What is the dosage of piperazine for dogs?

Contraindications, possible harm

The instructions for using Piperazine for a cat contain information that this anthelmintic drug should not be given to an animal that has an individual intolerance to the active component.
Only a veterinarian can prescribe medication when it is truly warranted, so it is imperative to seek their advice. Contraindications also include pathologies of the cat’s liver or kidneys, disruptions in the pet’s nervous system, and a predisposition to allergic reactions.

Let us note the side effects that may occur if Piperazine is given to a cat. There are several of them:

  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Abnormal stool (diarrhea);
  • Visible loss of coordination of movement.

It is important for every person who has a cat to understand that he bears full responsibility for its health. Given their small size, parasites can cause enormous harm, even the death of the animal, so they should be immediately gotten rid of with the help of an effective veterinary drug

This article presents the most frequently asked questions and answers to them, which are related to the use of one of the most common medications for the cutest pets.

It is worth remembering that any course of treatment for diseases in cats, cats and kittens is a rather complex process and you cannot do everything at your own discretion. It is necessary to visit a veterinarian to undergo an examination and receive precise recommendations on how and what to do so that the situation can be significantly improved and the treatment will not be harmful to the pet.

Piperazine instructions for use for cats, method of application, dose

"Piperazine" is a chemical drug used as an anthelmintic substance for the treatment of nematodes and for prophylactic purposes in animals and humans. It is characterized by low cost and low toxicity, but a narrow effect.

“Piperazine” treats parascariasis in horses, neoascariasis in cattle (even calves), toxascariasis and toxocariasis in dogs, ascariasis in pigs and chickens, etc.

The powder should be used once to treat parasites; if desired or needed, you can continue taking it the next day. The dosage is calculated according to the weight, type of animal and degree of infestation with worms.

For cats, the medicine is given with food once a day, 0.5 g per 1 kg of live weight, can be repeated after three weeks.

"Piperazine" for cats is used when infected with: -Toxascariasis; -Uncinaroizom; -Ankylostomiasis; - Trichacephalosis.

“Piperazine” paralyzes the worms, due to which they detach from the intestines and spontaneously pass naturally (during defecation). This drug is rapidly absorbed and excreted by the kidneys within the first 24 hours.

This drug costs just a penny - about 15 rubles.

Veterinarians advise cats to use animal medications, especially since there are a great variety of them.

Piperazine for cats release form, manufacturer and dosage for animals

"Piperazine" is available in powder form in sachets of 2 and 15 g, and for people in tablets. — RUE “Borisov Medical Preparations Plant”.

"Piperazine 45" - Ukraine produces "VAT VNP Ukrzoovetprompostach".

Piperazine for animals treatment regimen, special instructions and trade names

The treatment plan for animals is as follows:

-Cattle – 0.7 g per kilogram of live weight, but not more than 160 g per animal, once; -Pigs and goats – 0.7 g/kg, no more than 15 g, two mornings in a row, can be repeated after 60 days if necessary;

-For horses - the same dosage, but not more than 80 g for an adult horse, for a horse older than two years - 60 g, and for very young ones 2 days, then repeat after two months; -Geese - 0.5 - 1 per 1 kg of bird weight, two days;

-Ducks -0.5 g/kg, taken for two days; -Rabbits - 05 g/kg and 0.2 g/kg for young animals, 2 days; before taking the drug, the animal must fast for 18 - 24 hours.

After treatment, animals can be slaughtered or their milk or eggs consumed for food only after 48 hours, and during this time all products are destroyed.

Trade names – “Piperazine”, “Piperazine – 45” weight 15 g, “Piperazine adipate”

Before the first vaccination, a dog or cat must be given anthelmintic drugs. For this purpose, special products or tablets intended for people can be used. Piperazine is approved for use in cats without restrictions. The course of its administration will be shorter than that of a person. According to research, worms will die after the first dose.

The most important thing about the drug Piperazine for dogs

When pets are infected with helminthiasis, dog breeders are faced with the question of how best to choose a treatment. After all, helminths can cause irreparable harm to the health of the pet, as well as the entire family.

One of the most popular anthelmintic drugs is piperazine. This drug for humans is actively used in veterinary medicine and deserves attention, as it is also effective for use in animals.

Is it possible for animals?

Veterinarians prescribe piperazine to treat a variety of animals. These could be horses, cattle, chickens, pigs, rabbits. This list also includes dogs. Piperazine is an effective remedy against asocoridiasis, toxocariasis, amidostamosis, passalurosis and other diseases.

Dosage in tablets

Piperazine has different release forms and administration characteristics for different types of helminths. For example, for ascoridosis, the daily dosage of the drug should not exceed 4 g.

Treatment usually lasts two days. During the first day, give the dog 2 g in the morning and 2 g in the evening. The medicine is taken two hours before meals or two hours after meals. On the second day, for large breed dogs, you can increase the dose to 3 grams in two doses.

Enterobiasis takes longer to treat, so in the first 3 days the dog is given 4 g, divided into two doses, then two more, treated twice with a 3 gram dosage. Next, the five-day course is interrupted by a five-day rest from the medicine, and then repeated again. Three courses take place this way. That is 15 days with breaks of 5 days.

How to give for worms?

To give an animal medicine, there are several proven methods. Which one is best is up to the dog owner to decide.

Place the tablet on the root of the dog's tongue. If the dog is calm, does not bite and does not express dissatisfaction, then this method will be the easiest and fastest. In this case, it is better to sit a small dog on something high; a large dog can be invited to sit in a corner or squeezed between your legs.

Next, raise your head, fix it and put the tablet on the root of your tongue. Close the dog's mouth and wait until it swallows. This method is effective, but many dogs pretend to swallow and then spit out the medicine.

Important! Be sure to praise your dog after the procedure! You can even reward them with a treat.

The veterinarian can give the tablet to the animal using an introducer. This is a special device for dogs that bite or otherwise express dissatisfaction with taking medications. The introducer looks like something between scissors and a syringe.

The method of disguising medicine in food is also considered very effective. You can grind the tablet into powder and give it with food. Hide the medicine in canned food or a minced meat ball. The main thing is that the meat is not raw.

But if the pet wants to smell the tablet, he will understand that the treat has a “filling” and may refuse it. As a rule, adapted preparations do not have a strong odor or taste.

Sometimes the medicine is mixed with yogurt or kefir. Milk cannot be used; it is an absorbent that neutralizes toxins. And they are precisely intended for worms.

Attention! If the instructions indicate that the tablets should not be wetted or mixed with liquids, you should use “dry” methods of serving them.

If it gets bad

Piperazine has low toxicity and almost no side effects. But there are still some conditions for treating dogs with this drug.

For example, give with caution to dogs that have reduced gastrointestinal motility. You should not treat an animal with piperazine if it has liver or kidney problems.

There may also be individual intolerance to this medicine or allergic reactions. Very rarely, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, or various behavioral changes may occur. This usually happens with overdose. In this case, it is necessary to show the animal to a doctor and rinse the stomach.

Pregnant, lactating and puppies

For dogs that are pregnant or nursing puppies, this drug is the only treatment for helminthiasis. Only piperazine has no contraindications for use during these periods of a pet’s life. However, the supervision of a specialist will not be superfluous.

Piperazine is practically harmless and not at all toxic. It can be used in the treatment of puppies starting from one month.

Mostly all dogs, regardless of breed, react equally to piperazine. Therefore, there are no exceptions here.


Dog owners and veterinarians note the high effectiveness and safety of the drug piperazine. Also, many are attracted to this drug by its accessibility and minimal risks. The medicine can be combined with other drugs.

What to replace it with?

There are no analogues of piperazine with the same active ingredient. You can find piperazine adipate on pharmacy shelves. The composition and concentration of the active substance are the same.

If you pay attention to other anthelmintic drugs, you can highlight pyrantel, nemotsid, decaris, helminthox. But they will have their side effects.


By parasitizing a dog's body, worms poison it with their waste products. Some of them injure the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, some affect the liver, lungs or heart. In addition, the animal does not receive enough nutrients and vitamins that come from food.

