Oncilla, an exotic representative of the cat family

Oncilla is a mammal from the cat family and the order of carnivores. This cat looks like a miniature copy of a jaguar. In fact, the very name “oncilla” translates as “little jaguar”.

Oncilla, an animal the size of a domestic cat, is the smallest of the order of cats living in the Neotropical region. The body length of the male reaches 65 cm.

The weight of an adult male is approximately 2.8 - 3 kg. Oncilla has a relatively short tail, the average size of which is 35 cm. The eyes and ears of this animal are quite large.

The cat's body is covered with short, soft, ocher-colored fur. The chest and belly are lighter than the rest of the body. There are very light, almost white, stripes on the muzzle. The sides and back are strewn with dark round spots. These spots form longitudinal rows along the cat's entire body.

Oncilla (Leopardus tigrinus).

The tail, in turn, is covered with spots in the transverse direction. Closer to the tip of the tail, these spots smoothly turn into rings. The round ears are black on the outside with a white spot. Melanism is widespread among individuals of this species. Melanists make up up to 20% of the entire population.

History of the discovery of the species

History has not preserved any information about who exactly and how first described the small spotted cat. But the species was discovered quite a long time ago; different sources of information date this event to 1775 and 1867.

The cat species Oncilla has been described for quite some time.

The name of the species according to the accepted international classification is Leopardus tigrinus, which translated from Latin means “little jaguar”.


Another name for it is “cat bear”. It is very true, since outwardly this animal really resembles both a bear and a cat. From the bear, the binturong took a clubbed gait, a clumsy body, short legs, dark, coarse fur and rather large dimensions. Body length - from 60 to 90 cm, plus a tail of the same size (if not larger), weight - from 12 to 20 kg. What stands out in his appearance is his almost white mustache and dashing tufts on his ears. It is clear that these are no longer bearish signs.

Binturongs are common in tropical forests of Asia. These are nocturnal animals that swim, dive and climb trees well. True, the heavy binturongs cannot jump, but they have a very tenacious tail, thanks to which they maneuver among the branches. They feed on small rodents, birds, fish and carrion.

Binturongs are calm, lazy, non-aggressive, trusting animals that some people decide to keep at home. Why someone? Yes, because these cat bears have one unpleasant quality - they pee everywhere and very often, since nature has endowed them with uncontrollable urination. In some countries, binturong meat is a real delicacy.

Description of the cat Oncilla

Visually, the animal is very similar to a miniature jaguar. It is quite difficult to distinguish an adult cat by its physique and color from a kitten of a larger predator. Of the entire South American cat family, this animal is the smallest; in size it is quite a bit larger than an ordinary domesticated cat.

Externally, the oncilla is very similar to the jaguar, only much smaller in size.

External data

The oncilla has a graceful and petite, but muscular and well-proportioned build. External data is described as follows:

The coat of the small jaguar is soft, short and very dense. The basic color of the coat varies from gray to yellow-ochre. Throughout the skin there are black spots of vague irregular shape (rosettes), which fold into longitudinal stripes. The chest and belly are lighter, almost white, and have no dark markings. Along the ridge, the rosettes form clear lines. The limbs are also spotted, the frequency and size of the spots decreasing towards the paws. On the tail there are 8–13 transverse ring-shaped dark stripes, merging towards the end into a large almost black spot. The fur at the beginning of the tail is noticeably shorter.

The body of a tiger cat is covered with dark, blurry rosette spots.

On the spotted muzzle in the cheek area there are white markings along which two dark thin stripes run. A couple more dark lines run from the inner corners of the eyes to the back of the head. Several stripes begin on the occipital region, later turning into wide semicircles. In the throat area there are two black symmetrical spots.

The whiskers on the face of a tiger cat are located quite close to the nose.

Small brindle cats are characterized by melanism. Approximately 15–20% of the entire population has black fur. Such individuals are no different from their relatives; all breed characteristics are preserved. They give full healthy offspring.

