How to toilet train a Sphynx cat - stages of training

Sphynxes are unusual cats that resemble aliens from another planet. Due to a genetic mutation and careful selection work, their body is completely or partially hairless. Because of this, representatives of the breed have a higher body temperature and require special conditions of detention.

Let's figure out how to care for the Sphynx in order to provide it with a comfortable and fulfilling life.

The main indicator is age

A kitten is a child with fur and a tail, which means it needs to be treated as such. Raising little kittens is always associated with pranks, disobedience, and later with rebellions of adolescence. Before you start training your pet, you need to assess its physical and psychological age.

From birth to 2 months, kittens are under the care of their mother. Kids actively communicate with each other and learn to build relationships. Essentially, at this stage, the quadruped goes through a process of basic socialization. Children have their first conflicts, and they resolve them as best they can; some fight, others silently retreat. At this age, kittens do not yet fully control their own bodies, but every day they become more and more confident in themselves and their abilities.

If you become the parent of an orphaned kitten, then the main task becomes survival. Feeding such a baby is not easy. The kitten needs to be bottle-fed every 2-4 hours, warmed and protected. A separate topic is the correct choice of food products, since whole and store-bought cow’s milk is not suitable for babies. The best choice is powdered cat milk replacer. You will have to massage your baby's stomach and genital area with a warm, damp cloth, otherwise he simply will not be able to go to the toilet.

Important! If you do not have experience in feeding blind kittens, do not take risks and consult a veterinarian.

As soon as the baby has opened his eyes, mastered complementary feeding and confidently stood on his paws, he can prepare to move to a new home. At this age, the main aspect is a complete and balanced diet. However, the kitten will face a lot of stress - moving, change of owner, environment and daily routine. Try to smooth out the baby’s experiences as much as possible, maintain the usual daily routine and food intake, take from the breeder or curator some of the bedding that will smell (for a while) of the mother.

Next, you will watch your ward grow up, not by months, but by days. The baby will begin to master running, jumping and other tasks that are difficult for his age. The kitten will realize that he is quite strong and will begin to climb all kinds of surfaces. Around this age, you need to start raising your baby, but the main attention should be paid to his safety. The baby may already understand the importance of boundaries, so try to isolate the kitten in a room, house or carrier for the period of time until you can monitor it.

Important! If you decide to train your kitten to be carried, start with a 2-3 minute period and increase it gradually. Stay close to the carrier and continue to soothe your baby.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the equipment of the rest area. The kitten will need a house, which can be bought or made at home. As soon as the baby goes to his place, do not disturb him. Your pet should be sure that he can step away from the hustle and bustle and be in complete peace and safety.

Up to 4 months the baby will grow by leaps and bounds, play and sleep a lot. Try to establish a routine, feed the kitten at a certain time and play with the baby during the period of active wakefulness.

At about 6 months, the kitten will begin puberty, which means it will begin to need to mark its territory. If your pet is not of breeding value, discuss spaying/neutering with your veterinarian in advance. The younger the animal, the easier it will tolerate the procedure. In addition, by neutering your cat before he starts marking, you won't have to clean corners and punish your pet.

When to start raising a kitten, how and what to teach it

The optimal age for parenting occurs immediately after the adaptation period. Be attentive to the kitten's habits if it is more than 3 months old. It is extremely important to correct your pet’s behavior gently, in a playful or rewarding way. Don’t even think about hitting a kitten for training purposes; this will make your pet more nervous and timid, but not at all obedient. Avoid stressful situations until the kitten is 6 months old:

  • Frequent arrivals of guests, noisy parties or celebrations. Yes, it is a sacrifice, but it is made to strengthen your pet's psyche.
  • Walking on a leash is of no use to the baby; he needs to fully explore the home, every cabinet and every shelf. In addition, a pet that has not received vaccination should not come into contact with street animals, as this is fraught with viral diseases, sometimes fatal.
  • Punishment - at this age, the kitten is very pliable and its behavior must be corrected exclusively with positive motivation.

Cats are very receptive to training up to a year, this period is quite enough to master basic skills. The first priority is litter box training. On the very first day, keep an eye on the baby, as soon as he starts to “fumble” in search of the toilet, transfer him to the tray. If you don't have time, quickly blot up the puddle with a paper napkin and place it in the tray. Even 2-month-old kittens have a keen sense of smell and rely on it when searching for a litter box.

