Why does a cat lose weight and not gain weight?


When an animal is eating consistently but not gaining weight, pet owners sound the alarm. Many people believe that if a cat eats, then weight gain is a natural process. This is not entirely true. Animals, like people, are active and dynamic, which burns extra calories and helps the pet lose weight. When a cat loses weight but eats well, this is normal. With active life, weight loss is ensured by normal metabolism. The situation is different with sedentary cats.

Don't expect your kitten to actively gain fat. During the first 9-11 months, kittens develop their skeleton and posture, and the baby gets fat and loses weight. Young cats and female cats become soft and plump 1-2 years after birth.

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Causes of exhaustion

There are many causes of exhaustion that cannot be covered in this article. The simplest and most concise classification of causes is presented below.


Physiological reasons include weight loss due to circumstances in which the cat could not fully satisfy its nutritional needs. This applies to stray cats, cats in heat, and cats experiencing prolonged stress. Physiological exhaustion is also typical for cats that have fattened a large litter and given all their energy and nutritional resources to their offspring.

Both cats and female cats change their behavior during the period of sexual heat, sometimes forgetting about food

Both cats and female cats change their behavior during the period of sexual heat, sometimes forgetting about food

As you can see, the causes of physiological exhaustion are exogenous; they are tied to the specific environment with which the cat interacts.

Thus, a stray cat can be brought into order with the right diet, a cat experiencing stress can be calmed down. The mother, who fed the family, is fed back to a healthy state. Among other things, some breeds have a predisposition to thinness - Sphynxes, Ukrainian Levkoys are difficult to fatten, which is also due to their peculiar bodily constitution.

Some breeds do not need fattening, being thin by their constitution

Some breeds do not need fattening, being thin by their constitution


Pathological causes include malfunctions in the pet’s body itself. No matter what comfortable and stabilizing conditions a cat with pathological thinness finds himself in, his condition will not change. The causes of such exhaustion can be both acquired and congenital diseases.

Refusal to eat caused by internal pathologies requires a diagnosis and selection of a treatment regimen.

Refusal to eat caused by internal pathologies requires a diagnosis and selection of a treatment regimen.

To feed such a fragile pet, you must first undergo an examination with him at the veterinary clinic. The test results will show the cause of problems with weight gain and the veterinarian will develop a diet that is suitable for your pet. It is not recommended to act as a nutritionist on your own for cats with pathological thinness, since the likelihood of complications is high.

What should an owner do if a cat doesn’t eat well?

If the cat feels cheerful and cheerful, has normal bowel movements, and the hunger strike lasts no more than 2 days, then the owner can be calm.
It would be a good idea to try to gradually introduce some new foods into the diet, depending on what your cat’s diet is. If the animal eats natural food, then it makes sense to offer it some new but healthy products. If your animal's menu included industrial food, you can purchase a new type - for cats that are picky eaters. But any food should be introduced gradually and the animal should not be forcefully fed. The article contains the main problems that may occur in cats, cats and kittens. The material contains general information intended for familiarization, which makes it possible to better understand this issue.

Why does a cat eat poorly and lose weight, what does this mean and how to treat it?

The reluctance or inability to eat is associated with a large number of different reasons. The cat may not eat simply because of the desire to clean and unload the day. Yes, this happens. Cats simply can not eat all day if they wish to cleanse and unload their body.

Another common problem is hairballs in the stomach that simply leave no room for food. Such cases are treated with specialized foods that remove such unwanted substances from the stomach, after which the animal begins to eat normally.

If your cat doesn’t eat well and is very thin, what should you do?

Every cat has a risk of becoming infected with helminths, which often becomes the main reason for a pet’s weight loss. After sudden weight loss, you should take your pet to a veterinarian, who, after examination, will indicate a number of medications to remove worms from the body.

Therefore, if you notice abnormal malnutrition from an animal, analyze its behavior and fully examine the cat. A cat may have toothache, which is why it simply does not want to suffer so much for food. So, first of all, examine the oral cavity for the presence of foreign objects and dental problems, and then go to the veterinarian, to whom you will tell all your observations to make the correct diagnosis.

Why does the kitten eat poorly and be thin?

Due to inexperience, small cats most often experience stress from a new family or owners. This stress mainly manifests itself in the first days after moving. The kitten may not eat at all and hide from its new owners, but this is all a matter of habit and can be resolved literally in the shortest possible time.

But if the kitten has no reason to be stressed, and he still eats poorly and continues to lose weight, then there is a high probability that the pet is sick and urgently needs to be taken to the veterinarian. Since the kitten does not have such a strong immune system as in adult cats.

