How to raise an affectionate and obedient kitten

When should you start parenting?

How to raise a kitten and when to start this process? During the period when the kitten is small, its personality is formed. At this moment, his habits are not defined. You can easily adjust his preferences and lifestyle.

Training a cat is one of the main tasks of every owner.

Important! An adult animal is difficult to train.

You should not buy a kitten that is too small. Until the pet reaches 3 months of age, it is not recommended to take the baby away from its mother, because it is during this period that he needs maternal warmth and upbringing. In the first months, a mother cat teaches her baby the ability to hunt, keep her fur clean, and play. Natural upbringing helps in the future to easily adapt to environmental conditions.

Education should begin from the moment the baby is brought into the house. The most important thing is to behave calmly and not take it out on the animal. Otherwise, the kitten will become afraid of people and, of course, refuse to comply with their demands.

Note! Raising a kitten at 2 months will not give the desired result; it is better to wait a little until the baby grows up.

Correcting incorrect cat behavior

If the new pet in the house is an adult animal and its character requires correction, this is a much more difficult task than raising a kitten.

A cat often behaves badly because he has not been given enough attention. Persistent and strict comments in the form of punishment, encouragement with affection and treats for correct actions will help in solving the problem.

If the pet is not litter box trained, the steps are the same as with a kitten. Isolating the animal in a practically empty room with a tray, food and a house helps a lot.

An animal may be overly aggressive because it was beaten, screamed at, or intimidated. Love and affection, a quiet, calm environment in the house will help overcome the fear of such a pet.

As a last resort, you can contact a veterinary clinic for behavior correction.

If a cat behaves well in front of people and misbehaves alone, he is most likely bored. The way out of the situation is to get a second pet.

How to raise a cat: basic principles

How to raise a puppy correctly up to a year for dummies

In order for raising a kitten to achieve the desired result, it is important to adhere to the basic recommendations:

  • do not use violence. Under no circumstances should you hit or intimidate a cat. Bad behavior must be corrected and the kitten must be explained what exactly it is doing wrong. Kicks and blows will not make the animal understand what its mistake is;
  • Praise your pet often. This is especially important at moments when the baby makes his first attempts to sharpen his claws in the right place or has visited the toilet in the right place;
  • show consistency. Otherwise, the kitten will be at a loss and will act at its own discretion;
  • Be patient with your pet.

Note! Punishment for an offense can only be carried out when it was committed in front of a person. It is completely useless to scold a pet for pranks that he committed in his absence, because in this case the animal is not able to understand why he is being shouted at.

You need to train a cat without screaming

Praise and Punishment

Anyone who has wondered how to raise a cat has wondered how to properly use rewards and how to punish in case of inappropriate behavior of their pet. Incentives can be of several types:

  • stroking the cat;
  • treat;
  • games;
  • verbal praise
  • weasel.

For an adult cat, punishment and reward are the most effective way to train. The animal must also be punished correctly. Physical violence must be completely excluded. You can show the swing with a newspaper or magazine, but not execute it. You should not do this with your hands or your palms.

The punishment should not be delayed, so the cat will not understand why exactly it was done. Inevitability should also be an important principle. If a cat is stealing, it is necessary to punish for each episode, and not selectively. Only in this way can a disobedient animal be corrected and such behavior prevented in the future.

Is it possible to hit a kitten?

You cannot hit a kitten or an adult cat. Such actions can lead to the opposite effect; the cat will try to take revenge. This is especially noticeable with some breeds. Violence and physical force destroys contact with the animal. A stern voice is the best substitute for brute force.

Education of personal qualities

How to bury a cat and where to do it correctly

How to raise a kitten correctly so that living with him in the same apartment does not cause inconvenience? In order for a kitten to grow up obedient, you should spend time with him as often as possible, talking about what he can do indoors and what not. A cat is able to react to the slightest change in a person’s intonation. Therefore, it is absolutely not necessary to shout at the furry purr. It is enough just to change the intonation, scolding the baby for mischief or praising him for success.

Important! You should be patient and not expect your cat to learn new skills too quickly.

How to raise a cat to be calm and tame? To prevent the kitten from causing chaos in the house and damaging the furniture, you should provide it with free access to toys. In your free time, it is important not only to caress your furry pet, but also to play outdoor games with it so that the animal releases energy and is obedient when the owner is away from the house. If a kitten begins to scratch and bite heavily during play, you need to make a remark and switch its attention to some object (a ball, a rope with a toy, or an artificial mouse).