Important! If you have multiple cats in your home, get extra litter boxes! Firstly, each pet should have its own toilet, and secondly, do not forget that some cats go to different litter boxes - big and small.

Try to take the kitten to the toilet 15–20 minutes after feeding and stay with the baby until he relieves himself. It is worth refraining from frequent cleaning of the tray, since fresh litter does not have a characteristic odor. Keep the trophy napkin (or replace it with a piece of cloth), praise your ward every time until the habit of going to the litter box is established.

Every free minute should be spent communicating with your pet. Stroke the kitten, comb it unobtrusively, scratch behind the ears (in the future, you will accustom the cat to cleaning its ears and it should trust you). Many owners report that the kitten scratches, bites, or displays playful aggression. From the first days, avoid the kitten playing with your hands, use toys! Gradually, the kitten will understand which objects can be played with and which cannot. For example, if your baby “attacks” the wires, distract him with a toy and praise him.

At the age of 4–5 months, kittens are actively exploring the world around them; this process should not be hindered. The acquisition of survival skills in the outside world is referred to by a very broad term - socialization. Do not forbid your child to explore different surfaces; he must understand that he can fall from a height, and that he can slip on plastic. Allow your pet to play with bags and boxes (under supervision), so the kitten will hone its coordination and practice techniques for dealing with the “cunning rustling enemy.” Try in every possible way to stimulate the development of intelligence and the ability to make your own decisions.

During the socialization process, your pet must learn to communicate with other people and animals. Whenever possible, but not too often, invite guests into your home who know how to handle cats. Encourage your kitten's curiosity and desire to make contact. If the baby got scared and hid, acquaintance with “strangers” should be postponed until a later age.

At about 5-6 months, the kitten will begin to sharpen its claws and this is the time to get used to the scratching post. According to the recommendation of animal psychologists, there should be several scratching posts, at least one of them is located at the front door, the rest in places convenient for the cat. In practice, adult cats make do with just one scratching post. First, it is recommended to use sprays to accustom them to play areas. Typically, the composition of the products includes concentrates of valerian or mint. As you know, cats are partial to these plants.

After receiving vaccination, if you wish, the kitten can be accustomed to a leash and walks. It is better to postpone the start of training to the warm season, when there is tall grass on the lawns. At first, the cat will feel insecure and should not be let off the hook. An indicator of readiness to come down to earth is a calm meal in your arms (when you are outside). Walking carries the risk of ticks, fleas and other parasites, so do not forget about prevention.

If you have the opportunity, introduce your ward to other cats at the age of 6–7 months. Perhaps your neighbors have a friendly four-legged animal and the cats can become friends for periodic games. The only way to be sure that your pet needs friends is to try. Some cat breeds are very jealous; such pets do not want to meet other animals or walk outside.

Note! If you are planning to get a second pet, a cat or dog, this should be done either until the kitten is 6 months old or after reaching one year of age.

Over the age of six months, a kitten needs to be accustomed to unexpected things, for example, loud noises or unusual surroundings in the house. Your cat will be with you for 10–15 years, which means that she will have to go through more than one renovation, possibly having children or moving. Of course, you shouldn’t organize courses for a young fighter, but your ward should know that you are always ready to protect and reassure him.

Important Points About Cat Training

The most important rule that a cat owner must understand is that the animal cannot be forced to follow commands. If you force a cat, it will become nervous and resist, so only positive motivation is the only possible one in the training process.

Treats are the best reward for a cat.

Cats respond best to treats. You can purchase special treats at a pet store, or prepare your own reward. Note that the pieces must be really small so that the animal does not get full ahead of time and lose interest in the learning process.

What treat should you give during training?

Training a cat is a long process. It is impossible to teach a pet many commands in one day, and if the owner tires the animal too much, then the training will cause him disgust and persistent resistance. Therefore, the best option would be to train your cat every day for ten to fifteen minutes.

