Natural food recipes for cats


Hello again, dear readers of our blog. You and I once studied what kind of cereals can be given to cats. This topic caused quite heated discussions, and we decided to continue it. Today we will talk about porridge recipes for cats. There are quite a few of them and they all deserve interest, since cats are great individualists. Someone may like some porridge recipe, but some cat will simply turn away from it. Therefore, in our today's selection of porridge recipes for cats and kittens, various porridges are presented.

What cereals can be given to cats?

Not all types of cereals are approved for consumption by cats, so before creating a diet, you need to figure out which cereals can be given to cats and which cannot? Among those useful for the cat's body are oatmeal, rice, buckwheat and barley groats.

Not all cereals can be given to cats

Cats are very capricious animals and it will be quite difficult to force them to eat porridge, so you still need to figure out how to lure the animal to such an unusual dish for them.


The owner, before creating a diet for his pet, wonders whether a cat can eat buckwheat at all and will he eat it? It contains many components necessary for the body: proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, which can be converted into energy, as well as iron and calcium. Buckwheat porridge is especially important for a cat, because it contributes to its full development.

Must remember! For a kitten, porridge is prepared with milk with the addition of a small piece of butter, and for an adult animal - with broth.


Is it possible to give buckwheat to kittens and cats have figured it out, but what about rice cereal? The question is very serious, because it takes a lot of time to digest rice, but its benefits for the animal’s body are very great. Cereals contain many useful substances, but experts recommend introducing unpolished rice into the diet; it is more beneficial than regular rice.

Rice porridge must be prepared in vegetable broth, and when feeding an animal, mixed with meat or vegetables.

Rice porridge is very healthy for cats


Oatmeal must be included in the diet. It is well absorbed by the body and cleanses the intestines. In addition, rolled oats are useful for both small kittens and adults. It contains many vitamins and mineral salts.

Some owners prefer to mix oatmeal with ready-made liquid food, but this should not be done. It is better to combine it with pieces of boiled meat, such as chicken, or with vegetables.

Advice! It is recommended to cook porridge for kittens in milk or steam it.

Barley porridge

This category includes pearl barley porridge and egg, which contain the most vitamins D, E, A, B and PP, as well as such important elements as iron, selenium, potassium, strontium, copper and manganese. Cats should be given barley and barley no more than 2 times a week and only if there is no gluten intolerance. Barley porridge is important for kittens for bone growth, and for adults it is necessary for the proper functioning of the digestive tract.

Basic rules for healthy cat nutrition

  • About 90% of the diet should consist of meat and offal.
  • Cat dishes are served raw (with the exception of some products, which will be discussed separately) and at room temperature. It is advisable to defrost frozen portions at room temperature.
  • After preparing raw meat portions, place them in the freezer for at least three days. Freezing kills almost all dangerous bacteria and parasites.
  • Buy meat only from a trusted place.
  • Food should contain bones or calcium supplements.
  • Most of the diet should be offered in the form of pieces, since the pet must work with its jaws, tear and chew food. This is important for the cat’s health and prevents problems with teeth and gums.
  • Clean water should be freely available.
  • It is necessary to follow the feeding regimen and not exceed the portion size. An adult animal is fed twice a day, in the morning and late in the evening. The daily norm for a domestic, sedentary pet is approximately 50 g/kg of weight.

A cat's menu is much poorer than a human's. Cats are absolute predators; under natural conditions, very few grains and barely noticeable amounts of vegetables enter their stomachs. Therefore, no matter how healthy porridge, raw and baked vegetables may be for humans, they should not be included in your pet’s diet. We advise you to read the article, which describes in detail foods that are harmful to your cat’s health.

One of the easiest to prepare dishes that are most similar to natural food are raw chicken heads and necks. Some people do not believe and are even horrified that their cute cat is able to greedily bite into a chicken head and not choke on the bones. But it is the bones of the heads and necks that the cat will gnaw without harm to health. Moreover, such nutrition will bring a lot of benefits to the animal. Heads and necks require treatment before feeding, but this is not difficult to do.

Porridges prohibited for cats

What kind of porridge can be given to kittens and adult cats, and how many times a day is already clear. But what cereals are prohibited? First of all, it is necessary to exclude instant cereals. They contain a large amount of sugar, which is harmful to the cat's stomach, and some types of cereals are simply not absorbed by the body.

Corn grits

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It does not cause much harm, because it contains many vitamins and beneficial elements, but it should not be abused. Corn porridge contributes to constipation and flatulence, and problems with the pet’s health may arise due to the fact that it is poorly absorbed by the body.


