A cat's eyesore: what to do?

In order for a cat to always be healthy and cheerful, the breeder must carefully monitor the health of his pet. You should not think that the animal does not need full care and can be spared various problems and diseases. Particular attention should be paid to the visual organs, because they are the ones who can primarily tell you about the animal’s health status. Many people often notice a spot on a cat’s eye, but they just don’t know what to do about this symptom. But this may indicate serious pathological processes in the pet’s visual organ.

Causes of spots on the eye

A cloudy spot in a cat's eyes may occur due to damage to the cornea of ​​the visual organ. Often a small spot or film with a milky tint appears on the surface of the eye. If a cataract appears on the surface of the visual organ, this usually indicates that the cat or dog is experiencing a decrease in visual acuity.

The main reasons for the appearance of spots on the eye are the following pathological conditions::

  • corneal lesions . This may be associated with certain pathological processes of an inflammatory and infectious nature, as well as injuries;
  • the presence of turbidity in the intraocular fluid . This condition may result from the accumulation of large numbers of white blood cells, proteins or lipids;
  • clouding of the lens during the development of cataracts;
  • vitreous diseases.

Many people believe that an iris spot is a simple scar on the surface of the eye, but this is not so. The etiology of this symptom is quite wide, and sometimes it can be very serious.


Preventing cloudy eyes in a cat consists of following a few simple rules for keeping the animal:

  • timely vaccination against infectious diseases;
  • regular examinations of the animal and timely contact with a specialist at the slightest inflammation of the pet’s eyes;
  • if you suspect clouding of the eyes, urgently contact a veterinary ophthalmologist.

It should be remembered that any eye disease can lead to vision loss in a cat. Therefore, you should not ignore even the slightest eye inflammation in a cat and promptly contact a veterinary clinic.

Types of stains

Cats may not always develop an eyesore; the formations may have different colors. They may not appear immediately, but over the course of some years (usually 2-3 years). At first, the owner may not see a spot on the surface of the cat’s or dog’s visual organ, but gradually it will become visible and become larger and larger.

Spots are classified into several types:

  • light . These types of spots can appear if there are pathologies of the spine, neuralgia, radiculitis, neuroses, psychoses, kidney damage, liver damage;
  • brown with a red tint . These formations on the iris occur after infectious pathologies;
  • dark spots . They appear in cancer;
  • with a red tint . If a cat has a red spot above the eye, this may be due to enzymatic changes in the liver;
  • education with the type of “present” tobacco . These symptoms occur with constipation, chronic colitis, and lesions in the pancreas.

Diagnosis and treatment

If the membrane of the eye becomes cloudy, then you should not make a diagnosis yourself. In these cases, it is recommended to take your pet for examination to a veterinary specialist, namely an ophthalmologist.

During the examination, the veterinarian performs a number of procedures:

  • He takes tests and examines them - blood for biochemistry, general blood test, serology;
  • Measures intraocular pressure readings;
  • Performing cytology;
  • Microscopic examination of scrapings;
  • Conducting seeding of smears on the medium;
  • Studies of intraocular fluid.

Darkening of the iris layer in cats can only be treated by a veterinarian based on the results of the study. The following procedures may be prescribed during treatment :

  • washing with metrogil;
  • Gamavit can be administered parenterally;
  • the pigment layer can be lubricated with tetracycline ointment;
  • If the eyesore is a symptom of glaucoma, surgery may be required.

It is important that only a doctor deals with the treatment, otherwise the pet’s health can be seriously harmed.

You should not try your own methods of self-medication; it is better to immediately take the cat for examination; often the spot is the main symptom of the presence of a serious pathology. Timely treatment can prevent dangerous consequences.

You don't always have to worry if your cat has a black nose. The color of a cat's nose always depends on the color of its coat; animals are black and their nose will be black by nature. White cats also have a white or pink nose, red cats have an orange nose, motley animals can even boast mottled or freckled ones. But a change in the color of the nose or the appearance of black crusts or spots on it is always an alarming symptom. If your cat's nose suddenly turns black, this is a reason to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible.


The cat's nose is a very sensitive and delicate organ; it is naturally constantly moisturized, for this reason its damaged skin takes a long time to heal. If there is no doubt that the cause of the appearance of black crusts on the nose is an injury, then the cat will not require special treatment. After the damaged tissue is restored, the crust will fall off on its own. Only if weeping wounds or ulcers appear, the nose should be treated with an antiseptic.