It is important to gain the cat's trust in the person. Therefore, it is better to act as a trainer to the family member to whom the pet shows great affection. Trust must not only be gained, but also maintained. It is strictly forbidden to shout at a cat, much less physically punish it. Negative emotions during the training process are unacceptable. If the cat does not understand the command or refuses to follow it, you need to postpone training until a more favorable time.

The commands that the animal learns must always be repeated the same way, in an even, calm voice, without changing the intonation. Domestic cats remember words faster in their unchanged form and are sensitive to the timbre and emotions in a person’s voice.

Video – Yuri Kuklachev: Teaching a cat tricks

Which cat breeds are the best to train?

Absolutely any cat can be taught a variety of tricks and commands, since representatives of the feline family have an extraordinary strong intellect. But, it is possible to identify breeds whose representatives are distinguished not only by their special intelligence, but also by their temperament, which is most suitable for training. We present to your attention several breeds of cats that are characterized by curiosity, easy-going nature, affection for humans and sociability.

Which cats are easier to train?

Table 1. Top smartest cat breeds


Scottish fold cat

Representatives of this breed love active outdoor games, enjoy communicating with people, and are easy to train. They are able to remember more than a dozen commands and perform various tricks perfectly.


Active cats that maintain mobility and interest in life even in old age. They have a good memory and are able to distinguish a wide range of human intonations and different voice timbres.

Cornish Rex

Incredibly gentle, curious and loyal to humans cats. They prefer close contact with the owner, are ready to participate in all family matters, and are excellent learners. Playful, the best motivation for them is the affection of their owner.

Turkish van

Emotional, fearless and strongly attached to the owner of the cat. They quickly understand what a person wants from them and are able to learn many tricks. They have a flexible psyche and a high ability to adapt to different situations.

Abyssinian cat

An intelligent, very active breed with a great ability to self-learn. Many owners of Abyssinians note that these cats instantly learn to open doors, press light switches, and enjoy mastering special logic toys.

Burmese cat

Cats of this breed are very social, love human company and are not at all afraid of guests. They train well, enjoying communication with the owner and encouragement.

Canadian Sphynx

Gentle, graceful and intelligent cats with great affection for humans. Sphynx cats can understand and remember many words and sentences, they always want to please a person, they are well trained, and are not touchy.

Bengal cat

Incredibly flexible, active and intelligent cats, which can be called “cat-dog”. They are ready to follow a person everywhere, playful, friendly, focused on close contact with the owner, and easy to train.

Difficulties of parenting and special skills

There are individual nuances in the issue of raising cats, especially when it comes to purebred animals. Siamese and Abyssinian cats are considered to be among the most restive. Among the hybrids, Ocicats, Bengals and jungle cats require special attention to education. Pedigree characteristics in raising kittens are mainly aimed at suppressing aggression and the desire to dominate the owner.

Before buying a kitten, be sure to discuss the characteristics of the breed with the breeder, or better yet, involve several experienced owners. Assess all the risks, especially if there are children in your family. For example, Siamese are very jealous of younger family members; they protect and protect children even from their parents. The Persian cat is naturally affectionate, calm and would rather avoid contact with the child.

Aggression in any form must be stopped immediately. Remember that a confident cat does not need to show off her physical strength. If you notice your pet's anxiety, try to find out the reasons for the discomfort. Communicate more with your ward, provide him with toys, horizontal bars and other toys. Cats that are potentially prone to aggression need to spend their energy correctly; as soon as this issue is resolved, your pet will turn into a tired, but affectionate and purring lump.

And yet, how to raise a kitten?

This is not an easy question. Start talking to the kitten, the main thing being the tone of your voice. The kitten may not fully understand your words, but your intonation should tell him that he did something wrong.

But this does not mean that you should yell at your baby. If you allow yourself to have an aggressive attitude towards your pet, be prepared to receive the same attitude in return. There is no need to intimidate or undermine the animal’s nervous system.

It is absolutely obvious that you should not beat a kitten, otherwise you will raise an aggressive or frightened animal with inappropriate behavior, which, if possible, will take revenge on you for past insults.

Imagine that the kitten is a child, this will make it easier for you to adapt to the upbringing process and will allow you to avoid an overly harsh attitude towards the animal.

