How to get rid of the smell of cat urine - only proven methods for all cases

We’ll look at how to get rid of the smell of cat urine in an apartment in this article. Ours offers the most modern and safe methods for eliminating the smell of cat urine. We offer a wide range of effective products that neutralize the smell of cat urine in the apartment. Our specialists use medications aimed at a specific solution to your problem.

We do not mask the smell, but completely destroy it completely and forever!

Preparing to Remove Cat Odor in the House

In order for the cat smell to disappear from the apartment without leaving a trace, you need to correctly approach the process of removing “traces” of your pet.

To begin with, the puddle is covered with paper napkins (as they are absorbed, they are collected in a plastic bag). Alternatively, you can use cat litter instead of paper.

The purpose of such actions is to collect urine as quickly as possible, without waiting for it to be absorbed or smeared on the surface.

It is strictly unacceptable:

  • cover up the cat’s “traces”;
  • rub the surface with a brush or sponge;
  • rub the urine on the floor with a wet rag.

Such manipulations will lead to an even greater spread of odor and absorption of urine.

Reasons for the animal's behavior

There are a number of reasons why a cat may refuse to go to its litter box. The most common is considered to be personal dislike for this toilet. Maybe the tray is too small and the animal feels uncomfortable there. The cat litter box should be 1.5 times larger than the animal's body. The litter box should be placed in a secluded place, as cats prefer to relieve themselves away from prying eyes.

Many pets prefer to have their own toilet rather than share it with someone else. It is important to keep the litter box clean because cats have a good sense of smell. Often, an animal may refuse to use the toilet due to the presence of new, unfamiliar aromas. If there are new scents nearby, the cat will consider this an encroachment on its territory. Therefore, he will choose unfamiliar objects to create marks.

How to remove using folk remedies?

There are a sufficient number of ways to get rid of the unpleasant smell of cat urine in an apartment without special material costs.

Lemon acid

Treating urine stains with citric acid will not only get rid of the unpleasant odor, but also prevent the animal from trying to urinate in that area again.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Dissolve 1 tsp in 100 ml of warm water. citric acid.
  2. Using a spray bottle, spray the prepared product onto the urine stain.
  3. After five minutes, the liquid is collected with paper napkins.

Before use, the citric acid solution is tested on an inconspicuous area (there is a high risk of surface discoloration).


An iodine solution can remove urine stains (and with them an unpleasant odor) from dark wooden surfaces.

The steps are simple: 15 drops of iodine are dissolved in a liter of warm water , after which the “traces” of the animal are treated with the resulting composition. Iodine should not be used on light-colored fabrics or carpets.


Ammonia will help remove odors from fabrics. It is enough to apply the undiluted product liberally to the stain, leave it for a few minutes, and then rinse thoroughly under warm running water.

The smell of ammonia attracts animals, so treatment with ammonia is carried out only on those things that can be hidden from a pet.

Baking soda

Baking soda can be used to remove cat odor from soft upholstery of sofas and armchairs, and fleecy surfaces of carpets.

Algorithm of actions:

  • soda powder is diluted with water to a thick paste;
  • the resulting paste is applied to the urine stain and left until completely dry;
  • Use a vacuum cleaner or soft sponge to remove the crust of soda paste.

By washing off dried baking soda with a sponge dipped in soap suds, the process of removing cat odors from the soft upholstery of sofas will speed up significantly.


Glycerin can remove cat “marks” from leather and fabric products, carpet or linoleum. It is enough to wipe the urine stain with a cotton swab soaked in glycerin and leave it until completely dry.

Glycerin is only effective for removing fresh cat marks . For stubborn, old stains, this product is useless.

Table vinegar

A universal assistant in the fight against unpleasant odors in the house is table vinegar. To remove “traces” of a cat, vinegar is diluted with water (ratio 1:3), and then sprayed through a spray bottle onto the stain.

Traces of urine and vinegar are blotted with paper towels, and then the surface is wiped with a damp sponge.

Treatment with vinegar will not only help get rid of the pungent odor of cat waste, but will also discourage your pet from pooping in the wrong place.

Laundry soap and lemon

Regular laundry soap and lemon will help
neutralize the unpleasant smell of cat urine .

It's simple: treat the stain with laundry soap, then rub it with a slice of lemon.

Lemon or orange peels will scare the animal away from further excrement on the previously treated surface.

Other recipes for odor

There are other options to eliminate the smell of pet urine in your home or apartment.


Wipe the surface with hydrogen peroxide (3%). The drug helps if the trace is fresh. It is better not to use peroxide on varnished surfaces.

Potassium permangantsovka

Treat the floor with a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate. Wash the area with clean water. Potassium permanganate can color a light-colored coating. It cannot be used to clean textiles.

Add 15 drops of iodine to 500 ml of water and wipe the urine stain. The product should be used on dark fabrics.

There are recipes using ammonia, alcohol (vodka) and chlorine. But these substances do not affect uric acid, so their effectiveness is questionable. However, they can be used for final treatment of contamination and repelling the animal. It is enough to wipe the place chosen by the cat with one of the preparations.

