Causes of clear liquid running from the cat's nose

Nasal discharge in cats

On average, cats have a runny nose more often than dogs, since their immunity is more sensitive to various types of bacteria. Both a purebred animal and a mongrel animal picked up from the street can get sick.

If a cat has water running from its nose, they begin to rub their nose with their paws and huddle in a corner. They quickly develop inflammation, accompanied by discharge from the eyes. Also, the animal’s eyes can be closed with a third eyelid - a transparent film. Unpleasant symptoms may be accompanied by a fever, a strong increase in which means it’s time to go to the vet.

What can cause a cold in a cat?

We said above that cats, due to their physiology, cannot get a cold. This means that sneezing and the flow of mucus from the nose are caused by other factors. These include:

  • Eating disorder. This is one of the main factors influencing the development of runny nose in cats. Proper feeding is the key to animal health. If the cat’s diet contains enough microelements and essential vitamins, then most diseases will pass by.
  • Infectious diseases. They undermine the animal’s immunity, which allows pathogenic organisms access to the body.
  • Poor living conditions. If a cat lives in a room with high humidity and poor heating, then pathological changes will begin in his body that can cause a cold. Cats feel comfortable at a temperature of 22 ⁰ C. At lower temperatures, the cat may begin to sneeze.
  • A cat may get sick due to long walks in rainy or snowy weather. High humidity coupled with low temperatures also has a detrimental effect on cats. After such walks, the pet should be thoroughly wiped with a terry towel to remove excess moisture.

How to help your pet

It is better not to treat an animal with “water” from the nose yourself, but to show it to a veterinarian. It is he who will remove the foreign body that contributes to the discharge or establish the type of disease (it can be parasitic, allergic, viral or bacterial).

A runny nose for a cat (water from the nose) can be a consequence of injury, for example:

Most often, the intervention of a veterinary surgeon is required. It is impossible to cure a cat on your own.

When treating a runny nose, the pet's nose is washed. This must be done carefully, preferably with an insulin syringe without a needle. Then lubricate the nose and the crusts that have formed on it with ointment so that they soften. Dead particles are removed.

After the nose is washed, drops are placed in the animal's nose or lubricated with ointment. The ointment is prescribed depending on the disease; it can be antiviral or antiparasitic.

If water is flowing from your cat’s nose, you can use folk remedies:

To increase the animal’s immunity, you need to instill thymogen for 10 days without a break. Place one or two drops in each nostril.

If your pet has a runny nose and the runny nose is determined to be parasitic, then treatment should be prescribed by a doctor. The owner himself can determine why the nose is running: clear and profuse snot, changing the smell to a more unpleasant one . These signs indicate a parasitic type of runny nose.

The veterinarian can prescribe antibiotics to the animal, regardless of the type of disease. You cannot treat an animal with human medicines - there are special means for them.


After diagnosis and further treatment, it is necessary to adhere to certain preventive measures to avoid relapse.

Watch what you feed your animal. Check his mouth regularly for injuries or foreign bodies.

If treatment for fleas is planned, then strictly follow the instructions on the drug. Apply flea drops to places where the animal does not touch its tongue when washing itself. If the animal is too active, then use a special cap for cats. Store all chemicals, cosmetics and household products for the home in locked places.

It is important to carefully monitor so that your pet cannot climb into these places. It’s better to use these products when your pet is not around. If your pet's problems are related to teeth, you need to brush your pet's teeth regularly.

For this purpose, pet stores sell special products and treats. By the way, cats also have milk teeth.


It happens that a cat's nose runs for too long, and the runny nose becomes chronic. In this case, it is unlikely that the animal will be cured forever. In addition, the pet may become sad and less mobile. The following diseases can affect an animal's immune system :

Diseases begin with a harmless clear liquid. All this can end disastrously: after the disease begins to progress, the owner has about 5-10 days to save the animal.

When a runny nose is due to allergies, the condition is treated with corticosteroids and antihistamines. You cannot treat an animal yourself and determine the correct dosage. Only an experienced doctor can do this correctly.