The kitten must be brought up with discipline and have a daily schedule for its life. This way you can teach your pet order from an early age. The kitten must clearly understand what is allowed and what is not. The main thing in this matter is your consistency. If you have designated a specific place where the kitten will eat, do not allow the animal to take its food to other places. If you notice that the kitten has gone with a piece of food to another place, strictly tell him: “No!” and return it back to the place where it should eat. Repeat this as often as necessary until the kitten understands this rule.

There is nothing more harmful to discipline if you do not maintain it yourself. So, for example, at some point you want to feed a kitten in your arms at the table, then don’t be surprised, much less yell at it, if next time you find it on the table eating your dinner. You yourself have violated the boundaries of what is permitted and it will be more difficult to wean a kitten than simply maintaining the rules you have determined!

Origin story

The history of this breed began in 1966 in Canada. This year, a kitten named Prun appeared in the litter of the most ordinary cat in the yard. He was completely bald. To retain this feature, he was crossed with his own mother. The resulting offspring were normal and hairless kittens. Similar matings were carried out several times, each time obtaining the same result. In the 70s, individuals were obtained that were devoid of hair, practically no different from modern representatives of sphinxes.

Since the breeding was carried out by non-professional breeders, but only by amateurs who had a limited genetic fund, the breeding of this breed was extremely slow, and most of the kittens did not survive or were born dead and non-viable. In 1975, another hairless kitten was born in the American state of Minnesota. His name was Epidermis. A year later, his mother brought another such baby. Both were placed in a kennel.

After some time, several more kittens were born in Canada. The Canadian Sphynx acquired its final appearance in Holland, where professional breeders began breeding this breed. The first kittens were brought to our country from the USA in the early 80s.

A place for a kitten to sleep

Now let's talk about where he sleeps. It is better if the kitten has its own special place. Many cat owners allow their cats to sleep on the bed with them. According to experts, this is not necessary!

The fact is that your scent is most concentrated on the bed. As a leader for your pet, you must maintain your authority. When you allow him to sleep with you, in this way you equalize your position with the pet in his eyes. Often, many cats, without asking permission, climb into bed with the owner, without ceremony with him. This only shows that the cat does not respect your authority, and, therefore, it will obey you much worse.

If a kitten comes to you at night and is scared alone in his crib, take him back to his place and stay with him until he calms down and falls asleep.

Try to create the most comfortable place for him, observe him, whether he is comfortable in this crib, maybe it needs to be moved to another place, closer to the battery, or to a place where there is a good view of the room and you can be seen. This way it will be calmer and more pleasant for him to fall asleep.

In addition, sleeping together with a kitten can lead to serious troubles: in a dream you can accidentally crush a kitten, in addition, there have been cases when in a dream a person unsuccessfully pushed or moved a cat, and the cat, getting scared, scratched the person in response, getting into the eye with a claw. Such a failure can severely damage vision and leave a thorn on the cornea for the rest of your life. Even if you trim your pet's nails, there is no guarantee that you did not miss at least one claw; this could be enough for an accident to occur.

Regarding your kitten's litter box

A separate topic is cat litter. If you bought a kitten from a professional breeder, then most likely the kitten is already litter box trained. All you need to do is purchase a similar tray and the same litter for the toilet, so that the familiar smell will help the kitten find its way around. You just need to show the kitten where the tray is by placing it there after eating.

The same advice applies to kittens that have not been litter box trained beforehand and you will have to do it yourself. Buy a tray with low borders to make it easier for a small kitten to get inside. Pour filler into the tray. When the kitten has eaten, immediately put the kitten in the tray. The fact is that in small kittens the need to defecate occurs quite quickly after eating food. Rumble the litter, instinct will force the kitten to dig a hole, and he will want to go to the toilet in it.

Do not scold the kitten too much if it relieves itself somewhere in the apartment. Don't poke his face into the puddle. Wipe this area with a napkin and apply the same napkin to the tray. By the smell, the kitten will understand what to do next time. Wash the place where he misbehaved thoroughly with odor-eliminating products.

Keep the tray clean, change the filler regularly, getting rid of contaminated areas.

The kitten must have a sleep, rest and play schedule; feeding must be strictly on schedule at a certain time.


Most often, trays with fillers are used for cats, which may differ in:

  • granule size;
  • chemical composition;
  • quality;
  • material;
  • cost.

