The cat's water broke - how long will it take for her to give birth?


Anyone who keeps a cat in the house, sooner or later, as you know, she becomes pregnant. And now, when the long-awaited day of birth is already approaching, the question arises: how long will it take for a cat to give birth if her waters break?

There are symptoms that can help you understand when your cat will give birth.:

  • The animal becomes restless and looks for a secluded place
  • The cat begins to meow, calling its owner for help
  • If you look closely, you can see the first milk being released from the cat's nipples. Veterinarians call it colostrum
  • Zetas her water breaks
  • Afterwards, contractions begin. The cat lies down and prepares for childbirth

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This is a whole preparatory process for a cat. Therefore, you need to give her due attention, especially if your pet gives birth for the first time. At first the plug will come off. This is a sign that labor has already begun. Then the brown-red water begins to recede. At this time, the woman in labor lies on her side, breathing heavily, and waits for the onset of contractions.

Symptoms of impending labor in a cat

It is important to constantly care for your cat during pregnancy, and especially before giving birth. It is necessary to properly arrange the future “nesting” site, to adequately select food that includes various nutritional elements necessary both for future kittens and for the lactating mother.

Note! It is necessary to constantly examine a pregnant cat with a veterinary specialist in the clinic to monitor the dynamics.

First of all, the animal begins to become too restless and looks for a quiet and secluded place . In addition, the cat begins to meow and call for its owner. Colostrum—primordial milk—begins to be released from the nipples of a pregnant pet. Then the waters break, and the birth process itself begins. The cat lies down on the floor in preparation for giving birth. She begins to have contractions, the animal may be slightly frightened and breathe quickly.

The onset of labor is marked by the release of a specific mucus plug from the cervix. This mucus performed a protective function throughout pregnancy, protecting the kittens from possible infections that penetrate the vagina.

What are contractions from a physiological point of view?

This is the name for involuntary contractions of the uterus (i.e., the cat cannot consciously control them), which contribute to the removal of kittens from the uterine cavity and the passage of cubs through the birth canal.

Always remember one important nuance - the presence of contractions does not always indicate the onset of labor. It’s interesting, but the question of what exactly stimulates the immediate onset of labor is still being actively discussed

Researchers note that physiological (normal) labor is stimulated not only by the mother's body, but also by her babies still in the uterine cavity. When a cat’s body is already “mentally ready” for childbirth, its placenta, as well as the kittens’ pituitary glands, begin to secrete a complex mixture of hormones, thanks to which contractions begin

Interestingly, the question of what exactly stimulates the immediate onset of labor is still being actively discussed. Researchers note that physiological (normal) labor is stimulated not only by the mother's body, but also by her babies still in the uterine cavity. When a cat’s body is already “mentally ready” for childbirth, its placenta, as well as the kittens’ pituitary glands, begin to secrete a complex mixture of hormones, thanks to which contractions begin.

The complete readiness of the cervix (more precisely, the degree of its opening) is of great importance. Throughout pregnancy, the lumen of this organ is tightly closed due to muscle contraction. The first labor contractions are accompanied by a gradual opening of the cervix and the removal of the remains of the mucous plug from its lumen. The latter is responsible for the complete tightness and sterility of the uterine cavity during pregnancy.

At the same time, the pressure inside the uterus itself gently but constantly continues to increase. This stimulates the movement of the fetuses, which will also subsequently help the cat give birth normally. As a result of this process, the rigidity of the uterine muscles increases

This is also extremely important, since otherwise the animal may develop dystonia or complete atony of the uterine muscles, which will certainly lead to the impossibility of natural birth of cubs

All the processes described above lead to the fact that the fetal bladders, each of which contains one kitten, begin to gradually be squeezed out towards the exit of the uterus, moving along the birth canal. If everything goes well, and in the second stage of labor the first of the amniotic sacs is clearly visible in the birth canal, it is considered that the cervix has opened to the proper extent and the birth process is proceeding normally.

Contractions in primiparous cats can begin about a day before the start of the second stage of labor (“true”).

The beginning of the second stage is indicated by contractions not only of the uterus itself, but also of the walls of the abdominal cavity, which help push the newborn kittens through the lumen of the birth canal.

