Serengeti: domestic cat in the guise of a predator

The Serengeti is a new breed of short-haired cat that appeared as a result of crossing Bengals and Orientals. Today it is in its infancy. The Serengeti was bred in the USA; in appearance, they resemble the African Savannah cat, but lack the aggression and unwanted instincts of their wild relatives, which makes them comfortable for living next to humans.

Serengeti kitten

Description and features

Serengeti cats visually resemble servals - just as muscular, graceful and wildly beautiful. There is sophistication in every movement, which is due to the long limbs and chiseled neck. The large ears sticking out on the top of the head immediately catch the eye. Because of this, the animal seems to be constantly on guard.

Beautiful Serengeti cat
Likes to play

Their fur is soft and silky, mostly spotted in color. The size of cats is also impressive - adult cats gain up to 10 kg (sometimes much more). The breed is special not only in its external description, but also in its behavior and temperament. Cats are distinguished by increased self-confidence and equanimity, and developed intelligence. All this is combined with tenderness and affection towards the owner and members of his family.

But the Serengeti is not suitable for everyone to keep at home. It's all about their excessive "talkativeness", curiosity, hyper-mobility and persistence. They need a lot of attention, otherwise they will beg for it annoyingly.

Rare catSerengeti cats are very energetic
, but they do not conflict with other pets. However, they will always strive to take a leadership position. Against this backdrop, clashes often occur, especially with dogs.


The kittens' head is wedge-shaped, flat, with a strong chin and inconspicuous cheeks:

  1. The ears are large, set wide, their size is equal to the size of the head.
  2. Large, round, wide-set eyes with a honey tint. There are kittens with hazel, greenish eye color.
  3. A big nose.
  4. Long neck, widening from head to shoulders.

The distinctive features of the Serengeti are its muscular, elegant body. Despite this, they grow small, with males larger than females. A straight back line, equal-width shoulders, and a stretched body are characteristic features of the breed.

The Serengeti has long, strong legs and small, oval paws. The tail is short, the tip can be painted black. The weight of a kitten depends on the gender: cats – 8-12 kg, males – 15 kg.

Another distinctive feature of the breed is the absence of undercoat, “mane” and “pants”. Their fur is short, soft and thin.


  • black with contrasting spots;
  • black with faint spots;
  • smoky, transparent spotting.

The spots are usually round, but may extend slightly horizontally. Some pets have a dark trail from the inner corners of their eyes.

History of origin

The closest relative of Serengeti domestic cats is the African predator Serval. It is a mixture of lynx and caracal, but more closely resembles a cheetah. At home, they are tamed and kept in farmsteads, but with safety precautions in place.

Spotted serval

Breeders have not lost hope of creating a small cat, identical to the Serval, but with an easy-going disposition. Attempts have been made to cross wild representatives with domestic ones. As a result, the Savannah breed appeared. There was no continuation, since many problems arise with their breeding. The first males are mostly sterile. Also, in the absence of an infusion of wild serval blood, cats lose their original characteristics over time.

Savannah cat, obtained by crossing a Serval and a domestic cat

American Karen Sauzman took a different path. She made an attempt to crossbred purebred domestic cats, similar in appearance to a serval. Preference was given to Bengals and the Oriental Shorthair breed. From the first it was planned to take large dimensions, rich color, from the second - slender legs, large ears and sophistication in habits. Both of them have pronounced spotting, which was also useful. Then other breeds were involved: Abyssinian, Maine Coon.

On a note! The first Serengeti were born in 1994. The breed was named after a reserve in Tanzania, where servals and many other game live.

The Serengeti breed is still young, experiments on it do not stop. It has not yet received official status, but is recognized by the TICA association. He cannot participate in exhibitions, because a limited number of catteries are engaged in breeding cats (at least 50 are required).

Features of breeding

When selecting the basic gene pool to found a new breed, Karen settled on cats of the Eastern Oriental and Bengal breeds. "Orientals" resemble servals due to their large ears and angular faces, while "Bengals" have a suitably wild coloring. In addition, Karen Sauzman wanted to consolidate such a trait as an easy-going character in the new breed of cats, and hoped that the “Oriental” genotype would help her with this.