In order to achieve calmness for the animal in situations where there is a joint trip in the car or a walk in the yard, it is important to create the most comfortable environment for him. To do this, the cat must be placed in a comfortable carrier and given time to get used to the confined space. It is advisable to pet your pet at this time so that the kitten copes with stress. Only after this can you hit the road.

Often cat owners are interested in how to teach their pets not to disturb them at night. In this case, it is recommended to give a prohibitory command in a stern tone at the moment active night games begin. If this does not work, you need to take your pet in your arms and place it next to you on the bed. The kitten, feeling the owner’s hand, will calm down and go to bed. To ensure that the animal does not disturb the night's rest, the steps described above will need to be repeated every night. Gradually, the fluffy purr will get used to the fact that in the dark you can’t make noise.

Important! To prevent the kitten from growing up aggressive, you should not allow shouting or loud noise in the house. Treatment of both the tailed boy and the girl should be soft and gentle.

Training will help you raise a calm pet

How to raise a kitten - tips

Raising a new pet begins from the first days of its appearance in your home. Cats respond well to training up to the age of one year; older animals are more difficult to retrain.

Step one - train to the tray

To make the task easier, you need to check with the old owners where the baby’s mother and her kittens went to do their business. Buy a similar tray, use a similar filler - it will be easier for the kitten to deal with the toilet in the new place of residence. Unfortunately, this advice will not help if you adopted a kitten from the street.

In the first days, keep an eye on your baby. As soon as he starts fussing and looking for the toilet, take him to the litter box. If you didn’t keep track and a puddle forms on the floor, do not scold the baby, but blot the “trace of the crime” with a napkin or toilet paper and take this piece of paper to the tray. Kittens have a good sense of smell - the smell of urine will tell them where to go to the toilet. A spray with special pheromones for toilet training has the same effect - spray the spray into the tray.

Take your pet to the litter box 15-20 minutes after eating and sleeping - at this time babies begin to need to go to the toilet. If the kitten has “done it”, be sure to praise him in a kind and gentle voice - this will help reinforce the good habit. If unsuccessful, do not scold the animal or poke its nose into the puddle.

Important: if cats already live in your house, buy an additional tray for the baby and keep it clean.

Read more tips on how to train a kitten to use the litter box. For advanced owners - how to train to use the toilet.

Step two - learn to sharpen your claws

At six months of age, a kitten has a natural need to sharpen its claws. This is the most convenient time to teach him to sharpen his claws in a specially designated place. A scratching post is the place where claws can and should be sharpened.

Read how to choose a scratching post or make one yourself.

How to explain this to a baby? Firstly, you need to make or purchase several scratching posts - one is not enough for the learning process. At home, at least one should be located at the entrance door - this is the favorite place of all cats. The rest need to find a suitable place. Suitable - where the kitten is trying to sharpen its claws - adapt to its desires.

If your pet does not appreciate your efforts and continues to sharpen its claws on the corners of furniture, carpet or walls, then you need to verbally shout at it and move it to the “right” place. Remember that physical punishment cannot be used.

There are tricks that can help at this stage of learning.

Firstly, you can cover the areas “torn” by the kitten with plastic or cloth.

Secondly, you can rub these places with some odorous substance: spices, lemon or orange zest. Or spray them with a strong perfume - this will cool the animal’s ardor.

Tip: Use valerian or catnip to attract your pet's attention to the scratching post. And don't forget to praise your baby when he does everything right.

Read more about scratching post training.

Step three - wean off scratching and biting

Another useful skill to teach your kitten is to keep her claws to herself. In simple words - don't scratch. You need to stop scratching from an early age. If you don't do this, the habit will remain forever.

To prevent the kitten from scratching and biting:

  1. We only play with toys! Never allow an animal to play with your hands.
  2. If your baby begins to scratch while playing, spray him with water from a spray bottle or clap your hands loudly. You can't hit a kitten.
  3. Instead of punishment, use ignoring. If the kitten gets playful and scratches you, do not pay attention to it until it realizes its mistake.
  4. Use silicone pads or have your pet's nails trimmed at the veterinary clinic.

