Which cat is better to have in a private home - the healthiest cat breeds

Choosing a breed is a difficult question for the future owner.

It is difficult for an inexperienced person to understand so many cat breeds. From 40 to 90 breeds are recognized by different felinological clubs.

We have compiled a guide to choosing a cat breed to help future owners. The breeds are divided according to the characteristics, care and lifestyle of the cat owner.

  • Difficulty in care
      Does not require special care
  • Difficult in content
  • Selected by character Sociable and talkative
  • Silent cats
  • Active and energetic
  • Lazy cats
  • Affectionate and kind
  • Smart cat breeds
  • According to your lifestyle
      For busy people
  • For children
  • Lonely people
  • To a private house
  • Like a second pet
  • Unusual breeds
      With an original appearance
  • Cats that look like wild cats
  • Top 10 popular cat breeds
  • Main selection criteria

    Long-haired cats require constant care

    When choosing a pet, consider the characteristics of the animal's breed and your own character. If you like a quiet environment at home, then consider whether you can get along with an active furry friend. And vice versa, if you are sociable, can you get used to a cat who hides in his house most of the day?

    To understand which cat is best to have in your apartment, you need to take into account the characteristic features of the breeds:

    • the ability to easily tolerate loneliness (if you work for a long time, the animal should not experience stress in an empty house);
    • energy level (an active cat will be uncomfortable in a small room);
    • how easily a cat gets used to changes (there are breeds that have a hard time withstanding changes in the apartment);
    • friendliness (this criterion is important if there are children in the family);
    • noise (loud cats can disturb you and your neighbors);
    • fastidiousness in care (every breed needs to be looked after: some should be combed daily, others should be washed frequently).

    Potential difficulties of living with a cat

    To prevent your new friend from using the carpet as a toilet, keep his litter box clean

    Although four-legged friends are clean, sometimes they can go to the toilet in the wrong place. This behavior can be due to various reasons. Of course, an unpleasant smell in an apartment destroys the atmosphere of comfort, but you should treat this with patience. To avoid such incidents, we advise you to take a pet that is litter box trained. Take the time to train your tailed dog and then your pet will be neat and obedient.

    Another difficulty that future owners often forget about is that animals shed. Their fur can remain everywhere: on clothes, in food, on all surfaces. To keep the apartment clean, you will have to clean more. In addition, it will be necessary to constantly comb the tailed ones. If this is a serious problem for you, consider getting a smooth-haired tabby or a Sphynx.

    Animals have different temperaments. Active, lively cats with hunting instincts require a lot of space to play and prefer to walk outside. They love to run, overturn objects and sometimes damage furniture. If you live in a small apartment, take a closer look at a breed that is characterized by: moderate activity, a calm attitude towards loneliness.

    Cons of dogs

    Nobody, not even a dog, is perfect. There are some disadvantages and they are very serious.

    Naturally, the dog needs to be looked after. Wash paws, brush, walk. Some breeds require regular cleaning of their eyes, teeth and ears. You have to carefully monitor the dog's cleanliness, but they love to get dirty. Cats spend much less time.

    Some dogs need to be kept on a leash and kept an eye on them. Because dogs often conflict during normal meetings on the street. In addition, the dog may run away and harm itself at this moment.

    Some breeds have impressive fighting power, which is very rare, but can get out of control. Fights with other dogs are possible. Or it may be that the dog physically harms its owner.

    Representatives of some breeds may become jealous when another pet appears. Wool. When a dog lives in a house, its fur is literally everywhere. All fluffies have this disadvantage.

    What should you pay attention to first when choosing a cat?

    Children love sympathetic and kind animals

    When choosing a pet, in addition to your desires, you need to take into account the characteristics of breeds suitable for living in an apartment. Pay attention to the area of ​​the room and the size of the animal. Large cats will feel uncomfortable in a small room. Remember to be active. Noisy animals can disturb sleep and cause inconvenience to both the owner and people living nearby.

