Mating of a Maine Coon cat. First mating between a cat and a Maine Coon cat

Breeding Maine Coons is not as simple as it might seem. It requires a responsible approach on the part of animal owners, as well as certain knowledge and skills regarding bloodlines and the correct selection of pairs.

It depends only on the owners whether the combination of blood will be successful and whether healthy and beautiful kittens will be born. It is also very important for Maine Coon owners to know how to correctly draw up a mating agreement: this will help avoid misunderstandings and resentment between animal owners if something does not go quite as planned.

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Suitable age

The first heat in Maine Coon cats occurs at approximately 7 months. But it is not yet possible to breed an animal at this time, since early matings will negatively affect the health of both mother and kittens. The minimum acceptable age for mating, according to the club rules, is 10 months: at this age cats can already be untied. But for cats, mating is recommended no earlier than 1 year.

The first mating should be carried out on the third heat. By its onset, the cat is already able to get pregnant normally, bear, give birth and feed healthy, full-fledged offspring.

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However, in some individual cats, puberty occurs earlier: at 6 months.

This is why it turns out that the third heat occurs before a year.

In this case, there is no need to postpone mating, as this can lead to inflammatory diseases of the genital organs and hormonal imbalance.

But, if the cat is bred for the first time before the age of one year, then it is necessary to obtain a certificate from the veterinarian about the individual characteristics of the animal and the need for early mating in connection with them.

Choosing a partner

When choosing a pair for a Maine Coon, a number of parameters are taken into account:

  • coat color;
  • pedigree;
  • experience in mating;
  • participation in exhibitions.

The best option for finding a Maine Coon partner is a feline club. You can find a match for your favorite pet using newspapers or the Internet. When participating in animal shows, it is recommended to exchange contact information in advance with the owners of a potential partner for your furry pet.

Important! If Maine Coons preparing for mating have common relatives, their mating should first be discussed with a specialist. If close family ties are identified, mating must be abandoned - mating can cause the birth of sick offspring.

Signs of estrus in cats

The following signs indicate that a cat is in heat:

  1. The pet meows invitingly.
  2. Becomes more affectionate than usual.
  3. Requires additional attention from owners.
  4. Squats on its hind legs, taking a characteristic pose.
  5. During heat, a cat often rolls around on the floor.

A pet that is in heat will arch its back and move its tail to the side when stroked.

Mating rules

Preparing for mating is a responsible process. It is necessary to discuss in advance all the conditions, interest on the sale of kittens, and draw up an agreement. Usually mating is organized on the cat's territory. You must first take care of the health of your pets:

  • get tested for infections;
  • carry out deworming a week before;
  • two weeks in advance - flea treatment;
  • take care of timely vaccination;
  • immediately before mating, visit a veterinarian.

Signs of estrus in cats

In Maine Coons, ovulation (the release of an egg) occurs after mating. Therefore, for mating to be effective, the Maine girl must be taken to her partner on the second day of estrus, which can be determined by characteristic signs:

  • inviting meowing, increased affection, demands for additional attention;
  • characteristic squatting on the hind legs;
  • rolling on the floor;
  • When stroking, the cat's back bends, and the tail falls on its side.


Do not wash your cat before going to breeding, so that the characteristic odor of estrus remains, which is attractive to males. It will be easier for the bride to get used to being a guest if she takes a tray with filling, as well as her favorite food, with her when visiting. Before the meeting, it is necessary to trim the coons' claws so that they do not injure each other in the heat of passion.


It is better to immediately allocate a mating room for the cat couple. The room should be small and there should be no places where you can hide. It is necessary to limit access under the bathtub, sofas, etc., so that the bride does not sit there for too long, excluding the groom.

Love time

When a cat is in heat, the cat is actively showing interest. He does not leave the bride’s side, shows attention, and tolerates her refusals. If you are passive, try to interest the cat by bringing him closer to the cat, whose tail is slightly raised. It will take several hours or days for the kitty to surrender to the cat, depending on the experience of the parties involved. When mating occurs, the cat’s behavior changes. She starts rolling on the floor and purring. Important! A cat may exhibit active sexual behavior for several days after a successful mating, but this is not a sign of fertilization failure. Often a cat only needs one time, but sometimes up to 10-15 matings occur per day over the course of a day or two. When the cat has lost interest in the process, its owner can immediately call the cat’s owners and inform them that the mating was successful and the bride can be picked up.

