Why did the cat have one kitten - the kittens were just born

When a pet has babies, this is an important event not only for her, but also for the owners. The birth of kittens requires careful attention to the animal and can lead to complications that are dangerous for the mother and babies. In the event of an unforeseen situation, in order to help your pet, you need to understand what is happening and know exactly what help is required. You need to know whether a cat can give birth to one kitten, what to do if not all babies were born, and much more.

How many kittens does a cat normally give birth to for the first time?

For owners who keep a cat, the question of the number of kittens is important, because they need to be placed in good hands. The size of the litter depends on the conditions in which the animal exists. If they are favorable, then experience shows that on average 4-6 kittens are born. Deviations do happen, but they are rare.

A pregnant pet requires close attention from the owner

For your information! In very rare cases, lambing can reach 10-15 individuals, but such situations are the exception.

Other interpretations

Among the variety of interpretations, the predictions of Nostradamus, Miller, and Vanga stand out for their originality.

Miller's Dream Book

The psychologist warns: if you see a dead kitten on the porch of your own house, then get ready for unexpected losses. Pay more attention to your loved ones, take your job responsibilities more seriously.

Vanga's Dream Book

The death of kittens in the house means the dreamer's internal struggle . His future fate depends on which path, spiritual or material, he chooses.

Modern dream book

If you saw dead kittens at the entrance to the house, your significant other will soon cross the threshold . And if one already exists, the dream foreshadows harmony in family life.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

The great predictor interprets dead kittens in a dream as deceit, and it will be manifested by the one who dreamed about them.

Esoteric dream book

Seeing a dead cat near the house - get ready for a big family holiday, perhaps even a wedding.

How to understand how many kittens a cat has in the womb

Sometimes you can guess the number of newborns by counting the number of nipples in the mother cat. Subtract two from it and get the most probable lambing value.

How long after giving birth can a cat become pregnant?

This issue can be approached taking into account the physiological characteristics of the animal. The size of the offspring is determined by the number of places on the walls of the uterus where maturing eggs are attached.

Note! There is an observation that stray animals are more fertile compared to domestic ones.

To determine the number of future offspring, you can feel the belly of a pregnant cat. This can only be done by an experienced specialist, because there is a risk of harm to the fruit. Palpation is carried out 20-21 days after mating. Later, the abdomen fills with amniotic fluid and it becomes impossible to determine the size of lambing. This procedure can also be performed on days 49-55.

The most accurate method is ultrasound examination, which is carried out starting 21 days after mating.

A veterinarian can help you find out about the number of future kittens.

Giving birth to a cat at home

The cat's uterus is bicornuate. The horns, at the point of their connection, pass into the uterine canal, which passes through the cervix into the vagina, and it, through the vestibule of the vagina, into the vulva - this is the birth canal. The fetuses, protected by the amniotic membrane and fixed to the wall of the uterus by the placenta, are located in the horns of the uterus.

The first stage of labor can last from 12 to 24 hours. In the initial stage it may not be noticeable. It all starts with chaotic, voluntary contractions of the uterus (pushing), breathing quickens, the cat purrs to the beat. These contractions, in the form of peristaltic waves from the top of the uterine horn to its body, are at first rare and weak, the pain is of an unclear nature.

A few hours before contractions, the vagina swells slightly, and a thick sticky discharge appears from it, transparent, yellowish or bloody in color. The animal, at this time, is restless, licks the vulva (loop), strains, as if during defecation, meows pitifully, and rake up the bedding. The uterine horns contract alternately, pushing the fetuses into the uterus.

As the labor process progresses, contractions become more frequent, their duration increases, and the pain intensifies. When the uterus contracts (contractions), the fetus is pushed towards the cervix and it dilates. At the same time, the abdominal muscles contract and the fetus moves into the vagina. The cat at this time is completely at the mercy of childbirth. A first-time cat can be extremely frightened; she screams pitifully and seeks help from her owner. While watching her, constantly talk and pet her.

During contractions, intrauterine pressure increases and the vascular membrane (chorion) ruptures. The amnion (water membrane) and allantois (urinary membrane), filled with fluid, are embedded in the cervix, expanding its canal like a hydraulic wedge. With this


Pet health hazard

If fetal resorption occurs in a cat at an early stage of pregnancy, there is no need to worry about its health. As for spontaneous abortions, which occur in the later stages, they cause serious damage to the reproductive organs of the pet (rupture of the uterus or birth canal). Very often, large quantities of pus accumulate in the uterine cavity. In rare and most advanced cases, the cat develops intoxication of the body, which can lead to its death. That is why timely provision of assistance is very important.

Could it be that a cat gave birth to one kitten?

Sometimes after birth only one kitten appears. Owners usually know that the normal number is 4-6 newborns and fear that others are left dead inside. It is important to know whether this situation is normal or not, because if something goes wrong, the cat needs human help.