Black cats will always have black noses too.

Common signs of eye disease in cats

Since cats actively communicate with their owner, establishing visual contact with him, an attentive owner will easily notice the beginning of a pathological process in the eyes of his pet.

The first warning sign will be excessive lacrimation. In the morning, a large accumulation of mucus appears in the corners of the cat's eyes.

Sometimes there is so much discharge that it leaves behind brown tear tracks that stretch up to the chin.

As the disease progresses, the mucus becomes thicker and acquires a greenish-yellow tint. In advanced cases, it dries out, the eyelids stick together, and the resulting crusts completely deprive the cat of vision. The animal experiences severe itching; it rubs its muzzle on the carpet and upholstered furniture, trying to alleviate its condition.

The owner should be alerted to any redness of the eyeball or skin on the eyelids. Most often this is accompanied by frequent blinking or squinting of the cat. Of particular concern to the animal is the swelling that develops in the skin around the eyes. In such situations, the pet hides from the light in the dark corners of the apartment and reacts sharply to any touch on the head.

Sudden strabismus may indicate the onset of cataract development. This is a chronic pathology that is typical for older animals. However, now more and more young cats are losing their sight for this reason.

Skin diseases

If you have a fungal infection, the crusts on your cat's nose may appear black or brown. Fungal diseases should be treated with antifungal agents, such as clotrimazole or fungin.

If a cat has black nasal discharge, this may be a consequence of otitis media or a symptom of a mite or fungus entering the sinuses and developing inflammation. To help your cat, you should get tested (scraping from the affected area) as soon as possible and, depending on the results, select a suitable treatment regimen from your veterinarian. To alleviate your pet’s condition, before receiving test results and starting treatment, you can carefully clean the nose and rinse it with warm water or chamomile decoction.

Black crusts under a cat's nose may be the result of a fungal infection.

Symptoms of infectious diseases

Cats are by nature predators and pack animals, so they try not to show their weakness. In order not to miss the onset of the disease and to treat your pet at the initial stage, you should carefully monitor its behavior and condition. A cat's dirty nose is a serious symptom that should not be ignored. And in a small kitten, discharge from the nose and eyes can lead to serious consequences or even a threat to life.

Nasal discharge

If a kitten has pus flowing from its nose, this is a very dangerous symptom. Discharge is a consequence of a malfunction of the mucous membranes. If the irritation is caused by a foreign body entering the nostril, then purulent or bloody discharge will come from one nostril.

Clear discharge from both nostrils accompanied by sneezing is most likely the result of an allergy. Thick, opaque pus coming from a cat's nose is a sign of a respiratory infection or rhinitis. If the purulent discharge is thick, yellow or dark in color with an unpleasant odor, then most likely there is a bacterial infection.

If you notice discharge from your cat's nose, you should contact your veterinarian without wasting any time.

Important! If you find discharge from a cat's nose, you should not think for a long time about what to do, but you need to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible and begin treatment, since with serious inflammation, days can count.


Conjunctivitis, an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, is a common disease in cats. Its causes can be very different: inflammation of the eyelids, infectious diseases, injuries or allergies. Inflammation can also occur from irritation of the mucous membrane, for example, from aerosols or cigarette smoke, so you should monitor the cleanliness of the air in the room where pets are kept. Depending on the severity, there are four types of conjunctivitis:

  • catarrhal - the most harmless. Transparent drops, similar to tears, are released from the eyes. Sometimes it may be accompanied by an increase in temperature. This is the mildest type of this disease, which with proper treatment goes away easily and quickly, leaving no complications;
  • purulent. Thick yellow or green discharge flows from the eyes, sometimes smelling foul. The cause of purulent conjunctivitis is most often inflammation of an infectious nature;
  • the danger of phlegmonous conjunctivitis is that pus not only comes out, but also accumulates inside the eye, which can lead to serious complications;
  • The most severe type of conjunctivitis is follicular. This is a chronic disease in which the eye follicles begin to rot. Requires complex and lengthy treatment under the constant supervision of a veterinarian.

For your information! If conjunctivitis is not treated on time, the animal may go blind.

Purulent otitis in cats is a common and dangerous disease, the causes of its occurrence, as well as the symptoms, can be different:

  • mechanical damage. Foreign objects entering a cat's ear can damage delicate tissues, which in turn can lead to infection and inflammation;
  • various parasites;
  • The main symptom of an allergy is itching. The animal scratches the damaged areas, and dirt getting into the scratches can lead to infection;
  • the fungus provokes the development of purulent inflammation;
  • Viral pathologies are complications that arise due to improper treatment or its absence.