If a cat is losing weight and does not gain weight, what kind of disease is this?

If we talk about illness as the reason for a cat’s weight loss, then there are many possible diseases, and they are completely different, so home treatment is strictly prohibited if the pet’s condition is terrible. The cat may have cancer or another terrible option - rabies. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or neurology also cannot be excluded, so in terms of illnesses, rely only on the help of qualified workers, since most diseases cannot be identified at home.

Why is my cat losing weight even though he eats well?

It is possible that the pet is infected with helminths - clean it with specialized preparations.

Why did the cat lose weight in winter?

Cats clearly have primitive instincts, which can often be noticed during games or feeding, and this is normal. The same primitive instinct is to gain weight for the winter and partially lose it during the cold season.

Why does a cat lose weight in summer and spring?

During the hot season, pets require less energy due to high temperatures, so cats themselves begin to eat much less, thereby losing weight. All this is done for seasonal thermoregulation.

Does a cat's weight change with age?

As cats age, they require less and less energy throughout the day, so they may eat an order of magnitude less compared to their younger years, but such phenomena should be within the normal range. If a cat suddenly loses kilograms in a couple of months, then this is an alarming bell to which you need to react sharply by contacting a doctor.

The material in this article contains only current information related to the problems of cats, cats and kittens arising from their fur...

If you choose the wrong food for kittens, you can harm their health, so it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the information presented in this article...

How to understand how much weight a cat has?

Despite the fact that it is difficult to mistake an emaciated cat for a well-fed one, as well as vice versa, there are nuances and transition states that it is advisable to pay attention to. Thus, gradual weight loss may be an indicator of a developing disease. Weight gain may indicate an incorrect diet and disproportionately large portions.

Table 1. Weight categories for cats

UnderweightNormal weightExcess weightModerate obesitySevere obesity
Bones (especially the pelvic bones and ribs) show through and are visible to the naked eye in smooth-haired and hairless individualsThe animal has the correct proportions; when viewed from above, the cat's body takes on the shape of an hourglass.Fat accumulates primarily in the back, abdomen and faceThe bones are indistinguishable and can barely be felt. The fat layer appears in the abdomen, chest and beginning of the tail Pronounced accumulations of fat in the back, base of the tail, chest and abdomen
Lack of fat on the chest and ribsThe ribs have a thin layer of fat, but are easily palpableThe ribs can be felt but not visually identifiedThe ribs can only be felt when pressingThe ribs and spine are indistinguishable under a layer of fat
No belly fatA small amount of belly fatMarked abdominal fat when viewed from the sideWhen viewed from the side, accumulations of fat on the abdomen are noticeableThe belly sag noticeably due to fat
The waist is sharply defined due to the sunken bellyThe waist is distinguishable, but does not provide a clear contrast with the ribsThe waist is vague, the body shape resembles a rectangleThe waist is almost indistinguishableWhen viewed from above, the waist forms a circle, making the cat look like a bowling pin.

Cat weight on a scale of ten

Cat weight on a scale of ten

The vast majority of cats grow and gain weight before they reach one year of age. They develop especially quickly during the first six months, gaining on average 150-200 grams daily. Over the next six months, the kittens develop their body structure and develop sexual differences, ending by the age of one year. Of course, each breed has its own optimal weight. Maine Coons will likely be heavier than Miniature Munchkins and Sphynxes.

Different breeds have their own weight standards

Different breeds have their own weight standards

The average mongrel cat weighs from three to six kilograms. The cat is inferior to him in weight by 1-3 kilograms. However, even outbred cats have different skeletons. The expression “broad bone”, in addition to an ironic connotation, also has a completely serious meaning. Different cats with different bone structure and thickness have different weight standards. With the same 5 kilograms of weight, we can observe both a plump and a fit individual.

Weight categories of cats depending on breed

Weight categories of cats depending on breed

Therefore, one of the main signs of thinness-fullness is the ability to palpate or visually identify the ribs and chest. The more difficult it is to do this, the greater the deviation of the animal’s weight towards fullness.

Why is my cat losing weight but eating well?

  • If the animal is overweight, the waist is not visible, and the stomach no longer looks toned. The fat layer is quite thick, bone structures are difficult to palpate.
  • Obesity: the ribs under thick fat deposits are practically not palpable, the stomach hangs unattractively due to the massive fat layer, the back looks very wide. Fat is deposited even in the neck, muzzle, and paws.
  • At stage 2, you need to pay attention to the general condition of the animal, its age and consult a specialist. If this stage is missed and the cat is already exhausted, it requires serious treatment.