Heavy clear discharge that does not stop for three days cannot be treated independently. This sign may be a symptom of a serious disease, which only a veterinarian can determine. The disease can also be dangerous and contagious for young children living in the home with a pet.

Causes of colds

Clear discharge in an animal cannot be caused by a cold, since animals simply do not get sick from it. Your cat may have clear fluid coming from his nose due to:

  • Poor nutrition. The lack of vitamins, essential microelements and nutrients leads to weakened immunity in cats. The pet needs to eat a balanced diet at the same time;
  • Infections. If the immune system is weakened, the virus easily penetrates the pet’s body, undermining its health;
  • Poor living conditions. High air humidity and low room temperature can trigger the disease. The most comfortable temperature for a pet is 22 ⁰ C. The animal also gets sick after hypothermia and long walks in winter or in the rain. To prevent this from happening, you need to wipe the cat with a terry towel.

Most often, animals get sick due to a virus that has entered the body. If a cat’s eyes and nose are running (eye festering), then he has definitely caught the virus.

Allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is a specific reaction of the body to antigens flying in the air. Dust, pollen, household chemicals, etc. can act as antigens. Symptoms:

First of all, you need to prevent your cat from coming into contact with the allergen. The room is often wet cleaned, the animal's rug is regularly shaken out and ventilated. The air in the room should be humidified. Allergy symptoms are relieved with antihistamines (Suprastin) or corticosteroids. The nasal passages are washed with saline solution.

With repeated contact with the allergen, symptoms may reappear, but in general the prognosis for allergic rhinitis is favorable. If there are frequent exacerbations, it is recommended to have the cat examined by a veterinarian and determine the exact cause of the allergy using special tests.

Foreign body in the nasal passages

A foreign body (a grain of sand, a speck, a piece of plant or food) can enter the cat’s nasal passage with the flow of inhaled air, or fly in or crawl in on its own if it is an insect. In some cases, a foreign body enters the nasal cavity in a retrograde manner, for example, food particles during regurgitation or vomiting. The nasal mucosa is very sensitive, so when foreign particles come into contact with it, the animal develops a feeling of discomfort. This can be noticed by a sharp change in the animal’s behavior.

Symptoms of a foreign body in the nose:

First of all, you should examine the nasal cavity. While holding your pet's head in a stationary position, you need to direct the light from a flashlight or mobile phone into the nostrils and look inside. This method will only work if the foreign body is superficial. If possible, you can try to carefully remove it with tweezers or by rinsing the nostril with a stream of water from a syringe without a needle.

The nasal mucosa is often injured by the presence of a foreign body and during its removal, so preventive treatment is often prescribed after the procedure. Applicable:

Diagnostics in a veterinary clinic

When the first signs of a runny nose appear, the animal must be shown to a veterinarian. By resorting to self-medication, the kitten's owner aggravates its condition and allows dangerous diseases to develop, which can lead to the loss of the pet.

At the veterinary clinic, after examining the pet, a regimen for examining and treating the animal will be selected.

Depending on the abundance and color of the discharge, blood tests, a swab from the nostril, swabs from the conjunctiva, mucous membrane of the gums and pharynx are prescribed, and rhinoscopy (examination of the nasal cavity using various instruments) is allowed.

All this is necessary to establish the true cause of the animal’s illness and timely detection of viral infections or other pathologies, if confirmed.


This type of rhinitis develops through contact with sick animals, as well as those that are apparently healthy, but are carriers of the infection. Infectious rhinitis in cats can be caused by pathogens such as:

Typical signs of infectious rhinitis:

Often, rhinitis is accompanied by infection of the eyes with the development of viral or bacterial conjunctivitis, the appearance of mouth ulcers, and drooling. In pregnant cats, the herpes virus leads to abortion or death of kittens after birth. Calicivirus infection may be complicated by interstitial pneumonia or polyarthritis.

For infections, it is not recommended to give medications containing hydrocortisone and other steroid hormones. They quickly relieve acute symptoms, but slow down the regeneration of the mucosa and the healing of wounds. In case of urgent need, they are prescribed in a minimum dose for a short course. Piroxicam is preferred as an anti-inflammatory agent at a dose of 0.3 mg/kg.