Explain to the kitten that biting is also forbidden. The best methods to stop such unwanted behavior is a sharp shout. Noise exposure is the most effective method of education. The maximum that is allowed is to lightly spank the pet with a rolled-up newspaper to prevent misbehavior.

Read more about how to wean yourself from heaping.

Proper care affects your pet's character

By properly caring for an animal, you can positively influence the formation of its character. Gentle handling of the kitten and systematic education of personal qualities will help raise an obedient and smart pet. Living with such a pet will only be a joy.

How to teach cleanliness

The kitten's eyes do not open: the main reasons and what can be done

To teach a kitten to be clean, it is recommended to make the area in which your pet shits uncomfortable. For this purpose, you can cover the floor surface:

  • plastic film;
  • adhesive material;
  • foil;
  • cloth soaked in vinegar.

For a while, it is advisable to place saucers with water and food in this place. If the cat still goes to the “crime scene,” you should clap your hands loudly, repeating the command “Ugh!” You can throw the keys on the floor near the kitten and spray the animal with a spray bottle.

For your information! To wean your pet from using the bathtub as a toilet, you should always leave a small amount of water in it.

When training a cat, it is important to follow the recommendations of experts

How to train your pet not to damage furniture

How to raise a kitten so that it pleases with obedience? To prevent your pet from damaging furniture with its claws, you can trim the sharp parts of its claws. The procedure can be carried out either independently or by a veterinarian. It is important to trim the sharp parts of the claws at a certain angle.

Important! To trim claws, the cat owner will need to purchase special scissors.

It is unacceptable to use scissors on dogs, since the shape of their claws is different from those of cats.

After the procedure, it is important to praise your pet so that he does not perceive the process of trimming claws as torture.

Note! To prevent the kitten from damaging the furniture, you can place a scratching post in the room, pre-treated with a small amount of valerian solution.

How to stop a kitten from chewing plants

Both small kittens and adult cats do not like the smell of citrus fruits. If your cat is chewing on indoor plants, you can simply spray the flowers with lemon water from a spray bottle. You can also place lemon slices directly into your plant pots.

In almost any pet store you can purchase a special device that supplies air flow when the animal approaches the flowers. The pet will be scared off by the air flow directed at it, and soon it will avoid the flowers. It is also advisable to grow grass for chewing on the windowsill. Then the cat will direct all its strength to chewing juicy greens, and not flowers.

Note! Plants can be protected with a special mesh with small cells, which can be easily removed while caring for the flowers.

Almost every cat breed is trainable

The main indicator is age

A kitten is a child with fur and a tail, which means it needs to be treated as such. Raising little kittens is always associated with pranks, disobedience, and later with rebellions of adolescence. Before you start training your pet, you need to assess its physical and psychological age.

From birth to 2 months, kittens are under the care of their mother . Kids actively communicate with each other and learn to build relationships. Essentially, at this stage, the quadruped goes through a process of basic socialization. Children have their first conflicts, and they resolve them as best they can; some fight, others silently retreat. At this age, kittens do not yet fully control their own bodies, but every day they become more and more confident in themselves and their abilities.

If you become the parent of an orphaned kitten, then the main task becomes survival. Feeding such a baby is not easy. The kitten needs to be bottle-fed every 2-4 hours, warmed and protected. A separate topic is the correct choice of food products, since whole and store-bought cow’s milk is not suitable for babies. The best choice is powdered cat milk replacer. You will have to massage your baby's stomach and genital area with a warm, damp cloth, otherwise he simply will not be able to go to the toilet.

Important! If you do not have experience in feeding blind kittens, do not take risks and consult a veterinarian.

As soon as the baby has opened his eyes, mastered complementary feeding and confidently stood on his paws, he can prepare to move to a new home. At this age, the main aspect is a complete and balanced diet. However, the kitten will face a lot of stress - moving, change of owner, environment and daily routine. Try to smooth out the baby’s experiences as much as possible, maintain the usual daily routine and food intake, take from the breeder or curator some of the bedding that will smell (for a while) of the mother.

Next, you will watch your ward grow up, not by months, but by days. The baby will begin to master running, jumping and other tasks that are difficult for his age. The kitten will realize that he is quite strong and will begin to climb all kinds of surfaces. Around this age it is necessary to begin raising a baby , but the main attention should be paid to his safety. The baby may already understand the importance of boundaries, so try to isolate the kitten in a room, house or carrier for the period of time until you can monitor it.

