How and where to bury a cat: all traditional and modern methods and rules

Death is always a difficult emotional experience for those who observe it. People feel very strongly about the death of their pets. When a cat dies, how to survive this is a relevant question for both children and adults. And for an elderly person, such a loss often becomes completely unbearable.

In Western countries, it is customary to seek help from psychologists in such situations. There is no such tradition in our country, but one should not hide one’s own grief from friends and close acquaintances. Sitting in the kitchen and remembering a deceased pet is one way to cope with this bereavement.

How can you tell if your pet is dying?

When a cat dies of old age, it is always accompanied by certain manifestations, a kind of symptoms of the “last illness” in this life. They are the same for all animals - a cat lives its entire life in an apartment or on the street, the signs of imminent death will not differ. However, this sad list of habits and characteristics of the condition is typical only for old animals whose life has come to its logical conclusion. In case of illness or serious injury, the manifestations characteristic of imminent death will be different.

Old age can be different

Signs that a cat is dying of old age are as follows:

  • decreased heart rate, slow heartbeat;
  • shallow, but whistling and at the same time quiet breathing;
  • changes in body temperature;
  • refusal to drink and eat;
  • the desire to retire to a secluded place;
  • urinary incontinence and bowel weakness;
  • the presence of an unpleasant odor;
  • loss of shine, dull appearance of the coat.

Even if the animal is very old, if these manifestations occur, it is necessary to call a veterinarian. There is always a chance that your pet is just sick and needs help, and not preparation for a funeral.

How do cancer patients feel before death?

Some symptoms of the patient's condition may clearly indicate the approach of death, namely:

  1. People often focus on the last weeks of life, seemingly forgetting the previous ones. This does not necessarily mean that patients become depressed. This situation may indicate decreased blood flow or oxygen levels in the brain, as well as psychological preparation for death.
  2. Loss of interest in things that previously occupied them (TV shows, conversations with friends, pets, hobbies, etc.).
  3. Some patients may experience increased drowsiness and confusion upon awakening, which is associated with decreased functioning of the brain system.

About breathing before death

Measuring the breathing rate is also one way to understand that a cat is dying. In normal condition, the animal makes 20 to 30 exhalations per minute. But, unlike the pulse, the number of breaths will not decrease, but rather will increase. However, they will be weak, without depth.

This is due to the fact that a weakened heart also affects the efficiency of the respiratory system. Immediately before death, the breathing rate will drop, the number of breaths will be equal to the number of heartbeats.

About refusing to drink and eat

Refusal of both food and water is one of the main harbingers of imminent death, which is what animal owners most often focus on. This is true; some time before its death, the pet stops eating and refuses water. Even if you offer something tasty and favorite, there will be no reaction.

The cat doesn't eat

Refusal to eat and drink causes the animal to look emaciated and lose weight. The cat's stomach drops. This point is important. If a cat’s tummy is swollen, you should immediately take your pet to the clinic or call a doctor to her house, rather than grieve.

Foreign body in the gastrointestinal tract

Cats and dogs often eat inedible objects or bones. If the bone is not thermally treated, it can no longer be digested in the gastrointestinal tract of dogs and cats. In addition, tubular bones, passing through the esophagus, injure it and can cause bleeding. Eventually the bone or foreign object ends up in the stomach or intestines and can cause a blockage and internal bleeding. The owner does not always see the problem immediately: a cat or dog that has eaten an inedible object can live for a couple of days as if nothing had happened. And then peritonitis, bleeding, necrosis of the mucous membrane and other conditions that quickly lead to death quickly develop.

You can read more about the causes of sudden death on the website of the Biocontrol clinic by following the link from this article.

About the desire for solitude

Before imminent death, the cat does not eat; it dies alone. Therefore, it is important to observe your pet. If an animal does not come to the owner’s sofa in the evenings, but tries to hide under a closet or in any other dark and difficult-to-reach place for humans, then this behavior (together with refusal to eat) indicates an imminent death.

