Which cat should a novice witch choose?

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The black kitten is a wonderful choice for pet lovers. You just need to choose a suitable name for him, emphasizing his magical attractiveness and uniqueness. The question of what to name a new family member, a black cat or female cat, should be given the most serious attention and all possible options given below should be considered, and then the four-legged baby should be given the most suitable name.

  • 2 Popular and beautiful nicknames for kittens with black fur
  • 3 Names for black cats girls with meaning
  • 4 Names for black cats boys with meaning
  • 5 Names of black cats and cats depending on breed

    5.1 Photo gallery: cat names according to breed

  • 6 Foreign nicknames
  • 7 Cool nicknames for cats and black cats
  • 8 Video: unusual nicknames for black cats and male cats
  • 9 What not to call a black kitten
  • Basic criteria for choosing a nickname

    When choosing the most suitable nickname for your black pet, you must be guided by the following criteria:

    • The name should be easy to pronounce and consist of 2-3 syllables. There is no need to give cats names that are difficult for the owner to pronounce or difficult for the animal to remember.
    • It is necessary to choose a euphonious nickname so that the kitten’s owners do not have to blush while loudly calling the animal by name.
    • In order for the baby to perceive his name well, it must contain hissing and whistling sounds.
    • Take into account the color of the coat, eyes, character traits (playfulness, equanimity, laziness) and the gender of the kitten.
    • The name must correspond to the baby’s breed, so as not to give him a nickname that is characteristic only of a certain breed of cat, for example, Scottish.
    • Choose a universal nickname that suits your pet at any age.

    The ideal names chosen for four-legged babies should please both them and their owners.

    The chosen name should please the kitten

    Popular and beautiful nicknames for kittens with black fur

    Beautiful and common nicknames intended for cats will help you find a suitable name for your pet. Kittens with black coat color can be given the following names:

    • Simple ones - Murzik, Murka, Vaska, Barsik, Mashka.
    • Russians - Kuzma, Tikhon, Epifan, Yakov, Maria, Daria.
    • By coat color - Blackie, Schwartzik, Noir, Ugolyok, Gypsy, Sazhka, Smolka, Spanka, Find, Naitik, Africa, Afri, Negra.
    • From countries where dark-skinned and black-eyed people live - Carmen, Consuelo, Conchitta, Juan, Alejandro, Pancho, Dolores, Lorenzo, Mucho.
    • Mysterious, mysterious - Magic, Bagheera, Priest, Mystic, Darling, Kolyadka, Vorozhka, Misty.
    • Depending on character and temperament - Jazzy, Jazzman (for bright, sparkling natures). A real sleepyhead can be called by the name of the god of sleep - Morpheus, Morphy; temperamental, vengeful pussies - Fury, Fury, Furor; cats and cats with a balanced character - Ebony. An important, proud cat would be given the name Hussar, Marquis, Sultan; the thief and mischief maker's nicknames are Hooligan, Zhigan; energetic animals - Spark, Rocket, Shustrik, Energetik. For those who love good food, you can choose the names Hamster, Obzhorka, Dumpling.
    • Starting with the letter “Ch” - Chernysh, Chernyshka, Chernyavka, Chernushka, Chui, Chichi. Chucho, Sorcerer, Miracle, Miracle Man, Enchantress.

    The black cat can be called Blackie

    Figures for success and wealth

    If there are obstacles to having an animal in the house, it is enough to purchase a small figurine with the image of a cat and hieroglyphs meaning good luck and wealth.
    A talisman with a raised paw (Maneki-Neko) can significantly increase existing successes and open the way to new opportunities; it serves as a symbol of financial prosperity. This figurine is very popular in China and Japan. A porcelain or ceramic Feng Shui cat with a raised left paw attracts money, visitors to stores, and to guests' homes. When the figurine’s right paw is raised, the talisman protects the wealth already in the house. According to Feng Shui, the money cat needs to be placed in a certain place, then its properties will manifest themselves to the maximum:

    Cats and cat sculptures tend to fit into space so organically that they seem to be an inseparable symbol of comfort and harmony.

    The cat uses the mysterious power given by nature, the ability to be a conductor of the vital energy of the universe, for the benefit of the people in whose house it lives. The Maneki-Neko symbol will also help protect the home, bring peace and harmony to it, giving both good luck and wealth, averting troubles and misfortunes. By presenting such a figurine with good wishes to relatives or friends, they help people fill their homes with positive energy and make life successful and harmonious.