Lies and rests

Why was it necessary to carry out such a long journey if the goal is to create an analogue of a real-life wild cat? The fact is that attempts to domesticate a real serval have already been made several times, and they did not lead to success. Wild servals have such a capricious and sometimes hot-tempered character that life with them under the same roof does not bring pleasure.

In parallel with the Serengeti breed, another similar breed is being formed - the Savannah, which is a hybrid of a domestic cat and that same serval. But the Serengeti breed, although it goes through a more complex path to achieve the desired external similarity, is of great interest as a reduced copy of the wild Serval, obtained from the sum of the genotypes of completely different, domestic cats.

Breed standard

What the Serengeti should look like according to the standard:

HeadIn the form of an elongated wedge, smoothly expanding from the nose to the ears. The cheekbones and whiskers are not prominent. The chin is well developed.
EarsThis is the “calling card” of the Serengeti. They are large - the height corresponds to the length of the muzzle. Set high, with a short distance between them. The shells are wide and recessed at the base, gradually narrowing and forming rounded ends.
NoseSmooth, the same width throughout with a black “patch”.
NeckElongated, quite thick. Its diameter increases from the skull to the body.
EyesSmall and round, but not convex. They are quite far from each other. Golden-green and dark brown shades of the iris are preferred.
BodyHarmoniously built, muscular, strong. Smooth back line. Males are much larger than females.
LimbsLong, slender, strong. Paw pads are oval.
TailIt can be of different lengths, but it is preferable that it reaches the shoulder. It is wider at the base and tapers towards the tip. Must end with a black border.
WoolShort, dense, soft and silky to the touch. The undercoat is completely absent. The guard hairs are clearly visible.

Big ears
Prominent ears will come to cats of the Serengeti, a wary look

Serengeti (cat): description of the breed

These are not too large, muscular animals with long limbs. The main distinguishing feature of representatives of this breed is considered to be a high neck that widens towards the shoulders. On the long head, which looks like a modified wedge, there are large, slightly rounded ears. According to the standard, the animal's cheeks should remain unfilled.

how much does a Serengeti cat cost?

On a medium muzzle with rounded whisker pads there is a moderately wide nose. Round, large eyes come in yellow, golden, light green or hazel shades. The Serengeti is a medium-sized cat. She is much smaller than her wild prototype. The average weight of an adult varies from eight to ten kilograms. Although sometimes larger specimens are born. The animal's elegant, strong body is covered with luxurious, dense, silky hair.

Serengeti cat color

The standard allows for several coat color options on the Serengeti. The most common:

  • spotted tabby;
  • black;
  • brown;
  • silver-gray.

The spots on the body should be round or slightly elongated horizontally, and the tail should be striped. On the woolly side of the ears there should be a specific pattern, like on the pads of human fingers.

Silver color
Color silver-gray


Breeding the Serengeti is a difficult task that only experienced breeders can handle. The main difficulty is to find a suitable mating partner. Crossing a representative of the breed with a serval is prohibited, since infertile males are born in the litter. The following pathologies are also observed in the offspring: malocclusion, tail deformation, bone problems, etc.

The best option is to cross a Bengal with a Serengeti, but even here there is no guarantee that the kittens will inherit characteristic external features. Thus, people who plan to breed a rare breed need to be prepared for the fact that they will have to act by trial and error.

The best age for the first mating for cats and female cats is 12 months. During this time, the body has become sufficiently strong and ready to reproduce. In general, it can be noted that the Serengeti tolerate pregnancy quite easily. It lasts, like in ordinary cats, 63–67 days. The birth takes place without complications. 5–7 kittens are born. At first, the cat performs all the necessary functions on its own: it socializes the babies, teaches them the necessary skills (how to wash themselves, play, go to the litter box, etc.). Full recovery after birth occurs after 10 months, so you can breed a cat no more than 2 times in 3 years. Otherwise, the body's resources are depleted, the animal begins to get sick and dies early.