Reasons why only one kitten is born

How to determine the gender of a kitten: male or female

Can a cat have one kitten? Veterinarians believe that this situation is quite possible and does not indicate a health problem in the pet. This could be influenced by the following factors:

  • the cat gives birth for the first time at too young an age;
  • when the birth occurs in old age, the appearance of only one kitten is natural;
  • the number of eggs fertilized during mating can be random. Sometimes there may be only one;
  • If the cat is not completely healthy, he may have problems with semen production.

Note! Sometimes the reasons are due to the fact that the fetuses began to grow, and then dissolved, and only one kitten was born. A situation where some eggs fail to attach to the wall of the uterus can lead to the same result.

Length of labor in a cat

Labor in domestic animals is an individual process. The duration of labor in a cat is influenced by a variety of factors:

  • age and physiological condition;
  • number of lambings;
  • breed affiliation;
  • conditions of detention and feeding during pregnancy;
  • hormonal status of the body;
  • individual characteristics;
  • others.

The average duration of labor is from 12 to 36 hours. This time includes the preparatory period (contractions and pushing), which can last from several hours to a day, and the birth itself.

The birth of kittens occurs one after the other. Most often, from the moment of the birth of one kitten to the birth of the next, it takes from half an hour to several hours. However, this break often lasts up to several days.

Cats have a physiological feature due to which labor can stop after the birth of one or several kittens, and after some time (sometimes up to 36 hours) resume again. Therefore, how to find out that a cat has given birth to all kittens is relevant both for inexperienced owners and for breeders who are constantly involved in breeding issues. Even an ultrasound examination of a pregnant female does not always reliably determine the number of fetuses. Experienced breeders in such a situation pay attention to signs of the end of the birth process.

Intrauterine death of kittens - causes and consequences

Most often, the reasons for the death of kittens before birth lie in intrauterine developmental disorders . Some embryos may die during multiple pregnancies. In this case, we can say that the body gets rid of excess load. In this case, the mother's body absorbs dead embryos. Congenital malformations that are incompatible with life may arise due to genetic defects or poor quality care for the mother in the early stages of pregnancy.

Quite often, intrauterine malformations are associated with chronic diseases of a pregnant cat . Constant stress, cold, physical damage, trauma and other external factors can lead to intrauterine death of kittens. It has been established that a deficiency of taurine in a cat's diet leads to a slowdown in the development of muscles and bones in fetuses. During cat pregnancy, it is not advisable to use any medications (especially toxic ones) without the prescription and supervision of a veterinarian.

Possible causes of swollen sides and abdomen in a cat

I noticed that the cat’s STOMACH HAS ROUNDED, HARD SWOLLATED SIDES have appeared, when you feel the stomach, it’s kind of “lumpy”, from time to time there is constipation, diarrhea from milk. She is 12-13 years old and she is definitely not pregnant. Sometimes everything goes away. What could this be?

Good day! Let's start with the fact that your cat is already quite old, and, of course, given this fact, the animal is accumulating disorders in the body. And such a symptom as an enlarged belly can serve as a sign of some disease. Only a veterinarian can tell you exactly what disease caused your cat’s bloated abdomen during an in-person examination of the animal. Therefore, do not be lazy and contact a specialist. Because this symptom can occur for a long time against the background of a relatively good state of health of the cat, however, this is only for some time. Among the most common causes of a bloated abdomen in cats, we note the following:

Ascites is the accumulation of excess fluid in the abdominal cavity. This can result from cardiovascular disease, liver disease, kidney disease or gastrointestinal tract disease. At the same time, the belly looks like it is drooping, and if you lift the animal by its front legs, you will notice how the liquid moves down and the belly becomes pear-shaped.

Infectious peritonitis is another cause of a bloated abdomen. This is a fairly severe viral disease in which thick, straw-colored liquid with fibrin flakes accumulates in the abdominal cavity. With a progressively enlarging belly, the cat also experiences general exhaustion.

Oncological diseases of the abdominal organs also lead to an increase in abdominal volume. When palpating a sick animal, you can feel a dense formation. And if you look at the animal from above, you can sometimes see the asymmetry of the abdomen.


Why a cat may not give birth to all kittens at once

What to feed a one-month-old kitten: examples of self-feeding

Can a cat still have a kitten in her stomach after giving birth? This situation is quite possible due to the following reasons:

  • young or too old age of mother;
  • poor health or serious illness in your pet;
  • hormonal state of the body;
  • insufficient care during pregnancy and childbirth;
  • diet.

Other reasons are also possible. The condition of the animal in the last week is especially important. Stress and fear are undesirable and pose a danger to both the cat and her babies.

Before giving birth, the cat must be protected from stress, otherwise it may not give birth.