Changeable appetite, weight loss, digestive disorders, vomiting, diarrhea - all this should alert the owner and not go unnoticed. Sometimes an apparently healthy animal suffers from helminthiasis. For timely detection, treatment and prevention, you need to regularly take your pet for examinations to a veterinary clinic.

Source: https://puppy.plus/zdorovie/lechenie/preparaty/antigelmint/piperazin-sobake.html

Treatment regimens and dosages

Monitoring is necessary when treating animals with piperazine. Since the instructions for use indicate that it can be used once, but sometimes the reception still needs to be repeated, you need to figure out when and how to do it.

The medicine is prescribed for enterobiasis - infection with pinworms, and ascariasis - infection with roundworms

If the dog was given the drug in a dose calculated according to the instructions for use, and a huge number of worms came out of the animal, then the treatment must be continued and the animal should be given a second full dose of the drug after two days.

If helminths do not come out with the fecal matter, and this only happens in the absence of nematode infestation, then there is no need to re-administer the drug.

The dosage of the drug is determined according to the weight of the dog or cat. No matter how low-toxic the drug is, the animal must be weighed before using it.

When determining the dosage of piperazine, 0.5 g of the drug is taken per kilogram of live weight.

The instructions for the drug indicate that there is no need to use a preliminary fasting diet or laxatives. However, experienced veterinarians recommend monitoring the dog or cat, and if the animal has had constipation over the past two days, then along with piperazine, one tablespoon of sunflower oil should be poured into the oral cavity, or a piece (10-15 g) of butter should be given. Oils will help gently remove fecal matter from the intestines.

Piperazine for animals - instructions for use, dosage

Piperazine is a chemical substance that, among other things, is used as an anthelmintic for the treatment of nematodes in humans and animals.

Among others, it stands out for its low cost and less toxicity, although at the same time it has a narrower spectrum of action.

In veterinary medicine, as a rule, drugs are used in powder form; less often you can find other forms, usually imported.

Mechanism of action

Piperazine causes paralysis in worms, which occurs as a result of a violation of neuromuscular regulation. This causes the parasites to detach from the intestinal wall, after which they are passed in the animal's feces. Piperazine is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and is excreted by the kidneys already on the first day.

Indications for use

The medicine is used to treat parascariasis in horses, neoascariasis in cattle (including calves), ascariasis in chickens and pigs, toxascariasis and toxocariasis in dogs, amidostomiasis in geese, passalurosis in rabbits.

In addition to treatment, piperazine can be used to prevent these diseases in animals.

Dosage and treatment regimen

Piperazine is prescribed to dogs for worms and other animals once or in a two-day course. Depending on the level of morbidity, a group or individual method is used.

The medicine is added to food or water. The dosage depends on the type of animal and its weight, general health and severity of parasite infestation. You may need to repeat the course of treatment after some time.

The following approximate dosages are used:

Animal typeAmount of piperazine per day (given at one time)*Duration of treatment
Cattle, including calves1-3 g per 1 kg of animal weight (maximum dose – 160 g per animal)One time
Pigs3 g per 1 kg of animal weightIn the morning, 2 days and, if necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after 2 months
Goats and sheep2-3 g (no more than 15 g per animal)In the morning, 2 days and, if necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after 2 months
Horses, foals2 - 3 g / kg (the maximum allowable dosage for adult horses is 80 g, for 1-2 years of age - 60 g, younger animals - 30 g)2 days. Then a break of 10 weeks.
Cats and dogs0.5 g per 1 kg of animal weightOne time. Can be repeated after 21 days
Poultry (chickens, geese, ducks)0.5-1 g per 1 kg of bird weight2 days.
Also, in one of the regimens, a daily break is taken between these days or the drug is given for 3 days in a row.

The medicine is most often given with water in the evening, while all other drinking water is temporarily removed while the treated water is drunk.

Rabbits0.5 g per 1 kg of weight of an adult animal
0.2 per 1 kg of weight of young animals
2 days. Before taking each dose, the animal is not fed for 18-24 hours.

* – the dosage is indicated as the average for basic drugs containing about 50% piperazine adipate or piperazine citrate. But it is important to look at the instructions, since the concentration of the active substance in the composition may be slightly lower, and you will need to use a larger amount.

You should consult your veterinarian about the advisability of using piperazine for your animal. He will conduct diagnostics to determine the type of helminthiasis, the degree of invasion, and then prescribe the drug in the required dosages.

Side effects

Although piperazine is a relatively safe drug, the following possible side effects are possible when using it:

  • unusual gait;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • softening of the stool.

If you overdose on the drug, more serious side effects such as allergic reactions or paralysis may occur. It is important to immediately show the animal to a veterinarian.

Piperazine is not recommended to be combined with other anthelmintics, in particular with pyrantel.


Piperazine can and should be given to a cat for worms, but only if there is a need for it. Problems that this medicine helps fight include:

  • Trichacephalus (caused by the round helminth whipworm);
  • Uncinarium (caused by uncinarium nematode);
  • Hookworm (causative agent - hookworm);
  • Toxacaridiasis (caused by Toxocara entering the body).

Pipezarin can also be used for mixed helminths.

With just one dose of the drug, a cat can get rid of more than 90% of the helminths parasitizing in its body, and after completing a full course of treatment, it can completely eliminate them.

Pyrantel against worms in cats

Pyrantel, as well as pyrantel derivatives, are substances that have a nematicidal effect. In addition, they also have a cholinomimetic effect. As a result, irreversible paralysis occurs in various nematodes that are found in the animal’s genitourinary system. Levamisole fights well against hookworms and roundworms, which it quickly destroys. Unfortunately, it is completely useless in the fight against whipworms.

Human parasites Piperazine instructions for use for dogs
Worms easily enter the body of a domestic cat.

This substance dissolves very poorly in water and for the same reason is absorbed from the gastric tract with great difficulty. Among all the salts of this substance, pamoate has the lowest solubility, and for this reason the substance acts for a very long time and has the lowest toxicity for the cat’s body, even in case of overdose. The metabolic process has a very small effect on the activity of this drug, while it is eliminated from the body quite quickly. Pyrantel leads to neuromuscular blockade of the parasite and spastic paralysis of its muscles, which leads to very rapid death of the helminth.

Human parasites Piperazine instructions for use for dogs
Helminth eggs can easily be carried along with dirt on the soles of shoes.

And although this effect of pyrantel appears somewhat later than that of a drug such as acetylcholine, its effect is more powerful and lasts longer. The effect can be enhanced if you supplement the intake of pyrantel with medications like oxantel. You can also combine this drug with fibantel.

Human parasites Piperazine instructions for use for dogs
Helminths pose a serious danger not only to the animal’s body. but also a person.

The spectrum of action of pyrantel is quite wide. It is effective in the fight against hookworms, unciaria, roundworms and nematodes. But, alas, it is ineffective against whipworms and tapeworms.

Contraindications, possible harm

The instructions for using Piperazine for a cat contain information that this anthelmintic drug should not be given to an animal that has an individual intolerance to the active component. Only a veterinarian can prescribe medication when it is truly warranted, so it is imperative to seek their advice.

Contraindications also include pathologies of the cat’s liver or kidneys, disruptions in the pet’s nervous system, and a predisposition to allergic reactions.

Let us note the side effects that may occur if Piperazine is given to a cat. There are several of them:

  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Abnormal stool (diarrhea);
  • Visible loss of coordination of movement.

It is important for every person who has a cat to understand that he bears full responsibility for its health. Given their small size, parasites can cause enormous harm, even the death of the animal, so they should be immediately gotten rid of with the help of an effective veterinary drug

Piperazine is a generic anthelmintic drug that can be used for humans, cats and other animals. The medicine is considered safe and effective, however, its effect only applies to roundworms. Like any medicine, it has a number of restrictions on its use, so you should consult your veterinarian before use.

Contraindications and side effects

Piperazine adipate does not have as many contraindications and side effects as most anthelmintic drugs. This is its significant advantage. You can deworm an animal with it without fear for your pet’s health. However, in some cases the drug is not used.

