Gray cat with yellow eyes breed

Smoky colored cats are very popular. They are credited with mystical properties and superpowers, but the peculiarity of such cats is still their unusual appearance. The fur has the ability to change tone in different lighting: in the sun it shimmers with bright tones, and in twilight lighting it appears monochromatic. The smoky cat is a symbol of nobility and thoroughbred. These are real beauties who will not leave a single person indifferent. A variety of breeds with a “smoky” color will allow you to make a choice to your liking.

Smoky cat: breed overview

Australian smoky cat

This is a small animal with a distinct oriental appearance. Cats of this breed have short hair that does not lie tightly to the body. Their main feature is a special smoky coat pattern.

smoky cats

Breeding of these animals began in Australia in 1975. Breeders set a goal to develop a breed similar to the Burmese, but with a spotted coat.

For this purpose, a special selection program was developed. The Australian cat inherited its sociability, physique and four colors from its Burmese “sisters”. Abyssinian cats added two more colors, cheerfulness and ticking. It was not purebred tabbies who left a “inheritance” of the spotted pattern. The first kittens of the new breed were born in January 1980. At first they were called spotted-smoky. Eight years later (in 1998), the breed became known as the Australian Smoky.

The breed was fully recognized only in Australia. It is considered very rare in the world.

Owner reviews

You can leave your reviews about the Australian Mist breed, other users will be interested: In our country, the Austrian Mist is quite difficult to find. While an incredibly large number of reviews can be found about other breeds, information from Australian Mist owners is minimal. The breed is common in Australia, the USA, and some European countries.


“I’m proud of my beauty, because she is truly exclusive. They brought it to me from Australia as a birthday present. The best friend. Loyal, affectionate, understanding, loving. He doesn’t go outside and doesn’t suffer from it. He limits himself to going to the balcony and watching what is happening at the window. For 3 years I have not been sick with anything, my health is good, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract occasionally occur. This happens when changing food. Then the body gets used to it, everything is fine.”


“I’ve been waiting for the Australian Mist for six months. A handsome lilac-colored man came to see me. I immediately fell in love with her big, smart eyes. A creature of the kindest disposition. Living soft toy. The little niece is simply crazy about him. And he is not indifferent to her. He understands perfectly. He doesn’t climb on tables, he was already trained to the tray, all that was left was to show him the place where to look for him. Funny, active. I went everywhere, even got into a bag of flour. Silent, meows occasionally. You won't hear his voice. We also pleased our mother.”


Asian smoky cat

These are gentle and affectionate creatures that need the attention and care of their owner. Asian smoke cats are very smart. So, they quickly understand what can be done in the house and what actions should never be performed.

smoky cat breed

That is why the Asian gray smoky cat will not cause any trouble to its owners. They will only need to teach the kitten to order from an early age.

It is necessary to warn that the Asian breed of smoky cats is not suitable for owners who prefer their pet to act as a “cushion”. These animals are very active, do not like to sit still for a long time, and always find entertainment for themselves (and sometimes not the quietest).


According to the breeders, the Australian Mist has good health and is not affected by diseases inherent in other breeds. One can only envy their immune system.

Of course, one cannot overlook the fact that the conditions in which a smoky cat is kept also affect its life expectancy and health. And a wonderful gene pool will not help here.

The main thing is that you need to adhere to some rules:

  • balanced diet;
  • the quantity and quality of water and food must be normal;
  • maintaining a healthy indoor microclimate.

Additionally, there is no need to take the haze outside, since it spends its energy playing in the apartment. Please note that all vitamins and minerals must be present in the diet. In this case, the owner will be able to avoid serious health problems for the smoky cat. It should be noted that the Australian Mist is prone to obesity (look at the photos of overweight cats), so the owner should pay attention to the portion size.

American Ringtail

The history of this breed began only in 1998. In the small town of Fremont, a tiny kitten was found and named Solomon. Susan Manley came out to see the baby, interested in his unusual tail, curled over his back, like a Siberian husky.

smoky cats photos

Susan later found several more individuals with curled tails in the Fremont area. The woman decided to try to breed a new breed. To do this, she crossed her foundling with a domestic cat, which after some time gave birth to kittens with curled tails. However, their tails were not as tightly curled as their father's. Only in 2000, Solomon’s daughter gave birth to kittens with gray smoky fur, which could fully be called ringtails.

Despite the fact that specialists in Canada and the USA are actively involved in this breed, the American Ringtail is still a rather rare breed, which has been registered with TICA since 2005.