Pathological causes

Mental disorders

Psycho-emotional disorders experienced during childbirth can cause a cat to eat kittens. Such inappropriate behavior can be provoked by unsatisfactory conditions for childbirth: an unprepared “nest”, its inadequacy for raising young, the presence of strangers and animals.

Hormonal abnormalities

Due to hormonal imbalances, the cat’s maternal instinct may not be formed, and then the cat perceives the cubs as strangers and can eat them.

The issue is especially acute when the cat does not give birth naturally, but has to undergo a caesarean section. Since instincts may not be triggered, the cat perceives the cubs as strangers.

Therefore, if you notice aggression from the mother towards the offspring, immediately separate the cubs from her. Of course, you will have to look for another mother, and the babies will have little chance of survival, but cannibalism can be prevented.

Good omens

If you dream of a kitten dying before your eyes, don’t be alarmed. The dream book interprets such a dream as deliverance, liberation . It is important who killed the animal, you yourself or another person.


Without taking part in the event, you observe without touching. You feel pity, you sympathize, but you can’t change anything.

Terrible find

Shock and disgust - we came across killed animals. Dream books interpret such a dream differently, depending on who dreamed it.

    A prisoner in custody is promised early release.

For pregnant women, the dream promises an easy birth


A nightmare in which someone kills kittens, and you cannot influence the course of events in any way. A stranger kills a kitten is a very good sign. The troubles and problems that have accumulated over many years will be resolved without your participation .

  • If you dream that a snake is killing kittens, your ill-wishers, trying to harm you, will find themselves in an unpredictable situation; they will have no time for you.
  • The death of a small white cat happens before your eyes - a secret enemy will be exposed.

Action Participant

You dream that you are taking kittens from a cat and killing them. You are committing such an unseemly deed with your own hands, however, the interpretation of the dream will surprise you.

If an animal bites you in a dream

  • Drown - you will achieve success in real life . The fate of your loved ones or a group of like-minded people is in your hands. You will successfully cope with solving a complex problem.
  • If you dream that you are killing a cat, you will solve your problems yourself, without outside help. If the kitten’s death does not occur, it meows, scratches, squeals - your struggle will be long and grueling, it will take a lot of effort and money. If he bit you, then look for a swindler and a liar in your environment .
  • I had to bury a kitten in a dream - in reality it was time to put an end to old grievances, it was time to try to start living without envy.

Four (or more) kittens

A cat seen in a dream that has given birth to many kittens foreshadows quick relief associated with resolving unpleasant issues. The more kittens a person sees in his dream, the faster joyful events will happen. But if the kittens are different colors, then you should expect pleasant changes in several areas of life at once.

According to another interpretation, most often such a dream does not promise fateful events. A person who sees a large number of newborn kittens in a dream will not win a million in the lottery in the near future and will not marry the love of his life, but he can count on finding a hundred-dollar bill on the street or meeting a girl he likes.

Seeing a ship in a dream: interpretation from dream books

Signs of unfinished labor

Before taking action, you need to check whether the cat can give birth to not all kittens at once. The situation can be found out by observing it. Signs that not all kittens have been born include the following:

  • Mom lies on her side without changing position. There is little or no interest in children;
  • the cat does not want to eat or drink;
  • when observing an animal, you can periodically see how attempts occur;
  • if you carefully palpate the tummy, you can feel a strong muscle tone;
  • the mother has had a fever for a long time;
  • Blood discharge is noticed from the uterus, during which an unpleasant odor can be felt.

Important! If there is an assumption that not all babies were born, it is necessary to call a specialist as soon as possible and send the cat to a veterinary clinic. In such cases, an ultrasound examination is performed to clarify the clinical picture and measures are taken according to the situation.

Bleeding may mean labor is not over

Birth of one kitten

It so happened that the first kitten was born, and there are no more offspring. You need to understand why this happened. What should you do in such a dual situation? Leave everything as is, or go to the veterinary clinic. If you look from a genetic point of view, this is possible. But this time there may be a difficult birth, and the pet is simply not able to give birth to the rest. And if you don’t catch it in time, the kittens will suffocate in the womb. Further known process, the fetus rots, resulting in blood poisoning and death.

You need to carefully monitor the cat the first day after birth and especially its behavior . If something hurts or bothers her, it is immediately noticeable. She may be hiding, or, on the contrary, she will not leave her owner’s side and meow, asking for help, or she may growl nervously.

By color

A dream involving a dead white cat signifies problems in the near future. At first they will seem insignificant, but later they will worsen and bring a lot of negative emotions.

ginger cat

A black animal predicts leadership among competitors for a man. For a woman, such a dream means eliminating the homewrecker and normalizing the marriage. The ginger cat symbolizes a triumphant victory over an old rival.