Personality of Serengeti cats

Unlike their wild “twins” the Servals, the Serengeti are friendly and open to communication. They quickly become attached to their owner and follow him around the house relentlessly. If you deprive your cat of attention, she will persistently beg for it, trying in every possible way to make herself known: rubbing herself, laying on the keyboard, resting on her legs and resorting to other tricks.

The Serengeti does not tolerate being left alone for long periods of time. Rough treatment is alien to them. If they are treated poorly, they will grow into an aggressive and embittered animal.

Serengeti are intellectuals by birth, which, along with their stubbornness, causes a lot of trouble. If they are planning to do something, no prohibitions will stop them - they will find a way to do it their own way. They should not be spoiled too much, because in this regard cats are insatiable and begin to become impudent.

Medium sized cat
Serengeti are extremely inquisitive and active, easy to train

They are leaders by nature, so they get along with other pets only if they recognize them as a commander. They will desperately defend their championship until they achieve what they want. They are fearless and will not shy away even from a large dog. They are ready to be the first to fight when their owner is in danger.

They cannot remain calm for a long time; they constantly find active activities. Their playfulness and perkiness benefit children. You will never get bored with such a pet. Any object turns into a toy for them.

spotted cat
Favourite cat

The house must have special structures for cats to climb and jump on.


By nature, cats are cheerful, playful, very active and sociable. They are talkative and inquisitive. If you get yourself such a cat, then be prepared for the fact that she will explore every corner of your house and its surroundings. The curious Serengeti can make a lot of different sounds.

Serengeti kittens can be a little shy when introduced to a new environment. But they adapt very quickly, get used to people, other animals and the environment. Serengetis, who grew up in love and care, are extremely friendly and sociable, they are self-confident and independent, like many cats, but this does not prevent them from becoming attached and experiencing the most tender feelings for their family.

Generally calm and affectionate, the Serengeti can be intrusive, especially when they feel that their owners are not paying enough attention. At this point, they will begin to jump on your lap and demand affection. Cats get along well with other animals in the house, but outside the house they can get into fights even with dogs. Loneliness is difficult to bear.

Defects in appearance

Work on this breed is still ongoing, and therefore the standards have not yet been officially recognized by international associations of animal lovers. But the defects of the breed include the following:

  • two-color spots of unclear outlines;
  • spotted inclusions transforming into stripes on the sides;
  • squatness;
  • light weight;
  • limbs not long enough.

It is acceptable to have a light inclusion in the chest and groin area. But snow-white “pants”, the absence of a black tip on the tail and whitish spots on the body are grounds for disqualification. Blue eyes are also not welcome.

Kitten price

Currently, there are only about 200 individuals recognized as purebred Serengeti cats, and only 16 professional breeders of cats of this breed. The best nursery remains the Karen Sauzman nursery.

Serengeti kitten

Buying a kitten in Russia is problematic, but possible. The cost will be approximately 30,000 rubles. It is easier to buy a cross between a Serengeti and a Bengal or Oriental cat (breeding a Serengeti with cats of these breeds is officially permitted).

Tendency to diseases

Like other mustachioed pets of the Serengeti, they can get sick from time to time. This is influenced by a number of factors: nutrition, care, living conditions, timeliness of vaccination. But in general, the breed has good immunity.

The Serengeti are predisposed to hereditary disorders of the genitourinary system. The symptoms are:

  • difficulty urinating;
  • bloody discharge in the urine;
  • relieve yourself past the tray.

In this situation, you need to contact a veterinarian; self-medication is unacceptable.

How to find out if a cat is sick
Signs of a cat's disease

Health and physical development

The genotype of wild ancestors endowed the Serengeti with strong immunity and good health, however, if not kept correctly, cats of this breed can quickly develop kidney stones, and if soft food predominates in the diet, tartar appears.

Adult Serengeti

Like all representatives of large cat breeds, the Serengeti grows and develops relatively slowly, physical formation ends by 2-3 years. Life expectancy is 12-15 years.