    Don't forget about the fur and undercoat. Pets with thick undercoat leave their marks everywhere during the molting season. They need to be brushed frequently. Find out the breed-specific diseases so you can understand in advance how you can help your cat in a critical situation. Consider the presence of children in the apartment.

    If you have a child, we advise you to look at the flexible and affectionate tailed animals.

    List of the best cat breeds with a calm character for an apartment

    Friendly Siberian cat

    Some owners prefer to have a balanced pet next to them. You can expect anything from non-pedigreed cats, because it is not always known who the pet’s parents were. If you need an animal with an easy-going character, we recommend paying attention to these cats:

    1. British shorthair cats quickly adapt to a new home. They are leisurely and non-aggressive. The British are quiet while their owner is at work. They have a dense and plush-to-the-touch coat that protects the animal well from the cold. These tailed animals are in good health, but they are also prone to food allergies and heart failure.

    Short-haired British friend

    1. The Scottish Fold cat is an easygoing animal that easily gets used to people of any age. Because of their friendliness, they get along easily with other pets. Such cats are easy to train and unpretentious in food. They feel comfortable alone. One of their funny features is the ability to stand on their hind legs.

    Scottish fold kitten

    1. Russian blue cats are distinguished by their intelligence. They are easy to train. Pets do not like to approach strangers, but are sociable with their owners and friendly towards children. These animals are not characterized by vindictiveness. They have problems with the respiratory tract and digestive tract disorders.

    Elegant Russian Blue cat

    1. Persian cats have a flattened face. Animals of this breed have the longest hair among all cat breeds. They need attention and love to spend a lot of time with their owner. Quiet Persian cats rarely exhibit hunting instincts. Persians are not adapted to life outside the home. Difficulty in care - combing. Their fur quickly becomes matted.

    Fluffy Persian cat

    1. The Siberian cat is calm and behaves unobtrusively. The pet loves to hide somewhere and watch the residents of the house. But sometimes he likes to play around, remembering his hunting instincts. Siberian cats have good health and no characteristic diseases.

    Are you in pain? The only natural way to get rid of them is a cat.

    10 Scientifically Proven Benefits of Owning a Cat


    Parting with a loved one, loss of a close relative, problems at work... Everyone has dark streaks, and sometimes it can be extremely difficult to overcome them. However, if you are a cat owner, the pain you feel from these events will not be as intense.

    A number of studies have shown that grieving, suffering, and anxious people recover faster and get through these difficult periods more easily if they establish an emotional connection with cats.

    Cats that are easy to care for

    Abyssinian breed and Egyptian Mau
    When choosing a new friend, keep in mind that tailed animals of one breed or another require different care. Cats with long hair are not suitable for busy owners, as they need to be brushed frequently. At the same time, a bald Sphynx is not the best option. It is cold in winter and hot in summer. Ensuring a comfortable existence for him is not an easy task.

    There are breeds of short-haired cats that are quite easy to care for:

    • Abyssinian. A friendly breed of cat that rarely sheds but needs frequent gum care.
    • Egyptian Mau. A playful pet with excellent health, does not require diligent supervision.
    • Bombay. An unpretentious, intelligent black animal with good health.
    • Cornish Rex. The kind tailed cat sheds little, and its coat is velvety to the touch.
    • Oriental. Talkative cats that rarely shed. They can live up to 17 years.

    To overpay or not to overpay?

    This question is asked by many future owners who decide to choose a purebred cat - why is there such a wide range in prices for kittens of the same breed? Why are some quite nice and clearly not “fence-friendly” purrs given into good hands, while others, exactly the same, are asked for 15-20 thousand rubles?

