The cat burps yellow liquid Rostov-on-Don



Vomit with green discharge indicates that a large amount of bile and intestinal secretions have accumulated in the stomach. This is the so-called cleansing vomiting, which helps rid the body of excess. But green vomit in a cat can be a harbinger of a dangerous infection.

You can determine the risks for your pet by studying the causes that influence the occurrence of nausea.

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The following factors can lead to green vomit and cause nausea::

  1. Infection . Poor quality food or expired products often cause dangerous infections in the body. Therefore, most street cats suffer from weight loss: parasites destroy a weakened body.
  2. Poisoning . A cat can become poisoned from food or medications. Bile mass is the body’s reaction to toxins and other harmful substances that the stomach throws out through nausea.
  3. Intestinal problems . The problem is more difficult if vomiting does not stop for a long time. This may be a sign of a blockage in the intestinal tract. Therefore, if there is active nausea with green discharge, foam and blood, it is better to show it to a veterinarian.
  4. Diseases . Cats suffer from chronic illnesses. These are problems with the bladder, ulcers, cancerous tumors. For a sick animal, yellow vomit is a common practice. If there are brown spots, the result is almost one hundred percent - an ulcer.

The cat is vomiting. 11 most likely causes and their treatment

The situation when an animal vomits is unpleasant for both the pet and the owner. Vomiting in a cat occurs for various reasons: from inappropriate food to disruption of internal organs. An attack does not always require veterinary care; in some cases, the owner successfully copes with the problem at home.

But you need to pay attention to every situation when a cat is vomiting. Objects that enter the stomach and cause vomiting can cause internal injury. Nausea can be a symptom of various animal diseases.

Causes of illness


To prescribe treatment, a correct diagnosis is necessary. First of all, the specialist relies on clinical examination data and history (the cat’s diet, vaccinations, frequency of deworming, etc.). To clarify, additional studies may be prescribed, including:

  • general blood analysis;
  • biochemical analysis;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • radiography and others.

Of the immediate measures, the most important is to restore the volume of fluid in the body and water-salt balance. For this purpose, intravenous or subcutaneous infusions of fluids are used. If a bacterial component is detected, antibiotics are prescribed; in the case of viral diseases, symptomatic treatment is carried out in combination with immunoglobulins and serums.

After stabilization of the cat’s condition, the cat is transferred to dietary, easily digestible food. In the future, optimization of the diet is extremely important.

Vomiting of yellow liquid in a pet indicates a violation of its health. In this case, it is important to identify the cause of the unpleasant symptoms as soon as possible and seek help from a veterinarian, who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Types of vomit in cats depending on color

Vomiting in cats is a common situation when the body tries to get rid of the contents of the stomach, which is a symptom of an infectious disease or a serious pathology of the organs.


Before the onset of vomiting, the pet suffers from nausea. Outwardly, this is manifested by restless behavior in the cat, she walks around the room or tries to retire. Often profuse salivation begins, the animal makes swallowing movements, meows, coughs and stretches its head. During the process of bowel movement, the muscles in the throat and abdomen also contract.

General article about vomiting in cats.

Types and reasons

There are three main types of vomit, which determine the cause of its appearance. Before going to the doctor, it is recommended to determine the color in order to provide accurate data.


If a pet vomits yellow liquid, this indicates the presence of bile in the mass, which is not typical; during the normal digestive process, it goes directly into the stomach. When the illness lasts more than one day, the stomach fills with bile, which corrodes the walls.

Problems with the liver or gall bladder cause this color and characteristic odor. Cats rarely eat anything after vomiting. Diarrhea may appear, in which bile will be present. Typically, pets with liver problems vomit bile after eating fatty foods or dry food.

The masses can also be colored with a dye, which is present in feed and has a gray-yellow tint.


Sometimes this color is a consequence of the fact that the animal deliberately ate grass in order to cleanse the stomach and the vomit takes on the appearance of a clear liquid with green splashes.

The reason can be more serious; when the gallbladder malfunctions, concentrated bile enters the stomach. It may also contain the contents of the duodenum, possibly an infectious disease. Repeated green vomit poses a health hazard to your pet.


The appearance of brown clots in the vomit indicates bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. The blood, while in the stomach, was treated with gastric juice. This is caused by an ulcer, trauma from a swallowed object, or the disintegration of a tumor.

When bleeding occurs in the stomach itself, the masses have a rich dark color, which indicates the presence of a foreign object, tumor or ulcer in the gastrointestinal tract. Vomiting “coffee grounds” is dangerous; a thick brown mass means there is bleeding in the stomach or duodenum, as a result of which red blood cells are destroyed after interacting with gastric juice.