Care and maintenance

Due to the activity of the Serengeti, they would be better off in a spacious cottage with a large outdoor area. There they will be able to run freely and also hunt small animals (birds, rodents). But they also take root well in apartments. By letting them go outside alone, you don’t have to worry, they won’t run away forever.

Cat sitting on a branch
Serengeti like to move along branches and hunt birds

If you accustom a kitten to a leash from childhood, then in the future the cat will not resist it on walks with its owner.

Serengeti are not picky about their care. Standard procedures:

  • Regular examination of the eyes and ears to detect discharge. Remove them with a swab soaked in warm water.
  • Combing the coat once every 2 weeks. Due to its thickness and shortness, tangles do not form. But such a procedure will serve as a massage for the skin. To do this, use a rubber brush.
  • Swimming, if necessary. Cats are capable of keeping themselves clean, so bathing procedures are only needed when they are very dirty.
  • Teeth brushing is required if your pet is fed soft food. This often provokes the formation of tartar. To do this, buy special toys and treats at the pet store.

To prevent your pet from scratching the furniture, it is advisable to install a scratching post. Then the cat will grind its claws down on its own. A special tool is used to cut them.

Trim the claws carefully so as not to injure the animal.

Serengeti photo
On the bed


Serengeti can be fed both natural food and industrial cat food (dry, canned). The main thing is to choose one thing. In the second case, preference is given to premium food that contains all the useful substances for the full development of the animal.

Fresh food
Full bowl

Professional feed formulations guarantee your pet complete and balanced nutrition

If natural products are a priority, then the menu is compiled with the participation of a veterinarian nutritionist. Food must be of high quality, fresh and prepared separately. Most of the diet should include meat (veal, beef, chicken, turkey). In addition, the following products are recommended:

  • fresh vegetables;
  • chicken eggs;
  • cereal porridge;
  • fermented milk products.

Additionally include vitamin and mineral substances , sold separately.

Salt, sweets, and spices are completely excluded from the list. Fried foods and smoked foods, baked goods, and bony fish are also unacceptable.

The Serengeti is not prone to overeating. So you can leave food in the bowl, your pet won’t eat too much.

In fact, it is enough to feed adult representatives twice. Babies up to six months and pregnant women are fed up to 4-5 times.

Healthy cats
With a kitten


Cats reach sexual maturity by one year. Even if the female comes into heat earlier, it is better to wait until the hormonal levels stabilize. Breeders advise resorting to mating no more than 2 times every 3 years . After giving birth, the animal needs about 10-11 months to fully recover. With frequent births, the cat’s body is depleted, which can lead to a shortened lifespan.

It is better to choose a partner in professional nurseries (in America or Great Britain). It's good if the cat is already untied.

Before such a significant event, both animals are shown to the veterinarian to rule out any diseases. It is preferable to perform mating on the territory of the “groom”. The cat is brought to him and left for several days (maximum 6-7).

Small cat
Looks like I noticed something

Contents of the Serengeti

The Serengeti is unpretentious, and caring for them consists of the usual procedures: combing, cleaning ears and eyes, timely deworming and vaccination. As for nutrition, this issue must be approached seriously, since the health of purebred cats is determined to a large extent by their heredity and diet.


When choosing a diet for the Serengeti, you need to decide whether it will be fed with natural products or prepared food. Veterinarians and breeders consider super-premium and holistic food to be the best option, because they save the owner’s time and effort, and the content of nutrients and vitamins in high-quality food is higher than in natural food.

Ready-made professional food will provide adequate nutrition for the pet and save time on preparing food for the owner

If you are still planning a diet based on natural products, then it should be developed with the participation of nutritionists for animals and contain not only meat, but also other products, and you will have to cook for your pet separately. Food must be fresh and of high quality. Salt, sugar, spices and other food additives, as well as fried and smoked foods, are not allowed in the diet. Under no circumstances should you offer your cat flour products and fish, as this provokes the development of urolithiasis.

