Why does my cat walk around the house and meow for no reason?
Cats don't just yell. They demand something from the owner.
Felinologists identify 3 types of factors under the influence of which cats meow, supposedly for no reason:
- Natural motives.
- Estrus.
- Disease.
Among natural reasons, the following prevail:
- stress: an animal, for example a kitten, finds itself in an unusual environment, gets scared and “cries”;
- begging: the cat sees that the mistress is having dinner, cutting up meat or fish and demands his rightful share;
- the requirement to let out or let in: it’s one thing if a pet needs to go to the outdoor toilet, another when the animal is eager to go into the next room to hunt a bird or a hamster;
- the cat needed help: he hid in the closet, but it was accidentally closed, or he played with a ball of thread and got entangled.
The call of nature is inexorable. When estrus begins, the female suffers herself and terrorizes those around her with her screams. A cat, sensing a cat in heat, signals its presence with an inviting cry. If a competitor appears nearby, the meowing turns into a growl.
Cats can withstand pain if it is moderate, but when it becomes unbearable, the animals turn to their owner for help. True, a person does not always understand what a cat wants.
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Among the pathological causes of plaintive meowing, the following are distinguished:
- constipation;
- otitis;
- urolithiasis disease;
- gingivitis;
- individual stages of viral diseases.
Age affects the behavior of cats. In older animals, poor health causes irritability.
Cats, like people, have introverts and extroverts.
If you do not have a clearly defined answer to the question of why a cat constantly meows, tied to a specific occasion (the cat is hungry, wants to drink or wants to go for a walk), then pay attention to the simple fact that meowing is one of the ways of cat communication.
Some cats just love to talk
By making the sound “meow”, a cat communicates with a person or other pets. Among cats, as among people, there are individuals with different temperaments. Some are self-contained, patient silent people (introverts), who silently suffer from hunger, thirst, and pain. It is necessary to show maximum attention to such animals - not only add food in a timely manner and change the water in the bowl, but also check their health status and play with the pet more often.
Others are emotional extroverts who announce problems right away, loudly and at any time of the day. Such cats simply love to talk, and a stream of continuous “meows” may mean that they are sharing their impressions with their owners or talking about their plans for the day. If you notice that your pet is excessively emotional and desires to communicate, do not ask why the cat constantly meows.
Among cats there are individuals with different temperaments
Attention! Extroverted animals need enough attention, but you shouldn’t pamper them, because by responding to the first requirement, you can ensure sleepless nights entirely devoted to your cat.
One of the characteristic features of talking cats is to respond to the voice of their owner. They can behave calmly and remain silent until the moment you remain silent. But as soon as you answer the phone or start communicating with household members, the cat immediately joins the dialogue. And stopping him turns out to be difficult.
Why does a cat yell at night: 7 reasons
Cats are nocturnal hunters, so if they are awake, they most often vocalize at this time of day.
The following are the reasons for the “night songs” of pets:
- Need for a sexual partner during the rut . During this period, the animal is not able, like a person, to restrain its reproductive instincts. Nature is unforgiving and severely punishes attempts to evade its call.
- A castrated cat signals to the owner that he has had enough sleep and is feeling hungry. The person is to blame himself. Animals should be fed generously at night. Because satiety makes you sleepy. Another reason is that the former male, deprived of testosterone, becomes cowardly and is plagued by fears, most often in the second half of the night.
- Sterilization does not eliminate the desire to vote. If a full-fledged female is controlled by hormones, then the sterilized individual becomes extremely sentimental. It seems to her that the owners do not pay enough attention to her. Therefore, the animal demands its due at the most inconvenient time.
- A kitten that finds itself in a new home is at a loss. The mother and peers disappeared somewhere. During the day, he realizes that there are no creatures dear to him in the room. But night comes and it seems to him that his mother is calling her close and persistently.
- When a new pet appears in the house, a conflict situation arises, especially if the pets are of the same sex. Until the weak submits to the strong, a showdown will occur.
- Chronic diseases tend to worsen at night, both in humans and animals. With urolithiasis or constipation, the cat is in so much pain that it is impossible to bear.
- Psychoneurological disorders. The cat did not have the habit of yelling at night, and suddenly such a habit appeared. In this case, you should contact your veterinarian to help you choose medications that correct your pet’s behavior.
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How to wean it off?
It is quite possible to stop a cat from meowing for no reason, the main thing is the owner’s patience, perseverance and perseverance. But before taking any measures, it is important to make sure that the animal does not have any health problems. If the cat gets angry and yells due to lack of attention, you should make time in your schedule for games and communication. To prevent the animal from getting bored while the owner is at work, it is recommended to install a cat play complex in the room. A kitten that has recently been weaned from its mother needs to be nursed like a child so that it quickly calms down and gets used to the new environment. If hormones are the cause of night and daytime screams, it is better to sterilize your pet. A sterilized cat does not meow every month in search of a partner.
What to do if the cat does not sleep at night, walks and meows
Once the cause has been identified, you can begin to eliminate it.
If cat concerts are driven by the reproductive instinct, owners have the following options for their own behavior:
- Be patient: sooner or later the rut will end and the pet will calm down.
- Use hormonal contraceptives: Sex control, Stop-intim or analogues. The use of drugs allows you to disrupt estrus, prevent fertilization when an accidental mating has taken place, and weaken the cat’s sexual arousal. The disadvantage of this method is the side effects of the drugs. Excessive use of contraceptives leads to the development of breast tumors, pyometra, and other diseases of the reproductive organs.