But a cat in an apartment only dies in old age. If the animal is in the middle of life, then the desire for solitude indicates a disease in which it is difficult to tolerate noise and light. For example, about encephalitis, in which the animal hides and also refuses water and food. There are a number of other diseases with similar manifestations.

About incontinence

In a cat near death, control of the urinary tract may be lost. The same applies to the rectum.

Although the animal does not drink or eat, droplets of waste products are constantly or frequently released from it. First, the cat tries to lick them off the floor and clean up after itself. Then he stops paying attention.

Bedding for an old animal

A very important point for owners trying to figure out what to do if a cat dies. You should stock up on diapers for bedridden patients. They will be useful for maintaining hygiene not only at home, but also for the pet itself. The excrement released before imminent death is concentrated, because water does not enter the body. That is, these drops settle on the fur, and sometimes corrode the cat’s skin.

Scary or not?

There is no need to be afraid of the death of an animal. Even if Murka and the events associated with it are endowed with mystical beliefs and signs. It's quite the opposite.

For example, one of the beliefs says that if you see a dead cat, this portends financial gain or a successful trip.

Delicate question: how to bury a cat

You can also hear the following phrase from mystics: “if cat paradise really exists, only good will come from it if you valued, loved and did not offend the cat race.”

But let's return to the modern city and take a sober look at the final journey of our beloved animal.

What to do if your pet dies?

Most pet owners find themselves at a loss when they realize that their pet will soon leave them. The question of what to do if a cat dies worries every owner. After all, a person has a deep spiritual need to alleviate the torment of his pet. Many people think about euthanasia. But the owner of an animal on the verge of death is not able to adequately assess the situation. In emotional unrest, you cannot make decisions such as putting a cat to sleep.

The owner can be very mistaken in assessing what is happening. Every owner is convinced that the pet is old, which means that he is dying and suffering at the same time.

The cat is not always in pain

The question of what to do if a cat dies has only one answer - call a veterinarian. This must be done without delay. Only a doctor can tell if an animal is dying or is sick. Many ailments have similar symptoms to the harbinger of death. Given their advanced age and the internal fear of the death of their pet, people often make irreparable mistakes.

Cancer before death: symptoms, signs, sensations

People caring for a dying person need to be aware of the physical difficulties their person is experiencing. Caregivers should be alert to the occurrence of unusual cancer symptoms before death so that they can immediately seek qualified medical attention to alleviate the patient's suffering. Emergency situations include:

  • the patient feels new symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, uncontrollable conditions (severe anxiety or restlessness);
  • increased pain that does not go away even after taking prescribed medications;
  • the presence of breathing problems, discomfort, expressed by grimaces of pain or strong groaning;
  • inability to urinate or have bowel movements;
  • the depressed state of the patient, which even leads to topics about suicide.

How can we help?

How to help a dying cat? Just like a person. Make her last days and hours calm and happy. There is no need to cry or otherwise irritate the dying woman. Let these hours, the last ones next to your beloved, be filled with light sadness, like a calm autumn day, and not a storm.

The cat needs comfort

In addition to warmth and being surrounded by love, you need to provide your pet with everyday comfort. If the cat no longer walks, absorbent diapers are required. A dry shampoo that does not require rinsing will come in handy to keep your animal's fur clean. You also need to take care of the absence of drafts. Of course, they will no longer affect the health, but will cause significant discomfort to the pet.

You should not assume that a cat cannot be picked up or otherwise disturbed. This moment depends on her state and on her internal intuitive feeling. If you want to take your pet home and watch a movie with her, that’s what you need to do.

How to survive this?

Surviving death is always very difficult. It is for this reason that people in ancient times invented rituals for funerals, seeing off the dead and commemorating them. These everyday simple actions help cope with feelings of loss.

You need to say goodbye to your beloved. This is a very important moment for overcoming a mental crisis. You cannot wrap a cat in a bag, put her mattress in it and throw it in the trash. Such an act will inevitably begin to eat away from the inside for many years. To the pain of loss will also be added pangs of conscience.

The animal must be cremated or simply buried. When organizing a funeral, you should not be ashamed of your own spiritual needs or think about how someone else will react to such manifestations of emotions. If you are convinced that a coffin and a wake are needed, that’s what you should do.