Quantity and composition of food

When feeding natural products, 60% of the Serengeti diet should be meat, and only beef or veal. You also need to give cats poultry (chicken, turkey), cereals, vegetables, dairy products and eggs. The meat should be boiled and lean, so pork is excluded. It is definitely worth supplementing the diet with vitamin and mineral complexes for cats that can compensate for the lack of nutrients in food. A veterinarian will help you choose a vitamin preparation. When eating natural foods, tartar or other problems in the oral cavity may appear. For prevention, you can sometimes let your pet chew dry food or cartilage. Bones should not be offered, it is harmful to the health of the Serengeti.

It is imperative to include vitamin supplements for cats in their natural diet, since it is very difficult to get everything they need for health from regular food.

Most breeders feed the Serengeti with high-quality ready-made food, both dry and wet. It is better if it is premium or super premium food for large active cats. Representatives of this breed have a valuable quality: they are not prone to overeating and obesity. Therefore, dry food can be left freely available, the pet will eat as much as it needs. If your Serengeti differs from its relatives in having a more excessive appetite, then food should be given in doses. The approximate amount per feeding is indicated on the pack depending on the weight of the animal.

How many times a day should you feed your pet?

Adult animals are fed twice a day, morning and evening. Pregnant and lactating cats and kittens should eat more often - 3-4 times a day, with special food with a higher calorie content.

Your pet should always have free access to fresh, clean water. When feeding dry food, the animal needs to drink a lot, this is a factor in preventing the formation of kidney stones.

If your cat prefers to drink tap water, it is better to equip it with a filter so that the water is clean and healthy.

It is very useful to provide your cat with fresh grass, whether you grow it yourself or buy it from a pet store. Animals need grass as a vitamin supplement and for good digestion. This way, indoor plants will be protected from attacks.

The role of a balanced diet in cat health

Proper nutrition is important for the Serengeti as these animals are prone to urolithiasis. Foods containing salt, sugar, and harmful food additives can trigger an attack. Low-quality dry food can also lead to numerous diseases. Therefore, the diet should be thoughtful and balanced, agreed upon with a veterinarian or an experienced breeder. It must be borne in mind that there are special foods for animals already suffering from kidney or bladder diseases, or diets with a preventive effect. It is to them that the animal should be transferred in the event of the appearance of specific chronic diseases.

Many well-known food manufacturers have special product lines for animals suffering from certain diseases.

Video: how to choose quality cat food

Appearance care

Serengeti cats do not require complex care; they are very clean and take good care of themselves. You need to regularly examine your pet and clean its eyes and ears if necessary, and at least sometimes take your pet to the veterinarian for examination.

Brushing and bathing

The Serengeti has short and thick hair that does not form tangles, so it is not necessary to comb your pet with a comb. But regular massage with a silicone or rubber brush will remove excess hair and activate blood circulation. It is enough to carry it out once every 10–14 days; it is better to get used to this procedure from childhood.

The Serengeti does not need regular bathing, but if he often walks outside or just gets his fur dirty, he can be washed with a special shampoo for short-haired cats. Most likely, the pet will not mind, since among its ancestors there are breeds that love water and even know how to swim.

Other beauty tips

To solve the problem with claws, it is enough to get a scratching post, then the cat will independently grind them down to a comfortable size. If you need to shorten your pet's claws, you should teach him to obey from childhood, because not all cats have a positive attitude towards this procedure. The claws must be carefully trimmed with a quality nail clipper.

The main thing when trimming claws is not to damage the blood vessel running in the middle of the claw.

The eyes and ears should be periodically examined and wiped with a cotton swab containing boric acid or special products recommended by a veterinarian. The Serengeti is not prone to diseases of these organs, so problems usually do not arise with them.

It is important not to forget about regular deworming and vaccination of the animal, especially if the cat walks outside. You also need to promptly treat your pet’s fur against fleas and ticks with special products.

It is advisable to brush your pet's teeth if he eats soft food, since the formation of tartar is very likely. You can buy him special high-quality treats for cleaning his teeth or toys designed for this purpose. Teeth cleaning with a special brush and toothpaste can be carried out by the owner of the animal, and tartar removal can only be done by a specialist in a veterinary clinic. Animals that eat dry food usually do not need to have their teeth brushed.