Important! If the cat does not receive timely treatment, then not only the ear, but also the meninges become inflamed, which can lead to meningitis.

Decreased appetite

Decreased appetite along with nasal discharge may be a sign of a cold in an animal. Snot from a cold is viscous and transparent. In case of serious complications, thick discharge and crusts may appear on the face. If a pet constantly breathes through its mouth, then this also indicates a cold, since its nose is blocked with pus and there is not enough oxygen.


A healthy animal should be active, cheerful and playful. If the cat has become apathetic, uninterested in anything, and has trouble standing on its paws, this is a reason to sound the alarm. Lethargy can be a symptom of diseases such as asthma, bartonellosis, kidney disease, pancreatitis, infectious peritonitis, plague, and many others.

Causes of cloudy eyes

Cloudiness of the cornea usually occurs due to inflammation, which causes damaged cells to be replaced by scar connective tissue. Metabolic processes are disrupted, which leads to the deposition of calcium, the protein substance amyloid and cholesterol. The organ becomes opaque, loses its ability to transmit light and fully perform its functions.

Glaucoma in a cat

Glaucoma is a pathology in which there is a periodic or constant increase in intracranial pressure. Violation leads to atrophy of the optic nerve, destructive processes in the retina, deterioration of vision up to blindness. The pupil acquires a greenish or bluish tint, and photophobia occurs. Glaucoma can be acquired or congenital, the latter observed in newborn kittens and associated with abnormalities or genetic disorders. Some breeds are more prone to developing the disease - Siamese, Persian, Burmese cats.

The disease can progress over years, leading to gradual deterioration of vision. More often it affects older pets. In the acute form, the pressure inside the eye increases at a high rate, destruction of the optic nerve and complete loss of vision occurs within a few hours or days. In addition to clouding of the eye, glaucoma is accompanied by the following symptoms: eye pain, changes in the cat's behavior (lethargy, aggression, refusal to play), sometimes nausea and vomiting.

The causes of the pathology are:

  1. Eye diseases. The disease is caused by: displacement or change in the shape of the lens, inflammation of different parts of the choroid, tumors.
  2. Injuries to the visual organs or head. Due to damage, the circulation of intraocular fluid is disrupted, which leads to increased pressure inside the eye.
  3. Long-term use of steroid and hormonal drugs, anthelmintics. The substances they contain impair the outflow of moisture and destroy enzymes in tear fluid.
  4. Diabetes. Leads to pathological changes in blood vessels. Their narrowing leads to increased pressure inside the eye and glaucoma.
  5. Severe stress. Causes an increase in intraocular pressure.

Cataract in an animal

Inside the eyeball, opposite the pupil, there is a crystalline lens, which is a transparent lens that conducts and refracts a beam of light and projects it onto the retina. With cataracts, due to an imbalance of proteins, water and trace elements, changes occur in the structure of the organ. The lens becomes cloudy, transmits rays less well, and does not ensure their correct refraction, which causes vision deterioration up to the point of blindness.

Congenital pathology develops at the embryonic stage, among the main causes are infectious and parasitic diseases, severe poisoning of a pregnant cat. Acquired cataracts usually occur after the cat reaches 5–6 years of age. With age, metabolism slows down, the organ becomes less elastic and harder. Cataracts in young animals are genetically determined. The most susceptible to the disease are Persian and British cats, Sphynx cats, and exotic cats. The following factors provoke the development of the disease:

  • eye or head injuries;
  • ophthalmological diseases;
  • endocrine disorders leading to failure of metabolic processes in the body, including diabetes mellitus;
  • gallbladder pathology;
  • chronic infectious diseases;
  • stress;
  • errors in nutrition, lack of vitamins and microelements, insufficient water consumption.

Damage to the cornea of ​​the eye (keratitis)

Inflammation of the cornea, called keratitis, causes it to become red and cloudy. The disease is accompanied by lacrimation, pain, photophobia and ulcers. With a superficial lesion, which usually occurs with complicated inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye or lacrimal sac, only the upper corneal layer is affected. When the pathology penetrates deeper, scars appear on the cornea.