If blood is detected in the cat’s vomit, it is forbidden to feed it; you must promptly contact a veterinarian for examination and prescribing appropriate treatment.

First aid

The main thing is to prevent your pet from becoming dehydrated. You should regularly give your cat clean water and add a glucose solution to prevent exhaustion. On the first day, food intake is completely excluded. When the cause of vomiting is stale food, then to completely cleanse the animal’s body it is worth giving it salted water. This will cause him to vomit again and clear his stomach.

But when the reason is taking chemicals with irritating properties, this should not be done. You need to give your pet Enterogel and take him to the veterinarian. It is also impossible to provoke vomiting in the presence of foreign objects in the stomach; give antiemetic drugs. The veterinarian will do this if necessary.

The owner should carefully monitor the pet after vomiting in order to provide the doctor with complete information:

  • Frequency and duration of attacks;
  • What is the connection between vomiting and food, what, how much, when;
  • Parameter of vomit, color, thickness, presence of undigested food, hair or blood in it.

At the clinic, tell everything about the cat’s behavior and condition, the presence of anxiety, salivation and behavioral characteristics.


To prevent your pet from vomiting, you need to feed fresh and good-quality food. It is not recommended to eat raw fish or meat. Vaccination procedures and anthelmintic therapy should be carried out in a timely manner. Brush your pet's long hair to avoid getting it into the stomach. For early detection of diseases, it is worth regularly having your animal examined by a veterinarian.

Sometimes it is difficult to diagnose the cause; in this example, the cat initially vomited white foam, then a yellow-green mass. The cause turned out to be a foreign object that she swallowed.

The nature and cause of vomiting can be determined by color by the erupted masses. This will allow you to begin treatment before visiting the veterinarian and receiving an accurate diagnosis.


Methods of helping with bilious vomiting

First, you will need an examination at a veterinary clinic to determine the cause of the disease. Only by understanding why the animal has such symptoms can the doctor prescribe treatment.

Methods of conducting the examination

Sometimes the veterinarian may limit himself to an external examination and questioning. But more often more serious research is required:

  • Ultrasound;
  • radiography of the liver, gall bladder, intestines;
  • tomography of the same zones;
  • endoscopy;
  • tests of blood, urine, feces, vomit.

If a doctor prescribes some kind of research, you cannot refuse if you want to save the cat. It is often difficult to find out what causes vomiting of bile, even with the help of modern technical means. Thus, an x-ray or ultrasound may not show acute changes in the liver or gall bladder. These methods will not help in case of poisoning. But tests will make it possible to figure it out.

Treatment options

If a cat vomits bile and does not eat anything, you need to be prepared for surgical intervention - intestinal obstruction or serious pathologies of the gallbladder cannot be cured in other ways.

In other cases, the veterinarian will prescribe treatment depending on the diagnosis. These can be antibiotics (if the cause is infection) or antidotes (if poisoning is determined). If diseases of the stomach, duodenum or liver are detected, appropriate medications will be prescribed. There are many drugs that can relieve spasms, inflammation of the mucous membrane or help restore the liver.

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In case of prolonged vomiting, restoration of water balance will be required. To do this, the cat is given an IV.

A diet may also be required. If it is necessary to restore the liver, you cannot do without it. When your pet's health begins to improve, he will need nutritious, but light food. You need to feed your cat often, but in small portions. Your veterinarian may also recommend liquid food because it helps relieve irritation in the digestive tract. The amount of fat will definitely have to be kept to a minimum.

Vomiting and nausea in cats: causes, treatment and prevention

Vomiting in a cat is a fairly common phenomenon. Periodically, our pets cleanse their stomachs in this way and get rid of discomfort.

But sometimes it can be a clear sign of something wrong with the body, such as when your cat vomits yellow liquid. Every loving owner should learn to distinguish a natural urge from one caused by a disease.

In most cases, with adequate assistance, the illness goes away quickly and without any consequences.

The main causes of vomiting

Vomiting has different causes, on which treatment depends. If the cat’s vomiting is yellow, the urge does not recur and, in general, the cat feels fine, then most likely the malaise was caused by one of the following factors:

  • Stress or fear. A change of scenery, the appearance of a child or a new animal in the house, a long absence of the owner - isn’t this a reason to be nervous?
  • Binge eating. Representatives of the cat family cannot always control their appetite; cats vomit after eating, usually for this reason. Especially when some kind of delicacy was offered for lunch.
  • Pregnancy. Not only women suffer from toxicosis. When preparing to become a mother, a cat may well behave unnaturally.
  • Ingestion of hairballs. These noble cleaners often swallow wool during the grooming process and then get rid of it.
  • Disorders of the vestibular apparatus. Often happens after traveling in a car.