Another important circumstance must be taken into account. If contractions of the uterine wall (i.e.

contractions themselves) is an involuntary phenomenon, the cat can control the contractions of the abdominal wall muscles quite consciously. This is precisely what the birth rate is connected with: in primiparous pets who do not yet have childbirth experience, it is much lower. Older animals give birth much faster, since they already know when labor began and how hard they need to strain their muscles. For the same reason, primiparous pets may experience pathologies of the birth process much more often.

Water breaking and kittens appearing

Cats' water breaks as painlessly as it does for humans. It is preferable that at this moment the cat is in a pre-prepared nest. Otherwise, she may give birth in a closet, bed, or in another place that is convenient, in the animal’s opinion. The main task of the animal owner is proper preparation for childbirth.

To do this you need to prepare:

  • clean gauze napkins - 10 pieces;
  • old towel - for drying hands;
  • disposable diapers or clean old sheets;
  • a syringe without a needle, a pipette or a small aspiration bulb;
  • scissors;
  • antiseptic solution;
  • threads

It is recommended to constantly change the prepared diapers during childbirth. This is necessary not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also in order to avoid possible complications in the cat after childbirth. The fact is that blood, placenta and other secretions are an excellent environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microflora. If the rules of asepsis are not followed, the cat may develop postpartum metritis, septic mastitis and other complications.

As soon as the waters break, labor will begin no later than 6 hours later . It is not recommended to move or disturb the animal. A cat may become nervous and, being in a stressful situation, eat all of its kittens. In some cases, complications arise - the kitten gets stuck in the birth canal. You need to help the animal, carefully using clean hands, pulling the baby into the light.

Important! Under no circumstances should you pull the kitten by the limbs or head.

The joints and vertebrae of a newborn are very fragile and one careless movement can cause harm to the baby. You need to try to grab the stuck kitten by the body or folds of skin .
They pull the kittens out along the body, taking utmost care, because not only can the kitten be damaged, but the birth canal of the expectant mother can also be severed.

Reason to urgently contact a veterinarian

In most cases, feline pregnancy goes smoothly, and at the appointed time, you will have a small furry family. But sometimes unforeseen complications arise, which is why it is important to know how many months later the cat will give birth. If the previously set date has passed and labor does not occur, this is a cause for concern. It is especially important not to delay if your furry pet is constantly looking for a place, meows pitifully, or refuses food for a long time. This behavior is normal during the birth process, but if you see that more than 10 hours have passed and the kittens are not appearing, then you need to urgently take her to the veterinarian.

Other signs that require immediate medical attention may include cat lethargy, vomiting and diarrhea, severe vaginal odor, and seizures. Don’t delay, because your pet’s life depends on it.

How many days will it take for a cat to give birth?

Problems that require a veterinarian

After the cat’s water breaks, the process is not long in coming and the animal begins to give birth. But there are a number of situations when you cannot do without the help of a qualified specialist. This is especially true for cat owners whose pet is giving birth for the first time. You need to be vigilant and call your doctor if any problems arise.

The main problems are:

  • the duration of the initial stage of labor after the water breaks is more than 6 hours if the cat does not give birth;
  • the appearance of strong contractions, the cry of the animal for more than 30 minutes without the birth of a kitten;
  • prolonged contractions of the uterus for 10 minutes;
  • water breaks and there are no contractions for 6-8 hours;
  • the appearance of a kitten in a fluid-filled bladder stuck in the birth canal;
  • feverish conditions of the animal;
  • the appearance of severe hemorrhages (bleeding from the vagina) lasting more than 15 minutes;
  • the appearance of thick, unpleasant-smelling, black discharge from the reproductive organs.

Necessary preparation

After successful conception, the formation of future kittens begins, which takes 60-65 days. During this time, it is recommended to find a veterinarian who is ready to provide emergency medical care at home in case of complications.

Preparing the birth site

The expectant mother must get used to the parenting place in advance. Therefore, the box in which the birth will take place should appear in the house at least a week before the significant event. If this is not done, the pet will choose its own place. This could be a closet or just a secluded corner. At the same time, it is almost impossible to convince the pet to move into the box in this case.

Box requirements:

  • the cat should be able to stretch out to its full height inside, and at the same time there should be enough space for the kittens;
  • the height of the container should be approximately half a meter;
  • the exit must be made in such a way that the mother can calmly get out and go back in, but the kittens cannot;
  • A small soft pillow should be placed on the bottom, which should be wrapped in a waterproof cloth, and an absorbent cloth should be placed on top.