The most popular cat litters are:

  1. Woody. They look like small logs (up to 1 cm). This filler is made from pressed sawdust, which when wet turns into a loose and soft substance. The advantage of wood filler is its ability to absorb unpleasant odors and moisture, but at the same time it itself has a rather specific odor.
  2. Mineral. Filler in the form of gray hard granules, similar to small pebbles. When wet, it swells and sticks together into a dense lump. This type of litter is quite easy to clean, without the need to completely throw out the contents of the cat's potty.
  3. Silica gel. Fillers made of such material not only absorb moisture and eliminate unpleasant odors, but also have an antibacterial effect. Cleaning such a tray involves regularly throwing out excrement from it, but the gel itself needs to be changed no more than once a month. The main disadvantage of the filler is its high price.
  4. Earth and sand. If you don’t want to spend money on special fillers, you can pour regular soil mixtures into the tray, but it’s worth considering that you will have to clean such a pot more often, and the area around the tray will always be dirty.

Important! You should not use torn paper, newspapers, or rags as filler, as a small kitten may think that the toilet is everything made from such material and will begin to shit on clothes, books and magazines.

Don't forget about care!

Accustom your kitten to hygienic grooming procedures. Brush your kitten every day. This is not very pleasant for the cat, but it is good for the fur, so let the baby get used to brushing from childhood.

Clean your ears and eyes, trim your claws.

The sooner you teach your kitten to bathe, the easier this procedure will be later.

There is dry cleaning in the form of aerosols that are sprayed onto the coat and combed out along with the dirt. It is advisable to carry out water procedures no more often than once every two months.

You need to bathe your kitten using special shampoos that match the type of coat. The pet store will advise you and help you choose the right shampoo.

Of course, bathing is stressful. Do not scream or hit the kitten if it struggles. Choose a comfortable water temperature for the kitten, which will be closer to the kitten’s body temperature, about 38-39°C. Affection and kind words will help the kitten relax. Bathe the kitten in a basin; it is better not to use a shower head, this may frighten him. In another basin, wash off the shampoo.

It is better to dilute the shampoo with a little water in advance, so it will lather faster and easier. Soapy water should not get into the kitten's ears, mouth, eyes and nose. Leave your head dry; you will wipe it with a wet palm towards the end of the bath.

After washing, wrap the kitten in a large towel and dry it with a hairdryer set on a low setting so as not to burn or scare the kitten.

Caress the kitten, this will calm him down and bring a lot of pleasant emotions, and will also establish a trusting relationship between you.

If we define the upbringing of a kitten by one principle, then it consists of one thing: do not allow the kitten to do things that you would not want your pet to do as an adult.

As kittens grow up, care and education must change, but your love and patience must remain unchanged. If you want a soft, affectionate and obedient pet, then raise him with affection and love!

Love animals, let this feeling decorate your life!

Raising a kitten should be done from the very first day of its stay in the house. However, you need to act correctly so as not to intimidate or anger your pet. Let's find out how to raise a kitten so that its relationship with its owners is friendly and harmonious.

Diet of the Canadian Sphynx

In stores you can find dozens of types of ready-made food that you can use to feed your Sphynx. It is necessary to choose high-quality ones, made from meat and containing all the beneficial substances for the cat’s body. Natural food should have a meat base. It can be served raw or scalded with boiling water before serving. The proportion of meat should be at least half of the total weight. The remaining half is boiled porridge, vegetables, and dairy products.

You can read about how to feed Scottish cats here.

A serving of food for an adult cat is about 200 grams of protein food per day, 100 grams of food rich in carbohydrates. There should be meat every day, several times a week you can add variety - rabbit, chicken. Poultry meat should not have bones or skin. Once a week the animal is given egg yolk, cheese, cottage cheese, kefir. Several times a week, the cat should receive:

  • offal;
  • greens or fruits (apples, pears);
  • fish;

If it is not possible to prepare food for your pet every day, you can stock up on minced meat. You need to store it frozen and pour boiling water over it or heat it in the microwave before serving.

