We reveal the secrets of keeping and caring for the Sphynx

Sphynxes, frankly speaking, are cats with a rather eccentric appearance, and many cringe at just one glance at the bald and wrinkled miracle. But there is a certain charm and inner attractiveness in “alien” pets. If you happen to communicate with them, touch their incredibly hot and velvety body, then disgust and disgust are replaced by a feeling of immense affection and an irresistible desire to have exactly the same hairless beauty. This is where difficulties and not always pleasant surprises arise: sphinxes require special care.

Care and maintenance

Hygiene requirements for representatives of this breed will differ from others. Particular emphasis should be placed on the body and eyes. These are the most vulnerable places for the bald inhabitant of your apartment.

How to treat your skin

She is very sensitive and needs constant attention. be kept clean all the time , because sphinxes sweat profusely and because of this they look dirty. They have many sebaceous glands that secrete lubricant to protect them from the external environment. To remove this brown residue, use a damp, alcohol-free wipe or damp cloth.

In winter, the body is covered with small villi to retain heat longer. In the summer, pets love to bask in the warm rays, but prolonged sunbathing is harmful to them. In this case, the color may darken a little.

Caring for ears, teeth and eyes

The huge size of the ears leads to the fact that brown discharge quickly accumulates inside them due to rapid metabolism and high temperature. It is better to clean them once a week using cotton swabs soaked in a special solution or hydrogen peroxide. Don't climb too far to avoid damaging your eardrums.

During the day, a small amount of clear or brown discharge accumulates on the cat’s mucous membrane. This is normal because there are no eyelashes or eyebrows. If they turn yellow, smell like pus, and are too watery, then your pet has an infection. Contact your veterinarian immediately.

For a healthy animal, wipe the eyes daily from the outer corner to the other edge, using a piece of bandage soaked in tea leaves, furatsilin or chamomile infusion. You can buy drops intended for this purpose at the pharmacy.

Teeth also need care. They are cleaned with baby paste or a solution of soda and salt - 1 tsp each. for 200 ml of warm water. A soft-bristle toothbrush or gauze is suitable for the procedure. At the same time, do not forget to gently massage your gums to avoid inflammation.

Feeding pets

The Sphynx cat has a big appetite and is an immoderate eater.

They are prone to obesity, for this reason it is necessary to pay special attention to the pet’s nutrition and ensure that its diet is balanced and low in calories.

Animals of this breed practically do not chew, therefore it is recommended to feed them food of the appropriate consistency. The most favorable products for them:

  • lean meat;
  • vegetables;
  • dairy products;
  • raw chicken egg yolk;
  • cereal porridge.

Sphynxes should also be walked outdoors, but should not be taken out in cold or too hot weather. For walks in the cool season, it is recommended to purchase a suit or overalls for your pets.

These cats look like fairy-tale creatures. They make a lasting impression on people. Thanks to their unique charm, these creatures can be called one of the most sought after among cat lovers.

Nail trimming

The Sphynx's claws must be trimmed regularly with special clippers (but not scissors). When kept indoors, the claws grow and curl, causing pain and forcing the cat to limp or tear at upholstered furniture in the house. Trim the nail so as not to touch the underlying soft tissue, which contains blood vessels and nerve endings. It is better to trim the claws after you wash the Canadian Sphynx, then the claws become softer and easier to process. After cutting, it is recommended to blunt the ends with a manicure file. But it is extremely undesirable to amputate a cat’s claws - this can impair coordination of movements and greatly damage the animal’s psyche! In addition, declawed sphinxes are not allowed at exhibitions. You should buy your cat a special scratching post: the most convenient one is in the shape of a cone, or in the form of a flat rectangular board that can be nailed to the wall or left on the floor in a visible place. Various toys in the form of wicker fish, mice and other interesting animals are also suitable.

Nutritional Features

Feeding follows a special pattern. The lack of wool is compensated by accelerated energy metabolism and high heat transfer. Sphynxes have a higher temperature than other members of the cat family. This causes them to quickly burn calories that need to be replenished.

When creating a menu, consider the following recommendations:

  • give food at the same time, following the regime;
  • feed adults 3-4 times and kittens 6-8 times;
  • the diet must contain all the necessary nutrients and vitamins;
  • It is permissible to eat only natural or only prepared food ; the mixed type is harmful to the sensitive digestive system;
  • Change the water frequently to keep it clean.