The cat is a member of the family

Farewell is the most important moment in mental rehabilitation. There is no need to rush if you need to stand next to the cat's body and talk to it - this must be done. As for remembrance, the same rules apply as for funerals. You need to remember as the soul requires it and it doesn’t matter at all who thinks what.

Some people prefer to sit in silence and solitude, leafing through photographs. It is vital for someone to share their grief with loved ones and understanding people. Many owners who are experiencing the bitterness of loss are afraid to talk about their emotions out loud. People fear a lack of acceptance of their grief, a lack of respect for it, and a general lack of understanding of the full importance of what has happened.

But this is not an entirely correct position - to close yourself inside your own grief. Many people are familiar with how painful, offensive and unfair it is – the death of a pet. Many have experienced such loss. Some in childhood, and others in older age. People can help cope with stress, distract from grief, and occupy free time. If you don’t talk about what happened, you won’t be able to get help.

Funeral services

Let's not break the law, but do the right thing: let's turn to services that help in mournful moments with burial.

Delicate question: how to bury a cat

In the modern world, burial services and cremation of pet remains have recently become available. Currently, the burial of deceased animals or their ashes is becoming increasingly popular.

For example, in Latvia there is a cemetery for pets. It was founded by Ugis Rukitis. This is the very first churchyard in Eastern Europe, it is unique in that you can bury your four-legged friend here and erect a tombstone. You can cremate the remains and bury the ashes. People come here to visit the grave.

The famous singer Laima Vaikule gave an interview about this necropolis in one of the TV shows. Her pet died and she was scared. Laima didn’t quite know what to do. And the singer was helped to beautifully organize the dog’s burial ritual. Vaikule told the whole world that angels lie in this cemetery.

Delicate question: how to bury a cat

The idea of ​​cemeteries is present in large cities, such as St. Petersburg, Moscow, but I personally have not encountered such a solution to the issue. Where I live there is no official churchyard.

Veterinary clinics accept deceased four-legged animals in Tyumen. The remains are cremated, prices range from 500 to 1000 rubles. You just need to contact or call the veterinary service at your place of residence.

What do psychologists say?

Psychologists often advise going to work in an animal shelter, putting all the things of the deceased cat out of sight, etc. But this is a very individual moment. You can go take care of the homeless or go to the cinema with friends.

Advice from psychologists does not take into account a person’s personality and what exactly he feels. Many owners of deceased animals do not experience good feelings when looking at living cats. Rather, they wonder why these cats are alive, but their beauty is no longer there. Of course, we are talking about emotions and feelings. With his mind, a person understands why his favorite is no longer around.

Elderly cat

You need to take the advice of psychologists taking into account your own feelings. You can't force yourself to do something. If it’s completely unbearable at home, then you can go to another city for the weekend.

Respect for traditions

In the Christian world, it used to be customary to bury the body of the deceased rather than cremate them. That’s why there are large and small graveyards in secluded corners of Russia.

Orthodoxy prohibits burying animals in human cemeteries, even when the owners really want it.

Delicate question: how to bury a cat

Church laws allow the burial of the remains of pets in special places. But it is prohibited to put a cross on a pet’s grave. It will be better when you put up a stone with an inscription or a memorial tombstone.

Delicate question: how to bury a cat

Remember what the cross symbolizes!

After all, this is a symbol of the triumph of eternal life over death, the victory of the spiritual world over the material. A cross on a person’s grave indicates that the deceased belongs to the Christian faith, so customs must be respected correctly.

The Church advises that at the burial site of a four-legged friend not to pray for him, but to thank the Universe and God. Thank you for the fact that such a cute fluffy lived nearby, loved and brought the joy of communication.

Delicate question: how to bury a cat

Islam holds similar views. According to the Holy Quran, a cat is a “beloved animal”. Murka is considered the purest and the only animal that is allowed to enter the mosque. They say that the kitsun that lived with a person must be brought to the judgment of Allah. She bears witness to her master.

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