Dry cat food - their rating, types and features

animal proteins. A cat easily digests animal meat, while absorbing nutrients and fats. However, it processes carbohydrates with difficulty.

The cat's diet must be balanced, that is, combine a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

To maintain this balance necessary for the animal and make life easier for pet owners, there are several types of food.

In total, there are four classes of food for cats:

  1. Economy class.
  2. Premium class.
  3. Super premium.
  4. Holistics.

The classification is given in ascending order. The higher the class, the more expensive the food and, as a rule, it is more healthy and balanced, that is, it is better absorbed by the animal’s body.

Economy class food

The most famous manufacturers of economy-class cat food

Economy class cat food is one of the lowest quality types, but is extremely popular among pet owners. They are sold in any grocery store and are actively advertised on TV. And also the price of such food is very attractive, no more expensive than a loaf of bread. However, manufacturers do not indicate the full composition on food packaging: there is no information about the type of meat and cereals.


  • use of low-quality raw materials: by-products, low-quality cereals (corn, wheat), cellulose, protein of plant origin;
  • unscrupulous manufacturers may add mint, thereby causing the animal to become addicted to this harmful product;
  • the food contains no or insufficient amino acids, vitamins, and minerals necessary for the cat;
  • use of dyes and preservatives.

Due to the lack of balanced food, the cat will constantly feel hungry and lethargic; subsequently, the animal’s digestion may be impaired, and the condition of the coat will deteriorate. In the future, chronic diseases of the urinary system and gastrointestinal tract may develop.


  • low price;
  • Availability for purchase in any store.

However, these advantages are questionable, since an unbalanced and unhealthy diet exposes the cat to constant hunger, and, accordingly, to the consumption of more food. If an animal becomes ill due to poor quality nutrition, unexpected visits to a veterinary clinic and expensive treatment may be prescribed to the animal.

Rating of premium dry cat food:

  1. Royal Canin is one of the most popular manufacturers, supplying the market with a wide range of products;
  2. PurinaProPlan;
  3. Hills is a renowned manufacturer of industrial pellets with a wide range of products;
  4. Natural Choice;
  5. Belcando;
  6. Brit is also a popular food that has won the trust of many cat owners;
  7. Happy Cat;
  8. Advance;
  9. Matisse.

Royal Canin, Brit and Hills stand out from this list. Experts often classify them as super-premium pellets, since these manufacturers have a large assortment of medicinal foods in their product line. But you need to choose the food that was packaged and produced in Europe. They monitor quality better and control all products. In Russia there is no such control yet.

Premium food

The most famous premium food manufacturers

The premium class category has the highest price and the least availability from the economy class, but has clear advantages.

The diet of this food contains elements necessary for cat health and does not contain harmful additives. Some manufacturers include unnatural dyes and preservatives, but usually in small quantities.

Feed composition:

  • meat and its processed products are contained in larger quantities and exceed a quarter of all products used;
  • grains and vegetables feed - at least a quarter;
  • animal proteins such as milk, eggs and others, slightly less than 25%;
  • animal by-products (heart, kidneys, lungs) at least 10%;
  • complex of vitamins and minerals;
  • amino acids;
  • natural antioxidants.

A healthy cat is a happy cat

Many manufacturers produce lines of veterinary food, taking into account the characteristics of pets: age (kittens, adults, elderly); weight (dietary feed); breeds (British, Maine Coon, Bengal and others); for the treatment and maintenance of health in a specific area (urinary, digestive system, kidney failure), for spayed and neutered pets. Conscientious producers have their own feed production standards that meet the necessary requirements.

The nutritional value of this type of food is very high and the cat will remain full from eating a small amount of it. The usefulness and value of the food will give the cat energy and stamina. His coat will be healthy and shiny.

However, when choosing even premium food, you need to pay attention to the composition. There should be more meat and no products such as sugar, cellulose, artificial colors and sweeteners. But some manufacturers also add gluten to this category of food, which is used as a cheap filler.

Premium food is sold mainly in specialized stores, but you can also find it sold in supermarkets. A package of food has an average cost - approximately the same as a liter of milk. But for the health of your pet, it is worth paying.

Cat food reviews

Below are reviews of all types of cat food.