Semolina porridge for cats, prepared with milk, according to most owners, is simply necessary for the younger generation. But this opinion is erroneous, because according to the latest research, semolina is pure starch and there is nothing useful in its composition.

Important! Semolina contains gluten, which is difficult for the stomach to process and takes a very long time to digest.

Millet porridge

Although it is considered useful with a large content of necessary elements, there are more disadvantages in its use than advantages. Millet porridge is poorly digested and often leads to bloating in kittens and adult cats. It is forbidden to give millet to those cats that are intolerant to gluten, and it is present in the cereal.

Millet is a forbidden porridge

Pea porridge

Just like corn grits, peas are not digestible by the animal’s body. You won’t be able to get anything other than vegetable sugar from peas. In most cases, pea porridge leads to constipation and flatulence.

About the benefits of cereals

The cat, although small, is a predator. And in nature, representatives of the cat family do not feed on cereal grains, but receive them along with the contents of the stomachs of small rodents that have become the prey of a mustachioed hunter. If you feed a cat only meat, you can get a whole bunch of diseases - digestive, cardiovascular systems, liver and kidney dysfunction. Therefore, your domestic cat’s menu should include cereals – a source of fiber, complex carbohydrates and vitamins.

Cereals in a pet's diet can be represented by porridge. But not all of them are good for cats. The following types of cereals are desirable:

  • Buckwheat. Buckwheat porridge will help maintain a strong immune system, cardiovascular and nervous systems, normalize gastrointestinal functions; it is beneficial for skin health and improving the appearance of the coat. Buckwheat contains a lot of easily digestible protein, so it is very nutritious. Buckwheat is rich in vitamins - groups B, E, PP, microelements - calcium, iron, phosphorus, iodine, cobalt, copper.
  • Rice. The cereal does not contain gluten, so it can be safely given to animals prone to allergies. Rice porridge in a cat's diet is a source of calcium, potassium, iron, iodine, selenium, and zinc. It contains vitamins B, E, PP. Rice helps maintain the functions of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, strengthens the cat's immunity, and normalizes digestion.

These cereals can be given to pets without danger to their health. Other grains are also useful - oats, barley, but when including them in a cat's diet, possible contraindications should be taken into account.

Veterinarians recommend Hercules porridge for pets because of its natural antioxidant content. Oatmeal contains vitamins and minerals necessary for animals, including calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and others. It is useful to give oatmeal to animals to strengthen bones, prevent anemia, and normalize stool during diarrhea. Porridge is well absorbed by the cat's body, but it should be taken into account that oats contain gluten. Not all animals produce enzymes in their bodies that can break down this protein, which leads to disruption of the functions of some body systems. In addition, gluten often causes allergic reactions in animals.

Two types of cereals are made from barley - pearl barley and barley. They are rich in vitamins A, B, D, E, nicotinic acid, microelements - calcium and iron, potassium and manganese. Barley porridge improves the functioning of the digestive system and has a beneficial effect on bones and joints, vision, and the nervous system. But pearl barley and barley porridge are contraindicated for those animals that have gluten intolerance, as well as cats suffering from chronic constipation.

Frequency of feeding the animal with cereals

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After you have figured out which grains can be given to cats and which cannot, you need to understand how often it is given to your pet. If you do not adhere to certain dietary rules, then even the most harmless porridge can create many problems for the body.

Here's what you need to know:

  • Porridge is allowed to be given no more than twice a week. This will be enough to take the required amount of vitamins and beneficial microelements from the cereals.
  • If the animal is bottle-fed, it is prohibited to give cereal and dry food at the same time. The minimum gap between meals should be at least 6 hours.
  • You cannot suddenly switch an animal from one type of food to another; this must be done gradually and in small portions.
  • If you need to switch your cat to diet food for health reasons, then you should add meat, fish and vegetables to the porridge to saturate the natural food with nutrients.
  • Pregnant and lactating cats need to boil porridge with milk as much as possible. This makes them easier and faster to digest.
  • Milk porridge should not be given to kittens after one year. They need to be switched to porridge with meat, fish or vegetables.
  • There should be the largest amount of offal in the diet, a little less porridge, it is also important to include greens, fats and vitamins.
  • It is forbidden to put various seasonings in porridge, only salt in small quantities.