The face of a tiger cat is very interestingly colored

In zoos you can often find various representatives of the cat tribe that are black in color. Many visitors think that this is some other type of breed. We also saw the “Black Panthers,” as they are popularly called. This phenomenon is not that rare. It turns out that almost every fifth kitten of a predatory cat is born melanistic. Albinos are born much less frequently. A black variation of the jaguar lives in the Novosibirsk Zoo; the fur of this cat is bluish-black. Even her nose is black.

Every fifth tiger cat has black fur


The oncilla cat is unusually secretive and cautious, for this reason little studied. The animal has an independent character; it requires communication with its fellow tribesmen only during the breeding season. The small predator has an aggressive, ferocious and bloodthirsty disposition. He is quite capable of attacking a larger cat and winning the fight.

The cute appearance of the oncilla is very deceptive. Despite its small size, this cat is a serious predator.

Despite its small size, the tiger cat has a fierce temperament


The small spotted cat loves to live alone, on its own. It is most active in the dark, but if necessary, can remain awake during the day. During daylight hours, it usually hides in the dense branches of trees and sleeps.

Its variegated protective coloring allows it to skillfully hide from possible opponents and be almost invisible against the background of foliage. It is almost impossible to see a cat sleeping on a tree; it blends in with the surrounding vegetation.

Oncilla spends most of the day in trees

At dusk, like most felines, the animal goes hunting and walks around the controlled territory, the area of ​​which for females reaches 2.3–2.7 km2, and for males it can reach up to 17 km2. Everything here is determined by the character of the animal and its ability to stand up for its interests. The more aggressive an individual is, the larger the area it controls. The boundaries of the site are jealously guarded, and all unwanted guests are mercilessly expelled.

When darkness falls, the small spotted cat goes hunting

Oncilla perfectly jumps and climbs trees, and in agility and dexterity it is in no way inferior to monkeys. The predator can swim decently, but is reluctant to get into the water and only in case of serious danger. Excellent hearing and excellent eyesight make the tiger cat an excellent hunter and allow it to find food in almost complete darkness.

A tiger cat can sit in ambush on a tree for hours

This small predator bypasses people as far as possible and tries to catch their eye as little as possible.


The little jaguar goes hunting every night, has no habit of hiding half-eaten prey and tries, if possible, to eat everything at once. It sneaks up on its prey silently and unnoticed, and can sit in ambush for a long time and look out for game from cover. When the opportunity presents itself, it suddenly and sharply pounces, grabs the prey with its claws and pierces the neck or throat with sharp long fangs.

The cat can track its prey for a long time and hunts every night

He always acts swiftly and lightning fast, and is cruel to the victim. If the animal is very hungry, then the victim has practically no chance of salvation. The prey may be significantly larger in size, but this does not stop the ferocious and fearless hunter.

The diet of oncilla includes:

  • small rodents (mice, gophers, etc.);
  • birds that the cat manages to pre-clean from feathers,
  • tree frogs;
  • bird eggs and chicks (the cat willingly destroys nests);
  • fish;

    Sometimes the oncilla catches fish

  • non-venomous snakes and lizards.

There are eyewitness accounts claiming that the tiger cat even hunts small primates.


Since the small spotted cat leads an extremely secretive lifestyle, nothing is known about its reproduction in the wild. All information available on this subject is obtained from observations of animals living in captivity. Males reach sexual maturity at about two years, females are ready to have offspring a little earlier - at 1–1.5 years.

When living in captivity, oncillas form permanent pairs

Mating games usually take place in winter or early spring (February–March), they are accompanied by emotional noisy showdowns, fights, heart-rending screams and other paraphernalia of a stormy sexual life of a cat. But this period is short-lived, it lasts from 3 to 9 days. Moreover, with age, the female’s estrus time decreases. After which the partners separate, the male withdraws from the process of raising offspring and does not take any part in it. In a zoo environment, permanent pairs are created, and females mate with the same cat. Under natural conditions, males are extremely aggressive towards females, so, most likely, there are no stable pairs in the wild.

Pregnancy lasts from 74 to 78 days. There is usually only one kitten in a litter, sometimes there are two or even three.

A cat often has only one kitten in a litter.