With great caution, you can give medicine to a cat or dog with reduced gastrointestinal motility; It is undesirable to use in cases where the animal has impaired functioning of the kidneys and liver (this includes failure and other serious diseases); Hypersensitivity or allergic reaction (or other type of intolerance) to the main or auxiliary substance, including a history; Piperazine can be given to kittens or puppies, as well as pregnant and lactating females, but strictly under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Despite the fact that the drug is quite safe, it can nevertheless cause some side effects: vomiting, softening of the stool or diarrhea, changes in gait. In case of overdose, allergic reactions may also occur. One of the most serious consequences of an overdose is paralysis. Therefore, if you suspect an overdose and if the severity of side effects increases, you must immediately go to a veterinary clinic.

PIPERAZINE ADIPINATE. Piperazinum adipinatum.

Synonyms: adipilite, adipazine, entacyl, entazine, gelmirazine, vermitox, nema-tocton, nomethane, oxyrazine, piperaskate, heltalan, helmirazine, etc.

Properties. White crystalline powder, odorless, with a slight pleasant taste. Soluble in cold water, very soluble in hot water, practically insoluble in 95% alcohol, ether, and chloroform.

Release form. Produced: powder and tablets of 0.2-0.5 g.

Store in well-sealed bottles, in a dry place, protected from light.

Action and application. Piperazine adipate is an effective anthelmintic against ascariasis, nematodes, oxyurosis, toxocariasis, toxascariasis; affects ganglion cells, enhances the movement of parasites and causes their paralysis.

In therapeutic doses it is relatively non-toxic for animals. Large doses (orally) can cause vomiting, increased peristalsis, diarrhea, and impaired coordination of movements.

Piperazine adipate is used for parascariasis and trichonematiasis in horses, neoscariasis in calves, ascariasis in pigs, ascariasis and heterokidosis in chickens, amidostosis in geese, echinuriosis in birds, toxocariasis, toxascariasis, uncinariasis and hookworm in dogs and fur-bearing animals.

Rabbits with passalurosis are prescribed after an 18-24-hour fasting diet individually or in a group with food (wet mash or crushed root vegetables) for therapeutic purposes: in a dose of 1 g/kg of animal weight once or 2 days in a row in a single dose of 0.5 g/ kg of weight for adult rabbits, and for young animals after weaning for 2 days in a row in a single dose of 0.75 g/kg; For prophylactic purposes, it is used in young animals after weaning by feeding feed with the drug in a daily dose of 0.1-0.15 g/kg of animal weight.

Geslings with amidostomiasis are prescribed in a group method in a mixture with food 1:10 for three days in a row in a single dose of 1 g/kg of bird weight without dietary restrictions.

To prevent metastrongylosis in pigs, 0.05 g/kg of animal weight with feed is recommended. Group fed daily during the grazing season.

Oral doses: horses 12-15 g; dogs 1.5-2 g; chickens 0.5-1 g.

Piperazine is a broad-spectrum anthelmintic drug. The drug is available in the form of tablets - for use in adults, and also in the form of a solution - for more convenient use for helminthiasis in children.

Human parasites Piperazine instructions for use for dogs

How to give piperazine to a dog

It is undesirable to use medical “human” drugs in veterinary medicine.
Veterinary pharmacies offer many more effective and safer specialized products for animals. However, sometimes a situation may arise when taking a human remedy is necessary for some reason.

The instructions for its use characterize piperazine as a relatively safe agent with a narrow spectrum of action that can be used for deworming animals.

Composition and analogues

Piperazine is a synthetic drug that has anthelmintic properties. It is available in tablets, the main active ingredient of which is piperazine adipate, that is, it is a one-component medicine. Talc, sodium starch, etc. are used as excipients. The concentration of the active substance in one tablet is 500 mg.

Sold only under its own name. It has no analogues on the market at the moment.

Depending on the manufacturer, the cost of the drug varies from 10 to 20 rubles. In Russia, the product is sold from the manufacturers Sintez AKOMP, Darnitsa. It goes on sale in paper blisters of 6 and 10 tablets. The tablets are round, flat, odorless, without a shell. The color is light - from white to yellowish.

The drug effectively treats ascariasis in children, adults and animals. However, it is ineffective against other invasions. A distinctive feature of this drug is its very low toxicity compared to other anthelmintic drugs. It is even allowed for pregnant women and, in some cases, people with liver and kidney diseases (as prescribed by a doctor).

Operating principle

After entering the body, after 1.5-2 hours the active substance of the drug penetrates the intestines. There it has a toxic effect on the worms, disrupting their neuromuscular regulation and the transmission of impulses from the muscles to the nervous system. The result is paralysis. Parasites detach from the intestinal walls and are eliminated from the animal’s body.

Since the worms do not die, the body is not poisoned by toxic decay products.

Most of the worms come out with the first stool, and almost immediately after ingestion, the symptoms of infestation bother the cat or dog much less.

The active substance itself is quickly absorbed into the blood in the gastrointestinal tract and excreted on the first day, mainly by the kidneys (to a lesser extent by the liver).

Scope of application

The spectrum of action of the product is narrow. It is prescribed when the following diagnoses are made:

  1. Infection with roundworms (especially chicken ascariasis);
  2. Passalurosis in rabbits;
  3. Amidostomiasis in waterfowl (especially geese);
  4. Toxocariasis in cats and dogs;
  5. Neoascariasis in cattle;
  6. Parascariasis in horses;
  7. Ascariasis of pigs.

Theoretically, chickens can also take it for preventive purposes, since this is the type of infestation that occurs most often in them. However, due to the narrow spectrum of action of the drug, there is a high probability of becoming infected with something else.


Piperazine can also be given to animals and can also be used for birds. It is actively used in veterinary medicine, but the dosage must be calculated very carefully, since even though the drug is relatively safe, it can cause intoxication in case of overdose.

  • For dogs, the dosage is 0.5 g per 1 kg of animal weight. For puppies up to three months, it is better to calculate it individually under the supervision of a veterinarian. The dog is given a single dose, after which the course can be repeated after 21 days if the infection is severe;
  • For cats, the dosage is calculated in the same way as for dogs. The dosage for kittens under six months of age should be calculated by a doctor. Cats also need a one-time dose, but repeat it after 21 days;
  • For chickens, waterfowl and parrots, treatment is carried out for two consecutive days or for three days, but when taken every other day. In chickens, the medicine is given in a group method during morning feeding. The dosage for chickens is calculated as 2.5 g per 1 kg of weight, for ducks - 0.5 g per 1 kg of weight, for geese - 1 g per 1 kg of weight, for parrots - individually depending on the species;
  • Piglets and small cattle are given 0.7 g of the drug per 1 kg of body weight (but not more than 15 g at a time) for two days in a row, for two days. Although, when calculated by weight for pigs, such a dosage may be insufficient. The course can be repeated if necessary after 2 months;
  • For cattle, the dose is calculated as 0.7 g per 1 kg of animal weight. But no more than 160 g at a time. Treatment is carried out once.

Broilers, cats or dogs should not be given human medications. Currently, there are a large number of veterinary drugs on sale that, while more effective, have less toxicity.

But if for some reason there is a need to use a human drug, then piperazine adipate for animals would be the safest choice.

But it is important to consider that its effectiveness and spectrum of action are not as great as those of veterinary analogues.


Due to its narrow spectrum of action, piperazine adipate is almost never used for prophylaxis.

It will not be able to guarantee protection of your pet from invasion, since it is not able to fight either tapeworms or protozoan parasites.

Even its effectiveness against nematodes can sometimes be considered insufficient. Therefore, such prevention is not suitable for cats, dogs and other animals living or visiting the street.

Contraindications and side effects

Piperazine adipate does not have as many contraindications and side effects as most anthelmintic drugs. This is its significant advantage. You can deworm an animal with it without fear for your pet’s health. However, in some cases the drug is not used.

  1. With great caution, you can give medicine to a cat or dog with reduced gastrointestinal motility;
  2. It is undesirable to use in cases where the animal has impaired functioning of the kidneys and liver (this includes failure and other serious diseases);
  3. Hypersensitivity or allergic reaction (or other type of intolerance) to the main or auxiliary substance, including a history;
  4. Piperazine can be given to kittens or puppies, as well as pregnant and lactating females, but strictly under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Source: https://parazitoved.ru/parazity/kak-davat-piperazin-sobake.html

Release form and composition

Piperazine is available in the form:

  • Tablets.
  • Solution for internal use.