Economy class cat food - reviews

Gennady : “Dry food “Meow” - cheap and merciless! Yes, the food is convenient for even a small kitten’s teeth, because the granules themselves are microscopic and quite soft. This is the very plus where all good things end. The “Meow” package arrived in our house by accident - we were just passing by a promotional point and accidentally won this thermonuclear food. The cat attacked him, which is typical for cheap food. But by evening she began to vomit, and the feces smelled terribly unpleasant. The vomiting continued on the second day. Only then did we realize that the ill health was associated with “Meow” and began to feed the cat the usual food. The vomiting stopped instantly! The experiment with cheap food failed.” Margarita : “They shouldn’t criticize cheap food. Our experience with Darling is proof of this. My principle is to alternate food and monitor the amount of drink. I can’t say that my cats don’t get sick, but so far veterinarians have never linked illnesses to food. Therefore, I can recommend Darling with a pure heart.”

Premium cat food - reviews

Miroslava : “Different sources classify Royal Canin either as premium food or as super-premium. I found options there for both my pregnant cat and subsequently – for a sterilized cat, and for a picky one. And this is all, by the way, about the same cat))). There have never been any problems with digestion or constipation - the stool is normal, regular, the coat (I have a Persian breed) is shiny, and the look is mischievous and cunning. She eats the food that is used to prevent urolithiasis without appetite, but still, once a year I definitely feed her a pack of this food!”

Andrey : “Have you ever eaten ostrich meat? I don’t, but our cat does regularly! I buy premium Bosch Sanabelle Adult in large quantities (10 kg each). The packaging is zippered and comes with a measuring cup. The food is expensive, but little is consumed per day, so it seems to me that this is a case of expensive but cheap. The cat has been feeling great on Bosch for five years now. The obvious positives are the absence of acute periods of shedding and the fact that the food helps remove hairballs from the intestines.”

Ekaterina : “I needed dietary food for my cat and the veterinarian advised me to try Hill’s food for weight correction.
I bought Hill's Prescription Diet Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution to try first in a small pack (250 grams). It turned out to be extremely difficult to force a cat, who had been eating natural food for 6 years and had gained 8 kg, to switch to ready-made food. Like all super-premium food, Hills does not have an attractive aroma and taste. Therefore, Timoshka literally starved himself for three days, but then the fortress fell and little by little Timofey began to gnaw on Hills’ croquettes. Apparently, he doesn’t like the food so much that the cat doesn’t eat at the bowl and is losing weight. Mission Possible!".

Super premium food

The most famous super-premium manufacturers

Food in this category is mainly used by breeders and owners of show cats. These feeds contain the entire complex of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as essential minerals, vitamins and amino acids in balanced quantities. Better quality cereal products are used. The animal assimilates almost 95% of the feed, which means it stays full longer and receives all the necessary nutrients in the right quantity.

Feed composition:

  • more than half of meat and premium meat products;
  • quality offal;
  • There are no artificial colors, flavors, or flavor enhancers;

Manufacturers produce specialized food for the special needs of animals and for the prevention of various diseases. This category of food is sold in specialized stores and veterinary clinics. The price is quite high, but given the almost complete absorption of all nutrients by the animal, the amount of food will be significantly reduced.

Rating of holistic dry cat food:

  1. Orijen;
  2. Acana;
  3. Golden Eagle Holistic;
  4. GO and NOW Natural holistic;
  5. GRANDORF Natural & Healthy;
  6. Almo Nature Holistic;
  7. Gina Elite, etc.

Such food does not cause allergies in animals. Each component in the composition is designed to preserve the health of the animal and prolong life. When feeding, the pet receives all the necessary substances, which eliminates the need to purchase an additional vitamin and mineral complex. The ingredients are selected in such a way that they do not interfere with the absorption of each other. The cat owner needs to remember that feeding holistic granules should not be combined with other foods and, especially, with natural food. If you add meat or fish to the bowl in addition to holistic food, your pet will develop kidney problems, which will be caused by an excess of protein.

Holistic feed category

The most famous manufacturers of the holistic class

Holistic means “whole.” Food in this category is made exclusively from natural ingredients and is 100% digestible by animals. The food is as close as possible to what the animal eats in the wild.

