8 reasons why you should get a cat

Cats bring their owners down to earth

If the owner of a furry animal becomes overly imbued with excessive conceit and becomes an important dandy, a single sly look from the pet will be enough to bring the person down to earth. Cats do not tolerate competition.

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Abandoned Angel

“We are responsible for those we have tamed” - this quote from “The Little Prince” is probably known to everyone. If you decide to get a cat, approach this issue seriously and thoughtfully.

Are you sure you're ready to become a boss? A cat is a living creature with its own character, habits and needs. She will have to devote time and attention, monitor her health and financially provide for her maintenance.

Don’t forget also that a cat can meow, run around the apartment, damage furniture, destroy your indoor plants... Before you make the final decision about bringing it into your home, think about all the nuances. Cats are beautiful and amazing creatures, they will give you a lot of positive emotions, but you need to remember that you cannot receive without giving something in return.

In what cases should you not get a cat:

- If you are unsure of your decision to adopt an animal. Actually, this is what is said above. Don't join the ranks of those soulless people who throw their annoying pet out onto the street!

— If anyone in your family is allergic to cats or has other medical contraindications. If you are 100% sure that you are allergic to cats and not to something else, it is not worth the risk. There are no hypoallergenic breeds!

— If you are not sure that your income will allow you to keep an animal. Remember, feeding “cheap and cheerful” is ruining your cat’s health. Many diseases may not be detected immediately, but often veterinary care later turns out to be much more expensive than initially properly caring for the pet. And this is with a favorable outcome, because everything could be much worse...

— If you live in a communal or rented apartment and your neighbors or landlord are against animals. Usually, when renting an apartment, it is stipulated whether pets are allowed. If you are not sure, it is better to clarify this question in advance so that you do not end up in a situation where you are asked to either move out or get rid of the cat.

- If someone in your family is categorically against animals. Maybe over time they will find a common language, or maybe not. A cat is a sensitive creature; it will be aware of a bad attitude towards it and live in constant stress. If she is offended, you risk encountering such phenomena as a puddle in a slipper and so on. Many animal shelters, including Abandoned Angel, always emphasize this point when interviewing a potential owner. After all, this is a risk for the cat to end up again, at best, in a shelter, and at worst, on the street.

— If you have a small child, this is not a good time to get an animal. You will most likely be torn between your pet and your baby, and the cat, of course, will be the one who will miss your attention. In addition, the child does not understand that a pet is not a toy. Both can get hurt, so it’s better to wait until the children are older.

— If you are not ready to devote enough time to your pet. Yes, a cat is not a dog that needs to be walked several times a day, but it also needs your attention and care. If you live alone and are away at work from morning until late at night, if you often travel or go on business trips, you probably shouldn’t get a cat. If there is someone to look after the animal in your absence, that’s, of course, great... Nowadays, pet hotels are also gaining popularity. However, with such a lifestyle, does it make sense to have a pet in principle? Remember that a change of place, unfamiliar people, separation from the owner - all this is stressful for a cat. Is it worth subjecting her to these tests?

— If you are not ready to provide proper care for the animal. This applies, for example, to purebred cats, which due to the characteristics of the breed may require special care. The same is with cats, which due to some illnesses require increased attention in terms of health. Before adopting an animal, be sure to ask the breeder or shelter if there are any nuances for caring for the desired cat.

— If you cannot guarantee the safety of an animal’s life in your home. This includes both the notorious screens on windows (for more details, see the article CATS AND WINDOWS), as well as some of your hobbies that you do at home and that can harm your pet. For example: growing plants that are poisonous to cats, chemical experiments, painting with strong-smelling paints in a small room, and so on.

- If you are not sure that the other animals in your home will accept the newcomer. There are a few points worth mentioning here. Firstly, a cat needs its own personal space, so if you do not have enough living space so that several animals do not feel crowded, it is better not to get another pet. Secondly, sometimes you can say with confidence that your pet is a sole farmer. If your cat or dog has an extremely negative attitude towards guests, other animals with whom they may have come into contact, and so on, think about whether it’s worth tempting fate. There are, of course, different situations, but you must clearly understand that this is a risk, and you must take it consciously. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend your time, energy and nerves to make friends with your pets.

How to choose a cat

If you are determined to get a cat, you should think about which one in advance. It also happens, of course, that when you see an animal that does not at all correspond to your initial desires and ideas, you realize that this is it, YOUR animal. And yet, let's think about how to choose a cat and according to what parameters.