Basic principles of education

The main task in raising a kitten is to find a balance between demandingness and respect for the pet’s personal space. It must be taken into account that the hierarchy of domestic cats is more complex and subtle than that of lions and, even more so, that of dogs. Animals that are in frequent contact (for example, in the yard) still catch mice alone, and this eliminates the emergence of the “vertical of power” necessary for successful hunting in a pack. Accordingly, it is useless to raise a kitten using the “dog” method, positioning yourself as the leader.

The main secret in raising cats is that they must understand which behavior is beneficial for them and which is not: the right actions should be encouraged, dirty tricks should be suppressed, but without rudeness and humiliation.

It is important to devote enough time to the animal: even an initially affectionate and trouble-free kitten, left to its own devices, quickly becomes wild. To raise a pet tame, you need to play with it more often, talk to it, and not show indifference when the animal wants to be petted. But at the same time, you shouldn’t impose yourself, if the cat wants to be alone, this will only cause hostility.

Another important point is the inviolability of the place to rest. Felines have the concept of a “territory core,” in which the individual is the absolute master and should feel completely safe. For pets, this “center” is usually their house or favorite lounger. Forcibly removing an animal from its shelter will make it unbalanced or aggressive.

>Video “How to find a common language with a cat”

From this video you will learn how to learn to understand your pet and find a common language with him.

Commands and tricks you can learn with your cat

Despite the fact that the mental and physical capabilities of cats allow them to carry out an unlimited number of commands, it is better to start training with the simplest, most basic ones. The process of training a cat involves a transition from simple commands that do not require any effort from the pet to more intricate ones - provided that the animal responds positively to training and makes progress.

Bengals learn new tricks in minutes

In a special article we will tell you in detail how to teach a cat the command “Give me your paw!”

Team "Come to me"

The command is quite simple for a cat to understand. In order for the animal to respond to it, you need to encourage it every time it pays attention to you. To begin with, you can call your pet by name or simply “kitty-kitty-kitty”, holding in your hands a tasty piece that attracts the animal. When the cat moves towards you, you need to say “Come to me”, then pet the pet, treat it with a treat, and repeat again “Okay, come to me!” You need to repeat the command five to six times a day. More information about the training can be found in the video.

Video - How to teach a cat the “Come to me” command

Commands “Sit-Lie-Stand”

It is not difficult to teach a cat this command. It is enough to bring a tasty morsel to the animal’s nose, lifting it up. At the same time, you need to gently press your hand on the cat’s rump and at the moment when she begins to sit down, say the word “Sit.” After the cat has sat down, she is given a treat, praised and stroked.

The commands “Stand” and “Lie down” are taught in the same way. The cat needs to be interested in the treat, then mechanically give it the desired position, treat it and praise it. These commands are easier to learn from a sitting position: to put the cat down, lower the treat below the nose and lift the pet with your hand under the tummy, to put it down, lower the piece lower and gently press on the back.

Video – Teaching the “Sit” command

Jumping through a hoop

You need to choose a hoop of such a diameter that the cat can pass through it freely. At the initial stage, the hoop is held close to the floor or other surface on which the animal is standing. A treat is held in front of the cat's muzzle (between the hoop and the pet), luring the animal and encouraging it to pass through the object. When the cat steps over the hoop, say the command “Up”. When the cat confidently steps over the obstacle, the hoop can be raised higher - a couple of centimeters each time.

Gradually the cat will learn to jump high

The “Up” command can also be used to jump over barriers, as well as from object to object (for example, from chair to chair). In the first case, they act in the same way as with a hoop - the cat is taught to step over a stick lying on the floor for a treat, pronouncing a command. Gradually the barrier is raised higher and higher. To make a cat jump from object to object, they are placed close to each other, the cat is placed on one surface, and a treat is placed on the other. Gradually, objects are moved apart to a greater distance. Then the command can be complicated by teaching the cat to simultaneously jump through the ring and from chair to chair.

Cats are great at overcoming jumping obstacles

Team "Gopher"

A very funny command performed by cats, which is easy to teach your pet. When the cat is sitting, you need to bring a treat to its face, and then lift it so that the pet reaches for the piece. As soon as the cat stands on its hind legs, they give a command, then treat and pet the pet.