Important! If you decide to train your kitten to be carried, start with a 2-3 minute period and increase it gradually. Stay close to the carrier and continue to soothe your baby.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the equipment of the rest area . The kitten will need a house, which can be bought or made at home. As soon as the baby goes to his place, do not disturb him. Your pet should be sure that he can step away from the hustle and bustle and be in complete peace and safety.

Basic Skills

Below you can familiarize yourself with the features of teaching cats basic skills.

  • Command “Come to me!” - a simple way to force a four-legged friend to come to the owner at the first call. To train him to this command, you will need to use your pet’s favorite treats. When inviting your cat to its favorite food, you need to remain calm. It is very important to pronounce the pet’s nickname (for example, “Come to me, Barsik”). In the first days, the kitten is unlikely to come on its own. He will need to be brought to the bowl of treats, saying the command “Come to me!” Soon the pet will be able to associate the command with receiving its favorite treat and will independently come when called. From now on, you can call the kitten to you in any other circumstances, without forgetting to reward the animal with tasty food or a piece of meat. It is also important to praise your pet and stroke it affectionately. The Bengals and the British learn this command fairly quickly.
  • Command "Stop!" - a very important skill that can save a four-legged friend in situations where he is in danger. At the beginning of the exercises, the bent arm will serve as a barrier for the cat. As soon as the kitten begins to move on its own initiative, you need to bend your arm, blocking its path, and say “Stop, Barsik!” In case of obedience, the animal should be rewarded with its favorite treat. If the cat runs further, it is recommended to start the exercise over again. In order for the furry purr to master the “Stop!” command, it will take a lot of hard training. It is especially important to study the command when the cat is about to visit the street.
  • The command “Sit!” allows you to limit your pet’s physical activity for a short period of time. During training, the team must position themselves at the same level as the animal (on the floor). At the moment when the kitten begins to sit down, you should give the command “Sit!” As soon as the animal sits down, you need to reward it with your favorite treat. If the furry purr does not want to sit down, you can lightly press on the rump and hold it in a sitting position until you receive a treat.

Note! Representatives of the Abyssinian and Bengal breeds, with appropriate training, can fetch light objects.

Peculiarities of raising a Briton

This gorgeous breed requires proper coat and nail care.

For cutting, special pliers are used, which usually have a limiter so as not to touch the blood vessel located in the animal’s claw. You can also determine where the vessel ends by eye; just look at the nail in the light and you will see a small dark stripe that does not reach literally 2-3 mm to the end of the claw.

Before raising a British kitten, it is worth noting that these cats are quite selfish, so it is worth starting training in the first months of life. If the fidget does not react to prohibitions or even begins to put even more effort into his dirty tricks, you can use a proven method. To do this, you will need a regular spray bottle, pour a little water into it, and as soon as the smoky bully starts chewing the flowers on the windowsill, spray it a couple of times. It is best that he does not understand that such punishment comes from you, let him be convinced that this is happening involuntarily, and in order not to fall under a forced shower, he will begin to avoid such actions.

how to raise a british kitten

The British never consider himself guilty, for him the concept of guilt and conscience does not exist, and if you use physical punishment, you risk becoming his sworn enemy. To decide how to raise a British kitten, you will have to develop a whole plan of action.

Tray training

Before training your cat to use the litter box, you need to give him time to explore the litter and the toilet. All places in the house that the cat has used for other purposes should be treated with a product that effectively removes odors.

Important! To avoid troubles, it is worth temporarily limiting the animal’s freedom in the house until you are sure that the pet has learned to go to the litter box.

Unfortunately, until the kitten is 5-6 months old, it will not be possible to achieve complete obedience regarding going to the toilet. It is important not to lash out at your baby, but to patiently reinforce a good habit, waiting until he can consciously get into the potty. Representatives of the British and Scottish Fold/Straight-eared breeds get accustomed to the tray quite quickly.

Note! It is important to purchase not only a beautiful, but also a comfortable tray for your four-legged friend. Following this recommendation will allow you to quickly accustom your baby to using the litter tray.

A place for a kitten to sleep

Cats sleep most of the time. That is why it is so important to equip a spacious place for the baby, covered with soft material. For this purpose, you can use a cardboard box or shallow basket. You can place the bed in a warm and dry room, which is reliably protected from drafts. It is best to place the basket higher, as pets like to occupy a position on an elevated platform and watch what is happening in the room.