If before giving birth the cat did not enter the prepared house on its own, then it should be carried and placed inside. At the same time, she needs to be stroked and calmed down, and made to understand that it is better to give birth to offspring here.

Preparing tools

By the time of birth, items should be prepared that may be needed if the situation takes an unexpected turn:

  • scissors;
  • sterile rubber gloves;
  • Vaseline oil;
  • antiseptic (brilliant);
  • syringe;
  • dishes for clean water;
  • cotton buds;
  • threads;
  • syringes of different sizes;
  • disposable diapers;
  • pieces of cotton fabric (they must be pre-washed and ironed).

All accessories must be in one place and in “combat readiness”: clean and disinfected.


In some cases, your mustachioed pet may need medical assistance, so in addition to the tools, you should prepare some medications.

  • Oxytocin. It will help with a sudden cessation of contractions or weak labor. Promotes contraction of the uterine walls. Used as injections into the withers area in a dosage of 0.2 ml.
  • Travmatin. As soon as the woman in labor begins, you can give an injection of this drug in a dosage of 1 ml. After the end of childbirth, the drug is used for the next three days, one injection per day. Travmatin eliminates pain, prevents the development of the inflammatory process, has an antimicrobial effect, and reduces the likelihood of infectious complications.
  • Calcium gluconate. In the form of an injection solution, it is used in a dosage of 1 ml for the normal course of labor and the prevention of eclampsia.

What not to do

At the time of labor you should not:

  • independently prescribe and administer medications;
  • stop contractions;
  • pulling kittens out of the birth canal by the paws and head;
  • Allow the cat to sit.

How long before birth does your water break?

Partial or complete discharge of amniotic fluid is a signal from the body that the uterus cannot withstand the pressure, and this, in turn, may indicate that the cervix has worn out sufficiently, has become soft and ready for labor. If the baby is ready to appear at a normal time, then there is no need to worry.

The first steps, if the stomach does not hurt, is to put a special sanitary pad on a fabric basis (for women in labor without polyester), call an ambulance. But, do not confuse water and bleeding. In the first case, there is a larger amount of clear liquid mixed with blood, and in the second, bright-colored blood after the water has drained out. Moreover, such a dangerous condition is fatal for the mother and fetus.

What exactly is water, why is it needed, and why does it flow out before childbirth? Water is the amniotic fluid that protects the baby in utero. It is partly thanks to this liquid that the baby is protected from external factors. After all, there are often cases when the mother was injured in an accident, and the baby develops normally, and even moreover, did not feel such a shock.

The water does not necessarily break just before the birth itself. Leakage can be observed in abnormal pregnancies with pathologies of the uterus and cervix, complex multiple pregnancies. All such cases should be monitored by an obstetrician, who, if necessary, prescribes hormonal drugs (if it is necessary to maintain the pregnancy to a normal term). This period (therapy) can last several weeks until the development of the child in utero allows safe labor to begin.

How can a pregnant woman understand that it is her water that is breaking, what is this process like? The flow of clear liquid in small or large volumes in the later stages indicates the onset of labor. The amount of amniotic fluid during a normal pregnancy is 1.5-2.2 liters. It is, of course, impossible to measure this visually, but if there are any pathologies (polyhydramnios or lack of amniotic fluid), then this condition is always recorded during screening.

A pregnant woman can understand that her water has broken by the following signs:

  • no desire to urinate;
  • after changing the pad or panties they are a little wet;
  • the liquid may have flake-like inclusions;
  • in 80% of cases, the bubble bursts during the active phase of labor, so a pregnant woman will definitely notice a puddle of water spilling onto the floor.

Let's sum it up

Most often, the birth is easy and the cat does not need assistance. They are good mothers and very rarely abandon their babies. On the contrary, a cat will willingly adopt someone else's kitten, puppy or even a rat if they have become accustomed to each other since childhood. But always be on your guard. If specialist help is needed, it must be provided immediately, otherwise not only the lives of the babies, but also their mothers may be at risk. With the advent of a furry family, the owner has one more concern: finding a good new home for each baby.

What's next?