1. Kitten or adult cat

Of course, a baby is cute and adorable, so many people don’t even think that there is an alternative to adopting an older animal. The motivation for having a kitten is that people want to watch their pet grow up, and this desire is quite understandable. However, it is also worth keeping in mind that a kitten is a much greater responsibility. Kittens have a worse immune system, so you need to carefully monitor their health; they are usually more difficult to train to a litter box (if they are not already trained). A little mischievous animal is much more active, and therefore will require more of your time and attention than an adult animal. You need to play with him often, he is more likely to damage furniture, and his behavior is not always predictable. We will talk more about the advantages of taking home an adult cat in subsequent articles. Let's just say that this is a mentally more stable animal with a fully formed character, it will not require increased attention on your part, and is unlikely to gnaw and scratch everything around. And an adult pet, when it adapts, will be immensely grateful for its new home and will give you its love and adoration day after day.

2. Cat or cat

In fact, the idea that cats are more affectionate and cats are lazier are nothing more than stereotypes. From more or less reliable facts, it can be noted that male animals are initially determined to dominate the house (therefore, you immediately need to show that you are the owner of the house), and females are a little more clean. Overall, the choice is yours. Many people are confused by the fact that during puberty, cats can mark their territory and become aggressive. But cats can also be quite loud at this time, which will also get on your nerves. We'll talk about castration a little lower, but for now let's say that when you perform such an operation on your animal, then it will definitely not make a difference whether you have a cat or a male cat.

3. Pedigree or ordinary cat

With the current variety of breeds, there is a great temptation to get yourself just such an animal. We have already mentioned this point above, but we will repeat: keep in mind that a purebred cat may require special care. So-called outbred cats are less capricious and usually do not require any special measures to care for them.

4. Where to get an animal

This is a very important point that should not be ignored. If you decide to adopt a purebred animal, we strongly do not recommend purchasing it on sites like Avito, from strangers, or from dubious nurseries. An animal that is given away at too young an age and/or without documents is a sign of potential danger. Most often, such cats are sick, and not all diseases may appear immediately. It may well happen that treatment will cost much more than if you had originally purchased your pet from a reliable breeder. If you do not have enough money to purchase a purebred animal from a kennel, consider adopting a mongrel, for example, from a shelter. Shelters usually have a large selection of cats of different ages and colors; by the way, purebred ones can also be found. So make inquiries in your city! Another advantage of shelters is that you can usually come in advance to meet the animals and find out from the staff information about the character and characteristics of the cat you like. There is also the option of adopting a kitten from trusted friends or bringing it home from the street. In the latter case, you must be aware of the responsibility you take on, because taming a wild animal can be very difficult. But people often say that it is these rescued cats that later become the most affectionate and grateful, so if you are confident in your abilities, go for it!

5. Animal for breeding or for the soul

If you decide to adopt a purebred animal and want to create a nursery, that is, engage in breeding, participate in exhibitions - soberly assess your strength. Consider whether you have time for such activities. Consult with professionals, study literature and materials on the Internet. Don't become an unscrupulous breeder who will sell sick animals and animals with dubious pedigree for cheap without documents! If you are adopting a cat as a regular pet, neuter it! Don’t expect that it will be easy to place kittens and that they will certainly end up in good hands. Think about the fact that most stray cats were once domestic cats... Castration is humane and safe for the animal. Hormonal drugs have a very bad effect on the cat’s body and provoke the appearance of tumors, so if you value the life and health of your pet, it is better to have surgery once than to deal with the consequences of using pills in the future. In addition to the fact that castrated animals are less susceptible to disease and live longer, their character also improves - the level of aggression decreases, the pet becomes calmer and more flexible.

6. Color

There are a great variety of cat colors, especially when it comes to purebred animals. There are also many myths that certain character traits predominate with a certain color. This has not been scientifically proven, but if you are interested, you can look for such information on the Internet. In any case, the choice is yours!

Tell friends:

Cats don't mind stupid nicknames

Think how wonderful it is, because not a single furry creature resisted the stupid nickname! They tolerate the outburst of your fantasy, reflected in their own name. If you insist on a stupid nickname, the cat won't mind. Just remember that you risk embarrassing yourself at the veterinarian's appointment.


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Reason 2. Health

Cats are wonderful “doctors”. They are able to act as an “acupuncturist”. The cat climbs onto its owner, releases its claws and acts on the reflexogenic zones as effectively as what happens during an acupuncture session. These furry “therapists” can easily relieve stress - if the owner is irritated or stressed, they will begin to purr and cuddle. A daily dose of cat purring can boost your immunity. Purring is similar in its effect to ultrasound, the use of which strengthens bones. So cats “specialize” in relieving the symptoms of osteochondrosis and relieving joint pain.

A cat that falls asleep next to its owner is the best cure for insomnia.

Reason 6. Easy care

Cats, without exaggeration, can be called the cleanest animals. Their habit of constantly licking their fur, maintaining its perfect cleanliness, is very disciplined and encourages them to maintain order in the house. The fact that a cat is able to take care of itself makes caring for it much easier. And cats, even very noble breeds, are absolutely undemanding. Of course, they need care and attention, but you will spend much less effort (and money) on this than on caring for any other pet.

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