Video – Training of the “Gopher” command

Establishing contact and adaptation

Moving to a new home is a lot of stress for a kitten. The following techniques will help mitigate it:

  1. Organize feeding at the same time and with the same products as the breeder. If you plan to switch an animal from natural food to industrial food or vice versa, this should be done after the pet has become comfortable. Methods for caring for the kitten's fur, eyes and ears should also be similar to previous ones. For example, you can purchase the same comb that the breeder used.
  2. Ask the previous owner for a piece of bedding: the kitten will feel more confident by smelling its mother. If you have agreed on the purchase in advance, you can purchase the litter yourself and ask the breeder to keep it.
  3. A small kitten needs calm conditions. At first, you need to protect him from stress: refrain from noisy parties, loud music, etc. Treat the animal calmly and kindly. Give your baby the opportunity to calmly explore the apartment and sniff all the objects that interest him.

If you are planning to get another pet, this should be done either before the kitten is 6 months old or after a year.

To accustom your baby to a scratching post, move your pet to it as soon as he starts sharpening his claws in another place. You can also spray it with a spray with a slight scent of catnip or valerian (available in pet stores).

If you need to re-educate

It is more difficult to re-educate an animal with an already formed character, but it is also quite possible. First of all, you need to understand why exactly the cat is behaving badly.

A pet may act out because at one time he was indulged too much or was not given attention. In this case, use the same strategy as in raising a kitten: reward correct behavior and scold for unacceptable behavior. Sprays containing unpleasant odors for cats, such as citrus fruits, will help scare your pet away from places where they are not allowed.

An animal may be intimidated or aggressive if it has been abused by previous owners. In this case, you need to behave towards the pet as gently as possible and reduce punishment to a minimum. As with a kitten, avoid stress such as noisy guests or loud music. In difficult cases, it makes sense to contact a zoopsychologist.

Sometimes an animal can behave correctly in the presence of its owners, but spoil things when alone. This may be a consequence of ordinary boredom or protest if the animal does not have enough attention. In this case, it is worth purchasing more toys for your pet. If necessary, the cat can be locked in one of the rooms (you need to put a tray and water there). Sometimes the solution may be to purchase a second kitten.

Please note that a sudden change in behavior may indicate an illness in the animal. When raising a kitten, combine persistence and affection. Remember, your goal is to achieve mutual understanding with your pet, not to force him to obey.

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The coat color of the Canadian Sphynx is determined by the characteristics of skin pigmentation. The color of the skin becomes clear within a few hours after birth. The range of colors of sphinxes is varied.


These colors are also called solid. This means that in the pet's color, one color predominates. The color of the nose and paws should match the pigmentation of the skin. Solid color can be:

  • white;
  • lilac;
  • cream;
  • blue;
  • black;
  • chocolate;
  • red.

Canadian Sphynx color codesCanadian Sphynx color code table.
Tortoiseshell colors, like other cat breeds, are typical only for females. Sphynx pigmentation occurs when two colors are mixed. The classic version is characterized by black and red colors. In the lightened type, these are blue and cream. Proportions and color options can be very diverse.

Bicolor animals can have any of the solid colors in combination with white. The colored part of the body has clear boundaries, and the proportion of white color is not a third, but in some cases up to half. One of the ears must be painted. The tail is also colored and has a white tip.

White Sphynx

Lilac sphinx

Cream Sphynx

Blue Sphynx

Black sphinx

Chocolate color

Red Sphinx.

Color point

Such kittens are initially born white; after a few days the animal acquires its color. This type has several varieties:

  • Cream point. Rare color for this breed. The body is light cream in color, the eyes are blue, the nose and paw pads are pink.
  • Seal point. These cats are light brown or black-brown. Adults gradually darken, but the back is darker than the rest of the body.
  • Chocolate point. The color is lighter than seal point. An adult cat is golden brown in color.
  • Tabby point (links). The body is light, on the muzzle, paws and tail there are stripes with a dark edging.

Such colors are rare for this cat breed, and such individuals are highly valued among breeders and lovers of the Canadian Sphynx breed.

Color point sphinx.
Color point sphinx.


This type of color is an intermediate state between van and bicolor. There should be at least one spot on the head and several spots on the body, tail, and legs. The paws and nose are pink in color.


The animal is predominantly white in color. The tail and ears are colored in a contrasting color. No more than three spots of a different color are allowed on the body.

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