Why a castrated cat can climb on a cat: main reasons

General information

To understand why the castrato does not stop his love affairs, you need to imagine the meaning and essence of castration. Contrary to popular belief, it does not in all cases involve the physical removal of the testes (testicles).

The following types of castration exist:

  • Surgical castration . The simplest, cheapest, and therefore the most common method. It involves surgical excision of the testes, i.e. complete removal of the gonads.
  • Chemical sterilization . This method is not very popular in our country, but has a number of important advantages. In particular, these include the absence of the need for general anesthesia and the low traumatic nature of the operation. In fact, the whole procedure boils down to the introduction of sclerotizing agents into the thickness of the testes. These are substances due to which the testicle is completely replaced by connective tissue.
  • Radiation castration . The name is scary, but there is no need to worry: the testes are irradiated with a directed beam of gamma radiation, after which their tissue completely dies. Fast, reliable, the likelihood of side effects is reduced to the minimum possible. No anesthesia is required, the cat only needs to be restrained. But the fixation must be reliable: if the radiation beam “processes” the insides of the cat, the consequences will be extremely sad. The method, however, cannot be considered cheap.
  • Medical infertility . One of the most controversial methods. In this case, an implant is sewn under the animal’s skin, releasing medications (usually hormonal in origin) that suppress the pet’s libido. The testicles also remain intact. Moreover, after removal of the implant or due to the depletion of the supply of medications in it, after some time the cat’s sexual function is completely restored. The problem is that the constant effect of hormonal drugs on an animal’s body is extremely risky. Today, veterinarians believe that the risk of cancer and diseases of the endocrine glands increases significantly.

There is also a vasectomy .
This procedure is a cross between full castration and medical infertility. The essence of the method is to ligate the vas deferens, as a result of which sperm is not released during ejaculation, but all other features of the cat’s sexual behavior remain. That is, the animal will run after cats, fight with its relatives, etc. Let us immediately note that in this case you should not be surprised by the characteristic “stomping”: in front of you is an absolutely “normal” cat, with fully preserved instincts and a set of sex hormones in the blood.

Attenuation of sexual functions in a castrated cat

It is important to know that the attenuation of sexual functions in each cat occurs gradually and individually. This process can last for several months or even years, or it can end once and for all when the animal recovers from anesthesia.

A castrated cat climbs on a cat - consequences

A castrated cat can not only care for a cat, but also mount her, but sexual intercourse will occur without conceiving offspring.

He can't stop wanting a cat, but he can't become a father. However, there are isolated cases where a castrated cat managed to breed a cat in the first month after surgery, and kittens were born .

Perverted cats

An interesting fact: if there are two cats in the house, and both are neutered, then a “he-she” relationship is possible between them in cases where castration has no effect. Of course, there is nothing dangerous in such games, and there is no point in strictly suppressing them.

Cat gets excited after surgical castration

Let's start with, perhaps, the most common de-depletion technique. Let's assume that the cat's testes have been completely removed, which automatically means that there are no sources of sex hormones in his body. So why does your pet continue to behave as if nothing unusual had happened to him, and why does he feel excited when he sees cats?

The answer may lie in the peculiarities of his physique. Sex hormones (and not only) perfectly accumulate (that is, accumulate) in subcutaneous fatty tissue and other fatty deposits. Accordingly, when lipids are metabolized, some of the hormones return to the general bloodstream. And contrary to the belief that neuters become immediately obese, in fact, in the first couple of weeks after surgery, your pet may well lose weight... as a result of which his body will receive a decent portion of sex hormones. If the animal’s diet after castration was better balanced and the cat gets into shape, gradually getting rid of fat accumulations, hormones will constantly enter its blood.

But there is another option... What if your pet initially did not look like a ball, and began to show signs of sexual arousal again, a considerable time after the operation? Here the problem may lie in the biochemical characteristics of a particular organism.

Why does a pet get excited in the first place? From the action of sex hormones, which should not be in the blood of a castrate... hypothetically. There are animals in which testosterone begins to be partially produced in the adrenal glands . Its quantity is small, but the hormonal background is such that it is enough for arousal.

So what to do in this case? If, apart from an interest in cats, there are no other problems, you can leave everything as it is. If in the spring the “inferior castrato” begins to annoy the owners with his screams and obscene pestering of their feet, you can use any medication intended for such purposes (“Sex Barrier”, “Cat Bayun”, etc.).
The main thing is not to overdo it with them, since long-term use of such “sedatives” is fraught with the development of hormonal pathologies.