    The answer depends on several factors:

    • Reputation of the nursery selling the kitten. This is the same as why a gray T-shirt from Dior costs 20 times more than a similar one from the Vietnamese market - the company’s image speaks volumes! The nursery provides pedigree documents for the kitten, which provide a pass into the world of “big cat breeding.” Particularly high prices are for kittens of champion parents, winners of exhibitions - the so-called show class kittens . But if you just dream of a cute kitten, then you probably shouldn’t overpay for a “brand.”
    • Compliance with breed standards. For you, perhaps, a cute spot on the back or close, surprised eyes only adds charm to the kitten, but for specialists this is a defect, a deviation from the breed standard. Such a cat will never win an exhibition, so the price for it can be several times lower than that of its “correct” brothers and sisters.
    • Age. The optimal age for selling a kitten is 2-3 months . 4-5 month old kittens are already considered “grown up”, the owners try to give them a home as quickly as possible, and the price drops.
    • Health status. Sometimes a kitten is sick with something that is not visible at first glance, and the owners try at all costs to “kick” it away before the disease progresses. It is sometimes difficult even for a specialist to identify such a pitfall!

    But there are often cases when get a healthy cat of the chosen breed for ridiculous money - according to an advertisement, at a bird market and in other “frivolous” places: once upon a time there was a cat, kittens were born, and the owners are dreaming of how to quickly adopt them!

    If you are not applying for medals and regalia, then why not?

    Playful cats for the apartment

    Bengal Cat and Turkish Van
    If you prefer to have an active cat walking around the house, choose from these breeds:

    1. Bengal cat. The leopard-like pet loves to have fun and explore everything in the house. He happily climbs into open closets and bedside tables.
    2. Turkish van. An energetic tailed animal that loves to jump and hunt. The fluffy coat of this breed repels dirt and water, which is why these cats love to swim. He is sociable and devoted to his owner.
    3. Ocicat. Golden cat with bronze spots. Quickly becomes friends with people and animals. Easily adapts to new living conditions and learns quickly.
    4. Kurilian Bobtail. Such cats resemble small lynxes in their appearance. Smart breed. Tailed animals are able to learn to follow commands.

    Several cats in the house

    This situation, when there are many cats in the house, is quite acceptable, but only under one condition - each of them must have its own territory.

    It is also problematic to keep animals of different ages and temperaments. If you add a young, playful and mischievous cat to an old or fearful cat, who will pester her with his games, her life will become simply unbearable. Vigilant owner supervision is simply necessary in order to prevent the tyranny of one animal in relation to another.

    When a cat and a male cat live together at home, it is easy to predict how it might end. Therefore, if there is no interest in breeding kittens, care should be taken to avoid these undesirable consequences.

    Cat breeds for children

    Little Napoleon

    Among the many different breeds of tailed animals, there are also those that are suitable for communicating with children. But regardless of the character of the furry friend, adult owners should keep an eye on the interaction between the child and the animal.

    Trusting pets can allow the baby to do whatever they want, so it’s worth making sure that the cat doesn’t get hurt.

    Some of the best cat breeds for children are:

    • Exotic. A short-haired pet with a short muzzle and an upturned nose, children like it for its appearance. He has no aggression. The animal is loyal and friendly. The tailed one is friendly. This is one of the sought after breeds in the world.

    Exot is a children's favorite

    • Ragdoll. This is a large fluffy cat that is very affectionate and lacks a hunting instinct. A kitten of this breed matures up to four years. The animal has low muscle tone and pain threshold, so it needs special care.

    Ragdoll kitten

    • Poodlecat. Cats of this breed have semi-long hair that curls into curls. Some pets are characterized by floppy ears. Their character is soft and affectionate. They love children and are happy to play with them.

    Curly poodlecat

    • Cornish Rex. The tailed one has short curly hair. It is small in size. The pet is smart, loves kids very much, and is absolutely non-conflicting. The Cornish Rex will happily spend time playing with your child. In addition, it is easy to care for.

