When is the best time to spay a cat: pros and cons of each age

When we bring an animal into our home, we, of course, understand that it requires proper care and satisfaction of at least basic needs. And there are so many of them! This includes food, drink, and healthy sleep. What else? Come on, let's remember the school biology course! What else is included in the functions of any living organism? That's right, reproduction.

Of course, male cats mate not only to produce offspring, but also to satisfy carnal desires. Kittens are already a consequence of such cases. And what about the endless purring and cat screams during heat! What should a cat owner do if his pet terrorizes the entire family with her desire to happen to the cat? The most humane and effective method is sterilization of cats.

Why are cats sterilized?

The main reason for this is reproductive dysfunction, that is, the exclusion of unwanted offspring. With the help of this manipulation the number of animals is regulated. This is especially true these days, because kittens often join the ranks of homeless animals or are subject to killing. And the last thing is an inhumane attitude towards our smaller brothers.

Sterilization of cats

Spaying and neutering pets helps resolve the issue of aggressive behavior during hormonal activity. After all, animals at this time become restless and can react violently to everything that happens. Male cats acquire a persistent, specific smell and mark everything around them, ignoring the litter box.

Important: the likelihood of diseases of the reproductive organs, including tumor processes in girls, increases, therefore sterilization is a method for preventing such.

And a little about secrets.

The story of one of our readers, Irina Volodina:

I was especially distressed by my eyes, which were surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and puffiness. How to completely remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes? How to deal with swelling and redness? But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person more than his eyes.

But how to rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radio lifting, laser facelift? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when will you find time for all this? And it's still expensive. Especially now. Therefore, I chose a different method for myself.

The question of whether it is possible to sterilize a pregnant cat arises at least once before every lover of these cute animals. The fact is that from the moment an animal reaches puberty, its owner gets a whole bunch of problems. These are loud “concerts” at night, inappropriate behavior of the cat, as well as unplanned offspring that will need to be placed somewhere. An operation such as sterilization can help solve these very inconvenient issues.

Pros and cons of sterilization

Castration of a cat is an abdominal operation that violates the integrity of the body. After the procedure, stitches are placed, which require careful care. Castration of cats is not such a complicated operation, less traumatic.

Attention: at what age are cats castrated? This should be done no earlier than 7 months and no later than 7 years. But it is better to carry out the procedure before the onset of sexual heat in the animal.

Sterilization of cats

Before sterilizing your cat, it is important to familiarize yourself with all the nuances of the operation.

Positive sides:

  • no unwanted offspring;
  • there is no need to regulate sexual cycles with hormonal drugs;
  • the character becomes calm and flexible;
  • the risk of diseases of the reproductive organs and mammary gland tumors is reduced;
  • life expectancy increases;
  • quality of life improves;
  • the risk of losing a pet due to its desire to run outside is reduced;
  • Cohabiting with a sterilized cat becomes more comfortable, as vocal activity decreases.

Negative sides:

  • metabolism slows down. High risks of obesity;
  • the risk of kidney stones increases. This point is directly related to the previous one, since metabolism in a cat’s body slows down;
  • complications after anesthesia are possible;
  • unvaccinated animals can catch the infection in the clinic;
  • The postoperative period lasts up to 2 weeks. During this time, you need to monitor the pet's condition;
  • an increase in the animal's appetite. There is a need for a diet;
  • any manipulation of a cat is stressful for it;
  • restoration of reproductive function is no longer possible.

Sterilization of cats

At what age are cats spayed? It is advisable to do this after 7 months and up to a year of the pet’s life.

Methods for sterilizing cats

Sterilization and castration

Castration is the partial or complete removal of an animal's reproductive organs. For example, an oophorectomy involves the removal of the ovaries, and an ovariohysterectomy involves the removal of the ovaries and uterus. As a result, the reproductive function of the body is disrupted, the formation of eggs and excessive hormonal activity stops. Castration of any cat involves the complete removal of the testes.

During sterilization, the fallopian tubes are ligated, while the internal organs function as usual, but the cat will not be able to become pregnant.

Sterilization of cats

Tubal occlusion

This method does not solve problems with the animal’s behavior. Hormonal activity remains the same. The essence of the operation is to ligate the fallopian tubes. When the operation is performed at an early age, the threads dissolve as the cat grows and the desired effect may not be achieved.

Chemical temporary castration of cats

You can sterilize a cat with tablets, drops, injections, etc. The main component of the drug is hormones that suppress the animal’s sexual activity.

Important: frequent use of medications leads to the formation of cysts, tumors of the mammary glands, reproductive organs and other diseases, for example, pyometra (purulent inflammation of the uterus).

Surgical methods of sterilization

The most common methods:

  1. Classic - incision along the abdominal line. The skin and abdominal cavity are cut and full access to the internal organs is opened. But this method requires long rehabilitation and suture care.
  2. Lateral incision of the abdominal wall. The least traumatic way.
  3. Laparoscopic method. One or more punctures are made in the abdominal wall and the operation is performed using laparoscopic equipment.