The main signs of the end of labor

When a cat gives birth, it is important to make sure everything is successful in the end. This can be judged by the presence of the following signs:

  • As soon as the mother realizes that all the kittens are out, she begins to actively care for the offspring, feeding them milk. At the same time, the cat intensively licks the babies, feeds them, purrs;
  • If you listen to your breathing, you will find that it is even. Heart beats and pulse are rhythmic and follow at a normal speed;
  • Mom eats and drinks with pleasure;
  • the pet is able to get up and walk at least a little;
  • when labor ends, if palpation is done no earlier than 40 minutes later, the abdomen will feel soft and relaxed to the touch. When palpating, you cannot feel the presence of seals. The muscles may be tense for a short period of time, but this quickly passes.

An indirect sign of a favorable end of labor may be the natural and calm behavior of the pet. However, it is normal for some cats to remain calm even when giving birth.

Everyone, everyone who has cats! Help!

Girls, help! The cat started giving birth yesterday, her water broke, there was a little blood - everything was as usual (her third birth), but we didn’t get any kittens until today. She lies calmly, she wouldn’t say that anything is bothering her, she can go out and give a circle around the room and back to her family room. Quite a lot of blood came onto the litter in one day. There is no temperature, my nose is wet and cold, I feel my stomach - it growls and squints contentedly. There is no labor activity. What to do? Let me say right away that I live in an area where a veterinarian at night with an ultrasound machine is something out of science fiction!

needs to be taken to the vet. I missed my cat like that - the deadline passed, her kittens rotted there. At the veterinary clinic they injected me with oxytocin (a stimulant). She gave birth, but to the dead. It’s good that my cat remained alive, we were very worried (

It's OK. This happens. Once my cat gave birth to one kitten, we decided that everything was over, especially since the cat felt great, but a week later she gave birth to another one, a dead one. Perhaps, in your case, the kittens will die, but she will still give birth to them herself. But if you're worried, take her to the vet and let them take a look.

author, this is somehow abnormal. Take him to the vet. The kittens may have died inside, well, they were positioned somehow wrong, so they didn’t give birth. otherwise he will die from infection.

My cat is also preparing to become a mother for the third time. I really like to put my hand on her tummy and feel how the babies move:)

Why is it interesting that it is impossible? And you do

The second birth was more difficult. She started having contractions in the evening. All night she tried to give birth, while purring, her nose was wet and cold. I sat with her all this time. In the morning I couldn’t stand it, I went to bed and left my husband with the cat. In the afternoon she gave birth to one kitten. I felt the stomach, there were still kittens, however, they were moving. In the evening, she started having contractions again, and again tried to give birth all night


Expect positive changes

If you dreamed that a dead kitten came to life, be prepared for good results from your labors. The black stripe will abruptly change to white if you happen to dream that a small representative of the cat family has risen before your eyes and begun to purr. This gentle creature, according to Vanga’s dream book, will bring changes in family and personal life.

The healer interprets even more interestingly why a woman dreams of a dead kitten. The dream means that the annoying boyfriend will finally leave behind and make room for more worthy admirers.

Cat behavior towards kittens

Seeing the process of giving birth to a cat in a dream is a sign that a person will have to make efforts to solve problems. Moreover, the longer and harder the lambing occurs, the more strength will be required from the person.

If in a dream a cat licks kittens that have already been born safely, in reality everything will work out in the most favorable way. At some point, it will seem to a person that he did nothing, and got what he wanted, and the problems were solved by themselves. This dream often comes when in real life it seems as if there is an endless black streak in which there is no light. But in reality, a dream gives a signal to a person to rest, try to get distracted, and not dwell on troubles, and then his life will return to normal.

An extremely unpleasant dream is one in which a cat ate its kittens. Such a plot foreshadows that the solution to problems that a person has chosen is fundamentally wrong and can only aggravate the situation. This dream is a warning that it is necessary to urgently stop all activities, otherwise a person risks making the problem unsolvable. A serious sign is a dream in which kittens are eaten by a white cat. It means that the treatment that a person is currently taking not only does not work, but also has a detrimental effect on the body.

Seeing dead kittens is a painful solution to one or another issue. The problem will find a solution, but the person will need time to recover from it. Often such dreams appear to a person before a breakup, the end of a difficult love relationship, when people cause each other constant moral (and sometimes physical) pain, but are unable to be apart. In this case, the dream foreshadows that a breakup cannot be avoided, and a person needs to mentally prepare for it.

For the interpretation of the dream, it matters why the kittens died. Dead newborn kittens, dreamed of in blood, symbolize a situation in which a person will have no choice but to resolve this or that issue as painfully as possible. In some cases, this dream requires a person to give up a serious addiction, in particular a destructive bad habit (most often we are talking about narcotic substances, and not about banal smoking). If the problem is a lack of mutual understanding with a close friend, the person will have to stop communicating, and this will be the only way to maintain at least a friendly relationship.

