How to understand that a cat loves you - signs of your pet's feelings

Signs of cat love

Representatives of cats express emotions each in their own way. Some signs of affection are identified at first sight, others need to be learned to notice. The main thing is to listen carefully and observe the behavior of your pet.

Representatives of felines express emotions each in their own way

The brought kitten begins to look closely at all the members of the new family and choose its owner. He may love the rest or be neutral towards him, but one person will be his master. It is not necessarily the one who gives the food who cleans the tray.

Manifestations of cat sympathy are divided into several groups:

  1. Sound signs: meowing and purring.
  2. Visual: prolonged eye-to-eye contact, squinting.
  3. Behavioral: meets, gets underfoot, sleeps next to the owner, raises its tail up, lies with its belly up, tramples on different parts of the human body. Hugs with paws, licks, bites, caresses. Shares prey, toys, shows patience, stays nearby if the owner is sick.

Cat meows and purrs

Cats can be silent or talkative. Silent pets rarely make any sounds. They meow for attention only to express a request or demand.

Talkative cats accompany any action with various variants of meowing: from the banal “meow” to the dissatisfied “myr”, not wanting to be ignored, asking for affection.

By the intonation of sounds, you can determine what your pet is expressing:

  • complaint;
  • requirement;
  • discontent;
  • fear;
  • love and tenderness.

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When a cat purrs, she shares her good mood, love, and thanks for the food she liked . When a pet squints its eyes with pleasure and licks its hands, there is no doubt about its affection.

When a cat purrs, she shares her good mood, love, and thanks for the food she liked.

The sounds made by cats have a wide range of sounds: from a calm, quiet purr to a loud, eloquent purr. This is how pets show affection towards family members. When a pet purrs while lying next to you, sitting on your lap, it expresses its friendliness and tenderness.

If purring resembles a hum going throughout the body, then this is a clear expression of cat love.

Proposal to divide the spoils

Cats are predatory animals, hunters. Chasing toys, beams of laser keychains, birds, mice, they satisfy their hunting instincts.

Having caught a mouse or bird, the pet brings the catch home to “feed” the person less successful in the hunt, expressing gratitude. A caring animal must be praised, otherwise offense is guaranteed.

There are breeds of cats that take water treatments with great pleasure, but in general, animals do not like water.

Many owners can tell stories of how a cat approached a person lying in the bathtub, looked with eyes full of horror and screamed heart-rendingly, afraid that he would drown. A caring attitude is shown towards the entire family.

Biting and rubbing

A caring attitude is shown to the entire family.
The pet climbed onto its knees, stood on its hind legs, hugged the neck with its front paws and bit the cheek, nose or lips - this is the highest manifestation of love. Cats only bite their owner. The remaining members of the family receive such tenderness extremely rarely.

When an animal rubs its muzzle against its legs, arms, or face, this does not mean that it marks a person as property.

On the animal’s head there are secretory glands that secrete substances that make it possible to mark members of its pride with an individual scent.

Such signs of cat tenderness, even bites, are evidence of love, gratitude and trust in the people around you.

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Sleeping with the owner

Each pet has its own place in the room to sleep and rest. A loving cat will definitely come to sleep with its owner at night, after going around all the family members and purring them a good night song. This is a show of affection.

Trampling on different parts of the owner's body

An accurate sign of a cat's affection is “stomping,” when the cat shifts from paw to paw and slightly extends its claws. This behavior is developed at an early age, when kittens stimulate the flow of milk from the mother cat.

An accurate sign of a cat's affection is “stomping,” when the cat shifts from paw to paw and slightly extends its claws.

Adult cats demonstrate this feeling of absolute security; they trust the owner as a mother cat.


Licking the owner's face, hands, other parts of the body or hair does not indicate that the cat has decided to wash the dirty dog ​​or do his hair in accordance with the cat's taste - this is the highest level of expression of his love and devotion.

Seals lick babies, thinking they are kittens. In the first days of the birth of a child in the family, parents need to be careful: animals are no strangers to feelings of jealousy. The pet must get used to the new family member and understand that he is still loved.

Jealousy can manifest itself towards a wife, husband, children, a computer, a book, or any hobby that takes up the time of family members.

Tail quivering and pistol tail

The tail of animals is the main organ for displaying emotions. He may twitch sharply from side to side, threaten his upper part irritably, or lie still. If a cat lying next to you twitches the very tip of its tail, it expresses its favor and gratitude.

If there is no trust between a cat and a person, he will not allow you to touch the tail - he will definitely bite. When a cat follows its owner with its tail raised like a pistol, it expects attention. The slightly curved tip indicates joy from the presence of the owner.

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Rear end demonstration

When the pet turns its back and raises its tail, it offers to sniff itself. This is how cats behave with each other. This is not an insult, but a sign of respect and trust. It can also mean protecting the owner from danger.

Cat's gaze

Cats cannot stand staring for a long time, perceiving it as a threat.

Cats only make eye contact with people they like.

Cats only make eye contact with people they like. If the gaze is accompanied by a leisurely blink, there is no doubt that the cat’s complete trust has been won. This behavior means “blowing a cat kiss.”

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It is not uncommon to observe a cat’s inexplicable love for a particular person. It’s surprising when one family member regularly feeds and waters the animal, plays with it and devotes a lot of time, but the cat directs all its love to another person: sleeps with him, purrs. Also often, after buying a kitten, it becomes attached to one member of the household and stays next to him. Even when they grow up, such kittens retain their love and do not exchange it for others.

Showing a cat's love for a person

The reason why this happens lies absolutely not in mysticism or in the special arrangement of the stars. Sympathy is most likely caused by the behavior of a particular person. For example, adult animals like balanced people, with a calm character and a moderate timbre of voice. You can make friends with animals if you catch their gaze and blink several times. Staring will be seen as a sign of threat, while blinking will be seen as peaceful and loyal.

Interesting! It is believed that if a person is loved by cats, it means that his soul is not completely black. Animals, as a rule, try to avoid bad people.

Cat people are considered to be sympathetic, good-natured and a little sentimental people. They also have a sense of responsibility, caring for family and loved ones.

Never swear when the cat is lying next to you, let him feel loved

If a person lies down to rest during the day, the cat will try to lie down next to him, on his legs or chest. In this case, the animal can turn on its back, placing its most vulnerable place - its tummy - under the hands of a trusted family member.

Safety is very important to felines, and allowing belly rubs means they feel protected and loved.‎

Important! Sleeping on the owners' laps is one of the manifestations of tenderness and trust.


Although cats are great lovers of sleep and sleep up to 20 hours a day, they will never be able to sleep near a person they do not trust. They will watch him closely and will not even be able to doze off. But if a person sincerely loves animals, then sleeping together can become his favorite pastime. And if the cat chose the body of the owner as a sleeping place, then there is no doubt that the pet experiences tender feelings.

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