The weight of babies ranges from 90 to 130 g (average 100 g). They open their eyes relatively late, only at 20–21 days of life. Teeth appear around the same time, but almost all at once. The mother feeds the kittens with breast milk until 2.5–3 months, but after teeth appear, she begins to accustom them to a solid diet, bringing pieces of meat into the den. At the age of about 4 months old, the cubs already feed completely independently and become independent.

Oncilla kittens develop slowly, their eyes open only on the 20th day of life.

Oncilla kittens develop and grow more slowly than other cats of similar size.

In natural conditions of untouched and wild nature, tiger cats live about 12–15 years. Presumably, potential enemies of this species of small cats are larger predators. But the biggest threat to their population is humans.


Oncillas are primarily nocturnal, but are occasionally active during the day. Despite being primarily terrestrial animals, cats are well-adapted for climbing. They are sometimes observed in pairs during the breeding season, but are considered to be quite solitary. In the wild, males can be very aggressive towards females. It is not uncommon for these cats to kill animals larger than themselves.

Home range

Female oncillas have a home range size of 0.9 to 2.3 km², while males have a home range of 4.8 to 17 km², which is larger than expected for cats of this size.

Habitat and role in the ecosystem

The small tiger cat is found only in the northern regions of South and southern Central America. It lives in the subtropical and tropical forests of Brazil, Venezuela, French Guiana, Argentina, Costa Rica, Uruguay, Suriname, Guyana, Paraguay, Ecuador and Peru. In these areas it is quite widespread, but it can be seen extremely rarely due to its low numbers and secrecy.

The tiger cat prefers to live in tropical rainforests

The typical habitat of these small predators is tropical evergreen montane cloud forests, wet thickets of eucalyptus trees, forest clearings, savannas, abandoned semi-arid land areas densely overgrown with thorny bushes. The species successfully inhabits subtropical forests at altitudes from 1500 to 3200 meters.

Tiger cats inhabit a variety of ecosystems. Sometimes they settle close to human habitation.

A tiger cat can live in a deforested forest

Currently, several subspecies of oncilla are known, which differ in color, coat length and habitat:

  • Leopardus tigrinus pardiniodes - Peru, Colombia, western regions of Venezuela, Ecuador, Northern Andes;
  • Leopardus tigrinus tigrinus - northern and eastern regions of Brazil, Guiana, Costa Rica, eastern Venezuela, Guyana;
  • Leopardus tigrinus guttulus - center and south of Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, northern regions of Argentina.

There is no precise data on the potential role of small spotted cats in the ecosystem. But, being terrestrial predators, they help in the fight against excess numbers of rodents and other pests.

Video: wild cat oncilla

civet cat

The civet cat
is very similar to the domestic cat, but there is still one difference. Perhaps everyone who has a cat at home knows how difficult it is to wash her, because she is terribly afraid of water. But the civet cat absolutely loves water; moreover, it spends a lot of time in it and feeds mainly on aquatic inhabitants. Hence its other name – “fishing cat”.

This is a fairly large animal, about twice the size of domestic cats. He has a powerful body, short legs and the same tail. The fur of the fishing cat is covered with a pattern of black spots and stripes. This predator lives in some Asian countries, in areas where there are bodies of water.

The civet cat swims and dives well, enjoying every minute of being in the water. His paws have membranes between his toes, which allow him to float well in the water. And powerful claws always stick out, which allows the fishing cat to firmly grab the “potential lunch”. Its prey usually includes fish, frogs, snakes and waterfowl. But first you need to somehow attract the attention of the “food” to yourself. To do this, the civet cat stands motionless in the water, tapping its surface with one paw. Stupid aquatic animals think that some insects have fallen into the water and rush to this place to feast on them. But, as you understand, they become easy prey for the fishing cat. If necessary, this unusual cat can dive headlong into the water and swim a long distance under it to get food. At the same time, water does not get into the ears, since they are easily pressed against the head.

The civet cat is a very rare animal, listed in the Red Book, therefore it is prohibited to keep it at home, and this can be fraught with danger for humans and their pets, since the civet cat is an aggressive and freedom-loving animal.