You can also place a bedding made of soft material near the owner’s bed. This will allow your baby to get accustomed to his own place. "Scots", like representatives of other breeds, very quickly learn where their place to sleep is.

When and how to move?

The baby can prepare for the move as soon as it confidently stands on its paws and eats complementary foods well. At this age, a balanced diet is important.

A change of owner, environment, and daily routine is a big stress for the cat. In order to somehow smooth out the fear, you need to try to maintain your usual daily routine and diet.

Read here Cat training - practical tips on how to train cats of various breeds (120 photos)

You should definitely take some of the bedding, which at first will help the baby not feel lonely; it will evoke a feeling of protection.

How to teach not to let out your claws during play

If your cat releases its claws during play and behaves aggressively, you can spray it with water from a spray bottle. This will quickly calm your pet. If the animal painfully grabs the owner's hand, you need to freeze for a minute and, when the cat loosens its grip, remove your hand. You cannot shout or hit the animal, but you must splash water on it and explain that it is forbidden to misbehave.

You can’t yell at your pet or hit him for disobedience.

Feeding mode

When caring for a kitten, it is important to properly organize the feeding regime for your pet. In this case, it is worth taking into account the age category of the baby.

Age category of the catFeeding frequency
Up to 14 days10 times a day
14-30 days8 times a day (of which 2 feedings are at night)
30-60 days7 times a day
60-90 days6 times a day
4-5 months5 times a day
5-10 months4 times a day
10-12 months3 times a day

Important! Starting from the age of one year, cats are transferred to two meals a day. Feed is poured only in the morning and evening hours.

Tips for raising cats

The behavior of cats depends not only on the innate qualities and characteristics of the breed. It largely depends on the methods of education, the attitude of people and other pets towards cats, as well as on the environment. The habits acquired by a kitten are difficult to change in the future, so training the animal should begin as early as possible. From the very first days of being in the house, the cat must be made to understand how far it can go in its pranks and demands. When communicating with a cat, it is very important to adapt to its biorhythm, which is the reason for the animal’s frequent mood changes. It is better not to disturb your pet in the early morning, afternoon and late evening.

1. While the cat is young, you should not make too much noise or scream loudly, otherwise the animal will begin to fear the owner and become aggressive. You should always treat your cat gently and in a friendly manner.

2. You must not allow rude actions or resort to violence towards cats. Otherwise, the results may be the opposite of what the owner wants to achieve. You should not take the cat by the scruff of the neck, causing him pain. You need to carry your pet so that all paws have support.

3. Cats need to be taught the rules consistently. You need to try to gradually accustom the cat first to one requirement or rule, then no less patiently to another.

4. First, it is recommended to accustom the cat to one of the most useful commands - prohibitive, which is expressed by the words “No!” or “Fu!”, accompanied by clapping of hands, etc. The educational value of this command comes down to developing obedience in the cat. First of all, the prohibitions are associated with the aggressive behavior of the animal towards humans (you cannot bite and scratch the owners and their guests), as well as damage to interior items (you cannot scratch and gnaw furniture, hang on curtains, jump on the table). The assimilation of the prohibiting command occurs gradually: a prohibition should follow the commission of incorrect actions by a pet. If the animal reacted correctly to the given command, it should be petted and encouraged, but if it disobeyed, it should be punished, and the punishment should be inevitable. You cannot punish a cat for an offense after several hours have passed: it simply will not understand why it was punished and will harbor a grudge against its owner.

One of the most effective methods of punishment is to scare the animal with a loud clap of your hands, a thrown newspaper, or splashes of water. A more severe punishment (for example, beatings or other physical impact) is unacceptable, since in this case the pet will not only not learn the lesson taught, but will also begin to fear the owner and stop trusting him. If a person beats a cat in the heat of the moment, then he should try to win her favor again with affection: the animal should be sure that, despite all the pranks, it is still loved.

5. It is necessary to talk to the cat as often as possible, tell it about what it can do in the house and what it cannot do. Particular importance should be attached to the intonation with which words and phrases are pronounced, since cats are sensitive to the slightest changes in the intonation of the human voice. After some time, the pet will begin to understand the owner’s mood even without commands - just by the tone in which he speaks to him.