    An animal can lose weight for physiological and pathological reasons.

    In the first case, usually no correction is required, in the second, the animal needs to be treated. You will have to focus on finding out the causes of weight loss and eliminating them.

    The subcutaneous fat layer is thin.

    articleTheodora11 months ago

    Immediately after birth, the body's systems have not yet matured and learned to work at full capacity. That is why any minor violation can lead to serious consequences. A thin kitten is not such a rare occurrence, often leading to developmental delays and death of the animal. For what reasons can a baby develop malnutrition?

    Moreover, not only is the kitten very thin and not getting better, but other symptoms are added to this. If you observe lethargy, fever, purulent discharge from the eyes and nose of the animal, vomiting, diarrhea, ulcerations on the mucous membranes - most likely this is an acute viral or bacterial infection.

    This explains why the kitten eats poorly or refuses to eat at all. Lack of appetite is accompanied by a rapid deterioration of the condition - the baby stops playing, and his body temperature approaches 39°C and higher. Unfortunately, in this case there is a very high probability of death.

    Symptoms can develop rapidly, quickly leading to serious illness and even death. That is why, with any manifestations of exhaustion, especially if it is accompanied by other signs, the pet needs to be helped.

    The diagnosis can only be made by a veterinarian after examination, temperature measurement and ordering a number of tests, which may include blood tests, stool tests, smears for polymerase chain reaction, and rapid tests for some infectious diseases.

    Only after finding out the cause can we consider the possibility of full treatment of the animal; before this, a severely exhausted baby can only alleviate the condition with the help of infusion therapy and the introduction of nutrient solutions.

    This is also a very important point, since nutrients in a small body quickly deplete their reserves, blood glucose drops sharply and can drop to critical levels, which is dangerous for the animal’s life. The answer to the question why a kitten is thin and does not get better may turn out to be much more serious than it seems at first glance. Since all processes in babies develop faster than in adults, you should not postpone treatment until later.

    The first and main reason for a cat’s refusal to eat and sudden weight loss is the presence of a source of inflammation or another disease. Therefore, such a condition can be regarded as a symptom that requires special attention. The reasons for an animal’s refusal to eat food or water are divided into psychological and medical.

    A cat’s good appetite, healthy appearance, and interest in life are signs that the animal is in excellent condition. But it happens that a cat refuses to eat, and then the owner has to rack his brain about what is the reason for refusing to eat and whether this is a symptom of some disease. Let's look at possible factors that influence a cat's appetite.

    The main mistakes when planning your diet

    I would also like to touch upon the topic of mistakes in feeding pets, made by owners with the best intentions. Despite the fact that each owner chooses his own intuitive diet plan for his pets, one can notice repeated and very sad “rake”, which people regularly continue advance.

    Some cat owners believe that the doses of dry food indicated on the packaging are too small for their cats; some overfeed their pets with all types of meat, being confident in its clear benefits.

    Sometimes an abundance of healthy food can cause various ailments

    Sometimes an abundance of healthy food can cause various ailments

    Complications with digestion or hair that arise later in an animal sometimes cause genuine surprise among the owners and a lack of understanding of their role in the resulting illness. We’ll talk about how to recognize your mistakes in planning your cat’s nutrition and stop them in time.

    Common mistakes in feeding cats

    Common mistakes in feeding cats

    Nursing mother

    If a cat has given birth to kittens and is nursing her offspring, then she will lose weight, since she physically will not be able to eat as much food as would be enough to satiate her and her children.

    In this case, there is no need to worry about the animal; after the kittens stop sucking milk, the cat’s weight will be restored. After this, it is recommended to worm the animal, and this procedure should be performed every month.

    If in this case the animal does not gain weight, then it may lack nutrients; for this, it will have to drink a complex of vitamins.

    Genes help you stay in shape

    After all, if a cat eats a lot, but is thin, it is very likely that this is a feature of its “constitution”. The standard for many breeds requires a cat to be slender - these are Siamese, Bengals, Abyssinians, Russian Blues and many others. If your pet is one of these, read the description of the breed. It is quite possible that in your case, “a thin cat that eats well” is the norm. “Nobles” are also slender, but with a good appetite, especially if they are not castrated or sterilized. Greater mobility and good metabolism help many mustachioed people stay in shape without limiting themselves to treats.

    Weight loss is not a disease in itself, but a symptom of an underlying problem. Weight loss can go unnoticed by a cat owner for a long time because the cat's fur hides the process.

    The medical term for weight loss due to illness is cachexia


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