The disease occurs especially often in hairless breeds. Due to the absence of eyelashes, the eyelids turn in and cause irritation of the cornea. A cat with keratitis has red and itchy eyes, mucous discharge, and a cloudy cornea. The animal becomes lethargic, begins to sneeze, avoids bright light, and its temperature may rise. The causes of the disease are:

Possible reasons

The main causes of cloudy eyes in a cat:

  1. damage to the cornea of ​​the eye caused by infectious diseases. As a result, scars and all sorts of degenerative phenomena may appear on the visual organ. There is also a risk of developing a disease such as lymphocytic infiltration of corneal tissue;
  2. A cloudy eye often indicates excess fluid in the eyeball. In most cases, this occurs due to an infection in the sensory organ. Fluid accumulation often occurs as a result of using medications not prescribed by a doctor. Such illiterate care of a pet can cause not only deterioration in the eyeball, but also lead to poisoning of the entire body as a whole;
  3. the lens may turn white due to the development of such a dangerous disease as cataract;
  4. pathologies of the vitreous body. Cats often experience the emergence of pathogenic microflora, a slowdown in metabolic processes, etc.

As medical practice shows, the risk of clouding of a cat’s eye increases mainly for the following reasons:

  • formation of ulcers in the cornea. Ulcers can appear after infectious diseases, as well as as a result of the release of the body or in the case of negative effects of substances that irritate the cornea;
  • scarring, occurring mainly due to defects on the eyelids;
  • unsuccessful eye surgeries (the veterinarian may accidentally damage the tear duct, cause an infection, etc. If clouding of the eye occurs after surgery, you should immediately seek help from an experienced veterinarian. A cloudy eye always indicates negative changes in the cat’s body. This must be dealt with);
  • accumulation of lipids in the cornea. Often such negative reactions occur due to metabolic disorders;
  • corneal edema. This disease may appear after conjunctivitis, and may also indicate premature degeneration of corneal tissue.

Less common causes of negative transformations in the eye include:

  • impaired metabolism in the animal;
  • age-related changes (over time, cats’ health deteriorates, all sorts of diseases and ailments actively develop);
  • damage in the lacrimal canal;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • improper care of the animal after getting rid of the third eyelid;
  • cancer;
  • bacterial and viral infections.

cat's cloudy eye

Negative consequences

Clouding of the cornea or lens of the visual organ is an extremely dangerous pathology that requires immediate medical intervention. If this disease is not detected in a timely manner, very negative consequences can occur. A white eye is a real danger for cats:

  • During the course of this disease, pets experience increased excitability and nervousness. This negatively affects the health of pets and may cause the development of more severe illnesses;
  • with total damage to the eyes, vision may sharply decrease (or disappear altogether). It will become difficult for the animal to move from place to place on its own, and the risk of injury will increase due to the fact that the pet will constantly bump into surrounding objects;
  • the risk of strabismus in a cat increases;
  • clouding of the eye is often accompanied by pain, irritation of the mucous membrane, and all sorts of discharge;
  • the general condition of the body and the well-being of the pet can sharply decrease. In this case, you can observe poor appetite, high temperature, slow reactions, decreased motor activity, unsteady gait;
  • Sensitivity to light increases, which can cause increased pain. More severe and advanced stages of the disease can be extremely dangerous. So, there is a risk of such serious illnesses as:
  • uveitis In this case, inflammation of the choroid of the visual organ can be observed, which often results in loss of vision;
  • repeated glaucoma, as a result of which the optic nerve may atrophy (because of this the pet will become blind);
  • exit of panophthalmitis from the lens into the eye chambers. As a result, purulent inflammatory processes appear and the eye dies.

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Diagnosis of the disease

To diagnose pathology, an ophthalmological examination is performed, during which eye reflexes are assessed, the fundus is examined, intraocular pressure is measured, the condition of the retina and optic nerve, and the production of tear fluid are determined. For inflammatory diseases, a smear is done. The discharge is sent for bacteriological culture and cytology.

To check the integrity of the cornea and the presence of ulcers, it is diagnostically stained with a fluorescent dye. In this case, the defective areas become green. The rose bengal test reveals damaged and dead tissue - it turns pink. The condition of the cornea, iris, lens, sclera, eyelids and conjunctiva can be assessed using a special apparatus - a slit lamp. The device allows for microscopic examination of the anterior segment of the eye.

An effective diagnostic method for glaucoma, tumors, inflammation in the uveal tract and suspected presence of a foreign body is gonioscopy - examination of the condition of the anterior chamber angle. When the cornea is clouded, ultrasound examination of the eye is effective, allowing one to evaluate its internal structures even in the presence of opaque media.


