Fighting causes dysphagia
7 alarming symptoms that cat owners don’t always pay attention to
Swallowing disorder is called dysphagia. This condition occurs in cats of all ages. In some cases
Cats similar to Siamese in appearance
Home » Breeds » About the Himalayan cat breed The Himalayan cat has nothing to do with
The cat burps yellow liquid Rostov-on-Don
10625Administration 3 Vomit with green discharge indicates that there is accumulation in the stomach
Why trim your cat's claws?
Manicure for Murka. How to trim cats' claws yourself
Why trim the claws of a cat or dog Many people notice that purring pets often scratch with their claws
Causes of black nose in cats: purulent discharge from the eyes, examples of how you can help
The cat has blackness under his nose. Skin diseases in cats
Injuries The cat's nose is a very sensitive and delicate organ; it is naturally constantly moisturized,
Infusion therapy for cats and dogs
Some diseases and conditions require an IV for cats. Typically intravenous infusions are given when
Do pets anticipate the imminent death of their owners?
Photo: TASS/Yuri Smityuk Cats are the most popular type of pet on the planet. They are for us
How long does pregnancy last in cats - signs, developmental features and methods for determining the period (125 photos)
10648Administration 1 Pregnancy is an important stage in the life of a pet. During this period her
I found a hernia on a kitten’s stomach - what should I do?
Not all owners of cats, kittens and cats manage to cope with the difficulties they encounter.
Dwelf cat breed
Dwelf cats - description, character, rules of care and maintenance
Characteristics of the breed Representatives of the breed are cheerful, cheerful and calm. In character they are closer to