Proper nutrition is the key to a healthy pet

Porridge for a castrated cat

Rice, oatmeal and buckwheat porridges are perfect for a neutered cat. If you alternate, they can restore normal digestion. Also, these cereals will bring all the necessary microelements and vitamins into the animal’s body.

food for furry babies
Porridge with meat. looks appetizing

Several recipes

Chicken with rice and vegetables

  1. Boil 2 small carrots in a separate container and then grate them.
  2. Cook chicken thighs in a small saucepan. When the meat is boiled, you can add brown rice to the broth.
  3. While the rice is cooking, you can cut the chicken into small pieces.
  4. When the rice is cooked, let it cool slightly.
  5. Take one part of rice and mix with the same amount of chicken.
  6. Add some grated boiled carrots on top, now you can serve the delicacy.

Buckwheat porridge with stewed meat

  1. Buy a good stew at the store; it’s better to buy several cans at once, as some may not contain meat.
  2. Add a pinch of salt to the water, and after boiling, throw in the stew.
  3. When our broth boils, we can add buckwheat.
  4. The dish can be added only after it has cooled. We also recommend adding vegetables to the porridge; to do this, you can boil the beets in the microwave and then finely chop them.

Cooking porridge

In addition to finding out what kind of porridge can be given to cats, you also need to figure out how to prepare it correctly? It is recommended to cook it in meat broth for as long as possible so that it is thoroughly boiled. It is important to consider the proportions so that the porridge is not thick, but more viscous.

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When cooking cereals, it is forbidden to add spices or sugar; you can only add a little salt. Cats still cannot distinguish the taste of spices, and they only bring harm to the animal’s body.

Advice! It is recommended to mix porridge with fish or meat. But fish should be given no more than twice a week. It is advisable to choose boneless and non-greasy.

Below are several simple and healthy recipes for making porridge for cats of different breeds, including Scottish.

Porridge with vegetables

For cooking you can use rice, buckwheat or pearl barley. You will also need 1 boiled carrot and finely chopped chicken meat. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and served to your pet.

Rice porridge with salmon

Boil the rice until cooked and has a sticky consistency. Add some finely chopped fish and hard-boiled eggs to the porridge.

Rice porridge with salmon

Porridge with broccoli and chicken

You can use any cereal. Boil it in chicken broth until tender. Separately, steam the broccoli and then chop it. Mix all ingredients well.

Beef liver porridge

Boil the cereal until tender, add a pinch of green peas, a few pieces of boiled meat and a little vegetable oil. The animal will definitely appreciate the prepared dish.

If you follow these recipes, you can quickly accustom your pet to proper and healthy food, rich in vitamins and microelements.

What cereals are good for cats?

The most useful are four types of cereals. Using them, they build your pet’s diet. This food is a source of many microelements and vitamins. It is impossible to give an animal one type of porridge; monotony will cause a lack of vitamins or minerals in the body.

Types of cereals:

  1. Oatmeal (rolled oatmeal). Porridge is a must for animals of any age. The product has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines, does not burden the liver, envelops, and relieves irritation of the mucous membrane, if it occurs. The product is rich in vitamins and carbohydrates. Oatmeal is digested quickly. However, you should not get carried away with the product: the phytic acid present, accumulating in the cat’s body, impairs the absorption of vitamins. Gluten also harms cats in large quantities, disrupting digestion.
  2. Rice. The cereal is harmless to cats. Being a natural adsorbent, rice helps cleanse the body of toxic substances. There is no gluten in it. For obese cats, rice is indicated for weight loss. Polished rice loses its valuable properties, feeding becomes useless. You should choose brown rice, although cats eat it worse than white rice. When there is an excess of porridge on the menu, constipation develops.
  3. Buckwheat. Buckwheat, containing a large amount of microelements and vitamins, must be included in the animal’s diet. Buckwheat is boiled for cats in milk or meat broth. Add pieces of meat to the dish; it is useful to add grated carrots and zucchini. Buckwheat should be seasoned with vegetable oil or butter.
  4. Pearl barley. The cereal is low in calories, digests slowly, providing a feeling of fullness for a long time. Barley is needed for animals that are obese or prone to digestive disorders.

Be sure to read:

Comparison of cat food of different classes: what should be included, analysis of dry and wet food,

It is advisable to give the product in the morning feeding. If there are serious problems with the animal’s digestion, the veterinarian may impose a temporary or permanent ban on cereals.

Food for spayed or neutered cats

This category of animals is prohibited from feeding cereals that can cause obesity. These include corn, barley, semolina and wheat. Their consumption can also contribute to the development of urolithiasis.

Also, after surgery, cats and kittens are prohibited from eating fish and adding it to porridge. It is allowed to add boiled lean meat, such as chicken.