    Names for black cats girls with meaning

    The black cat is often considered a creature endowed with mystical powers. To enhance them, the names of objects used as amulets and amulets are used in the nickname of this animal. The names of precious (semi-precious) stones are associated with the color black, so nicknames with meaning for cats can be:

    • Agate, in accordance with the agate stone, relieves insomnia, nightmares, and stress.
    • Jet. This is the name of a coal-black stone that protects against damage, the evil eye, and evil spirits.
    • Augita (by the name of the mineral) - to attract good luck and money to the house.

    Since black cats are considered mystical symbols, they are often given beautiful Japanese names with a specific meaning:

    • Aiko (Aika), the meaning of the name is beloved.
    • Miyako (Miya) – means child of the night.
    • Akiko (Akita) – autumn.
    • Amayo (Amaya), its meaning is rainy night.
    • Hoshi (Hoshina) – asterisk.

    A suitable name for a black cat is Mia - child of the night

    Russian names can also be cat names:

    • Asya, it means a city dweller.
    • Angela is interpreted as angelic.
    • Violetta, its meaning is violet.
    • Vasilisa is regal.
    • Darina, she is a winner.
    • Elizabeth is God's oath.
    • Kira is a mistress.
    • Kaleria is hot.

    Animal names

    As stated earlier, your pets' names have meaning. The names of cats, according to the horoscope and Feng Shui, should be as consonant as possible with the names of their owners. It is this consonance that makes it possible to establish a strong energy-type connection between the owner and his pet. By naming cats correctly, you can increase the effectiveness of its impact on one or another area of ​​the owner’s life.

    According to Eastern philosophical concepts, a cat is considered a symbol that attracts good luck and is associated with the secrets of the Universe. Her image in the form of a figurine with a raised paw is placed at home and in the office to attract happiness and wealth, and the sculpture should be placed in the south-eastern (wealth zone) part of the room. Such a figurine attracts well-being and protects the house and all its inhabitants from misfortunes.

    The basis of the philosophy of Feng Shui is the concept of the life energy Qi circulating according to its own laws, which is inherent in any objects, living beings and space. The entire material world appears as a manifestation of this invisible energy, as a combination of its five forms:

    The teachings of Feng Shui help to make the living space harmonious, having the ability to attract positive energy into the home and reflect negative energy, to live according to the rules of nature.

    Chi energy fills all living and nonliving things, moving according to given laws. The flow of energy, according to Feng Shui, must flow in a certain rhythm, not stagnate, and have the strength to overcome obstacles. With the correct and continuous circulation of energy in the universe, mechanisms are activated that give good luck and happiness.

    A cat, moving around the house, sets in motion and aligns energy flows.

    She neutralizes stagnant areas with games, sitting in them and licking herself. Cats move streams, jumping from above, open closed doors, eliminating obstacles to the flow of universal energy.

    The apartment may have problem areas of different origins, caused by:

    In places where flowers and people feel bad, energy stagnates, and cats become a neutralizer of these zones. Of course, you don’t need to rely only on the animal, because it can get sick by absorbing a lot of bad energy. It is better to follow the advice of Feng Shui, eliminate clutter at home, throw away broken things, cracked dishes, to give life-giving energy room to move in every corner of the home.

    Names for black cats boys with meaning

    Cats can also be called by names that reflect the names of precious stones and carry a certain meaning:

    • Onyx. The black mineral of the same name removes spells and helps to acquire and increase wealth.
    • Morion. Black quartz with this name absorbs negative energy, transforming it into positive.
    • Carbonado, named after the black diamond.

    Japanese names with meanings are also suitable for cats:

    • Honte is a leader.
    • Hotaru (Hotar), otherwise - firefly.
    • Atsuko (Atsuk), meaning - warm.
    • Daiti means smart, intelligent.
    • Naoki (Nao) – correct.
    • Kyoko, its meaning is a happy baby.
    • Nari, equivalent to thunder.
    • Sin, interpreted as real.
    • Tsukiko (Tsuko) – lunar.

    The cat can be called by Russian names with the meaning:

    • Bogdan means given by God.
    • Grigory, otherwise - not sleeping.
    • Stepan, this name means wreath.
    • Trofim is the breadwinner.
    • Timothy is a person who worships God.

    A black cat can be given the name Stepan, Stepashka

    Such names with a certain meaning given to black kittens will emphasize not only their color, but will also make their owners real magical protectors.

    Names of black cats and cats depending on breed

    For black pets, nicknames can be chosen in accordance with the breed of these animals:

    • Persians can be called Persis, Persian, Pierce, Peach.
    • Scottish Fold - Shotty, Scotty, Sheba, Folly. Cattle
    • Devon Rex kittens - Hamlet, Rex, Batman, Elf, Schnapps, Fly, Chip, Dixie.
    • American Curls - Oscar, Zidane, Jimmy, Floris, Tessa, Condor.
    • Siberian cats and cats - Aramis, Mars, Boys, Perseya, Nevka, Sima.
    • Kurilian Bobtails - Raven, Voodoo, Corby, Mocha, Ombre, Chai.