But in some cases, nausea may indicate a serious illness, when you should definitely consult a veterinarian:

  • Poisoning. Did your pet eat something on the street or did you decide to try a new culinary experiment? Start treatment immediately, and after 2-3 days the cat’s condition will return to normal.
  • Inflammatory processes in the throat. They can be caused by both infection and ingestion of sharp objects.
  • Worms. Unpleasant, but not fatal. A few days of taking the pills and everything will pass.
  • Kidney or liver disease. This is a more serious problem, but there is no need to panic.
  • Diabetes. Did you not know that cats are also susceptible to this disease?
  • Intestinal obstruction, volvulus. See a doctor urgently!

Manifestations of vomiting and its types

Attentive owners can notice the deterioration of the animal's condition even before it vomits. Illness will be indicated by lethargy, belching, bad breath and indigestion.

Be sure to pay attention to the following aspects:

  • urge frequency;
  • the smell and color of vomit;
  • does the pet still have an appetite?
  • Is the cat thirsty?
  • Are there other manifestations of poisoning (dehydration, diarrhea).

Persistent vomiting

It is easy to notice that the animal is straining and making an effort to empty its stomach. In this case, the cat vomits with foam, most often transparent or light yellow. This is a clear sign of swallowing objects that cannot be digested. It could be a large ball of hair, grass, or low-quality food.

Sporadic vomiting

The cat vomits involuntarily and often, the condition can worsen sharply. At the same time, there is no appetite for several days, the animal looks sick, and refuses its usual games. Most likely, your pet will be diagnosed with a gastrointestinal or liver disease. If the cat is not young, then there may be suspicions of cancer. Have you noticed these symptoms? Be sure to consult a doctor.

Vomiting blood

  1. Bright, light blood in the mass indicates bleeding in the esophagus or larynx.
    If its amount is small, then most likely the cause is a scratch caused by swallowing sharp objects, bones, etc.
  2. If your cat is vomiting blood and it is thick and dark, the stomach or upper small intestine may be affected. A veterinarian's consultation is needed to prevent infection.

Feces in vomit

One of the most dangerous types of disease. Masses with an unnatural odor and dark color are a sign of intestinal obstruction; peritonitis is also possible. Vomiting of feces often occurs in animals with abdominal trauma.

Profuse vomiting in a fountain

If your cat is vomiting yellow liquid with great force, there is most likely a blockage in the stomach or intestines. This happens when large foreign objects are swallowed, the canals are narrowed, or there is severe inflammation or swelling. It can also be caused by neurological diseases, encephalitis and thrombosis.

Vomiting with mucus

Mucus in the vomit is a rather alarming symptom, often a sign of exacerbation of chronic gastritis or the occurrence of a peptic ulcer. If mucus appears in the stool along with vomiting, your pet most likely has a helminthic infestation.

Green vomit

A cat vomiting green bile is a sign of gallbladder dysfunction. It is the entry of bile into the stomach that causes belching of an unusual color with an unpleasant, sharp, sour-bitter odor. If your cat is vomiting green liquid, but the overall mass is a little clear or yellowish with some green flecks, it is likely that the cat is clearing its stomach with fresh grass.

Attentive owners can notice the deterioration of the animal's condition even before it vomits. Source: Flickr (neuro)

What treatment is needed?

Often, simple vomiting in a kitten or young adult can be dealt with at home. If the discharge is profuse and causes you doubts, then do not delay going to the veterinarian. You should also see a doctor if your cat has vomited more than twice.

The first thing to do if your pet’s condition noticeably deteriorates is to prevent dehydration. To do this, offer your cat clean water every hour.

If there is a suspicion of ingestion of a foreign object, then you can independently examine the mouth and throat. Often hairballs or large pieces of food get stuck at the very top. In this case, it is not difficult to remove them yourself. After such a procedure, it is important to give the body a rest. Do not feed or water the animal for at least 12 hours; ice cubes will help quench its thirst.

Didn't he feel sick during the day? Try giving baby meat puree in small portions, 5-6 times a day. The diet must be followed for up to three days, then you can move on to your normal diet.

Sometimes it happens when an animal feels bad, but cannot vomit on its own. Then you can induce vomiting in one of the following ways:

  1. Give your cat a glass of slightly warm water, in which you must first dissolve a tablespoon of salt. It is necessary for the pet to drink quickly and in large sips.
  2. Place the cat on its side and lightly press the root of the tongue with a clean index finger.

!!! It is forbidden to induce vomiting if the animal has swallowed a sharp object. This can cause serious irritation of the esophagus.