Take care and follow up: features of preparation and care

Even if you miss the moment and the cat chews the stitches, disaster will not happen - at least that’s what doctors convince. The incision made by the veterinarian is about 1 centimeter. If it is necessary to remove the uterus, it is dilated, but if this reproductive organ is healthy, this is not necessary.

photo from the site: Simple-fauna.ru

photo from the site: Simple-fauna.ru

The owner should remember that the operation cannot be performed during estrus - the cat may lose a lot of blood. If a mature egg reaches the peritoneum, reproduction will begin. The result will be continuous estrus - a nightmare for both the animal and its owners. The same scenario is possible if the veterinarian does not completely remove the ovary. The way out of the situation is to constantly use hormonal contraceptives. Treatment for life is a real punishment for your pet and you, so prepare for sterilization, taking into account all the features of this procedure.

How to prepare a cat for sterilization?

Only healthy animals are subject to surgery. A month before, you need to give your cat all the necessary vaccinations. This is done to ensure that the animal does not contract an infection, since the body’s resistance may decrease in the postoperative period. But if there is no vaccination, then you should warn a specialist about this. In this case, the cat is given a special serum.

Sterilization of cats

The pet needs to be thoroughly treated for parasites within 10 days. But this is done if the previous treatment was no earlier than 1 month.

You should be on a fasting diet 10-12 hours before surgery. But water must be freely available.

Caring for your cat after surgery

The main thing in the postoperative period is to provide the animal with rest. Therefore, the pet should be put to sleep in a warm place without drafts, covered with a blanket. You should not place it on a sofa or other elevated surface, as the cat will lose coordination due to anesthesia after sterilization and may fall. It is worth refraining from feeding during the first day; you can give water after 4-6 hours.

You should seek help if your pet exhibits an inadequate reaction:

  • increase or decrease in temperature;
  • frequent vomiting;
  • fainting;
  • inflammation;
  • bleeding and suppuration of the suture;
  • belly that is hard to the touch.

Sterilization of cats

To prevent the cat from injuring the seam, she is given a special blanket. However, daily care and treatment is required.


Can a cat be spayed while in heat?

It is possible, but this is accompanied by complications: bleeding and a long rehabilitation period. This is due to the active blood supply to the reproductive organs during estrus. More careful care of the animal is required. But it is still worth operating 2 weeks before or after estrus. In exceptional cases, when estrus does not go away for a long time, sterilization is indicated.

Sterilization of cats

How is a cat sterilized?

First, the animal is given a painkiller injection. Fixed. Incisions are made to provide entry into the abdominal cavity, the ovaries and uterus are pulled out, and bandaged in the right places. The organs are then removed and stitches are placed.

How long does it take to sterilize cats?

From 30 minutes to 1 hour. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the cat.

Should a cat be allowed to give birth before being spayed?

No, you don't have to give birth. This can only harm your pet. Psychological signs of estrus or false pregnancy may appear, and this is unnecessary stress for the body.

Is it possible to sterilize a pregnant cat?

They do this for only one indication - a threat to the life of the animal. In other cases it is better to avoid it. Such an operation is fraught with complications and a long rehabilitation period.

Sterilization of cats

Should an adult cat be spayed?

An animal can be sterilized at any age in the absence of contraindications, unless procreation is planned.

Do I need to get vaccinations before sterilization?

Yes. About a month before the procedure. Because after sterilization, a cat can catch an infection in the clinic or from other animals.

Is it possible to sterilize a cat at home?

It is possible, provided the room is kept sterile.

At what age should a cat be neutered?

It is best to castrate an animal before puberty, but not earlier than 7 months and no later than 7 years.

Where is it better to perform the operation - in a clinic or at home?

In the clinic, doctors will be able to provide optimal conditions for the operation and, if there are any emergency situations, for example, respiratory or cardiac arrest, specialists will be able to quickly resuscitate the animal. At home, the doctor does not always predict the consequences of administering anesthesia and how much additional medicine or equipment is needed, but if you have a strong desire and the necessary conditions are provided, it is worth trying to carry out the manipulation at home.

Sterilizing a cat is the most humane method of dealing with unwanted offspring. The operation will prevent a number of diseases and correct the pet’s behavior. In order for your pet to have a long and happy life, it is important to follow the veterinarian’s advice after the manipulation and carefully care for your pet. On various forums on the Internet you can view live reviews from owners who have decided to undergo surgery.

Possible risks

How to calm a cat - options during heat and when she's mad

If the veterinarian answers positively to the question whether it is possible to sterilize a cat during heat, he is obliged to explain to the owner all the possible risks:

  • Significant enlargement of the uterus makes it difficult to remove it correctly from the animal’s body.
  • Sterilization and estrus can greatly impact the immune system if the animal is initially weakened or has chronic diseases.

If the procedure is carried out during estrus, it can provoke an exacerbation of gynecological diseases in the cat.

Surgery during estrus is not advisable

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