    Photo gallery: cat names according to breed

    The Persian black cat can be given the nickname Persian

    A suitable name for a Scottish Fold kitten is Scotty.

    The Devon Rex cat can be called Chip, and the cat can be called Rex

    A suitable name for a black American Curl is Jimmy.

    Siberian cat will love the name Aramis

    The Kurilian Bobtail can be called Mocha

    Foreign nicknames

    Foreign nicknames are suitable for cats and black cats.

    Male kittens can be called:

    • Black (black, in English).
    • Negro (black, English).
    • Dark (dark, English).
    • Schwartz (black, German).
    • Noir (black, French).
    • Nero (black, Italian).
    • Musta (black, in Finnish).
    • Corby (dark-haired, English).

    A black kitten can be given a foreign name: Dark, dark

    Nicknames for girls:

    • Schwartz (black, German).
    • Nori (black, French).
    • Tumma (dark, in Finnish).
    • Darky (dark, English).
    • Mavra (black, Greek).
    • Melanie (dark, Greek).
    • Leila (born at night, Arabic).

    A suitable name for a black cat is Mavra - black in Greek

    Traditional nicknames

    These are the names black cats most often receive:

    • Abracadabra;
    • Alakazam;
    • Ash;
    • Ashley;
    • Asher;
    • Ashton;
    • Batman;
    • Black Bart;
    • Blackie;
    • Black Jack;
    • Black Magic;
    • Black Top;
    • Carbon;
    • Koala;
    • Crow;
    • Darth Vader;
    • Diablo;
    • Dirtball;
    • Dask;
    • Ebony;
    • Eclipse;
    • Evil;
    • Grimalkin;
    • Focus;
    • Immortal;
    • Inc;
    • The Incas;
    • Jet;
    • Lucifer;
    • Magic;
    • Minas;
    • Midnight;
    • Mystery;
    • Mystic;
    • Nevermore;

    This is Jet:

    • Knight;
    • Knight Rider;
    • Ninja;
    • Obsidian;
    • Omen;
    • Onyx;
    • Phantom;
    • Raven;
    • Salem;
    • Shade;
    • Shadow;
    • Smudge;
    • Spooky;
    • Spot;
    • Tarmak;
    • Voodoo;
    • Wicca;
    • Wizard.

    In front of you is kitten Knight:

    Cool nicknames for cats and black cats

    You can give a black cat or kitty a cool nickname:

    • contrasting name - Lady, Madame, Snowflake, Fortune, Snow;
    • nicknames reflecting the names of cars, computers and other equipment - Audi, Mazda, Ford, Flash Drive, WiFi, Mouse, SMS;
    • other funny names - Chimney Sweep, Dirty, Monkey, Gorilla, Pepper, Brandy, Funnel, Chekushka, Mop, Piggy, Yozhka, Chuchundra, Zhmurka, Klusha, Hug, Furik, Ink, Shurshik.

    The black cat can be funny called Shurshik

    My family has a big, black, fluffy cat called Barsik, whose short name is Basya. It should be noted that he is happy with his nickname and responds well to it.

    Safety precautions or what not to call a pet.

    I don’t argue, it’s cool to name your cat: Shish kebab or Pelmen, Mouse or Pomoika, Piglet or Piglet. Yes, it’s funny, cool, but if you think about it, our animals, in many ways, are an expression of our attitude towards life, towards ourselves, towards people, and towards everything! After all, if a person is cruel to animals, then most likely he is cruel to those around him (to loved ones or even strangers). And if you also name your (unfortunate) animal: Creepy, Reptile, Demon, Screwdriver (alcoholic mixture), Gnaw, Lace, Work (from the word “slave”), Kronos - (and imagine, some of their cats also call their cats with such nicknames) , so, in this case, you don’t expect anything good, either from an animal or from life. Why is that? Yes, because everything that surrounds us quite strongly and actively influences us, both inanimate and naturally animate. Well, if you call your cat, for example, the cool nickname “Chaos,” then you will get (believe me), in relationships, in business, in life, only chaos and confusion, etc., etc. So don’t call your mustachioed and tailed ones: Smog, Ash, Tyrant, Brawler, Seth (desert god), Lucifrif, Godzilla, Wasabi, Sprat, Whiskas or even Bastard (!) - no need, no need to spoil your beloved aura, karma, your body, your soul and of course your beautiful, bright, wonderful life. And you should also not name your pet in honor of your friend or any other person, this will not bring anything good, neither to you, nor to the pet, nor to the person in whose honor the nickname is.

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