If you dream of kittens in water, this means that a person is faced with a choice. An immediate solution to a serious problem will entail suffering and pain, but avoiding a solution will force a person to make a choice later. Next time, maybe you will be lucky and the decision will not be so painful, but the opposite may happen.

Dream Interpretation - why do you dream of a room: empty, large, dark

If in a dream a cat starts playing with kittens, one of his relatives or friends will help a person solve the problem. According to Miller’s dream book, this dream suggests that at the moment there is no need to reject anyone’s help, since people offer it sincerely, and they have the power to help a person.

What to do if the cat cannot give birth to the last baby

If the cat did not give birth to all the babies, then it is necessary to provide her with all possible help. Otherwise, the last baby may die inside and thereby provoke the death of the mother.

It is important to know whether a cat can give birth within a few days of each other. Typically, the period between the appearance of kittens is 15 minutes. up to two hours. In rare cases there may be exceptions.

First of all, you need to understand what happened. It is not recommended to feel the cat's belly. Inexperienced people will not be able to find out anything definite in this way, but will easily harm both the fetus and the mother. You need to contact a veterinary clinic to conduct an ultrasound examination as quickly as possible.

Important! In the absence of contraindications (fever, bronchial spasms), it is recommended to administer oxytocin to the mother, which will help the cat give birth to the last baby. The injection is given at the withers or intramuscularly. The dosage depends on the weight of the pet and is determined by the doctor. Usually it does not exceed 0.3 mg.

If success was not achieved on the first try, after 20 minutes. actions are repeated. When in this case nothing works, then a caesarean section remains.

Ultrasound examination will help to accurately determine the cause of prolonged labor.

Helping a cat before giving birth

To begin, take a pair of scissors and carefully trim the long hair around your nipples. The fur, “wet” from milk, becomes sharp peaks after drying, which are aimed at the kittens’ eyes - once, and also prick the cat’s stomach - two. Anxiety during feeding can cause your cat to stop feeding her babies prematurely.

It would be a good idea to trim the hair around the vagina, from the “pants” and from the bottom of the tail, especially if the cat is long-haired.

A cat's behavior changes before giving birth. She no longer jumps, but carefully walks around the entire house, carefully examining all the nooks and crannies in search of the ideal place for a nest. He may choose several secluded places at once, which will not suit you at all. Help the cat decide on a place! An ordinary box of sufficiently large size with a hole 10 cm from the floor and a diameter of 15-20 cm will be gratefully received by your overweight pet.

Don't rush to look for bedding! - It's too early! Place several layers of old newspapers in the box, and place the box itself in a dark, warm, draft-free corner. A cat, having discovered such a nook, will happily spend its prenatal holiday there, tearing up newspaper with its claws and building a kind of nest for the babies from the scraps.

3-4 days before the expected birth, massage the cat's nipples between your thumb and forefinger dipped in sunflower oil. This daily kneading of the nipples will prepare them for the “sucking period” after the babies are born.

Do not let your cat out of the house in the last week before the expected due date! She may really beg, run along the windowsill, try to sneak out after your feet, etc. This is a manifestation of the instinct to conceal childbirth and born offspring. As a rule, if a cat gives birth for the first time outside the home, she will continue to do the same. Don't let this happen!

Help the cat calm down and calmly give birth to its first children in your home under your careful supervision.

That's all the simple advice on the topic: “How to help a cat give birth at home without any problems?”

Now, on the merits of frequently arising questions about childbirth and the behavior of a cat and its owners

  • When does birth (lambing) occur?

In some cats, birth (lambing) occurs on the 62-63rd day after fertilization. There are also those whose pregnancy lasts from 55 to 60 days. For Siamese, labor begins from the 63rd to the 65th day. In non-English breeds, birth is only expected from the 65th day. Egyptian Mau cats give birth to kittens on the 71st to 73rd day.

In short, the period from 60 to 70 days can be taken as normal pregnancy periods before the cat gives birth. If, after 2 weeks after the expected date of birth, the cat is still in the blissful prenatal period, not showing any anxiety and clearly not intending to give birth to anything, then, most likely, your beauty has a false pregnancy - a “spoon”.

But! If the cat is very worried, in pain, contractions have begun and suddenly ended, the animal is breathing with its mouth open, screaming, or dark or purulent discharge has appeared from under its tail - see a doctor immediately! Urgently!!!

  • How to understand that a cat is giving birth?

The period of expulsion of fetuses (childbirth, lambing) is characterized by enlargement and swelling of the labia, the appearance of mucous discharge, engorgement of the mammary glands, and decreased appetite. The most important harbinger of an approaching birth, the first symptom is a drop in the expectant mother’s temperature to 37-37.5*C. This temperature accurately indicates that there are no more than 24 hours left before lambing! As soon as the temperature returns to normal (38-39*C), there are a couple of hours left before the birth.