Question answer

What makes a cat snot and drool?

If at the same time there is an increase in temperature and lacrimation, then these signs most often belong to feline distemper or panleukopenia. This is a viral infection, terrible because it significantly weakens the animal’s body and a secondary bacterial infection immediately joins the process. Treatment most often consists of suppressing microbial activity and restorative therapy. It is very important to consult a veterinarian with such symptoms!

How to wash out snot from a cat's nose?

A solution of the product that is planned to be used for washing is prepared and brought to body temperature. This can be a saline solution (saline solution) or any other medicine.

The cat must be immobilized to protect itself from potential scratches. To do this, it is enough to wrap the animal in a thin blanket or harsh towel up to neck level. Be sure to talk to her gently in order to relax the cat as much as possible during the procedure.

Start slowly pouring the prepared solution into each nostril from a syringe (without a needle!) - no more than 0.5 ml. It is better if the syringe is insulin - it is more convenient to dose. Blot the leaking liquid with a napkin. The cat will snort and sneeze - this is good and helps remove deeper mucus. After the end of snorting and sneezing, the second nasal passage is washed in the same way.

How can you wash a cat's nose if he has snot?

You can rinse your mustachioed pet’s nose with the following solutions:

  • 0.9% saline solution;
  • homemade saline solution (1 teaspoon of salt is dissolved in 1 liter of boiling water, boiled for 1-2 minutes, filtered through cheesecloth, cooled);
  • 2-3% solution of boric acid;
  • 0.5% tannin solution;
  • 0.5-1% solution of zinc sulfate;
  • furacillin solution (1 tablet per 1 glass (250 ml) of warm boiled water);
  • 0.5% solution of dioxidine (1% pharmaceutical form is diluted 1:1 with boiled water);
  • 1% soda solution (1/2 tsp baking soda per 0.5 liters of warm boiled water).

The number of washes, volumes and, most importantly, the type of solution is selected only by a veterinary specialist!

If a cat has watery eyes and rhinitis – what is it?

Options: development of allergies, colds or infection with a viral/bacterial infection of the upper respiratory tract (rinotracheitis, panleukopenia, calicivirosis, etc.) or eyes (conjunctivitis). It is important to pay attention to whether there are any other accompanying symptoms that can help differentiate the exact cause of rhinitis.

What is wrong with a cat if she sneezes and has snot?

Options range from a common cold to various types of infections. The presence of parasites inside cannot be ruled out. It is necessary to pay attention to accompanying signs - temperature, general condition, lacrimation, etc. and be sure to contact your veterinarian for advice. If the mucus is green, this is a sign of microbial activity in the nasal cavity.

The cat has a runny nose in only one nostril.

Most likely the animal got something into its nasal passage. In case of any internal diseases accompanied by rhinitis, discharge is observed simultaneously from both nostrils - a distinctive feature. You need to carefully examine the part of the nose where the snot comes from, and if it is not possible to provide help at home, go to a veterinary hospital for qualified help.

Is a runny nose in a cat contagious to humans?

Cat snot itself and the causes that cause it do not pose a danger to humans. This fact does not exclude compliance with sanitary rules when assisting a pet - mandatory hand washing after contact or the use of rubber medical gloves.

Causes of runny nose in cats

There are quite a few causes of runny nose in cats and they are quite diverse. From draft to virus. There is also a large number of diseases that accompany rhinitis. In any case, this symptom cannot be ignored.

Colds and weakened immunity

The cause of a cold can be completely everyday factors: hypothermia or too cold food or drink. In this case, rhinitis is accompanied by lethargy, lacrimation, and dry cough. If hypothermia occurs, the cat should be warmed by wrapping it in a blanket. You can use a heating pad.

The weakened immunity of an adult cat or a small kitten makes it easier for a cold to catch a cold. A child’s defense mechanism that is not fully formed or the weakened immunity of an adult is more susceptible to disease. During this period, the owner needs to be more attentive to his pet.

The occurrence of colds in animals is, of course, associated with seasonal vitamin deficiency, so we recommend reading an article about it on our portal here.