Anti-vomiting medications for cats

Regular human antiemetic medications are usually not suitable for cats. Only a veterinarian can prescribe competent treatment. But there are cases when you cannot hesitate:

  • if your pet has swallowed a chemical substance (acid, turpentine, solvent, etc.), then you need to immediately give him about a tablespoon of enterosgel and urgently take him to the doctor;
  • if you notice blood in the vomit, then before taking it to the veterinarian, give the cat a tablespoon of Vaseline oil;
  • if the spasms do not stop (more than 5 per hour), give your pet an injection of noshpa or cerucal intramuscularly (0.1 ml of medicine should be per 1 kg of weight).

What will they do at the veterinary clinic?

First of all, the doctor will conduct an examination to determine the cause of the animal’s poor health. He will examine the mucous membranes, palpate the abdominal cavity, measure body temperature, and check the quality of breathing. A general blood test and ultrasound will also help to make a correct diagnosis.

If the cause of irritation is a foreign object in the digestive tract, it will be removed using a probe.

Tumors in cats can only be treated with surgery. Did the doctor suspect poisoning? The cat will have to undergo gastric lavage and take absorbent medications.

on this topic


General information

To begin with, we will describe the common reasons that can lead to yellowing of vomit. These include:

  • Cat eating “non-food” objects. It occurs when a pet eats to its heart's content artificial casings from sausages or sausages. A similar phenomenon is observed in cases of eating chicken or fish bones, fragments of which remain in the stomach for a long time and irritate its mucous membrane, promoting the release of bile.

  • This happens when a pet does not eat anything for a long time (illness, apathy), and then quickly makes up for lost time, gorging itself on a full bowl. There is a powerful release of bile, which irritates the gastric mucosa and causes profuse vomiting.
  • When eating something poisonous, poisoning, infectious diseases, severe helminthic infestations. Worms not only release large amounts of toxins into the blood, but are also a strong irritant.
  • Cancer should not be discounted. In particular, when a cat vomits bile and blood, this may well indicate the presence of a tumor in its digestive tract.

By the way, in cats, unlike dogs, slightly yellowed vomit is not a cause for serious concern. When these animals vomit, some amount of bile almost always gets into the contents of the stomach, and there is nothing wrong with that. Surely every experienced cat lover can confirm this. The yellowness is especially noticeable when the cat has eaten grass for “self-cleaning” and then vomited.

Cause for alarm appears when cats vomit bile, even if the pet has not eaten or drunk anything. If your cat vomits from time to time, but this happens after consuming a small amount of liquid or food, but you know for sure that he could not eat anything poisonous, just watch the animal for one day. This recommendation is related to the physiological characteristics of digestion in these animals.

Typically, a cat digests food within eight hours. If vomiting occurs before this period, you will see lumps of undigested food mixed with a small amount of yellowish mucus. Accordingly, when vomiting occurs when the stomach is already empty, the owner will see only thick mucus with numerous streaks of bile. In the second case, the pathology is clearly more serious.

Vomiting in cats: causes, types, first aid, treatment


The reasons for the occurrence of the reflex can be judged by the appearance and shade of the masses. Let's consider various options.

White foam

This phenomenon is common in young kittens that have recently been introduced to solid food. The cause of the gag reflex is an overfilled stomach. The vomiting attack is strong and prolonged.

White foam is a mixture of gastric juice with secretions from the mucous membrane. Similar vomiting also occurs in adult animals when changing food.

For example, if you give your pet canned food instead of dry food, he will eat it with pleasure.

The cause of vomiting in this case is banal overeating.

The appearance of foamy vomiting is a symptom of the initial stage of gastritis. If the foam has taken on a yellowish tint, this indicates infection with worms. Intoxication of the body increases, and the liver is involved in the process. Hence the coloring of vomit the color of bile.

Transparent slime

The mucous in cat vomit is gastric juice. This phenomenon is typical for helminthic infestations, chronic gastritis or gastric erosion. Vomiting with mucus also occurs in infectious diseases.

Grey mass

This is the appearance of partially digested food. There are various reasons: overeating, the initial stage of pregnancy in cats, or regurgitation of hair swallowed during licking. The last case is a variant of the norm. The gag reflex is a protective reaction of the body, a quick removal of everything foreign.

Green liquid

Green vomit indicates the following pathologies:

  • Food poisoning. The reason for the greenish tint is bile impurity. This is the liver's reaction to intoxication.
  • Infection.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract (reflux of intestinal contents into the stomach). This is a serious symptom, and you cannot delay visiting the veterinarian, otherwise the animal will die.
  • Diseases of the liver and gall bladder, including cancer.

Red liquid

There are different types of vomiting blood. A brownish mass, visually reminiscent of coffee grounds, is a symptom of bleeding: gastric or duodenal. The brown tint is due to the destruction of red blood cells by gastric juice. If the vomit is bright scarlet, then the source is in the esophagus or oral cavity. A common cause of this is mechanical injury from bird or fish bones.