  • How do cats give birth and what is the natural course of labor?

Cats usually do not need birthing assistance. The course of labor can be divided into three phases:

  1. Preparatory (opening the birth canal) contractions
  2. Excreting contractions (expulsion of fetuses)
  3. Postpartum (uterine contraction) contractions

After the mucus plug, which prevented the entry of microbes, is removed, which indicates the opening of the birth canal, the process of birth as such begins.

Under the influence of contractions and contraction of the muscles of the abdominal wall, small kittens move towards the genital opening and are slowly pushed out. The placenta (amniotic membrane) comes out simultaneously with the baby or within 20-30 minutes. after the birth of a kitten. No need to be scared if the baby was born in the placenta! – There is a proverb: “I was born in a shirt!” He will be happy!” – this is just about a similar situation.

Contractions in a mother cat last from 2 to 7 minutes, pauses between them are 5-15 seconds.

  • How does a cat give birth for the first time and are there any differences from subsequent births?

Childbirth takes place in the same way, according to a single pattern, whether for the first time or for the second time. The only difference can be in the speed of opening of the birth canal. The body of a first-time cat may need a little more time for this.

  • How are kittens born?

There are no secrets here! Since a cat has multiple pregnancies, it is natural to expect that there will be more than one kitten. At the very beginning of pregnancy, the fetus is placed in one of the fragments of the bicornuate uterus and is a kind of lemon, where the peel is the “shirt”, the cell is the corresponding sector of the uterine horn. At birth, the “shirt” is torn, the amniotic fluid flows out, and the kitten revealed to the world, having taken its first breath, begins to squeak quietly. What arouses the interest of the mother, who carefully licks the baby, removing excess mucus from his face, nose and eyes, and then eats the afterbirth. Instinct forces the newborn to “poke” the nipple with its nose and immediately suck on it, stimulating further contractions of the uterus and thereby helping the birth of other brothers and sisters.

  • How long does it take for a cat to give birth for the first time?

You will be surprised - up to 32 hours! Kittens appear every 10-30 minutes, although these periods are individual for each animal. After the first birth, you will already know how much time passes between the birth of your cat’s first, second, and next.

Nature has provided a special “gentle” option for young animals: after the birth of one or two kittens, the cat calms down and childbirth (as it were) stops. However, after 10-20 hours, labor resumes and the cat “gives out” the kittens remaining in the womb. This is normal as long as she doesn't pass out from exhaustion.

At the first signs of a cat’s weakness and obvious exhaustion from childbirth, call a veterinarian who knows what medications and in what doses to stimulate further labor.

Don’t trust the ubiquitous “I-also-gave birth-I-know-what-to-do”!

Incorrect and untimely administration of contracting or dilating drugs can lead to torsion of the uterine body (excessive contractions), bleeding (administration of dilating drugs) or uterine rupture under the influence of increased efforts when the fetus is not ready to expel. All three scenarios lead to the death of the animal if qualified assistance is delayed.

As soon as the young mother agrees to eat a hearty meal after giving birth, the process can be considered complete.

  • How many kittens can a cat give birth to for the first time?

Everything will depend on a combination of data such as the heredity of the cat and the stud cat, the age of the mother herself, the correct timing of mating, etc. Usually, even in the first birth, a cat is not limited to one offspring; such an outcome is very rare. No less than two! So that you have no doubt that after 30 hours there is still someone left inside the mother, 10-15 days before the birth, take a picture of the “intrauterine contents” and count the offspring according to the picture.

Experienced cat owners can, by palpating the cat's abdomen, find out (determine) how many crumbs are expected, but an inexperienced person should not do this, so as not to damage the soft, unformed fruits.

  • Does a cat need help when labor has already begun?

Regardless of whether this is the first birth or the second-tritium, your help will mainly consist of kind words and light massage stroking the sides and abdomen of the cat during contractions. Cats love when their owners are close to them, and moral support from you in such a costly task as childbirth will not be superfluous.

Physical examination may also be necessary if the expulsion of the fetus occurs too quickly, and the mother simply does not have time to “process” one baby when the next one is already moving along the birth canal.

Your actions will be as follows:

  1. Carefully rupture the amniotic sac in which each newborn is “packed.” You can use sterile scissors.
  2. Remove mucus from the kitten's muzzle, mouth and nose with a sterile, slightly damp cloth. Never use wet packaging wipes!
  3. Use a clean, dry terry towel to dry the entire baby and vigorously rub his back and forth with the same towel several times. Usually, after such actions, the kitten begins to make a quiet squeak, which arouses the keenest interest of the mother. Put the kitten under the mother's side, then she will handle it herself.
  4. If the mother cat does not have time to cope with the umbilical cord (usually she chews it herself), then you must do it for her. No! No need to chew anything! Take the scissors you used to open the “shirt” and, squeezing the remaining blood in the umbilical cord towards the kitten’s tummy, twist it several times through your index finger so that there is 10-12 cm on your finger. The rest can be cut off. A 10-centimeter piece will soon dry out and fall off in a couple of weeks.
  5. The cat eats the afterbirth, known as amniotic membranes or the nutrient residue of the placenta. Immediately and without remainder.