Piperazine tablets are available in paper sheets of 6 or 10 pieces. Piperazine solution for internal use is available in a volume of 100 ml.

Piperazine tablets are white tablets without shades or inclusions. The main active ingredient is piperazine adipate in a dosage of 0.5 g of the substance in one tablet. The solution contains 50 mg of piperazine adipate per 100 ml.

Patients who want to get rid of helminths often ask for natural remedies with the least side effects. In such cases, I recommend this remedy.

Elixir destroys and removes from the body adults, as well as larvae and eggs of absolutely all types of parasites. Helps cleanse organs and tissues, neutralizes intoxication throughout the body.

Instructions for the use of Piperazine for the treatment of helminthiases in dogs

The substance is also effective for the treatment of helminthiasis in dogs. There is a powder form of the drug designed specifically for easy use in animals. Piperazine is the safe, most suitable and affordable treatment for the treatment and prevention of worms in dogs.

Mechanism of action

The drug affects the muscle activity of parasites, paralyzing them and depriving the worms of the vital skills of movement and feeding. After paralysis of the parasites, the death of adults occurs. Thus, the drug causes the death of adults, but is ineffective against larvae.

To treat helminthiasis in dogs using the drug Piperazine, it is necessary to take into account the mechanism of action of the drug and use additional measures to combat parasites. The drug is quickly eliminated from the dog’s body and does not cause any harm to health.

Indications for use

The drug is used to treat helminthiasis in dogs, as well as in other animals, including livestock.

To treat a dog, it is necessary to prescribe the drug in the following cases:

  • Toxocariasis.
  • Toxascariasis.
  • Trichocephalosis.
  • Hookworm.

These diseases are almost impossible to diagnose in a pet without the help of a veterinarian, as well as without tests.

But there are some symptoms that will indicate a possible dog infection with parasites:

  • Nausea and vomiting, especially periodic and repeated;
  • Digestive problems;
  • Changes in the animal’s habitual behavior: infection with worms is usually marked by lethargy, apathy, the dog constantly lies down and does not show active behavior;
  • Insomnia.

If several of these symptoms are observed, you should definitely show your pet to a doctor as soon as possible.

Dosage and treatment regimen

Treatment of helminthiasis in dogs with Piperazine occurs according to a certain scheme:

  1. The amount of powder preparation is applied once.
  2. For every kilogram of animal weight, 0.5 g of powder is taken.
  3. The powder can be added to your dog's food or drink.

For prophylaxis, the drug is used once at a dosage of 0.2 g per kilogram of weight. Prevention is carried out in the autumn-spring, and sometimes it is also possible in the summer.

Side effects of the drug Piperazine in dogs

It is very important to correctly calculate the dosage for the animal so as not to harm the body. If the required amount is exceeded, as well as if animals are intolerant of the drug, the following side effects may occur:

If the required amount is exceeded, as well as if animals are intolerant of the drug, the following side effects may occur:

  • Digestive disorders in dogs (diarrhea or constipation);
  • Nausea, gagging, vomiting;
  • Loss of coordination;
  • Allergic reactions in the form of redness of the inner surfaces of the ears, etc.;
  • Problems with the dog's musculoskeletal system.

Contraindications for use

Contraindications for use in dogs are similar to those for humans:

  • Problems and disorders in the liver and kidneys;
  • Individual intolerance.

In case of any serious diseases of the animal’s digestive or nervous system, treatment with the drug should not be used without the advice of a doctor, as the drug may aggravate the course of the disease.

special instructions

The drug should not be given to a dog if it has been treated with an anthelmintic in the near future, and it is also necessary to adhere to certain restrictions:

  • You should not give your dog milk or dairy products for food in the next week after treatment.
  • Meat and meat products must be fully cooked, preferably boiled food.
  • It is prohibited to carry out drug treatment or disease prevention on the same day of taking Piperazine.

Special instructions provide recommendations for the most complete therapeutic effect in conjunction with the activity of the drug.

Piperazine instructions for use for dogs

The drug is available in the form of powder and tablets. Powder is more often used to treat animals. Sold in 15 mg sachets, bottles, bags. Powder with a specific taste, odorless, white. The drug Piperazine adipate is produced in the form of tablets. There are 10 pieces in one blister. The drug is used to treat humans, but can be used to treat animals.

The active ingredient is piperazine. The substance acts on the central nervous system of parasites, causing muscle paralysis and death. The worms become immobilized, stop clinging to the intestinal walls, and come out naturally. The anthelmintic effect lasts for a day.

On a note!

For the treatment of helminthiasis, the drug is given to animals once. If necessary, repeat treatment after 21 days.

Piperazine is quickly absorbed by the tissues of the stomach and is localized in the intestines. Partially enters the systemic circulation, is excreted by the kidneys, and is broken down by the liver.

The maximum concentration is observed 2 hours after taking the drug, the medicine begins to act after 30 minutes.

Indications for use of the drug are ascariasis, parascariasis, neoascariasis, toxascariasis, toxocariasis, amidostomiasis, passalurosis.


The dose is selected individually, depending on the weight of the animal, health status, infection, and individual characteristics of the body. The medicine is given 1 time or for 2 days. Add to water and mix with food.

  • Piperazine for cats. The dose is calculated very simply - 0.5 g per 1 kg of animal weight. You just need to know your pet's body weight. Cats should be given the medicine once in the morning along with their food. Or dissolve the required amount of the drug in water, fill a syringe without a needle, and pour it into the mouth. Piperazine for worms will be forced into the cat. Since the medicine has an unpleasant taste, the animal does not want to eat it. Piperazine for cats and dogs
  • Instructions for using Piperazine for dogs are similar. The dose is calculated at 0.5 g of active substance per kilogram of body weight. The dog only needs to be given the medicine once. Another scheme involves treatment for 2-3 days. The medicine is given daily or a break of 2 days is observed. This treatment regimen is used when the pet is severely infected. The dosage of Piperazine tablets for dogs is calculated similarly - based on the animal’s body weight. 1 tablet contains 0.5 g of active substance.
  • Piperazine for pigeons. The dose calculation is identical to 0.5 g per 1 kg of weight. The product is dissolved in water, poured into sippy cups, and other liquid is removed. Do not add a new portion until the medicine is drunk. Another option is to drop it into the beak with a pipette. An anthelmintic drug for chickens is used in the same way.
  • Piperazine for pigs. The regimen and dose are somewhat different from the treatment of cats and dogs. The required amount for piglets is calculated as 3 g per 1 kg of weight. Treatment is carried out 2 days in a row in the morning. Mix with water. Repeat the course if necessary after 20 days.

Piperazine is given for worms in cattle, goats, sheep, horses, and rabbits. Treatment is carried out for 1 day or 2. Rabbits are not fed for 24 hours before starting therapy.

Reviews of Piperazine for animals

The drug effectively destroys sexually mature and immature individuals, and does not affect migrating larvae. After 20 days, you need to do the tests again. If parasites are detected, the therapy is repeated. To prevent infection, the medicine is given once.

I gave anti-worm medication to dogs and puppies. Nothing bad happened to the animals as a result of the medication, but they suffered for a day. They ate nothing, slept, had diarrhea, one puppy vomited. A day later the condition returned to normal. The worms were cured in one go.

Anna, Voronezh

Human medications are often given to cats for deworming. I chose Piperazine. It is cheap, can be found in any pharmacy, and does not cause side effects. For a day, drool rolls out of his mouth, tears run, he refuses to eat, then everything is fine. We've been using it for two years now.

Alina, Moscow

The drug is sold in pharmacies and is available without a prescription. A package of 10 tablets costs around 20 rubles. The cost of a 15 g bag of powder is similar. Should be stored away from sunlight. The shelf life is 3 years from the date of manufacture.

Useful materials:

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Source: https://animalliberty.ru/piperazin-dlya-sobak/

Is it possible for animals

Veterinarians prescribe piperazine to treat a variety of animals. These could be horses, cattle, chickens, pigs, rabbits. This list also includes dogs. Piperazine is an effective remedy against asocoridiasis, toxocariasis, amidostamosis, passalurosis and other diseases.

Dosage in tablets

Piperazine has different release forms and administration characteristics for different types of helminths. For example, for ascoridosis, the daily dosage of the drug should not exceed 4 g.