Uniform reddish-brown coloring of the vomit is a sign of gastric ulcer, inflammation of the mucous membrane or a tumor process. Sometimes this happens when taking medications that corrode the mucous membranes.

Black liquid

The vomit looks and smells like feces. This is a bad sign, indicating advanced intestinal obstruction. Only the help of an experienced veterinarian can save your pet.

Yellow liquid

As already mentioned, foamy vomit with a yellowish tint is a sign of helminthic infestation. Diseases of the gallbladder and liver are accompanied by vomiting, colored bright yellow. The cause may also be an unbalanced diet (fatty foods) or poisoning.

Liver damage is a common complication of infectious diseases or a side effect of medications. In particular, these are antipyretics.


Causes of vomiting in cats include:

  • Swallowing various objects. A foreign body irritates the stomach, and the protective reflex is triggered.
  • Swallowing fur. This is especially true for long-haired breeds. Wool balls are not digested and are excreted in vomit.
  • Abundant feeding.
  • Using cheap feed.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Infection with worms.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases (from inflammation to neoplasms).
  • Animal injuries.
  • Increased intracranial pressure.
  • Excessive loads on the vestibular apparatus (motion sickness during transportation).

What to do

Sometimes nausea and vomiting in a cat is not dangerous and there is no reason to see a doctor. This is vomiting once or twice during the day. The pet's appetite is not impaired, he goes to the toilet normally, and there are no behavioral abnormalities.

This, for example, applies to accidental overeating or regurgitation of fur. Vomiting in pregnant cats is also not dangerous.

This is a variant of the norm, and it goes away quickly.

Signals for immediate contact with a veterinarian:

  • Weakness and signs of dehydration.
  • Frequency of vomiting more than 2 times a day, duration more than 3 days.
  • Impurities of bile or blood in vomit.
  • Fecal smell of vomit.
  • “Home” remedies turned out to be ineffective.
  • Vomiting persisted after correction of the pet’s diet and eating habits.

Analyze the cat’s condition and be prepared to answer the following questions from the doctor:

  • Is there a connection between vomiting and nutrition?
  • Does the reflex occur after a heavy meal?
  • Have you ever had a cat eat stale food?
  • What is the time interval between feeding and gag reflex?
  • Was the animal stressed or anxious?
  • Approximate time of onset of vomiting.

Treatment at home: if there is no veterinarian

The first thing to do is to lay your pet down so that its head hangs slightly. This is especially important with continuous vomiting to avoid swallowing the mass.

Of the medications, the most effective is Cerucal. However, it is not always available in the home medicine cabinet. An alternative option for Tserukal is No-shpa. The dosage is 0.1 mg per 1 kilogram of animal body weight.

If you know for sure that the cause of poor health is poisoning, then remedies such as Smecta, Atoxil or Enterosgel will help. An injection of Regidron solution helps with dehydration. Slightly salted drinking water also helps cope with water loss.

If the animal vomits, it is better to stop feeding for a while. But a bowl of fresh water is a must: prolonged regurgitation leads to dehydration.

Folk remedies that help to cope with poor health:

  • Flaxseed decoction.
  • Chamomile decoction.

When the acute symptoms pass, you can prepare food for your pet (for example, porridge) using chamomile infusion. The daily dosage of medicinal decoctions is from 1 to 3 tablespoons, depending on the cat’s body weight.

When do you need immediate veterinary help?

We examined the causes of yellow vomit, identified the culprits, and identified dangerous factors. However, concern for the pet can lead the owner to rash actions. Self-medication is not the best way to help your pet. Remember what symptoms indicate that the animal should be urgently shown to a specialist:

  • frequent and profuse vomiting, which does not stop even when the animal’s stomach is already empty;
  • the presence in the vomit of dangerous impurities in the form of blood, mucus, foam and particles of unknown origin;
  • the release of foamy liquid does not stop for 3-4 hours;
  • gradual change in the color and smell of vomit;
  • rapid deterioration in the pet’s general condition;
  • dry and hot nose (it is recommended to measure the temperature);
  • the cat has seizures;
  • lethargic cat behavior, loss of appetite, drowsiness.

The presence of additional symptoms indicating the seriousness of the situation also becomes a reason to visit a doctor. These include:

  • breathing problems (fast or slow);
  • profuse diarrhea (frequent bowel movements and watery stools);
  • feverish state (at high temperature);
  • visible bloating;
  • the animal does not go to the toilet, which may be a symptom of volvulus (coprostasis).