If the placenta has been lying next to the woman in labor for more than 10 minutes, remove it - the placenta left “unattended” very quickly becomes contaminated with various bacteria and can become dangerous to the cat’s health.

If there are a lot of kittens, then the cat itself will refuse the extra “protein” and you will quickly remove them.

First aid

If the owner has not previously helped the pet in this process, then he may consider a completely alive and simply inactive baby to be dead.
Often a provocateur for the fact that small kittens have died is the fact of inexperience or illiteracy of the owner of the giving birth pet. Sometimes a person is not able to distinguish between the presence and absence of signs of life in a baby. Newborn kittens may not move or meow, causing the owner to decide that the baby is dead. To prevent a cat from giving birth to dead kittens, it is important to ensure safe gestation conditions, contact a veterinarian for assistance during childbirth, and also be able to provide first aid to newborn babies. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Remove the baby from the hymen, allowing it to breathe.
  2. You can pinch the umbilical cord with your fingers, at a distance of 2 cm from the tummy, and cut it off with sterile scissors.
  3. Wash the wound with an antiseptic.
  4. Free the mouth and nose from mucus using a small syringe, and then turn the head down.
  5. Help the kitten breathe by breathing “mouth to mouth” according to the rules:
      take a straw;
  6. insert into baby's mouth;
  7. blow in a little air every 3-5 seconds.

To cut the umbilical cord, you must use a sterile instrument. Usually, the mother cat frees the hymen by licking the lumps that appear. But, if this is not possible (the pet has abandoned the baby or is busy giving birth to other kittens), you can imitate the mother’s movements. To do this, wrap your finger in a napkin and do a light massage: from the forehead to the back, from the tail to the neck and along the area from the throat to the tail on the stomach. Some breeders use ammonia to revive it by holding a piece of cotton wool soaked in a small amount of solution to the spout. Trying to bring a baby back to life if it smells bad initially is not advisable, since the newborn kitten died in the womb.

In this situation, baby massage can be effective.

Resuscitation is carried out for no more than 20 minutes in the presence of heartbeats, but up to 7 minutes in the absence of a pulse.

Helping an animal during an unfinished birth

It is necessary to take decisive measures in case of an incomplete birth process when there are compelling reasons that there is a fetus in the womb, and more than a day has passed since the birth of the last kitten. What to do if the cat did not give birth to all the kittens? In this case, the animal needs immediate help.

To expel the unborn fetus, labor is stimulated with oxytocin. As a rule, the dose of the drug is 0.3 ml per animal. However, before using the drug, consultation with a veterinarian is necessary, who will clarify the dosage in each specific case and prescribe the frequency of administration of the drug. It is important to know that oxytocin often causes allergic reactions and is contraindicated in case of transverse position of the fetus or discrepancy between the sizes of the cat’s and kitten’s pelvis.

When providing assistance to a furry pet during childbirth, the owner must be attentive and know the peculiarities of the physiology of cats. This will help determine signs of the end of the process and understand that the cat did not give birth to all the kittens. It is important to provide the necessary assistance to the animal in a timely manner, since unfinished childbirth is dangerous for the reproductive health and life of the cat.

As a rule, the first signs (harbingers) of labor in animals appear 2 weeks before the event.

Signs of the onset of labor in a furry beauty and help during the process. If there is a pregnant furry beauty in the house.

Signs of conception. The first symptoms of successful fertilization. 2 - 3 weeks before giving birth, the nesting instinct awakens in a domestic cat.

What to do if the fetus is in the birth canal

If the fetus remains in the birth canal, then this situation is dangerous for the animal. This means that it is dead and will sooner or later begin to decompose. One possible consequence of this is the loss of the ability to give birth to kittens.

Important! If the necessary help is not provided in time, this can lead to the death of the pet.

The use of special veterinary drugs can provoke additional labor pains and contribute to the birth of the baby. For this purpose, administration of oxytocin at a dose of 0.3 mg can be used. This should only be done as recommended by a veterinarian.

When using this type of product, it is necessary to take into account the possible allergic reaction of the animal.

If the last kitten cannot be born, the cat needs urgent help from the owner

Can a cat give birth within a few days of each other?