Life of an oncilla in captivity

Tiger cats feel quite comfortable in captivity; they can even be kept at home. Small kittens are easily tamed, domesticated and accustomed to humans. However, even a miniature jaguar born in captivity exhibits the character of a wild cat. The pet retains an obstinate disposition, has a habit of loneliness and is active mainly at night and twilight. Increased jumping ability can cause owners a lot of problems and troubles. A wild forest predator will never become tame and affectionate.

Only a few zoos in Europe can boast of having this rare feline species in their collections. Oncillas live in the Czech Republic, France and Great Britain. In total, their total number in European zoo collections is 13 individuals.

Oncilla can be found very rarely in zoos

Features of care

It is extremely difficult to keep oncilla in an apartment. If there are small children in the family, then having such an animal is strongly not recommended. A wild cat will constantly strive to be free, so all windows must be covered with a strong metal mesh or lattice. For such an exotic animal, a spacious enclosure is better suited, in which it is necessary to create conditions as close as possible to its natural habitat. The cage is equipped with tree trunks, ladders, stones, shelters and other attributes that allow the animal to feel at ease.

The oncilla enclosure should be spacious

When kept in an apartment, a wild cat perceives all other pets as potential prey and poses a real danger to them.

The diet of wild cats should consist exclusively of raw meat (beef, veal, etc.), and it is preferable to give live food (mice, rats, rabbits, etc.) . Special vitamin and mineral supplements are required. You only need to feed once a day. Sometimes fasting fasting days are arranged (according to the schedule). To keep your pet healthy and active, you need to take it to the vet regularly.

Oncillas reproduce successfully at the Sao Paulo Zoo

Wild cats are rarely fully domesticated. The habit of a free life and obstinate character remain with them forever. A random acquaintance has an ocelot at home, which was bought as a small kitten from a good nursery. While the cat was small, there were no problems with him. The pet slept in an embrace with his youngest daughter and did not get out of his arms. It should be noted that he quickly got used to the tray and went to it regularly. But when the cat grew up, he began to show wild habits. The furniture and wallpaper were torn to shreds; it was absolutely impossible to leave him alone at home. Even when playing and not showing any signs of aggression, he could seriously bite or scratch. As a result, the animal had to be moved into an enclosure, from where it is sometimes released for a walk. Organizing proper nutrition for such an animal is troublesome and very expensive.

When creating favorable conditions and properly balanced feeding, a small jaguar in captivity lives about 15–18 years, but sometimes can live up to 20–23 years.

Purchasing a kitten

You need to buy an oncilla kitten only in specialized nurseries, where they are raised using a special method. Small pets undergo careful selection and the necessary vaccinations, are registered and receive documents (veterinary passport, pedigree, etc.). It is almost impossible to buy small tiger cats in Russia; they are ordered from America.

You only need to buy a kitten from a special nursery.


Females enter the sexual maturity phase at one year of age, and males at one and a half years of age. The most active breeding season occurs in February and March. Estrus lasts for several days, which are accompanied by stormy mating games - loud screams and fights. Pregnancy lasts 75–80 days (about 2.5 months). Most often, the number of cubs born does not exceed 1 or 2, they weigh about 100 g and are born blind. Only on the 20th day after birth do kittens’ eyes open.

A tiger cat feeds its offspring with milk for 3 months, and when their teeth erupt, they gradually switch the babies to meat food. Kittens practically cease to depend on their mother at 3.5–4 months, at which time they already eat only solid food. 11-month-old cats are considered adults.


Number of species

The tiger cat population currently does not exceed 50 thousand mature individuals. The species has a persistent tendency to decline in numbers. This is due to massive deforestation and loss of natural habitats for animals. Animals are forced to go high into the mountains and adapt to local conditions.

Uncontrolled poaching causes enormous damage, since the skin of this spotted cat has been highly valued for the beauty of its fur since ancient times.

Oncillas were exterminated especially actively at the end of the last century (1978–1984). For example, in 1977, about 13 thousand individuals were killed, and in 1983 - more than 84 thousand. During this period, animals were not only killed for their beautiful spotted skins, but were also sold as exotic animals.

Because of its beautiful skin, oncilla is still hunted in some countries.