Treatment usually lasts two days. During the first day, give the dog 2 g in the morning and 2 g in the evening. The medicine is taken two hours before meals or two hours after meals. On the second day, for large breed dogs, you can increase the dose to 3 grams in two doses.

Human parasites Piperazine instructions for use for dogs

Enterobiasis takes longer to treat, so in the first 3 days the dog is given 4 g, divided into two doses, then two more, treated twice with a 3 gram dosage. Next, the five-day course is interrupted by a five-day rest from the medicine, and then repeated again. Three courses take place this way. That is 15 days with breaks of 5 days.

How to give for worms?

To give an animal medicine, there are several proven methods. Which one is best is up to the dog owner to decide.

Place the tablet on the root of the dog's tongue. If the dog is calm, does not bite and does not express dissatisfaction, then this method will be the easiest and fastest. In this case, it is better to sit a small dog on something high; a large dog can be invited to sit in a corner or squeezed between your legs.

Next, raise your head, fix it and put the tablet on the root of your tongue. Close the dog's mouth and wait until it swallows. This method is effective, but many dogs pretend to swallow and then spit out the medicine.

Important! Be sure to praise your dog after the procedure! You can even reward them with a treat. The veterinarian can give the tablet to the animal using an introducer

This is a special device for dogs that bite or otherwise express dissatisfaction with taking medications. The introducer looks like something between scissors and a syringe

The veterinarian can give the tablet to the animal using an introducer. This is a special device for dogs that bite or otherwise express dissatisfaction with taking medications. The introducer looks like something between scissors and a syringe.

The method of disguising medicine in food is also considered very effective. You can grind the tablet into powder and give it with food. Hide the medicine in canned food or a minced meat ball. The main thing is that the meat is not raw.

But if the pet wants to smell the tablet, he will understand that the treat has a “filling” and may refuse it. As a rule, adapted preparations do not have a strong odor or taste.

Human parasites Piperazine instructions for use for dogs

Sometimes the medicine is mixed with yogurt or kefir. Milk cannot be used; it is an absorbent that neutralizes toxins. And they are precisely intended for worms.

Attention! If the instructions indicate that the tablets should not be wetted or mixed with liquids, you should use “dry” methods of serving them

Instructions for use

Dosage in tablets

Piperazine has different release forms and administration characteristics for different types of helminths. For example, for ascoridosis, the daily dosage of the drug should not exceed 4 g.

Treatment usually lasts two days. During the first day, give the dog 2 g in the morning and 2 g in the evening. The medicine is taken two hours before meals or two hours after meals. On the second day, for large breed dogs, you can increase the dose to 3 grams in two doses.

Photo 2

Enterobiasis takes longer to treat, so in the first 3 days the dog is given 4 g, divided into two doses, then two more, treated twice with a 3 gram dosage. Next, the five-day course is interrupted by a five-day rest from the medicine, and then repeated again. Three courses take place this way. That is 15 days with breaks of 5 days.

How to give for worms?

To give an animal medicine, there are several proven methods. Which one is best is up to the dog owner to decide.

Place the tablet on the root of the dog's tongue. If the dog is calm, does not bite and does not express dissatisfaction, then this method will be the easiest and fastest. In this case, it is better to sit a small dog on something high; a large dog can be invited to sit in a corner or squeezed between your legs.

Next, raise your head, fix it and put the tablet on the root of your tongue.
Close the dog's mouth and wait until it swallows. This method is effective, but many dogs pretend to swallow and then spit out the medicine. Important! Be sure to praise your dog after the procedure!
You can even reward them with a treat. The veterinarian can give the tablet to the animal using an introducer. This is a special device for dogs that bite or otherwise express dissatisfaction with taking medications. The introducer looks like something between scissors and a syringe.

The method of disguising medicine in food is also considered very effective. You can grind the tablet into powder and give it with food. Hide the medicine in canned food or a minced meat ball. The main thing is that the meat is not raw.

But if the pet wants to smell the tablet, he will understand that the treat has a “filling” and may refuse it. As a rule, adapted preparations do not have a strong odor or taste.

Photo 3

Sometimes the medicine is mixed with yogurt or kefir. Milk cannot be used; it is an absorbent that neutralizes toxins. And they are precisely intended for worms.

Attention! If the instructions indicate that the tablets should not be wetted or mixed with liquids, you should use “dry” methods of serving them.

Indications for use and mechanism of action

The medicine is indicated for deworming people and animals.

It has a toxic effect on helminths, disrupts the processes of muscle regulation and the transmission of nerve impulses.

This process leads to paralysis of the parasites and the inability to stick to the intestinal walls and stay on them. As a result, helminths are eliminated from the body naturally during bowel movements.

The advantage of the medicine is the fact that the worms die during treatment and do not become toxic to the animal’s body.

When taken, the drug is quickly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and just as quickly excreted in the urine (within 24 hours).

The medicine is active in the treatment of:

  • ascariasis;
  • toxocariasis;
  • passalurosis;
  • parascariasis;
  • toxocaridosis;
  • neoascariasis;
  • amidostamosis.

It is also possible to use the medicine for prophylactic purposes to prevent helminthic infestation in pets.

Veterinarians do not have an unambiguous recommendation for systematic preventive deworming.

Since this product can cause side effects, it should not be used on animals without any particular need.

It is possible to use the drug for prophylaxis 10 days before mating and two weeks before vaccinations. Also, in the summer, if your pet walks outside, you can carry out antihelminthic therapy once every three months.

Piperazine is prescribed to dogs for worms once or in a two-day course.

Piperazine is a drug. It is not recommended to prescribe it to pets on your own.

A veterinarian should prescribe antihelminthic therapy and choose the appropriate remedy for a pet after examining the animal.

The medicine is given for preventive purposes once in the morning during a meal.

When treating helminthiasis, a single or double dose is possible (in case of severe worm infestation).

The dosage is calculated based on the body weight of the animal.

For 1 kg of cat or dog weight, 0.5 g of medicine is given.

Piperazine has an unpleasant taste for animals, so it must be given to your pet by force. To do this, the powder or crushed tablet must be mixed with water. Then use a spoon or syringe without a needle to pour the resulting suspension into the mouth of the dog or cat. Hold your teeth with your hand until the entire dose is completely swallowed.

The pet must swallow the entire volume of the medicine at a time so that the dosage of the drug is not violated.

Piperazine: what is it for, how does it work


The medicine contains the active component piperazine adipate . It is toxic to worms and a few hours after ingestion, intestinal parasites experience a disruption in the transmission of nerve impulses, which leads to disruption of muscle regulation, and then to paralysis and inability to attach to the intestinal . Nematodes leave the animal's body in feces during defecation.

The fact that the worms do not die, but are removed alive, prevents the development of intoxication body . This allows the drug to be used to treat lactating and pregnant females, small puppies or kittens over 2 weeks old.

Piperazine only affects roundworms.

The instructions indicate that the product is used to treat the following helminthic infestations:

  • ascariasis;
  • amidostamosis;
  • toxocaridosis;
  • neoascariasis.

The effectiveness of the drug is high. 90-95% of the active substance is absorbed in the digestive tract, so worms quickly lose their ability to stay in the intestines. dose of powder or tablet is sufficient to cure . In case of severe infection , the medicine is prescribed in a short course up to 3 times with an interval of 1-3 weeks, depending on the condition of the animal.

Due to its limited spectrum of action, piperazine is rarely used for prophylaxis . Anthelmintic therapy is carried out 10 days before mating or before vaccination, to prevent possible infections if the pet roams freely on the street.

Be sure to read:
Inspector drops for cats: instructions, reviews, price

Piperazine or Pyrantel which is better?

When choosing an anthelmintic drug, you want high efficiency to be combined with safety of use. Today there are many anthelmintic drugs on the market, and, in addition to the affordable and popular Piperazine, there is the no less popular Pirantel. can be read here.

To find out which drug is better and more suitable for the treatment of helminthiasis, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of action of these two drugs.

Features of Piperazine:

Pirantel has its own characteristics:

  • Wider spectrum of action.
  • Release form: tablets.
  • Cannot be used for children under 3 years of age.
  • Low cost.
  • Take with meals.
  • More frequent side effects.