A visit to the doctor is also required if vomiting occurs after injury to the animal. For example, if a cat falls from a height, the gallbladder may rupture, which will lead to vomiting of bile. Similar symptoms are caused by cholecystitis, which at first occurs in a latent form. If you suspect a certain disease, contact your veterinarian immediately.

When going to the clinic, do not forget to take documents for your pet. Make a preliminary call to the doctor, explain the situation so that the specialist has time to prepare to take urgent measures. Sometimes minutes count, so try to quickly get your pet to the hospital. Give him water during the trip to prevent fluid loss and relieve the condition.

The cat is vomiting. 11 most likely causes and their treatment

The situation when an animal vomits is unpleasant for both the pet and the owner. Vomiting in a cat occurs for various reasons: from inappropriate food to disruption of internal organs. An attack does not always require veterinary care; in some cases, the owner successfully copes with the problem at home.

But you need to pay attention to every situation when a cat is vomiting. Objects that enter the stomach and cause vomiting can cause internal injury. Nausea can be a symptom of various animal diseases.

Causes of illness

Causes of illness

Every cat periodically burps its fur. The problem can also occur in hairless breeds adjacent to furry pets. When licking, hair accumulates in the cat's gastrointestinal tract and needs to be released.

Do not be alarmed if your cat periodically (1-2 times a week) burps dense hair sausages or balls. Problems are indicated by more frequent vomiting, constipation, lack of appetite, depression and bloating.

Symptoms indicate that the stomach and intestines are full of wool.

List of reasons why vomiting in a cat is provoked:

List of reasons why vomiting in a cat is provoked:

  1. Poor nutrition.
    This does not only mean food. Kittens and adults show interest in non-food items such as broomsticks, houseplants, decorative items (such as ikebanas), foil, or Christmas decorations. Some enter the body accidentally during play, others are eaten deliberately. Vomiting of undigested food is a potential sign that the selected food or some product in the diet is not suitable for your pet.
  2. Overeating. A large portion or rapid swallowing of food does not allow the stomach to completely digest it, as a result, the food comes back through the mouth.
  3. Pregnancy.
    The space for the stomach decreases during pregnancy. Hormonal changes also contribute to nausea.
  4. Age. Problems with food absorption are observed in kittens during the transition to solid food.
    Vomiting can also be caused by a congenital abnormality of the gastric sphincter, due to which the entire amount of food eaten cannot pass into the intestines. Active games a short time after eating are also a potential cause of malaise.

    Elderly individuals also suffer from a reflex eruption of gastrointestinal contents, whose body, due to age, is less able to process food.

  5. Poisoning.
    Stomach cleansing (including diarrhea) is the body's standard defense mechanism when confronted with a toxin. In such cases, pets often feel sick after each meal, their appetite decreases, an aversion to food appears, and a general deterioration in their condition is observed.
  6. Stress. Emotional overload can cause involuntary contraction of the stomach muscles.
  7. Reaction to medications.
    Involuntary stomach contractions are a side effect of taking a number of medications. Veterinarians who prescribe treatment or instructions usually warn about it. Nausea is also observed after general anesthesia. If the animal vomits shortly after surgery, it means that it has not yet recovered from anesthesia.
  8. Infection.
    Bacterial and viral infections, such as plague and hepatitis, directly or indirectly affect the functioning of the stomach.
  9. Parasites. Helminths of various types are a common cause of vomiting.
  10. Injuries. Regurgitation of food is caused by damage to the larynx, stomach or intestines. It can be caused by injuries to the brain and other internal organs.
  11. Various pathologies. Vomiting is a possible companion to oncology, liver, kidney and gallbladder diseases, gastritis, pancreatitis and other disorders.

Vomit differs in volume and composition:

Vomit differs in volume and composition:

  • If a cat vomits saliva or a white foamy substance, which is protective stomach mucus, then the animal is vomiting on an empty stomach.
  • Too dry mass may indicate dehydration.
  • The color of vomit depends largely on what you eat; greenish, reddish or yellowish substance may be stained by the feed.
  • Bile and blood will always stand out against the background of food shades. Their presence indicates a serious violation.
  • The presence of excrement will also indicate a dangerous pathology.
    This is a sign of intestinal damage.

The mentioned cases of obvious illness require immediate contact with a specialist.

To accurately determine the cause, you will need the help of a veterinarian. The doctor will be able to take initial measures to alleviate the patient’s condition and schedule further treatment in a hospital or at home. In less severe cases, the owner's independent help may be sufficient.

Treatment of vomiting in pets

Treatment of vomiting in pets

In case of poisoning, it is important to block the action of the toxin, for which sorbents are used. It is most convenient to use suspensions like Phosphalugel - the dose is taken at the rate of 0.5-1 drug per kilogram of the cat’s weight.