British cat

These are strong and large animals. Due to their masculine appearance, these smoky cats often become favorites of men.

gray smoky cat

The ancestors of this breed were ordinary short-haired cats. At one stage of breeding work, the blood of long-haired individuals was mixed into them to improve the general type.

As a result, a modern and now very popular breed appeared - large, broad-chested animals with a large head, stocky and short legs and large round paws. The most popular cats are smoky colored. The first British Shorthairs were presented at an exhibition in London in 1971.

The most beautiful gray and smoky rocks

The gray or smoky color of a cat's coat is a symbol of thoroughbred and nobility.

Under the sun, cats' fur coats can be blue or charcoal gray, and at dusk they can have a silver and platinum color.

British shorthair cat

The appearance of the British shorthair from Foggy Albion amazes with its beauty at first sight. The average weight of cats is from 4 to 6 kg. Sometimes there are representatives of the British up to 8 kg in weight. A large physique does not prevent cats from being dexterous and graceful.

British shorthair cat

The pet's fur is soft to the touch and appearance, similar to plush fabric. The deep gray color was passed on to the British cats from their ancestor - the Persian. Eye color varies from yellow to red-orange.

The temperament of British cats is Nordic. They are calm, balanced and patient.

Otherwise, the British are excellent nannies, steadfastly enduring the games of small children. Representatives of this breed are attached to their owners, but do not show excessive intrusiveness.

Most often, handsome British Shorthairs are bred for home keeping. Pets easily get along with other household members and brothers.


Representatives of Persian cats are radically different from their gray counterparts. The appearance of pets cannot help but make you fall in love with yourself. The majority of the bodies are medium to large. The weight of cats reaches 8 kg, but on average 5-6. Kitties are a little smaller – 3-4 kg. The structure of the head and the shape of the muzzle divides Persians into 2 types. Classic - the nose is shortened, but wide and has an upturned position. Extreme - the muzzle is flat, slightly depressed, and the nose is snub-nosed and small.


The coat can be short or long. It is soft to the touch and shiny in appearance. The eyes are round and the color varies in a wide range of blue and orange tones.

The character of Persian cats is willful, but without malice. They are adapted only for living at home; they cannot stay in the wild for long. They get along well with children and are moderately playful. They get along well with other animals only if they are of the same age. They quickly become attached to the owner, choosing only one family member. They need attention, affection and care. By temperament they are not aggressive, not loud.

External data

The British cat is compact, well proportioned, muscular and strong with short, muscular limbs. Round head on a short and thick neck. Wide skull, small ears. The muzzle is round, with a powerful and strong chin. Rounded forehead, straight nose, wide and short. The eyes are large, round in shape, set wide apart. The body is massive, squat and short, the chest is wide and deep. The tail is thick, of medium length, with a round tip.

The coat is thick, hard and short. It is desirable that the coat be so dense that when the animal moves it seems as if it is “breaking”.


Despite their courageous appearance, these smoky cats are very affectionate and have a wonderful easy-going character. They get along well with other pets. These animals are not very fond of jumping on cabinets: due to their massive physique, they are poor climbers, and some individuals are even terrified of heights. Representatives of the breed are balanced and intelligent, and do not have a strong temperament. British smoky cats, photos of which can now be found in a lot of printed publications about animals, are moderately active and playful. The animal is unpretentious and easily adapts to any living conditions.


According to one legend, the first representatives of this small breed of gray cats were brought to France during the Crusades. According to another version, they appeared as a result of targeted selection. If you believe this theory, then their ancestors are Pallas' cats and Egyptian cats. Be that as it may, Chartreuse received official recognition only in 1939.

Representatives of this breed of gray cats have a strong, dry body with a short neck and well-developed muscles. On the round, wide head of the Chartreuse are high-set ears and beautiful golden eyes. As for color, it varies from ashy to blue-gray.

These cats have a calm, silent character. They are very patient with children and show intelligent restraint towards strangers. Chartreux quickly adapts to any conditions and remains calmly alone. They are quite playful and retain this valuable quality until old age.

California Spangled

The name of this breed contains a word that in translation from English means “decorated with sparkles.” It is called California in honor of the American state in which it was bred.

smoky color cats

The smoky color of cats of this breed creates the feeling that they are actually covered in glitter. The initiative to create this uniquely beautiful creature belongs to Hollywood screenwriter Paul Casey.