Thus, taking Pirantel is appropriate for many types of helminthiasis, but the drug cannot be used to treat small children, and side effects occur more often than when taking Piperazine. Piperazine, in turn, is safer, but has a more limited spectrum of action than Pyrantel.

Scientists have proven that there are worms in the body of every person, but if there are a lot of them, then this can lead to deterioration in health and even death of the carrier. Tablets "Piperazine" is an effective medicine for removing destroyed helminths from the body. It is used both for the treatment of humans and in veterinary medicine. However, in order not to aggravate the situation by using unknown drugs, you should become familiar with the effect of the drug on the body and its effects.

The basis of “Piperazine” is the substance piperazine. It is actively used in pharmaceuticals, especially for the production of anthelmintic medications. Most often, this substance is produced in tablet form, but for the manufacture of medicines for children, pharmaceutical factories prepare special solutions.

Piperazine is a proven and reliable remedy for animals, but only against roundworms

Anthelmintic drugs (anthelminthic) act in two directions - they affect the neuromuscular activity of parasites and disrupt the metabolism of helminths, which leads to their death. Piperazine is a drug that belongs to the first category and is used only for nematodes (roundworms) in animals.

Despite the fact that the pharmaceutical industry produces a huge number of complex drugs (acting on nematodes, cestodes, trematodes), the use of piperazine remains relevant, as it was thirty years ago. Its demand is associated with a huge number of infestations by roundworms.

Mechanism of action of the drug

Once in the gastrointestinal tract of animals, piperazine is very quickly absorbed. Once absorbed, it immediately begins its action. By blocking the neuromuscular transmission of impulses in the helminth, it causes paralysis. The worms quickly detach from the intestinal walls and, under the action of peristalsis (movement) of the intestines, are excreted from the body with fecal matter.

An anthelmintic drug is prescribed after confirming the diagnosis of helminthic infestations

If the infestation is significant, then you have to watch how huge balls of roundworms come out of the animal. Some of them may still be alive, and the ball will even be moving.

Piperazine, being quickly absorbed, acts immediately and is then excreted from the body by the kidneys. After a day, traces of it in urine are almost impossible to detect.

The toxicity of the drug in a warm-blooded animal is very low, which is why it is successfully used to treat infestations of cats, dogs and their cubs. In medical practice, piperazine is even used to treat children under one year of age.

Indications for use

Piperazine is only applicable for roundworm infestations. Diseases such as paraascariasis of horses, neoascariasis of calves, ascariasis of chickens and pigs, toxocariasis and toxascariasis of dogs and cats, passalurosis of rabbits, amidostomiasis of geese, are quickly and effectively treated with piperazine.

Release form

Piperazine is available in tablets and powders. Since it is easier to feed the drug mixed with food to a cat or dog, the tablet must be ground into powder. However, if you are proficient in the methods of “placing” the tablet on the root of the animal’s tongue, then you can give your pet the tablet form.

The most common drug is piperazine adipate. The substance is white, almost tasteless or with a slight pleasant aftertaste, so giving it to a dog or cat is completely easy. But “Piperazine sulfate” has a sour-bitter taste, and the animal may refuse food containing it.

Treatment regimens and dosages

Monitoring is necessary when treating animals with piperazine. Since the instructions for use indicate that it can be used once, but sometimes the reception still needs to be repeated, you need to figure out when and how to do it.

The medicine is prescribed for enterobiasis - infection with pinworms, and ascariasis - infection with roundworms

If the dog was given the drug in a dose calculated according to the instructions for use, and a huge number of worms came out of the animal, then the treatment must be continued and the animal should be given a second full dose of the drug after two days.

If helminths do not come out with the fecal matter, and this only happens in the absence of nematode infestation, then there is no need to re-administer the drug.

The dosage of the drug is determined according to the weight of the dog or cat. No matter how low-toxic the drug is, the animal must be weighed before using it.

When determining the dosage of piperazine, 0.5 g of the drug is taken per kilogram of live weight.

The instructions for the drug indicate that there is no need to use a preliminary fasting diet or laxatives.

However, experienced veterinarians recommend monitoring the dog or cat, and if the animal has had constipation over the past two days, then along with piperazine, one tablespoon of sunflower oil should be poured into the oral cavity, or a piece (10-15 g) of butter should be given. Oils will help gently remove fecal matter from the intestines.

Indications for use and contraindications

The indication for the use of piperazine can only be an accurately established diagnosis. If, during laboratory tests, eggs of the Ascaris family were found in the feces of a dog or cat, then the use of this drug is advisable. In case of polyinfestation (round and flatworms), there is no point in taking piperazine.

The drug is well tolerated by pregnant cats and dogs; there are no contraindications for lactating animals. Puppies and kittens tolerate the drug well, starting from two weeks of age. However, individual intolerance can cause allergic reactions.

Piperazine should not be given at the same time as other anthelmintic drugs.

Storage conditions of the drug

The storage temperature of the drug should not exceed 25ᵒC. It is unacceptable to give the drug to animals after the expiration date.


Among the drugs that act only on roundworms, the following are also effective: pyrantel, helminthox, nemocid, dekaris.

The action of the drug is due to the active substance piperazine adipate

Reviews about the drug

Piperazine is a drug that will be in demand in medical and veterinary practice for some time to come. However, it is used less and less for the treatment and prevention of helminthiasis in dogs and cats.

Veterinary practice increasingly includes drugs of a new generation, complex, broad-spectrum, with prolonged (long-lasting) action, with the addition of various flavoring additives.

Such drugs no longer require preliminary laboratory diagnosis, which is not always possible. Giving new drugs to an animal is simple and easy.

These drugs are the future.

The pharmaceutical industry, chemists, veterinarians, market analysts are doing everything to ensure that, despite the high cost of the drug, animal owners give preference to it. Complexity and effectiveness are the main criteria in choosing a medicine for your beloved animal, and piperazine, unfortunately, lacks the first component.

Source: https://OGlistah.ru/gelminty-u-zhivotnyh/piperazin-instruktsiya-po-primeneniyu-dlya-zhivotnyh.html

How to give piperazine to a cat

Common diseases of domestic cats include infection of animals with helminths, and even those pets who do not leave the walls of the apartment can become “victims” of worms. Piperazine for cats is an effective means of combating parasites; let’s get acquainted with the features of its use.

The drug Piperazine is an anthelmintic drug that allows you to remove nematodes from the body of people and animals. It is considered one of the safest but most effective medications for cats and dogs, as it has low toxicity. Available in powder or tablet form. The date of production must be recorded on the packaging.

Human parasites Piperazine instructions for use for dogs

The active ingredient is piperazine adipate (it contains at least 50%), which paralyzes nematodes, causes paralysis of their muscles, but does not kill. Parasites that are unable to move through the intestines come out naturally, which is why the drug is considered harmless.

An additional advantage of Piperazine for cats is that the drug quickly leaves the animal’s body - with stable kidney function, this will happen 24 hours after administration.

Both tablets and powder of Piperazine for cats have a white color, achieved due to the active ingredients, talc and starch.

Piperazine can and should be given to a cat for worms, but only if there is a need for it. Problems that this medicine helps fight include:

  • Trichacephalus (caused by the round helminth whipworm);
  • Uncinarium (caused by uncinarium nematode);
  • Hookworm (causative agent - hookworm);
  • Toxacaridiasis (caused by Toxocara entering the body).

Pipezarin can also be used for mixed helminths.

With just one dose of the drug, a cat can get rid of more than 90% of the helminths parasitizing in its body, and after completing a full course of treatment, it can completely eliminate them.

Proper Use of Piperazine for Adults, Children and Dogs

The drug Piperazine is successfully used in the treatment of helminthiasis.

A single course of therapy destroys and eliminates 95% of parasites, and after a repeated course, complete recovery usually occurs. The medicine is used in the treatment of not only people, but also animals.

Form and composition of the drug Piperazine

The main active ingredient of the drug is 0.5 g piperazine adipate.

The drug is produced:

  • In the form of tablets . White, no inclusions.
  • In the form of a solution . A 100 ml bottle contains 50 mg of piperazine adipate.