    Cornish Rex

    • Canadian Sphynx. These are loyal pets. Cats of this breed are especially suitable for families with children who are allergic to animal fur. Sphynx cats have many folds and no hair, but may have hairs on their paws, bridge of the nose, tail and ears. They become attached to people and love to play. Sphynxes are smart and meow little. The sun's rays are dangerous for such a cat. It is not recommended to leave it to bask in the sun for a long time so that the animal does not get burned.

    Sociable Sphynx

    • Napoleon. These cats with small paws and a baby-face face are especially popular with children for their appearance. They have soft shiny fur. They are non-aggressive, energetic both in childhood and in old age. Miniature tailed animals cannot stand being alone.

    Hypoallergenic breeds

    Sphynx cats are considered hypoallergenic cats

    Recently, allergy to cats is a common disease among adults and children. It is worth noting that an allergic reaction occurs to proteins contained in the saliva, urine and exfoliated scales of the animal’s skin. Particles of this substance remain on the cat's fur, on the floor and furniture. There are times when irritation also occurs with your pet’s food or litter.

    Hypoallergenicity of animals is considered a relative concept. Representatives of hairless breeds are considered less dangerous for allergy sufferers: Don and Canadian Sphynxes, Peterbalds. Hypoallergenic cats also include cats with short curly hair: Cornish Rex, Devon Rex. These pets produce allergens, but in smaller quantities. And keeping their skin clean is much easier.

    Sociable breeds

    Siamese cats are ready to carry on a conversation with their owner, only in their own language

    Among the four-legged friends there are those who like to talk with their owner. If you are not one of those who like constant silence in the apartment, and prefer to constantly communicate with your pet, then take a closer look at these breeds:

    1. Burmese cat. These are muscular, stocky pets with thick fur. They have different colors: blue, sable, platinum. The tails are mobile. They are ready to learn commands and don’t mind walking on a leash. Burmese cats are not picky eaters, intelligent and sociable. It is difficult for them to remain alone for a long time. They are characterized by diseases such as gum disease and diabetes.
    2. Oriental cats. Animals of this breed come in long-haired and short-haired varieties. They are sophisticated and have a flexible body. In nature, Orientals have about 300 colors. They are talkative and love to attract attention. Pets are suitable for large families with children. Orientals are predisposed to cardiomyopathy and gingivitis. They freeze quickly due to lack of undercoat.
    3. Siamese breed. The cats are distinguished by almond-shaped eyes with a slanted look, short fur of cream or milky white color. In addition, they are characterized by colored spots on their muzzle, ears, paws, and tail. Representatives of this breed are very sociable. They prefer to be among people and feel sad when alone. They are inquisitive and jealous. Pets are prone to dental problems. The diet of these animals affects their color.
    4. Don Sphynx. Animals with a wedge-shaped head, pronounced cheekbones and curled whiskers (some representatives have no whiskers). Their body is elongated and has fewer folds than the Canadian Sphynx. They are completely bald and have fluff. These are peace-loving cats that get along with other animals. They are susceptible to skin diseases.

    Thoroughbred or street?

    This dilemma is sometimes solved spontaneously - you liked the kitten, took it, and... problems began! Therefore, before making a choice in favor of a “mongrel” or choosing a purebred cat, you need to carefully weigh the possible pros and cons of both options!

    The site “Beautiful and Successful” provides the main arguments that need to be taken into account.

    Outbred kitten

    In itself, purebredness does not pose any special problems .

    Yes, of course, we can’t talk about participating in exhibitions, but an ordinary gray Vaska can make a wonderful friend - smart, charming, insanely cute!

    The advantage of outbred cats or half-breeds is good heredity .

    Oddly enough, it is precisely those cats whose ancestors were not the result of breeders’ fantasies that have a greater chance of a long life and fewer health problems (with good care, of course!), since they are the result of natural selection!

    However, the problem is different - where can I get a healthy, albeit outbred, kitten?

    The ideal option is with people you know (owners of a mother cat).