If you choose products of natural origin, then buy only fresh food. Don't skimp on food for your pet. He can eat chicken or beef fillet, raw or boiled. Feed fish without bones once a week. Cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, and sour cream should also be present on the animal’s menu. Whole milk is undesirable for everyone except babies who are 3-4 months old. It is useful to stew carrots, zucchini, and pumpkin. It is better to give eggs not whole, but only the yolk. Some people love cucumbers.

History of origin

The history of the appearance of cats without hair on Earth is shrouded in legends and myths. The first mentions of “moon cats” appeared in ancient times, as evidenced by cave paintings. Among the ancient Aztecs, sphinxes were of utmost importance: according to legend, cats lived in temples, helping people communicate with the gods. They deserved great respect from the ancient Egyptians, who decorated their temples with figurines of sphinx cats. There is a legend that the first cats of this breed donated their fur to the gods to keep them warm. The Sphynx is a cat that differs from other representatives of the cat family not only by the absence of hair, but also by the harmonious combination of huge almond-shaped eyes, pronounced cheekbones, rather large ears, a long and flexible tail, which has an extraordinary softness of outline.

Prune or Prune - that was the name of the first hairless kitten, born in 1966 from a fluffy cat in a small town in Canada. The reason for the appearance of such an unusual kitten was a spontaneous gene mutation, and in order to preserve it, it was decided to cross Prune with his mother. The first Sphynx kittens and their brothers were born - quite ordinary kittens. Subsequently, Prune was repeatedly crossed with his descendants, however, after some time, Sphynx cats were on the verge of extinction, due to the small number of individuals of this breed and improper care. But the story has a happy continuation, because in 1975 in Minnesota, a hairless kitten Epidermis was born from a simple short-haired cat. Later, his descendants ended up in the Oregon kennel and became the founders of the most elite line of Canadian Sphynxes. And after a while, it was discovered that when crossing Sphynx cats with Devon Rex cats, hairless Sphynx kittens appeared already in the first generation, and you see them in the photo.

What to feed?

Representatives of this breed have a wonderful appetite, but you cannot give them everything. This is especially true for table scraps and human food.

The digestive system of human bald friends is not adapted to digest confectionery or sausages, spices or smoked meats. It's poison for them. The diet is planned taking into account age characteristics.


Choose the number of feedings yourself, but it is better to accustom him to a certain regimen . The main thing is that your pet has access to food when he is hungry or cold. Meat must be on the menu. The daily value is approximately 30% of his body weight. There are also useful proteins in fish and cottage cheese. 200-250 g per day is enough.

1/3 of the food consists of carbohydrate components. These are porridges - buckwheat, oatmeal, rice or fresh vegetables. Add 5-10 g of vegetable oil to them. Unrefined is better, it contains more vitamins. In winter, the volume of portions increases.

What does a kitten need for normal development and growth?

The body grows up to 10 months, so it is important for babies to eat properly and fully. From the first month of life they are accustomed to solid food. Let's have some boiled veal. They can’t eat pork, it’s too fatty for them and can cause indigestion. From 6 weeks you can feed with egg yolk and cottage cheese. At 4 months, boiled sea fish is useful in small quantities. Remove the bones from it.

Royal Canin for sphinxes

If you choose ready-made food, follow good recommendations . Advertising is usually not a guarantee of quality. Loud PR most often masks major shortcomings, slowly poisoning the body. It’s better to ask veterinarians, your friends or breeders which is preferable for representatives of this breed.

Please also consider these helpful tips when feeding this type of food:

  • purchase only certified products, do not skimp on paying a higher price for them - a trip to the hospital will cost more later;
  • take the type that you need - there is food for sterilized animals, for adults and kittens, medicinal or with special additives;
  • Place a cup of clean water next to the food bowl and fill it on time;
  • additionally sprout oats as a source of vitamins;
  • If you notice that digestive problems arise, you should not suddenly switch to other types of nutrition, do it gradually.

Royal Canin produces dry food directly for Sphynx cats. The serving size required for a cat is indicated in the instructions for use.

Mating, pregnancy, childbirth

The first heat in Minskin cats occurs at approximately 5-7 months, but they cannot be bred at this age. The baby’s body is not yet able to bear and give birth to kittens without compromising the mother’s health.

