Cat cold: all important information about the disease

Can a cat get the flu from a person?

The causes of flu or colds are always viral infections.
There are quite a lot of different viral diseases in the world, and some of them are characteristic only of cats, some only of humans, since these two species have completely different antigens.

There are also quite rare diseases that are typical for both cats and people, but, according to leading experts in the field of veterinary medicine, influenza does not belong to such diseases, since this virus has a fundamentally different nature of pathogens.

Therefore, if a family member is sick with the flu, then the cat will not be able to become infected and be a carrier of the virus.


If a cat has become infected with some kind of viral disease from its mustachioed counterparts, then such a virus will not be dangerous for humans.

Therapy, caring for sick animals

Once rotavirus has been diagnosed, treatment should begin immediately. Let us emphasize once again that specific therapy simply does not exist, and therefore everything is limited to alleviating the animal’s condition through intravenous infusion of compounds that relieve signs of intoxication and dehydration. When the animal’s condition improves, you can begin “normal” feeding. The diet should include only easily digestible foods that will not put too much strain on the cat’s digestive system.

Antibiotics are usually not prescribed because they are useless against viruses. They are prescribed only in cases where there is a risk of developing a secondary bacterial infection. Here's how to treat it at home.

If possible, all feces from the sick pet are collected and burned. If such conditions do not exist in your case, feces are collected in bags made of durable plastic and tied tightly. This must be done so as not to contribute to the spread of the pathogen in the external environment.

Rotavirus infection in cats affects the gastrointestinal tract, mainly the small intestine, and is therefore also called rotavirus enteritis.

The causative agent of rotavirus infection

An RNA virus from the rotavirus family. “Loves” mainly the epithelium of the stomach and small intestine. This means that it will multiply and, accordingly, affect precisely these organs.

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The spreader of the infection is a sick cat. The disease is mainly transmitted through nutritional means, contact and household contact, and cases of airborne dust transmission are not uncommon. Mostly, kittens that are bottle-fed and living in nurseries get sick - this is the highest risk. The incubation period for rotavirus infection ranges from 15 hours to 5 days.

How does rotavirus enteritis develop and occur in cats?

The favorite and only place where rotavirus feels comfortable and has the ability to reproduce is the epithelial cells of the stomach and small intestine. Enterocytes at the tips of the intestinal villi are predominantly affected, which leads to disruption of water metabolism, absorption of nutrients and inflammation of the intestinal wall. A cascade of reactions is launched, forming a kind of vicious circle. Fermentation and putrefaction processes occur in the intestines, nutrients are not absorbed, water is absorbed back, causing dehydration.

Clinical picture of rotavirus enteritis in cats

The onset of the disease is acute. The kitten is characterized by severe anxiety - it rushes about and screams. Palpation of the abdomen is sharply painful. High fever up to 40 degrees. A little later, vomiting and an imperative urge to defecate appear, and dehydration develops. The stool is liquid, mixed with mucus and blood. In some cases, some individuals may experience catarrhal symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract. The duration of the disease is 3-10 days. The course is mostly benign. Lethal outcome is rare and depends on concomitant pathologies.

Treatment of rotavirus infection in cats

Treatment is symptomatic. Rehydration and vitamin therapy is carried out. Drugs are administered intravenously to maintain cardiac activity and correct immunity. All activities must be carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Feline cryptococcosis

Feline cryptococcosis is a type of fungal disease that affects the skin, respiratory system, brain, and sometimes the central nervous system. Infection most often occurs through airborne droplets, when fungal spores are inhaled.

Feline immunodeficiency virus

Feline immunodeficiency virus is a disease that affects the lymphatic system of an animal and causes immunodeficiency syndrome. In most cases, at the initial stage the disease is asymptomatic and only lasts for a long time (sometimes up to several.

Reovirus infection of cats

Reovirus infection belongs to the respiratory category. It occurs in all types of animals, but cats are most commonly affected. The causative agent of the disease is Reovirus. There are three serotypes of reovirus. The clinical picture depends on the type of virus.

Rotavirus in cats is a genus of Rotavirus viruses from the reovirus family that causes rotavirus infections, also known as “intestinal” or “stomach flu” (not related to the real influenza virus), in cats, other animals and humans. Rotavirus attacks the walls of the small intestine, disrupting its function.