6. Young cats need games and toys. It is especially important to play with a cat if it is the only pet in the house. A cat may become depressed from loneliness or boredom. It is recommended to play with a kitten several times a day, and with an adult cat at least once. The cat may get too carried away and start scratching or biting. In this case, you should not reprimand or punish her. You can simply switch the cat’s attention to some object (ball, artificial mouse, rope with a toy, etc.).

Training to a scratching post

After purchasing a scratching post, you should give your cat time to get to know the product. It is best to bring your four-legged friend to the scratching post and use its front paws to show the principle of operation. The cat, following a reflex, will extend its claws to their full length and cling to the scratching post.

Experts recommend spraying the top of the product with catnip flavoring or water with a small amount of valerian added. The cat will constantly follow its favorite smell and thus quickly get accustomed to the scratching post.

It is very important to praise your baby for sharpening his claws in the right place. You can also leave a treat at the top of the scratching post, forcing your pet to climb for the treat.

Note! Maine Coons and Sphynxes very quickly get used to the scratching post.

Maine Coons are excellent at learning commands

Correct ways of punishment

If the kitten does not want to follow commands or continues to cause mischief in the apartment, the owner often raises his voice at his pet. How to properly punish a kitten so that it does not become fearful or aggressive? It is best to use the method of depriving your pet of rewards. A cat who is accustomed to the fact that the owner rewards him with his favorite treat for achieving results in education and teaching commands will understand that in order to get a treat, you need to obey the person.

You can also use dialogue punishments, in which you interact with the kitten. In this case, at the moment of mischief, you can:

  • drop a bunch of keys near the kitten;
  • clap your hands;
  • touch his head and say “You can’t, Barsik!”

First days

Finding itself in a completely unfamiliar place far from its mother, the kitten experiences severe stress, begins to hide, constantly meows, and, of course, it does not give in to hands. During this period, the owners must show maximum care and patience towards the baby. There is an effective technique that will help shorten the adaptation period for the animal. To do this, you need to take with you a piece of bedding or a scrap of some rag that was located directly in the place where you took the pet from. Having smelled a familiar smell, the kitten will understand that it is safe and will calm down.

Common Mistakes

Raising cats is not an easy process. Most animal owners lacking experience make common mistakes in the process of teaching their four-legged friend commands, which negatively affect the development of the kitten’s character. Below you can find the most common mistakes that should be avoided when raising an animal.

  • Treat your four-legged friend aggressively, pull him by the scruff of the neck, and harshly poke his muzzle into the place where he relieved himself. You should not raise your voice, as such behavior will cause the baby to become excessively timid.
  • You cannot deprive your cat of attention and affection. An animal at any age needs the care of its owner. If you deprive him of love and attention, the pet may start going to the toilet in the wrong place for the purpose of revenge.
  • Saving on purchasing personal items for the kitten. It is very important that your pet has a bed, toys, a comfortable tray and other care items. This will allow you to raise the animal faster. For example, it is much easier to teach a cat to go into a comfortable tray than into a tray with too high sides.

Even a sphinx can be taught commands if you put in the effort

Kittens, like small children, need not only care, but also education. By following the tips described above on how to properly raise a kitten, you can raise an intelligent and obedient pet. The most important thing when raising a dog is not to raise your voice or hit the animal.

Raising a kitten aged 3-4 months

This period is ideal for moving a kitten to a new home. Since he can already chew solid food, he has formed teeth and some habits. Closer to four months, the pet’s behavior will resemble the habits of an adult cat. But it is possible to raise a kitten correctly only taking into account the peculiarities of its development. After all, despite growing up, the pet’s play behavior predominates. This is necessary for the pet to develop the skills of a predator. It is important to take into account the fact that during games you should not use your hands as an object for fun. Do not tease your cat with them, otherwise he may start scratching later.

A well-equipped litter box will teach your pet basic hygiene and proper behavior. If you want your pet to learn more easily, place the toilet in a comfortable and cozy place.

In education, it is also important to consider how domesticated the pet was. If you find a kitten on the street, it may already have been taught some habits. The whole point is that the baby repeats after the mother. But you will have to teach him skills such as going to the toilet, eating and resting on your own. If, while at home, the pet has the opportunity to repeat after others, then he can begin to go to the litter box on his own. The cat owner can also take care of raising the pet. At the same time, it is important to decide on the approach that you will use in communicating with the animal. Next, we will look at the advice of animal psychologists on raising a kitten.

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