    If you are ready to take a kitten into your own good hands through an advertisement, for a symbolic penny at the bird market, or simply pick it up under the fence, be ready to treat all sorts of sores that have managed to cling to the baby, including ringworm!

    Also, kittens (even with good heredity) are greatly affected by a “difficult childhood” - underfeeding, past illnesses : this can turn into some kind of difficult-to-heal “chronic”, early dental problems, etc. But if you are ready for possible difficulties, then I won’t try to dissuade you - dirty little cats often turn out to be wonderful cats !

    Purebred kitten

    If you want to opt for a purebred kitten, then the advantages are as follows: the kitten is more likely to be healthy and clean , it has been properly looked after, and you can predict how the fluffy little ball will grow up by looking at its mom and dad.

    Kittens purchased from feline clubs or from reputable breeders are provided with pedigree documents . If there are any, we can talk about participating in exhibitions and selling future offspring for good money.

    Disadvantages - cats of certain breeds have specific health problems : for example, exotics and Persians have frequent colds, “black tears” in the eyes, hairless Don Sphynxes do not tolerate cold well... Pedigree cats sometimes have reduced immunity, shorter life expectancy ...

    I don’t want to intimidate you - we are not talking about 100% purebred cats, but about general statistics compared to “noble cats”!

    It is quite possible that you will not encounter this! This is because selective breeds were bred to be kept in apartments , close to people - such a cat is unlikely to survive on the street. But at home, with proper care, your furry pet can live for many years in perfect health!

    Top 10 most popular cat breeds

    Recently, Maine Coon cats are often found in city apartments.

    There are many breeds of tailed animals in the world, but there are several that are common among those who live in apartments. The ranking of popular cats includes:

    1. Burmese cats. They are sociable and love people. Doesn't require much space. Burmas are suitable for those who are willing to devote a lot of their time to them.
    2. Abyssinians. These are gentle animals that love affection. They are active, can play with children, and are quick-witted.
    3. American shorthair cats. Playful Americans get along well with other pets. They have good health and soft fur. They are easy to care for.
    4. Ragdoll . Such representatives of the cat family are obedient and patient. They quickly get used to children and treat people well.
    5. Persian cat. This pet is the most popular cat. He is attached to his family and prefers a quiet lifestyle. But at the same time, he is always happy to play with the residents of the apartment.
    6. Maine Coon. Representatives of this breed grow to large sizes. Although they have a strict appearance, they are affectionate towards their owners. And they don't need a lot of space to live well. Maine Coons are not suitable for homes with small children.
    7. Burmese shorthair cat. These pets are playful in youth and old age. They love attention and prefer to spend time with adults and children. Sometimes their weight can reach 6 kilograms.
    8. Manx. Smart, agile, quick-witted tailed ones. They love to move a lot and communicate with the owner.
    9. British shorthair cat. Such four-legged friends are lazy and measured. They are obedient and sometimes sit quietly next to the child. With good care they can live 20 years.
    10. Siamese breed. Animals are smart and sociable. They love to have fun and attract the attention of their owners. It is believed that cats of this breed are more loyal than cats.

    What's good about cats?

    Quite often you can hear debates about which animal is better: a cat or a dog. So, dog breeders, without hesitating for a second, answer: “Without a doubt, a dog.” After all, a dog is a man’s friend: smart, loyal, fast. The dog can bring slippers, a ball or a newspaper, and you can tumble with it on a soft sofa or floor. In addition, it is not scary to leave an apartment or house to a dog; it can look after a child, and, if necessary, even save its owner. Dog breeders claim that cats are useless animals. They are not able to bring slippers left in another room or protect the apartment from thieves.

    And yet, all over the world there has always been and still exists a huge number of cat admirers; Scottish fold cats are especially popular. For example, the ancient Egyptians even mummified these animals and worshiped them. And now, in modern Arab countries, a cat is almost a sacred animal, revered by everyone. What is so special about cats? Why do they have so many fans? Let us list the main reasons for the popularity of cats.