Other types of infections

There is no cat flu in nature, but there are other standard feline diseases, such as calcivirosis and rhinotrachiitis, which are similar to the flu, but are not it.
A cat, like a person, is primarily a living organism with its own characteristics of the immune system and is also susceptible to a variety of colds.

As a rule, the immunity of cats is much stronger than that of humans; therefore, the chance of a feline to become infected is much less.


The presence of unusual symptoms, for example, purulent discharge from the eyes, should be a reason for concern and an urgent visit to the doctor.

However, cats can get colds and, like humans, become infected from communicating with a friend who has a cold or from contact with contaminated objects. Most often, older cats and those cats with weakened immune systems get sick. The main factors that have a negative impact on the immune system in cats are:

  • poor nutrition;
  • hidden diseases of the pet;
  • period of change of baby teeth;
  • unfavorable living conditions;
  • hypothermia.

In the vast majority of cases, people confuse the flu with a common cat cold.

Upper respiratory tract infections are also a common viral disease. These infections can be transmitted to a cat from a relative through direct or indirect contact (shared household items).

Do dogs get human colds and flu?

The functioning of the human and dog bodies has a lot of similar features, so it is not surprising that both owners and their pets may have a sore throat, runny nose, coughing and sneezing. In humans, symptoms of a cold or flu usually appear after contact with other people or prolonged exposure to the cold, so to determine whether a person can infect dogs, it is worth knowing about the possible ways in which diseases can spread in animals:

  • a pet can become infected with bacteria, viruses or fungi from another organism;
  • dogs often get hypothermia as a result of prolonged swimming in icy water or constant exposure to a cold kennel in winter;
  • The pet’s immune system is weakened, which is why it can become infected even by bacteria brought by a person on shoes or clothes.

Did you know? Dogs suffer from heat more than people, but unlike the latter, they do not sweat over the entire surface of their body. In this case, sweat appears only on the pads of the paws, although in some cases you can feel moisture on the skin at the base of the ears.

In fact, despite the similar symptoms of a particular disease, there are not so many common infectious agents between a dog and its owner, so a four-legged friend cannot get sick from human strains of influenza. With a cold that appears as a result of the owner’s prolonged exposure to the cold, everything is even simpler, since it is often not caused by pathogens that enter the human body from the outside.

You can safely pet and hug your dog during these illnesses, they are not dangerous for him. The same applies to the world-famous covid virus. Despite rumors about its possible transmission from humans to pets and vice versa, confirmed cases of this theory have not yet been made public, so there is no need to panic and try to isolate yourself from dogs or cats.

Symptoms of a cat cold

A cat, like a person, can easily catch a cold, especially with reduced immunity.
Most often this happens due to violations of the feeding regime, previous infectious diseases, or long stay in cold, damp rooms. Cats that walk outside can catch colds from strong winds, snow or rain, low temperatures, or exposure to a draft.

In this case, the pet owner may notice the following symptoms in the cat:

  • dry and hot nose;
  • runny nose and sneezing;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • temperature increase;
  • lethargy, lack of appetite;
  • fast fatiguability
  • in some cases - cough.


Under no circumstances should such signs be ignored - a complex of such symptoms should be the reason for a visit to the veterinarian.

If your cat also has a cough, check to see if she is wheezing. Pneumonia or bronchitis are diseases that require urgent treatment and cannot be delayed.

How a doctor can help: why you shouldn’t treat yourself

How to treat a cat for a cold at home? Below you can familiarize yourself with the step-by-step process of treating furry purrs, which is prescribed by veterinarians.

Often a cat’s cold develops against the background of a virus. By waiting for an immune response to develop, the animal can recover. In this case, veterinarians recommend prescribing treatment symptomatically:

  • if there is discharge from the nose and eyes, it is advisable to use the appropriate drops. It is best to buy aquamaris and eye drops containing an antibiotic (ciprovet);
  • when the cat feels very bad, it is worth using antibiotics and immunostimulants;
  • if the animal does not want to eat for a long time, it is advisable to use infusion therapy. For this purpose, a solution of electrolytes with a vitamin complex and glucose is administered intravenously or subcutaneously.

By properly caring for a sick friend, you can speed up his recovery process.

