Why does a cat refuse kittens after giving birth?
As a rule, cats take care of each of their kittens from the first minutes of its life. But
Diagnosis and treatment of weeping eczema in cats
Where does a cat produce sweat? The sweat system is extremely important as it helps improve
How to choose cat shampoo for allergies
What is anti-allergenic shampoo? Anti-allergy compositions are developed using highly specialized technology and differ
The cat twitches his jaw as if he has a cramp
Home / Other animals / Why is a cat’s lower jaw shaking? It’s hard not to notice
Pregnancy in Bengal cats
Childbirth in a Bengal cat - how not to miss the beginning and help your pet?
General information about the onset of pregnancy in Bengals After the mating season, which lasts for this breed
Is it possible to wash a cat with laundry soap?
Washing a cat: rules and recommendations. Can I wash my cat with regular human shampoo or soap? Wash a cat with French fairies
How to properly wash a cat Some owners of cats and kittens think that these animals are clean
Why does a cat yell after eating? How to stop a cat from yelling: simple and effective methods. The cat signals acute pain or injury
Why do cats sometimes start rushing around the apartment in the evenings and screaming for no apparent reason?
Feligen vaccine for cats
Feligen vaccine for cats - instructions for use
4355Pavel The Feligen vaccine for cats is widely used in veterinary medicine. It allows the animal to form
Transmission of toxoplasmosis to humans from cats, infection of the fetus in pregnant women
How does the disease manifest itself? If symptoms do appear, they may be: fever; enlarged lymph nodes,
How to feed a Maine Coon kitten
Canagan Country – Great Britain The best food for Maine Coon from the Canagan brand – Canagan Country
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