Feed composition:

  • contains only meat from animals such as chicken, lamb, slaves and turkey;
  • no by-products;
  • natural additives are used: fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • vitamins and antioxidants, minerals;
  • natural live probiotics and enzymes that improve digestion;
  • without corn and wheat, but as cereals, white and brown rice are healthy for the animal.

Animals love the taste and smell of this food. It does not contain hormones, pesticides, flavoring additives, or artificial colors. All ingredients are used for the health of the animal, the beauty of its coat, physical energy and mood. The food is suitable for any age and breed of animal.

This category of feed is the most expensive. They are sold in specialized pet stores and veterinary clinics.

From personal experience

When we got a British Fold kitten, we immediately turned to the veterinarian for advice on many issues. Among them was the question of nutrition. In the first minutes of the conversation, the veterinarian indicated that it was not worth buying Friskas, Whiskas and similar cheap food for our baby (of course, if we don’t want to have a bunch of diseases at the end of the day). We were recommended Royal Canin, Hill's, Pro Plan and Brit. A little expensive, but it won’t cost our pet’s health and life. Subsequently, when the kitten got stronger and gained strength, we chose Brit.

Initially, we bought Royal Canin by weight; our growing baby devoured it at the speed of light. Feedback from the seller at the veterinary clinic regarding Royal Canin is only positive. She advised us to put the daily amount in a bowl so that the kitten would not think that he had run out of food, and he would not later pounce on a new portion. That's what we did. At first he tried to eat everything, but then he realized that he had enough food, no one was taking anything from him and he would not starve. So it happened that in the morning I pour him a cup of food, it lasts him until the night. He eats when he wants. There is always fresh water in the bowl.

As for 2 or 3 meals a day, we do not adhere to this principle. Because the cat just walks around and begs for food. And so, if there are granules in the plate, he comes up, eats about 3-5 pieces, washes it down with water and goes about his business. Everyone wins. It may be wrong, but the cat is used to eating this way. And he has no health problems.

Dietary feed

Some cats need to lose weight

Sometimes losing weight is necessary for your beloved cat to ensure its health. An increase in an animal's body weight is usually due to uncontrolled food consumption. A special food with a high level of protein and fiber will help cope with this.

Many manufacturers of various categories of food produce a line of dietary rations. Its composition is designed to reduce the pet’s weight and prevent a re-increase in body weight, that is, adjustments to the physiological processes of the animal.

IMPORTANT! Select dietary food only after consulting a veterinarian.

  • natural ingredients;
  • to maintain the balance of vitamins and minerals, choose food, both dry and liquid from the same manufacturer;
  • Dietary food cannot be economy class; you need to study the composition on the packaging. The composition should have a predominance of proteins and fiber and a reduced amount of carbohydrates. Economy class food uses low-quality cereals (carbohydrates), which will not help the animal lose weight;
  • Diet food should not be used for animals of normal weight, as it may lack some important elements;
  • It is necessary to ensure that your pet drinks more water.

Properly selected food will help your cat lose weight

Obesity of an animal puts additional stress on all internal organs, especially the heart, and reduces the animal’s mobility and activity. Dietary food will help return the animal to normal and not gain weight.

Advice and reviews from veterinarians

  • Do not under any circumstances mix ready-made food with natural products, this can lead to problems with the pet’s stomach and digestion;
  • If your cat eats dry food every day, he also needs to drink drinking water every day with his food;

  • In order for canned food to become more aromatic and tasty, they must be heated to 40oC;
  • If your pet is sick, use only medicated food;
  • Remember, cats like dry food that has smaller granules;
  • If you feed your pet natural products, never salt them. This may harm the pet;
  • Remember that if your animal is castrated (or sterilized) under no circumstances should it be given fish;
  • Raw meat can be consumed by animals, but only after refreezing;
  • Sausages and sausages, as well as pork, are strictly prohibited for cats.

In conclusion, I would like to note that no matter what food you choose for your pet, do not forget to provide it with clean drinking water. If you still find it difficult to choose food or diet for your pet, be sure to contact your veterinarian.

Feed composition data

Considering that cats are carnivorous animals, the main and most important ingredient in food is meat. It should occupy the first position in the composition of the feed on the packaging. Conscientious manufacturers indicate the percentage of each ingredient and their type.