The cat has a cold, how to treat it? Most often, colds in cats go away on their own. It is advisable to visit a veterinarian only if your four-legged friend has no appetite for a long time, there is a strong increase in temperature, and ulcers in the gum area are diagnosed. It is also important to take the cat to a veterinary clinic if poor health is observed for 3 or more days.

Important! In some cases, more complex therapy may be needed if the cat has complications such as inflammation of the lower respiratory tract or atrophic rhinitis.

During the treatment period, it is important to create suitable conditions for your pet:

  • establish proper nutrition;
  • eliminate stress;
  • carry out daily wet cleaning of the premises;
  • eliminate noise.

In case of immunosuppression, it is advisable to use an immunostimulant and serum.

Note! Self-treatment can cause complications after a cold.

To prevent complications, it is important to properly treat and care for your pet.


Remember that a cat’s cold is not the worst disease, but you shouldn’t hope that it will go away on its own.
If you notice signs of a cold, do not ignore them: it is better to take your cat to the veterinarian than to wait for the situation to get worse. The correct treatment regimen is prescribed only after the pet has been examined by a doctor and a diagnosis has been established. It is prohibited to take measures on your own - this can harm the animal and worsen the situation.

The owner’s task is to provide the cat with the most comfortable conditions for recovery. Measures taken to achieve this should include:

  • eliminating drafts;
  • control over keeping the pet warm;
  • providing the cat with warm drinks, including milk;
  • You can give your cat a massage - this will improve blood flow and warm the animal.

The doctor may prescribe rinsing the nose with special drops. If inflammation is detected, it is necessary to give the cat anti-inflammatory drugs, and if the temperature is high, antipyretics.

In some cases, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics to kill infections. In this case, additional medications may be prescribed to restore the intestinal microflora.

For a cat, a cold is an unusual occurrence, and visiting a veterinarian and taking pills is stressful for an animal. Therefore, give your pet enough time and attention so that he does not feel lonely.

You can reward your cat with a treat after she eats a pill or visits the vet.

The lack of therapeutic measures can lead to complications and the development of other diseases, which include bronchitis, pneumonia, and kidney disease.

What to do if infected and how to identify it?

It turns out that a person can infect a cat with the flu

Swine flu

The first infection of an animal from a person was identified in 2009. Then two ferrets caught the disease from their owner. The incident occurred in the United States of America. Both animals died as a result of the disease. Since then, scientists have begun to doubt the safety of swine flu for cats. Over the following years, specialists conducted special monitoring of those cats whose owners contacted doctors with complaints of influenza. As you know, tailed pets are more popular and widespread than ferrets. Currently, every fifth family has a cat.

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The first infection of a cat from a person was documented in the fall of 2009. The cat's owners suffered from swine flu, after which their pet showed signs of pathology. Concerned people turned to the veterinary clinic for help, where they were informed of a frightening diagnosis. Fortunately, nothing bad happened.

Bird flu

This disease is a viral infection. It is acute and has a high probability of death. The pathology is particularly dangerous and can cause great damage. Birds are susceptible to infection. The infection is spread mainly by wild ducks. The mutated gene became capable of infecting people.

There is a known case of a woman contracting bird flu

The doctors rendered a verdict that there is indeed a risk of such infection, but it is minimal. For the first time, such a danger became reliably known in 2021. A woman who had bird flu was able to infect her cat. The owner took the sick animal to the clinic, where after a series of studies it became known that it was indeed the H7N2 virus.

After some time, the infection was discovered in a cat shelter, where 45 pets were infected. As practice has shown, animals suffered this dangerous disease easily. Timely diagnosis and the correct therapeutic approach played an important role. Death was reported only once.

The old cat developed a complication in the form of pneumonia, which resulted in death. After such a widespread infection, they began to investigate the workers of the cat shelter. Among all, one person was found who was diagnosed with bird flu. Presumably, it became a source of infection for cats.


A cat, like a child, needs supervision. Don't let him go outside in bad weather and don't let him freeze. Even the fact that cats have warm fur does not eliminate the likelihood of catching a cold. You also need:

  • ensure that the animal does not sleep in a draft;
  • respond to the first signs of illness in a timely manner;
  • when treating infections, make sure that the cat has fully recovered;
  • provide your pet with good nutrition that contains a complex of vitamins;
  • try not to bathe your cat too much, especially in the cold season: at this time they experience severe stress and often freeze, which can not but affect their health.
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