Important! Proper nutrition of castrated and sterilized cats will help avoid negative consequences and health problems.

Can a cat have semolina?

Not only semolina porridge, but also some other types of cereal food for domestic purrs are prohibited. For example, you should not give cats corn porridge. It is not absorbed in the pet's stomach, although it causes a feeling of satiety. Feeding corn porridge causes disruption of digestive functions, constipation, and increased gas formation. This should also be taken into account by those animal owners whose pets love to chew corn cobs and crispy sticks (they are sweet, and especially should not be given to cats!).

Semolina, which is made from wheat grains, has a high gluten content. Many pets do not produce the enzymes in their bodies that break down this protein, causing digestive problems. Gluten is the strongest allergen for cats!

Pea porridge provokes the development of problems in the gastrointestinal tract; it is difficult to digest and puts increased stress on the kidneys and pancreas. It is not recommended to feed cats millet porridge. Millet dishes contribute to the development of constipation in pets, especially those with problems with the large intestine.

Age at which kittens are allowed to eat porridge

It is allowed to introduce porridge into the diet of kittens from one month, and this should be done gradually and in small portions. It is recommended to give dairy products only up to a year, after which the pet should be switched to full adult food.

It is recommended to give milk porridge to pregnant cats to saturate the body with calcium, the supply of which is very important during this period.

Adult cats and male cats need to cook cereals in water or broth.

Feeding kittens with cereals

Meat porridge with vegetables for cats

Mix equal parts of buckwheat and short-grain rice and cook porridge from the cereals without salt in water. Separately boil the vegetable mixture. You can purchase it ready-made or make it yourself. To do this, you just need to mix potatoes, onions, broccoli, beans, cauliflower, green beans, carrots, peas and corn. Not necessarily all of these elements. The main thing is that there is no bell pepper in the mixture. We also separately cook chicken liver or beef heart, free of fat, or kidneys. We cut the chicken liver into small pieces, the rest must be passed through a meat grinder. Next, mix the vegetables, porridge and offal. You can add sunflower or flaxseed oil.

Compatibility of porridge with ready-made food

Experts prohibit mixing natural food and feed, because it is harmful to the health of pets. Since cats do not have very developed taste buds, they do not distinguish taste well, and constant changes in food can cause digestive upset.

If a kitten has been fed industrial food since birth, it is not recommended to switch it to cereal, because the food also contains a lot of useful vitamins and microelements necessary for health. And adding cereals to your diet can lead to severe gastrointestinal upset.

Is it possible to give porridge along with meat?

This not only can be done, but also necessary. It is recommended to add meat to buckwheat, rice and barley porridge. They also add a small piece of butter, either vegetable or butter.

As for oatmeal, it is recommended to mix it with vegetables, for example, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, beets, zucchini and others.

Mixing porridge and fish

You can and should mix porridge with fish, but you should take into account some recommendations:

  • give fish in small portions and no more than once a week;
  • You should give preference to mentai, hake, salmon or halibut;
  • It is forbidden to give raw fish, but only boiled fish, this way all harmful microorganisms are killed;
  • it is necessary to carefully separate the fish from the bone;
  • There is no need to salt the fish during cooking.

Thus, if all recommendations are followed, the animal will receive a maximum of vitamins and beneficial microelements necessary for proper and healthy nutrition.

Hercules porridge for cats with liver

Take the liver (you can take any that your cat likes), 2-3 glasses of water and a glass of oatmeal.

Boil water in a saucepan. Cut the liver into small pieces and pour into boiling water. Next we add Hercules. Mix everything thoroughly and wait for the porridge to boil. After this, close the pan with a lid and turn the heat to minimum. Stir the porridge periodically. Cooking time depends on the type of flakes and the size of the liver. Usually it is 2-3 times more than when cooking just flakes. No need to add salt or sugar!!! The finished porridge can be put in the refrigerator; the shelf life of the porridge should not exceed a week.

The animal is fed warm porridge. Once removed from the refrigerator, you can heat it in the microwave. If the porridge is thick, you can heat it up by adding boiling water. You can add dry milk to the finished porridge, mixing thoroughly.

What to do if the cat does not eat porridge?

It is easy to persuade your pet to eat porridge if you add pieces of meat. It should be boiled. You should choose lean varieties. When the pet refuses to eat such a dish, a little wet cat food or crushed dry food is added to it.

Be sure to read:

Homemade cat food: how to prepare, allowed and prohibited foods, best recipes

At first, the animal may not eat the prepared food completely, but, gradually getting used to it, it will eat fully. Feeding porridge should be regular.

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