Hunting small spotted cats is strictly prohibited. The species is endangered and considered vulnerable. Oncillas are protected and protected by the global community. They are listed in the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Red List, as well as in Annex I of the CITES Convention (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) . However, in Ecuador, Nicaragua, Guyana, Peru and Panama, tiger cats are still hunted and not protected.

The presence of an oncilla cat is difficult to detect in any area because it can be mistaken for a young ocelot or margay (long-tailed cat). It turned out that only very experienced indigenous people of Brazil or former trackers and hunters are able to distinguish between these three species.

Photo gallery: Oncilla cat

During the day, the oncilla cat hides in the trees

Different subspecies of oncilla differ in color

The spotted cat feels most comfortable in the forest

The small spotted cat is small

Kittens are bred in special nurseries

Oncilla is beautiful and graceful, like most cats

Tiger cats sometimes catch birds and destroy their nests

Tiger cats are very cautious and secretive.

The tiger cat feels quite comfortable in the zoo

The tiger cat can look out for its prey for a long time and patiently

Very few people have ever seen oncilla in the wild. The animal is distinguished by its extraordinary secrecy and ability to camouflage perfectly. The features of life in the natural environment have been practically unstudied; there is practically no reliable and accurate information about this predator. Due to the disappearance of natural habitats and poaching, the species is listed in the Red Book and is in danger of extinction.


Oncillas are endangered due to habitat loss associated with cattle ranching and agriculture, the local trade as pets, and trapping in chicken coops. Their numbers are lower in areas where big cats are abundant, and in areas where big cats have disappeared, oncillas can thrive even in harsh conditions.

Conditions for keeping

Keeping brindle cats is not burdensome. Short-haired animals are combed once a week with a rubber mitten. Scottish and British cats have a thick undercoat that actively sheds twice a year, so the animals need to be brushed more often. A furminator can handle this task. The same rule applies to Siberian cats. Their luxurious fluffy coat sheds profusely in the spring and during the heating season. Tools such as a slicker and the same furminator will come to the rescue.

Breeders recommend giving the cat its own corner in the house, placing a house or bed there, as well as a scratching post. In addition, animals are given a place to litter and eat.

Bath days are organized twice a year. However, you should also remember that most cats are not happy about bathing. For example, the Scots and British are afraid of water like fire, but toygers and begals, on the contrary, love to swim. Therefore, it is important to take into account the characteristics of each breed and not force your pet.

The diet is selected depending on the breed, taking into account the recommendations of veterinarians.

Toygers inherited good health from their ancestors and experts do not give any special recommendations on nutrition.

Bengals should be fed natural high-protein foods or premium dry and wet food.

Tender Sokoke require a balanced diet fortified with taurine and vitamin E due to heart problems and metabolic disorders.

Mau are prone to allergies, asthma and heart disease, so they need special fortified food. Pet stores have lines of dry and wet food with a balanced composition that can maintain animal health.

It is recommended to feed Savannah with natural products: beef, poultry, ocean white fish, and give dry food as an addition to the main diet.

American Shorthairs, Scottish Shorthairs and British Shorthairs love to eat and are prone to weight gain. Therefore, animals need to be fed twice a day, and periodically pampered with boiled chicken breast.

Siberian cats need a balanced diet. For 1 kg of weight they give 30-60 g of feed. To maintain the beauty of their coat, cats under 3 years of age are given food containing 70% protein.


Hare is one of the fox's tasty dishes

Foxes are considered omnivores. Their diet consists of more than 400 species of different animals, as well as dozens of plants and fruits. Predators do not hesitate to feed on insects and carrion.

Predators living in Russia mainly feed on voles and other rodents. They are not able to escape from the red predator, so they become easy prey. If necessary, a fox can dig up the ground or a snowdrift in a matter of seconds to get to its target. She will also not miss the opportunity to feast on a hare and other small animals. In hungry times, the animal can switch to carrion and plants.

Interesting fact: in Canada, foxes can feed on salmon washed ashore during the spawning season.

In case of severe food shortage, the fox may not be afraid to come to the local village, where he will try to find chickens and other poultry and small animals.

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