My cat also gave birth to one kitten yesterday, everything is fine, she eats healthy. And the rest cannot be born. I feel like there are kittens in my stomach. This evening I became lethargic. Vet. the hospitals are all closed, and I don’t know how to help her

Hi all. I didn’t know or guess that this could be the case. My friend started giving birth on the 20th at five in the morning, she gave birth to three, but her belly didn’t seem to get any smaller, after 36 hours she started to get nervous, started pushing again and gave birth to three more. Mother nature cannot be fought against. So that. although not the firstborn

I had a cat, she was 10 years old. Got pregnant and gave birth to 3 dead kittens. A week later, 1 more lived 1.5 months and then died. The cat felt great.

I don’t know what to do on the 22nd my Donetsk girl gave birth for the first time, she gave birth to one live normal kitten, today on the 24th she started bleeding and runs around yelling at the whole house, I don’t know whether to wait for the kittens or take them to the veterinarian, tell me what to do.

I have the same question as the author. Please tell me. The cat gave birth to one kitten on Friday, she ate the afterbirth, everything is fine, she feeds the kitten, eats herself, goes to the toilet, everything is as usual. But. There is something else in the stomach, as if something is being felt twice When you touch her belly, she lies down on her back, and often follows me around the house meowing. What could this be? I’m afraid to take her to the clinic, in case there’s an infection, or again a kitten. I’m not calling a doctor yet, because the cat’s condition is normal

What to do? The cat gave birth to 3 kittens, they were alive before giving birth, they were moving, they probably suffocated during childbirth, she gave birth to them for a long time, she had to pull two out herself, and somehow she gave birth to 3, but she has more kittens in her stomach, they move, but she does not give birth, there are no veterinarians in my city, the kittens are full-term,

but she gives birth to them for a very long time, about one kitten she gave birth for 1 hour, I remember when she


How to understand that a cat has given birth to all kittens: signs of the end of labor

Childbirth in a cat can last about a day, sometimes a little more, and is especially difficult if the pet is planning to have a large litter. How to understand that a cat has given birth to all kittens, and are there accurate methods for determining the end of childbirth?

The birth of a cat is usually easy, because the pet does not experience the same discomfort as a woman during the birth of a baby. And yet, difficulties may arise if the cat has not fully given birth and experiences some discomfort because of this.

Usually, it is not entirely possible to determine that a cat has given birth to babies by its appearance and strange behavior. Usually, after the birth of four or five kittens, pets get tired and begin to rest, regardless of whether there are any more cubs left inside her. Such a rest can last several hours.

To find out whether there is definitely another baby in the cat’s womb, you need to carefully palpate her stomach. A cat's cervix can easily be confused with a kitten's, so caution should be exercised in your examination. Usually it is easy to find a kitten, but quite often there are difficulties in removing the baby.

Another method of determining that a cat has not finished giving birth is its behavior. The animal does not try to get up or approach its born babies. The cat continues to lie in the same place, despite the absence of any external activity. The pet may also refuse to eat food and even water.

You should not disturb the cat in such a situation, at least for the first two hours of its rest. If no progress is observed in the future, and the cat continues to behave strangely, then it is necessary to call a veterinarian. Any veterinarian knows that after giving birth, a cat's stomach should be soft, without lumps or strange formations. If the owner finds any strange


There is reason to be wary

Some dream books negatively interpret what lifeless kittens may dream of. It is believed that these crumbs, accidentally strangled by the mother cat, warn the sleeping person about the dangers that threaten him. And if he himself killed a baby cat in a dream, then this is a signal - in real life you need to behave much more carefully and carefully, otherwise one wrong step will cause the collapse of all plans and dreams. Dream books also do not advise taking the initiative once again.

In general, a dead kitten in a dream represents potential troubles, the cause of which can be either sluggishness or excessive haste or fussiness.

And one more thing: take a closer look at the people around you; it is possible that among them there is an ill-wisher who is intentionally limiting your access to important information.

Noble dream book

If you believe this book, then dead cats that were covered in blood portend misfortune. But they will not affect the dreamer, but his family and friends. It is worth looking after them and taking care of them.

Animals drowned and a person saw them swimming in the water? This means troubles in your personal life. Most likely, something will shake the dreamer’s love relationship. And it’s better to immediately stop the conflict if it arises, otherwise everything can flare up so much that a breakup cannot be avoided.

This is not all that this dream book talks about. Dead cats that went to the next world because of bullying portend disappointment. A person will experience it in relation to those people whom he trusted. And if the animals didn’t have heads, it means a real war is coming at work with colleagues. It is possible that for a high position.

We invite you to read Dream about a white cat

A dead animal, according to this book of interpretations, foreshadows the disappearance of the person who is unpleasant to the dreamer. Was the cat black? You should prepare for the fact that someone wants to cause harm. Perhaps the ill-wisher is in a circle of close people - this is what the dream book assures.

A dead cat in a dream that turns out to be strangled means sad consequences to which the sleeping person’s lifestyle will lead.

If the poor animal died because of the abuse inflicted on it by the dreamer, the person’s conscience is unclean. And soon it will come back to haunt him.

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