Since the Serengeti breed is rare and is not bred in Russia, the price for kittens is high. You can buy a baby at a nursery for 1000-2000 dollars.

On a note! Trying to save money, many people purchase Serengeti from random advertisements. As a result, they get not a purebred representative, but a crossbreed. That is why it is so important to have the appropriate documents.

Serengeti kittens
Everyone is blue-eyed

Buying a Serengeti kitten

The Serengeti is a rare and small breed that is in the process of improvement and is considered experimental. Therefore, it is not surprising that the best place to buy good representatives of this breed is in America, where it originated. Then, transportation costs will also be added to the considerable cost of the kitten itself. The American nursery of the ancestor of the breed, Karen Southman, has the best reputation; it is there that you can buy the best representatives.

There are no Serengeti nurseries in our country, but there are others that keep a couple or two of these cats, as well as private breeders. Serengeti can be bred with Bengals and Oriental cats. It is easier to purchase kittens from such unions and they are cheaper. The later in time a kitten is born from crossing with another breed, the more expensive it is. The most expensive are kittens of the fourth generation from outcross (that’s what crossing with another breed is called), they are considered purebred.

In Russia it is much more difficult to acquire a purebred Serengeti than in America

Prices for Serengeti kittens in our country start from 40,000 rubles and can reach up to 150,000 rubles. The cost depends on the purpose of acquisition, color and origin.

Criterias of choice

You can initially choose a kitten using photographs and videos that nurseries or breeders can provide. But the final decision must be made after meeting the kittens in person. Breeders note that often future owners come for one baby and leave with another, which they liked better. You need to see if the kitten looks healthy: it should have clean ears, eyes and thick fur without bald spots. It is also necessary to evaluate its activity: a normal cub moves a lot and plays willingly, pesters its brothers and sisters, is not afraid of people, and eats well.

Kittens from the same Serengeti litter can have different colors

When choosing a kitten, you can compare its appearance with the breed standard, but you need to keep in mind that a lot can still change with age. Pay attention to the shape of the muzzle, the size of the ears and the length of the paws, as well as the correct coloring of the cub. However, everything is relative, since a kitten that differs from the standard in some aspect of its appearance can be extremely attractive, and its cost will be low. Therefore, any baby from the litter you like is suitable as a pet. With breeding, everything is much more complicated; there are many nuances that can be discussed with professional breeders. Most likely, they will keep the best kittens for themselves.

Age of kitten to move to a new home

The ideal age for a kitten to move to a new home is three and a half months. At this age, he undergoes his first vaccination, is litter box trained and knows how to feed himself. However, kittens of this breed are quite large, have good immunity and develop quickly, so sometimes breeders allow you to pick up the babies early. Especially if there are no other animals in the house from which you can catch the disease. Then the owner himself carries out the revaccination.

Usually kittens move to a new home at the age of 3-4 months - it is at this time that they become quite mature physically and psychologically