If the animal’s condition does not improve after using sorbents (after 2-3 hours), or there is a suspicion that a specific poison has been consumed, you should immediately take it to the veterinarian.

Clinics have antidotes to some toxins that can save your pet or speed up its recovery.

It is important to eliminate the root cause of the malaise. Injuries and tumors usually require surgery. If a concussion occurs, the cat will need complete rest, isolation from other pets and irritants. For the corresponding conditions, antibacterial, antiviral, oncological or antiparasitic drugs, immunostimulants and vitamin complexes will be needed.

All these remedies are selected and prescribed by the doctor. He also decides to administer an antiemetic. For cats, Cerucal or No-shpu is used - intramuscular injections in a volume of 0.1 ml per 1 kg of weight. You should not prescribe injections yourself.

The exception is the case if the pet is very sick (every day or several times a day), there is no opportunity to show it to a specialist, and gentle methods did not help. There are also folk remedies. So, it is suggested to treat a cat with a decoction of flaxseed: the liquid is given 1-4 tablespoons (depending on the size of the patient) 3-4 times a day.

What to do when the danger has passed

What to do when the danger has passed

Help with vomiting includes depriving the pet of food and water (at least for 4-5 hours). Liquids need to be returned to the diet faster than food; It may be worth starting with an IV to replace the loss without irritating the stomach. Subsequently, the cat should always have access to water.

For the first 2-3 days, the animal must be on a gentle diet: special food, rice water, lean boiled chicken or other light food. Raw foods, even if the pet has consumed them before, are excluded.

Feed, due to its attractive smell, can be a more effective solution if the animal does not eat anything.

A cat's vomiting with foam, greenish or yellow color, undigested food or inedible swallowed objects does not necessarily mean there are serious problems with the body. The problem is often solved by adjusting the diet. But frequent attacks, general deterioration of the animal’s condition, the presence of blood or bile in the discharge require the involvement of a veterinarian.

The doctor will determine the root cause of the ailment and prescribe appropriate treatment. Regardless of the disease, in case of involuntary contractions of the pet’s stomach, the pet is transferred to moderate feeding of light foods.

Prevention measures

To prevent illness and protect your four-legged pet from health problems, preventive measures are called for, which are easy to follow if you are attentive to your furry friend. What to do:

  1. Create a balanced diet. Feed your cat high-quality brands of food, do not give fatty foods, and ensure that the animal’s body receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals.
  2. Give your pet an anthelmintic drug once a quarter. It is especially important to deworm cats and kittens that roam freely on the street or eat raw meat.
  3. Brush your pet periodically to prevent large amounts of hair from getting into its body. Cats are very clean and love to lick their fur, putting it in order. The villi enter the intestines and gather into a “sausage” that can get stuck there.
  4. Keep your pet's sleeping area clean, wash the dishes from which he eats, and disinfect bedding and toys.
  5. Bring your pet to the veterinarian regularly for examinations and vaccinations.
  6. Make sure that there are no small objects left on the floor that could attract the pet’s attention. Remember that a foreign body in the stomach is one of the causes of vomiting with bile.
  7. When switching to another type of food, consult your doctor.
  8. Remove poisonous plants from your home.
  9. Store cleaning and detergent products in a place that is well protected from your cat's prying eyes.

If your cat is vomiting, it is important to monitor its condition. Carefully study the nature of the vomit, make sure it is safe, or, if its appearance is alarming, show your pet to a doctor. Special precautions must be taken for kittens. Kids are curious and careless. Vacuum the house more often, do not leave food in a bowl so that it does not get airy, give special food for young animals.

The health of the pet is the main concern of the owner. In addition to regular visits to the doctor, follow preventive measures. Select food according to the age and breed of the animal. Learn to recognize the danger of vomiting by primary signs, watch your diet. Remember that the life of your beloved cat depends on your correct attitude to seemingly trifles.

If a cat vomits yellow liquid , it is quite possible that there are problems with the liver, biliary tract, intestinal patency, and the development of inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. Any vomiting in a pet should attract the close attention of the owner.

Treatment of vomiting in a veterinary clinic

Treatment of vomiting in a cat depends on its nature: an acute attack is eliminated by symptomatic therapy, and a chronic course requires a thorough examination of the pet (ultrasound, endoscopy, laparotomy) and the use of appropriate methods (medication, surgery, endoscopic). In each case, the therapy will be different. For example, if a hairball gets stuck in the stomach or intestines, it is removed by endoscopy, after which the animal is prescribed anti-inflammatory therapy.

Obstruction of the pylorus of the stomach, tumors, and the presence of foreign objects in the pet’s gastrointestinal tract suggest surgical treatment (sometimes endoscopy). In case of severe inflammation in the intestines, the veterinarian may prescribe hormonal medications and supportive medications. Diseases of the liver and gall bladder require the use of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and choleretic drugs, corticosteroid drugs, and immunosuppressants.