    * They are excellent at determining the mood of their owner. Strange as it may sound, a cat is an excellent cure for stress. As a rule, if the owner is lying on the sofa in depression, then the cat will definitely come, lie down near the head and begin to pronounce its purring spells. Surprisingly, but true: after a portion of such healing sounds, a person becomes noticeably lighter and more cheerful.

    * Cats carry a large supply of positive energy. The most important thing is that they are happy to share this energy, and it often helps in the treatment of certain diseases. Probably everyone knows that if a cat lies on its sore head or stomach for a while, the pain subsides. The treatment may be based on the placebo principle, but it works - and that's the most important thing.

    * Cats force their owners to constantly keep the house clean. Of course, a mischievous dog also contributes to frequent cleaning, but cats force owners to clean and wash the house or apartment, and vacuum every day. Otherwise, cat hair everywhere will simply not give you the opportunity to breathe deeply. Happy cat owners know that animal hairs are regularly found even in the most unexpected places - for example, in closed jars or in cosmetics.

    * Cats are philosophers. They are able to look at one point for a long time and think about something of their own, a cat’s. Who knows what appears in the animal’s thoughts at such moments. Maybe he is considering possible options for the world order, or maybe he is talking about good and evil. In the end, a cat can also think about what to eat for dinner - this is also a lot.

    Many people think of cats as a proud animal, walking on its own. However, pride is not a negative quality. After all, an animal that, without fear of anyone or anything, can boldly stretch out on a pillow or sofa, considering them its complete property, deserves a certain respect. Or, for example, you try to pet a cat, but it runs away, only to return a few minutes later and rub against your leg, arching its back rather. It turns out that the animal is trying to show its character, its pride - and there is nothing wrong with that.

    Many people just like to watch cats. After all, inverted playing lumps make even a person very dissatisfied with life smile and almost always significantly lift their spirits. Little kittens cause even greater affection - they are able to fall asleep in such places and in such positions that it is almost impossible to resist smiling.

    It should be noted that cats have a great sense of those people who do not love them. They cannot be “fooled” or deceived even by buying expensive pet supplies. And here there are two possible developments:

    1. The cat will approach such a “non-lover”, begin to purr, rub against his legs and even climb onto his knees and purr. In this case, few can resist the cat’s “magic.”

    2. The cat will simply ignore the person, not considering him worthy of his attention.

    What's good about cats?

    Here are some interesting facts about cats:

    – cats do not like those families whose lives are spent in constant scandals and quarrels;

    – the pattern of the surface of a cat’s nose is analogous to a human fingerprint, i.e. it is unique;

    – in cats and people, the same parts of the brain are responsible for emotions;

    – the speed of a cat’s heartbeat is higher than that of a human and ranges from 110 to 140 bpm;

    – white blue-eyed cats are often deaf;

    – cats can suffer from color blindness and, like people, confuse red with green and vice versa;

    – cats can smell 14 times stronger than humans;

    – the whiskers help the cat determine whether it can fit through the hole;

    – a cat is a pacer animal (like a giraffe and a camel) – when walking, its left legs go first, and then the right, which guarantees silence, speed and agility.

    – if a cat stands near its owner or some other person and its tail trembles, this means an expression of great love;

    – when a cat waves its tail, it means that it is faced with a choice and one of its desires is blocking another. As soon as the animal makes a certain decision, the tail stops swinging.

    – cats do not meow with their relatives – this sound is intended exclusively for people;

    – people who have a cat at home are less susceptible to heart attacks and stress.

    Should I overpay or not for the breed and its documents?