Feed composition:

  • The first lines should be occupied by meat, indicating its type and percentage in the composition. He considers at least 25-30% to be the norm. Meat can be either natural or dehydrated. The composition may include meat meal or meat and bone meal. You should be wary if the ingredients are not deciphered, they may hide low-quality products;
  • offal, such as liver, lungs, kidneys, blood, bones and others, indicating the type of animal. These do not include: horns, hooves, teeth, hair, feathers;
  • further, cereals, fruits and vegetables are indicated. Their number in the composition is up to 30%. A higher quality feed will be indicated if cereals occupy the lower positions of the composition;
  • Grains that are healthy for cats include rice, flaxseed, barley and oats. Wheat and corn are the cheapest grains and can provoke allergic reactions in animals. Usually they are used to entrain the mass of food, and not for the benefit of feline predators. If such components are present in the composition, they should be located closer to the end of the composition list;
  • fats, indicating what type of animal and the percentage of their content in the feed;
  • it is permissible to use vegetable oils in food, such as flaxseed and sunflower;
  • As preservatives and flavorings, it is permissible to use natural products such as rosemary, citric acid, tocopherol - vitamin E, vitamin C.
  • Normally, protein in the feed is up to 36%. Above is a high-protein food (including dietary);
  • fats should not exceed 20%. A higher amount of fat is permissible in kitten food due to their rapid and active growth, but for obese cats - no more than 13%;
  • The level of ash in the feed is important. It acts as a mineral to improve digestion. The ideal ash level is 6-7%. Excessive above 10%. Normally it is considered to be from 7 to 9%;
  • minerals such as calcium and phosphorus should be within one, magnesium – from 0.1 to 0.8.
  • Vitamins must be present.

Cat food must be balanced

What should not be in food?

  • synthetic preservatives such as E320 (BHA, butyloxyanisole), Ethoxyquin (ethoxyquin), E321 (BHT, butyloxytoluene), Propylen glycol (propylene glycol), Propylgallate (propyl gallate). These substances cause allergies, liver disease and even cancer. For example, Propylen glycol - propylene glycol;
  • cellulose, brewer's yeast, it can cause allergies and digestive problems in the animal. These products are used to increase the volume of food;
  • artificial colors and flavors such as E127. They can cause disease in the pet's endocrine system;
  • sugar and sweeteners. They cause diabetes, obesity and tooth decay.

Artificial ingredients can cause allergic reactions in cats and impair their health

You should not trust foods that list ingredients in groups. The packaging must indicate the shelf life and conditions.

It is necessary to pay attention to the cat’s daily intake of food; if it is more, it means it is a lower quality product.

Feed classification

The division into classes helps the kitten owner to make the right choice in favor of the pet's health.

  • Economy class products - the composition of these products cannot please cat owners. The ingredients do not contain natural meat, fish or poultry; only bone meal and plant ingredients. The quality of such granules leaves much to be desired. This food seems attractive to cats only because of the presence of flavorings and flavoring additives.
  • Premium products - manufacturers use selected meat and fish to make pellets, containing minerals and vitamins in the required quantities. Corn is supplied here as a vegetable component. All ingredients contained in the composition have a veterinary certificate. A distinctive feature is economical consumption and high digestibility.
  • Super premium class products - only the highest quality ingredients become the basis of the granules. These include: salmon fillet, lamb, turkey, rice, egg, etc. The composition contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates in a balanced form. When consuming this food, the cat will receive everything it needs. Super premium products belong to a specialized and balanced diet.
  • Holistic class products are elite food that contains only environmentally friendly ingredients. The distinctive features of such products are excellent digestibility and high taste. In addition to the main components there are fruits, vegetables, and grains.

Before choosing dry cat food, you need to read numerous reviews from cat owners and experts. They may vary, but you need to draw your own conclusions. The best option is to consult a veterinarian regarding nutrition.

How to feed a cat correctly - general information

For your cat's health, well-being and energy, as well as to prevent obesity or disease, it is necessary to choose the right food, alternate liquid and dry diets and divide food intake into 3-4 meals a day, taking into account the peculiarities of leisure time. If a cat goes outside, then, accordingly, it spends more strength and energy on games and hunting. Stay-at-home pets, on the other hand, mostly sleep and lead a sedentary lifestyle.