Early matings often cause the birth of non-viable offspring. In cats, puberty occurs a little later - 8-9 months, but they are also not yet ready to produce offspring. The optimal age for the first mating of individuals of both sexes is from one and a half to two years.

Individuals less than 1.8 kg are excluded from breeding.

The Minskins' pregnancy lasts 56-69 days. A week before giving birth, you need to provide the expectant mother with a cozy place to nest. The process of giving birth to babies must take place under the constant supervision of the owner. Just in case, you should agree with a veterinarian who can quickly approach your pet in case of complications. After giving birth, the cat should be offered water; if she asks for food, it is better to limit herself to fermented milk feeding. A full meal for nursing cats should be organized within a few hours.

Minskins are one of the best mothers in the cat world. They never refuse offspring (even during the first birth). They do not show excessive hysteria or aggressiveness when protecting kittens. They raise children gently and patiently.

However, those who want to purchase a Minskin will not be able to breed them. The only nursery of this breed sells kittens already neutered. This is done because the breed is still in the development and improvement stage. It belongs to the category of open breeds. Minskins can be crossed with the Canadian Sphynx, Munchkin, Burmese and Domestic Shorthair cats. Selection is carried out by professionals; inept breeding can easily ruin all the achievements achieved. Simply crossing two Minskins does not guarantee the birth of a full-fledged representative of this breed.

Well, since your future pet is already neutered, be sure to take care of its special nutrition for sterilized cats. It has some differences from conventional feed.

How to bathe properly?

In addition to frequent rubbing, the skin needs additional care. It is advisable to carry out water procedures at least once a month or when the animal’s body becomes too greasy to the touch. If you want your pet not to experience stress, give him bath days at intervals of once every 14 days after he reaches the age of 1.5 months. Then after a while he himself will start asking to go to the bathroom.

The necessary conditions

It is recommended to wash with baby gel, intimate hygiene product or special shampoo for hairless cats. The water should reach chest level and the temperature should be between 36-38 degrees. It’s better to throw toys at it to interest and distract it.

The optimal time is immediately after sleep. At this moment, your pet is still relaxed and will not resist much. Cover the bottom of the surface with a towel or mat to reduce slipping. It will be more comfortable this way.

Process Features

To thoroughly bathe the sphinx, you must first become familiar with the sequence of water procedures for it. This is done in the following order:

  • We put our four-legged friend on the mat.
  • We thoroughly wet the body, pouring it with the palm of your hand or a ladle. It is not advisable to do this with a stream of soul, so as not to cause negative emotions.
  • Apply detergent. You can rub it with a washcloth.
  • Wash off with warm water.
  • We wipe it well and let it dry further in a warm place.

After water procedures, try to avoid hypothermia.

The Sphynx is an extraordinary breed of cat. They are very affectionate and curious . If you give them care and attention, they will reciprocate. They will warm you with the warmth of their heart, purring pleasantly at your side.

Selecting accessories

Bathing representatives of the cat family, regardless of breed, is a mandatory hygienic procedure, which does not cause much enthusiasm among pets and often causes stress. Correct organization of the procedure will help to avoid negative perception of this process.

When bathing the sphinx, you will need a shallow basin or a small bath, the water level in which should be no more than 15 cm. It is better to cover the bottom of the bathing container with a towel so that the cat’s paws do not slip. The cat is afraid of running water, for this reason it is better to fill the bath with water in advance.

Prepare rubber toys for your pet. Curiosity will play a role as one of the main character traits of representatives of the Sphynx breed, and the pet will happily frolic in the bathroom with new toys. You can also stock up on your favorite treats and reward them for good behavior during bath time.

Many people are interested in what shampoo to wash a Sphynx cat and whether it is possible to use products for children or sensitive skin. Today, pet stores offer a wide range of various hygiene products for pets, including special shampoos for washing the Sphynx breed. Do not use shampoos and soaps for children, as products for humans and animals have different components.

It is better to wash the delicate skin of the Sphinx with your hands or a soft washcloth. Don't forget to prepare a large bath towel to wrap your wet Sphynx in immediately after bathing. In winter, the towel can be slightly warmed up so that the animal feels comfortable and does not freeze.

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