What to look for if your cat is pregnant

Burping in a pregnant cat should not be a cause for concern. During this period, it is acceptable that she will vomit systematically. If an animal bearing offspring suffers from vomiting mixed with bile, it must be shown to a doctor. Often, such symptoms indicate severe intoxication of the pet’s body.

When your cat is vomiting, you need to give more water.

It is important during the period when your furry friend is bothered by the urge to vomit, to take even more care of his health. You should pour water into your cat's mouth as often as possible. The cat menu needs to be changed. It is best to offer dietary wet food. Food is served in small portions every 4 hours, which will avoid irritation of the inflamed stomach.

If a pregnant cat is vomiting every 30-60 minutes, it is best to limit what she eats. In this case, water is poured into the oral cavity often, but in minimal portions. The situation is especially dangerous when, in addition to vomiting, the cat begins to have diarrhea. In this case, the animal’s body loses a large percentage of moisture.

Important! In addition to drinking water, your cat can be given small portions of chamomile decoction, which has a calming effect on the stomach.

First aid

If your cat is constantly vomiting, the main thing is to do everything consistently. A visit to the veterinarian or calling a doctor to your home is mandatory, but first you should provide first aid to your furry friend.

Professionals recommend:

  • Carefully place the cat head down. Otherwise, with constant regurgitation, the cat will choke on mucus and bile.
  • You can take Cerucal as a drug, but, as practice shows, not everyone has the medicine. An alternative option is Noshpa. Tablets are taken according to the proportion of 0.1 ml per 1 kg of cat. This will ease the animal's suffering.
  • It is not recommended to feed your pet. This can lead to repeated belching and worsening health. You should only put a bowl of water: active nausea can lead to dehydration.

There is no need to panic right away. Green vomit is not a diagnosis yet. In healthy individuals, this is simply regurgitation with an excess amount of processed food, wool, and grass.


Bile gives the yellow color to vomit. The impurity is brightly colored, has a specific odor and is often associated with problems with the liver and choleretic tract. The reflex occurs after eating poor-quality or stale food, as it increases the load on the liver. Antibiotics have a depressing effect on the organ.

Fatty foods cause overload in the gastrointestinal tract and therefore the body tries to get rid of its excess. A cat vomits yellow liquid due to an overdose of medications. The masses may contain mucus or foam.

Fatty food

In order to correctly determine the causes of the condition, you need to collect the following information:

  1. Time and circumstances of vomiting.
  2. Frequency and volume of masses.
  3. Composition, quantity and consistency of vomit.
  4. Do you still have an appetite and a feeling of thirst?
  5. Duration of the gag reflex.
  6. Presence of chronic diseases.
  7. Was there any vaccination and deworming?

A green color indicates that intestinal contents have entered the stomach. Vomiting with yellow mucus indicates the appearance of erosion on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

What do we have to do?

When a pet vomits yellow liquid once, it does not need special help. When the cat's condition does not worsen, there are no other symptoms and the vomit does not contain impurities, the animal does not need support.

It is advisable to give the gastrointestinal tract rest for 8 hours. During this period, access to food and water is limited. To quench your thirst, let them lick ice cubes. The cat will not be able to drink a large amount of water in this way and it will not cause a new attack of vomiting.

After eight hours have passed, the pet is given something to drink and the reaction is observed. If he does not feel sick, then they give him lean boiled meat and fish, and liquid porridge. On the second day they give the usual food.

When a cat eats toxic substances or swallows a foreign body, its owner must artificially induce vomiting. There are several ways to do this.

A gentle method is a saline solution. To prepare it, a solution is made at the rate of a tablespoon of table salt per glass of warm water. The mixture is forcibly fed to the pet until vomiting appears.

An infusion of 3% hydrogen peroxide is allowed - 2 teaspoons every 15 minutes. This is done no more than three times. You can try to irritate the root of the tongue yourself. To do this, open the animal's mouth and press the base of the tongue with a finger.

Hydrogen peroxide

Vomiting should not be induced:

  • when the cat is unconscious;
  • with seizures and convulsions;
  • in case of poisoning with acids or alkalis;
  • if it is unknown what object was swallowed.

If a cat burps yellow liquid, then its body is infected with helminths. In this case, it is necessary to submit feces for analysis. If infection is confirmed, the veterinarian will prescribe special medications.

If the feeding regimen is incorrect, treatment at home is acceptable. To do this, use activated carbon or Smecta. The drugs are calculated in the amount of 1 tablet/1 ml per 1 kg of animal weight. A strong mint decoction has an anti-inflammatory effect.

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