To maintain balance, it is necessary to use high-quality food, preferably from the same manufacturer, and select it in accordance with the stage of the cat’s life, taking into account the following:

  • pregnancy and lactation - protein should predominate in the composition;
  • body weight – feed with a lot of protein and fiber;
  • health status - use manufacturers’ lines in accordance with the animal’s disease or prevention of such diseases;
  • age - a line of food for kittens, adult and elderly cats;
  • variety of breeds - rulers for different types of breeds, taking into account the features of development and structure;
  • activity level.

It is necessary to choose the right diet for cats

Cats are very selective and capricious. They will not eat food that is spoiled or too cold, and will select and exclude large pieces in liquid food, so it is necessary to monitor their behavior and prevent food spoilage. It is necessary to supply clean water at room temperature and change it at least 2 times a day.

For woolly animals that are actively engaged in licking themselves, probiotics and prebiotics are needed in the food composition, which accelerate the process of removing hairballs from the body that it consumed during washing.

If the pet owner insists on feeding natural products rather than balanced food, then it is not easy to comply with and combine all the necessary elements for the animal; the process of absorption of nutrients will increase. In any case, feeding the animal what is left over from the dinner of family members is prohibited. Cats have difficulty digesting carbohydrates that humans consume in large quantities.

Absolutely forbidden:

  • legumes, onions, garlic;
  • salted, smoked, spicy and fried foods;
  • food with spices;
  • pastries, sweets.

With natural homemade food, it should include:

  • 60-70% meat: chicken, turkey, veal, beef, lamb, rabbit - raw or boiled;
  • offal: heart, lungs, stomachs, liver, tongue - boiled;
  • fermented milk products: cottage cheese, kefir;
  • eggs;
  • boiled sea fish;
  • vegetable and animal fats;
  • greens, vegetables, grains, cereals.

It is quite difficult to take into account all the needs of an animal in homemade natural food.

But balancing natural food for an animal and serving it in the right quantity is a financially and energy-consuming activity, since the animal has to cook separately.

Principles of cat nutrition: how to feed and how much to give?

Before switching their pet to industrial granules, many owners wonder: can cats eat dry food? The answer from the professionals: you can. But in moderation and following the recommendations.

The amount of dry cat food is indicated on the packaging from the manufacturer. It is strictly forbidden to overfeed your ward with such food. You can use premium dry cat food, but the diet should be monotonous. Unlike humans, cats do not require constant variety in their diet. Ideally, one food will last a lifetime. Tough, but true. The less variety in an animal's diet, the fewer health problems it will have. If the owner is satisfied with the state of health, fur, and teeth of the cat, then the best dry food for cats has been found, and there is no need to replace it with other granules.

If the owner has purchased dry cat food based on veterinarian reviews, he must remember several rules regarding the cat’s diet.

  • There must always be access to water. Ideally, the water in the bowl should be changed 1-2 times a day.
  • If you use holistic or super premium dry cat food, then you need to remove natural food from your pet’s diet.
  • The amount of food given depends on age, physical health, activity and breed characteristics. It is best to consult your veterinarian about the amount of kibble your cat should consume.
  • The cat should eat 2 or 3 times a day. If a pet wakes up its owner early in the morning, then the last meal can be moved to late evening.

Rating of the best manufacturers

Among economy class manufacturers there is no decent food for a complete and healthy diet for a cat, so it is not worth considering the rating of this category.

The best foods by composition in 2021

Feed rating in the form of a list dated April 2021, taking into account price, quality, feed composition:

  1. Orijen is a super-premium class, produced in Canada. The composition is balanced, with the absence of low-grade grains that contribute to animal obesity and allergic reactions.
  2. Innova Evo - premium class, made in the USA. It does not use grain and undergoes many quality checks during production. Balanced with cat nutrition in the wild.
  3. Canidae – holistic, USA manufacturer. Does not use corn grain, contains Omega6, Omega3, probiotics, herbs, vegetables and fruits.
  4. Acana – premium class, manufactured in Canada. No grains, instead a special variety of potato is used as carbohydrates. Contains more than 50% meat, as well as fruits and vegetables.
  5. Almo Nature is premium and holistic, produced in Europe and Canada. Natural composition, three quality checks are used during production.
  6. Superpet – super-premium class, made in the USA. Raw natural food made from 100% meat, with the addition of olive oil, quail eggs, vegetables and fruits. Ingredients are frozen, without preservatives, dyes or flavor enhancers.
  7. Pronature – holistic, made in Canada. Completely balanced diet, without low-quality grains.
  8. Bozita – super-premium, made in Sweden. Fresh fish and meat are used as ingredients.
  9. Josera – premium class, made in Germany. Meat is used as protein, however, corn gluten is indicated on the last lines of the composition, although not in large quantities.
  10. ProBalance – premium class, produced in Russia from a Danish concern. Good digestibility for animals according to veterinarians, medicinal herbs present, low price.
  11. Pro Plan – premium and super-premium class, made in the USA. Available in various varieties, with a good percentage of protein. But preservatives, flavorings and soy are added to the food. Chicken meat is mainly used. Good ratio of minerals, vitamins and amino acids.
  12. Royal Canin – premium class, made in France. Large selection for different cat characteristics, relatively affordable price. However, it contains preservatives and dyes from non-natural ingredients.
  13. Bosch Sanabelle – super-premium class, made in Germany. Chicken and turkey meat is used, no soy protein.
  14. Schesir is a super-premium class, made in Thailand and Europe. High content of natural meat, minerals, vitamins, use of exotic fruits.
  15. Hill's - super-premium, made in the USA and Holland. There is a line of healthy and therapeutic nutrition. Minerals and amino acids are balanced. However, the food contains a lot of vegetable protein and carbohydrates.

Types of ready-made feeds

Prepared cat foods are divided into three main types: dry food, wet food and canned food. Each type of feed has a certain value for the animal’s body.

Dry cat food

This food is the most popular and at the same time controversial food for cats. Until now, veterinarians cannot come to a consensus on the possibility of using dry food. Many people categorically do not accept it, but some, on the contrary, recommend its use.

Dry cat food is the most convenient, so to speak, cat food. You can pour it into a bowl and not worry about it disappearing or drying out. Dry food has a fairly affordable price. If you plan to feed your pet this type of food, you should purchase high-quality dry food. It is high-quality food that contains all the necessary substances for the cat’s body. In addition, dry cat food has a beneficial effect on their teeth.

High-quality dry cat food includes food from Natura Petfoods . These foods contain a low percentage of carbohydrates (7%) and a high percentage of protein (50%). This company produces brands such as EVO Turkey and Chicken Formula California Natural. Natura Petfoods foods contain chicken and turkey meat, rice, and chicken bone meal.

Of the cheaper dry foods, Natural Balance Ultra . The food is quite good and does not contain any preservatives. However, it should be noted that this food contains rapeseed oil, the benefits of which are controversial. Purina Cat Chow food also has a good composition. Consists of cornmeal and gluten, turkey or chicken by-products, beef fat and soybean meal.

Canned food for cats

This is the most favorite type of cat food among pets. There are a lot of varieties of canned food on the store shelf. Due to their relatively high price, these foods cannot be your pet's daily food.

Canned food for cats contains all the necessary components for complete nutrition of a pet, and is a real treat for them. The main advantages of canned food are sealed packaging and, of course, saving the cat owner’s precious time. Since canned food for cats is an excellent and worthy substitute for natural cat food.

Wet food

This is an average food between dry cat food and canned food. The nutritional value of these types of food is quite low, so they do not bring any benefit to the cat’s body. They contain a high content of soy protein and various chemical additives.

Wet food for cats looks like delicious meat or chicken pieces, which are covered in aromatic sauce. The food is packaged in portions, that is, one sachet of jelly is enough for approximately one feeding of the cat. Wet cat food is no less popular than canned food, which saves you time in preparing your cat's food.

The best quality wet food brands are Sheba, Hill's, Leonardo and Jams. From the cheaper ones, without worrying about the cat’s health, you can safely choose Zoogourman, Vaska or Four-Legged Gourmet.

There is also a black list of wet food . These foods, according to veterinarians, are not even worthy of attention. These are brands such as Whiskas, Darling, Gourmet, Kitekat, Mon Ami, Friskies, Edel Cat, as well as Oscar cat food.

When choosing food for your pet, do not forget that when using dry food every day, the cat’s diet should be diversified with other foods (canned food, wet or natural products) for the healthy and active development of your pet.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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