Note: When using a product with chlorine, it is important to follow safety precautions: wear gloves, open windows, remove your furry pet from the room. Do not forget that chlorine can damage floor coverings or textiles.

How to remove with special compounds?

When cleaning using improvised means does not lead to the desired result, and you need to remove the unpleasant smell of cat urine as quickly as possible (there is no time to re-use traditional methods), professional means will come to the rescue . TOP 3 proven, effective compositions:

Urine Destroyer

A product for removing stubborn stains and neutralizing urine odor is an effective product designed specifically for quickly solving the problem of cat “marks” in the house. Quickly neutralizes rather than masks the “traces” of the animal.

Ideal for all types of surfaces . Safe for use in children's rooms. The average cost is 880 rubles. (750 ml bottle).

Hartz Nodor Litter Spray

A scented product that eliminates the odors of cat waste. A distinctive feature is the ability to encapsulate odor molecules upon contact with urine. The product is absolutely safe for use in residential areas.

Non-toxic, does not cause allergies . The average cost is 550 rubles. (500 ml bottle).

Laina MS Spray

A product from a domestic manufacturer, effective in combating odors and marks of pets in the apartment. Suitable for all types of surfaces. Safe for animals . After use it leaves a pleasant aroma of lavender or fir. The average cost is 360 rubles. (750 ml bottle).

Before using any product, you must carefully study the instructions for use. Do not exceed the time of exposure of the product to the corroded surface, use the product in a larger volume than indicated by the manufacturer.

What to do for prevention?

It is possible to prevent the appearance of an unpleasant cat odor in the apartment if you adhere to certain rules:

  1. We place the tray only in secluded places. The cat always looks for corners hidden from prying eyes for the toilet.
  2. We treat the sites of potential “acts of revenge” with special products - cat bleaches. Particular attention should be paid to places where shoes are stored, the rug in front of the bed, and in the bathroom.
  3. Decorate flower pots with orange peels or pine cones. Cats love to make toilets in flowerpots; pine cones and oranges discourage the pet from marking its territory in this way.
  4. We change cat litter regularly. The domestic cat is an extremely clean animal that will never defecate in a dirty litter box.

A cat is an animal that does not tolerate violence. In response to beatings and humiliation, the cat will take revenge (mark its territory).

What happens if you ignore the smell of cat urine?

Prolonged and regular exposure to cat urine on various surfaces leads to the destruction of materials. Soft and porous materials are especially affected: carpets, upholstery, home textiles, wallpaper.

For the health of household members, the harm is relative. Due to the regularity of inhaling unpleasant odors, headaches may appear, and then nervous disorders.

A prolonged stay in a room thoroughly “saturated” with cat urine is absolutely contraindicated for newborn children and people suffering from diseases of the respiratory system.


Observations and recommendations from experienced veterinarians will help in the difficult fight against unpleasant cat odors in the apartment:

  1. An ultraviolet lamp will help to accurately determine the place where the cat left traces of urine (in a situation where the discharge has already been absorbed). Under its rays, the cat’s “footprints” begin to glow with white light.

  2. It is not recommended to use coffee squeezes, pine needle or citrus aroma oils to eliminate cat odor in the house.
    The result of applying natural fragrances to the scene of a cat’s “crime” is a significantly increased unpleasant odor.
  3. You should not mask your cat's smell with perfume or eau de toilette. Mixed with the molecules of animal secretions, the aroma of perfume will turn into a pungent, suffocating odor.
  4. A good eliminater of cat odors is frost. It is enough to leave the shoes or clothes marked by your pet in the cold overnight (or place them in the freezer) and there will be no trace of the unpleasant odor.

What to do if the cat has marked in the house? If your cat is constantly marking its territory, and no preventive measures help get rid of the problem, you need to show it to the veterinarian.

Perhaps there are kidney or urinary tract diseases, which can be cured and you can forget about the problem of the unpleasant smell of cat marks forever.

This article will tell you how to remove the smell of cat urine from a carpet, and this article will tell you how to remove it from upholstered furniture.

You will find a lot of useful and important information about removing various unpleasant odors from objects and surfaces in this section.

Executing the procedure

To completely clean linoleum, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. Prepare a solution of vinegar and water. Apply the composition to the damaged area. If the stain is on the carpet, you should use a spray bottle. The product should be applied in large quantities so that it penetrates into the fibers of the product.
  2. It is necessary for the applied liquid to dry; to speed up the process, you can use a washing vacuum cleaner.
  3. Apply baking soda to the problem area. This product will serve as a natural deodorant that will absorb unpleasant odors.
  4. Next, a pre-prepared mixture of 50 grams of peroxide and a small spoon of dishwashing gel is applied to the area. Peroxide is a powerful oxidizing agent; it perfectly removes bacteria, which causes odor. However, it is worth considering that on some carpets, lightened stains may form due to the drug, so it is better to first apply the solution to a less noticeable area.
  5. After the composition has dried, all that remains is to vacuum the area using a stiff brush.

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