With this disease, vision always deteriorates or is completely lost. Keratitis is a consequence of toxic liver damage due to poisoning and intoxication, acute infectious eye diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or neurogenic pathologies.

To prevent your cat from going completely blind, immediate professional help is required.

The first symptoms of keratitis are redness of the eye and the presence of serous or purulent discharge. After some time, the cat’s eye becomes cloudy and the cornea loses its transparency. With prolonged development of the pathology, ulcers and necrosis of the cornea develop.

To select adequate treatment, reliable diagnosis is necessary. It is carried out using a special fluorescent liquid. In the light, damage to the cornea becomes visible. Diagnosis is carried out in a veterinary clinic.

Self-treatment is strictly contraindicated, since keratitis is a polyetiological disease, and without a clearly established cause, treatment can cause additional harm.

The prescribed treatment after diagnosis should be aimed at combating the consequences of the identified eye infection and maintaining the animal’s immune status.

Treatment methods

The sooner measures are taken, the more favorable the prognosis will be. The treatment method depends on the disease that caused the clouding of the eye. Glaucoma therapy involves normalizing intraocular pressure. The medicinal method involves prescribing a course of drugs aimed at improving the outflow of fluid inside the eyeball, reducing its production, as well as painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. Treatment is carried out throughout the cat's life, this helps prevent further development of glaucoma.

If the drug method does not bring results, they resort to laser treatment of glaucoma, which can cope with the disease even in an advanced stage. Using a laser beam, minor damage is caused to the epithelium, which leads to inhibition of fluid production. As a result, intraocular pressure normalizes and the condition of the eye improves.

Cataracts are also treated with medication and surgery. Eye drops help stop the development of pathology, activate metabolic processes, and improve tissue nutrition. Animals are also prescribed vitamins A, C, E, PP, group B, and, if necessary, immunomodulators. Only an operation during which the affected lens is replaced with an artificial one can completely get rid of the disease.

Keratitis caused by a fungal or bacterial infection is treated with eye drops, gels and ointments containing antibiotics and antifungal components. For a disease caused by a virus, immunomodulators and antiviral agents are used. For ulcerative and purulent lesions, antiseptics are used. The presence of ulcers and neoplasms is an indication for surgery.

Therapy for uveitis is aimed primarily at eliminating the cause of the disease. Treatment uses corticosteroids with anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects, painkillers, antibacterial drugs and immunomodulators.


First of all, it is worth noting that everything depends on the nature of the identified disease. In some cases, surgery may be required.

You need to remember the following:

  1. If the cloudy eye appears as a result of an infectious disease, then the pet will need treatment with antibiotics that have a wide spectrum of action. Antibacterial agents can also help, and their dosage should be much higher. Only an experienced veterinarian can give accurate recommendations;
  2. If there are corneal ulcers or glaucoma develops, then surgical intervention will be required. Therefore, you should not delay treatment with medications. This is explained by the fact that in the case of surgery, complete removal of the eye may be required (in case of developing glaucoma). Corneal ulcers are eliminated less problematically, and only damaged tissue is excised. You should be prepared for the fact that after surgery, scars often remain, which makes it almost impossible to fully restore vision. However, the pet will still be able to see and distinguish objects;
  3. In some cases, the veterinarian may prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They should be used only as prescribed by a doctor, since such medications have a number of contraindications. Over a long period of use, they can even have a negative effect on the animal’s body;
  4. For almost any type of disease, the veterinarian will prescribe antiseptic eye drops, which should be applied to the conjunctival cavity. You can also add various ointments (tetracycline, gamavit, etc.). This will help moisturize the damaged organ and protect against the penetration of various microbes into the eye, which will prevent the occurrence of pathogenic microflora;
  5. Metrogyl solution can have an effective effect. They should rinse the cat's eye to relieve symptoms of diseases;
  6. The use of medications based on Actovegin;
  7. Use of antiviral drugs. In addition to medications and procedures, you should also provide your pet with comfortable living conditions. The animal requires complete rest and a special diet (food must contain vitamins A and E). Vitamins will allow you to restore damaged areas of the eye in a shorter period and even restore vision. However, pet treatment must be comprehensive. Otherwise, when using any one method, it is unlikely that it will be possible to see an improvement in the animal’s condition.

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