Selection work started in 1971. The founder of the breed was a long-haired cat of spotted silver tabby color and an old-type Siamese cat. In the course of further work, the blood of Abyssinian, British Shorthair, American Shorthair, etc. was infused. In addition, outbred individuals also participated in the process.

Ten years later, breeders achieved the desired result, and Casey demonstrated the California Spangled in 1986 in the hope of convincing people not to exterminate wild animals that are so similar to their pets. These cats were registered with TICA in 1987.


Representatives of this breed of gray cats are considered descendants of the famous Russian Blue. Nibelungs are not very large animals. The average weight of an adult does not exceed five kilograms. They have a slightly elongated body with well-developed muscles and a long neck. On a small wedge-shaped head with a high forehead and a specific nose line, there are rectangular ears and expressive green eyes. The body of the Nibelung is covered with fine silky hair that is not prone to matting. The fur of these animals is always blue with a silver tint.

Representatives of this breed seem to be created for life in a confined space. They adapt well to being kept in small apartments, but if they are given complete freedom and a large fenced yard, they will behave like real hunters. Nibelungs are distinguished by their intelligent, peaceful disposition. These cats are not prone to competition with other animals.

Persian smoky

It must be said that the coat color of different cat breeds can vary significantly. For example, Persian smoky cats, photos of which are given in our article, have a gray-black contrasting coat. When at rest, the animal looks black, and when in motion, a silvery-white part of the fur appears.

smoky colored cats

Persian smoky cats can have varying widths of the light part - from a thin stripe on the legs and head, visible only upon close inspection of the coat, to almost silver-white hair on the collar, belly, ears and underside of the tail. The standard allows for a light silver M-shaped pattern on the head.

Features of care


Bearers of this color are quite fastidious in their care. Stress, unbalanced nutrition, dry air, liver disease, etc. lead to dullness, the appearance of spots, a reddish tint in color, and the formation of dandruff. Smokes have a thin, delicate undercoat. Some owners put it “like a cobweb.” It is important for them to carefully comb their fur and use special shampoos and conditioners. Moreover, hygiene products for black cats are not suitable for coal smoke, since they give a tinting effect, and for tipping the main thing is contrast. It is recommended to use AII SISTEM, Bio-Groom, WHITENING products, not forgetting an individual approach.

The wool does not tolerate open sun, it turns brown from ultraviolet radiation, and spots may appear.

Feeding and assistance

Such fluffies should not be fed algae.
Regarding nutrition, the following recommendations are made:

  • It is necessary to ensure sufficient dosage of vitamins A, E, D.
  • Avoid seaweed, liver, and foods containing yeast.
  • Limit prepared foods, as they often lead to contrast blurring.

If problems arise while caring for an animal, you need to seek help from a groomer. This is a specialist who will tidy up not only the fur, but also provide high-quality care for the pet’s eyes, ears, teeth, paws and claws so that it has a healthy and unsurpassed appearance, and while observing the animal, he will give individual recommendations on care and nutrition.

Siberian smoky

Unfortunately, there is no documentary evidence of when these beautiful furry creatures first appeared in Siberia. There is a version that they were brought by Russian settlers several hundred years ago. Finding themselves in a harsh climate, cats had to survive. It is quite obvious that only individuals with increased wool density were able to withstand such difficult conditions. From this we can conclude that nature itself formed the breed, using an infallible method - natural selection.

smoky cats

In addition, there is an opinion that wild forest cats, which passed on their genes to their offspring, also contributed to the formation of this breed. The Siberian cat is considered a native breed that was formed naturally. And the felinologists could only bring to perfection what Mother Nature had planned.

Animals of this breed have different colors - from solid to two- and three-color. According to lovers of this breed, smoky cats are especially attractive. Moreover, in this breed there are such varieties as “blue smoke”, “black smoke”, “red smoke”, etc.

In conclusion, I would like to say that no matter what breed the smoky cats are, the main thing is that they are loved and welcome in your home.

Scottish lop-eared

These animals are very similar to the British. They appeared due to a random mutation. The Scots have a small, powerful body with well-developed muscles and a broad chest. On the rounded head of these animals there are large eyes and ears curved forward and down. Their body is covered with thick, short and very soft hair. As for the color, it can be anything, including blue, red, lilac and chocolate.

Having figured out what breed a gray cat with unusual floppy ears is, you need to mention its character. Scots are very friendly and affectionate creatures that need constant attention. They quickly get used to their owners and do not require special care.

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