Why does a neutered cat show interest in the cat?

The cat is clearly planning to do something with the kitty

There are many cases where cats that had been castrated for a long time again became gallant gentlemen when a fluffy person of the opposite sex appeared, or in the spring they behaved extremely depravedly with soft toys and the owner’s slippers.

The owners' reaction usually ranges from amazement to indignation at a poorly performed operation with claims against veterinarians.

However, whether such claims are justified is an ambiguous question.

Veterinarian's mistake

There may have been pilot error

If the veterinarian kept silent about the fact that the cat, whom he supposedly castrated safely, is a cryptorchid and that the second testicle remained in the abdominal cavity, this is a veterinarian’s mistake.

It is impossible for a specialist not to notice this fact, and, most likely, he will have to perform abdominal surgery, at the expense of the institution (veterinary clinic).

The cat gets excited after medical castration

In this case, everything is simpler, but also more complicated at the same time. What does it mean? The problem is that drug sterilization in 99% of cases does not completely suppress the production of sex hormones. And although the manufacturers of these drugs say one thing, practice shows something completely different: in most cases, “medical castrates” continue to show a certain interest in cats. It all depends on the characteristics of a particular organism and on the intensity of production of sex hormones.

The most correct solution to this problem is to change the drug used.

But! We would strongly advise against doing this yourself. Hormones are a very serious matter.

If you use them at random, nothing good will happen to your pet. It is better to consult an experienced veterinarian. Let the specialist select the optimal remedy, which at the same time will not threaten the cat’s health.

What problems does castration solve?

Let's look at the main reasons why owners decide to castrate a cat. Experienced animal lovers castrate their pets without any reason and before the onset of sexual heat. This method is the most reasonable because it allows you to avoid most behavioral problems and health difficulties for your pet. The optimal age for castration is considered to be the period from 7 to 9 months, when the cat’s body is physiologically formed.

When owners of one-year-old (and older) cats contact the clinic, there is always a reason, most often unpleasant and causing discomfort to both the owners and the pet. When entering sexual heat, the cat becomes more temperamental and even aggressive. The desire to find a partner for mating is accompanied by loud defiant screams and markings in the territory. As a rule, the owners are still willing to put up with the screams, but when the home is saturated with the persistent ammonia smell of urine, even the most patient people lose their nerve.

Owners of cats who roam freely on the street decide to resort to castration. Let's not lie, most owners do not care about the fate of kittens born from their pet. But when a pet returns from the street beaten, scratched and wounded, most owners admit the bitter truth.

For the right to mate with a female, cats fight fiercely, often to the point of serious injury and death. A neutered cat, accustomed to walking outside, will not lose its freedom-loving and hunting habits. However, owners note that pets stop leaving their own territory and are more concerned about protecting it.

Why does the animal become aroused after other types of castration?

So, why does your cat continue to “stomp” after other types of castration? Most likely, the factors are the same - either there are still sex hormones in his fatty tissue, or a small amount of testosterone is produced somewhere in your pet's body. Measures to eliminate this condition are the same as those we have already discussed above.

But! With chemical castration, other situations occur. If the sclerotizing drug was introduced and distributed unevenly within the tissues of the testis, part of the organ may remain in working condition. Simply put, the testicle (or both) will continue to secrete testosterone, as a result of which the cat will again begin to show interest in cats. Elimination of this cause is surgical castration.

Remember all

Mating cats

If the cat is an adult (over a year old) and has already had matings, then there is a possibility that he will never forget about this experience, and the corresponding aspects of behavior will be preserved.

However, it is impossible to predict such a development of events; not all cats are so temperamental, and most of them, after removal of the testes, forever lose interest in amorous affairs. And, if castration was carried out according to all the rules, then claims can only be addressed to nature itself.

The specialist was obliged to warn about this, but, unfortunately, a warning cannot serve as a guarantee of “insurance” against such a development of events. The owners will most likely have to come to terms with this feature of the cat’s behavior and solve the problem every time it appears.

Chemical castration of a cat

If the owners chose chemical castration or vasectomy instead of a banal surgical solution to the problem, well, the risk is a noble cause, but they won’t have to drink champagne this time, since all other castration options, except the classic one, give half-hearted and unstable results.

In this case, they will only have to blame for their short-sightedness and misplaced pity. The solution may be to carry out full castration, but there may not be a 100% result.

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