Helminths quite often settle in the body of cats, so they must be systematically dewormed. Processing should
Is it possible to crossbreed a Briton and a Scot? All cat breeds share a common genetic sex pattern
Black spots in cats do not occur very often and may be the result of improper care.
10081Administration Some owners find it very funny that their cat constantly licks itself. But funny
Diarcan is a medicinal product for the treatment of diarrhea in cats Diarcan is a medicinal product,
Every cat owner is faced with the issue of choosing a litter. Many people prefer this filler for
Cats are cute creatures, but they not only purr and cuddle, but also scratch.
13132Administration 1 Many pet owners have encountered a situation where cats begin to mark. Not
Do cats need to be bathed at all? There is an opinion that a healthy cat does not need to be bathed;
A cat has scabs on its body: Preface As a rule, domestic cats, like wild cats, live