit, Aisidivit, Immuncur, Glykopin.
  • Antihistamines. Help relieve unpleasant symptoms and eliminate allergies. Most often, cats are given Suprastin, Tavegil, Diphenhydramine.
  • Medicines for parasites and worms. The drugs help remove the possible cause of the activation of the pathology. The drug is chosen depending on the type of parasite and the degree of damage to the body.

When a weeping wound forms, treatment is carried out with antiseptics. If the disease has reached the last stage, the defect in the oral cavity is eliminated surgically. However, treatment is most effective in the early stages of the disease. After eliminating the symptoms of patho

Main causes of rashes

If black specks appear on a cat's chin, then this condition can be caused by numerous factors. Most often, problems arise as a result of the individual characteristics of the animal’s body. To reduce the amount of blackness, you need to carefully care for your pet.

The reasons that provoke this condition also include:

  • poor nutrition;
  • pathologies of the sebaceous glands;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • liver diseases;
  • decreased immunity.

To determine the cause of the problem, it is recommended to immediately contact a veterinarian at the first sign.

Poor hygiene

The most common problem. As a result of poor quality care, blackheads and dark-colored pimples appear on the cat’s body. This occurs due to the large accumulation of sebaceous glands. Excessive care for your pet can also lead to the development of pathology.

Hormonal disbalance

Both humans and cats can experience hormonal imbalances. As a result of this, several diseases arise. The most common is the appearance of blackheads. The cause of the pathology may be improper behavior of the owner, overfeeding, inappropriate food, as well as improper behavior of the owner and taking hormonal medications.

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