Here I can share my personal experience of early moving a kitten into your home. Our kitten, however, was a Bengal breed, not a Serengeti, but these breeds are very close. We wanted a small cute kitten, not a 3-4 month old teenager. We are me and my daughter, who was in first grade then. Even during the selection process, I was looking for options where kittens were given away early and I came across a pattern: nurseries had strict rules in this regard, kittens could leave them only at a certain age, after vaccinations, sometimes already neutered. Therefore, I had to look for private breeders, who were more loyal in this regard. At first we wanted to buy a kitten from Belarus, we corresponded with the owner for a long time, looked at his photographs, but then we were afraid of getting a “pig in a poke.” After all, delivery had to be paid additionally and quite decently, and having received the kitten in our hands, we could not do anything if we didn’t like it. Don't send the baby back to Belarus. I had to choose a pet closer to home. I found a private breeder who had one and a half month old kittens “ready to go to a new home.” There were 5 kittens, but by the time we got to the suburbs of St. Petersburg to meet them in person, there were only 2 kittens left - our Leo and his little sister. We chose Leo, although there was little choice - after all, we wanted a boy. It was very interesting to see the kittens in their habitat: how they played with each other, splashed in a bowl of water, and also to meet their mother, whose fur shimmered bright gold in the sun. We took the boy along with his documents, and he could be registered immediately as a pet or as a cat for breeding, the price was exactly 2 times different (a cat for breeding cost twice as much). I chose and paid for a contract for a pet with the condition of mandatory castration, took the kitten’s card, listened to instructions on vaccinations and nutrition, and they also gave us a substantial portion of food that the kittens and their mother ate. It was a holistic food for kittens and pregnant cats. They put the baby in a carrier and took him home. At that time, he had only received the first vaccination, by the way, quite early. It is recommended to do it from 8 weeks, but the breeders apparently carried it out a week earlier. In the first two or three days the baby was not very comfortable, but he quickly adapted. He got used to the litter box instantly, slept with people in bed, ate well and played all the time. At 3 months, we called the veterinarian to the house, and he carried out a revaccination. Everything went well, although there could have been allergic reactions to the vaccine and fever, but this did not happen to us. At the age of 1 year, we carried out another revaccination, and two months earlier, a castration operation at home. They always called the same veterinarian (a girl) from a clinic that specialized in home visits. The quality of services was excellent, we had no complaints, and the prices were also quite reasonable. The main advantage is that the animal remains in the house and does not receive psychological trauma from sitting in lines at the veterinary clinic, where there are many other animals. In addition, before vaccination, you can easily become infected with some disease there. Therefore, I can confidently recommend in-home veterinary services, including kitten vaccinations. It was very convenient.

Other nuances

Before purchasing a kitten, you need to think again whether you are ready to keep such an active and attention-demanding creature as the Serengeti in a city apartment. Adult cats are energetic and loving, and in a kitten these qualities are even more pronounced. It’s a good idea to assess in advance the dimensions of the room where the large cat will live, to see if it’s too crowded. The best option is your own cottage with a plot of land or a spacious city apartment and periodic walks with your pet on a leash.

Serengeti cats feel best in a private house or cottage with its own plot of land, where the animal can walk and hunt to its heart’s content.

The kitten's move to a new home must be organized in advance: take it with you from the nursery or purchase things that are familiar to it, such as toys, beds, a tray, and also find out what the breeders fed it and buy the same food for the first time. Then the baby’s adaptation to the new habitat will happen quickly and painlessly. And of course, you should try to be at home most of the time while the kitten gets used to the apartment and its inhabitants, because the baby feels confused and cut off from home and family. The owner replaces his mother, sisters and brothers. In addition, due to its irrepressible curiosity and desire to touch many things with its paw and throw them on the floor, the kitten can harm itself and its owner. All dangerous and fragile objects must be removed away.

Choosing a kitten

Due to the lack of a fixed standard for the Serengeti breed, problems often arise with choosing a kitten. Many people rely only on photos. To avoid mistakes, it is recommended to seek help from a professional.

Handsome cat

Typically, they are guided by the following signs in an animal:

  • good health;
  • clean eyes and nose;
  • without pathologies of the limbs, spinal column and tail;
  • fatness, activity, sociability.

The baby you are purchasing must have routine vaccinations. Kittens bought from foreign nurseries have chips (this is written down in the passport).

List of vaccinations

To avoid dangerous diseases, pets must be vaccinated. If you adopt a cat from a cattery, most of the vaccinations have already been completed. In this case, a list of further vaccinations is given, if necessary.

If you buy a kitten from your own hands, then it needs to be vaccinated:

  • against helminths and other parasites;
  • complex vaccination against rhinotracheitis, calicivirus;
  • repeat complex vaccination (2 times);
  • against rabies.

Further vaccination is carried out according to the schedule. Vaccination against parasites is carried out as needed, the rest – once a year.

Interesting Facts

There are a lot of interesting things to tell about the Serengeti. Here are some fun facts:

  • These cats are far from silent creatures; they constantly make different sounds (growling, yapping, purring, hissing, clicking). That's why they are often called "talkers." This is how they talk to others. Sometimes it gets very tiring.
  • The Serengeti are selflessly devoted to one person - the owner. This quality is akin to a dog's fidelity. In case of imminent danger, they are ready to immediately rush to defense. Just before this they let out a loud war cry.
  • These cats are very jumping, able to overcome heights of 2 meters or more. So it is better to keep the cabinets closed, otherwise they will definitely get in there and make a mess.