Mating Maine Coons. Mating of Maine Coons.

Breeding rules

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When the cat is six months old, you can already start looking for a suitable sire.

To do this, it is best to contact the club, where they will help you choose the best possible partner.

They will take into account the combination of blood, color and exhibition quality of both animals.

For the first mating, you need to find an experienced cat, as otherwise problems may arise during mating.

Just in case, if the chosen manufacturer is already busy for a time suitable for mating or is unable to carry it out for some other reason, it makes sense to look for a “spare” partner.

It may also be useful if mating with the “main” cat does not work out for some reason.

Adults who have already exhibited Maine Coons of the breed class and who have received permission to breed are allowed to breed.

Preparing animals for breeding

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Before mating, you need to have your pet examined in a clinic in order to promptly identify hidden pathologies that may become an obstacle to breeding.

Two weeks before mating, it is necessary to carry out treatment for external parasites, and a week before mating, deworming.

On the second day or third day after the start of estrus, the pet should be taken to the cat. But first, it will be necessary to trim her claws so that she does not scratch her partner.

Before mating, you should not wash the cat or treat its fur with any means that interrupt the natural odor of estrus, since otherwise the cat may not show interest in her.

In order for the cat to quickly get used to the new environment, it is recommended that when going to breeding, you take with you bowls for food and water, a tray and food to which your pet is accustomed. You also need to take care of the documents: prepare a copy of the cat’s pedigree in advance.

Room and furnishings

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Maine Coons need to be bred in a room free of unnecessary furniture.

Ideally, there should be no places in the room where the cat could hide for a long time.

It’s good if the room is small: this will limit the freedom of movement of animals.

At the same time, it will give the Maine Coon girl the opportunity to run away from her partner for too long.

It is best to simply lock the partners together in one room and not pay attention to them. As a rule, animals themselves are able to figure out the mating process. If you constantly disturb and distract them, they will not be able to focus their attention on each other. While the cat is in the cat's territory, the house should be quiet and calm. At this time, you should not receive guests, make repairs or perform other noisy activities that may confuse or frighten the animals, which may cause them to refuse mating.

While a Maine Coon girl is in the house of the cat's owner, he is fully responsible for her.


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In order for an inexperienced cat to agree to let the cat approach her, she is brought to him in advance.

Usually on the second day of mating, so that the pet has enough time to get used to the new environment and get to know the groom.

It’s good if the cat immediately begins to be interested in the cat brought to him.

This means that he liked her and, if he is experienced enough, sooner or later he will be able to “persuad” his partner. In the same case, if he immediately turns around and defiantly leaves, this means that the mating will not succeed and it is better to try to match the pet with another cat. Well, if the groom is interested in the fluffy bride, but somewhat sluggishly, then you can try to attract the cat’s attention to her: bring him closer to the cat, first lifting her tail.

Typically, Maine Coons cope without the help of their owners when mating; only in rare cases does human intervention be required.

photo 7578578568If the cat constantly lies on its side or back at the most crucial moment, then it is necessary to hold it in the position necessary for mating, not allowing it to dodge.

Maine Coons behave differently during mating: some animals make a lot of noise, others do their job in complete silence.

And cats don't treat cats equally.

Some producers are affectionate with their brides and spare no time in persuasion, others are persistent and impatient.

Some representatives of the breed can show aggression towards the cat and treat it quite roughly. And some cats, when meeting a partner, are very nervous and feel insecure at first. But, in any case, if the cat liked the bride, he will still achieve her favor. A Maine Coon girl usually “stays” in a cat’s house for 1 to 4 days. During this time, animals can mate several times a day.