The outpouring itself can be complete or partial. If the water only leaks a little, the development of contractions may be delayed for a long time. If at least 150-200 ml of water breaks at once, we are talking about a complete rupture of the bladder.

Premature rupture is considered to be effusion that occurs when the cervix is ​​not yet ready for childbirth, there is no dilation or effacement. If the effusion occurs against the background of dilation and contractions, then the discharge of amniotic fluid is considered early when the cervix is ​​dilated by only 4 cm. Normally, the water should drain when dilated to 5-6 centimeters. A delayed release of water is said to occur if the bubble does not burst when fully expanded.

The location of perforation of the fetal sac is also important - cervical or lateral. There can be quite a lot of factors influencing the contractile activity of the uterus

If time passes, contractions do not begin after 4-6 hours, the issue of stimulating labor is decided.

Recently, doctors have somewhat revised the approach, which for a long time was the only generally accepted one - to wait until the last minute. Previously, the rules instructed doctors not to induce labor even during an anhydrous period for 12 hours.

After the shocking statistics of the Ministry of Health in recent years on the number of birth complications in children and women in labor with a long anhydrous period, it is recommended to provide stimulating assistance earlier.

Stimulation is carried out in the case of full-term pregnancy, not complicated by entanglement of the umbilical cord, when the baby is positioned in the correct cephalic presentation, and with a small fetus. In order for a woman to begin giving birth, she is injected with the hormone oxytocin, which causes contractions of the smooth muscles of the uterus.

If labor remains sluggish even after stimulation, dilatation is slow, and a decision is made to perform an emergency caesarean section.

A woman can be surgically delivered without waiting for contractions to begin if:

  • the discharged water had a green, dark color, an unpleasant odor, possible admixture of meconium (feces), this often signals a state of fetal hypoxia;
  • there were blood impurities in the waters - pathological processes in the placenta cannot be ruled out;
  • the outpouring of water was rapid, as a result of which parts of the child’s body or umbilical cord loops fell out with the water into the genital tract (if partially dilated); if they cannot be reset, a caesarean section may be performed.

The unnatural color of amniotic fluid and its unpleasant odor may indicate an intrauterine infection, and therefore, for health reasons, the child needs to leave the mother’s womb as soon as possible.

Be sure to tell your doctor upon arrival at the maternity hospital what color your broken water was. This will help you choose the right tactics.

You will learn what to do if your water breaks without contractions in the following video.

Progress of pregnancy

Very reminiscent of human pregnancy, because we are all mammals, and our bodies work very similarly. The only significant difference is the duration. How many days does it take for a cat to give birth? Typically, 59-66 days pass from the moment of conception, so you won’t have to wait long for the babies to appear. It is very difficult to determine more precisely, since sexual heat in cats begins long before ovulation and continues for some time after fertilization.

Deviations are also possible. In rare cases, pregnancy may end prematurely, but in this case the kittens will not be viable. If the pregnancy is prolonged, then even more so the owner needs to know how many days later the cat gives birth. If pregnancy is delayed, this is a reason to urgently contact a veterinarian. A cat can carry kittens for a maximum of 66 days.

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General information

First you need to find out where these fluid flows that accompany the birth of kittens (and other mammals too) come from. In general, the so-called “water” is the contents of the amniotic sacs, in which each kitten is “wrapped” during growth and development in the uterus. This liquid is extremely. The sac is formed by two membranes called amnion and chorion. We are only interested in the amnion, since it is the aqueous membrane (which is removed during any normal childbirth).

The main task of the liquid shell is to protect the fruit from various impacts and injuries. It has excellent shock-absorbing properties, so the kittens are relatively reliably protected and may not be harmed even if a pregnant cat falls seriously.

The volume of fluid in the amniotic cavity increases rather slowly, but this process accelerates noticeably starting from the eighth week of pregnancy. By this time, the fetuses are already sufficiently formed, their body is functioning normally, and therefore more urine is released. As a rule, the sac bursts on its own, directly during the second (active) stage of labor.

It is interesting that in cats, unlike in humans, cases of kittens being born “in a shirt” are quite common. Note that in situations where a baby is born wrapped in amniotic membranes, the cat must chew and eat them itself. If for some reason she cannot do this, this “honor” falls to the owner. True, there is no need to gnaw and eat the placenta; it is enough to simply free the kitten from it.

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