Tablets are sold in blisters (6 and 10 pieces). Solution in a 100 ml bottle.

Main indications for the use of Piperazine

Piperazine is prescribed for parasitic infections caused by roundworms and pinworms.

The drug is effective in the presence of the following symptoms:

  • There is a painful itching in the area of ​​the anus.
  • A stool examination revealed helminth eggs.
  • Digestive disorder of unknown etiology.
  • Skin rashes that cannot be treated with standard treatments.
  • Pain and discomfort in the navel area.

Instructions for use of Piperazine

Information about all options for using the medicine is indicated in the instructions attached to the drug. Depending on the type of helminths and the age of the patient, taking the drug has some features.

Piperazine for adults

If the nature of helminthiasis is known to the patient, then you can independently decide to take this medicine, but it is better to trust a specialist.

Tablets are prescribed according to a certain scheme:

Enterobiasis . For this disease, treatment will be long-term. The first 3 days - 2 g twice a day. The next 2 days - 3 g in two doses. Then, you need to take a week's break and the treatment is repeated. 3 courses of therapy are carried out with a break, that is, 30 days.

Ascariasis . Therapy lasts only 2 days. Start with 4 g in 2 doses. On the second day - 3 g. Drink long before meals.

Mixed helminthiases . The same regimen is used as for ascariasis, but the treatment period is increased to 5 days.

You cannot increase the duration of treatment, otherwise there is an overdose with serious consequences.

Piperazine for children

For the treatment of children, a liquid form of the medicine is available, which makes it easier to take.

Children take the solution as follows:

  • Up to 1 year. The maximum dose is 0.2 g in two doses.
  • Up to 3 years. Prescribed 0.3 g twice a day.
  • 4‒6 years. Dosage - 1 g.
  • 6–8 years. Dose: 5 g per day, after eating.
  • 8–10 years. The daily dosage should not be more than 2 g.

Use of piperazine for prophylaxis

Experts believe that the use of Piperazine for prophylactic purposes is not very effective. This is explained by the fact that the medicine acts for no more than a day and then is eliminated. And you can become infected with helminths at any time.

Despite this fact, the drug is still taken for prevention. The medicine is taken for 5 days, 2 g each. At the same time, it is recommended to observe other measures: hygiene laws, food processing.

Read more about the prevention of worms in children in our article: What tablets can be given to children to prevent worms?

Side effects and contraindications of Piperazine

Negative reactions are observed extremely rarely, mainly only from an overdose. If the treatment regimen is drawn up correctly, then this anthelmintic drug will not cause health problems. Sometimes an allergic reaction may occur if there is hypersensitivity to the active substance of the drug. In this case, your blood pressure drops, your health worsens, and you feel dizzy.

If you have kidney disease, taking Piperazine may cause the following problems:

  • Loss of coordination.
  • Tremor.
  • Lethargy.
  • Decreased visual acuity.
  • Incomprehensible euphoria and hallucinations.
  • Stool disorder.
  • Development of dermatitis.

When these symptoms appear, the doctor is obliged to reconsider the prescribed treatment regimen.

In case of overdose, you must immediately rinse your stomach and take any sorbent that will remove toxins and prevent them from spreading throughout the body.

Like any medicine, Piperazine has restrictions on its use. You must familiarize yourself with them before using the drug.

Contraindications to the use of Piperazine:

  • Liver pathologies.
  • Kidney problems.
  • Intolerance to the ingredients of the drug.

This medicine should be used carefully during lactation. By the way, pregnant women can use the drug, as it has minor toxicity.

Cost and analogues of Piperazine

The drug is very cheap, the price of a blister with 10 tablets is no more than 30 rubles. The cost of the solution is higher, but it is also available to everyone - 50 ml is about 140 rubles.

As for structural analogues, Piperazine does not have them. Preparations containing adipate have not yet been developed. Although, we can note Piperazine Adipate, which has a similar mechanism of action.

Some doctors consider Nemozol to be the best analogue. It is quite effective in the fight against helminthic infestations. The active substance of Nemozol is albendazole, which paralyzes parasites, thereby causing their mass death.

Piperazine also has indirect analogues with a similar effect. This is Mebendazole, Vermox. But these drugs contain a different active substance, so there is a discrepancy in effects and indications.

Reviews from consumers and doctors

Both parasitologists and patients who used the product note:

  • Safety and quick positive results.
  • Availability.
  • The risk of use is minimal.

Piperazine can be combined with other anthelmintic medications.

Most reviews about this product are positive. This anthelmintic drug is used in the treatment of both humans and animals.

To be honest, the medicine does not cope with all parasites, but this does not detract from its effectiveness. It stands out from similar drugs.

An important condition for its use is a preliminary consultation with a doctor, who selects a treatment regimen individually.

Instructions for using Piperazine for dogs

The drug is quite effective in therapy for dogs. The medicine is produced in the form of a powder, which is designed for convenient use in the treatment of animals.

Pharmacological properties

Penetrating into the animal's gastrointestinal tract, the medicine is absorbed quite quickly and begins its therapeutic effect. It blocks the muscle activity of worms, causing their paralysis. The helminths detach from the intestines and are eliminated from the body in the feces.

With significant infestation, large balls of roundworms are removed from the dog. The spectacle is unpleasant, since some of them are still alive, and the ball is moving.

Piperazine acts instantly and is then excreted by the kidneys. A day later, no traces of it are observed in the urine. The toxicity of the drug is very low, so it is often used in the treatment of animals. Unfortunately, the medicine is effective only against mature individuals; it is powerless against larvae.

Indications for use

The drug is intended to remove worms from dogs and other types of animals.

The drug is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • Trichocephalosis.
  • Toxocariasis.
  • Hookworm.
  • Toxascariasis.

These pathologies cannot be diagnosed without the help of a veterinarian and special studies.

Typical symptoms indicating a dog is infected with parasites:

  • Disorder of the digestive system.
  • Frequent nausea and vomiting.
  • Lack of proper sleep.
  • Change in the dog's behavior: the animal lies down all the time, apathy and lethargy are observed in the dog.

Dosage and treatment regimen for dogs

There is a certain scheme for treating dogs for helminthiasis:

  • The powder is taken once.
  • The medicine can be added to food or water.
  • The dose is calculated: 0.5 g of powder per 1 kg of dog weight.

It should be noted that the dog must take the full dosage, otherwise the effectiveness will be significantly reduced. Repeated treatment immediately is not advisable, but, as a last resort, it can be repeated after 3 weeks.

Taking the medicine for preventive purposes is usually carried out in the autumn-spring period, but is also allowed in the summer. Dosage: 0.2 g per 1 kg of dog weight, single dose.

After the procedure, be sure to praise the dog and give it a treat.

Side effects in dogs

In order not to harm the animal’s body, you need to correctly calculate the dosage.

If the dose is exceeded, adverse reactions will certainly occur:

  • Diarrhea.
  • Coordination of movements is impaired.
  • Vomiting and severe nausea.
  • Allergies: redness of the shells of the ears.
  • Problem with the animal's locomotor system.

A negative effect may also occur if there is intolerance to the components of the drug.


A significant advantage of Piperazine is that it does not have many contraindications. You can safely give it to your dog without fear of harming the animal’s health.

But in some cases, the drug is still not used:

  • It is not advisable to give this medicine if your dog has liver or kidney problems.
  • The drug is used cautiously in cases of reduced motility of the animal's gastrointestinal tract.
  • If you are intolerant to any component of this medicine.

It is allowed to give Piperazine to puppies, but under the strict supervision of a veterinarian.

special instructions

During treatment you should follow some recommendations:

  • If you have recently received anthelmintic therapy, piperazine should not be given.
  • After therapy, the dog should not be given dairy products for 7 days.
  • Raw meat is strictly prohibited; it must be boiled.
  • On the day of using Piperazine, other medications should be discontinued, as well as prophylaxis.

Piperazine or Pyrantel – which is better?

The overwhelming number of doctors believe that piperazine has the best therapeutic effect. The product has a faster effect on parasites. In addition, the medicine is eliminated from the body faster.

Both drugs have a minimal number of contraindications and have a similar mechanism of action.