Pet (for yourself)

The second case is when the pet was purchased as a pet. In this situation, it is necessary to know how often and how long the cat’s heat lasts in order to promptly provide assistance in overcoming the accompanying stress. When breeding animals is not planned, you can use one of the following tips:

  • Use hormonal medications to stop estrus. The use of such medications is not allowed more than 2 times a year. Violation of this regime or a low-quality product can lead to malfunctions in the body or even the appearance of a tumor of the ovaries or uterus.
  • Use sedatives. During the period of estrus, the cat can be given drugs such as “Fospasim”, “Cat-bayun” and others. But the results of their action do not manifest themselves in everyone. And for some, it can even cause allergic reactions.
  • Distracting attention from stress. When the use of various drugs for calming is impossible due to health problems of the animal or because of the desire not to harm it, then it is worth resorting to various types of activity. If you play with your cat before going to bed, you can ensure that she sleeps peacefully all night without harming herself or others.
  • Sterilize the animal. This operation will completely stop the occurrence of estrus.

Attention! When sterilizing an animal, it is necessary to completely remove the uterus and ovaries. Simply tying the tubes will cause the cat to continue to demand a “groom”, but will not be able to become pregnant and subsequently give birth to offspring. At the same time, her condition will worsen significantly.

Caring for an animal is a rather complex process. A pet requires sufficient attention and quality care, just like a full-fledged member of the family (it’s not for nothing that they are often compared to children). And the reproductive estrous cycle is one of the integral parts of his life. This material revealed in as much detail as possible the answers to such questions as: how long does estrus last in cats, how does it manifest itself, what to do to calm the animal at this time, and others.

However, we strongly recommend that you obtain all the necessary information about this process from a professional veterinarian.

If there is a kitten in your house and it is female, sooner or later the question arises: when does puberty begin and readiness to bear kittens, how long does estrus last in cats and how often it can occur

How to understand that this happened

After mating occurs, the cat purrs and rolls on the floor for several minutes. Her attitude towards the cat also changes. If before the mating she did not behave too kindly with him: she hissed, waved her paw and ran away, then after the cat walked her, the cat becomes more affectionate towards him and allows her partner to lick her.

The most reliable sign that mating has taken place is the cat’s loss of interest in the cat.

As soon as this happens, the furry bride can be taken home and wait for the first signs of pregnancy to appear.

Further behavior of the cat

After the cat has returned home, she may meow and look for the cat for several more days. But this is not at all a sign that she could not get pregnant. The onset of pregnancy is indicated by reddening of the nipples, which usually occurs 3 to 4 weeks after a successful mating. Also, at this time the cat begins to sleep more and changes its eating habits. If the pet failed to become pregnant, then a month after mating she will begin a new heat. At this time, you can try to breed her again with the same or another cat.

Why does the cat meow loudly?

When inviting a partner, the kitty constantly emits a loud, obsessive meow.

Each member of the cat family has a different voice from one another. For example, a Briton is easily recognizable by his scream. Timbre and loudness may depend on the breed or the nature of the pet

Cats generally meow when they want to attract attention. If cats scream near the bowl or are greeted at the door, it means they are demanding food or are happy for the owner to come

But the loudest meow, repeated with enviable consistency, is associated with mating, especially if they are of reproductive age. On an instinctive level, a cat during estrus looks for a partner in this way. At the same time, a sexually mature cat meows, thus trying to attract a female. By observing your pet, you can understand the reasons for the cry. If loud meowing is observed after going to the litter box and there are no signs of mating, you need to contact a veterinarian.

Documents and how payment is made

In order for the kittens to receive documents of origin, it is necessary to correctly draw up a mating agreement. This document, which is signed by both parties, must contain the following information:

  1. Nicknames of partners.
  2. Last names, first names and patronymics, as well as addresses of their owners.
  3. Information about the health status of cats and cats.
  4. Mating conditions.
  5. Terms of payment for it.
  6. Procedure for unsuccessful mating.
  7. Costs of maintaining kittens born as a result of mating.
  8. The procedure for registering kittens and documenting them.

The price of mating is either an amount, usually equal to the average cost of a kitten of this breed, or the owner of the cat receives the right to take one baby from the litter after the cat feeds them.

If only one kitten is born, then the owner of the cat takes half of its value after selling the baby.

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