    Show class cats are more expensive

    After you have chosen the breed of your future pet, we advise you to go to an official nursery with positive reviews for the animal. When purchasing an animal, you may notice different prices. It depends on various factors. Show-class pets will cost more than those that were not born from prize-winners in exhibitions. In addition, older kittens are much cheaper than two-month-old kittens. Sometimes breeders, knowing that an animal is sick, try to sell it at a low price.

    If you want a strong, healthy tailed dog, spare no expense. Purebred cats must have all documents with a pedigree. If you are looking for a pet not for participation in rating exhibitions, but for simple life in an apartment, you can choose an animal at a good price.

    You can try getting a cat instead of changing your bed to sleep better

    10 Scientifically Proven Benefits of Owning a Cat


    Of course, this is all individual and depends not only on the person, but also on the cat. Some cats, instead of curling up next to their owner on the bed, are busy turning the house upside down all night.

    However, according to the results of 4-5 collaborative studies conducted in England, women prefer to sleep with their cats rather than with their partners. According to another survey, the share of those who say that cats cause discomfort at night is only 20%.

    Unsuitable breeds

    Animals that prefer to lead an energetic lifestyle are not suitable for keeping at home. Also, extroverted pets who have a hard time withstanding confined spaces will not be able to live peacefully. They will meow loudly often.

    In addition, if you have a child at home, be careful when choosing pets of hybrid breeds (caraquet, savannah, safari, chausie, toyger, bengal cat). They are very freedom-loving and independent due to a large percentage of wild blood.

    Is it worth adopting a mongrel cat?

    A good friend can be without a breed

    A purebred cat, like an animal with a pedigree, can become a faithful family friend. A tailed dog, picked up on the street or chosen in a shelter, will remember a good deed and repay with diligent behavior. But sometimes you come across cats with complex personalities.

    Often outbred cats are unpretentious in feeding and do not have allergies. Such animals are intellectually developed. They have developed hunting skills, so they are able to catch an uninvited guest.

    Cons to think about

    • Allergy. A huge number of people are allergic to cat fur. The most annoying thing is that the disease can appear at any time. Just imagine: you live with a cat in perfect harmony for several years, and then you have a child with allergies. You don't have to choose. Think about it…
    • Constant control. Cats are like children - you need to watch them closely. If you open windows, keep your pets away from them. A bird might fly by, and boom, your cat is already outside. The same applies to the front door.
    • And the last minus, the most important one, which is hard to talk about: the average life expectancy of a cat is 15-17 years. Of course, everyone dies someday, but seeing off your furry on his “last journey” is unbearably difficult...

    Living in an apartment with a cat: tips and tricks

    Show more care to your cat, and then you will become best friends with him.

    Remember that when you take a new four-legged friend into your home, you are responsible for him. To have fewer problems in your life with him, we recommend keeping an eye on a few things. First, avoid using carpet in your apartment. It is difficult to clean and difficult to remove unpleasant odors. In addition, the cat can sharpen its claws on it. Get him a scratching post.

    Secondly, make sure that the tray is always clean, otherwise the tailed cat may go to the toilet in a place other than the one intended for this purpose. If you have several cats, then each one needs their own litter box. You may also need a few more useful things. For example, a cat can use a sharpening house for games and for relaxation. An automatic feeder will be useful for owners who are not at home for a long time.

    Not only the breed of the animal is important, but also its personality. Even two cats of the same breed have different character traits and different preferences. Before you get a pet, you need to be sure that the pet will receive enough attention and care.

    Once upon a time there was a black cat

    Black cats have always seemed like mystical creatures to people. Many myths, superstitions and legends have been created about them. In fact, these are very graceful, affectionate and playful animals that are not particularly different from cats of any other color.

    A house cat is necessary not only to catch mice and rid the owners of their invasion. Possessing the strongest energy, it is able to influence people’s health, improve well-being, relieve pain, stress, normalize blood pressure, etc. And the black cat is especially distinguished by this. In a house where such an animal lives, the energy supply is much better. It is believed that a black cat brings prosperity and good luck to its owners.

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