Walk with the cat
Excessive talkativeness is a characteristic feature


Despite their impressive size, representatives of the breed live only 10–12 years. It is unknown what causes such a low life expectancy, especially since their health is truly excellent. The only thing that is observed is a predisposition to urolithiasis (most often found in cats). The disease occurs due to a deficiency of vitamin A in the body, digestive pathology, unbalanced nutrition, hormonal disorders, complications after colds.

Characteristic symptoms:

  • the stomach increases in volume;
  • the animal becomes restless, constantly meows, tries to attract attention to itself;
  • often licks the reproductive organs;
  • goes to the toilet in the wrong places, often right in front of the owner;
  • there is a frequent urge to urinate, but the pet cannot relieve itself;
  • Blood clots appear in the urine.

If such symptoms occur, you should urgently go to a veterinary clinic, since it is impossible to cure the animal on your own. Treatment includes a whole range of procedures, sometimes surgery cannot be avoided. If medical care is not provided in a timely manner, death is possible (especially in pets aged 1–5 years).

Pros and cons of the Serengeti breed

The positive and negative aspects of the Serengeti breed are presented in the table:

· attractive appearance;
· unpretentiousness in care and living conditions;

· excellent health;

· friendly disposition;

· equanimity and confidence are the main character traits;

· strongly attached to home.

· too large to be kept in small apartments;
· the breed does not have a registered status;

· overly active, inquisitive, sometimes annoying;

· bore you with “talkativeness”;

· are expensive;

· rare;

· cannot participate in exhibitions.

Singereti tabby
Tabby color

Behavior and character

As already mentioned, the Serengeti is a kind, affectionate breed of cat that loves to be the center of attention. They are chattering cats that can follow their owner all day long, purring, meowing and making other sounds. It is worth noting that they have a large vocabulary.

They will not remain silent under orders. Stubbornness is another character trait of kittens. To switch attention, you need to purchase many different toys.

American Wirehair cat


Burmese cat breed

Cats have a fighting character, they are fearless, so you shouldn’t let them out alone. In addition, they are leaders by nature, you will have to come to terms with this. This is the only way to win her tenderness and kindness.

Karen Southman's work on the breed

While not a professional breeder, Karen Southman was a professional biologist and had all the selective breeding skills and genetics to get started.

Returning to her homeland in the USA, California, in 1990, Madame Southman immediately did two things:

  1. Registered the name of the future breed
  2. I bought a small cattery “Kingsmark” at a reasonable price, providing myself with a field to work with.

And the work began! Being a professional in zoology, Karen did not “grab” the first animals she came across that had the same color, ears or legs as the desired type, no.

Each cat underwent strict selection based on pedigree; those with gene mutations and a tendency to certain diseases were excluded.

Selected animals were examined by ultrasound and x-ray, after which they were taken to the Kingsmark nursery for further breeding work.

There is a very good company in the nursery, consisting of cats and toms of the Oriental breed, Orientals, Bengals, Maine Coons, Abyssinians and a couple of dozen outbred cats with spots. Each of the representatives of pure (and not so pure) blood carried the genes necessary for Karen. Some have huge ears, some have long legs, some have the desired color, and some have spots of the shape that are needed to create the Serengeti breed.

It took over 4 years to prepare live material and get the first kittens, but the time spent on this work was fully justified. 1994 A cat was presented to the court of the society of felinologists, like two peas in a pod like a serval, like his little sister. The cat was presented under the working title "Karen Southman Serengeti Cat from Kingsmark Cattery."

The commission report stated: “When creating the breed, the main donors were purebred cats of the Oriental Shorthair breed and Bengal cats with a tabby spotted pattern (spotted) and cats with a tabby spotted roset pattern (rosette).”

So Karen Southman fulfilled her dream of obtaining high-legged, long-eared mini-servals and immortalized the name of the African National Park.

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