- Castrate: In most cases, the operation results in calming the animals. They practically do not develop diseases of the reproductive organs. The disadvantage of this method is the tendency to obesity and urolithiasis. Therefore, you will have to forget about natural food, as well as treats with human food products. Pets are transferred to ready-made food for sterilized cats, which satisfy the body's changing nutritional needs. If urolithiasis occurs, veterinary feed is used, which is selected by the doctor.
If the problem is the pet’s adaptation to new living conditions, then feed additives are used: Stop-Stress, Vetspokoin, Fitex, Kot Bayun. An alternative is the drug Feliway, which contains pheromones. The device with the bottle is inserted into an outlet like a mosquito repellent. Pheromones calm animals.
If a cat begs, his efforts should be ignored. If there is no understanding on the part of the pet, he is put into another room and the door is closed. The cat will understand and stop begging. In return, the animal should be provided with adequate nutrition.
In order for the cat to sleep at night, like its owners, it is reoriented to a daily routine that is convenient for the person. A cat needs to sleep at least 11 hours a day, and even better - 13-14. Therefore, you should keep your pet busy, especially during the day and evening hours. Do not let them sleep, play or organize leisure time, purchase interactive toys, provide houses, ladders, scratching posts. Most of the daily portion should be fed in the evening. If the cat is tired and full, he will be drawn to a sound and long sleep.
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If there is a small child, a bird, fish, or a hamster in the room, these areas should be excluded from places accessible to the cat.
When a kitten meows constantly
Little kittens, like little children, are talkative. Everything is new to them, many things and actions are frightening or difficult. The kids tell their owner about all their problems by meowing, demanding immediate help. Regular squeaking from a baby cat is a completely normal situation.
If a kitten meows
But what to do if the kitten meows all the time - a situation may have arisen that requires human intervention.
- Newborn kittens are blind. They cannot find their mother themselves and attract her attention with their voice.
- The baby was separated from his mother and brothers and sisters. He found himself in an unfamiliar house, where everything was foreign to him and therefore frightening. Everything scares: smells, sounds, objects, people. You need to give your pet some time and care, he will quickly get used to the new environment and calm down.
- Kittens grow quickly and gain weight. The portions of food given out must be constantly increased, otherwise the feeling of hunger will be expressed in a demanding cry. The feeding area should be constant so that the small pet can easily find food. Another prerequisite is a sufficient amount of clean water in the bowl.
- Perhaps the baby is in trouble: he got entangled in a ball of thread or fell between the sofa cushions and now cannot get out on his own. He screams for help.
- The kitten expresses its love or gratitude, but since it does not yet know how to purr, it does this by meowing.
- The cub lacks attention. He wants to be held, warmed and stroked. Or maybe the baby is bored and invites a person to play.
Kittens' needs are not that complex and are quite simple to identify and provide. If a small member of the household does not want to eat, play, or be cuddled, then perhaps something hurts him. In this case, you need to show the kitten to the veterinarian.
How not to react to cats meowing
You need to understand that you cannot hit a cat. He will become afraid of his owner, hide in hard-to-reach places and scream from there. A click on the nose or ear will scare your pet away from the table or forbidden room, but will not silence him.
Spraying with water from a spray bottle will disperse the bullies gathered to fight or silence the screaming monster, but only for a short time. The cat respects the actions of the leader if they are strict but fair. And he perceives ill-conceived punishments as hostile aggression. The animal will begin to hide from the offender.
Another question: why does a cat sometimes roll on the floor and meow?
Is it normal for a cat to roll around on the floor and scream at the same time?
Cause | Description |
They just want to get attention | If a cat has not seen its owner for a long time, then it begins to seek his attention in every way, including rolling on the floor and meowing. |
Estrus | The influence of hormones on a cat is enormous. Veterinarians say that cats rolling on the ground is an attempt to attract cats' attention, a sign that the cat is ready to breed. |
After mating | A satisfied cat may roll on the floor and meow simply because its animal instinct has been satisfied. Please note that if this does not happen for long, and then the cat goes to her place and sleeps, it means she has had mating. |
Mint | The smell of this plant is like dope to cats. They seem to get drunk, become affectionate, gentle purrs. It’s a real pleasure to watch such a spectacle. |
Under no circumstances forbid your pet to fool around in this way, otherwise the animal will begin to suffer greatly. Veterinarians say that rolling on the floor is an impulse that must be supported, because this is how cats express their emotions and feelings. Forbidding your purr to roll in the dust is the same as taking away the ice cream he so dreamed about from a child. Be prepared for any behavior from your furry mischief-maker. Show your patience and care for him, because you yourself chose him!
Why cats are afraid of water: real reasons
Why does a cat meow?
Why do cats develop neurosis?
The mechanisms of development of neurotic disorders in cats and people are fundamentally no different. Prolonged nervous tension leads to the fact that the cat unconsciously tries to “reset” it or distract itself from it with the help of some rhythmic or repetitive actions. This happens for the same reason that a person, waiting for an important call for him, begins to tap some rhythm with his foot or fasten and unbutton a button on his jacket.
Although such actions provide a distraction from stress, they do not in any way affect the internal mechanisms of neurosis that are already running and do not help to “turn off” them. This can be compared to a painkiller pill that does not eliminate the cause of the pain.
But this is not the only problem. If the neurosis lasts for a long time, the cat may develop an obsessive state. And then, even after treatment and complete recovery, she remains with “neurotic habits.” This behavior does not allow the owner to understand that the pet is stressed or has a relapse of neurosis. The cat's strange actions become constant, and it becomes almost impossible to isolate the symptoms of a new problem among the obsessive states.
Therefore, it is important to know which of the cat’s actions may indicate neurosis, and what should alert the owner after treatment.