A runny nose can also be a manifestation of an allergic reaction of the body. Most often, the disease is detected after contact with chemicals (detergents, insect or rodent control products). As a rule, when a cat has allergies, the eyes become watery and the discharge is clear. In more severe cases, itching and skin rashes may occur.

Limiting contact with the allergen brings relief to the animal almost immediately. In difficult cases, a course of treatment with antihistamines is necessary.

Foreign body in the nose

The animal's nose should be checked for the presence of foreign bodies in case of severe and persistent runny nose. If something is stuck in the nasal sinuses, the snot will be continuous and clear in color, the cat will constantly sneeze and shake its head from side to side.

You can try to remove the stuck object yourself. If you have a poor view of the stuck item or doubt your abilities, it is better to consult a doctor - he will help you get out the interfering object if it is present, or will determine the cause of rhinitis if it is absent.

Bacterial or fungal infection

The cause of a chronic runny nose in a pet may be infection of the nasal mucosa by bacteria or fungi. Conventional medications for fighting a runny nose will not help here; discharge will continue to flow from the nose, and the effect of the medications will not last.

Specialists at a veterinary clinic will help determine the exact cause of the disease and prescribe a course of treatment; their help in this case cannot be ignored in order to avoid complications.


You should take a closer look at your pet if the cat often rubs its nose on various objects, sneezes, or has difficulty breathing. This may be due to parasite infestation. In this case, the runny nose is secondary, and only diagnosis and treatment of the underlying disease will relieve the pet of rhinitis.

Viral diseases

A runny nose accompanies dangerous viral pathologies such as calcivirosis, rhinotracheitis and panleukopenia.


This infectious disease is characterized by rhinitis, fever up to 40 degrees, sneezing, and the appearance of wounds on the mucous membranes of the mouth and lips (stomatitis).

Loss of appetite, rapid breathing, cough, and possible painful limping are observed. Without proper treatment, death can occur.

Cured animals become not susceptible to the virus, but will spread it.

Main symptoms

If it is a cold, the main symptoms are usually the following:

  • runny nose;
  • lacrimation;
  • lethargy;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • labored breathing.

The danger is that due to simple symptoms, you can miss a complex disease with similar symptoms.

  • severe infectious diseases, the positive outcome of which depends only on prompt access to a veterinary clinic;
  • parasites for which the pet must be treated;
  • chronic diseases passed on from the mother and requiring immediate diagnosis and treatment.


Treatment of a runny nose can be carried out at home, but preferably after consultation with a veterinarian. Treatment for an incorrectly diagnosed disease can do more harm than good.

Depending on the causes of the disease, a course of treatment is prescribed.

For a cold

The cat must be kept in a warm place, avoiding drafts, fed and watered only with warm foods, it is advisable to increase the amount of vitamins and microelements in the diet to maintain the body. If there is no fever, you can rinse your nose with a saline solution at the rate of 1 teaspoon of sea salt per glass of water, or use boiled beet juice in a ratio of 1 to 3 with water.

You can use saline solution for these purposes. Special drops for animals are also suitable for washing. If these are not available, you can replace them with oil-based baby products. The course of treatment is 7-10 days. If your temperature rises significantly, you should immediately seek help from a clinic.

For allergic rhinitis

First of all, you should identify the allergen and limit the cat's access to it. As a rule, this is quite enough to alleviate the cat's condition. In severe cases, the doctor will prescribe a course of steroids or antihistamines.

For bacterial rhinitis

You can't do without antibiotics. Taking medications must be carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

Treatment of a runny nose caused by a fungus is possible only after laboratory tests, on the basis of which the necessary medications are prescribed.

For viral diseases

They are quite difficult to respond to drug therapy and are aimed at maintaining the body’s defenses, and treatment is concentrated on the prevention of secondary bacterial infection.

Refusal to treat rhinitis can lead to complications and deterioration of the animal’s condition, especially if the disease is infectious.

Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis in adults

After other types of chronic runny nose are rejected, a diagnosis of vasomotor rhinitis is made. On the one hand, this is good. Vasomotor rhinitis can be cured, unlike allergic rhinitis.