Features of the drug Piperazine:

  • The medicine is successfully used in the treatment of ascariasis and enterobiasis.
  • It is used in the treatment of mixed helminth infections, when two parasites are present at the same time.
  • Absolutely safe.
  • Possibility of treating children and animals.
  • Available in the form of tablets, solution and powder.
  • Low price.

Pirantel has its own characteristics:

  • The spectrum of action is wider.
  • Not applicable to children under 3 years of age.
  • Take only with food.
  • Available only in tablet form.
  • Relatively low cost.
  • Compared to Piperazine, there are more side effects.

Despite the fact that experts prefer to use Piperazine, it is difficult to say which drug is better. Pyrantel is appropriate to use in the presence of many forms of helminthiasis, but it is contraindicated for children. Piperazine is safer but less effective.

By parasitizing the dog's body, helminths poison it with waste products. They can injure the digestive tract and damage the liver and lungs. In addition, the dog does not receive the full amount of nutrients from food.

Weight loss, loss of appetite, stool upset - all this should alert the dog owner. Sometimes, even a seemingly healthy dog ​​suffers from worms. It is necessary to promptly identify helminthiasis and begin treatment, otherwise unpredictable consequences cannot be avoided.

Source: https://bolezney.net/primenenie-piperazina/

Pharmacological properties

The instructions for use of Azinox state that this drug has a wide spectrum of action. It is able to overcome many trematodes and cestodes. Praziquantel, which serves as an active component, has a detrimental effect on the pathogens in the human body of clonorchiasis and trematodiasis, that is, diseases that arise due to the action of flatworms. The drug also acts against schistosomiasis, those diseases that arise due to the activity of parasitic worms, trematodes. "Azinox", instructions for use of which will be presented below, destroys intestinal flukes, pathogens of opistirchiasis and paragonimiasis.

The drug is effective against pathogens of intestinal cestodiasis, which provoke the occurrence of taeniasis, taeniarynchosis, hymenolepitosis and diphyllobothrosis. It also affects nematodes, the causative agents of ascaritis.

The instructions for use of Azinox say that the drug is endowed with two properties that act against helminths. Entering the body in small doses, the drug stimulates the activity of the worms' muscles, after which their muscles contract and spastic paralysis occurs. If the substance is supplied in large doses, the upper layer of the body of flatworms is quickly damaged.

Two hours after taking the drug, its maximum effect occurs, the concentration in the blood of the substance reaches its limit. The drug is metabolized directly in the liver, forms inactive mono and polyhydroxylated metabolites, and is excreted from the body through the kidneys. If there are diseases associated with the kidneys, then the elimination of the medicine may be slowed down. If the liver is affected, the metabolic effect worsens. All this leads to a prolonged presence of praziquantel in the body, the concentration of which becomes very high.

As for the drug "Azinox Plus", instructions for use of which will be presented in the further content of the article, it contains tetramizole. Because of this component, the medicine becomes more toxic, and it is used only to treat animals.

Human parasites Piperazine instructions for use for dogs

How to give

And although the effect of the anthelmintic does not depend on food intake, it is better to give the drug in the morning before feeding. In this case, it is better to feed the animal after 30-40 minutes. You can feed the medicine in different ways:

  • Crush the tablet into powder and mix with a small amount of food that the animal likes. Depending on taste preferences, this could be canned food, minced meat or other delicacies.
  • Dissolve the crushed tablet in water. Give your pet a drink with the prepared solution. It is best to use a syringe without a needle or a bulb with a soft tip for these purposes. This method is good for kittens, as well as animals that have poor appetite and refuse food.
  • Forcefully place the tablet on the root of the tongue. This method is the most unpleasant for animals, but the most effective, since the medicine will enter the body in the required dose. The main thing is to make sure that the cat swallows the tablet and does not spit it out. To prevent your pet from scratching during the procedure, wrap it in a towel or blanket.

If medicine is added to food, it must be hot. High temperatures may reduce the effectiveness of the medicine.

How to give the drug

Human parasites Piperazine instructions for use for dogsPiperazine is produced in two forms: powder and tablets.
In veterinary medicine, powders are mainly used. If you do not find them in a specialized pharmacy, go to a regular one - they sell the same medicine, but in tablets. You can turn them into powder yourself. It is best to buy Piperazine at a veterinary pharmacy, since the dosage in this case will be more convenient. For a cat, it is enough to buy powder in a 4.5 gram package. A dosage of 15 grams is intended for deworming farm animals and large dogs. Directions for use in cats:

  1. For routine treatment of worms, it is enough to use the medicine only once at the rate of 0.5 grams per kilogram of the cat’s weight. Repeated prophylaxis can be carried out after 3 weeks.
  2. In case of severe infection, the drug in the same dosage (0.5 grams per 1 kilogram of body weight) can be used for 3 days. The indicated portion of the medicine is given once a day.

It is recommended to tie the intake of the drug to nutrition. The powder should be given one hour before meals or 60 minutes after meals. Additionally, the veterinarian may prescribe an enema of sodium bicarbonate solution. Most often, this procedure is prescribed if your pet eats only dry food or is constipated. If the stool is too dry, it may be difficult to remove worms.

Follow the rules of personal hygiene when cleaning the tray. This work must be done twice a day, while simultaneously washing the container with a 10% ammonia solution, which has a disinfecting effect. Be sure to wear gloves on your hands and do not touch your face or exposed areas of the body while cleaning.

Piperazine: instructions for use for animals, what it is for, side effects

The anthelmintic Piperazine is a universal drug . Its composition is suitable for the treatment of humans and animals . In veterinary medicine, the medicine in the form of a powder or tablets purchased at a regular pharmacy.

The instructions for use for animals included with the medicine indicate that the medicine is almost non-toxic, quickly gets rid of helminths , and is effective against nematodes (roundworms).

Piperazine: what is it for, how does it work

The medicine contains the active component piperazine adipate .

It is toxic to worms and a few hours after ingestion, intestinal parasites experience a disruption in the transmission of nerve impulses, which leads to disruption of muscle regulation, and then to paralysis and inability to attach to the intestinal . Nematodes leave the animal's body in feces during defecation.

The fact that the worms do not die, but are removed alive, prevents the development of intoxication body . This allows the drug to be used to treat lactating and pregnant females, small puppies or kittens over 2 weeks old.

Piperazine only affects roundworms.

The instructions indicate that the product is used to treat the following helminthic infestations:

  • ascariasis;
  • amidostamosis;
  • toxocaridosis;
  • neoascariasis.

The effectiveness of the drug is high. 90-95% of the active substance is absorbed in the digestive tract, so worms quickly lose their ability to stay in the intestines.

dose of powder or tablet is sufficient to cure .

In case of severe infection , the medicine is prescribed in a short course up to 3 times with an interval of 1-3 weeks, depending on the condition of the animal.

Due to its limited spectrum of action, piperazine is rarely used for prophylaxis . Anthelmintic therapy is carried out 10 days before mating or before vaccination, to prevent possible infections if the pet roams freely on the street.

The drug Piperazine: instructions for use for animals

In veterinary medicine, the use of medicine is carried out strictly according to the scheme .

This takes into account:

  • kind of animal;
  • its weight ;
  • severity of infection;
  • nature of helminthic infestation.

Therapy for horses or cows will be different from that for cats. The dosage is selected individually and you must strictly follow the veterinarian's in order to cure your pet and avoid unwanted effects from using the medicine.

The effect of an anthelmintic does not depend on whether it is taken after a meal or on an empty stomach. But veterinarians, in order to increase the therapeutic effect , recommend taking the medication on an empty stomach, 30-40 minutes before feeding.

Piperazine for cats dosage

Pet purrs benefit equally well from veterinary powder and tablets intended for humans. For kittens and adults, a single dose is calculated as follows: 0.5 g of medication per kilogram of weight.

The therapeutic regimen depends on the severity of helminthic infestations:

  1. Standard. The therapeutic dose is given once. If necessary, repeat the dose after 3 weeks.
  2. Severe infection. Piperazine at a dosage of 0.5 g/kg body weight is given to the cat, and then the treatment is repeated after 3 days.

Sometimes veterinarians, taking into account the cat’s condition, prescribe other drug regimens. But a single dose always does not exceed 0.5 g per kg of body weight, only the interval between use of the medicine changes.

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