But the treatment is complex, long-term, involving various methods of therapy.

Surgical treatment

It has been proven that vasomotor rhinitis is often caused by a deviated nasal septum, protruding ridge or adenoids.
These formations irritate the sensitive mucous membrane, causing it to swell and produce mucus.

If an otolaryngologist has discovered one of these problems, he may suggest a surgical correction. In such cases, surgery can relieve the patient of rhinitis forever.

It happens that the anatomically everything is fine with the nose, but there is rhinitis. The essence of the problem is in the overly reactive vessels of the nasal mucosa.

They react sharply to changes in air temperature, odors, and stress and immediately expand, causing congestion. Then doctors recommend ultrasound or electroplasma coagulation.

The purpose of these operations is partial destruction of the vessels of the mucous membrane.

Laser treatment

One of the most promising methods is laser treatment. During the procedure, excess vessels of the nasal mucosa stick together and disappear. After the laser, no scar tissue forms and no painkillers are required.

A positive result in the form of free nasal breathing is noted by 9 out of 10 people.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia, which means there are almost no contraindications. There is no bleeding afterward, and there is no need to wear thick turundas in your nose for several days to stop the bleeding.

At home, the patient is not recommended to drink alcohol or visit baths and saunas for some time. This is done to avoid nosebleeds due to high blood pressure.


The accumulation of mucus in the nasal cavity cannot always be removed by simply blowing your nose.

Swelling walls do not allow the contents to escape so easily, and using vasoconstrictor drops daily is dangerous.

Massaging the nose helps get rid of mucus. You should massage the bridge of the nose and the points at the wings of the nose for several minutes.

This will improve the flow of blood from the cavities and make the mucus discharge somewhat easier.

Such regular massage in combination with rinsing can replace vasoconstrictor drops.


In medicine, a block is the injection of local anesthetics near a major nerve or nerve plexus.

The drugs actually freeze the nerves, reducing their activity.

A solution of novocaine is used, which is injected into the area of ​​the inferior turbinates (into the nose). The swelling decreases after the first procedures, but for a long-term effect a course of 10 blockades is recommended.


Non-drug methods help well outside the acute period, when there is practically no nasal discharge. Diadynamic therapy involves the use of diadynamic currents from an electrode located in the nose.

A course of at least 10 procedures significantly facilitates breathing and reduces the likelihood of congestion in the future. People who used diadynamic therapy noted that they stopped using vasoconstrictor drops.

Electrophoresis with calcium chloride is sometimes very helpful for those suffering from vasomotor rhinitis.

The essence of the procedure is that exposure to currents causes calcium ions to move from the tampon into the nasal mucosa.

Calcium strengthens blood vessels, preventing their swelling. If there is an allergic component, then calcium chloride alleviates that too.

Restoration of breathing occurs after the first two procedures, but the effect is cumulative and the nose will breathe as much as possible after the full course.

Drug treatment

A person usually comes to surgery or laser treatment after several years of unsuccessful drug therapy.

However, for many people, medications help, significantly alleviating the condition during exacerbations. Various groups of drugs are used in the form of drops, tablets, inhalations and sprays.

The main thing that people often forget is that using vasoconstrictor drops for more than 5-7 days in itself provokes rhinitis.

These remedies were invented for acute conditions, when severe inflammatory swelling made breathing much more difficult. Using them for chronic vasomotor rhinitis means aggravating the runny nose.

Mr. Cat recommends: features of treating a runny nose in a kitten

A kitten's growing body requires more careful attention when dealing with a runny nose. First of all, it is necessary to improve the living conditions and nutrition of the small pet.

For a speedy recovery, you can do inhalations using eucalyptus oil: you need to add a few drops of oil to a container of hot water, then turn the kitten’s head towards it so that it can inhale the vapors, and cover it with a napkin.

Here you should be careful not to burn your pet.

The warming up procedure will also be useful. To do this, you can use bags of salt or sand.

To ease breathing, children's drops are suitable: Aqua Maris, Pinosol.

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